Welcome to the X-wing Mission Builder. This package allows you to effortlessly edit or completely redesign mission files from the popular game X-wing by LucasArts Entertainment. This online help file is context sensitive, and is available at any time by pressing the F1 key or by pressing a help button.
X-wing and any other references to Star Wars or anything in the Star Wars Universe are copyrighted trademarks of LucasArts Entertainment and Lucasfilm, LTD. )
Press ESC to put this help screen away.
The calculator is a simple four-function calculator with add, subtract, multiply, and divide. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. The 'C' key clears the calculator, the '
' key will erases the last character typed, and the '
' key toggles the value from positive to negative (the keyboard equivalent of '
' is '_').
(System) menu
The System menu appears on the far left of the menu bar and is represented by the
symbol. (
When you pull down the
menu, you see
When you choose the About command from the
(System) menu, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G
To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button.
When you choose Calculator, a four-function calculator is opened on the desktop.
File (Alt-F)
The File menu includes choices for opening and saving mission files, Dos shell, and exiting the program.
Open Exit
Open (F3)
The Open command displays the Open a File dialog box. In this dialog box you select the X-wing mission file you want to edit. &
The Open
File dialog box contains:
an input
box with a history list
a list
box to browse the directory
the standard Cancel button
Open action button
an information panel that describes the
selected file
The Save command allows you to save the mission in the current window to disk. If the window already has a name, the file will be saved under this same name. If you wish to save the file under a new name, select the File|Save
As command instead.
Save As
The Save As command allows you to save the mission in the current window to a new file name. Note that if mission window does not have a name (it is called "Untitled") selecting File|Save will execute the Save As dialog box.
DOS Shell
With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9
To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt.
The Exit command terminates this program.
The Window menu contains commands to close, move and perform other window-management commands. >
For more about windows and their elements, refer to windows. :
Window-management commands
Next Previous
Choose this command to change the size or position of the active window.
If you press Shift while you use the arrow keys, you can change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size or position, press Enter. Q
If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize the window.
When you choose Window
Size/Move, the active window moves in response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you want it, press Enter. F
You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse.
Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop.
Choose Close to close the active window. O
You can also click the Close box in the upper right corner to close a window.
Help on Open a File Dialog Box
The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file
list, a file information panel, the standard button Cancel, one other action button (Open), plus a history list that's attached to the Name
The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to load, or the file-name mask to use as a filter for the Files list box (for example, *.*).
The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories.
ACK-HARD.XWI 2052 Feb 11,1993 12:24am
The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. =
None of the items on this information panel are selectable.
[ Open ]
The Open button opens a new mission editor window and places the selected mission file in that window.
[ Cancel ]
If you choose Cancel, nothing changes and no action occurs, and the dialog box is put away. M
(Esc always cancels a dialog box, even if a Cancel button does not appear.)
[ Open ]
In the Open a File dialog box, if you choose the Open button XMB opens a new mission editor window and places the selected mission file in that window.
Close All
Choose Close all to remove all windows from the desktop.
Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop.
Mission Window Map View
The map view allows you to see and change the positions of ships and objects in the mission. You can move any ship or object to a new location by clicking and holding the mouse on the top of the ship or object. Releasing the mouse button releases the ship or object. The map can be zoomed in or out, and has several magnification factors. For greater accuracy, use greater magnification factors. '
The following commands are available:
Ins - Add ship or object group
Del - Delete selected group
F8 - Edit selected group
Tab/Shift-Tab - Cycle through the groups
This indicates whether or not the pilot should be rescued or captured if ejected during the mission. 2
Note: This is not valid for Death
Star missions.
Ship Groups
This is a list of all the ship groups currently in this mission. Displayed is the group number, the designation, number
ships in the group, and the type
ships in the group. '
The following commands are available: f
Ins - Add a new ship group
Del - Delete currently selected group
F8 - Edit selected ship group
Object Groups
This is a list of all the object groups currently in this mission. Displayed is the group number, the designation, number
objects in the group, and the type
objects in the group. '
The following commands are available: k
Ins - Add a new object group
Del - Delete currently selected group
F8 - Edit selected object group
The ship and object clipboards allow you to copy ships or objects easily between missions. When you copy a ship group to the clipboard, you can use the paste command to insert it into any mission. There are a maximum of 16 ship or object groups in the respective clipboards. If you copy a ship group to the clipboard and it is full, the oldest group is removed. The last ship group copied to the clipboard is always at the top (Group 1).
Arrival Parameters
The Arrival Parameters dialog allows you to edit the conditions under which this Ship Group arrives during the mission.
The following can be edited:
Arrival Time - Arrival time is the amount of time which passes before this ship group appears during the mission. The time begins counting down as soon as the arrival condition is met, or at the start of the mission if no arrival condition is specified. B
MotherShip - The mothership is the home ship of this ship group.
Group - This is the group that must meet a specified condition before this ship group's arrival time starts ticking.
