What is the time constant of a circuit having a 470-microfarad
capacitor and a 1-megohm resistor in parallel?
A. 0.47 seconds
B. 47 seconds
C. 220 seconds
D. 470 seconds
202E-2B11A 5-7 τ = RC
What is the time constant of a circuit having a 470-microfarad
capacitor in series with a 470-kilohm resistor?
A. 221 seconds
B. 221000 seconds
C. 470 seconds
D. 470000 seconds
203E-2B12A 5-7 τ = RC, τ = 470E3*220E-6
What is the time constant of a circuit having a 220-microfarad
capacitor in series with a 470-kilohm resistor?
A. 103 seconds
B. 220 seconds
C. 470 seconds
D. 470000 seconds
204E-2B13B 5-7 Find what percent 7.36 is of 20 (36.8%)|V1τ = 36.8%, V2τ = 13.5%, V3τ = 5%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 1*τ, τ = RC, τ = 2E6*.01E-6
How long does it take for an initial charge of 20 V dc to
decrease to 7.36 V dc in a 0.01-microfarad capacitor when
a 2-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 12.64 seconds
B. 0.02 seconds
C. 1 second
D. 7.98 seconds
205E-2B14A 5-7 Find what percent 2.71 is of 20 (13.5%)|V1τ = 36.8%, V2τ = 13.5%, V3τ = 5%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 2*τ, τ = 2E6*.01E-6, 2*τ = 2*.02
How long does it take for an initial charge of 20 V dc to
decrease to 2.71 V dc in a 0.01-microfarad capacitor when
a 2-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 0.04 seconds
B. 0.02 seconds
C. 7.36 seconds
D. 12.64 seconds
206E-2B15D 5-7 Find what percent 1 is of 20 (5%)|V1τ = 36.8%, V2τ = 13.5%, V3τ = 5%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 3*τ, τ = RC, τ = .02, 3*τ = 3*.02
How long does it take for an initial charge of 20 V dc to
decrease to 1 V dc in a 0.01-microfarad capacitor when a
2-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 0.01 seconds
B. 0.02 seconds
C. 0.04 seconds
D. 0.06 seconds
207E-2B16A 5-7 Find what percent .37 is of 20 (1.8%)|V3τ = 5%, V4τ = 1.8%, V5τ = .7%, (V=e-n)|Find τ, τ = RC Time will be 4*τ
How long does it take for an initial charge of 20 V dc to
decrease to 0.37 V dc in a 0.01-microfarad capacitor when
a 2-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 0.08 seconds
B. 0.6 seconds
C. 0.4 seconds
D. 0.2 seconds
208E-2B17C 5-7 Find what percent .13 is of 20 (.7%)|V3τ = 5%, V4τ = 1.8%, V5τ = .7%, (V=e-n)|Find τ, τ = RC Time will be 5*τ
How long does it take for an initial charge of 20 V dc to
decrease to 0.13 V dc in a 0.01-microfarad capacitor when
a 2-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 0.06 seconds
B. 0.08 seconds
C. 0.1 seconds
D. 1.2 seconds
209E-2B18D 5-7 Find what percent 294 is of 800 (36.8%)|V1τ = 36.8%, V2τ = 13.5%, V3τ = 5%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 1*τ, τ = RC, τ = 1E6*450E-6
How long does it take for an initial charge of 800 V dc to
decrease to 294 V dc in a 450-microfarad capacitor when a
1-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 80 seconds
B. 294 seconds
C. 368 seconds
D. 450 seconds
210E-2B19D 5-7 Find what percent 108 is of 800 (13.5%)|V1τ = 36.8%, V2τ = 13.5%, V3τ = 5%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 2*τ, τ = 450, 2*τ = 2*450
How long does it take for an initial charge of 800 V dc to
decrease to 108 V dc in a 450-microfarad capacitor when a
1-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 225 seconds
B. 294 seconds
C. 450 seconds
D. 900 seconds
211E-2B20A 5-7 Find what percent 39.9 is of 800 (5%)|V3τ = 5%, V4τ = 1.8%, V5τ = .7%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 3*τ, τ = 450, 3*τ = 3*450
How long does it take for an initial charge of 800 V dc to
decrease to 39.9 V dc in a 450-microfarad capacitor when a
1-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. 1350 seconds
B. 900 seconds
C. 450 seconds
D. 225 seconds
212E-2B21D 5-7 Find what percent 40.2 is of 800 (5%)|V3τ = 5%, V4τ = 1.8%, V5τ = .7%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 3*τ, τ = 450, 3*τ = 3*450
How long does it take for an initial charge of 800 V dc to
decrease to 40.2 V dc in a 450-microfarad capacitor when a
1-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. Approximately 225 seconds
B. Approximately 450 seconds
C. Approximately 900 seconds
D. Approximately 1350 seconds
213E-2B22C 5-7 Find what percent 14.8 is of 800 (1.8%)|V3τ = 5%, V4τ = 1.8%, V5τ = .7%, (V=e-n)|Time will be 4*τ, τ = 450, 4*τ = 4*450
How long does it take for an initial charge of 800 V dc to
decrease to 14.8 V dc in a 450-microfarad capacitor when a
1-megohm resistor is connected across it?
