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File List  |  1996-03-15  |  8KB  |  110 lines

  1. 3DENVMAP.ZIP   125008  11-05-95  PLG Models Real Time Renderer. Environment
  2.                                | mapped gouraud shaded polygons. Produces
  3.                                | 35000 polys/sec on a 486DX-100MHz and a Local
  4.                                | Bus VGA Coded by Thanassis Tsiodras
  5. AM3120.ZIP     253024  03-15-96  AutoMessage V3.1. Animated billboard system.
  6.                                | Lots of wipes, fades, fonts, effects & more.
  7.                                | Effects work both during & between messages.
  8.                                | Registration adds support for GIF, PCX , FLI
  9.                                | files, a stand-alone displayer, 5 more fonts
  10.                                | and more. This is the 20-Column version. VGA
  11. BELIEVE.ZIP     64616  03-15-96  BELIEVE - A 64k demo from assembly 95
  12. CMA_STIK.ZIP    50297  08-23-95  ________________________ __________/\
  13.                                | \__ __     /  __  \_    Y   \_______ \Brings
  14.                                | :/  \|____/   |/   |    :    |    |/  \to
  15.                                | /       \_       |  _   , :|        \ya!
  16.                                | \___      /________|___\_/  ||____| _ _\\
  17.                                | ----\____/-<e>----------|____/----|_____/
  18.                                | 64KB INTRO CALLED: STICKMAN'S WORLD
  19.                                | ------------------------------------------
  20. DEMSCEN.ZIP     29560  03-15-96  Whacky graphical demonstration program. Runs
  21.                                | best on fast computers (486-100mhz or more)
  22. DRIFT.ZIP       71059  03-15-96  D R I F T by Wild Light
  23.                                | The winner at the Assembly'95
  24.                                | 64K Intro competition
  25. FFFF20.ZIP       8404  03-15-96  FFFF: Fast FPU Fractal Fun, v2.0 NEW RELEASE
  26.                                | ! 800x600 with 32768 colors ! The smallest &
  27.                                | fastest Mandelbrot generator using deep hires
  28.                                | 80-bit floating point math. Zoom-in up to 10
  29.                                | 15. Needs 80386 and FPU. 100% machine code
  30.                                | with Pentium optimization./DDT/: :. /Mb.
  31. FVIEW_10.ZIP   134501  09-17-95  FVIEW direct from the Fantasy Connection!
  32.                                | This GIF viewer is FREE, easy to use and does
  33.                                | not require any video configuration. Reqs
  34.                                | are: 386 DX 40 or better, DOS 3.0 or better,
  35.                                | 720k of Hd space, at least 500k of
  36.                                | conventional memory, 1 meg of XMS and/or EMS
  37.                                | memory and plenty of GIF files. FVIEW v1.0,
  38. GFX310.ZIP     171666  03-15-96  V3.10) Gfx - Graphic Turbovision Gfx is A
  39.                                | Graphical Extension of Turbovision. Supports
  40.                                | Real, Overlay, Dpmi16 And Dpmi32 Modes
  41. GFXCK100.ZIP    56697  12-17-95  GFXCheck v1.00 - Graphics file checking
  42.                                | utility for validating GIF and JPEG graphics
  43.                                | files.  Great for sysops who receive graphic
  44.                                | files via uploads or other means.  Detects
  45.                                | corrupt, incomplete or invalid image files,
  46.                                | dispositions files based upon image
  47.                                | characteristics, trims extraneous bytes and
  48.                                | updates BBS descriptions.  Includes both
  49.                                | 16-bit DOS and 32-bit OS/2 executables.
  50. GIF2PNGX.ZIP   143353  06-01-95  GIF2PNG v0.51 DOS utility to convert GIFs to
  51.                                | PNG (Portable Network Graphics). PNG is now
  52.                                | widely supported by various graphics apps.
  53.                                | 'C' Source/Freeware by Alexander Lehmann.
