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  2. OzCIS Script Language Commands
  5. By Name
  7. command   category      syntax                                    summary                                                       log safe
  8. --------  ------------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
  9. ADD       Wait          add <num> <str>                           add a string to a multiple-wait command                       yes
  10. BREAK     Online        break                                     send a Break signal to CIS                                    yes
  11. CALL      Flow Control  call <str>                                call a sub-script                                             yes
  12. CAPTURE   Capture       capture <on|off> [<str>]                  manage capture files                                          yes
  13. CLS       Output        cls                                       clear the screen                                              yes
  14. CONCAT    String        concat <strvar> <str>                     combine two or more strings                                   yes
  15. CWRITE    Capture       cwrite <str>                              write directly to the capture file                            yes
  16. DEBUG     Output        debug <on|off>                            echo currently executing command on the status line           yes
  17. DEC       Numeric       dec <numvar> [<num>]                      decrease the value of a numeric variable                      yes
  18. DEFINE    Variable      define <var> [<value>]                    create a user variable and optionally give it a value         yes
  19. DELAY     Flow Control  delay <num>                               pause processing for a specified interval                     yes
  20. DELSTR    String        delstr <strvar> <num> <num> [<strvar>]    delete a substring from within a larger string                yes
  21. DL        Online        dl <libnum>;<cisname>;<localname>         download a file                                               No
  22. DOS       Flow Control  dos [<str>]                               run an external program, or get the command processor prompt  with caution
  23. DWAIT     Wait          dwait <numvar>                            activate a multiple-wait, and continue if nothing found       yes
  24. END       Flow Control  end                                       signal the end of the script                                  yes
  25. ENTER     Online        enter <servicepage>                       go to any CIS service page and wait for first prompt          No
  26. ERASE     File IO       erase <filename>                          delete a file from the disk                                   yes
  27. ERROR     Output        error <str>                               displays an error message in a dialog box                     yes
  28. FAIL      Flow Control  fail                                      signal that the script ended abnormally                       yes
  29. FAPPEND   File IO       fappend <filevar> <str>                   open a disk file ready to add to the end of it                yes
  30. FCLOSE    File IO       fclose <filevar>                          close a disk file                                             yes
  31. FCREATE   File IO       fcreate <filevar> <str>                   create and open a new disk file                               yes
  32. FEOF      File IO       feof <filevar>                            returns TRUE when the end of the file has been reached        yes
  33. FERROR    File IO       ferror                                    returns the DOS error value of the last file operation        yes         
  34. FEXISTS   File IO       fexists <str>                             returns TRUE when the specified file is found                 yes         
  35. FOPEN     File IO       fopen <filevar> <str>                     open an existing disk file (for reading and writing?)         yes
  36. FREADLN   File IO       freadln <filevar> <strvar>                read the next line of text from a disk file                   yes
  37. FWRITE    File IO       fwrite <filevar> <str>                    write a line of text to a disk file                           yes         
  38. GIF       Online        gif <str>                                 set a filename for the next GIF file to be downloaded/viewed  No
  39. GO        Online        go <servicename>                          go to any CIS service page and wait for first prompt          No          
  40. GOSUB     Flow Control  gosub <label>                             call a script subroutine                                      yes         
  41. GOTO      Flow Control  goto <label>                              go to a label elsewhere in the script                         yes
  42. IF        Flow Control  if <expression> <command>                 test an expression and branch based on the result             yes         
  43. INC       Numeric       inc <numvar> [<numlit>]                   increase the value of a numeric variable                      yes
  44. INPUT     Input         input <var> <str>                         get input from the user in a pop up dialog box                yes         
  45. JUMP      Flow Control  jump <label>                              jump to a label elsewhere in the script                       yes         