A. Approximately 900 seconds
B. Approximately 1350 seconds
C. Approximately 1804 seconds
D. Approximately 2000 seconds
214E-3.1 A 5-13 Graph for calculating impedances
What is a Smith Chart?
A. A graph for calculating impedance along transmission lines
B. A graph for calculating great circle bearings
C. A graph for calculating antenna height
D. A graph for calculating radiation patterns
215E-3.2 B 5-13 Resistance and reactance circles
What type of coordinate system is used in a Smith Chart?
A. Voltage and current circles
B. Resistance and reactance circles
C. Voltage and current lines
D. Resistance and reactance lines
216E-3.3 C 5-13 Impedance and SWR values|in transmission lines
What type of calculations can be preformed using a
Smith Chart?
A. Beam headings and radiation patterns
B. Satellite azimuth and elevation angles
C. Impedance and SWR values in transmission lines
D. Circuit gain calculations
217E-3.4 C 5-13 Resistance and and reactance
What are the two family of circles that make up a Smith
A. Resistance and voltage
B. Reactance and voltage
C. Resistance and reactance
D. Voltage and impedance
218E-3.5 B 5-14 Resistance axis
What is the only straight line on a blank Smith Chart?
A. The reactance axis
B. The resistance axis
C. The voltage axis
D. The current axis
219E-3.6 C 5-14 Resistance values|To the prime center
What is the process of normalizing with regard to a Smith
A. Reassigning resistance values with regard to the
reactance axis
B. Reassigning reactance values with regard to the
resistance axis
C. Reassigning resistance values with regard to the prime
D. Reassigning prime center with regard to the reactance
220E-3.7 D 5-14 Reactance circles
What are the curved lines on a Smith Chart?
A. Portions of current circles
B. Portions of voltage circles
C. Portions of resistance circles
D. Portions of reactance circles
221E-3.8 C 5-16 SWR
What is the third family of circles, which are added to a
Smith Chart during the process of solving problems?
A. Coaxial length circles
B. Antenna length circles
C. Standing wave ratio circles
D. Radiation pattern circles
222E-3.9 B 5-17 Transmission line electrical wavelength
How are the wavelength scales on a Smith Chart calibrated?
