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* The purpose of this program is to read the PRINTCON.DAT file,
* and set the current capture settings to that specified by the
* job. If no job is specified, then the defaultJobName will be
* used. The intent is to allow the developer to Use Novell's
* JOB system to control printer output. For information on how
* Novell uses the JOB system, please refer to your Novell documentation.
* One feature this program permits is the use of a "GLOBAL"
* PRINTCON.DAT. This means that one user may develop a PRINTCON.DAT
* and place it in a location accessible to users running the PROGRAM.
* This eliminates the requirement that each user have his own PRINTCON.DAT
* stored in his MAIL directory.
* To create a GLOBAL printcon, create a PRINTCON.DAT file using Novells
* PRINTCON utility. Then copy the PRINTCON.DAT from your MAIL directory
* into a common area. To find your mail directory look up your
* object ID in SYSCON/USER INFO/OTHER. The mail directory is located
* on the SYS volume.
* For information on the API calls, please refer to the documentation
* for the API library.
* Parameters
* JobName This is the name of the print job to set to. If it
* is not specified, the program set the print parameters
* to the DEFAULT job.
* DatName This is the name of the file to use containing the
* PRINTCON information. If no name is specified for
* the PRINTCON.DAT file in the Mail directory for the
* logged in USER on the SYS volume of the default
* server. If you specify a file name you must
* specify the drive letter in the path name. The program
* will look for the NET$PRN.DAT in the PUBLIC directory
* on the same drive. The file name must be in the format
* Examples
* PJobSet=SetPJob()
* if .not. PJobSet
* Wait Window "Unable to get default print job"
* Endif
* PJobSet=SetPJob("LTRHEAD") && set to job name letterhead
* PJobSet=SetPJob(.f.,"F:\PUBLIC\PRINTCON.DAT") && Set default form from global PRINTCON.DAT
* && Set job ltrhead from global PRINTCON.DAT
* Notes This program was developed using information I obtained from
* the NOVLIB forum on CompuServe about the PRINTCON.DAT
* and NET$PRN.DAT files. If you are interested, the file
* names are PRNTCN.ZIP and NETPRN.ZIP. This function could
* be optimized by eliminating the parts that read in
* the complete device name tables and mode name tables.
* In the interest of clarity, and ease of maintenance
* I have left them in.
* This function requires that the GPLIB API library
* have been previously loaded by
* issuing the command SET LIBRARY TO GPLIB
parameter JobName, DatName
private file_handle, TempDrive, TempArray, counter, InString, OffSet, ;
TempString, P_Array, DeviceName, ModeName, PortNumber
* Initialize variables
set talk off
store 0 to Offset, counter
if type('DatName') <> 'C'
* We need to look for the printcon.dat in the users mail directory on volume SYS
TempDrive = GetSYSLtr()
= N_AcctList('TempArray', N_UserID())
DatName = TempDrive + ':\MAIL\' + tempArray[1, 2] + '\PRINTCON.DAT'
DatName = alltrim(upper(DATNAME))
TempDrive = left(datname, 1)
file_handle = fopen(DatName)
if file_handle < 0
return .f.
if type('JobName') <> 'C'
* Get the default job name
= fseek(file_handle, 118)
JobName = NullTrim(fread(file_handle, 32))
JobName = upper(JobName)
* locate the end of the header, and try to find our job name
= fseek(file_handle, 150)
for Counter = 1 to 37
* Search throught the Job Name table to find our Job Offset
InString = fread(file_handle, 36)
if upper(NullTrim(InString)) = JobName
offset = Bin2L(right(instring, 4))
if offset > 0
* ok, we have found the offset into the job
* Goto the offset, and initialize P_Array to contain the
* Job parameters, then call N_StPParms()
= N_RdPParms('P_Array', 1) && really just calling this to create array
= fseek(file_handle, int(OffSet))
P_Array[3] = nulltrim(fread(file_handle, 48)) && Server Name
P_Array[4] = nulltrim(fread(file_handle, 48)) && Queue Name
P_Array[7] = asc(fread(file_handle, 1)) && Tab size
P_Array[14] = Bin2L(fread(file_handle, 2)) && Number of Copies
P_Array[6] = NullTrim(fread(File_Handle, 13)) && Form Name
= fread(File_Handle, 27) && Reserved record
P_Array[10] = iif(asc(fread(file_handle, 1)) = 0, .f., .t.) && Notify
= fread(File_Handle, 4) && Print Server
= fread(File_Handle, 13) && UserName
P_Array[12] = nulltrim(fread(file_handle, 13)) && Banner Text
DeviceName = NullTrim(fread(file_handle, 33)) && Device Name
ModeName = NullTrim(fread(file_handle, 33)) && Mode Name
P_Array[13] = iif(asc(fread(file_handle, 1)) = 0, .f., .t.) && Banner Flag
P_Array[8] = iif(asc(fread(file_handle, 1)) = 1, .f., .t.) && Tab Expansion Flag
P_Array[9] = iif(asc(fread(file_handle, 1)) = 1, .f., .t.) && Form Feed Flag
P_Array[15] = Bin2L(fread(file_handle, 2)) && Timeout in Seconds
PortNumber = asc(fread(file_handle, 1))
* Make the call to GetDevInfo() to read the Device, MODE, and Form Information
= GetDevInfo(TempDrive + ':\PUBLIC\NET$PRN.DAT', @P_ARRAY, DeviceName, ModeName, p_array[10])
* If your initialization string is longer than 64 bytes you will need
* to modify your SHELL.CFG statement to permit this. Refer to
* documentation on N_StPParms() and your Novell documentation.
