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  1. What is AVScan:
  3. It is a scanner. It now scans with about 3100 signatures for
  4. viruses, not couting special methods. Special methods are used
  5. for polymorphic style viruses like MtE, TpE, NED, Tremor,
  6. Girafe, Urugay to name a few. These viruses are marked with
  7. (encr.) or (encrypted). 
  9. The purpose of this release of AVScan on CompuServe is to get
  10. some feedback of false positives and the new network features.
  11. The last version of AVScan on CIS is now rather nine months old.
  12. AVScan is updated monthly in Germany (weekly by BBS) and we will
  13. release future version also, if time permits.
  15. We've added a long list of exciting network features, such as
  16. bradcasting, server logout, date-file  and the like. /? gives a
  17. complete list of command line parameters.
  19. Help text follows
  22. Help text from AVScan, Version: 1.16,  08-11-93
  25.  ┌───────────────────────────────────┐┌───────────────────────────────────┐ 
  26.  │Help topic                      Key││Help topic                      Key│ 
  27.  ├───────────────────────────────────┤├───────────────────────────────────┤ 
  28.  │Help index, overview ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ F1││DOS exit codes of AVScan ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ F4│ 
  29.  │Command line parameters ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ F2││Command line examples ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ F5│ 
  30.  │Network related parameters ∙∙∙∙∙ F3││Additional information ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ F6│ 
  31.  └───────────────────────────────────┘└───────────────────────────────────┘ 
  34. AVScan [d:[\path][name]] [/A[F][H][N]] [/S] [/P] [/EX"ext .. ext"]          
  35.        [/C[P][L]] [/X[E]] [/L[[+][d:[\path][name]]|[[+][*]device] [/T]      
  36.        [/M] [/O] [/Fn] [/Hn] [/[REN|DEL][_NQ]] [/NM[U|H]] [/NC] [/NB]       
  37.        [/NESC] [/[N]EMS] [/B] [/Q] [/V] [/R[NV]] [//[d:[\path][name]]] [/U] 
  38.        [/?[[*][[d:][\path]name]]|device] [/I[[*][[d:][\path]name]]|device]  
  39.        [/DY[[d:][\path][name]]] [/NBR] [/BA][/BS] [/B[I|L|N]] [/SN"name"]   
  40.        [/SNO] [/SL] [/XO] [/SL] [/XO] [/L[+][d:[\path]]?[.ext]]             
  43.             ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐          
  44.             │ Standard command line parameters of AVScan. Theese │          
  45.             │ parameters are usable in all versions of AVScan.   │          
  46.             └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘          
  48.       d:[\path][name.ext] ────── One or up to 26 drive(s), path(s), name(s)
  49.                                   and extension(s) to scan. Wildcards (?,*) 
  50.                                   are allowed in names and extensions.      
  51.       /A ───────┬─────────────── Scan all directories of all floppy disk,  
  52.       /AF ──────┤                 fixed disk and network drives. Beside the 
  53.       /AH ──────┤                 file areas, all boot and partition areas  
  54.       /AN ──────┤                 of floppy disk and fixed disk drives will 
  55.       /AFN ─────┤                 be scanned. To check only specific drive  
  56.       /AFH ─────┤                 types, use the following parameters:      
  57.       /ANH ─────┘                 /AF = Scan all floppy disk drives.        
  58.                                   /AH = Scan all fixed disk drives.         
  59.                                   /AN = Scan all network drives.            
  60.                                   Combinations of the letters F, H und N are
  61.                                   allowed: To scan all fixed disk and net-  
  62.                                   work drives, you may specify /AHN or /ANH.
  63.       /AP ────────────────────── Scan all pathes which are accessible over 
  64.                                   the "PATH" environment variable.          
  65.       /S ─────────────────────── Additionally, all subdirectories of the   
  66.                                   current directory will be scanned.        
  67.       /P ─────────────────────── Scan PROGRAM files ONLY. With this Switch,
  68.                                   ONLY files with the extensions: APP, BIN, 
  69.                                   COM, DLL, EXE, OV1, OV2, OVG, OVL, OVR,   
  70.                                   PGM, SYS and XTP will be scanned.         
  71.       /EX"ext ext .. ext" ────── After /EX, you may specify a list of up to
  72.                                   20 valid extensions to scan. The list has 
  73.                                   to be enclosed by double quotes, wildcards
  74.                                   (?,*) are allowed. If a list is provided, 
  75.                                   ONLY files with an extension defined in   
  76.                                   the list will be scanned. The switches /P 
  77.                                   and /EX cannot be used simultanously.     
  78.       /C ───────┬─────────────── Scan the packed code inside of files com- 
  79.       /CP ──────┤                 pressed by PkLite or LZExe. To scan only  
  80.       /CL ──────┤                 specific packed code, use the following   
  81.       /CPL ─────┘                 parameters (combinations are allowed):    
  82.                                   /CP = Scan code packed by PkLite.         
  83.                                   /CL = Scan code packed by LZExe.          
  84.       /X ───────┬─────────────── /X  = Report multiple virus infections,   
  85.       /XE ──────┘                 not only the first one found, as usual.   
  86.                                   /XE = Report multiple infections and scan 
  87.                                   additionally for some DESTROYED encrypted 
  88.                                   viruses, which are NON-FUNCTIONAL.        
  89.       /L[+][d:[\path][name]] ─┬─ Write a report log file using the default 
  90.       /L[+][*]device ─────────┘   name AVSCAN.LOG or the specified pathname.
  91.                                   To append to an existing file, include the
  92.                                   plus sign [+]. To write the log file to a 
  93.                                   logical device, specify the device name   
  94.                                   instead of the pathname: (AUX, PRN, COM1..
  95.                                   COM4, LPT1..LPT3). Normally a leading and 
  96.                                   a trailing from feed will be transmitted. 
  97.                                   To ommit the leading form feed, include   
  98.                                   the plus sign [+], to ommit the trailing  
  99.                                   form feed, include the asterisk sign [*]. 
  100.                                   If you specify a path or device name, *NO*
  101.                                   spaces are allowed beetwen the command pa-
  102.                                   ramter (/L, /L+, /L* oder /L+*) and the   
  103.                                   following path or device name.            
  104.       /T ─────────────────────── Faster, but some less secure file search. 
  105.                                   Instead of scanning the complete file, the
  106.                                   search is focussed to the program areas,  
  107.                                   where virus code might be executed really.
  108.       /M ─────────────────────── Check multiple floppys. AVScan will prompt
  109.                                   for the drive letter, before starting to  
  110.                                   scan the disks boot sector and file areas.
  111.                                   If other scan paths are specified immedi- 
  112.                                   ately or by parameters as /A, AVScan will 
  113.                                   scan theese paths BEFORE entering the in- 
  114.                                   teraktive multiple floppy disk check.     
  115.       /O ─────────────────────── Show the volume ID of the scanned drive.  
  116.       /Fn ──────┬─────────────── Scan the boot area(s) of a physical drive.
  117.       /Hn ──────┘                 Instead of the "n", the number of the phy-
  118.                                   sical drive (0..3) has to be specified.   
  119.                                   /Fn = Scan the boot area of a floppy disk.
  120.                                   /Hn = Scan all boot and partition sectors 
  121.                                   of a fixed disk drive.                    
  122.       /REN ─────┬─────────────── Rename infected files after prompting the 
  123.       /REN_NQ ──┘                 user. If you specify /REN_NQ, infected fi-
  124.                                   les will be renamed AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT 
  125.                                   any user request! The extensions of infec-
  126.                                   ted files will be changed to .VIR. If name
  127.                                   collisions are detected, the extensions   
  128.                                   will be enumerated (.V00, .V01 ...).      
  129.       /DEL ─────┬─────────────── OVERWRITE and DELETE infected files after 
  130.       /DEL_NQ ──┘                 prompting the user. If /DEL_NQ is used,   
  131.                                   infected files will be *OVERWRITTEN* AND  
  132.                                   *DELETED* without any user request!       
  133.                                   Files which are reported to be possibly   
  134.                                   damaged by a virus will NOT be renamed or 
  135.                                   deleted in the automatic modes. To rename 
  136.                                   or delete these files, the interactive    
  137.                                   modes (/REN or /DEL) have to be used.     
  138.       /NM ──────┬─────────────── Exclude memory areas from being scanned:  
  139.       /NMU ─────┤                 /NM  = DO NOT SCAN any memory.            
  140.       /NMH ─────┘                 /NMU = DO NOT SCAN upper and high memory. 
  141.                                   /NMH = DO NOT SCAN the high memory area.  
  142.                                   Note: For safety it is NOT recommended to 
  143.                                   exclude ANY memory from being scanned!    
  144.       /NC ────────────────────── Do not search for companion files. AVScan 
  145.                                   will not check if files with it's own name
  146.                                   and the extensions .BAT, .COM or .EXE are 
  147.                                   accessible over the current DOS paths.    
  148.       /NB ────────────────────── Do not automatically scan the boot and    
  149.                                   partition areas of floppy disk and fixed  
  150.                                   disk drives.                              
  151.       /NESC ──────────────────── Disable the ESC key during the scanning.  
  152.       /NEMS ────┬─────────────── Disable or force usage of expanded memory:
  153.       /EMS ─────┘                 /NEMS = Disable the automatic EMS usage.  
  154.                                   /EMS  = Force the usage of EMS memory.    
  155.                                   Per default, AVScan uses (available) EMS, 
  156.                                   if not sufficient main memory is free.    
  157.       /B ─────────────────────── Black & white for (LCD display).          
  158.       /Q ─────────────────────── Quiet mode - turn the speaker off.        
  159.       /V ─────────────────────── Report infected files ONLY in the log, not
  160.                                   all scanned pathnames, as in default mode.
  161.       /R ───────┬─────────────── /R   = Return to DOS immediately if ready.
  162.       /RNV ─────┘                 /RNV = Return to DOS immediately if ready,
  163.                                   and *NO* virus signature has been found.  
  164.       //[d:[\path][name]] ────── In addition to the command line, AVScan   
  165.                                   reads more parameters from a file (default
  166.                                   name: AVSCAN.DEF). All valid parameters,  
  167.                                   without the // switch, are allowed in this
  168.                                   file. Optionally, you may specify a diffe-
  169.                                   rent pathname for the parameter file. If a
  170.                                   pathname is specified, spaces are *NOT*   
  171.                                   allowed beetween // and the pathname.     
  172.       /U ─────────────────────── Allow any resident installed program to   
  173.                                   receive the system timer tick interrupt   
  174.                                   during the scanning process. Should AVScan
  175.                                   detect remote drives which are handled by 
  176.                                   the drivers INTERLNK and INTERSVR, this   
  177.                                   interrupt will be preserved automatically.
  178.       /?[[*][d:][\path]name]] ─┬ The help text (/?) or a list of virus-    
  179.       /?[*]device ─────────────┤  names, known by AVScan, will be displayed.
  180.       /I[[*][d:][\path]name]] ─┤  Optionally you may specify a path name or 
  181.       /I[*]device ─────────────┘  a device name (AUX, PRN, COM1-COM4, LPT1  
  182.                                   -LPT3) to write the help or info text to  
  183.                                   a file or a device. In this case, *NO*    
  184.                                   spaces are allowed beetwen the parameter  
  185.                                   (/? or /I) and the path or device name. If
  186.                                   you start AVScan with /? or /I, *NO* other
  187.                                   parameters from the command line will be  
  188.                                   executed and AVScan will *NOT* scan for   
  189.                                   any virusses! If your printer doesn't sup-
  190.                                   port some of graphic characters, specify  
  191.                                   the filter parameter [*] to convert them  
  192.                                   to standard ASCII characters. The parame- 
  193.                                   ter [*] is only llowed, if a device or a  
  194.                                   path name follows.                        
