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OS/2 Help File
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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. Hello, Team OS/2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Team OS/2 Newsletter
Number 2
November, 1993
Hello Team OS/2,
The response to the first newsletter was rewarding. We heard from many new Team
OS/2 members who hadn't known how to reach us before. And, we received a lot
of suggestions on things to do with this newsletter to provide information that
you need and want.
Please keep sending in suggestions. We want this to be helpful and
informative. And, like always with Team OS/2, your participation can only
improve the quality and effectiveness of this newsletter.
Thank you,
Janet Gobeille
Team OS/2 Newsletter Editor
IBM PSP Team OS/2 Support
Internet: Janetg@vnet.ibm.com
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.1. What is Team OS/2? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Team OS/2 consists of people who are OS/2 enthusiasts and are actively sharing
their knowledge and enthusiasm with others.
This is a very general description, but it's true. You become part of Team
OS/2 by doing something that is not expected of you... Whether you're an IBMer
or not, a Teamer spends some of his own time helping other OS/2ers or promoting
OS/2. This is not something done as part of a job description.
Note that Teamers include IBMers and non-IBMers world-wide. Membership in Team
OS/2 is not limited to IBM employees. And, Team OS/2 is not owned or operated
by IBM.
You're part of Team OS/2 if you consider that you meet the qualifications of
actively supporting OS/2 and OS/2 users. So, just let us at IBM know about you
to be added to the list of members. The Team OS/2 Support group keeps a
database of members. See Appendix B of this newsletter for information how to
be added to the Team OS/2 member list.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.2. IBM Team OS/2 Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The support IBM Personal Software Products (PSP) offers to Team OS/2 changes as
the needs of Team OS/2 change. However, we are providing support for Team OS/2
in these ways:
1. Information Distribution and Coordination
o We distribute a world-wide Team OS/2 member list via Compuserve, Internet,
Fidonet, and others. It allows Teamers to find others in their area and
contact them electronically. This is a service we provide to Team OS/2.
And, we can provide a mailing list based on this member list to vendors of
OS/2 products on request.
o The Team OS/2 Newsletter is produced monthly and distributed
electronically. This provides information to Teamers around the world to
help keep all Teamers up to date on what is happening with Team OS/2 and
with other Teamers.
o We participate on electronic forums to discuss Team OS/2, Teamer
activities, and future needs. These forums also help foster creativity
and imagination between Teamers, and encourage new activities.
2. OS/2 Merchandise and other Support for Marketing Activities
A number of Team OS/2 members have gone out on their own time to do public
OS/2 demos and to support and encourage local retailers. See Appendix D for
the specific types of activities supported, support packages, and
requirements. Where possible, these activities are supported world-wide.
The IBM PSP Grass Roots Marketing team supports these Team OS/2 and BBS
activities. At this time, this team consists of:
Vicci Conway Vicci is in Boca Raton, Florida. Her primary job is
BBS coordination, coverage thereof, and communications
for IBM PSP. Her secondary responsibility is helping
with Team OS/2 support. She also works with vendors to
provide them with the Team OS/2 mailing list and
coordinates the Team OS/2 Receptions at Spring and
Fall Comdex. In addition, any vendor wishing to get
their press releases distributed electronically should
contact her as well.
Janet Gobeille Janet is in Austin, Texas. Her primary job is to
define and coordinate Team OS/2 support and liason for
IBM PSP. If you have a problem with IBM Team OS/2
support, call her. She also creates this newsletter
each month, works to provide international support and
coordination for Team OS/2, maintains the Team OS/2
member database, and is generally cheerful and a ray
of sunshine for the department.
Jeff Mallon Jeff works with Janet in Austin. He handles the and
day-to-day support for Team OS/2 including shipping
and responding to phone, fax, and email inquiries.
If you send a note to either
Jeff is usually the person who will read and answer
User Group Relations: Gene Barlow, Kathy Fanning, and Bill Wyatt form our
PSP User Group Relations team. You can reach them by
sending a note via Internet to "IBMPCUG@VNET.IBM.COM".
See Appendix F for more info on IBM PSP User Group
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. Team OS/2 Members - Where are they? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The full Team OS/2 member list is available any place you can find the Team
OS/2 newsletter. Because of the size however, it's kept in a separate file. We
received several requests last month for additional information about the
registered Teamers, so here are some interesting breakdowns as requested: These
were created as of 1 November 1993:
Teamers by Network
The following list was created from the email addresses given to us. It's a
little misleading in that many people have Internet connectivity from a network
(such as America Online), but we do not have a specific Internet Address listed
in our database. So, the number of Internet-connected users is much lower than
the real number.
Electronic Network Teamers
America Online 38
Compuserve 601
Delphi 13
Fidonet 278
Genie 16
IBM Internal (VNET) 152
Internet 439
Prodigy 187
Other 134
No Email capability 343
Teamers by Country
Country Teamers
Argentina 2
Australia 43
Austria 5
Belgium 7
Brazil 7
Canada 143
Denmark 10
Finland 2
France 2
Germany 45
Hong Kong 2
Israel 1
Italy 6
Latvia 3
Litchenstein 1
Mexico 6
Netherlands 36
New Zealand 1
Norway 5
Phillippines 1
Portugal 3
Russia 1
Saudi Arabia 2
Scotland 2
Singapore 3
South Africa 2
Spain 12
Sweden 3
Switzerland 2
Taiwan ROC 1
Trinidad & Tobago 1
Turkey 1
UK 28
Ukraine 1
USA 1345
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. Internet Addressing ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
We've had many requests asking how to contact a Teamer who is on a different
electronic network. So, this table shows how to create an Internet email
address for many of the systems where Teamers can be found:
Network Sample address Sample re-formatted for Internet
America Online positiv positiv@aol.com
Compuserve 76711,1123 76711.1123@compuserve.com
Delphi Barnesd Barnesd@delphi.com
Fidonet Janet at 1:109/347.3479 Janet Janet@p3479.f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org
Gobeille at 1:109/347 Janet_Gobeille@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org
GEnie K.Royalty K.Royalty@genie.geis.com
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. OS/2 User Groups and SIGs (Special Interest Groups) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
OS/2 User Groups - Next Time
Starting with the next issue of this newsletter, we will be including a list of
the OS/2 User Groups and Special Interest Groups that we know about. We can
also add listings for people working to form new groups. I'd like to include
for each group:
City, State, Country
Name of Group
Interest area or audience (primarily corporate users? Or network enthusiasts? etc)
Contact name and email address or phone number
Now, here's a new one forming:
Teenage OS/2 User Group
Any teenagers who currently use OS/2 are welcome to join the Teenage OS/2 User
Group. Anyone between the ages of 13 and 19 can be a member. No dues. Costs
will be shared among participating members. We have no fixed meeting place.
