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- The Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an ideal tool for
- reporting weather conditions via packet. The system is compatible with both
- human entry as well as automatic weather station entry of weather conditions.
- As of version 2.07 there is an optional ($9) automatic serial interface in
- APRS to connect to the data output of the ULTIMETER-II home weather station.
- With this connection, your wind conditions, temperature and optionally rain
- information are all automatically inserted into your position/weather report
- packet. In the APRS system, current conditions at any station are broadcast
- to all stations on the net in a periodic fashion. Not only are these
- individual conditions available to all stations on the net, but also
- importantly, the location of these conditions are also displayed. There are
- several capabilities of APRS that are directly applicable to the SKYWARN:
- MAP DISPLAY - Shows the location of all reporting stations, their wind
- speed and direction. Can also show the location of other objects, such
- as reports of TStorms, Hail, Tornados, etc
- WEATHER ONLY - Using the normal J command, Just weather stations can be
- displayed on the map to eliminate the clutter of other packet stations.
- As of Ver 2.08 there is a Weather (alt-W) command which will cycle through
- each APRS weather station in turn and display the weather conditions for
- each one in a box on top of the screen. The location of the displayed
- station is highlighted with a blue circle. Whenever a new report comes
- in from the selected station, the weather window is automatically updated.
- REPORT BROADCASTS - The individual station weather conditions can be manually
- placed in the Beacon Broadcast from each station or automatically using
- the APRS WX option ($9) and ULTIMETER-II serial interface. These reports
- are typically broadcast evrey 10 minutes. The report is also available
- at anytime if an APRS user sends the WX station an APRS Query.
- STORM/HURRICANE TRACKING - Any station may place a storm or other object on
- his map, and the same symbol will be transmitted to all other stations
- in the net. This is ideal for transmitting the location of a storm or
- Hurricane. If the course and speed of advance of the storm is included
- in the position report, then the object will automatically be dead-
- reckoned on all screens until the next update. Any station can update
- the location of the storm as information becomes available. The updating
- station will automatically overwrite all posits in the net and will
- become the new reporting station for the object. This prevents duplicate
- reporting and eliminates dependency on reporting stations that might
- disappear and not update an object that they originated.
- OPERATOR MESSAGES - The Point-to-point message capability can be used
- for operator to operator messages and alerts.
- COMMENTS - Transmitted along with each position report, there is a
- short comment field which can be used to report weather conditions,
- station status, intentions or other broadcast type information.
- VEHICLE TRACKING - APRS can track the movements of any mobile with a GPS or
- LORAN receiver properly interfaced to a packet TNC.
- SKYWARN APPLICATION: The map display has the capability of presenting both
- a station's position and his course and speed. APRS recognizes a special
- weather report indicator (_) so that all Wx reporting stations are highlighted
- in blue and the software recognizes that their course and speed indicators are
- for wind reporting and not for station course and speed. Note that APRS does
- not recognize 000 as North, but instead recognizes 360. A value of 000 is
- assumed to mean ther is no wind direction available. To date, I have not
- standardized on the comment field, other than for the automatic ULTIMETER-II
- interface. This leaves the whole field open for a variety of Weather
- reporting needs in free-format so that weather reports can be tailored to the
- conditions at any time. CAUTION: Since a manually entered WX report should
- retain the time that it was valid, but APRS updates the time of each stations
- position report when transmitted, I have added a routine to look for the word
- (manual) at the end of a weather report. If these characters and the brackets
- are found in the POSIT comment field, then the DATE-TIME fields will NOT be
- updated, so other stations know when the noted conditions were valid.
- In addition to the brief weather report, the station
- Beacon Text is also available for broadcasting additional amplifying info.
- Any station running APRS simply calls up the LATEST display and sees the
- current conditions from all stations on one screen. Similarly, he calls up
- the map display and sees the location of all stations and all specially
- reported conditions. Any authorized station can insert the location of any
- special object on the map. The location of that reported object or condition
- is displayed on all screens in the network. Even non-packet voice stations
- making a weather report can be placed on the map (like an object) by another
- APRS packet operator. His station will appear similar to any other APRS
- weather station, except that his report will include a marker indicating that
- he was manually placed on the map by another operator. We use APRS every
- weekend for reporting the Chesepeake Weather and Traffic net. Load the
- SKYWARN.BK file to see the APRS network during one of these nets.
- DEMONSTRATION: To get an idea of how APRS works in a SKYWARN or other weather
- reporting environment, load the backup file SKYWARN.BK using the ctrl-L
- command. The stations would normally be bright blue, but all stations fade
- to gray if they have not been heard from in over 2 hours. Use the P command
- to pull up the position/weather reports and notice the format for the station
- W3ADO. That station is reporting the wind and temperature automatically
- using the optional ULTIMETER-II interface.
- ULTIMETER-II INTERFACE: To permit automatic weather station reporting, APRS
- includes an optional serial interface to the ULTIMETER-II home weather station.