  195.       /DY[[d:][\path[name]]] ─── If *NO* virusses were found, AVScan saves 
  196.                                   the current date to a date log file with  
  197.                                   the default name AVSCAN.DLG in the direc- 
  198.                                   tory of AVSCAN.EXE. If you start AVScan   
  199.                                   with the parameter /DY again on the same  
  200.                                   day, ONLY the main memory will be scanned 
  201.                                   for virusses. At the following day, AVScan
  202.                                   will use the specified parameters to scan 
  203.                                   for the FIRST run. Optionally you may spe-
  204.                                   cify a different path or name for the date
  205.                                   log file. If you start AVScan from a file-
  206.                                   server, the date log file HAS TO BE loca- 
  207.                                   ted on this FILESERVER. AVScan needs the  
  208.                                   access rights read, write, erase and modi-
  209.                                   fy in order to use the date log file. If  
  210.                                   AVScan stops because of an actual date en-
  211.                                   try in the date log file, the file exten- 
  212.                                   sion of a report log file (see description
  213.                                   for paramter "/L") will be changed automa-
  214.                                   tically to ".ASD".                        
  217.       ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐            
  218.       │ Additional options for Novell Networks which are valid │            
  219.       │ if you are using a network enhanced license of AVScan. │            
  220.       └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘            
  222.       /NBR ───────────────────── Do not broadcast virus messages to the    
  223.                                   »SUPERVISOR« stations in Novell networks. 
  224.       /BA ────────────────────── Send broadcast messages for every virus   
  225.                                   detection to the »SUPERVISOR« stations of 
  226.                                   Novell networks. By default only for the  
  227.                                   first virus and at the program end (if any
  228.                                   virusses were found), broadcast messages  
  229.                                   will be send to the network »SUPERVISOR«. 
  230.       /BS ────────────────────── Broadcast to other »SUPERVISOR« stations  
  231.                                   in Novell networks, even if yourself are  
  232.                                   logged in as »SUPERVISOR«.                
  233.       /BI ──────┬─────────────── Station identification for broadcasting to
  234.       /BL ──────┤                 the »SUPERVISOR« in Novell networks:      
  235.       /BN ──────┘                 /BI = The user ID number will be used.    
  236.                                   /BL = The user login name will be used.   
  237.                                   /BN = The user node addrress will be used.
  238.                                   By default, the station number is used to 
  239.                                   to identify in broadcast messages.        
  240.       /SN"supervisorname" ────── Define the name of the user who is called 
  241.                                   by broadcasting, if viruses are found. By 
  242.                                   default AVScan will broadcast to stations 
  243.                                   logged in with the name »SUPERVISOR«.     
  244.       /SNO ───────────────────── AVScan broadcasts virus messages to all   
  245.                                   stations, which are logged in with the    
  246.                                   name of the owner of the file AVSCAN.EXE. 
  247.       /SL ────────────────────── The workstation will be logged out from a 
  248.                                   Novell file server if a virus is found. If
  249.                                   you are logged in as the owner of the file
  250.                                   AVSCAN.EXE, you will *NOT* be logged out. 
  251.       /XO ────────────────────── Enable starting AVScan from a Novell file 
  252.                                   server with the execute only flag set.    
  253.       /L[+][d:[\path]?[.ext]] ── Write a report log file using the physical
  254.                                   node address of the local network adapter 
  255.                                   to generate a directory\name combination. 
  256.                                   You may include a path and an  extension, 
  257.                                   but *NO* other file name than "?". *NO*   
  258.                                   spaces are allowed beetween the command   
  259.                                   parameter (/L or /L+) and the following   
  260.                                   path name. To append the report log to an 
  261.                                   existing file, include the plus sign [+]. 
  264.       ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐       
  265.       │ When returning back to DOS, the following exit codes (which │       
  266.       │ are useable in batch files etc.) are reported by AVScan:    │       
  267.       └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘       
  270.      0: AVScan was finished without error, no virus signature was found.    
  271.      1: Bad command line parameter.                                         
  272.      2: Wrong DOS version (AVScan needs DOS version 3.20 or higher).        
  273.      3: Out of memory for file buffer.                                      
  274.      4: I/O error writing log file, help text or virus list.                
  275.      5: Terminated on user request (ESC key pressed).                       
  276.      6: Terminated after self check failure. AVscan might be modified.      
  277.      7: Terminated after finding a virus in memory (running under Windows). 
  278.      8: Valid data in the date log file for today. AVScan stopped scanning. 
  279.     10: I/O errors reading boot or file areas encountered.                  
  280.    100: Virus signatures have been found.                                   
  283. If more than one of the events, which are reported by the exit codes has    
  284. occured while scanning, AVScan will report the sum of the appropriate exit  
  285. codes. For example, if I/O errors occured, virusses were found and AVScan   
  286. has been terminated by pressing the ESC key, the value 115 (the sum of 100+ 
  287. 10+5) will be delivered as exit code.                                       
  289. The exit codes 6 and 7 are only returned if you operate AVScan in the DOS   
  290. emulation of Windows. If you run AVScan under DOS, the CPU of your computer 
  291. will be halted for safety under this circumstances. To proceed in this case,
  292. you have to restart the system by a cold boot (hardware reset).             
  295.                    ┌───────────────────────────────────┐                    
  296.                    │ Command line examples for AVScan. │                    
  297.                    └───────────────────────────────────┘                    
  299. AVScan ──────────────────── Scan all files in the current directory.       
  300. AVScan /A ───────────────── Scan all files in all directories of all floppy
  301.                              disk, fixed disk  and network drives.          
  302. AVScan /S ───────────────── Scan all files in the current directory and    
  303.                              in all subdirectories of the current directory.
  304. AVScan /EX"COM EXE" ─────── All files with the extensions .COM or .EXE in  
  305.                              the current directory will be scanned.         
  306. AVScan C:\ ──────────────── Scan the root directory of drive C:.           
  307. AVScan D:\TEMP ──────────── Scan all files in the subdirectory D:\TEST.    
  308. AVScan D:\TEST\*.EXE ────── Scan all files with the extension .EXE in the  
  309.                              subdirectory D:\TEST.                          
  310. AVScan C:\ D:\ E:\ /S ───── Scan all files in all directories (starting at 
  311.                              the root directories) of drives C:, D: and E:. 
  312. AVScan /NMH ─────────────── Scan DOS memory and the upper memory area, but 
  313.                              *DO NOT SCAN* the HMA, even if available.      
  314. AVScan /LC:\TEST.LOG ────── Scan current directory and write a complete    
  315.                              report to the file C:\TEST.LOG.                
  316. AVScan /AHN /L+PRN ──────── Scan all directories of all fixed disk and net-
  317.                              work drives and write a report to the printer. 
  318.                              Ommit the leading form feed, but send the trai-
  319.                              ling form feed to eject the last printed page. 
  320. AVScan /F0 /F1 /H0 /H1 ──── Scan the boot sectors of the floppy disk drives
  321.                              0 and 1 and the boot and partition sectors of  
  322.                              the fixed disk drives 0 and 1.                 
  325.                    ┌──────────────────────────────────────┐                 
  326.                    │ Additional information about AVScan. │                 
  327.                    └──────────────────────────────────────┘                 
  329. Per default AVScan will use the text mode, which is active under DOS, when  
  330. you start AVScan: 80*25 characters on monochrome or color adapters and 80*43
  331. or 80*50 characters on EGA- or VGA-adapters. If none of theese modes are ac-
  332. tive if AVScan is started, AVScan will try to switch to one this modes.     
  334. Instead of the delimiter [/] the alternate delimiter [-] is allowed in the  
  335. command line of AVScan. No spaces are needed beetwen different parameters,  
  336. with ONE EXCEPTION: if the delimiter [-] succeeds a file or directory name, 
  337. a space character *HAS TO BE* inserted before the delimiter [-]. If you use 
  338. the delimiter [/], no space is needed beetwen file or directory names and a 
  349. Sigantures used:
  351. Virus list from AVScan, Version: 1.16,  08-11-93
  354. 10 past 3 (A)            10 past 3 (B)            10 past 3 (C)            
  355. 100-Years                1008-Suomi               1024-PrScr #1            
  356. 1024-PrScr #2            1024-PrScr #3            1024-PrScr #4            
  357. 1024-PrScr #5            1024-SBC (Memory)        1028                     
  358. 1049                     1067 (A)                 1067 (B)                 
  359. 1077                     12 Tricks-A2             12 Tricks-Trojan-A       
  360. 12 Tricks-Trojan-B       1210                     1210-Prudent             
  361. 1226 (A)                 1226 (B)                 1241                     
  362. 1244                     125                      1260 (encrypted)         
  363. 1355 (A)                 1355 (B)                 1376                     
  364. 144                      1554                     1559                     
  365. 1575 (A)                 1575 (B)                 1590                     
  366. 1591 (A)                 1591 (B)                 1600 (A)                 
  367. 1600 (B)                 1600 (C)                 1605 (A)                 
  368. 1605 (B)                 1689                     1701 (A)                 
  369. 1701 (B)                 1701-Stamm               1701/1704-Cascade        
  370. 1704 (A)                 1704 (B)                 1706                     
  371. 1720 (A)                 1720 (B)                 1720 (C)                 
  372. 1792                     185                      187                      
  373. 1876 (A)                 1876 (B)                 191 (A)                  
  374. 191 (B)                  195                      1963 (A)                 
  375. 1963 (B)                 1963-Overwrite           1992 (A)                 
  376. 1992 (B)                 1992 (C)                 200                      
  377. 202                      212                      217                      
  378. 2480 (A)                 2480 (B)                 2480 (C)                 
  379. 2480 (D)                 257                      268-Plus                 
  380. 268-Plus (destroyed)     2730                     337 (A)                  
  381. 337 (B)                  337 (C)                  337 (D)                  
  382. 3445 (A)                 3445 (B)                 3445 (C)                 
  383. 3445 (D)                 3445-Stealth             353                      
  384. 354                      367                      376                      
  385. 377                      382 (A)                  382 (B)                  
  386. 403 (A)                  403 (B)                  405 (A)                  
  387. 405 (B)                  4096                     428                      
  388. 432                      435                      453                      
  389. 483 (A)                  483 (B)                  483 (C)                  
  390. 483 (D)                  4870-Overwrite           4K                       
  391. 5-LO #1                  5-LO #2                  5-Volt (encrypted)       
  392. 5-Volt (unencr.)         507                      508                      
  393. 512                      5120 (A)                 5120 (B)                 
  394. 5120 (C)                 529                      547                      
  395. 555 (A)                  555 (B)                  570                      
  396. 572                      5792                     583                      
  397. 593-COM/Pitch            600                      623                      
  398. 640K                     644 (A)                  644 (B)                  
  399. 656                      666 (A)                  666 (B)                  
  400. 666 (C)                  666 (D)                  666 (E)                  
  401. 666 (F)                  66A                      696                      
  402. 7-son-4                  704                      707 (A)                  
  403. 707 (B)                  711                      742                      
  404. 757                      765                      777-Revenge              
  405. 7808                     789 (A)                  789 (B)                  
  406. 8-Tunes (A)              8-Tunes (B)              8-Tunes/1971             
  407. 800                      805                      817                      
  408. 864                      8888                     889                      
  409. 894                      905 (A)                  907 (B)                  