We meet informally in selected local restaurants.
The Teenage OS/2 User Group Newsletter can be downloaded from the OS2BBS. It
can be found in the Software Library under the Documents and Information
category. It's also available on Compuserve and other areas as "TEENOS.ZIP".
Please contact me, Jeremy Stadlberger by calling (415) 826-9403 or write to:
Teenage OS/2 User Group
Jeremy Stadlberger, Group Leader
3817 22nd Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Team OS/2 Profiles - Netherlands ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Team OS/2 NL
"Team OS/2 Goes Dutch !!!"
by Michael Dag
A look back...
Little less than two years ago, Team OS/2 was born in the USA and started to
show its 'face' in the TeamOS2 FORUM on the IBMPC Conference disk. As this
conference disk is accessible worldwide to all IBM employees, the Dutch (as
curious as they are) dropped in to make their 'electronic' contributions to
Team OS/2 by participating in the discussions and raising ideas. The fact that
we couldn't actually participate in Team OS/2 activities made us feel a bit
jealous of our US colleagues. So, instead of turning our backs on Team OS/2, we
decided to form our own Team OS/2 and added 'NL' to it :-)
Our first event was the 'OS/2 World of Spring 1992', where we decided to show
OS/2 2.0 (the last beta, as the gold code was not yet available). T-shirts were
ordered (the famous Blue Ninja shirts), and we managed to obtain two small
booths with a total of 4 PS/2s.
When we appeared in jeans,t-shirts, and sneakers, we were almost sent home to
'change' but we simply refused <G> and so the public was in for a scare:
IBMers are humans too!
This particular event IMHO (translation: "In My Humble Opinion") marked the
beginning of Team OS/2 NL and the 'first hour' members included: (in no
particular order) Jurrie Lulofs, Anton Versteeg, Chris Dekkers, Erwin Uit de
Bos and myself, who participated in this event.
Time went by and Team OS/2 NL 'resurfaced' at the HCC days, OS/2 User Group
Meetings (a corporate oriented user group), OS/2 World, and paid visits to
local computer stores.
Joining Team OS/2 NL
Currently Team OS/2 NL consists of around 30 members, who are actively
participating. We usually 'hang out' on the IBM OS/2 BBS in our local TeamOS2
Area, so if you feel like joining us, you can find us there!
Leave your name, address, e-mail address, phone numbers, and OS/2 activities in
a message adressed to me (Michael Dag).
The IBM OS/2 BBS in The Netherlands telephone number: 030 - 334711 and the
access is free of charge.
But I just want to use OS/2 ...
If you just want to use OS/2 and get some help, the IBM OS/2 BBS is one of the
places to be! There are many conferences with different subjects like C-Set/2,
CM/2, DB2/2, OS/2 Lan etc, etc.
Further HUGO (Holland User Group Os/2) has been established to organize
meetings (5 times a year) and publish news and information about OS/2 and its
products. HUGO is primarily aimed at the OS/2 home user or small business.
To join HUGO contact Paul van Keep, telephone: 01751 - 41492 or 01751 - 18301.
The yearly membership fee is DFL. 60,- (around 30 US Dollars) ,-)
Next opportunity to meet Team OS/2 NL
Nov 6 ZYZ Computers in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost
Nov 19-20 HCC Dagen '93 in Utrecht
* --------------------------------
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. Team OS/2 Logo ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
As you probably noticed at the front of this newsletter, we have a new logo.
Actually, we have one plus a variation.
When looking for a Team OS/2 logo, we looked for something that could be easily
reproduced electronically, and would look good both small and large. We got a
lot of ideas, and passed them to a graphics artist who came up with this one:
This looked nice on a pin or on a Tshirt, looked reasonably dignified, but the
'tumbled' blocks were a touch of fun. Like Team OS/2, no?
But he also came up with a second design. And we thought we would present that
to you as well, and pass on the designs for BOTH to use as you wish. This is
the second one:
At the same time we upload the newsletter to the various electronic networks,
we will upload a current Team OS/2 member list and copies of the new Logo (and
"variation 1").
These logos are not owned or trademarked by IBM. We went through this process
to come up with something we could all use and recognize, and for the
convenience of the Team, not of IBM. So, you can use and modify these logos as
you feel appropriate. For example, you can create a new design that combines
this logo with something that identifies your group or city. Or you can
miniaturize it for your business cards.
As an example, here's my new fax header:
We've been getting a lot of questions too about getting shirts, hats, or other
items with a Team OS/2 logo. At Comdex, we will have a new (small) catalog from
Lees Keystone of some items that will now be available if you would like to
order them. We'll put that list here in the next newsletter as well.