  54. GIFTOOL2.ZIP    78783  09-29-95  GIFtool V1.0 Command-Line Utility Used to
  55.                                | Interlace (Or Deinterlace) GIF Files as Well
  56.                                | as Add And Remove Comments. Shareware.
  57. JUICE.ZIP      863721  03-15-96  JUICE - assembbly 95 demo
  58. KALEID31.ZIP    69422  11-16-95  Generate stunningly beautiful geometric
  59.                                | patterns which can even be controlled by
  60.                                | music if you have a sound card. Reqs 256 VGA
  61. LGM_KOSM.ZIP  1041464  08-23-95  -----------------------------------
  62.                                | |         LITTLE GREEN MEN        |
  63.                                | -----------------------------------
  64.                                | |    An ASM'95 demo by KOSMIC     |
  65.                                | |                                 |
  66.                                | |  O   O   O   O   O   O   O   O  |
  67.                                | | /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ /I\ |
  68.                                | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ |
  69.                                | | Do YOU have a little green man? |
  70.                                | -----------------------------------
  71. MAGPS300.ZIP    46946  11-13-95  PICTOPS (PICture TO PostScript file) v3.00
  72.                                | converts image files to COLOR, GRAY and B&W
  73.                                | PostScript file format. Supports BMP GIF ICO
  74.                                | PCX PBM PGM PPM RLE TGA and PostScript Level
  75.                                | 1 and 2.
  76. MAND54A.ZIP    358885  03-15-96  Mandelbrot & Julia Fractal Generator
  77. MCRED11.ZIP    250839  03-15-96  v1.0) mcredits - Movie Credits Create movie
  78.                                | credits like the real thing. Use your own
  79.                                | fonts, sizes and colors. WAV sound capability
  80. NATION0.ZIP     85873  03-15-96  NATION ZERO - 64k demo from assembly 95
  81. NOOON_HE.ZIP     5153  08-23-95  HEAVEN - 4k demo From assembly 95
  82. PLASMA.ZIP      54646  03-15-96  PLASMA FRACTAL GENERATOR
  83. QV103.ZIP       56883  03-15-96  QuickView V1.03 DOS based Mulimedia Viewer
  84.                                | including AVI with sound! Also supports BMP,
  85.                                | FLI/FLC, GIF, ICO, PCX, TGA, VOC, WAV and
  86.                                | more. QuickView is very fast, perhaps the
  87.                                | fastest viewer for IBM & compatibles.
  88.                                | Includes documentation in English & German.
  89. SEA11.ZIP      603867  03-15-96  Sea 1.1 Fastest Vesa Compatible Mouse
  90.                                | Controlled Viewer/Converter Around. Views
  91.                                | Png, GIF, Jpeg, Targa, BMP & Rle, TIFF, PCX,
  92.                                | Lbm (Iff) Pnm (ppm, Pgm, Pbm) And Dp2e-Lbm,
  93.                                | Bbm & PCc Pictures. Plays Fli And Flc
  94.                                | Animations. Offers Conversion Between All
  95.                                | Listed Graphical Formats. All Combined in A
  96.                                | Graphical User Interface.
  98. TV.ZIP         676443  03-15-96  Orange demo from asm95
  99.                                | television
  100.                                | 386, gus/sb/nosound
  101. VAL_FMF.ZIP    125129  03-15-96  Valhalla present
  102.                                | Fluid Motion - Final version
  103.                                | Requires 386, 486DX recomended
  104.                                | now supports Soundblaster / Pro !!
  105.                                | also has the original, non
  106.                                | cut-down music !
  107. VGADOC4B.ZIP   580452  11-14-95  VGADOC4B A collection of documentation and
  108.                                | tests to determine WHAT VGA CARD is in use?
  109. VGSCAP12.ZIP   116207  10-23-95  VGSCAP v1.2 VGSCAP is a DOS screen capture