  410. 923                      927                      928                      
  411. 981                      99%                      Abraxas                  
  412. ACME                     ACME/Clonewar            Ada #1                   
  413. Ada #2                   Ada #3                   Adolph #1                
  414. Adolph #2                Adolph #3                Advent                   
  415. Afri                     AGIP                     Agiplan (A)              
  416. Agiplan (B)              Agiplan (C)              Agiplan (D)              
  417. Ah...                    AIDS #1                  AIDS #2                  
  418. AIDS #3                  Aids (damaged)           AIDS-II (A)              
  419. AIDS-II (B)              AIDS-II (C)              AIDS-Il (D)              
  420. AIDS-Info/Trojan         AIDS-Trojan              AIDS-Trojan (Rem)        
  421. AIDS/Taunt               Aircop-A                 Aircop-B                 
  422. Aircop-COM               Aircop-D                 Aircop-E                 
  423. Aircop-F                 Akuku #1                 Akuku #2                 
  424. Akuku #3                 Akuku-Related            Alabama-A                
  425. Alabama-B                Alabama-C                Alabama-D                
  426. Albania #1               Albania #2               Albania-429 (A)          
  427. Albania-429 (B)          Albania-429 (C)          Albania-506              
  428. Albania-575              Albanian                 Alex-368                 
  429. Ambulance Car #1         Ambulance Car #2         Amilia-A                 
  430. Amilia-B                 Amoeba #1                Amoeba #2                
  431. Amoeba #3                Amoeba #4                Amoeba-2                 
  432. Amstrad-740              Amstrad-A                Amstrad-B                
  433. Amstrad-Related #1       Amstrad-Related #2       Amt 3000                 
  434. Amt 4000                 Anarkia                  Andryushka               
  435. Angarsk                  Anna                     Anthrax-A                
  436. Anthrax-B                Anthrax-C                Anthrax-D                
  437. Anthrax-E                Anthrax-F                Anthrax-PT               
  438. Anti-Christ #1           Anti-Christ #2           Anti-Christ #3           
  439. Anti-Christ-1008         Anti-D #1                Anti-D #2                
  440. Anti-DAF                 Anti-Faggot              Anti-Pascal (A)          
  441. Anti-Pascal (B)          Anti-Pascal (R1)         Anti-Pascal (R2)         
  442. Anti-Tele                AntiCAD #1               AntiCAD #2               
  443. AntiCAD-2576             AntiCAD-BT               AntiCAD-Related          
  444. Antimon #1               Antimon #2               AntiPas-400 (A)          
  445. AntiPas-400 (B)          AntiPas-480              AntiPas-529              
  446. AntiPas-605              Antiscan                 Anto (destroyed)         
  447. Anto-A                   Anto-B                   Anto-C                   
  448. April-15                 April-15-Bhaktive        April-1st (A)            
  449. April-1st (B)            April-1st (C)            April-1st (D)            
  450. April-1st (E)            Arab-A                   Arab-B                   
  451. Aragorn                  Arcv-4                   Arcv-7                   
  452. Arcv-Alpha               Arcv-Friends             Arcv-Joanna              
  453. Arcv-Joshua              Arcv-Lurve               Arcv-Sandwich            
  454. Arcv-Scythe              Argentina (A)            Argentina (B)            
  455. Argentina (C)            Armageddon (A)           Armageddon (B)           
  456. Armageddon (C)           Armageddon (D)           Arriba                   
  457. Arusiek #1               Arusiek #2               Ash                      
  458. Ash-1602                 Ash-743                  Ash-817                  
  459. Ashar-A                  Ashar-B                  Asp #1                   
  460. Astra-101                Astra-97                 AT II-1xx                
  461. AT-132                   AT-140                   AT-144 (A)               
  462. AT-144 (B)               AT-144 (C)               AT-144 (D)               
  463. AT-149 (A)               AT-149 (B)               AT-149 (C)               
  464. Atas II-3215/3233        Atas-384                 Atas-400                 
  465. Athens                   ATT-149 (A)              ATT-149 (B)              
  466. Attention #1             Attention #2             Attention #3             
  467. Austr. Para-142          Austr. Para-147          Austr. Para-150          
  468. Austr. Para-153          Austr. Para-162          Austr. Para-550          
  469. Austr. Para-615          Australian-403           Azusa #1                 
  470. Azusa #2                 Backfont-765             Backfont-896             
  471. Backfont-905             Backtime #1              Backtime #2              
  472. Backtime #3              Bad                      Bad Boy #1               
  473. Bad Boy #2               Bad Boy #3               Bad Boy #4               
  474. Bad Boy #5               Bad Boy #6               Bad Boy #7               
  475. Bad Guy #1               Bad Guy #2               Bad Guy #3               
  476. Bad Guy #4               Bad Guy-Related          Bad Sectors 1.2          
  477. Bad Taste                Banana                   Bandit                   
  478. Baobab                   Baobab-731               Barcelona                
  479. Barrotes #2              Base-463                 Base-540/575/606         
  480. BB                       Beast-A                  Beast-B                  
  481. Beast-C                  Beast-D                  Beast-E                  
  482. Beast-NBL                Beast-X                  Bebe #1                  
  483. Bebe #2                  Bebe #3                  Bebe #4                  
  484. Bebe #5                  Beech-439                Beer 3192                
  485. Beer-3164                Beijing #1               Beijing #2               
  486. Best Wishes #1           Best Wishes #2           Best Wishes #3           
  487. Bestwish                 Beta                     Betaboys                 
  488. Beware #1                Beware #2                Beware #3                
  489. BFD-451                  Bhaktiv #1               Bhaktiv #2               
  490. Big Joke #1              Big Joke #2              Big Joke #3              
  491. Big Joke #4              Bit addict               Black Jack #1            
  492. Black Jack #2            Black Jack #3            Black Jack #4            
  493. Black Jack #5            Black Jack #6            Black Jack #7            
  494. Black Jack #8            Black Monday #1          Black Monday #2          
  495. Black Monday #3          Black Monday #4          Black Monday #5          
  496. Black Wiz-2              Black-Beast              Black-Death              
  497. BlackJack #9             Blinker                  Bljec #1                 
  498. Bljec #2                 Blood #1                 Blood #2                 
  499. Blood #3                 Blood-2                  Bloodlust                
  500. Bloody                   BNB                      Bob #1                   
  501. Bob #2                   Boludo                   BOMB-Trojan              
  502. Bomber                   Boojum #1                Boojum #2                
  503. Boot-Dropper             BootExe                  BootExe-451              
  504. BootExe-452              Borderline #1            Borderline #2            
  505. Boys #1                  Boys #2                  Boys #3                  
  506. Boys-Related             Brain #1                 Brain #2                 
  507. Brain/Shoe/Ashar         Brainy                   Brasil                   
  508. Breeder                  Brenda                   Brotherhood              
  509. Brothers #1              Brothers #2              Brothers #3              
  510. Brothers-G               Brunswick                Bryansk                  
  511. Budo                     Bugres Joke              Bulgarian                
  512. Burger #1                Burger #2                Burger #3                
  513. Burger #4                Burger-382               Burger-404               
  514. Burger-792               Burger-Pascal            Burger-Related           
  515. Burger-Strik             Burghofer #1             Burghofer #2             
  516. Busted                   Butterflies              C-Virus #1               
  517. C-Virus #2               C-Virus #3               C-Virus #4               
  518. C-Virus #5               CAD-Kill #1              CAD-Kill #2              
  519. Cancer                   Cannabis #1              Cannabis #2              
  520. Cannabis #3              Cannabis #4              Cannabis #5              
  521. Cansu                    Capital                  Capon                    
  522. Cara #1                  Cara #2                  Cara #3                  
  523. Cara #4                  Carfield                 Carioca #1               
  524. Carioca #2               Carioca #3               Cascade #1               
  525. Cascade #2               Cascade-1153             Cascade-1621             
  526. Cascade-1628             Cascade-1661             Cascade-1701-C           
  527. Cascade-1701-X           Cascade-1706             Cascade-Related          
  528. Cascade-Y4               Cascade-YAP              Casino #1                
  529. Casino #2                Casino #3                Castellon                
  530. Catain Trips             Caterpillar              Catman                   
  531. CAZ #1                   CAZ #2                   CB-1530 (A)              
  532. CB-1530 (B)              CB-1530 (C)              CD                       
  533. Cemetery #1              Cemetery #2              Cemetery #3              
  534. Cemetery #4              Cfsk                     Chad #1                  
  535. Chad #2                  Chang                    Changsa                  
  536. ChanguMangu              Chaos                    CHCC                     
  537. Checksum                 Checksum-100/101         Checksum-1569            
  538. Cheeba-A                 Cheeba-B                 Cheef (destroyed)        
  539. Chemist #1               Chemist #2               Chemist-650              
  540. Chemnitz                 Chinese Fish             Chips                    
  541. Choinka                  Chr                      Chren-4016               
  542. Christmas                Christmas-Tree #1        Christmas-Tree #2        
  543. Christmas/Japan #1       Christmas/Japan #2       CIA-1/2                  
  544. Cinderella #1            Cinderella #2            Cinderella #3            
  545. Cinderella #4            Cinderella-II            Civil War                
  546. Civil War #1             Civil War #2             Civil War #3             
  547. Civil War #4             CKSum-One                Clipper                  
  548. Clonewar                 Close #1                 Close #2                 
  549. Cls                      CMOS-Killer              CMOS-One                 
  550. COD                      Code Zero                Coffeeshop               
  551. Coffeshop #1             Coffeshop #2             Coib                     
  552. Color                    COM-16850                Commander Bomber         
  553. Commentator-B            Como                     Comvirus-1.0             
  554. Cookie                   Cookie-7360/7392         Copmpl                   
  555. Copyright #1             Copyright #2             Cossiga #1               
  556. Cossiga #2               Cossiga #3               Costeau                  
  557. Cpw                      CPXK                     Cracker Jack             
  558. Crackpot-1972            Crackpot-208             Crash                    
  559. Crazy Eddie #1           Crazy Eddie #2           Crazy Eddie #3           
  560. Crazy Eddie #4           Crazy Imp #1             Crazy Imp #2             
  561. Crazy Imp #3             Crazy Imp #4             Crazy Imp-1402           
  562. Creeper #1               Creeper #2               Creeper #3               
  563. Creeper-252              Crew #1                  Crew #2                  
  564. Crew #3                  Crew-2480                Criminal #1              
  565. Criminal #2              Criminal #3              CSE-Beta                 
  566. CSE-V4                   CSE-V5                   CSFR 1000 (A)            
  567. CSFR 1000 (B)            CSL #1                   CSL #3                   
  568. CSL-Damaged              CSL-Related #1           CSL-Related #2           
  569. CSSR-528                 Cvir                     Cyber Tech               
  570. Cybertech                Cysta                    CZ                       
  571. CZ-2986                  Czech                    DaDa #1                  
  572. DaDa #2                  DaDa #3                  DaDa #4                  
  573. Daemean                  Damage-A                 Danish Tiny-180          
  574. Danish-Stagmata          Danish-Tiny #1           Danish-Tiny #2           
  575. Danish-Tiny-310          Danish-Tiny/Bren         Dark Avanger-1028        
  576. Dark Avanger-1063        Dark Avanger-1110        Dark Avanger-651         
  577. Dark Avenger #1          Dark Avenger #2          Dark Avenger #3          
  578. Dark Avenger #4          Dark Avenger #5          Dark Avenger #6          
  579. Dark Avenger #7          Dark End                 Dark Evil                