A note to the Teamers identified in the previous newsletter as winning Tshirts
for their logo designs: we'll be sending those out in early December (after
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. Current Events - Things to Do ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
We encourage Teamers to list their activities with us for them to be included
in this newsletter. Contact us well in advance in order to get your event
added to our database, even if you do not require additional support from IBM.
By listing your event in our database and letting people know what you are
doing, you can help give others ideas where they can also help in their
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.1. Scheduled BBS Events ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Periodically there are 'live' electronic conferences on the various BBS's.
These live conferences enable you to ask questions and make comments directly
to IBM PSP executives and others, and are fun to participate in for everyone
In the past there have been conferences on CompuServe, America Online and most
recently GEnie, where David Barnes was the guest. We have further plans for
more of these conferences in the future.
The next conference will be on December 15, 1993 on GEnie. The conference will
begin at 9p.m. EST with PSP's Director of Software Development Programs, John
Soyring, as the guest of honor.
If anyone would like to join in, dial (800) 638-8369 (USA) with your
communications software set to half duplex (local echo) and N-7-1, at 300, 1200
or 2400 baud. Upon connection, type HHH. Then at the prompt, type SIGNUP.
GEnie's customer service number is (800) 638-9636 (USA only).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.2. Comdex User Group Gathering ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Get ready, get set, go....and get your tickets for one of the most exciting
events at COMDEX!
OS/2 is creating excitement wherever you look these days. The press is writing
positive reviews, sales and acceptance are up, and more and more applications
are being developed for OS/2 each day. These are very exciting times for OS/2
users and PSP. And what better place to share our growing excitement than the
GLOBAL OS/2 USER GROUP GATHERING at COMDEX. The event which is sponsored by
IBM PSP with your hosts, the Las Vegas OS/2 User Group, promises to be an
exciting one. It is open to anyone who is interested, however seating IS
LIMITED and will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Registered OS/2 User Groups should have received tickets in the mail by now to
distribute to their members, and electronic invitations have already been
posted on most major bulletin boards. All attendees (including advanced ticket
holders) are encouraged to reserve a seat in advance by calling (800) 234-5283
(USA only) or (203) 761-7854 (outside the USA). Calling will reserve your seat
at the event, but you must pick up your ticket at the Team OS/2 Headquarters
area (Room 1LC9 at the Las VegasConvention Center) if you do not already have
one. (The ticket will be required for your entry in the drawings for special
door prizes.) A limited number of tickets will be available at the door,
depending on the number of advanced reservations.
To highlight the event, John Patrick (Vice President, PSP Sales and Marketing)
will give a presentation on PSP strategy, and David Barnes (OS/2 demoer
extraordinaire) will provide an astounding live demo and "Glimpse of the
Future". So spread the word and mark your calendar for "sur-prizes" and door
prizes on Wednesday, November 17th from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Free bus
transportation will be provided from the Las Vegas Convention Center to the
Cashman Field Theatre.
For additional information on the User Group Gathering, and to reserve your
seat, call (800) 234-5283 (in the USA).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.3. Comdex Team OS/2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You may have seen the notices about the Comdex Team OS/2 workers on the
networks. IBM and Team OS/2 will be working together at Fall Comdex in Las
Vegas the week of 15 November 1993.
If you plan to attend Comdex, you can stop in at the Team OS/2 Headquarters
room (1LC9 at the Las Vegas Convention Center). If you're not on the Team OS/2
list, you can sign up there. And, you can pick up an OS/2 pin (if you aren't
already wearing one) and some OS/2 stickers to pass out.
There is also a dedicated team of volunteers who will be working at Comdex to
improve the visibility of OS/2 there. This "swat team", led by Doug Azzarito of
Boca Raton, Florida, will provide full-time OS/2 technical support for
exhibitors at Comdex who are running OS/2. And they'll be installing OS/2 as
requested at some of those booths as well. Based on past experience, they will
be very busy the Sunday before Comdex helping exhibitors get their systems set
up. And they'll be visiting most (if not all) of the exhibitors booths during
Comdex to check to see if OS/2 'tent cards' and other visible signs of OS/2 are
being displayed.
Look for these Teamers with their coral-colored shirts with the large Team OS/2
logo on the back.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.4. Comdex Team OS/2 Party ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Hear Ye, Hear Ye: All Team OS/2 members are hereby invited to the Team OS/2
party at Fall Comdex, to be held from 7pm until everyone wearies of the good
times on Thursday, November 18 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
We have a ballroom reserved to hold 350+, so tickets (which will be required
for admittance) must be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis for those
Team OS/2 members who will be at Comdex.
To reserve tickets, please send an E-Mail message containing the name of a
member of Team OS/2 for each ticket requested to one of the following
CompuServe: 76711,1123
Internet: vicci@vnet.ibm.com
Prodigy: TVKM35A
Tickets will be distributed throughout the week in room 1LC9 (Team OS/2 HQ) at
the Las Vegas Convention Center. The location of the party will be printed on
the ticket.
There will be a silent auction for charity. We already have some excellent
prizes donated by OS/2 software vendors and IBM, but additional prizes are
currently being soliticited. Please send a note to any of the addresses above
to obtain additional details.
See you at COMDEX!
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.5. Upcoming Activities from Team OS/2 Database ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This is the list of events currently scheduled in our Team Event database
starting in November, 1993. Isn't that quite a schedule set up by the Teamers
in North Carolina? If you'd like to help out on any of these, please contact
the lead Teamer given in the list.