  46. LENGTH    String        length <numvar> <str>                     set a numeric variable with the length of a string variable   yes         
  47. LSEND     Output        lsend <str>                               send a string followed by a CR to the modem                   yes         
  48. LWRITE    Output        lwrite <str>                              send a string followed by a CR to the screen                  yes
  49. MIDSTR    String        midstr <strvar> <num> <num> [<strvar>]    return a substring from a larger string                       yes         
  50. MWAIT     Wait          mwait <numvar>                            activate a multiple-wait, exit with error if nothing found    yes         
  51. OFF       Online        off                                       log off of CIS                                                yes
  52. ONERROR   Flow Control  onerror <label>                           set the label for an error handling routine                   yes
  53. POS       String        pos <numvar> <str> <strvar>               return the position of a substring within a larger string     yes         
  54. POSNC     String        posnc <numvar> <str> <strvar>             same as POS but ignores differences in case                   yes         
  55. PROMPT    Input         prompt <var> <str>                        get input from the user in a pop up dialog box                yes         
  56. RETURN    Flow Control  return                                    return from a subroutine to the point where it was called     yes         
  57. RUN       Flow Control  run <scriptname>                          chain to a sub-script                                         yes         
  58. SEND      Output        send <str>                                send a string to the modem with NO <CR> afterwards            yes         
  59. SENDLN    Output        sendln <str>                              send a string followed by a CR to the modem                   yes
  60. SET       Variable      set <var> <value>                         assign a value to a variable                                  yes
  61. SL        Online        sl <liblist> [<modifiers>] [</u>]         perform a long library scan (full descriptions)               No!
  62. STATLINE  Output        statline <str>                            display a string in the status line (bottom of the screen)    yes
  63. STATUS    Output        status <str>                              display a string in the status line (bottom of the screen)    yes
  64. STR       String        str <strvar> <num>                        convert a number to a string                                  yes
  65. TERM      Online        term                                      put the user into manual terminal mode                        with caution
  66. TIMEOUT   Wait          timeout <num>                             set the number of seconds to wait before generating an error  yes
  67. TRIM      String        trim <strvar>                             removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string         yes
  68. ULSEND    Output        ulsend <str>                              send an "invisible" string to the modem with a <CR>           yes
  69. UPCASE    String        upcase <strvar>                           convert all letters in a string variable to upper case        yes
  70. USEND     Output        usend <str>                               send an "invisible" string to the modem, without a <CR>       yes
  71. VAL       Numeric       val <numvar> <str>                        convert a string to a numeric variable                        yes
  72. WAIT      Wait          wait <str>                                wait until the specified string arrives, or until time is up  yes
  73. WMH       Capture       wmh [<str>]                               write a dummy mail message header to the open capture file    yes
  74. WRITE     Output        write <str>                               send a string without CR to the screen                        yes
  75. WRITELN   Output        writeln <str>                             send a string with CR to the screen                           yes
  78. By Category
  80. category      command   syntax                                    summary                                                       log safe
  81. ------------  --------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ------------
  82. Capture       CAPTURE   capture <on|off> [<str>]                  manage capture files                                          yes
  83. Capture       CWRITE    cwrite <str>                              write directly to the capture file                            yes
  84. Capture       WMH       wmh [<str>]                               write a dummy mail message header to the open capture file    yes
  86. File IO       ERASE     erase <filename>                          delete a file from the disk                                   yes
  87. File IO       FAPPEND   fappend <filevar> <str>                   open a disk file ready to add to the end of it                yes
  88. File IO       FCLOSE    fclose <filevar>                          close a disk file                                             yes
  89. File IO       FCREATE   fcreate <filevar> <str>                   create and open a new disk file                               yes