  580. Darklord #1              Darklord #2              Darklord #3              
  581. Darklord #4              Darth Vader #1           Darth Vader #2           
  582. Darth Vader #3           Darth Vader #4           Darth Vader #5           
  583. Darth Vader #6           Darth Vader #7           Darth Vader #8           
  584. Darth Vader #9           Datacrime #1             Datacrime #2             
  585. Datacrime-A              Datacrime-II (A)         Datacrime-II (B)         
  586. Datacrime-II (C)         Datalock #1              Datalock #2              
  587. Datalock #3              Datalock #4              Day-10 (A)               
  588. Day-10 (B)               DBase #1                 DBase #2                 
  589. DBase-Destroy            DBF-Blank                Dead                     
  590. December 24th            Dedicated #1             Dedicated #2             
  591. Define                   Define-Related           Deicide #1               
  592. Deicide #2               Deicide #3               Deicide #4               
  593. Deicide #5               Deicide-II               Delyrium #1              
  594. Delyrium #2              Delyrium-Pest            Demolition #1            
  595. Demolition #2            Demon #1                 Demon #2                 
  596. Demon #3                 Demon #4                 Demon-Related            
  597. Den Zuk #1               Den Zuk #2               Den Zuk #3               
  598. Den Zuk #4               Denied                   Destructor #1            
  599. Destructor #2            Destructor #3            Destructor V4.00         
  600. Devil's Dance #1         Devil's Dance #2         Devil's Dance #3         
  601. Devil's Dance #4         Dewdz #1                 Dewdz #2                 
  602. Dgen                     DI-108/110               Diabolik                 
  603. Diamond #1               Diamond #2               Diamond-444              
  604. Diamond-Related #1       Diamond-Related #2       Diarrhea-Dropper         
  605. Digger                   Dima                     Diogenes                 
  606. Dir #1                   Dir #2                   Dir-I                    
  607. Dir-II (A)               Dir-II (B)               Dir-II (C)               
  608. Dir-II (D)               Dir-II (F)               Dir-II (G)               
  609. Dir-II (H)               Dir-II (I)               Dir-Vir #1               
  610. Dir-Vir #2               Discom #1                Discom #2                
  611. Discom #3                Disk Int                 Disk Killer #1           
  612. Disk Killer #2           Disk Killer #3           Disk Killer/OGRE         
  613. Diskjeb                  Diskspoiler              Dismember-288            
  614. DM                       DM-310 (A)               DM-310 (B)               
  615. DM-330 (A)               DM-330 (B)               DM-400 (A)               
  616. DM-400 (B)               DM-400 (C)               DM-400-1.04              
  617. Do Nothing #1            Do Nothing #2            Doctor                   
  618. Dodo #1                  Dodo #2                  Dodo-Pig #1              
  619. Dodo-Pig #2              Doodle                   Doom-1B                  
  620. Doom-II (A)              Doom-II (B)              Doom-II (C)              
  621. Doshunter #1             Doshunter #2             Dot Killer #1            
  622. Dot Killer #2            Dot Killer #3            Dot Killer #4            
  623. Dr. Qumak-II             Drain Joke               Dreamer                  
  624. Drop                     Drop-Boot-2              Dropper #1               
  625. Dropper #2               Dropper #3               Dropper #4               
  626. Dropper #5               Drug                     Dudley                   
  627. Durban                   Dutch                    Dutch Tiny-122           
  628. Dutch-1039               Dutch-117                Dutch-555 (A)            
  629. Dutch-555 (B)            Dutch-Tiny               Dutch-Tiny-126           
  630. Dutch-Tiny-99            Dyslexia                 Ear-6                    
  631. Ear-Quake                Eastern Digit-1600       EatPop                   
  632. Eddie #1                 Eddie #2                 Eddie #3                 
  633. Eddie #4                 Eddie #5                 Eddie-2 (A)              
  634. Eddie-2 (B)              Eddie-Die                Eddie-Francis            
  635. EDV #1                   EDV #2                   EDV #3                   
  636. EDV #4                   EDV #5                   Einstein                 
  637. Eliza #1                 Eliza #2                 Eliza #3                 
  638. EMF #1                   EMF #2                   Emmie #1                 
  639. Emmie #2                 Emmie #3                 Empire                   
  640. Enemy                    England                  Enigma #1                
  641. Enigma #2                Enigma #3                Enigma #4                
  642. Enigma #5                Enigma #6                Enola #1                 
  643. Enola #2                 Erasmus #1               Erasmus #2               
  644. Erasmus #3               Error                    Error 412                
  645. ETC #1                   ETC #2                   ETC-3.00                 
  646. EUPM                     Europe                   Europe-1992 (A)          
  647. Europe-1992 (B)          EvenBeep                 Evil (A)                 
  648. Evil (B)                 Evil Empire #1           Evil Empire #2           
  649. Evil Empire #3           Evil Empire #4           ExeBug #1                
  650. ExeBug #2                ExeBug #3                Experiment               
  651. Explosion                Exterm V-1.0             Exterminator #1          
  652. Exterminator #2          F-709 (A)                F-709 (B)                
  653. F-Soft-458               F-Word #1                F-Word #2                
  654. F-Word-II                F-Word-Related           F-You-593                
  655. F-You-635                Faggot                   Fake VirX #1             
  656. Fake VirX #2             Father                   Father Xmas #1           
  657. Father Xmas #2           Faust #1                 Faust #2                 
  658. Faust #3                 Faust #4                 Fax-Free                 
  659. Fear #1                  Fear #2                  Feist #1                 
  660. Feist #2                 Fellow                   Fellowship #1            
  661. Fellowship #2            Fellowship #3            FGT #1                   
  662. FGT #2                   Fich-V #1                Fich-V #2                
  663. Fich-V #3                Fich-V-2.0               Fich-V-2.1 (A)           
  664. Fich-V-2.1 (B)           Fich-V-896               Fiche                    
  665. Fichv-2.0                Fil                      Filehider 1067           
  666. Filename                 Filler                   Fing-0831                
  667. Finger-Trojan            Fingers #1               Fingers #2               
  668. Fingers-08/15            Finnish                  Finnish-257              
  669. Fire (Boot)              Fish                     Fish 6 #2                
  670. Fish-6 (A)               Fish-6 (B)               Fish-6 (C)               
  671. Fish-Boot                Fisher                   Fisher 1100              
  672. Flag II                  Flash #1                 Flash #2                 
  673. Flash #3                 Flash-Gyorgy             Flip-2153 (A)            
  674. Flip-2153 (B)            Flip-2153 (C)            Flip-2153 (D)            
  675. Flip-Boot #1             Flip-Boot #2             Flip-COM/EXE #1          
  676. Flip-COM/EXE #2          Flip-COM/EXE #3          Flip-COM/EXE #4          
  677. Flip-Resident            Flower                   Flu-2                    
  678. Fly-1.1                  Fone Sex                 Forg's Alley             
  679. Forger #1                Forger #2                Form #1                  
  680. Form #2                  Form #3                  Form #4                  
  681. Formiche                 Formiche-Resident        Frajer                   
  682. France                   Freak                    Freddy                   
  683. Freew                    Freew-692 (A)            Freew-692 (B)            
  684. Freew-718                Freeze                   Frere Jacqu              
  685. Friday-13th (A)          Friday-13th (B)          Friday-13th (C)          
  686. Friday-409               Friday-COM #1            Friday-COM #2            
  687. Friends #1               Friends #2               Frog's Alley #1          
  688. Frog's Alley #2          Frogs                    Frogs-Related            
  689. Fu-Manchu #1             Fu-Manchu #2             Fu-Manchu #3             
  690. Fumble                   Fungus                   Futhark                  
  691. Futhark-Decrypt          G-Virus-1.3              G2 (unencr.) #1          
  692. G2 (unencr.) #2          G2 (unencr.) #3          Geek                     
  693. Gen-PB                   Gerg #1                  Gerg #2                  
  694. Gergana #1               Gergana #2               Gergana #3               
  695. Gergana #4               Gergana #5               Gergana #6               
  696. Gergana-182              Gergana-222              Gergana-222/300/450      
  697. Gergana-300              Gergana-450              Gergana-512 (A)          
  698. Gergana-512 (B)          Gergana-Related #1       Gergana-Related #2       
  699. Gergana-Related #3       GetPass-1                Ghost                    
  700. Ghost-Balls #1           Ghost-Balls #2           Ghost-File               
  701. Girafe (encrypted)       Girafe (unencr.)         Glen-1                   
  702. Gliss #1                 Gliss #2                 Gliss #3                 
  703. Gliss #4                 Globe (packed)           Glory                    
  704. Goblin #1                Goblin #2                Golden Gate-C #1         
  705. Golden Gate-C #2         Gordy                    Gosia #1                 
  706. Gosia #2                 Gosia #4                 Got You                  
  707. Gotcha #1                Gotcha #2                Gotcha #3                
  708. Gotcha #4                Gotcha #5                Gotcha #6                
  709. Gotcha #7                Gotcha #8                Gotcha #9                
  710. Gotcha-Related #1        Gotcha-Related #2        GP-1 (A)                 
  711. GP-1 (B)                 GP-1 (C)                 GP-2                     
  712. GP-3                     Gr-Links                 Grain of Sand #1         
  713. Grain of Sand #2         Grain of Sand #3         Grain of Sand #4         
  714. Grain of Sand #5         Grain of Sand #6         Grain of Sand #7         
  715. Grain of Sand #8         Grapje #1                Grapje #2                
  716. Greetings                Gremlin #1               Gremlin #2               
  717. Gremlin #3               Grither #1               Grither #2               
  718. Grither #3               Grither-Damage           Groen                    
  719. Growing Block            Grune #1                 Grune #2                 
  720. Grunt #1                 Grunt #2                 Grunt #3                 
  721. Grunt 346                Grunt 427                Grunt 473                
  722. Guppy #1                 Guppy #2                 Guppy #3                 
  723. Guppy #4                 Gyro                     H-1024                   
  724. H-1193                   H-1376                   H-1385                   
  725. H-2330/2332              H-262                    H-310                    
  726. H-365                    H-621                    H-644                    
  727. H-880                    H-94                     Ha!                      
  728. Hacker #1                Hacker #2                Hacker #3                
  729. Hacker #4                Hacker-War               Hafen #1                 
  730. Hafen #2                 Hafen #3                 Hafen #4                 
  731. Hafenstrasse #1          Hafenstrasse #2          Hafenstrasse #3          
  732. Hafenstrasse #4          Hafenstrasse #5          Haifa (encrypted)        
  733. Halley                   Hallo                    Halloechen #1            
  734. Halloechen #2            Halloechen #3            Hannibal                 
  735. Happy                    Happy Day                Happy New Year #1        
  736. Happy New Year #2        Harakiri                 Harm                     
  737. Hary Anto #1             Hary Anto #2             Hary Anto #3             
  738. Haryanto                 Heeva #1                 Heeva #2                 
  739. Helloween #1             Helloween #2             Helloween #3             
  740. Helloween #4             Hellraiser               Help Me                  
  741. Hero #1                  Hero #2                  Hero #3                  
  742. Hero #4                  Hero #5                  Hero-Related             
  743. Hey You #1               Hey You #2               HH&H #1                  
  744. HH&H-4093                HI-460                   Hide and Seek            
  745. Highlander               Hilton                   Hitchcock #1             
  746. Hitchcock #2             Hitchcock #3             HIV #1                   
  747. HIV #2                   HIV #3                   HIV #4                   
  748. Hoa                      Holland Girl             Holo (M)                 
  749. Hong-Kong                Horns                    Horror-Related           
