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Assembly Source File
823 lines
; CMCRC.ASM Public Domain by Celso Minnitti, Jr Feb-06-94
; Version: 1.0
; Compile: TASM /m2 cmcrc
; TLINK /t /3 /x cmcrc
; CMCRC.ASM is a simple program just to demonstrate how to compute the
; CRC-16 and CRC-32 using the crc16_table and crc32_table that were
; generated by CRCTABLE.
; Although I am providing the full assembly source code to compute the CRC-16
; and CRC-32 and the C source code to create the crc16_table and crc32_table,
; I belive that if you don't have any background on CRCs you won't be able to
; fully comprehend this code. If you wish to learn more about CRCs I suggest
; the following references:
; ■ "C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications", Joe Campbell SAMS
; publishing ISBN 0-672-30286-1.
; ■ Dr. Dobb's Journal #188, may 1992. There is a CRC-32 article there that
; will explain how to generate CRC-32 table and how to compute the CRC-32.
; The full C source is provided.
; If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding CMCRC
; please send me an email via internet to celsomj@world.std.com or
; call me at 617-235-4018 or write to:
; Celso Minnitti Jr
; 139 Linden St
; Wellesley, MA 02181
; I will be glad to answer all questions.
_TEXT segment dword public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT
org 100h
start: cld
call whatcpu
cmp ax,386h
jae l0 ;386 or better?
mov ax,offset makecrc16 ;
mov [amakecrc16],ax ;
mov ax,offset makecrc32 ;if cpu < 386 then use
mov [amakecrc32],ax ;16-bit functions
mov ax,offset printcrc32 ;
mov [aprintcrc32],ax ;
mov ax,offset printbytes ;
mov [aprintbytes],ax ;
l0: mov si,offset msg0 ;CMCRC Public Domain by Celso
call prints ;print string
mov si,81h ;address of DOS command line
mov di,offset ARGV
l1: lodsb
cmp al,13 ;is CR?
jz l2 ;yes, then finish
cmp al,20h ;skip spaces
je l1
stosb ;copy cmd line to ARGV
jmp l1
l2: mov byte ptr [di],0 ;put a NULL at end
cmp di,offset ARGV ;if empty then print Usage:
jnz l3 ;else continue
mov si,offset msg1 ;Usage: cmcrc <filename.ext>
jmp exit
l3: mov ah,4eh ;find first
mov cx,6 ;system and hidden files
mov dx,offset ARGV
int 21h
jnc l4 ;if CF=0 then no errors
mov si,offset msg_err0 ;File not found
jmp exit
l4: mov si,offset msg2 ;Filename Bytes CRC-32
call prints
call whatcpu ;
xor bx,bx ;
mov bl,ah ;print cpu type
shl bx,1 ;
mov si,[bx+cputype] ;
call prints ;
mov si,offset msg3
call prints
next_file: mov ax,3d00h ;open file for read
mov dx,9eh ;dos return filename.ext,0
int 21h ;at DTA+1EH (80H+1EH) = 9Eh
jnc l5
mov si,offset msg_err1 ;Unable to open file
jmp exit
l5: mov bx,ax ;get handle