  90. File IO       FEOF      feof <filevar>                            returns TRUE when the end of the file has been reached        yes
  91. File IO       FERROR    ferror                                    returns the DOS error value of the last file operation        yes
  92. File IO       FEXISTS   fexists <str>                             returns TRUE when the specified file is found                 yes
  93. File IO       FOPEN     fopen <filevar> <str>                     open an existing disk file (for reading and writing?)         yes
  94. File IO       FREADLN   freadln <filevar> <strvar>                read the next line of text from a disk file                   yes
  95. File IO       FWRITE    fwrite <filevar> <str>                    write a line of text to a disk file                           yes
  97. Flow Control  CALL      call <str>                                call a sub-script                                             yes
  98. Flow Control  DELAY     delay <num>                               pause processing for a specified interval                     yes
  99. Flow Control  DOS       dos [<str>]                               run an external program, or get the command processor prompt  with caution
  100. Flow Control  END       end                                       signal the end of the script                                  yes
  101. Flow Control  FAIL      fail                                      signal that the script ended abnormally                       yes
  102. Flow Control  GOSUB     gosub <label>                             call a script subroutine                                      yes
  103. Flow Control  GOTO      goto <label>                              go to a label elsewhere in the script                         yes
  104. Flow Control  IF        if <expression> <command>                 test an expression and branch based on the result             yes
  105. Flow Control  JUMP      jump <label>                              jump to a label elsewhere in the script                       yes
  106. Flow Control  ONERROR   onerror <label>                           set the label for an error handling routine                   yes
  107. Flow Control  RETURN    return                                    return from a subroutine to the point where it was called     yes
  108. Flow Control  RUN       run <scriptname>                          chain to a sub-script                                         yes
  110. Input         INPUT     input <var> <str>                         get input from the user in a pop up dialog box                yes
  111. Input         PROMPT    prompt <var> <str>                        get input from the user in a pop up dialog box                yes
  113. Numeric       DEC       dec <numvar> [<num>]                      decrease the value of a numeric variable                      yes
  114. Numeric       INC       inc <numvar> [<numlit>]                   increase the value of a numeric variable                      yes
  115. Numeric       VAL       val <numvar> <str>                        convert a string to a numeric variable                        yes
  117. Online        BREAK     break                                     send a Break signal to CIS                                    yes
  118. Online        DL        dl <libnum>;<cisname>;<localname>         download a file                                               No
  119. Online        ENTER     enter <servicepage>                       go to any CIS service page and wait for first prompt          No
  120. Online        GIF       gif <str>                                 set a filename for the next GIF file to be downloaded/viewed  No
  121. Online        GO        go <servicename>                          go to any CIS service page and wait for first prompt          No
  122. Online        OFF       off                                       log off of CIS                                                yes
  123. Online        SL        sl <liblist> [<modifiers>] [</u>]         perform a long library scan (full descriptions)               No!
  124. Online        TERM      term                                      put the user into manual terminal mode                        with caution
  126. Output        CLS       cls                                       clear the screen                                              yes
  127. Output        DEBUG     debug <on|off>                            echo currently executing command on the status line           yes
  128. Output        ERROR     error <str>                               displays an error message in a dialog box                     yes
  129. Output        LSEND     lsend <str>                               send a string followed by a CR to the modem                   yes
  130. Output        LWRITE    lwrite <str>                              send a string followed by a CR to the screen                  yes
  131. Output        SEND      send <str>                                send a string to the modem with NO <CR> afterwards            yes
  132. Output        SENDLN    sendln <str>                              send a string followed by a CR to the modem                   yes
  133. Output        STATLINE  statline <str>                            display a string in the status line (bottom of the screen)    yes