A. In portions of transmission line electrical frequency
B. In portions of transmission line electrical wavelength
C. In portions of antenna electrical wavelength
D. In portions of antenna electrical frequency
223E-4.1 A 5-22 Resistances do not change with frequency|Inductors in series are always + j |First number is the resistance, 20 + j19
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 0.1-microhenry
inductor in series with a 20-ohm resistor, at 30 MHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 20 + j19
B. 20 - j19
C. 19 + j20
D. 19 - j20
224E-4.2 B 5-22 Inductors in series are always + j |2nd number with the j is the reactance|Reactance waries with frequency
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 0.1-microhenry
inductor in series with a 30-ohm resistor, at 5 MHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 30 - j3
B. 30 + j3
C. 3 + j30
D. 3 - j30
225E-4.3 A 5-22 Resistances do not change with frequency|Inductors in series are always + j |First number is the resistance, 40 + j
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 10-microhenry
inductor in series with a 40-ohm resistor, at 500 MHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 40 + j31400
B. 40 - j31400
C. 31400 + j40
D. 31400 - j40
226E-4.4 D 5-24 The impedance of a single reactance and a |resistor in parallel is less than the resistor|The angle will be negative for an parallel RC
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-picofarad
capacitor in parallel with a 4000-ohm resistor at 500 kHz?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 2490 ohms, @ 51.5 degrees
B. 4000 ohms, @ 38.5 degrees
C. 5112 ohms, @ -38.5 degrees
D. 2490 ohms, @ -51.5 degrees
227E-4.5 A 5-22 Xc = 1/(2*π*f*C), Xc =1/(6.28*500E3*.001E-6)|Don't forget the - j for a capacitor|Z = R + jXl - jXc, Z = 400 - jXc
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 0.001-microfarad
capacitor in series with a 400-ohm resistor, at 500 kHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 400 - j318
B. 318 - j400
C. 400 + j318
D. 318 + j400
228E-5.1 B 5-24 Try this one on your calculator. The angle|equals the arc-tangent (reactance/resistance)|In a RL circuit when R = Xl, the angle is 45°
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-ohm
reactance inductor in series with a 100-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 121 ohms, @ 35 degrees
B. 141 ohms, @ 45 degrees
C. 161 ohms, @ 55 degrees
D. 181 ohms, @ 65 degrees
229E-5.2 C 5-24 Series reactances are added like resistors|Series: Inductors + j, Capacitors - j |Z = 100 + j100 - j100, ATN(0/100) = 0°
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-ohm reactance
inductor, a 100-ohm reactance capacitor, and a 100-ohm resistor, all
connected in series? (Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 100 ohms, @ 90 degrees
B. 10 ohms, @ 0 degrees
C. 100 ohms, @ 0 degrees
D. 10 ohms, @ 100 degrees
230E-5.3 D 5-24 Series capacitors are - j, ie. neg. angle|Angle = ATN(-400/300) = -53.1°, (Shift F6)|This is the 345 triangle, 3*3 + 4*4 = 5*5
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 400-ohm
reactance capacitor in series with a 300-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 240 ohms, @ 36.9 degrees
B. 240 ohms, @ -36.9 degrees
C. 500 ohms, @ 53.1 degrees
D. 500 ohms, @ -53.1 degrees
231E-5.4 A 5-24 Find the net reactance, 600 - 300 = +300|345 triangle, 300*300 + 400*400 = 500*500|Angle = arc-tangent (reactance/resistance)
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 300-ohm
reactance capacitor, a 600-ohm reactance inductor, and a
400-ohm resistor, all connected in series? (Specify your
answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 500 ohms, @ 37 degrees
B. 400 ohms, @ 27 degrees
C. 300 ohms, @ 17 degrees
D. 200 ohms, @ 10 degrees
232E-5.5 A 5-24 In a two element parallel circuit the net |impedance has to be lower than the resistance|The angle will be positive for an parallel RL
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 400-ohm
reactance inductor in parallel with a 300-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 240 ohms, @ 36.9 degrees
B. 240 ohms, @ -36.9 degrees
C. 500 ohms, @ 53.1 degrees
D. 500 ohms, @ -53.1 degrees
233E-6A1 B 5-22 Resistances do not change with frequency|Xl = 2π*f*L (6.28*30E3*1E-3=188) on Calc|Inductors in series are always + j
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 1.0-millihenry
inductor in series with a 200-ohm resistor, at 30 kHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 200 - j188
B. 200 + j188
C. 188 + j200
D. 188 - j200
234E-6A2 C 5-22 Resistances do not change with frequency|The first number is the resistance|Inductors in series are always + j
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 10-millihenry
inductor in series with a 600-ohm resistor, at 10 kHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 628 + j600
B. 628 - j600
C. 600 + j628
D. 600 - j628
235E-6A3 D 5-24 Xc = 1/(2*π*f*C) = 318, -Θ/-j, Z=Product/Sum|Z=-j95400/(300-j318), Z=95400@-90°/437@-46.7°|Z=218@(-90°+46.7°)=218@-43.3°, Z = 159 - j150
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 0.01-microfarad
capacitor in parallel with a 300-ohm resistor, at 50 kHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 150 - j159
B. 150 + j159
C. 159 + j150
D. 159 - j150
236E-6A4 B 5-22 Resistances do not change with frequency|Capacitors in series are always - j |First number is the resistance, 40 - j32
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 0.1-microfarad
capacitor in series with a 40-ohm resistor, at 50 kHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 40 + j32
B. 40 - j32
C. 32 - j40
D. 32 + j40
237E-6A5 C 5-24 General Directions 1st Find Xc (- j for C)|2nd Z=Product/Sum 3rd R to P (-.0318 in Y)|4th Divide 5th P to R (-89.94 in Y)
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 1.0-microfarad
capacitor in parallel with a 30-ohm resistor, at 5 MHz? (Specify
your answer in rectangular coordinates.)
