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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1996-01-01  |  542KB  |  1024x1024  |  24-bit (149,520 colors)
Labels: book | brass | bulletin board | cow | monitor
OCR: Ma agic' Publish Das brandneue Magic Publisher On this unique CD- -ROM Set you questi CO troverete tutto CD ROM Set enthalt Zeichensatze will find all you need to create nice necessario per creare documenti ClipArt, Druckertreiber und weitere nutz looking documents IT you want to write ottimo impatto grafico Sia che vogliate liche Programme um tolle Dokumente book if you want to design a poster scrivere un libro realizzare un poster, erzeugen Ob Sie nun einen Brief oder ein you want to create www Pages for the creare pagine WWW da mettere in linea Buch schreiben ein Poster entwerfen, Internet o1 layout magazine all you need su Internet impaginare una rivista tutto WWW Seiten fur das Internet oder das you will find on this marvelous CD ROM cio che V servira 10 troverete H questa Layout eine ...