mov [attr],14 ;set attribute to yellow
mov al,0
mov cx,13
mov di,9eh ;dta+1eh = filename.exe
repnz scasb ;look for a NULL
mov al,' ' ;if filename.ext if less
dec di ;than 13 characters long
rep stosb ;then append spaces
mov al,0
mov si,9eh
call prints ;print filename
mov [attr],10 ;light green
call [aprintbytes] ;print bytes
mov cl,2
call printspc ;print 2 spaces
read_ag: mov ah,3fh ;read
mov cx,512*120 ;512*120 (120 sectors)
mov dx,offset BUFFER
int 21h
jnc l6
mov si,offset msg_err2 ;Error reading file
jmp exit
l6: mov si,dx
mov cx,ax
call [amakecrc16]
call [amakecrc32]
cmp cx,512*120
je read_ag ;read next part of file
mov ah,3eh ;close file
int 21h
mov [attr],11 ;light blue
call [aprintcrc32] ;print CRC-32
mov cl,2
call printspc
mov [attr],12 ;light red
mov ax,[init_crc16]
call print6h ;print CRC-16
mov si,offset crlf ;print CR and LF
call prints
mov [init_crc16],0
mov word ptr [init_crc32],0ffffh
mov word ptr [init_crc32+2],0ffffh
mov ah,4fh ;find next
int 21h
jnc next_file ;read next file
jmp exit1 ;done
exit: call prints
exit1: mov si,offset msg_end ;restore cursor color to
call prints ;gray (color=7)
int 20h ;exit to DOS
emakecrc16: mov dx,[init_crc16]
call ecrc16
mov [init_crc16],dx
makecrc16: mov dx,[init_crc16]
call crc16
mov [init_crc16],dx
eprintcrc32: mov eax,[init_crc32]
not eax ;reverse all bits
call eprint2h ;print CRC-32
printcrc32: mov ax,word ptr [init_crc32]
mov dx,word ptr [init_crc32+2]
not ax
not dx
call print2h
emakecrc32: mov edx,[init_crc32]
call ecrc32
mov [init_crc32],edx
makecrc32: mov ax,word ptr [init_crc32]
mov dx,word ptr [init_crc32+2]
call crc32
mov word ptr [init_crc32],ax
mov word ptr [init_crc32+2],dx
eprintbytes: mov eax,dword ptr ds:[9ah]
call eprint2d
printbytes: mov ax,word ptr ds:[9ah]
mov dx,word ptr ds:[9ch]
call print2d
; ecrc16 - compute CRC-16 of a given buffer using crc16_table
; enter: DS:SI = address of buffer
; CX = length of buffer
; DX = initial CRC value
; return: DX = CRC-16
ecrc16 proc near
push cx
push si
ecrc16_loop: xor eax,eax
mov al,[si] ;faster than lodsb
inc si ;
xor al,dl
mov ax,[eax*2+crc16_table]
xor al,dh
mov dx,ax
dec cx ;faster than loop
jnz ecrc16_loop ;
pop si
pop cx
ecrc16 endp
; crc16 - compute CRC-16 of a given buffer using crc16_table
; enter: DS:SI = address of buffer
; CX = length of buffer
; DX = initial CRC value
; return: DX = CRC-16
crc16 proc near
push cx
push bx
push si
crc16_loop: xor ax,ax
mov al,[si] ;faster than lodsb
inc si ;
xor al,dl
shl ax,1
mov bx,ax
mov ax,[bx+crc16_table]
xor al,dh
mov dx,ax
dec cx ;faster than loop
jnz crc16_loop ;
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
crc16 endp
; ecrc32 - compute CRC-32 of a given buffer using crc32_table