  750. Horse #1                 Horse #10                Horse #11                
  751. Horse #12                Horse #13                Horse #2                 
  752. Horse #3                 Horse #4                 Horse #5                 
  753. Horse #6                 Horse #7                 Horse #8                 
  754. Horse #9                 Horse-Boot #1            Horse-Boot #2            
  755. Horse-BT                 Horse-G #1               Horse-G #2               
  756. Horse-II                 Hungarian #1             Hungarian #2             
  757. Hungarian-482 (A)        Hungarian-482 (B)        Hungary                  
  758. HV-640                   Hybrid #1                Hybrid #2                
  759. Hydra #1                 Hydra #2                 Hydra #3                 
  760. Hydra #4                 Hydra #5                 Hydra #6                 
  761. Hydra #7                 Hydra #8                 Hydra-Related            
  762. Hydra-Trojan             Hymn #1                  Hymn #2                  
  763. Hymn #3                  Hymn #4                  ICE-9 (A)                
  764. Icelandic #1             Icelandic #2             Icelandic #3             
  765. Icelandic #4             Icelandic #5             Icelandic-III            
  766. Icelandic-Saratoga       Ier                      Ieronim                  
  767. Ieronim-1581             Ieronim-600              Igor                     
  768. IKV-512                  IKV-CSSR                 Ilja                     
  769. ILL                      Incom                    Incubus                  
  770. India                    Infected                 Infector                 
  771. Infector 444             Infector 624/726         Infector 933             
  772. Infector 984             Infinity #1              Infinity #2              
  773. INT-13 (A)               INT-13 (B)               INT-86 (A)               
  774. INT-86 (B)               Interceptor              Interceptor-Vienna       
  775. Internal #1              Internal #2              Internal #3              
  776. Internal-1381            Intrep                   Intrep #2                
  777. Intruder #1              Intruder #2              Intruder #3              
  778. Invader-Boot             Invader-Related          Involuntary #1           
  779. Involuntary #2           Involuntary #3           Ionkin                   
  780. Iper                     Iraqui                   Iraqui-Warrior #1        
  781. Iraqui-Warrior #2        Iraqui-Warrior #3        Irish (encrypted)        
  782. Iron Maiden #1           Iron Maiden #2           Italian                  
  783. Italian-Generic          ItaVir #1                ItaVir #2                
  784. ItaVir #3                ItaVir #4                ItaVir #5                
  785. Itti-191                 Itti-99                  Itti-A                   
  786. Itti-B                   Itti-Toxic               Itty-Malmsey             
  787. Jabberwocky #1           Jabberwocky #2           Jabberwocky #3           
  788. James Bond               Japan-Christmas #1       Japan-Christmas #2       
  789. Japan-Cookie             Japan-Virus              JD #1                    
  790. JD #2                    JD-158 (A)               JD-158 (B)               
  791. JD-276/358/392           JD-448                   Jeff #1                  
  792. Jeff #2                  Jerk-Einstein            Jerk-Miky                
  793. Jerk-Talentless          Jerusalem #1             Jerusalem #2             
  794. Jerusalem #3             Jerusalem #4             Jerusalem #5             
  795. Jerusalem #6             Jerusalem #7             Jerusalem #8             
  796. Jerusalem #9             Jerusalem-1244           Jerusalem-1361           
  797. Jerusalem-Clipper        Jerusalem-Family #1      Jerusalem-Family #2      
  798. Jerusalem-II             Jerusalem-Monte          Jerusalem-Mummy          
  799. Jerusalem-Nov.30th       Jerusalem-Puerto #1      Jerusalem-Puerto #2      
  800. Jerusalem-Related        Jerusalem-USA            Jihuu                    
  801. Jocker #1                Jocker #2                Jocker #3                
  802. JoJo #1                  JoJo #2                  JoJo #3                  
  803. JoJo-1701                Joker #1                 Joker #2                 
  804. Joker #3                 Joker #4                 Joker-II (A)             
  805. Joker-II (B)             Joker-II (C)             Joker-One                
  806. Jos                      Joshi #1                 Joshi #2                 
  807. Joshi #3                 Joshi-B                  Joshi-Boot #1            
  808. Joshi-Boot #2            July 13th (A)            July 13th (B)            
  809. July-13th-1199           June 16th                June 16th/Pretoria       
  810. June 7th                 Junior                   Justice #1               
  811. Justice #2               Justice #3               Justice #4               
  812. Justice #5               Kalah #1                 Kalah #2                 
  813. Kalah #3                 Kalah #4                 Kalaha                   
  814. Kamasya #1               Kamasya #2               Kamasya #3               
  815. Kamikaze #1              Kamikaze #2              Kamikaze #3              
  816. Kamikaze (damaged)       Karin                    Kemerovo #1              
  817. Kemerovo #2              Kennedy #1               Kennedy #2               
  818. Kennedy #3               Kennedy #4               Keyboard Bug #1          
  819. Keyboard Bug #2          Keyboard Bug #3          Keyboard Bug #4          
  820. Keydrop #1               Keydrop #2               Keypress #1              
  821. Keypress #2              Keypress #3              Keypress #4              
  822. Keypress #5              Keypress #6              Keypress Chaos           
  823. Keypress-3C              Keypress-A               Keypress-B               
  824. Keypress-II (A)          Keypress-II (B)          Kharkov-1024             
  825. Khetapunk                Kiev #1                  Kiev #2                  
  826. Kiev-493                 Kiev-Related             Killer                   
  827. Kinnison                 Kiss                     Kit #1                   
  828. Kit #2                   Klaeren                  KLF                      
  829. KO-407                   KO-408                   KO-408 (destroyed)       
  830. Kode-4                   Korea #1                 Korea #2                 
  831. Korea #3                 Kot                      Kranz #1                 
  832. Kranz #2                 Kthulhu                  Kudepsta                 
  833. Kukac                    Kuku #1                  Kuku #2                  
  834. Kuku #3                  Kuku-448                 Kuzmitch #1              
  835. Kuzmitch #2              Kylie #1                 Kylie #2                 
  836. Label #1                 Label #2                 Lao Doungo               
  837. Larry                    Larry on a Screen        Last-Dir-Sect            
  838. Laufwerk                 Lazy                     LBBCV-Intruder           
  839. LBBCV-Kilroy             LBBCV-Stealth            LBBCV-Timid              
  840. Lcase                    LCV                      LDV                      
  841. Leapfrog                 Leech #1                 Leech #2                 
  842. Leech #3                 Leech #4                 Leech #5                 
  843. Leech-Dropper            Lehigh #1                Lehigh #2                
  844. Leprmut-X                Leprosy #1               Leprosy #10              
  845. Leprosy #11              Leprosy #12              Leprosy #13              
  846. Leprosy #14              Leprosy #15              Leprosy #16              
  847. Leprosy #17              Leprosy #18              Leprosy #2               
  848. Leprosy #3               Leprosy #4               Leprosy #5               
  849. Leprosy #6               Leprosy #7               Leprosy #8               
  850. Leprosy #9               Leprosy-801              Leprosy-Busted           
  851. Leprosy-Crawler          Leprosy-Seneca-392       Leprosy-Surfer           
  852. Leprosy-Viper            Leprosy-Wake             Lesson                   
  853. Lesson-263               Lesson-358               Lesson-360               
  854. Leszop                   Liberty                  Liberty #1               
  855. Liberty #2               Liberty #3               Liberty-1186             
  856. Liberty-Boot #1          Liberty-Boot #2          Lippi                    
  857. Liquid                   Lisbon-B                 Little Brother           
  858. Little Brother #1        Little Brother #3        Little Brother-321       
  859. Little Girl              Little Pieces #1         Little Pieces #2         
  860. Little Pieces #3         Log                      Loki                     
  861. LOL                      Loren                    Love-Trojan              
  862. Lovechild #1             Lovechild #2             Lovechild #3             
  863. Lovechild #4             Lovechild-2710           Lovechild-Trojan #1      
  864. Lovechild-Trojan #2      Lowercase #1             Lowercase #2             
  865. Loz-693                  Lozinsky #1              Lozinsky #2              
  866. Lozinsky-Aids-Test       Luca                     Lunch #1                 
  867. Lunch #2                 LV                       Lyceum                   
  868. Lyceum-1888              Lyceum-1975              Lydia                    
  869. M-Angello                M-Face                   Macabi                   
  870. Macedonia #1             Macedonia #2             Macedonia #3             
  871. Macedonia #4             Macedonia #5             Macho                    
  872. Made                     Maffy-323                Maffy-478                
  873. Magnitogorsk #1          Magnitogorsk #2          Magnitogorsk-2048-B      
  874. Magnitogorsk-2560        Magnitogorsk-3000        Malaga #1                
  875. Malaga #2                Malaga #3                Malaise                  
  876. Maltese-Amoeba-M         Mannequin #1             Mannequin #2             
  877. Mannequin #3             Mannequin #4             Manola                   
  878. Manowar                  Manuel                   Marauder #1              
  879. Marauder #2              Mardi Bros               Mardi-Bros #1            
  880. Mardi-Bros #2            Marl                     Mataj-13                 
  881. Matura                   Matura-632               Mayak-2339               
  882. Meditation #1            Meditation #2            Mega-F                   
  883. MG #1                    MG #2                    MG #3                    
  884. MG #4                    MG-Related               MGTU #1                  
  885. MGTU #2                  MGTU #3                  MGTU #4                  
  886. Michelangelo #1          Michelangelo #2          Micro-128 (A)            
  887. Micro-128 (B)            Micro-128 (C)            Micro-Dot                
  888. Micro-Pox #1             Micro-Pox #2             Microbes #1              
  889. Microbes #2              Migram #1                Migram #2                
  890. Migram-A                 Migram-B1                Migram-B2                
  891. Milan-BillMe             Milena #1                Milena #2                
  892. Mimic-A                  Mimic-B                  Mini-35 (A)              
  893. Mini-35 (B)              Mini-39                  Mini-44                  
  894. Mini-45 (A)              Mini-45 (B)              Minimal-46               
  895. Minimal-Related #1       Minimal-Related #2       Ministry #1              
  896. Ministry #2              Minnow                   Minsk Ghost              
  897. MIR                      Mirror #1                Mirror #2                
  898. Mirror #3                Mirror #4                Mirror #5                
  899. Mirror #6                Mirror #7                Mis-Speller              
  900. Mistake                  Mithrand #1              Mithrand #2              
  901. Mix-1 (A)                Mix-1 (B)                Mix-1618/1636            
  902. Mix-2                    Mix-640                  Mix-650/664              
  903. Mix-848                  Mix-I-Related            Mix-II-Related           
  904. Mixer-1A                 Mixer-1B                 Mixer-2                  
  905. MLTI #1                  MLTI #2                  MLTI #3                  
  906. Monkey-1                 Monkey-2                 Mono #1                  
  907. Mono #2                  Montezuma #1             Montezuma #2             
  908. Montezuma #3             Monxla #1                Monxla #2                
  909. Monxla #3                Monxla (damaged)         Monxla-535               
  910. Monxla-939               Mosquito #1              Mosquito #2              
  911. Mosquito #3              Mosquito-Topo            Motherfish               
  912. Mozkin (encrypted)       MPCOPC-31                MPCOPC-32                
  913. MPS-1.1                  MPS-1.2                  MPS-3.1 (A)              
  914. MPS-3.2                  MPS-OPC                  MPS-OPC-1.1              
  915. MPS-OPC-3.1/3.2          Mr. G                    Mr.DoDo                  
  916. Mr.Virus                 Mshark #1                Mshark #2                
  917. Mshark #3                Mshark #4                MSTU #1                  
  918. MSTU #2                  MSTU-531                 MSTU-554                 
  919. MtE (encrypted)          MtE (unencr. #1)         MtE (unencr. #2)         