Arrive Condition - This is the condition that the previously mentioned group must meet before this ship group's arrival time starts ticking.
Arrive Via Hyperspace - If this box is checked, the ship group will arrive via hyperspace. Otherwise, it will arrive normally, either by way of its mothership, or just appears.
Depart Via Hyperspace - Similar to the previous checkbox. If checked, the ship group will depart via hyperspace, if it is to depart before the end of the mission. If cleared, the group will return to its mothership.
The MotherShip is the home ship for this group. Generally the ship group should arrive via the mothership and return to it if it is specified. Press F8 to select from a list.
Arrive After
This ship group is the group that must meet a specified condition before the current ship group's arrival time begins counting down. Press F8 to select from a list.
Mission Objectives
The mission objectives are determined by this field for all ship groups. To successfully complete the mission, the ship group must meet the specified criteria. Be careful with this field. It is possible to create a mission which can never be completed if you are not careful.
Assigned Command
The command determines the behaviour of this ship group during the mission. Select a command from the list box. If the command has a check mark next to it, it also requires that you specify a command
Command Descriptions:
1. Stationary: Sits inactive.
2. Go Home: Goes to hyperspace jump point or to mother ship. If mothership does not exist, the flight group circles last waypoint. N
3. Circle & Ignore: Circles through waypoints while ignoring enemy actions. u
4. Fly once & Ignore: Flies through waypoints once while ignoring enemy actions, then hypers out if able to do so. L
5. Circle & Evade: Circles through waypoints while evading enemy attacks. Q
6. Fly once & Evade: Flies through waypoints once while evading enemy attacks. y
7. Close Escort: Flies close escort for designated command targets. If enemy comes within 1 km they will be attacked. y
8. Loose Escort: Flies loose escort for designated command targets. If enemy comes within 4 km they will be attacked. >
9. Attack Escorters: Attack any ships with Escort commands. F
10. Attack Pri & Sec: Attack primary and secondary command targets. 3
11. Attack all Enemies: Attack all enemy crafts. :
12. Rendezvous: Fly to waypoint and wait to be boarded. /
13. Disabled: Sits inactive and is disabled. N
14. Board & Deliver: Dock with designated command target and deliver cargo. H
15. Board & Take: Dock with designated command target and take cargo. P
16. Board & Exchange: Dock with designated command target and exchange cargo. P
17. Board & Capture: Dock with designated command target and capture vessels. P
18. Board & Destroy: Dock with designated command target and destroy vessels. @
19. Disable Pri & Sec: Disable primary and secondary targets. .
20. Disable All: Disable all enemy vessels. 0
21. Attack Transports: Attack all transports. :
22. Attack Freighters: Attack Freighters and Corvettes. 2
23. Attack Starships: Attack Capital Starships. 7
24. Attack Sat & Mines: Attack satellites and mines. <
25. Disable Freighters: Disable Freighters and Corvettes. 4
26. Disable Starships: Disable Capital Starships. \
27. Cap: Sit & Fire: Capital Starship sits stationary and fires at targets, if available. g
28. Cap: Fly Once: Capital Starship flies through waypoints once and fires at targets, if available. b
29. Cap: Circle: Capital Starship circles through waypoints and fires at targets, if available. ~
30. Cap: Wait Return: Capital Starship sits stationary and waits for all ships that have this ship as mothership to return. m
31. Cap: Wait Arrival: Capital Starship sits stationary and waits for designated command target to arrive. q
32. Cap: Wait Board: Capital Starship sits stationary until designated command targets have boarded this ship.
Command Target
The command target is the ship group that this group will direct its command toward. Target 1 is the primary, Target 2 is the secondary. Press F8 to select from a list.
Dependencies (Cross Reference)
This function allows you to see how the other ship groups interact with this ship group during the mission. It shows which groups have this group as their MotherShip, which ship groups Arrival depends on this group, and which groups have this group as their primary or secondary Command
Targets. This is a tool which is intended to aid in the debugging of mission files.
Ship Type
The ship type is the class of vessels in this group, e.g. X-wing, Y-wing, TIE fighter, TIE interceptor, etc. Press F8 to choose one from the list.
Ship Types: B
X-W = X-wing SHU = Shuttle
Y-W = Y-wing TRN = Transport
A-W = A-wing CON = Container
T/F = TIE Fighter FRT = Freighter
T/I = TIE Interceptor CRV = Corvette
T/B = TIE Bomber FRG = Nebulan B
T/A = TIE Advanced CRS = Calamari
GUN = Assault Gunboat STD = Star Destroyer
The waypoints dialog determines the initial position(s), three headings, and the hyperspace jump point for the ship group during the mission.
The initial waypoint will be the position the ship group starts in at the beginning of the mission. You can also specify two alternate initial positions. When these are specified, the game will randomly select from whichever ones are enabled. |
The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd waypoints are headings for the ship group. The ship(s) will go to each waypoint during the mission.