; enter: DS:SI = address of buffer
; CX = length of buffer
; EDX = initial CRC-32 value
; return: EDX = CRC-32
ecrc32 proc near
push eax
push cx
push si
ecrc32_loop: xor eax,eax
mov al,[si] ;faster than lodsb
inc si ;
xor al,dl
mov eax,[eax*4+crc32_table]
shr edx,8
xor edx,eax
dec cx ;faster than loop
jnz ecrc32_loop ;
pop si
pop cx
pop eax
ecrc32 endp
; crc32 - compute CRC-32 of a given buffer using crc32_table
; enter: DS:SI = address of buffer
; CX = length of buffer
; DX:AX = initial CRC-32 value
; return: DX:AX = CRC-32
crc32 proc near
push cx
push bx
push si
push di
mov di,cx
crc32_loop: xor bx,bx
mov bl,[si]
inc si
xor bl,al
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
mov cx,word ptr [bx+crc32_table]
mov al,ah
mov ah,dl
xor ax,cx
mov cx,word ptr [bx+2+crc32_table]
mov dl,dh
mov dh,0
xor dx,cx
dec di
jnz crc32_loop
pop di
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
crc32 endp
; enter: EAX = # to print in hexadecimal
eprint2h proc near
push eax
push cx
push edx
push di
mov cx,8
mov edx,eax
epri21: rol edx,4
mov al,dl
and al,0fh
add al,0f0h
adc al,40h
call putchar
dec cx
jnz epri21
pop di
pop edx
pop cx
pop eax
eprint2h endp
; enter: DX:AX = # to print in hexadecimal
print2h proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ax
mov cx,4
mov si,cx
pri21: rol dx,cl
mov al,dl
and al,0fh
add al,0f0h
adc al,40h
call putchar
dec si
jnz pri21
pop dx
mov si,4
pri22: rol dx,cl
mov al,dl
and al,0fh
add al,0f0h
adc al,40h
call putchar
dec si
jnz pri22
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
print2h endp
; enter: AX = # to print in hexadecimal
print6h proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push di
pri61: mov cx,4
mov dx,ax
pri62: rol dx,4
mov al,dl
and al,0fh
add al,0f0h
adc al,40h
call putchar
dec cx
jnz pri62
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
print6h endp
; enter: EAX = # to print in decimal
eprint2d proc near
push eax
push cx
push edx
push ebx
push si
push di
xor cx,cx
mov si,offset pbuff
mov ebx,10
epri21d: xor edx,edx
div ebx
add dl,30h
mov [si],dl
inc si
inc cx
or eax,eax
jnz epri21d
epri22d: mov ah,cl
mov cl,10
sub cl,ah
push si
call printspc
pop si
mov cl,ah
epri23d: dec si
mov al,[si]
call putchar
dec cx
jnz epri23d
pop di
pop si
pop ebx
pop edx
pop cx
pop eax
eprint2d endp
; enter: DX:AX = # to print in decimal
print2d proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push si
push di
xor cx,cx
mov bx,10
mov si,offset pbuff
mov di,dx
pri21d: inc cx
xchg di,ax
xor dx,dx
div bx
xchg di,ax
div bx
add dl,30h
mov [si],dl
inc si
or di,di
jnz pri21d
pri22d: or ax,ax
jz pri23d
inc cx
xor dx,dx
div bx
add dl,30h
mov [si],dl
inc si
