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File List  |  1996-03-15  |  10KB  |  132 lines

  1. 1T_TUTOR.ZIP   696755  11-11-95  T-TUTOR  HyperText for TERMINATE V.3 300TER.*
  2.                                | Compilation of information from many sources,
  3.                                | including Frequently Asked Questions
  4. 203JTER1.ZIP   563391  09-20-95  TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 1 of 4
  5.                                | *FREE* DOS comms. program with multiple task-
  6.                                | windows (great w. Warp/Windows) Internet/ISDN
  7.                                | speeds up to 115,200 bps while using integral
  8.                                | QWK'em mail reader, State-of-the-Art.
  9. 203JTER2.ZIP   600014  09-20-95  TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 2 of 4
  10.                                | BOTH files 1 & 2 are needed for installation!
  11. 203JTER3.ZIP   238793  09-20-95  TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 3 of 4
  12.                                | QWK'em Offline MailReader AND Terminal option
  13. 203JTER4.ZIP   647215  09-20-95  TERMINATOR 2, ver. 2.03j, file 4 of 4
  14.                                | Lots of complementary third party programs
  15. 300TERU.ZIP   1432845  03-15-96  Terminate 3 The Final Datacomms Terminal!
  16.                                | This Has Been Modified to Automaticaly Update
  17.                                | Terminate With Fix300.EXE & Fix300x.exe.
  18.                                | Extremely Powerful Terminal Program
  19. BBS224.ZIP     175675  03-15-96  BBS Access from MicroFox Company is a very
  20.                                | easy-to-use data communications program for
  21.                                | calling BBSs and uploading & downloading
  22.                                | files. The protocols included are ASCII,
  23.                                | Kermit, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem, Xmodem/1K,
  24.                                | Xmodem/G, Ymodem/G. It can capture screens to
  25.                                | file and will record the time and length of
  26.                                | each call. BBS can change and save modem
  27.                                | initialization strings and all screen colors
  28.                                | can be changed & saved. <ASP> {STAR} [ASAD]
  29. BCOM23.ZIP     116164  03-15-96  BananaCom 2.3 VERY simple com software.
  30.                                | Excellent for the first time modem user
  31.                                | and perfect for people who help people
  32.                                | use modems.  Provides auto ZModem, auto
  33.                                | ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, MUCH MORE.
  34. BCUST23.ZIP    125054  03-15-96  Sysops!  TRIPLE your BBS usership!
  35.                                | Nothing brings new users to your service
  36.                                | as effectively as handing out client software
  37.                                | You can do it too!  In fact, you
  38.                                | can beat the big boys at their own game!
  39.                                | BananaCom Custom is almost ten times
  40.                                | more effective at bringing a new user online
  41. BFCOM12.ZIP      7642  03-15-96  ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
  42.                                | │ * BF-COM v1.2   * A MODEM UTILITY * │
  43.                                | ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
  44.                                | │ BF-COM is a simple yet reliable prg │
  45.                                | │ that will take your modem OFF-HOOK, │
  46.                                | │ and put it back ON-HOOK using small │
  47.                                | │ simple one line commands.  This prg │
  48.                                | │ is FREEWARE!  Use it as long as you │
  49.                                | │ want!      Written by: Brian Leiter │
  50.                                | │ (Now either sound or no-sound opt!) │
  51.                                | │ Version 1.2 (12-07-95)    Improved! │
  52.                                | ├─────────────────────────────────────┤
  53.                                | │ * BF-COM v1.2   * A MODEM UTILITY * │
  54.                                | └─────────────────────────────────────┘
  55. COMMO66.ZIP    200904  03-15-96  rformance DOS terminal
  56.                                | nt under Windows and
  57.                                | essionals for it's
  58.                                | d versatility.  Easy,
  59.                                | rogramming language
  60.                                | communications need.
  61.                                | dly to the visually
  62.                                | se features refinements
  63.                                | and many technical
  64.                                | are.
  65. CTSSPU33.ZIP   213807  10-17-95  CTS Serial Port Utilities v3.3: Detect/Fix
  66.                                | modem & comm problems. ID ports & IRQs used,
  67.                                | conflicts & ports that can't generate IRQs.