Location Date Event Contact
Canada, ON
Windsor 11-07-93 Fair: Ontario Computer Fair John Roesner
Amsterdam 11-06-93 Store: ZyZ Anton Versteeg
Tilburg 12-01-93 Fair: University of Tilburg Anton Versteeg
Utrecht 11-19-93 Other Demo: Hobby Computer Club Days Anton Versteeg
Camarillo 11-13-93 Store: All City Software & Computers Len Zakas
Huntington Beach 11-06-93 Store: Egghead Rollin White
Pomona 03-18-94 Fair: Los Angeles Computer Fair Richard Frank
Hartford 11-20-93 .Other: IEEE Consultants Conference Rich Chernock
Washington 01-14-94 .Other: Metropolitan Washington Mensa R Perry Farrar
Cary 11-04-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 11-11-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 12-02-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 12-09-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 12-16-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 12-30-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 01-06-94 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 01-13-94 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 01-20-94 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 01-27-94 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 11-18-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Cary 12-23-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Greensboro 11-27-93 Fair: Greensboro Hamfest Stephen Riley
Myrtle Beach 11-13-93 Fair: Myrtle Beach HAMFest & PC Fair Steve Gallagher
Raleigh 12-11-93 Fair: PC Fair III Steve Gallagher
11-09-93 Fair: PC Expo Steve Gallagher
Armonk 11-29-93 .Other: Corptax Conference Ron Garrett
Jersey Shore 11-06-93 Store: Shiva Computer Systems OS/2 Day Barry L. Kline
Vienna 01-15-94 Store: CompUSA Joe Gilvary seosamh@delphi.com
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.6. Past Events (From September, 1993) ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
We're including this list of activites in the past couple months so you can see
what has been happening recently. Since some of these events were scheduled
after we posted the last list, this gives you a more complete picture of what
Teamers were doing.
Location Date Event Contact
Canada, AB
Edmonton 10-30-93 Store Kit: Software House Arylnn Poczynek
Edmonton 10-30-93 Store: OS/2 Day at CompCanada Arylnn Poczynek
Mexico City 10-04-93 Trade Show: OS/2 in '93 (Mexico) Tere Rojas
The Netherlands
Utrecht 09-27-93 Fair: Efficiency Beurs Dirk-Jan Hamstra
10-25-93 Fair: NABEX Keri Alleyne
Sierra Vista 10-13-93 Store Kit: Huachuca Computers Kevin McCrory
Camarillo 11-01-93 .Other: OS/2 Teachers Demo Len Zakas
Costa Mesa 09-23-93 Trade Show: OS/2 2.1 Applications Day Tony Brewster
Los Alamitos 09-27-93 Store Kit: Mars Computers Ed Leckliter
Pomona 10-09-93 Fair: Computer Marketplace Show Richard Frank
Pomona 10-30-93 Fair: Computer Market Place Richard Frank
Rancho Cucamonga 09-30-93 Store Kit: Mack Computers Felix Jo (manager)
Jefferson 10-24-93 Fair: Jefferson County Fairgrounds Jim Flannery
Hartford 10-27-93 Fair: Hartford Computer & Electronics S Lisa Souza
Melbourne 09-24-93 Fair: Melbourne Computer Fair Richard Lancaster
Palm Bay 10-14-93 Store: Open House @ C&C Computer Servic Daniel Fisher
West Palm Beach 10-23-93 Fair: Hamfest in West Palm Beach Frank Hall
Champaign 09-27-93 Fair: University of Illinois @ Urbana-C Andrea Krupa
W. Lafayette 10-20-93 School/University: Purdue University Eliot Smith esmith@psych.purdue
Baton Rouge 10-16-93 School/University: Louisianna State Uni Sukalyan Saha
Baton Rouge 10-23-93 Fair: Cajun Clickers Computer Fair Keith Duke
Detroit 09-16-93 Store Kit: Micro Systems Service Nicholas Lloyd
Edina 10-01-93 Store: Vendor Days (Egghead) Markus Krumpholtz
Mancato 10-06-93 School/University: Mancato State Univer Steven Teller
Roseville 10-02-93 Store: Vendor Days (Egghead) Markus Krumpholtz
Cary 10-01-93 .Other: Radio Show Stephen Riley
Cary 10-02-93 School/University: WCU Donald Woods
Cary 10-28-93 Store: Egghead Weekly Demo Stephen Riley
Charlotte 09-09-93 School/University: UNC (A-Cone-A-Fair 1 Donald Woods
RTP 09-22-93 School/University: Duke University Victor R. Kruger
Omaha 09-04-93 Store: Software Etc. Annette Shaughnessy
Omaha 09-11-93 Store: Software Etc. Annette Shaughnessy
Omaha 09-23-93 Store Kit: Software Etc Al Brown
Omaha 09-23-93 Store Kit: Software Ect.-Westroads Mall Al Brown
Farmingdale 10-09-93 Store: A Computer Master Adolpho Candray
Cincinnati 10-02-93 Store: Egghead Kevin Royalty
Cincinnati 10-09-93 Store: Electronics Boutique Kevin Royalty
Cincinnati 10-16-93 Store: Software Etc. Kevin Royalty
Cincinnati 10-16-93 Store: Egghead Software Kevin Royalty
Cincinnati 10-30-93 Store: Micro 1,Store: Inc. Kevin Royalty
Dayton 09-11-93 Store: MicroCenter Kevin Royalty
Dayton 09-18-93 Store: Electronics Boutique Kevin Royalty
Aloha 10-30-93 Store: OS/2 Demo Day @ Software Electon Albert Gaylord albertg@beacon.rain
Carlisle 09-22-93 Fair: US Army War College Scott Marks
Knoxville 09-02-93 Store Kit: Computer Gallery,Store Kit: Arnold Sprague
Knoxville 09-07-93 Store Kit: Micros to Go Arnold Sprague milstead@utkvx.utk.
