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Assembly Source File
180 lines
; Author: Terry Carmen
; Released to the Public Domain 3/11/1993
; Program Name: name2hdl.asm
; $Revision: 1.1 $
; $Date: 11 Mar 1993 13:47:20 $
; Revision History:
; $Log: E:/logfiles/shoptrak/name2hdl.asv $
; Rev 1.1 11 Mar 1993 13:47:20
; Improved comments and released to PD
; Rev 1.0 12 Dec 1992 2:18:06
; Initial Revision
;Clipper callable function to return the handle when given the filename.
; This function uses no Clipper internals and gets the handle information
; from DOSs Job File Table
; Note that it is unaware of paths, and you will confuse it if you have
; the same filename open in multiple directories at the same time.
; This shouldn't be a big problem
; usage: cName:="CUST DBF"
; nHandle:=name2hdl(cName)
; note that the name ;must; be exactly 11 characters wide, and contain
; no punctuation, and have the filename flush left and the
; extention flush right.
; assemble with TASM /mx /w2 name2hdl
public name2hdl
extrn __parc:far
extrn __parinfo:far
extrn __parclen:far
extrn __retni:far
extrn __ret:far
assume cs:_prog, ds:nothing, es:nothing
dgroup group datasg
datasg segment public para 'DATA'
namebuff db 11 dup (' ')
datasg ends
_prog segment 'CODE'
name2hdl proc far
push bp
mov bp,sp
push ds
push es
push si
push di
mov ax, 0
push ax
call __parinfo ; how many params?
add sp,2
cmp al,1 ; should be 1
jne @@bad_exit ; if not, we're out of here..
mov ax, 1 ; check the type
push ax
call __parinfo
add sp,2
and ax,1 ; is it a string?
cmp ax, 1
jne @@bad_exit ; if not, we're out of here..
mov ax, 1
push ax
call __parclen ; how big is the string?
add sp,2
cmp ax, 11
jne @@bad_exit
mov ax, 1
push ax
call __parc ; where is the string?
add sp,2 ; address in DX:AX
mov ds, dx ; point ds:si to Clipper's string
mov si, ax
mov ax, seg datasg ; point es: to our buffer
mov es, ax
mov al, ' '
mov cx, 11
mov di, offset namebuff
rep stosb ; al -> es:di clear our buffer
mov cx, 11
mov di, offset namebuff
rep movsb ; ds:si -> es:di copy string to our buffer
mov bx,0 ; start with handle 1
inc bx
push bx
mov ah,12h ; get JFT number
mov al,20h ; ES:DI will point to JFT
int 2Fh ; byte pointed at has SFT number
jc @@bad_exit
xor bh,bh ; BX must contain SFT
mov bl, byte ptr es:[di] ; for this call
mov ah,12h ; get SFT table for this file
mov al,16h ; return address of SFT in ES:DI
int 2fh
add di,20h ; point es:[di] to file name in SFT
mov ax, seg namebuff ; point ds:si to our buffer
mov ds, ax
mov si, offset namebuff
mov cx, 11
mov cx, 11 ; 11 byte filename
rep cmpsb ; compare ds:si -> es:di
je @@good_exit
pop bx ; because we pushed it at the top
; of the loop
jmp short @@next_handle
pop bx ; because we pushed it at the top of the loop
call __ret ; return NIL
jmp short @@pop_regs
@@good_exit: ; we already pushed BX in the
; top of the loop
mov ax, seg dgroup ; point ds to Clipper's dataseg
mov ds, ax ; so it doesn't get all confused
call __retni ; send the data back to Clipper
add sp,2 ; fix the stack
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop bp
name2hdl endp
;****************end of source code***********************