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Quick Utils 3.0
(C) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
1) Disclaimer:
While every effort has been made to make this package bug-free, the author
(me) assumes no responsibility for any incidental or consequential damage
resulting from the use/misuse of this package in whole or in part. There are
also no implied or expressed warranties regarding this package in whole or in
2) Status:
Quick Utils 3.0 is shareware. If you find it useful in whole or in part,
please send $10 US by check or money order (Cash is risky.) to the following
Henning Vahlenkamp
216 Spring Hill Road
Matawan, NJ 07747
If you send a 3.5" disk along with the registration fee, you'll receive the
next version of Quick Utils at no extra cost and future notification
concerning any additional upgrades. The next version (probably called Quick
Utils 3.1) will include a password security program among other improvements.
This package may be freely redistributed provided that it is neither sold nor
modified in any way.
3) What is it?:
Quick Utils is a group of 12 small, tightly written and optimized utilities
that perform various useful functions (see below). They work with any PC. I
couldn't find any programs that quickly and easily perform these tasks to my
liking, so I decided to write my own.
Eight new commands have been added since version 2.0 - CAT, DTSET, FINDER,
all been improved too. Plus, a bug in the square root function of EVAL
(unnecessary variable decrement resulting in unpredictable results) has
been corrected. The function of the tiny BIOSDATE command has been
incorporated into INFO.
4) Documentation:
With the exception of INFO, typing any of the commands without parameters, as
well as with incorrect parameters, will display a copyright message/usage
guide for that command. The parameters shown in the guide contain symbols
whose meanings are as follows:
<parameter> a required parameter
[parameter] an optional parameter
parameter1|parameter2 use only one of the two parameters
parameter1+parameter2 use one or both of the parameters
In this section, each command's message/usage guide is shown followed by a
more detailed discussion of that command.
»Cat 3.0« ∞ the file displayer
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: CAT <switch> [path]<filename>
switches: /p {printable chars ■ASCII#10,13,32->255}
: /s {standard printables ■ASCII#10,13,32->127}
: /h {hexadecimal}
CAT works like TYPE, but allows filtering of the file to be displayed. For
example, you can filter out unprintable (control) characters and the
nonstandard IBM graphics characters. CAT is especially useful for displaying
all the text in binary files. Plus, CAT can display files in hexadecimal
format. Each line of the hex dump begins with the offset of the first of the
16 bytes on the line, followed by the bytes (two hex digits each), followed by
an ASCII representation of the bytes; unprintable characters are replaced by
»ConText 3.0« ∞ the textfile converter
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: CONTEXT <switch> [path]<sourcefile> [path]<targetfile>
switches: /up {UNIX|Amiga->PC} | /pm {PC->Mac}
: /um {UNIX|Amiga->Mac} | /mu {Mac->UNIX|Amiga}
: /pu {PC->UNIX|Amiga} | /mp {Mac->PC}
: /ul {uppercase->lowercase} | /lu {lowercase->uppercase}
: /s {strip ASCII #s>127} | /c {strip all control chars}
: /e {strip all line endings}
note : source & target must be different files or paths
CONTEXT is a conversion program which converts text files among UNIX/
Amiga, PC, and Macintosh platforms in any direction. This is necessary
since each platform uses different end-of-line markers.
platform marker(s)
---------- ---------
UNIX/Amiga lf
PC cr,lf
Macintosh cr
(lf=line feed, ASCII#10; cr=carriage return, ASCII#13)
In addition, CONTEXT can convert all the letters in a file between upper and
lower case, remove nonstandard ASCII characters (128..255), remove all control
characters (except for line endings), and remove all the line endings. Giving
it anything other than an ASCII text file will produce meaningless results.
»Crypt 3.0« ∞ the file en/decrypter
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: CRYPT <switch> <password> [path]<sourcefile> [path]<targetfile>
switches: /e {encrypt} | /d {decrypt}
password: any # of characters, no spaces
note : source & target must be different files or paths
CRYPT protects files from prying eyes by scrambling their contents
according to a password you supply. It also decrypts encrypted files if
you supply the same password you used to encrypt. Don't forget your
password, since files can't be restored otherwise. In addition to
documents, CRYPT is useful for executables, as encrypted files can't be run
successfully. CRYPT attaches a tiny message to the beginning of encrypted
files so you can easily recognize them. Just type a file you're uncertain
about and look for "Crypt3.0!" This version uses a different (much better)
en/decryption algorithm than Crypt2.0, so files encrypted with 2.0 can't be
decrypted with 3.0 and vice versa. I'll keep the same algorithm in future
versions to prevent any further incompatibilities.
»DTSet 3.0« ∞ the file date/time modifier
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: DTSET [path]<filename> <[date]+[time]>
date: MM-DD-YY {MM 1..12, DD 1..31, YY 80..99
time: HH:NN {HH 0..23, NN 0..59}
Inspired by the AmigaDOS SetDate command, DTSET permits you to change the
date and/or time of one or more files. Using it is very simple; just follow
the above template (MM=month,DD=day,YY=year,HH=hour,NN=minute). Remember to
specify the time with the 24-hour clock (e.g. 3:00PM is 15:00). Error
checking is limited, so if you enter numbers outside the acceptable ranges,
the resulting dates and/or times will be unpredictable.
»Eval 3.0« ∞ the command line calculator
(C) 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: EVAL <expression|?>
supported symbols: + - * / ^ ( ) r
note : r returns square root, i.e. r(4) is 2
: ^ returns powers, i.e. 3^2 is 9
: ? activates interactive mode
EVAL performs quick calculations when you don't have a calculator handy.