Oak Ridge 09-07-93 Store Kit: Dataworld Arnold Sprague
Austin 09-09-93 Store Kit: Computer City Jim Lewis
Dallas 10-05-93 Trade Show: Networld Floyd Langley
Denton 09-10-93 School/University: UNT Floyd Langley
Spring 09-16-93 Store Kit: Computer City Byron Miller
Salt Lake City 09-27-93 Store Kit: Bergoyne Computers Bob Angel
Salt Lake City 09-27-93 School/University: University of Utah Bob Angel
Huntington 10-08-93 Company: PC & Network Svcs Mike Erwin 72604,1350
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. Event Reports ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Event reports are selected from various reports sent in to luvos2@vnet.ibm.com
or posted on electronic conferences.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.1. Edmonton CompCanada ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This is a press release issued by CompCanada and the Canadian Teamers of CAOS/2
(Central Alberta OS/2 User Group). Although it's not officially an 'event
report', we thought you might enjoy their press release, and possibly use it as
a sample for your own events.
Press Release: OS/2 Day at CompCanada
This was released by CompCanada and TEAM OS2:
OS/2 Day at CompCanada
Demonstration of OS/2 by Team OS/2 members
Edmonton, Alberta, Oct 27, 1993 -- CompCanada, in conjunction with Team OS/2,
will host a hands-on demonstration of IBM's OS/2 2.1 operating system. The
presentation -- OS/2 Day at CompCanada -- will be held Saturday, October 30th.
CompCanada will host the event at its retail showroom, located at 170 Street
and 114 Avenue.
This all-day event will showcase OS/2 -- the exciting 32-bit operating system
from IBM. The show gives computer users the opportunity to learn more about
this power desktop operating system, from people who use OS/2 at work and at
Team OS/2 members will be on hand to demonstrate the software on a number of
personal computers, as well as answer questions from the public. Customers
will have the opportunity to test OS/2 and applications on the computers
provided, giving the users an opportunity to try OS/2 themselves. A wide
variety of applications will be running under the OS/2 operating system to
demonstrate the product's versatility and stability.
Phil Turner of IBM Canada will be on hand to demonstrate OS/2 2.1. He will have
two shows during the day to demonstrate the operating system. Phil Turner has
done numerous computer shows across Western Canada, demonstrating the power of
OS/2 to novice and experienced computer users.
Draws for copies of OS/2 will occur throughout the show, running from 9:00 A.M.
to 6:00 P.M. Saturday. CompCanada will also have show specials on many OS/2
CompCanada is Western Canada's first-ever computer superstore, with over 10,000
square feet of showroom and service facilities.
Team OS/2 is a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting OS/2. The team
is made up of private individuals who wish to promote OS/2 to the general
computing public, outside of IBM's efforts. This organization has members in
21 countries around the world and has participated in hundreds of
demonstrations over its two year history. Team OS/2 will be a part of the Fall
Comdex in Las Vegas, promoting OS/2 to manufacturers and publishers at the
largest computing exhibition in North America.
Contact: Ellery Mell
Team OS/2
Contact: Arlynn Poczynek
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.2. Newark Area Computer Club Demo ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Newark Area Computer Club Demo
by Mike DiTullio (New Jersey)
Note from the Editor: This is a report of an OS/2 demo done by 2 IBMers.
Normally, this wouldn't be considered a Team OS/2 activity, right? This is
what IBMers DO for a living. Wrong. IBM PSP User Group Relations had promised
a demo for a user group and at the last minute, discovered they had no speaker.
So, less than a week before the meeting, they put out a plea for any Teamer to
help out. IBM would pay expenses, but we needed HELP. So, when you read this,
consider that this all takes place outside of normal working hours on their own
time. Oh yes, one more thing. These two men live in New Jersey. Crazy? Nope:
they're Team OS/2!
What's the saying...'neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor hale will keep the
courier from completing his rounds.' Well, Dan Bullock and I hit all of those
conditions on our 600 mile trek to demonstrate os/2 to the Newark Area Computer
Club. (That's Newark Ohio)
We arrived Saturday afternoon with our rental car loaded with our PCs, demo
disks and handouts. Checked into the hotel and formulated our strategy for our
7:30 demo.
The group holds their meetings at the Ohio State University. We couldn't have
asked for a better room to do our demo. There were no windows so we could get
the room nice and dark so our LCD display panel would have maximum effect.
There were 27 or so people in attendance. The weather kept some of them home
and 12 of their members were in Florida (lucky them). About 4 people were
familiar with OS/2, but none were OS/2 users. Several people voiced gripes
about Windows and may now try OS/2.
Dan and I did a brief overview of OS/2s properties, "Trends and Directions" and
"Why OS/2 was better than Windows". Then we got into the fun stuff. We showed
them the multimedia stuff, cutting and pasting between os2, win, and dos apps
and the unlimited number of custom changes you can make.
During the demo we answered a lot of questions. The most difficult one to
explain was how OS/2 runs Dos and Windows applications without being Dos or
Windows, "so do I have to have Dos? I have a blank hard drive: do I have to
install Dos first?" and so on. I think we finally explained it to their
satisfaction. DOS is firmly tattooed onto people's brains.
Thanks to Gene Barlow, we had a couple of copies of OS/2 to give away along
with t-shirts, books, tutorials, demo disks and an insulated plastic OS/2 mug
that I wouldn't mind having given the constant flow of caffeine I crave.
To end on an up note, Gene talked to the group's president and was told that
they found the demo interesting and we may have swayed some users as well as
help push along those that were already thinking of trying OS/2.
Sometimes fighting the good fight just makes you feel good. Dan and I had a
good time (even though we're sick of one another after being in a car for 18
hours), and we made a good impression for IBM. You can't ask for much more.