  134. Output        STATUS    status <str>                              display a string in the status line (bottom of the screen)    yes
  135. Output        ULSEND    ulsend <str>                              send an "invisible" string to the modem with a <CR>           yes
  136. Output        USEND     usend <str>                               send an "invisible" string to the modem, without a <CR>       yes
  137. Output        WRITE     write <str>                               send a string without CR to the screen                        yes
  138. Output        WRITELN   writeln <str>                             send a string with CR to the screen                           yes
  140. String        CONCAT    concat <strvar> <str>                     combine two or more strings                                   yes
  141. String        DELSTR    delstr <strvar> <num> <num> [<strvar>]    delete a substring from within a larger string                yes
  142. String        LENGTH    length <numvar> <str>                     set a numeric variable with the length of a string variable   yes
  143. String        MIDSTR    midstr <strvar> <num> <num> [<strvar>]    return a substring from a larger string                       yes
  144. String        POS       pos <numvar> <str> <strvar>               return the position of a substring within a larger string     yes
  145. String        POSNC     posnc <numvar> <str> <strvar>             same as POS but ignores differences in case                   yes
  146. String        STR       str <strvar> <num>                        convert a number to a string                                  yes
  147. String        TRIM      trim <strvar>                             removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string         yes
  148. String        UPCASE    upcase <strvar>                           convert all letters in a string variable to upper case        yes
  150. Variable      DEFINE    define <var> [<value>]                    create a user variable and optionally give it a value         yes
  151. Variable      SET       set <var> <value>                         assign a value to a variable                                  yes
  153. Wait          ADD       add <num> <str>                           add a string to a multiple-wait command                       yes
  154. Wait          DWAIT     dwait <numvar>                            activate a multiple-wait, and continue if nothing found       yes
  155. Wait          MWAIT     mwait <numvar>                            activate a multiple-wait, exit with error if nothing found    yes
  156. Wait          TIMEOUT   timeout <num>                             set the number of seconds to wait before generating an error  yes
  157. Wait          WAIT      wait <str>                                wait until the specified string arrives, or until time is up  yes
  160. Synonyms
  162. command   category      synonym
  163. --------  ------------  ----------
  164. CALL      Flow Control  RUN
  165. ENTER     Online        GO
  166. GO        Online        ENTER
  167. GOTO      Flow Control  JUMP
  168. INPUT     Input         PROMPT
  169. JUMP      Flow Control  GOTO
  170. LSEND     Output        SENDLN
  171. LWRITE    Output        WRITELN
  172. PROMPT    Input         INPUT
  173. RUN       Flow Control  CALL
  174. SENDLN    Output        LSEND
  175. STATLINE  Output        STATUS
  176. STATUS    Output        STATLINE
  177. WRITELN   Output        LWRITE
  179. ADD       Wait          none
  180. BREAK     Online        none
  181. CAPTURE   Capture       none
  182. CLS       Output        none
  183. CONCAT    String        none
  184. CWRITE    Capture       none
  185. DEBUG     Output        none
  186. DEC       Numeric       none
  187. DEFINE    Variable      none
  188. DELAY     Flow Control  none
  189. DELSTR    String        none
  190. DL        Online        none
  191. DOS       Flow Control  none
  192. DWAIT     Wait          none
  193. END       Flow Control  none
  194. ERASE     File IO       none
  195. ERROR     Output        none
  196. FAIL      Flow Control  none
  197. FAPPEND   File IO       none
  198. FCLOSE    File IO       none
  199. FCREATE   File IO       none
  200. FEOF      File IO       none
  201. FERROR    File IO       none
  202. FEXISTS   File IO       none
  203. FOPEN     File IO       none
  204. FREADLN   File IO       none
  205. FWRITE    File IO       none
  206. GIF       Online        none
  207. GOSUB     Flow Control  none
  208. IF        Flow Control  none
  209. INC       Numeric       none
  210. LENGTH    String        none
  211. MIDSTR    String        none
  212. MWAIT     Wait          none
  213. OFF       Online        none
  214. ONERROR   Flow Control  none
  215. POS       String        none
  216. POSNC     String        none
  217. RETURN    Flow Control  none
  218. SEND      Output        none
  219. SET       Variable      none
  220. SL        Online        none
  221. STR       String        none
  222. TERM      Online        none
  223. TIMEOUT   Wait          none
  224. TRIM      String        none
  225. ULSEND    Output        none
  226. UPCASE    String        none
  227. USEND     Output        none
  228. VAL       Numeric       none
  229. WAIT      Wait          none
  230. WMH       Capture       none
  231. WRITE     Output        none