  68.                                | Three NEW utilities: BIOS Fix, ResetModem &
  69.                                | HangUp solve many modem problems. Run
  70.                                | "PortInfo /L" from DOS or the Win95 "DOS mode
  71. FAXHVN20.ZIP   629450  12-21-95  FAXHAVEN ver. 2.0 includes HQ-FAX ver. 4.0
  72.                                | *PLUS* all of the receive processing
  73.                                | functions: View, Print, Convert, Forward and
  74.                                | Purge. Registration benefits include a 60-
  75.                                | page user manual.
  76. FAXWZ501.ZIP    36647  12-03-95  Faxmodem Wizard V5.01 is Used to Install
  77.                                | Hardware And Software on Com1 Through Com4 in
  78.                                | IBM Compatible Computers. To Fine Tune Your
  79.                                | Computer or if You Have A Hardware Conflict,
  80.                                | Use These Utilities.
  81. FIX300.ZIP       8313  03-15-96  Patch for TERMINATE V.3 (300TER.ZIP)
  82.                                | FIX300.EXE  Fixes a problem in Terminate
  83.                                | 3.00 with changing emulation incorrectly
  84.                                | STARTIME.EXE  updated replacement version.
  85. FIXFON10.ZIP     8698  09-30-95  FixFon v1.0α by Encoexia Software Inc. Simple
  86.                                | program that gets around the nasty bug in
  87.                                | Terminate v3.00 by changing terminalemulation
  88. HILLCOM.ZIP    116540  03-15-96  Baby Banana v 2.1c - Sysops and ISP's
  89.                                | can now create their own BananaCom
  90.                                | Custom - the award winning software
  91. HO561.ZIP      357670  03-15-96  Hands On v5.61: pgm that will allow you to
  92.                                | connect two PCs together (via telephone lines
  93.                                | and modems, or via a direct cable, or via a
  94.                                | common mini- or main-frame computer)
  95. HQFAX33.ZIP    355704  03-15-96  One-Step High Quality FAX v3.3 HQ-FAX
  96.                                | provides many, many value adding features for
  97.                                | your FAX modem. Works with virtually all FAX
  98.                                | modems. Produce and send FAX-ready files in a
  99.                                | single step. Produce DCX, PCX, and TIFF
  100.                                | formats, thumb-tack graphics with text, use
  101.                                | pre-printed forms. Ver. 3.0 provides a Print
  102.                                | Capture utility as well as modem driving
  103.                                | software, for Class 1, Class 2, CAS. Ver. 3.3
  104.                                | includes a tutorial.
  105. JBL_212.ZIP     56569  03-15-96  JB Learn v2.12 - Automated learn engine for
  106.                                | COMMO 6.5. Self-learning features automate
  107.                                | any task with ready to run macros in minutes.
  108. MODEM428.ZIP    35818  10-26-95  FaxModem Wizard v4.28: util that will tell
  109.                                | you what, if anything, is on each of your 4
  110.                                | comm ports and which IRQ is connected to each
  111.                                | comm port, COM?-IRQ?
  112. MYCMM231.ZIP   173629  11-05-95  MyComm v2.31 data communications program.
  113.                                | Powerful, yet small (175K). Supports Zmodem,
  114.                                | Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Kermit,
  115.                                | and ASCII file transfers, and up to six
  116.                                | external protocols. Shareware.
  117. PVTS113.ZIP    107820  03-15-96  Private Secretary v1.13: monitors your phone/
  118.                                | answering machine via std modem then dials
  119.                                | your pager or another phone to notify you of
  120.                                | calls received, remind you of appointments
  121. QCOM320H.ZIP   449284  11-21-95  QCOM v3.20. A DOS communications pgm. Easy to
  122.                                | use, features auto-script maker, scroll-back
  123.                                | with quoter, mini-BBS host, music support,
  124.                                | X/Y/ZModem built in and QMP v0.20 offline
  125.                                | offline mail reader. Oct/95.
  126. QFAXV10.ZIP     41466  03-15-96  QuickStar Fax Pro Version 1.0 9/22/1995 QFAX
  127.                                | is a small DOS program that sends plain text
  128.                                | fax VERY FAST using Class 1 or Class 2
  129.                                | fax/modem on PCs.
  130. ZIP202.ZIP      44060  03-15-96  ZIP 2.02 is a tiny utility to transfer files
  131.                                | between computers (desktop, notebook, or