Mike DiTullio
FSC English Creek, New Jersey
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.3. West Palm Beach Hamfest ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
West Palm Beach Hamfest
by Glen Fine (Boca Raton, Florida)
Whewww, finally got a couple of minutes free to write. It was good to hear
people talking up OS/2. This hamfest was supposed to only have 2000-3000
people but it felt like more. The OS/2 booth was swamped from the time the
doors opened until the late afternoon on Saturday, and was a little slower on
Frank Hall, Vicci Conway, Bruce Ide, Peter Kelley (IBM Oz), Larry Moore, Midge
Portney, and myself spent hour after hour talking to people, and spreading the
word. There was even a outside Teamer, Robert Weeks, from the Miami OS/2 Users
Group who showed up to give a hand. Thanks to Rick Thompson for the loan of
his Gateway 2000. Along with an old battered up clone, it gave many an
impressive demo to people who wanted to see OS/2 in action.
The Gateway was connected to a packet radio setup and was showing these hams
that indeed they could use OS/2 to improve their radio rooms.
Now we are looking for teamers for COM/BUS (Nov 7-8). Let me know if you can
volunteer the time.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9. Appendix - Questions and Answers ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Appendix (Questions and Answers)
The Appendix will contain information that will be updated in future
newsletters in the newsletters to provide valuable reference information.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.1. Appendix A: How do I contact IBM Team OS/2 Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Contact us sending an electronic note to one of the following. You should be
able to contact Team OS/2 Support via the Internet address given below from
most electronic networks. If necessary, contact us via fax or telephone, but
electronic mail is definitely preferred.
CompuServe: Vicci Conway at 76711,1123
Fidonet: Janet Gobeille at 1:109/347.3479
IBM (PROFS): Team OS/2 Support at LUVOS2 at AUSVM1
Internet: Team OS/2 Support at luvos2@vnet.ibm.com
OS/2 BBS: Vicci Conway at USIB55J9 at IBMMAIL
Fax: Send your request to Janet Gobeille, Team OS/2 Support, at
(512) 823-3252
Janet Gobeille
IBM PSP - Bldg 808
Internal Zip 2996
11400 Burnet Rd
Austin, TX 78758 USA
Telephone: Jeff Mallon, Team OS/2 Support, at (512) 823-1682
If you have problems reaching Team OS/2 Support, contact Janet Gobeille at
(512) 823-3247.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.2. Appendix B: How can I join Team OS/2? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Team OS/2 Support group keeps a database of members that we then sort and
upload to the electronic networks so that you can find each other.
For this database, please send the following information to one of the
addresses given in Appendix A:
1. Your Name
2. Mailing address (only the city, state, and country will be published)
May we release your address to vendors who wish to do mailings to Team OS/2
members? (Yes or no)
3. userids and networks
4. Optional: you can include a short (1-2 line) description to be included
with your name. Sometimes software developers like to mention which
products they've written or BBS operators include how to reach their BBS.
5. For our private records (these will NOT be published), please also include
your phone number (home/work), Fax, etc.
Also please let us know what you've been doing so that you feel you qualify for
Team OS/2.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.3. Appendix C: Where can I find Team OS/2 Members? ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The majority of people associated with Team OS/2 can be found somewhere online,
participating on a Bulletin Board. Since the fastest and easiest method of
communicating with a large group such as Team OS/2 is via electronic networks,
this is the perfect avenue to coordinate events, to report on what you or your
group are doing, or to help others who have questions or problems. We also
electronically brainstorm about new ideas.
Below are the major networks where Teamers can be found. The lead Teamer on
each network is usually a volunteer assisting in monitoring conferences and
uploading files from IBM PSP. Note: these folks are *not* IBM OS/2 technical
The following list is maintained by Vicci Conway (IBM PSP Bulletin Board
Coordinator). Please contact her with corrections and changes.
America Online: Go to the "Computing" icon, "OS/2" topic. The lead Teamer
here is Ed D'Avignon and can be found with the userid
AOL has regularly-scheduled OS/2 chats on Tuesdays at 11:30
p.m., Thursdays at 9 p.m., and Saturdays at 9:30 p.m.. All
times are Eastern Standard Time.
Compuserve: "GO OS2USER", Section 9, Team OS/2. Vicci Conway
(76711,1123) is the lead Teamer here. To join CompuServe,
call (800)-848-8199 (USA only).
Delphi: Custom Forum 41 is where the Teamers hang out on Delphi.
Steve Gallagher (S.GALLAGHER) takes the main Teamer liason
role here. To join Delphi, call (800) 695-4005 (USA only).
Fidonet: Join us on the TEAMOS2 echo conference (on the Fidonet zone
1 backbone but available internationally). Janet Gobeille
(1:109/347.3479) is active here, although there are many
IBMers who join in on this conference. And, Steve Gallagher
is the Teamer who volunteered to upload IBM announcements
to the International OS2 echo conference.
GEnie: Go to the "OS/2" roundtable. Also, Kevin Royalty is an
active Teamer here and has a Team OS/2 Nationwide
Conference on Tuesday nights from 9:30 P.M. to 11:30 P.M.
Eastern time. To join GEnie, call (800) 638-9636 (USA
Within IBM: See TEAMOS2 FORUM and TEAMOS2 CFORUM on the internal IBMPC
conference disk. Also, check TEAMUK FORUM (UK) or TEAMCDA
FORUM (Canada).
Internet: No specific conference, but you will find Teamers on most
of the OS/2-specific newsgroups. For Team OS/2 information
on the Internet, send email to luvos2@vnet.ibm.com.
OS2BBS (from IBM): Join us on the TeamOS2 CFORUM. Vicci Conway (USIB55J9 at
IBMMAIL) is the forum Administrator. To join the OS2BBS,
call (800) 547-1283 (USA only).
Prodigy: The OS/2 Club. This Club on Prodigy has files available
for downloading and messages are auto-posted. Check the
"New Files" area weekly for new uploads. The Team OS/2
support liason is Gene Gough (DWJG89A). To join Prodigy,
call (800) PRO-DIGY (USA only).