  920. MtE (unencr. #3)         MtE (unencr. #4)         MtE-Groove (damaged)     
  921. Mule #1                  Mule #2                  Multi                    
  922. Multiface #1             Multiface #2             Mummy #1                 
  923. Mummy #2                 Mummy-2.0                Munich #1                
  924. Munich #2                Munich #3                Murphy-1277 (A)          
  925. Murphy-1277 (B)          Murphy-1284 (A)          Murphy-1284 (B)          
  926. Murphy-1480 (A)          Murphy-1480 (B)          Murphy-1521 (A)          
  927. Murphy-1521 (B)          Murphy-1A                Murphy-1B                
  928. Murphy-2A                Murphy-2B                Murphy-2C                
  929. Murphy-3A                Murphy-3B                Murphy-3C                
  930. Murphy-4A                Murphy-4B                Murphy-950               
  931. Murphy-Related           Music-Boot               Music-Bug                
  932. Mutant #1                Mutant #2                Mutant #3                
  933. Mutant-Related           MVF #1                   MVF #10                  
  934. MVF #11                  MVF #12                  MVF #13                  
  935. MVF #14                  MVF #15                  MVF #16                  
  936. MVF #17                  MVF #18                  MVF #19                  
  937. MVF #2                   MVF #20                  MVF #3                   
  938. MVF #4                   MVF #5                   MVF #6                   
  939. MVF #7                   MVF #8                   MVF #9                   
  940. Mx                       Mystic                   N-Daemon #1              
  941. N-Daemon #2              Nanite                   Naughty                  
  942. Naughty-Hacker           Navigator                Nazgul #1                
  943. Nazgul #2                Nazgul #3                Nazgul #4                
  944. Nazi                     Nazi Phobia #1           Nazi Phobia #2           
  945. Nazi Phobia #3           Ncu-Li                   Necropolis               
  946. Necros (encrypted)       Necros (unencr.)         NED (encrypted)          
  947. New BadGuy               New Zealand #1           New Zealand #2           
  948. New-COM #1               New-COM #2               New-Haifa-COM            
  949. New-Haifa-EXE            Nice-Day                 Nice-Day-Trojan          
  950. Nichols                  Niemela-1                Nina #1                  
  951. Nina #2                  Nina-A                   Nina-B                   
  952. Nina-Related             Ninecomp                 Nines                    
  953. Nines-Comp-706           Nines-Comp-766           NKOTB #1                 
  954. NKOTB #2                 No Bock                  No Bock-440              
  955. No Frills                NoInt #1                 NoInt #2                 
  956. NoInt #3                 Nomenclatura #1          Nomenclatura #2          
  957. Nomenclatura #3          Nomenclatura #4          Nothing                  
  958. Nov. 17th-880            November 17th (A)        November 17th (B)        
  959. November 17th (C)        November 17th (D)        NPox #1                  
  960. NPox #2                  NPox #3                  Nuke                     
  961. Null-178                 Number 6                 Number of Beast #1       
  962. Number of Beast #2       Number of Beast #3       Number of Beast #4       
  963. Number One               Number-One #1            Number-One #2            
  964. Number-One #3            Number-One #4            Nuway                    
  965. NV-71                    Nygus                    Ohio #1                  
  966. Ohio #2                  Ohio #3                  Ohio #4                  
  967. Ohio #5                  Old Yankee #1            Old Yankee #2            
  968. Old Yankee #3            Omega #1                 Omega #2                 
  969. Omega #3                 Omicron                  Omicron-PT               
  970. Ondra                    One more thing           Ontario #1               
  971. Ontario #2               Ontario #3               Ontario-730              
  972. Ontario-B1               Ontario-B2               Orion-365                
  973. Oropax #1                Oropax #2                Oropax #3                
  974. Oropax-Music             Otto-415                 Otto-6                   
  975. Outland                  OV                       Over-4032                
  976. Oxana 1436               Oxana 1572               Oxana 1671               
  977. P1 (A)                   P1 (B)                   P1/P2000 (A)             
  978. P1/P2000 (B)             Padded #1                Padded #2                
  979. Padded #3                Pakistani Brain          Palestinian              
  980. Palotai Attila           Pan                      Pandaflu                 
  981. Pandora                  Paramon                  Parasite #1              
  982. Parasite #2              Paris #1                 Paris #2                 
  983. Paris #3                 Paris #4                 Paris #5                 
  984. Paris-Related            Parity #1                Parity #2                
  985. Parity #3                Parity #4                Parity #5                
  986. Parity-Boot #1           Parity-Boot #2           Parity-II (Boot)         
  987. Parsit #1                Parsit #2                Parsit #3                
  988. Pascal-400               Pascal-440               Pascal-480               
  989. Pascal-529               Pascal-605               Path                     
  990. Path-Hunter #1           Path-Hunter #2           Path-Hunter #3           
  991. PC-Bandit                PC-Flu #1                PC-Flu #10               
  992. PC-Flu #2                PC-Flu #3                PC-Flu #4                
  993. PC-Flu #5                PC-Flu #6                PC-Flu #7                
  994. PC-Flu #8                PC-Flu #9                PC-MPC-004               
  995. PCBB-1658                PCBB-1679/1722           PCBB-1680                
  996. PCBB-3072                PcVrsDs                  PDP-1477                 
  997. PDP-1564                 PDP-822                  Peace                    
  998. Peach #1                 Peach #2                 Peach #3                 
  999. Peach-G                  Pearl Harbour            Pentagon #1              
  1000. Pentagon #2              Pentagon #3              Penza #1                 
  1001. Penza #2                 Perfume-731              Perfume-765              
  1002. Perfume-A                Perfume-B                Perfume-C                
  1003. Perfume-D                Perfume-E                Pest #1                  
  1004. Pest #2                  Peter-II                 Peterburg                
  1005. Phalcon                  Phalcon-Elvis            Phantom #1               
  1006. Phantom #2               Phantom #3               Phantom #4               
  1007. Phoenix #1               Phoenix #2               Phoenix #3               
  1008. Phoenix (damaged)        Phoenix-927              Phoenix-Boot             
  1009. Phoenix-P1               Phoenix-Stamm            Phoenix-Trojan           
  1010. Pick                     Pif-Paf                  Ping-Pong #1             
  1011. Ping-Pong #2             Ping-Pong-286            Pink Elephant #1         
  1012. Pink Elephant #2         Pipi                     Pirate #1                
  1013. Pirate #2                Pisello #1               Pisello #2               
  1014. Pitch                    Piter-1                  Pixel #1                 
  1015. Pixel #10                Pixel #11                Pixel #12                
  1016. Pixel #13                Pixel #14                Pixel #15                
  1017. Pixel #16                Pixel #2                 Pixel #3                 
  1018. Pixel #4                 Pixel #5                 Pixel #6                 
  1019. Pixel #7                 Pixel #8                 Pixel #9                 
  1020. Pixel (destroyed)        Pixel-178                Pixel-257                
  1021. Pixel-283                Pixel-550                Pixel-847                
  1022. Pixel-852                Pixel-936 (A)            Pixel-936 (B)            
  1023. Pklited-Anticad          Plague #1                Plague #2                
  1024. Plague-Related           Plaice                   Plastique #1             
  1025. Plastique #2             Plastique #3             Plastique #4             
  1026. Plastique #5             Plastique #6             Plastique #7             
  1027. Plastique-2576           Plastique-2900           Plastique-3004           
  1028. Plastique-3012           Plastique-4096 (A)       Plastique-4096 (B)       
  1029. Plastique-5.21 (A)       Plastique-5.21 (B)       Plastique-5.21 (C)       
  1030. Plastique-5.21 (D)       Plastique-II (A)         Plastique-II (B)         
  1031. Platinum #1              Platinum #2              Play Tetris              
  1032. PLO                      Plovdiv #1               Plovdiv #2               
  1033. Plovdiv #3               Plus-268                 Plutto                   
  1034. Poem #1                  Poem #2                  Pogue                    
  1035. Polimer #1               Polimer #2               Polimer #3               
  1036. Polish                   Polish Tiny-176          Polish-217 (A)           
  1037. Polish-217 (B)           Polish-45                Polish-583               
  1038. Polish-Color #1          Polish-Color #2          Polish-Mini              
  1039. Porridge                 Poss-A1                  Poss-B                   
  1040. Possessed #1             Possessed #2             Possessed #3             
  1041. Power Pump               Pregnant                 Prerelease               
  1042. Press                    Pretoria                 Print-Screen #1          
  1043. Print-Screen #2          PrintMonster             Prism                    
  1044. Prob-734                 Problem-854              Problem-863 (A)          
  1045. Problem-863 (B)          Protect-1157/1335        Protecto                 
  1046. Proto-T                  Proud                    Prudents #1              
  1047. Prudents #2              PS-MPC #1                PS-MPC #2                
  1048. PS-MPC #3                PS-MPC-005               PS-MPC-006               
  1049. PS-MPC-644 (A)           PS-MPC-644 (B)           PS-MPC-Alien             
  1050. PS-MPC-Grunt-203         PS-MPC-Krunch            PS-MPC-Z10 (A)           
  1051. PS-MPC-Z10 (B)           PS-MPC-Zeppelin          PS-Stoned                
  1052. PSKO                     PSQR                     Psycho #1                
  1053. Psycho #2                Puke                     QD-335                   
  1054. QMU                      Quake #1                 Quake #2                 
  1055. Quiet #1                 Quiet #2                 Quiet #3                 
  1056. Quiet #4                 Quit  #1                 Quit  #2                 
  1057. Quox                     Rage #1                  Rage #2                  
  1058. RamVir                   Rape                     Rape-10                  
  1059. Rape-11                  Rape-2877                Rape-500                 
  1060. Rape-747                 Rape-Info                Rape-Related             
  1061. Rat                      Raub                     Raubkopie #1             
  1062. Raubkopie #2             Raubkopie #3             Raubkopie #4             
  1063. Raubkopie-COM            Reboot                   Recovery                 
  1064. Red Cross                Red Diavolyata           Red Diavolyata-662       
  1065. Redx                     Reklama                  Relzfu #1                
  1066. Relzfu #2                REQ                      ResVir-101 (A)           
  1067. ResVir-101 (B)           ResVir-90                Revenge Attacker #1      
  1068. Revenge Attacker #2      Riluttanza               Riots                    
  1069. RNA #1                   RNA #2                   RNA #3                   
  1070. Rock Steady              Rocko                    Romanian Vampirus        
  1071. Rosen #1                 Rosen #2                 Rosen #3                 
  1072. Russian Mirror #1        Russian Mirror #2        Russian Tiny-C           
  1073. Russian Tiny-D           Russian Tiny-F           Russian-1075             
  1074. Rust                     RVPS-Related #1          Ryazan                   
  1075. S-Vir #1                 S-Vir #2                 S-Vir #3                 
  1076. S-Vir #4                 Saddam #1                Saddam #2                
  1077. Saddam #3                Saddam #4                Sadist #1                
  1078. Sadist #2                Saigon                   Sandra                   
  1079. Sapta                    Saratoga                 Satan                    
  1080. Sathanyc-Necrop          Saturday-14/Durban       Saturday-14th #1         
  1081. Saturday-14th #2         SBC #1                   SBC #2                   
  1082. SBC (Mem-G)              Scion                    Scoda                    
  1083. Scott's Valley #1        Scott's Valley #2        Scr-Fist-II-696          
  1084. Scream-Fist-II           Screamer #1              Screamer #2              
  1085. Screamer #3              Screamer-Fist-732        Screamer-II (A)          
  1086. Screamer-II (B)          Screamer-II (C)          Screamer-II (D)          
  1087. Screaming-Fist           Screen                   Screen-1014              
  1088. SD-123                   Sea Cat                  Secrets                  
