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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  685KB  |  844x761  |  24-bit (110,567 colors)
Labels: audio cd | door | house | sky | stop sign
OCR: MAGIC EYE 61 Leveroni Court EIPO Novalo 415 883 California 3000 94949 MultimediaPC For Multimedia IBM PC& Compatibles 1904 Mindscape 1994 MEX Reserved MAGIC EYE 1993 NE Tring intemrises Inc Mindscape and its logo'are Tegistered trademarks Mindstapi Internaliona Thing Horises Magic Eye ann logo are Tregistered trademarks SONE Thing Enterprises IBM 15 egistered Trademart Intermat.onal Business Machines Corporation MPC ggo Certitication mark kor the Mulimedia Markeling Counci IAC AT othe trademarks redistered liademarks are the property of Teir rescacivt owners 2203010- 590001 1124Y MIAGIC MIPO Novato Compatible Rights Raserved Entermrises land traderharks Mindstape Intemational Enterorises registered trademark Intermati Businers Maching togoisa Cartitication Marketno other tare their rescaci ...