Also, there are often Team OS/2 get-togethers or meetings at trade shows and
technical conferences. If you plan to attend a conference, please check
electronically for any Team OS/2 activity that may be planned.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4. Appendix D: Team OS/2 International! ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Team OS/2 is world-wide. Although the international conferencing is done in
English, there are Teamers active in local bulletin boards and other
conferences in many languages. This section contains any country-specific
information that we can collect to assist and publicize your efforts to help
other OS/2 users.
If you know of some specific Team OS/2 or OS/2 conferences in your country,
please send me a short note with information on how to get to them. I will be
happy to post that information here in following newsletters to help others
learn where they can also join in the fun.
To this point, most of the country Team OS/2 coordinators have started up on
their own, but we are learning to work together. We are trying to determine
how we can best support Team OS/2 as the needs and requirements may be very
different in each country.
We are also working to provide both "official support" and recognition by IBM
in specific countries. As this becomes available, we'll let you know here
what you can ask for or expect from IBM. At this time, most support for major
OS/2 demos being by world-wide Teamers is being done by us in Austin, Texas.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.1. Team OS/2 OZ : Australia ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Peter Kelley is the Teamer coordinator and liason for Australia.
Although he does work for IBM, his outside Teamer activities have now led him
to work even more closely with IBM Australia marketing to support Team OS/2 OZ.
At this time, he's on temporary assignment in the US, but is active on both the
the Australian and International OS/2 and TEAMSO2 Fidonet conferences.
Note from Janet: Peter, next time *you* get to write this section, OK?
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.2. Team OS/2 Canada ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Canada has many active teamers, as well as a great BBS system.:
BBS's and Electronic Conferencing
IBM BBS Denis Tonn has been doing a great job supporting the IBM BBS OS/2
conferences within Canada (IBMNet). They are widely carried outside
of Canada by Fidonet nodes. Denis, can you send me some information
on your system so we can post it here next month? Inside IBM, the
TEAMCDA FORUM on IBMPC is where the Canadian Teamers hang out.
Within IBM: Teamers inside IBM have a Canadian-specific conference: TEAMCDA
IBM Canada Support
Oh the IBM side, France Loubier of IBM Canada is very interested in Team OS/2
and will be doing more direct support of Canadian Teamers. If you plan to set
up a public OS/2 event for Team OS/2 in Canada, contact France via Internet at
"TEAM_CND@vnet.ibm.com" for support. Within IBM, you can reach her at userid
If you cannot send email to either of those addresses, send your information
to Team OS/2 support in the US through normal channels (see Appendix A). France
is our liason with IBM Canada and is working with Janet Gobeille to set up more
formal support within Canada.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.3. Team OS/2 Germany ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
I know of no organized Team OS/2 activities or coordinators in Germany.
However, I found this message posted on the International Team OS/2 Fidonet
conference in response to a German Teamer asking for help. So, I'll put this
message in this newsletter once in the hope that a German Teamer (or several)
will offer to write this section in the future. If you would like to do both
an English and German version, fine. Just send both to me, please.
And Michael, thank you for posting this note.
Forwarded (from: TeamOS2) by Janet Gobeille using timEd.
Original was from Michael Kilby to Robin Strunz.
RS>Hi, anyone from Germany in this conference?
RS>Looking for some team stuff to do...
Apologies to those of you who don't speak German - I *tried* to send this via
FidoNet (to 2:242/520), but that node isn't listed here yet...
Also versuchen wir es auf deutsch (trotz verbotener Umlaute - ich *hasse* die
ersatz-Schreibweise, aber dafuer kann ich nichts). Bin Amerikaner, aber ich
wohnte fuer eine kurze Weile in Landau/Pfalz (und werde ueber Weihnachten in
Berlin sein, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte...) Waehrend ich da war, habe
ich Deutsch gelernt (und seitdem versuche ich, es zu behalten).
Naturgemass habe ich Interesse an einer Verbindung zwischen meinem Deutsch-
Kenntnis und meiner Arbeit mit OS/2. Noch habe ich die Antwort nicht gefunden
- gib's denn da was? Bitte Ideen zu mir bei (1:109/347) zurueck- schicken.
Ich habe auch einige Meldungen in der TEAMOS2 Conferenz (sowie in OS2 und
OS2BEGIN) von Kim Hoever (FidoNet 2:240/5012.6) gesehen. Sie hat gesagt, dass
sie mitten im Umzug ist, aber vermutlich wird sie nach einiger Tagen bzw.
wieder auftauchen.
Auf Wiederschreiben!
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.4. Team OS/2 NL: the Netherlands ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Michael Dag of IBM is our primary Team OS/2 NL contact here along with Anton
Versteeg. However, they are acting as Teamers, not as official liasons with
Team OS/2 NL usually "hangs out" on the IBM OS/2 BBS in their local TEAMOS2
To join, call the BBS at 030-334711 (access is free of charge). Leave your
name, address, email address, phone number, and OS/2 activities in a message
addressed to Michael Dag.
There is also an IBM-internal conference for Belgium, Netherlands, and
Luxembourg called TEAMBNL FORUM on IBMPC.
There is more information about Team OS/2 NL (Netherlands) earlier in this
newsletter along with a picture of Michael. Anton, don't think I'm ignoring
you. I have the picture of 4 of you from last year that will go here in the
next issue (*smile*).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.5. Team OS/2 NZ: New Zealand ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Calling all New Zealand Teamers!
We are in the process of getting more formal support for Team OS/2 NZ. IBM in
New Zealand is very interested in hearing about Team OS/2 in that country, and
in seeing how they can work with you. However, the current Team OS/2 database
shows very few New Zealand Teamers.