A. 0.000034 + j.032
B. 0.032 + j.000034
C. 0.000034 - j.032
D. 0.032 - j.000034
238E-6B1 B 5-22 Z = 100 -j100, Try R to P (-100 in Y)|In a RL or RC circuit, when R = X then|the angle is always +/- 45°
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-ohm
reactance capacitor in series with a 100-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 121 ohms, @ -25 degrees
B. 141 ohms, @ -45 degrees
C. 161 ohms, @ -65 degrees
D. 191 ohms, @ -85 degrees
239E-6B2 C 5-24 In a RL or RC circuit, when R = X|then the angle is always +/- 45°.|Also, if parallel then │Z│ = R/√2
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-ohm
reactance capacitor in parallel with a 100-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 31 ohms, @ -15 degrees
B. 51 ohms, @ -25 degrees
C. 71 ohms, @ -45 degrees
D. 91 ohms, @ -65 degrees
240E-6B3 B 5-24 This problem doesn't require a calculator. It|is the 345 triangle, Z = 400 +j300, │Z│ = 500|The angle can be found with Θ = ATN(300/400)
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 300-ohm
reactance inductor in series with a 400-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 400 ohms, @ 27 degrees
B. 500 ohms, @ 37 degrees
C. 600 ohms, @ 47 degrees
D. 700 ohms, @ 57 degrees
241E-6B4 A 5-24 This problem doesn't require a calculator|In a RL or RC circuit, when R = X, then|the angle is always +/- 45°
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 100-ohm
reactance inductor in parallel with a 100-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 71 ohms, @ 45 degrees
B. 81 ohms, @ 55 degrees
C. 91 ohms, @ 65 degrees
D. 100 ohms, @ 75 degrees
242E-6B5 D 5-24 This problem doesn't require a calculator|It is the 345 triangle, Z = 400 -j300|│Z│ = 500, Angle = arc-tangent(-300/400)
What is the impedance of a network comprised of a 300-ohm
reactance capacitor in series with a 400-ohm resistor?
(Specify your answer in polar coordinates.)
A. 200 ohms, @ -10 degrees
B. 300 ohms, @ -17 degrees
C. 400 ohms, @ -27 degrees
D. 500 ohms, @ -37 degrees
243F-1A1 D 6-3 Zero gate voltage, no drain current|Enhance means to augment, increasing|gate voltage, more current
What is an enhancement-mode FET?
A. An FET with a channel that blocks voltage through the
B. An FET with a channel that allows a current when the
gate voltage is zero
C. An FET without a channel to hinder current through the
D. An FET without a channel; no current occurs with zero
gate voltage
244F-1B1 A 6-3 An FET that has drain current with no gate|voltage. Deplete means to diminish,|increasing gate voltage, less current
What is an depletion-mode FET?
A. An FET that has a channel with no gate voltage applied;
a current flows with zero gate voltage
B. An FET that has a channel that blocks current when the
gate voltage is zero
C. An FET without a channel; no current occurs with zero
gate voltage
D. An FET without a channel to hinder current through the