  1089. Self-457                 Self-550                 Semtex #1                
  1090. Semtex #2                Semtex-A                 Semtex-B                 
  1091. Seneca                   Sentinel #1              Sentinel #2              
  1092. Sentinel #3              Sentinel #4              Sentinel #5              
  1093. Sentinel-BCV             Sentinel-Related         September-18th           
  1094. Seventh Son #1           Seventh Son #2           Seventh Son #3           
  1095. Seventh Son #4           Seventh Son #5           Seventh Son-284          
  1096. Shadow #1                Shadow #2                Shadow-Byte #1           
  1097. Shadow-Byte #2           Shadow-Byte #3           Shake #1                 
  1098. Shake #2                 Shake #3                 Shaker                   
  1099. Shaman                   SHHS                     SHHS (overwrite)         
  1100. Shield                   Shirley #1               Shirley #2               
  1101. Sibylle                  Sigalit #1               Sigalit #2               
  1102. Signs                    Silly #1                 Silly #2                 
  1103. Silly #3                 Silly #4                 Silly #5                 
  1104. Silly Ice-159            Silly Ice-199            Silly Ice-224            
  1105. Silly Willy              Silly-131                Silly-145                
  1106. Silly-71                 Silly-877                Silly-C-207              
  1107. SillyCR-178              Silver Dollar            Simple-1992              
  1108. Simulate                 Sinep                    SIS #1                   
  1109. SIS #2                   Sistor #1                Sistor #2                
  1110. Sistor-2225 (A)          Sistor-2225 (B)          Sistor-2380 (A)          
  1111. Sistor-2380 (B)          SK                       Skism-808                
  1112. Skism-808 (overwr.)      Skism/Dom-3              Sleepwalker              
  1113. Slov-A                   Slovakia #1              Slovakia #2              
  1114. Slovakia #3              Slovakia #4              Slovakia #5              
  1115. Slovakia #6              Slovakia #7              Slovakia #8              
  1116. Slow #1                  Slow #2                  Slow-Load                
  1117. Smack #1                 Smack #2                 Smack #3                 
  1118. Small-38                 Small-V                  Small-V-115              
  1119. Sman Number One          Smiley #1                Smiley #2                
  1120. Smiley-Worm              Smob-1A                  Sneeker-G                
  1121. Socha                    Solano                   Solano-2000              
  1122. Solano-B1                Something #1             Something #2             
  1123. Sonik Youth              Sopwith                  Sorry                    
  1124. South African-416        Sov-1.0                  Sov-2.0                  
  1125. Sov-A                    Sov-B                    Spanish                  
  1126. Spanish-April            Spanish-Fool             Spanish-Head             
  1127. Spanish-Telec-Boot       Spanish-Telecom-2A       Spanish-Telecom-2B       
  1128. Spanish-Telecom-3        Spanish-Trojan           Spanz #1                 
  1129. Spanz #2                 Spanz-V1                 Spanz-V2                 
  1130. Sparse #1                Sparse #2                Sparse #3                
  1131. Sparse #4                Spoiler                  Spring                   
  1132. Spyer #1                 Spyer #2                 Spyer-COM                
  1133. Squawk #1                Squawk #2                Squeaker #1              
  1134. Squeaker #2              Squeaker #3              Squisher                 
  1135. Stack                    Staff #1                 Staff #2                 
  1136. Staff #3                 Staff #4                 Stahlplatte #1           
  1137. Stahlplatte #2           Stanco-PkLite            Star One                 
  1138. Star-Dot #1              Star-Dot #2              Star-Dot #3              
  1139. Star-Dot-600 (A)         Star-Dot-600 (B)         Star-Dot-801             
  1140. Starship                 Starship-Boot            Starship-Memory          
  1141. Stigmata #1              Stigmata #2              Stigmata #3              
  1142. Stinkfoot #1             Stinkfoot #2             Stinkfoot #3             
  1143. Stinkfoot #4             Stinkfoot #5             Stone-90                 
  1144. Stoned                   Stoned Related           Stoned-Alberta           
  1145. Stoned-III               Storm                    Strange                  
  1146. Striker #1               Striker #2               Stupid Criminal          
  1147. Stupid Rock              Subliminal #1            Subliminal #2            
  1148. Suda-Ada #1              Suda-Ada #2              Suicidal                 
  1149. Suicide                  SumsDos-Dropper          Sunday #1                
  1150. Sunday #2                Sunday #3                Sunday #4                
  1151. Sunday #5                Sunday-II (A)            Sunday-II (B)            
  1152. Suomi #1                 Suomi #2                 Suomi #3                 
  1153. Superhak                 Suriv #2                 Suriv #3                 
  1154. Suriv-1.01               Suriv-2.01               Suriv-3.00               
  1155. Suriv-Xuxa               Surrender #1             Surrender #2             
  1156. Surrender #3             Surrender #4             Susan #1                 
  1157. Sux                      SVC-2936 (A)             SVC-3.1 (A)              
  1158. SVC-3.1 (B)              SVC-4.0 (A)              SVC-4.0 (B)              
  1159. SVC-5.0 (A)              SVC-5.0 (B)              SVC-5.0 (C)              
  1160. SVC-5.1                  SVC-6.0 (A)              SVC-6.0 (B)              
  1161. SVC-6.0 (Boot-A)         SVC-6.0 (Boot-B)         SVC-6.0 (C)              
  1162. SVC-6.0 (D)              SVC-6.0 (E)              SVC-6.0 (F)              
  1163. SVC-6.0 (G)              SVC-A/B                  SVC-Related              
  1164. Sverdlov #1              Sverdlov #2              Sverdlov #3              
  1165. SVS                      Swan-Song                Swap                     
  1166. SwedBoys-DM              SwedBoys-HD              SwedBoys-WW              
  1167. Swedish                  Swedish-Stoned           Swiss Army               
  1168. Swiss-143 (A)            Swiss-143 (B)            Swiss-143 (C)            
  1169. Swiss-Phoenix            Sylvia #1                Sylvia #2                
  1170. Sylvia-A                 Sylvia-B                 Sylvia-II                
  1171. SYP                      Syslock #1               Syslock #2               
  1172. Syslock-3551             Tabulero                 Taiwan #1                
  1173. Taiwan #2                Taiwan #3                Taiwan #4                
  1174. Taiwan #5                Taiwan #6                Taiwan #7                
  1175. Taiwan-677               Taiwan-743               Taiwan-752               
  1176. Taiwan-Related           Talking Heads            Tankard                  
  1177. Tankard-493              Tchantches               Techno                   
  1178. Telecom                  Telecom (encrypted)      Telecom-3700             
  1179. Telecom-3784             Telephonica #1           Telephonica #2           
  1180. Telephonica #3           Ten-Bytes                Tequila                  
  1181. Tequila-A                Tequila-B                Tequila-Boot #1          
  1182. Tequila-Boot #2          Tequila-C                Tequila-D                
  1183. Tequila-Dropper          Terminator               Terminator 2             
  1184. Terminator-1501-A        Terminator-1501-B        Terminator-2             
  1185. Terminator-918           Terminator-981           Terror #1                
  1186. Terror #2                Terror #3                Terror-Related           
  1187. Test-Related             Test-Virus-A             Test-Virus-B             
  1188. The Rat                  Thimble #1               Thimble #2               
  1189. Thursday-12th (A)        Thursday-12th (B)        Tic                      
  1190. Timemark                 Timemark-1076            Timeslice                
  1191. Timeslice-2330           Timid #1                 Timid #2                 
  1192. Timid #3                 Timid #4                 Timid-305                
  1193. Timid-306                Tiny-123                 Tiny-126                 
  1194. Tiny-127                 Tiny-128                 Tiny-133 (A)             
  1195. Tiny-133 (B)             Tiny-134 (A)             Tiny-134 (B)             
  1196. Tiny-138                 Tiny-143                 Tiny-154 (A)             
  1197. Tiny-154 (B)             Tiny-156                 Tiny-163 (A)             
  1198. Tiny-163 (B)             Tiny-163 (C)             Tiny-167                 
  1199. Tiny-191                 Tiny-198                 Tiny-251                 
  1200. Tiny-A                   Tiny-B                   Tiny-DI-101              
  1201. Tiny-DI-108 (A)          Tiny-DI-108 (B)          Tiny-DI-110 (A)          
  1202. Tiny-DI-110 (B)          Tiny-DI-94 (A)           Tiny-DI-94 (B)           
  1203. Tiny-DI-94 (C)           Tiny-Family #1           Tiny-Family #2           
  1204. Tiny-Family #3           Tiny-Ghost               Tiny-Mutant              
  1205. Tiny-Related             Tivial-30                Todor #1                 
  1206. Todor #2                 Todor #3                 Todor #4                 
  1207. Tokyo                    Tolbuhin #1              Tolbuhin #2              
  1208. Tony #1                  Tony #2                  Tony-B #1                
  1209. Tony-B #2                Tony-F                   Tony-Related             
  1210. Topo                     Tori-1                   Torm                     
  1211. TP-Worm                  TPE (encrypted)          TPE (unencr.)            
  1212. Trace-3029               Traceback #1             Traceback #2             
  1213. Traceback #3             Traceback #4             Traceback-2930-II        
  1214. Traceback-3029           Track                    Trackswap                
  1215. Traveller #1             Traveller #2             Traveller #3             
  1216. Travelling Jack #1       Travelling Jack #2       Tree                     
  1217. Tremor (encrypted)       Tremor (unencr.)         Trident Number-6         
  1218. Trilogy                  Trivial-25               Trivial-26               
  1219. Trivial-30-Related       Trivial-30D              Trivial-30E              
  1220. Trivial-31               Trivial-32               Trivial-34               
  1221. Trivial-37 (A)           Trivial-37 (B)           Trivial-42               
  1222. Trivial-44 (A)           Trivial-44 (B)           Trivial-46               
  1223. Trivial-50               Trivial-64               Trivial-68               
  1224. Trivial-81               Trivial-84 #1            Trivial-84 #2            
  1225. Trivial-Explode          Trivial-Hanger           Trivial-Hastings         
  1226. Trivial-PopooLar         Trivial-Wolverine        Troi #1                  
  1227. Troi #2                  Troi #3                  Troi #4                  
  1228. Troyan                   Tuesday #1               Tuesday #2               
  1229. Tuesday #3               Tuesday #4               Tula-419                 
  1230. Tumen                    Tumen-12                 Tumen-20 (A)             
  1231. Tumen-20 (B)             Tumen-5 (A)              Tumen-5 (B)              
  1232. Tumen-Related            TUQ                      Turbo Hamster            
  1233. Turbo-448 (A)            Turbo-448 (B)            Turbo-Kukac              
  1234. Turku                    Turn                     Tver                     
  1235. Twin                     Twin-351                 Two Minutes              
  1236. Typo                     Typo-COM                 Typo-Related             
  1237. UFA-1201                 Ugur                     Ultimat                  
  1238. Ultimation               Ungame                   UNK                      
  1239. Unknown #1               Unknown #2               Unknown #3               
  1240. Unknown #4               Up-Down                  Up-side-down Joke        
  1241. Urfydus                  Uruguay (encrypted)      Uruguay (unencr.)        
  1242. Uruk Hai-300/361         Uruk Hai-394             Uruk Hai-427             
  1243. USSR                     USSR-1049 (A)            USSR-1049 (B)            
  1244. USSR-1049 (C)            USSR-1049-Related        USSR-1064 (A)            
  1245. USSR-1064 (B)            USSR-1594 (A)            USSR-1689 (A)            
  1246. USSR-1689 (B)            USSR-2144 (A)            USSR-2144 (B)            
  1247. USSR-2144 (C)            USSR-257 (A)             USSR-257 (B)             
  1248. USSR-3103                USSR-311 (A)             USSR-311 (B)             
  1249. USSR-311 (C)             USSR-311 (D)             USSR-311 (E)             
  1250. USSR-394                 USSR-492 (A)             USSR-492 (B)             
  1251. USSR-516 (A)             USSR-516 (B)             USSR-529                 
  1252. USSR-600-Related         USSR-693                 USSR-696 (A)             
  1253. USSR-696 (B)             USSR-707 (A)             USSR-707 (B)             
  1254. USSR-707 (C)             USSR-707 (D)             USSR-711 (A)             
  1255. USSR-711 (B)             USSR-711 (C)             USSR-830                 
  1256. USSR-905                 USSR-948 (A)             USSR-948 (B)             