The jump point is the position the ship(s) will go to before entering hyperspace. This should always be enabled, as well as the initial setting. _
The Enable field is used to determine whether each waypoint should be carried out or ignored. D
The other fields are X, Y, and Z axis locations for each waypoint. 4
Note: The X and Y locations for the initial waypoint are automatically adjusted when the ship is dragged on the overhead map. You can get finer adjustment by editing these fields. All other fields must be edited manually. The initial position should always be enabled, as well as at least one waypoint.
The Designation field is the name of this ship or object group, e.g. RED, BLUE, GOLD, ALPHA, BETA, INDEPENDENCE, INVINCIBLE. This shows up on your targeting computer when you identify a ship or object.
The cargo field is a text field which indicates the cargo this ship group is carrying. This appears on your targeting computer when you identify a ship.
See also: Alternate
Alternate Cargo
One of the ships in the group can optionally carry an alternate cargo. This appears on your targeting computer when you identify a ship.
Special Ship
This is the ship in the group which carries the alternate
cargo. Make sure you have specified enough ships to make this valid.
The IFF determines the allegience of the vessels or objects in this group.
Default - Defaults to the normal side associated with this particular class of vessel. X-wings will default to Alliance and TIE fighters will default to Imperial. )
Alliance - Alliance vessels or objects. )
Imperial - Imperial vessels or objects. s
Neutral - No allegience. Vessels not attack either side unless specifically instructed to do so via its command.
This selection determines the initial state of this ship group. You can take away this ship's missles, or just reduce them to half, or you can take away its shields.
Number of Vessels
This value determines the number of vessels in this ship group.
Number of Waves
This value determines the number of times the ship group will reappear after being destroyed.
Personal Vessel
This value indicates which ship in the group is the player's personal vessel. This value is valid only for Rebel starfighters, and should be set in one group only. Make sure the number
vessels is high enough to make this valid.
Speed/Docking Time
For Rebel starfighters, this indicates the initial speed of the group. It should be a value from 0 (slowest) to 9 (fastest).
For other vessels, it indicates a docking time from 0 to 20 minutes, if this group has a command which causes it to dock with another vessel.
Formation is the configuration the vessels will fly in when they initially appear. Choose one from the list.
Pilot Skill
The pilot skill determines how experienced and aggressive the ships in the group are. Pilot skill ranges from Rookie to Top Ace.
The markings are the color of the markings on the vessels in the group. This is valid for Corvettes, Containers, and Rebel Starfighters. Either Red, Blue, or Gold.
Object Type
The object type is the class of objects in this group, e.g. Com-Sat, Mine, Asteroid, etc. Choose one from the list.
The layout is the configuration or positions the objects will show up in during the mission.
The quantity is the number of objects in the group. For mines this number is squared to determine the number of mines that will show up in the game. This value is ignored by planet objects.
The Location values determine where the objects will show up in the mission. They consist of X, Y, and Z axis values. The valid range is -100 to 100.
Mission Time
The mission time is time length, in minutes, of the mission. When playing a mission in Historic Combat Missions, the player must finish the mission before this time runs out.
Enable Death Star
Check this box to enable the Death Star for playing a surface mission. Make sure that all ship and object groups' Z-axis locations are above zero, because the surface of the Death Star is at zero.
When the Death Star is enabled the Ejection field is not used. Instead, you must specify a Death
objective that must be met with other mission objectives.
Death Star Objective
The Death Star objective is a mission objective that must be met to finish the mission. It is valid only when the Death
Star is enabled. If the Death Star is enabled, the Ejection field is not used.
Briefing Text Selection Dialog
This is a list of the briefing
texts available for editing. Some are flight instructions, which are usually short sentences. These are the texts you see at the bottom of page 1 of the briefing in the game, when the map is scrolling and zooming. The others, which are called mission background pages here, are longer, usually several sentences. These are the separate pages of text you see during the briefings in the game. +
Choose one of the briefing texts to edit. n
Note: The order you see them here is not necessarily the order you see them in the briefing, but usually is.
Briefing Style
The Briefing Style parameter affects the appearance of the briefing map at the start of the missions. For Surface Missions, the briefing map would appear with a greyish-blue background to indicate the surface of the Death Star. For space missions, the briefing would appear normally; a black background.
Briefing Text
Type the briefing text that you want to appear during the mission. For flight
instructions, you have just one line of text to edit. You can toggle text highlighting by pressing Alt-H. Text highlighting is not yet available for the mission background pages.
Flight Instructions
Flight instructions are the texts you see at the bottom of page 1 of the briefing in the game, when the map is scrolling and zooming. They are very brief sentences. To toggle text highlighting, press Alt-H.
Mission Title
This is the title of the mission that appears at the top of the briefings in the game.
Completion Message
This is the message the player will receive when the mission has been completed. There are three separate lines of text. Press TAB to move between them.