jmp pri22d
pri23d: mov ah,cl
mov cl,10
sub cl,ah
call printspc
mov cl,ah
pri24d: dec si
mov al,[si]
call putchar
dec cx
jnz pri24d
pop di
pop si
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
print2d endp
; enter: AL = character to send to STDOUT
putchar proc near
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
mov dl,al ;get character
cmp al,13 ;CR
je putchar1
cmp al,10 ;LF
je putchar1
mov al,' ' ;print a space
mov ah,9 ;write a character and
;attribute at cursor positon
mov cx,1 ;# of times
mov bh,0 ;page number
mov bl,[attr] ;color of attribute
int 10h
putchar1: mov ah,2 ;write a character to STDOUT
int 21h
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
putchar endp
; return: AX = 0088h for 8088 cpu
; AX = 0286h for 80286 cpu
; AX = 0386h for 80386 cpu
; AX = 0486h for 80486 cpu
whatcpu proc near
xor ax,ax
push ax
pop ax
and ax,0f000h
cmp ax,0f000h
je is_8088
or ax,0f000h
push ax
pop ax
and ax,0f000h
jz is_80286
pop eax
or eax,40000h
push eax
pop eax
and eax,40000h
jz is_80386
is_80486: mov ax,486h
jmp whatcpu_ret
is_80386: mov ax,386h
jmp whatcpu_ret
is_80286: mov ax,286h
jmp whatcpu_ret
is_8088: mov ax,88h
whatcpu_ret: popf
whatcpu endp
; enter: DS:SI = address of string
prints: lodsb ;load character
test al,al ;is a NULL
je prints_ret ;Yes, return
cmp al,1 ;change attr
jne prints1
lodsb ;next char is attr color
mov [attr],al
jmp prints
prints1: call putchar
jmp prints
prints_ret: ret
; enter: CL = # of spaces to print
printspc: mov ch,0
mov al,' '
printspc1: call putchar
loop printspc1
align 4
; These tables were created by CRCTABLE.C
crc16_table label word
dw 00000h, 0C0C1h, 0C181h, 00140h, 0C301h, 003C0h, 00280h, 0C241h
dw 0C601h, 006C0h, 00780h, 0C741h, 00500h, 0C5C1h, 0C481h, 00440h
dw 0CC01h, 00CC0h, 00D80h, 0CD41h, 00F00h, 0CFC1h, 0CE81h, 00E40h
dw 00A00h, 0CAC1h, 0CB81h, 00B40h, 0C901h, 009C0h, 00880h, 0C841h
; 20h
dw 0D801h, 018C0h, 01980h, 0D941h, 01B00h, 0DBC1h, 0DA81h, 01A40h
dw 01E00h, 0DEC1h, 0DF81h, 01F40h, 0DD01h, 01DC0h, 01C80h, 0DC41h
dw 01400h, 0D4C1h, 0D581h, 01540h, 0D701h, 017C0h, 01680h, 0D641h
dw 0D201h, 012C0h, 01380h, 0D341h, 01100h, 0D1C1h, 0D081h, 01040h
; 40h
dw 0F001h, 030C0h, 03180h, 0F141h, 03300h, 0F3C1h, 0F281h, 03240h
dw 03600h, 0F6C1h, 0F781h, 03740h, 0F501h, 035C0h, 03480h, 0F441h
dw 03C00h, 0FCC1h, 0FD81h, 03D40h, 0FF01h, 03FC0h, 03E80h, 0FE41h
dw 0FA01h, 03AC0h, 03B80h, 0FB41h, 03900h, 0F9C1h, 0F881h, 03840h
; 60h
dw 02800h, 0E8C1h, 0E981h, 02940h, 0EB01h, 02BC0h, 02A80h, 0EA41h
dw 0EE01h, 02EC0h, 02F80h, 0EF41h, 02D00h, 0EDC1h, 0EC81h, 02C40h
dw 0E401h, 024C0h, 02580h, 0E541h, 02700h, 0E7C1h, 0E681h, 02640h
dw 02200h, 0E2C1h, 0E381h, 02340h, 0E101h, 021C0h, 02080h, 0E041h