My email and a look through Team OS/2 conferences show that there are many
interested Teamers out there. But we need to know who you are, what you are
doing, and what you would like to do to help promote OS/2 and increase its
visibility in New Zealand. Please contact us (see Appendix A) and we will post
any progress or results here in following newsletters.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.4.6. Team OS/2 UK: UK ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
We are in the process of getting more formal support for Team OS/2 UK. As in
other countries, we are trying to identify Teamers who would like to more
actively promote OS/2 and improve the visibility of it in the UK.
If you are not on the Team OS/2 member list, please send in your information to
Team OS/2 Support (see Appendix A) and let us know who you are. And if you
have some specific suggestions of what you would like to do along with what
support you would need from IBM to accomplish it, please send them as well.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.5. Appendix E: Team OS/2 Support ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section contains information on specific activities and events where IBM
PSP is actively supporting Team OS/2. However, if you are looking for support
that doesn't fall within one of the following categories, please contact us and
discuss it with us.
At this time, major activities that are supported include:
1. Support for public OS/2 demos (including those at stores or universities)
2. Support for local OS/2 resellers
3. OS/2 posters for universities.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.5.1. Support for Public OS/2 Demos ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
If you're planning to do a demo for a group of people or for a public event,
please contact IBM Team OS/2 Support. Examples of supported demos include
public demos at universities, PC fairs, hamfests, shopping center malls, or
OS/2 days at local retailers.
We would like to know:
o Where the demo will be done (name of school, store, etc)
o Date and location of scheduled event (city, state, country)
o Number of Teamers involved in doing or supporting the demo
o Number of people expected to attend and see your demo
o If this is a public demo at a software retail store, also send the number of
store clerks expected to be working during your demo.
o Your name, shipping address, and telephone number
We would like to help with a 'Team OS/2 demo pack' with some things to support
your demo and to give away during it. Since the contents will vary according
to the event, we'll discuss what this will consist of after receiving your
(Note: this 'demo pack' is not intended for user group meetings.)
Then after your event, we would like a report on it including:
o names and addresses of all the Teamers involved in the activity
o pictures, pictures, pictures. Please take pictures of the Teamers in this
activitiy, and send them to us with your report. We would like to include
your pictures in future newsletters.
o number of people who saw your demo or tried OS/2 during that time
o How did it go? Tell us what went well, what didn't, what advice you'd have
for others doing this? Also, what suggestions do you have for our Team OS/2
support in the future.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.5.2. Team OS/2 Support for local retailers selling OS/2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
If you have a local retail store that is selling OS/2, we encourage you to
'adopt a store'. Meet the employees, answer their questions on OS/2, encourage
them to stock it, visit them on a regular basis if you can.
If you adopt a store that is carrying OS/2 but doesn't have any OS/2 marketing
'support' (such as demo disks, OS/2 posters, etc), please contact us with the
following information:
o Name and address of store
o Name of the store manager
o Does the store have a demo OS/2 system (or will they?)
We'll send you a 'Team OS/2 Store Pack' for you to give to them. This
OS/2 'Z-cards' (flyer with OS/2 information)
OS/2 demo disks
OS/2 post-its and pens for store employees
OS/2 poster
A 'monitor topper' if they are running OS/2
Catalogs from sources of OS/2 merchandise
Note: at this time we are only prepared to offer this support within the US.
However, if there are Teamers outside the US who are seriously interested in
requesting one of these packs, please EMAIL or FAX your inquiry to us as given
in Appendix A and we'll see what we can arrange.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.5.3. OS/2 Posters for University Computer Labs ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Do you work at a university or go to school? Do you have a computer lab that
is calling out for OS/2 visibility? What can you do about this?
If you would like to remedy this situation, contact Team OS/2 Support and we
will send you an OS/2 poster that you can place in your computer lab. Send us:
1. Your name and mailing address
2. The name, city, and country of the school
It will be our pleasure to send you a poster that you can place where you feel
it would be most effective. And if you find a place you feel is effective and
imaginative, please send us a photo so we can put it in this newsletter and
share you idea with others.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.6. Appendix F: Support for OS/2 demos at user groups ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The 'demo pack' is not intended for user group presentations of OS/2. To
arrange for an OS/2 demo or to support a planned OS/2 demo for a user group,
contact one of the following:
Internet: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com
Fax: Gene Barlow at 512 823-3252
Gene Barlow
IBM PSP User Group Relations
P.O. Box 201449
Austin, TX 78720-1449
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9.6.1. User Group and OS/2 SIG Registration Information ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
TO: All PC User Group Officers, all OS/2 User Group Officers and OS/2 SIG Officers:
Please help us (IBM) update our database. As we enhance our User
Group support programs and explore alternate ways of communicating,
we need to gather additional information on each user group as well
as to update any obsolete information.
Please fill out as much information as you can on your User Group or
SIG. Then return the completed information to IBM PSP User Group
Relations at one of the addresses below:
Mail: Kathy Fanning
11400 Burnet Rd.
Austin, TX 78758
Internet: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com
To send to an Internet address from
CompuServe, type the following
on the 'send to' line:
INTERNET: ibmpcug@vnet.ibm.com
THANKS for your help!
NOTE: Where the survey asks for an email address, please provide
the full userid and name of the service (ie. CompuServe, Internet,
Prodigy, MCI Mail, IBMLINK, etc.)
Club Name:
City/State/Zip Code:
Ship to Name:
City/State/Zip Code:
Information Phone:
BBS Phone:
Daytime Phone:
Daytime Phone:
Do you accept vendor advertising?
Who is your editor?
Daytime Phone:
SIG Name:
SIG Leader's Name:
Daytime Phone:
Who presented?
What is the size of your membership?
What is the largest number of attendeees you have had recently?
What is the smallest number of attendees you have had recently?
What is the average number of attendees at your meetings?
We would like to make the list of User Groups public information to
vendors, those users looking for local groups, etc.
We appreciate your help!