= N_StPParms(PortNumber, 'P_Array')
* Perform clean up
= fclose(file_handle)
return (Offset > 0)
function Bin2L
* The purpose of this function is to convert a string to an integer
* number. The Offsets stored in the file are read in as a string
* and converted to an integer. I.E. a string consisting of
* CHR(1)+CHR(2) would return 513.
parameter InString
private Counter, RetVal
RetVal = 0
for Counter = 0 to len(Instring) - 1
RetVal = RetVal + 256^Counter * asc(substr(Instring, counter + 1, 1))
return int(RetVal)
function GetDevInfo
parameter Fname, aPrint, DeviceName, ModeName, FormName
private Dat_Handle, DevTableOffset, FormTableOffset, Counter, DeviceCount, DevArray ;
, DeviceNumber, DevNameArray, FuncArray, InitString, ModeNumber, Length, FormArray
InitString = ''
Dat_Handle = fopen(fname)
if Dat_Handle < 0
return .f.
= fgets(Dat_Handle) && Read line 1, Description
= fgets(Dat_Handle) && Read Line 2, Copyright Notice
= fread(Dat_Handle, 1) && read 0x1A
= fread(Dat_Handle, 12) && skip past the date stamp
DevTableOffset = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4)) && Get offset to Device Table
FormTableOffset = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4)) && Get Offset to Form Table
= fseek(Dat_Handle, DevTableOffset)
DeviceCount = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 2)) && Get number of devices in table
declare DevArray[DeviceCount, 5]
* Column 1 is offset to device definition
* Column 2 is Length of Device Name
* Column 3 is Device Name
* Column 4 is Offset to Device Modes
* Column 5 is offset to device Functions
for Counter = 1 to DeviceCount && Get the offsets to the table
DevArray[Counter, 1] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
for Counter = 1 to DeviceCount
* Now, fill in the array with the Device Information
= fseek(Dat_Handle, DevArray[counter, 1])
DevArray[Counter, 2] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 1))
DevArray[Counter, 3] = fread(Dat_Handle, DevArray[Counter, 2])
DevArray[Counter, 4] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
DevArray[Counter, 5] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
DeviceNumber = ascan(DevArray, DeviceName)
if (deviceNumber > 0)
* Ok, We have found our device
DeviceNumber = 1 + int(DeviceNumber / alen(DevArray, 2)) && Convert the element number to a row number
= fseek(Dat_Handle, DevArray[DeviceNumber, 4])
declare DevNameArray[Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 2)), 4]
* Column 1 Offset to Device Mode Definition
* Column 2 Length of Device Mode Name
* Column 3 Mode Name
* Column 4 Offset to Mode function list table
for Counter = 1 to alen(DevNameArray, 1) && build list to ModeNames
DevNameArray[Counter, 1] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
for Counter = 1 to alen(DevNameArray, 1) && Fill In Table with offsets to mode names
= fseek(Dat_Handle, devNameArray[counter, 1])
DevNameArray[Counter, 2] = asc(fread(Dat_Handle, 1)) && mode name length
DevNameArray[Counter, 3] = fread(Dat_Handle, DevNameArray[Counter, 2]) && mode name
DevNameArray[Counter, 4] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
ModeNumber = ascan(DevNameArray, ModeName)
if (ModeNumber > 0)
* Ok, we now have the mode we want to use
ModeNumber = 1 + int(ModeNumber / alen(DevNameArray, 2))
* Seek to Mode function list table
= fseek(Dat_Handle, DevNameArray[ModeNumber, 4])
* Declare array to hold offsets to Functions for the MODE
declare FuncArray[ Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 2)) ]
for Counter = 1 to alen(FuncArray, 1) && Read the Offsets to the functions
FuncArray[counter] = Bin2L(fread(Dat_Handle, 4))
for Counter = 1 to alen(FuncArray, 1)
* Ok, now we read each function in and build our
* initialization string.
= fseek(Dat_Handle, FuncArray[counter])
Length = asc(fread(Dat_Handle, 1)) && Function Name Length
= fread(Dat_Handle, Length) && Function Name
Length = asc(fread(Dat_Handle, 1)) && Escape Code Length
InitString = InitString + fread(Dat_Handle, length)
aPrint[1] = InitString
* From examining the results of capture J= the Reset string
* is the same as the initialization string. I am setting it
* to 16 because that is the default length of the buffer reserved
* by the NetWare shell. You may wish to change how this works.
aPrint[2] = left(InitString, 16)
* Yea, Yea (Picture Kermit the Frog going Yea.)
* We now have the initialization string.
if .not. empty(formname)
* Now, we need to get the form number if possible
= fseek(dat_handle, FormTableOffset)
Length = Bin2L(fread(dat_handle, 2)) && Number of Forms
if Length > 0
declare FormArray[length]
for counter = 1 to alen(FormArray, 1)
FormArray[counter] = Bin2L(fread(dat_handle, 4))
for counter = 1 to alen(FormArray, 1)
= fseek(dat_handle, FormArray[counter])
length = asc(fread(dat_handle, 1))
if fread(dat_handle, length) = FormName
aPrint[5] = Bin2L(fread(dat_handle, 2))
= fclose(Dat_Handle)
function GetSYSLtr
* The purpose of this function is to find a drive mapped to
* the SYS volume of the current DEFAULT server.
private Start
Start = chr(65 + N_DriveCnt()) && Get the lowest Novell drive
do while Start < '['
if N_ServFrDr(start) = N_DefServr() .and. n_DrvPath(start) = 'SYS:'
Start = chr(asc(Start) + 1)
if start = 'Z'
wait window 'Unable to find drive mapped to SYS:'
return Start
function NullTrim
* The purpose of this function is to trim off any characters in a string
* after the null character (CHR(0)).
parameter String
String = left(String, at(chr(0), String) - 1)
return String