; 80h
dw 0A001h, 060C0h, 06180h, 0A141h, 06300h, 0A3C1h, 0A281h, 06240h
dw 06600h, 0A6C1h, 0A781h, 06740h, 0A501h, 065C0h, 06480h, 0A441h
dw 06C00h, 0ACC1h, 0AD81h, 06D40h, 0AF01h, 06FC0h, 06E80h, 0AE41h
dw 0AA01h, 06AC0h, 06B80h, 0AB41h, 06900h, 0A9C1h, 0A881h, 06840h
; A0h
dw 07800h, 0B8C1h, 0B981h, 07940h, 0BB01h, 07BC0h, 07A80h, 0BA41h
dw 0BE01h, 07EC0h, 07F80h, 0BF41h, 07D00h, 0BDC1h, 0BC81h, 07C40h
dw 0B401h, 074C0h, 07580h, 0B541h, 07700h, 0B7C1h, 0B681h, 07640h
dw 07200h, 0B2C1h, 0B381h, 07340h, 0B101h, 071C0h, 07080h, 0B041h
; C0h
dw 05000h, 090C1h, 09181h, 05140h, 09301h, 053C0h, 05280h, 09241h
dw 09601h, 056C0h, 05780h, 09741h, 05500h, 095C1h, 09481h, 05440h
dw 09C01h, 05CC0h, 05D80h, 09D41h, 05F00h, 09FC1h, 09E81h, 05E40h
dw 05A00h, 09AC1h, 09B81h, 05B40h, 09901h, 059C0h, 05880h, 09841h
; E0h
dw 08801h, 048C0h, 04980h, 08941h, 04B00h, 08BC1h, 08A81h, 04A40h
dw 04E00h, 08EC1h, 08F81h, 04F40h, 08D01h, 04DC0h, 04C80h, 08C41h
dw 04400h, 084C1h, 08581h, 04540h, 08701h, 047C0h, 04680h, 08641h
dw 08201h, 042C0h, 04380h, 08341h, 04100h, 081C1h, 08081h, 04040h
crc32_table label dword
dd 000000000h, 077073096h, 0EE0E612Ch, 0990951BAh
dd 0076DC419h, 0706AF48Fh, 0E963A535h, 09E6495A3h
dd 00EDB8832h, 079DCB8A4h, 0E0D5E91Eh, 097D2D988h
dd 009B64C2Bh, 07EB17CBDh, 0E7B82D07h, 090BF1D91h
; 10h
dd 01DB71064h, 06AB020F2h, 0F3B97148h, 084BE41DEh
dd 01ADAD47Dh, 06DDDE4EBh, 0F4D4B551h, 083D385C7h
dd 0136C9856h, 0646BA8C0h, 0FD62F97Ah, 08A65C9ECh
dd 014015C4Fh, 063066CD9h, 0FA0F3D63h, 08D080DF5h
; 20h
dd 03B6E20C8h, 04C69105Eh, 0D56041E4h, 0A2677172h
dd 03C03E4D1h, 04B04D447h, 0D20D85FDh, 0A50AB56Bh
dd 035B5A8FAh, 042B2986Ch, 0DBBBC9D6h, 0ACBCF940h
dd 032D86CE3h, 045DF5C75h, 0DCD60DCFh, 0ABD13D59h
; 30h
dd 026D930ACh, 051DE003Ah, 0C8D75180h, 0BFD06116h
dd 021B4F4B5h, 056B3C423h, 0CFBA9599h, 0B8BDA50Fh
dd 02802B89Eh, 05F058808h, 0C60CD9B2h, 0B10BE924h
dd 02F6F7C87h, 058684C11h, 0C1611DABh, 0B6662D3Dh
; 40h
dd 076DC4190h, 001DB7106h, 098D220BCh, 0EFD5102Ah
dd 071B18589h, 006B6B51Fh, 09FBFE4A5h, 0E8B8D433h
dd 07807C9A2h, 00F00F934h, 09609A88Eh, 0E10E9818h
dd 07F6A0DBBh, 0086D3D2Dh, 091646C97h, 0E6635C01h
; 50h
dd 06B6B51F4h, 01C6C6162h, 0856530D8h, 0F262004Eh
dd 06C0695EDh, 01B01A57Bh, 08208F4C1h, 0F50FC457h
dd 065B0D9C6h, 012B7E950h, 08BBEB8EAh, 0FCB9887Ch
dd 062DD1DDFh, 015DA2D49h, 08CD37CF3h, 0FBD44C65h
; 60h
dd 04DB26158h, 03AB551CEh, 0A3BC0074h, 0D4BB30E2h
dd 04ADFA541h, 03DD895D7h, 0A4D1C46Dh, 0D3D6F4FBh
dd 04369E96Ah, 0346ED9FCh, 0AD678846h, 0DA60B8D0h
dd 044042D73h, 033031DE5h, 0AA0A4C5Fh, 0DD0D7CC9h
; 70h
dd 05005713Ch, 0270241AAh, 0BE0B1010h, 0C90C2086h
dd 05768B525h, 0206F85B3h, 0B966D409h, 0CE61E49Fh