Simply give it an expression consisting of any combination of additions,
subtractions, multiplications and divisions. It also supports square
roots, exponentiation to integer powers, and parentheses nesting
subexpressions. Standard arithmetic conventions apply, meaning operators
separated by operands, multiplication takes precedence over addition, etc.
For example,
yields an answer of 18.58285714300
If you type a ? instead of an expression, EVAL starts in interactive mode,
so you can do many calculations without rerunning the program each time.
Pressing Enter by itself at the expression prompt quits EVAL. By the way,
EVAL is accurate to 11 decimal places regardless of whether you have a math
»Finder 3.0« ∞ the file finder
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: FINDER [switch] [path]<filename>
switch: /n {no searching lower directories}
note : searching starts downward from path (or current dir)
FINDER is a file finding utility. Give it a file specification, and it will
search the specified (or current) directory plus all lower subdirectories for
all matches. You can also choose to search the one directory only.
Matches are displayed in a format similar to that of DIR, except FINDER also
shows all attributes (even hidden files) and each file's path.
attributes: rhsvda
r=read only ─┐ ──┬───
h=hidden │ │
s=system file │ letter in one of these positions means bit is set
v=volume label │ dash " " " " " " " " clear
d=directory │
a=archive ─┘
»Info 3.0« ∞ the information displayer
(c) Copyright 1993 Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: INFO [drive]
drive: A: .. Z:
INFO without any parameters reports some general information about your
system. For example:
DOS version : 3.31
ROM BIOS date : 12/01/88
ctrl-break flag : FALSE (off)
verify flag : FALSE (off)
free memory : 288960 bytes
largest block : 288960 bytes
date : Tuesday June 8, 1993
time : 3:0:0.0pm
environment strings:
Giving INFO a drive letter makes it print a lot of disk-related information.
For example, INFO C: would print:
Information for drive->c: unit->2 type->fixed disk
total bytes : 42844160 bytes per sector : 512
bytes used : 22683648 (53%) bytes per cluster : 2048
bytes free : 20160512 (47%) sectors per cluster : 4
sectors : 83680 sectors per FAT : 82
clusters : 20920 sectors per track : 40
cylinders(tracks) : 523 reserved sectors : 1
FATs : 2 hidden sectors : 40
max root dir entries: 512 media descriptor byte: 248
disk sides : 4 disk id : IBM 3.3
sector: 0 boot record
1-164 FAT
165-196 root dir
197-83639 data
You can view the message/usage guide by giving INFO a question mark as a
parameter. Explanations of all the things reported by INFO are beyond the
scope of this documentation.
»Move 3.0« ∞ the file mover
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: uses COPY command syntax
MOVE simply copies files from a source to a destination and deletes the
source. It's the equivalent of using a DEL after a COPY - only more
convenient. MOVE works just like COPY.
»RenDir 3.0« ∞ the directory renamer
(c) Copyright 1993 Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: RENDIR [path]<oldname> <newname>
RENDIR performs another simple function - renaming subdirectories. It works
just like REN, accepting subdirectories as well as files.
»Spin 3.0« ∞ the disk spinner
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: SPIN <drive> <time>
drive: A: .. Z:
time : /3 {30 sec.} | /6 {60 sec.}
note : spin times are approximate
SPIN makes it easy to clean the read/write heads of a floppy drive by spinning
a (user-supplied) cleaning disk in the drive. You can choose either a short
spin (30 sec.) or a long one (60 sec.). SPIN automatically detects invalid
drives and fixed disks, aborting in both cases.
»Split 3.0« ∞ the file splitter
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: SPLIT <# parts> [path]<sourcefile> [[path]targetfile]
# parts: 2..255
note : source extension cannot be in 1..255
: resulting file extension is part #
: rejoin files w. COPY /B ...
I wrote SPLIT in order to transfer files too large to fit on a single floppy
disk from one computer to another. You may find it equally useful. This
utility cuts up any file into a user-specified number of parts. The resulting
files' extensions are the numbers of the parts. There's no need for an
UNSPLIT command since parts can be rejoined with COPY. Just remember to
rejoin them in the correct order (xxxxxxxx.1 followed by xxxxxxxx.2 etc.).
»TextAn 3.0« ∞ the textfile analyzer
(c) Copyright 1993 by Henning Vahlenkamp
Usage: TEXTAN [path]<filename>
TEXTAN analyzes text files, calculating a lot of statistics about them.
Here's a sample analysis of this file (QUTILS30.DOC):
file size :14337 paragraphs :322
nonprintable chars:645 lines :322
printable chars :13692 pages (66 lines each) :5
alphanumerics :9244 avg word length :4.57
letters :8832 avg words/sentence :14.25
digits :412 avg words/paragraph :6.28
symbols :4448 avg words/page :404.60
words :2023 avg sentences/paragraph:0.44
sentences :142 avg sentences/page :28.40
exclamatory(!) :2 avg paragraphs/page :64.40
interrogative(?) :5
declarative(.) :135
Giving it anything other than an ASCII text file will produce meaningless
Note: CAT, CONTEXT, CRYPT, SPLIT, and TEXTAN can process files of any size,
since they all have reusable input/output buffers. DTSET, FINDER, and MOVE
are the only commands supporting DOS wild cards.
That's all for now. I hope you find Quick Utils as useful as I do.