- (I hope to develop one for other WX stations too). The optional APRS WX
- routine is activated by a separate validation number ($9). Once activated,
- APRS accepts the serial data output of the ULTIMETER-II and puts the
- information in your stations position/weather packet automatically for
- unattended weather reporting. (If you have a different home weather station
- that has a serial data output, and can convince me that it is worth the effort
- and widespread in the HAM community, let me know.) The rain report from the
- ULTIMETER-II is for the present day, but I hope to modify APRS to convert
- this to the rain fall in the last hour. I think this is more representative
- for the typical emergency storm watch scenario that HAM radio is used for.
- If you think of a better way, tell me. I am not a weather fanatic and do not
- have first hand information of the needs of ARES or SKYWARN. With the
- interface enabled, the normal APRS decaying of position/wx reports is disabled
- and all weather/position reports are transmitted every 10 minutes. This gives
- 6 reports per hour for continuity. Of course, a WX/position report will be
- transmitted by the APRS station at anytime, in response to an APRS query;
- either an ALL NET Query (ctrl-Q), or a Wx only query (^W), or a one station
- Query (by sending ?APRS in a message).
- SERIAL INTERFACE CABLE: Peet Bros sells a serial interface cable with a DB-25
- connector to RJ-11. (Note, all of my computers use a DB-9 connector for the
- serial port so the DB-25 is of marginal utility for most modern computers).
- Since the ULTIMETER-II has no negative supply, a 5 K pulldown resistor is
- added to the DB-25 connector between Pins 2 and 3. This uses the -5 or -12
- volts on the TXD line to bias the RXD line. When I plugged in a standard phone
- line connector to the ULTIMETER-II serial data output (unmarked connector on
- their junction box, or side of the Display unit), I found the data output on
- the green and black wire of the RJ-11. Black is data ground, and green was
- RXD. I do not know if the wire colors are standard but they would be either
- 1 and 3, or 2 and 4 depending on which side is up, and the ground is the one
- at the end. The Peet Bros cable includes transient protection and RF filtering
- to protect your computer as well as the bias resistor. Remember, the
- annemometer is like an antenna, high in the air. It can radiate RFI and take
- lightening charges...
- REMOTE SENSORS: Another advantage of the APRS system is the ability to
- display information from remote environmental sensors. We gave up building
- our own sensors and are hoping to use the ULTIMETER-II home weather station
- as an add on to all remote APRS digipeaters (without a PC). Unfortunately,
- however, we have not come up with a way to only transmit the data once every
- 10 minutes without having another microporcessor to parse the serial stream
- from the ULTIMETER-II and only send it to the TNC once every 10 minutes
- instead of the once every 5 seconds. A simple edge triggered timing circuit
- will not work because each 15 character record is often interrupted, even
- between characters with significant time delays so that a simple once every
- 10 minute timer circuit is not suitable. (NOTE! PEET Bros is working on a
- standalone version of the ULTIMETER-II which can be configured to output its
- WX conditions once every 10 minutes. THis can then be directly connected to
- a TNC for remote transmission of WX conditions. When this modified U-II is
- available, the WX data will go out as a UI frame and APRS will grab it and
- display it. The position data will be stored in the TNC BText. These
- stations will appear on the map in Blue and their reports will be visible
- using the LATEST display just like for the home stations. It is planned to
- place an ULTIMETER-II node at the location of every WIDE area digipeater used
- in the APRS system. Currently weather nodes are under construction in Maryland
- at Point Lookout in the south, Patuxent Naval Air Station, Chesapeake Beach
- division of NRL, Annapolis, Baltimore, and NorthEast. These sites will not
- only provide automatic weather reporting capabilities all along the Chesapeake
- Bay area, but will also form the backbone network for reporting the movement
- of radio amateur's boats with GPS and LORAN. Load the SKYWARN.BK file.
- DATA LOGGING: In APRS version 3.07, I have modified the POSITION FILTER
- command so that it can be used to log weather data. The position filter is
- normally on, and it causes APRS to NOT save duplicate position reports that
- are within 80 yards of a previous report. When this filter is toggled off,
- it reduces this filter range to 10 yards. This makes any position report that
- differs only by .01 in Latitude or Longitude be saved as a new position. In
- this mode, all WEATHER station reports including your own are saved in a
- track history file. All over the air reports are only transmitted once every
- 10 minutes, but your own report will be saved at the rate set by the Set-Pos-
- Rate command (alt-S).
- FINAL NOTES: Since the WXstation option is always updating your outgoing
- position report, this makes it impossible for a WX station to report a beam
- heading during a Direction Finding evolution. As of version 2.12, if you use
- the ctrl-B command to enter a beam heading on a Fox or Jammer, then your WX
- station is disabled. To restore your WX station, restart the program.
- $$$ The ULTIMETER-II is available from PEET Bros 1-800-USA-PEET (872-7338)
- for $179 plus $20 for their Serial interface cable and $60 for the
- optional rain guage (self emptying, reads in 0.1 inches) plus shipping
- of $8.25. (For APRS, you don't need their $40 software) See adds in
- QST, CQ, Popular Mechanics, etc...
- $ The optional APRS interface routine for the ULTIMETER-II is available from
- the author for $9 and may be ordered with APRS or as an option later.