dd 05EDEF90Eh, 029D9C998h, 0B0D09822h, 0C7D7A8B4h
dd 059B33D17h, 02EB40D81h, 0B7BD5C3Bh, 0C0BA6CADh
; 80h
dd 0EDB88320h, 09ABFB3B6h, 003B6E20Ch, 074B1D29Ah
dd 0EAD54739h, 09DD277AFh, 004DB2615h, 073DC1683h
dd 0E3630B12h, 094643B84h, 00D6D6A3Eh, 07A6A5AA8h
dd 0E40ECF0Bh, 09309FF9Dh, 00A00AE27h, 07D079EB1h
; 90h
dd 0F00F9344h, 08708A3D2h, 01E01F268h, 06906C2FEh
dd 0F762575Dh, 0806567CBh, 0196C3671h, 06E6B06E7h
dd 0FED41B76h, 089D32BE0h, 010DA7A5Ah, 067DD4ACCh
dd 0F9B9DF6Fh, 08EBEEFF9h, 017B7BE43h, 060B08ED5h
; A0h
dd 0D6D6A3E8h, 0A1D1937Eh, 038D8C2C4h, 04FDFF252h
dd 0D1BB67F1h, 0A6BC5767h, 03FB506DDh, 048B2364Bh
dd 0D80D2BDAh, 0AF0A1B4Ch, 036034AF6h, 041047A60h
dd 0DF60EFC3h, 0A867DF55h, 0316E8EEFh, 04669BE79h
; B0h
dd 0CB61B38Ch, 0BC66831Ah, 0256FD2A0h, 05268E236h
dd 0CC0C7795h, 0BB0B4703h, 0220216B9h, 05505262Fh
dd 0C5BA3BBEh, 0B2BD0B28h, 02BB45A92h, 05CB36A04h
dd 0C2D7FFA7h, 0B5D0CF31h, 02CD99E8Bh, 05BDEAE1Dh
; C0h
dd 09B64C2B0h, 0EC63F226h, 0756AA39Ch, 0026D930Ah
dd 09C0906A9h, 0EB0E363Fh, 072076785h, 005005713h
dd 095BF4A82h, 0E2B87A14h, 07BB12BAEh, 00CB61B38h
dd 092D28E9Bh, 0E5D5BE0Dh, 07CDCEFB7h, 00BDBDF21h
; D0h
dd 086D3D2D4h, 0F1D4E242h, 068DDB3F8h, 01FDA836Eh
dd 081BE16CDh, 0F6B9265Bh, 06FB077E1h, 018B74777h
dd 088085AE6h, 0FF0F6A70h, 066063BCAh, 011010B5Ch
dd 08F659EFFh, 0F862AE69h, 0616BFFD3h, 0166CCF45h
; E0h
dd 0A00AE278h, 0D70DD2EEh, 04E048354h, 03903B3C2h
dd 0A7672661h, 0D06016F7h, 04969474Dh, 03E6E77DBh
dd 0AED16A4Ah, 0D9D65ADCh, 040DF0B66h, 037D83BF0h
dd 0A9BCAE53h, 0DEBB9EC5h, 047B2CF7Fh, 030B5FFE9h
; F0h
dd 0BDBDF21Ch, 0CABAC28Ah, 053B39330h, 024B4A3A6h
dd 0BAD03605h, 0CDD70693h, 054DE5729h, 023D967BFh
dd 0B3667A2Eh, 0C4614AB8h, 05D681B02h, 02A6F2B94h
dd 0B40BBE37h, 0C30C8EA1h, 05A05DF1Bh, 02D02EF8Dh
msg0 db 1,15,'CMCRC 1.0 Public Domain by Celso'
db ' Minnitti, Jr Feb-06-1994',13,10,0
msg1 db 13,10,'Usage: CMCRC <filename.ext> (* and ? are OK)'
db 13,10,0
msg2 db 1,14,'Filename ',1,10,'Bytes '
db 1,11,'CRC-32 ',1,12,'CRC-16 ',1,13,'(CPU ',0
msg3 db 13,10,1,14,'───────────── ',1,10,'─────── '
db 1,11,'──────── '
db 1,12,'──────',13,10,0
msg_end db 1,7,32,0
msg_err0 db 'File not found',13,10,0
msg_err1 db 'Unable to open file',13,10,0
msg_err2 db 'Error reading file',13,10,0
cpu8088 db '8088)',0
cpu80286 db '80286)',0
cpu80386 db '80386)',0
cpu80486 db '80486)',0
crlf db 13,10,0
attr db 15
init_crc16 dw 0
init_crc32 dd -1
amakecrc16 dw offset emakecrc16
amakecrc32 dw offset emakecrc32
aprintcrc32 dw offset eprintcrc32
aprintbytes dw offset eprintbytes
cputype dw offset cpu8088
dw offset cpu8088
dw offset cpu80286
dw offset cpu80386
dw offset cpu80486
ARGV equ $
PBUFF equ $+20
BUFFER equ $+30
_TEXT ends
end start