  1257. USSR-956                 V 3000                   V-1                      
  1258. V-1-Related              V-1302                   V-160                    
  1259. V-163 #1                 V-163 #2                 V-1L                     
  1260. V-2-Related              V-463                    V-Sign #1                
  1261. V-Sign #2                V1226 (A)                V1226 (B)                
  1262. V1226 (C)                V127-Releated            V1600                    
  1263. V191                     V1963                    V2                       
  1264. V200 (A)                 V200 (B)                 V2000 (A)                
  1265. V2000 (B)                V207X-Mutant             V21                      
  1266. V2100 (A)                V2100 (B)                V2100-Related            
  1267. V270-X                   V2P6 (encrypted)         V306                     
  1268. V358/392-Related         V401                     V472                     
  1269. V5792                    V651/Eddie-3             V800-AMZ                 
  1270. V800-Related             V801-Related             Vacsina #1               
  1271. Vacsina #2               Vacsina #3               Vacsina #4               
  1272. Vacsina #5               Vacsina-1206             Vacsina-1212/1269        
  1273. Vacsina-1339/1347        Vacsina-1753/1760        Vacsina-1805             
  1274. Vacsina-2680             Vacsina-Exe2Com          Vacsina-Related          
  1275. Vacsina-TP-04            Vacsina-TP-46            Varicell                 
  1276. VCL                      VCL-394                  VCL-423                  
  1277. VCL-476                  VCL-Dome                 VCL-I (encrypted)        
  1278. VCL-II (encrypted)       VCL-Messiah              VCL-Mindless             
  1279. VComm #1                 VComm #2                 VComm #3                 
  1280. VCS #1                   VCS #2                   VCS-1.0                  
  1281. VDV                      Veng-bcdef               Vengence                 
  1282. VFSI                     VFSI (Happy Day)         VHP (damaged)            
  1283. VHP-353                  VHP-361 (A)              VHP-361 (B)              
  1284. VHP-367                  VHP-435                  VHP-622                  
  1285. VHP-623                  VHP-757                  VHP-776 (A)              
  1286. VHP-776 (B)              Victor #1                Victor #2                
  1287. Victor #3                Victor #4                Vienna #1                
  1288. Vienna #2                Vienna #3                Vienna #4                
  1289. Vienna #5                Vienna #6                Vienna #7                
  1290. Vienna #8                Vienna #9                Vienna (damaged)         
  1291. Vienna-1024              Vienna-1028              Vienna-1054              
  1292. Vienna-1239              Vienna-510               Vienna-534               
  1293. Vienna-547               Vienna-5520              Vienna-582               
  1294. Vienna-600               Vienna-618               Vienna-62 (A)            
  1295. Vienna-62 (B)            Vienna-62 (C)            Vienna-621               
  1296. Vienna-625               Vienna-627               Vienna-634               
  1297. Vienna-644 (A)           Vienna-644 (B)           Vienna-645 (A)           
  1298. Vienna-645 (B)           Vienna-645-Related       Vienna-656 (A)           
  1299. Vienna-656 (B)           Vienna-726               Vienna-733 (A)           
  1300. Vienna-733 (B)           Vienna-757/776           Vienna-822               
  1301. Vienna-983               Vienna-Betaboys          Vienna-Dr.Q              
  1302. Vienna-E                 Vienna-IRA               Vienna-MD-354            
  1303. Vienna-MD-499            Vienna-NewYears          Vienna-Related #2        
  1304. Vienna-Twer              Vienna-VioLite           Vienna-Viperize          
  1305. Vienna-X2                Vietnam                  Vietnam-Nguyen           
  1306. Vindicator               Violator #1              Violator #10             
  1307. Violator #11             Violator #2              Violator #3              
  1308. Violator #4              Violator #5              Violator #6              
  1309. Violator #7              Violator #8              Violator #9              
  1310. Violetta #1              Violetta #2              Violetta #3              
  1311. Violetta-Related         Viper #1                 Viper #2                 
  1312. Viper-Dr                 Viperize                 Virdem #1                
  1313. Virdem #2                Virdem-792               Virdem-Family            
  1314. Virdem-Generic           Virus-101                Virus-189                
  1315. Virus-9                  Virus-90 (A)             Virus-90 (B)             
  1316. Virus-90 (C)             Virus-97                 Virus-Constr.-Set        
  1317. Vivaldi                  Void-Poem                Volga-Boot #1            
  1318. Volga-Boot #2            Voronezh #1              Voronezh #2              
  1319. Voronezh #3              Voronezh #4              Voronezh-1600 (B)        
  1320. Voronezh-370/650         Vote #1                  Vote #2                  
  1321. VP #1                    VP #2                    VP #3                    
  1322. VP #4                    Vriest #1                Vriest #2                
  1323. Vriest #3                VSC-1.0                  VVF-3.4 (A)              
  1324. VVF-3.4 (B)              VVV-252-Related          W13 (A)                  
  1325. W13 (B)                  W13 (C)                  W13-Req!                 
  1326. Walker                   Wanderer                 Warrior #1               
  1327. Warrior #2               Warrior #3               Warrior #4               
  1328. Warrior-Related #1       Warrior-Related #2       Warrior-X                
  1329. Water                    Wave-373                 We're-Here #1            
  1330. We're-Here #2            We're-Here #3            Weimar                   
  1331. Wench                    Westwood #1              Westwood #2              
  1332. Westwood #3              Whale #1                 Whale #10                
  1333. Whale #11                Whale #12                Whale #13                
  1334. Whale #14                Whale #15                Whale #16                
  1335. Whale #17                Whale #18                Whale #19                
  1336. Whale #2                 Whale #20                Whale #21                
  1337. Whale #22                Whale #23                Whale #24                
  1338. Whale #25                Whale #26                Whale #27                
  1339. Whale #28                Whale #29                Whale #3                 
  1340. Whale #30                Whale #31                Whale #32                
  1341. Whale #4                 Whale #5                 Whale #6                 
  1342. Whale #7                 Whale #8                 Whale #9                 
  1343. Whale Mutant #1          Whale Mutant #10         Whale Mutant #11         
  1344. Whale Mutant #12         Whale Mutant #13         Whale Mutant #14         
  1345. Whale Mutant #15         Whale Mutant #16         Whale Mutant #17         
  1346. Whale Mutant #18         Whale Mutant #19         Whale Mutant #2          
  1347. Whale Mutant #20         Whale Mutant #21         Whale Mutant #22         
  1348. Whale Mutant #23         Whale Mutant #24         Whale Mutant #25         
  1349. Whale Mutant #26         Whale Mutant #27         Whale Mutant #28         
  1350. Whale Mutant #29         Whale Mutant #3          Whale Mutant #30         
  1351. Whale Mutant #31         Whale Mutant #32         Whale Mutant #4          
  1352. Whale Mutant #5          Whale Mutant #6          Whale Mutant #7          
  1353. Whale Mutant #8          Whale Mutant #9          Whale-64 (A)             
  1354. Whale-64 (B)             Wilbur #1                Wilbur #2                
  1355. Wilbur #3                Wild Thing               Willow                   
  1356. Windows-Virus            WinVir-14                Wisconsin #1             
  1357. Wisconsin #2             Wisconsin #3             Wisconsin #4             
  1358. Wisconsin #5             Wit-Code #1              Wit-Code #2              
  1359. Witch                    Wizard                   Wolfman #1               
  1360. Wolfman #2               Wolfman #3               Wolfman #4               
  1361. Wolverine                Wonder #1                Wonder #2                
  1362. Word                     Word (encrypted)         Word-Related             
  1363. Words                    WWP                      WWT #1                   
  1364. WWT #2                   WWT #3                   WWT #4                   
  1365. WWT-Related              X1                       X1-570                   
  1366. XA1-A                    XA1-B                    XA1-Boot                 
  1367. Xabaras #1               Xabaras #2               XAM                      
  1368. XDV                      XMas-Violator #1         XMas-Violator #2         
  1369. XPEH-5648                XPEH-5808                XPEH-5856                
  1370. Xuxa #1                  Xuxa #2                  Y-302                    
  1371. Yafo                     Yale #1                  Yale #2                  
  1372. YAM-3599                 YAN-Boot                 Yankee #1                
  1373. Yankee #2                Yankee #3                Yankee #4                
  1374. Yankee #5                Yankee #6                Yankee 2885              
  1375. Yankee-1150/1202 (A)     Yankee-1150/1202 (B)     Yankee-1624              
  1376. Yankee-1905              Yankee-1961              Yankee-2505              
  1377. Yankee-2576              Yankee-2764              Yankee-2772              
  1378. Yankee-2932              Yankee-2968/2974         Yankee-2981              
  1379. Yankee-3045              Yankee-Doodle #1         Yankee-Doodle #2         
  1380. Yankee-Related #1        Yankee-Related #2        YAP #1                   
  1381. YAP #2                   Yaunch #1                Yaunch #2                
  1382. Yaunch #3                Year-1992                Year-2000                
  1383. Yeke-1076                Yeke-1204                Yellow                   
  1384. Youth                    Youth-Silence            Yukon                    
  1385. Yukon-Overwrite          Zaphod                   Zapper                   
  1386. Zapper-Rostov            Zero-Bug #1              Zero-Bug #2              
  1387. Zero-Bug #3              Zero-Hunt #1             Zero-Hunt #2             
  1388. Zero-Hunt #3             Zero-Hunt-Related        Zero-Translator          
  1389. Zherkov #1               Zherkov #2               Zherkov #3               
  1390. Zherkov-1940             Zherkov-Related          Ziuck 1372               
  1391. ZK-900 (A)               ZK-900 (B)               ZK-900 (C)               
  1392. ZMT-252 (A)              ZMT-252 (B)              ZRK-1882                 
  1393. ZRK-2968/2970            ZU                       ZV                       
  1394. ZZ                       _1480                    _150                     
  1395. _17960                   _226                     _2623                    
  1404. Usually all programs from Central Point (CPAV and MSAV) do NOT
  1405. cipher their scan strings (either memory and program file) which
  1406. makes it easy to pathc these programs. False positives are
  1407. likely to occur. We've had an enormus outbreak of Tremor in
  1408. Germany during the last four months. Did you know that Tremor
  1409. specifically switches the resident part of CPAV and/or MSAV OFF!
  1413. Bootsafe.Exe
  1414. ============
  1415. Older versions of this program did not decrypt their scan
  1416. strings properly. Delete it and replace it with a newer version.
  1420. Ikarus Antivirus Utilities Advanced Edition
  1421. ===========================================
  1422. Warning!, Signature of Eddie-2 (B) found in RMV.VDB
  1423.           Path name: D:\AV\VUAE\RMV.VDB
  1424.           Time: 01:51:50, Date: 27.03.1992, Size: 14690, Attr: R- H- S- A-
  1425. Cure: NONE
  1428. Microcomm's Virex-PC
  1429. ====================
  1430. Virexpro.Com
  1431. Warning!, Signature of Fellow found in VIREXPRO.COM
  1432.           Path name: D:\AV\VIREXPC\VIREXPRO.COM
  1433.           Time: 00:00:00, Date: 20.08.1991, Size: 48984, Attr: R- H- S- A-
  1434. CURE: NONE
  1435. VirX.Exe
  1436. Warning!, Signature of 570 found in VIRX.EXE
  1439. Virus-Cure Cure.Exe
  1440. ===================
  1441. Warning!, Signature of 1210 found in CURE.EXE
  1442.           Path name: D:\AV\VIRUSCU.RE\CURE.EXE
  1443.           Time: 08:50:34, Date: 04.02.1991, Size: 55737, Attr: R- H- S- A-
  1444. CURE: NONE
  1447. Mc Affee's Pro Scan:
  1448. ====================
  1449. Warning!, Signature of Slow #2 found in PRO-SCAN.EXE
  1450.           Path name: D:\AV\PRO-SCAN\PRO-SCAN.EXE
  1451.           Time: 11:17:30, Date: 06.08.1991, Size: 75189, Attr: R- H- S- A-
  1452. CURE: NONE
  1454. Certus Novi (now Symantec)
  1455. ==========================
  1456. Warning!, Signature of Den Zuk #1 found in NOVI.OVL
  1457.           Path name: D:\AV\NOVI\NOVI.OVL
  1458.           Time: 01:01:00, Date: 01.09.1991, Size: 32859, Attr: R- H- S- A-
  1459. CURE: NONE
  1462. Old Datacrime-Scanner in CompuServe:
  1463. ====================================
  1464. Warning!, Signature of Datacrime-1168 found in DC89SCAN.EXE
  1465.           Path name: E:\OLD.TAP\TAPARC.5\DC89SCAN.EXE
  1466.           Time: 06:42:18, Date: 07.10.1989, Size: 18209, Attr: R- H- S- A+
  1467. CURE: NONE
  1469. *****************************************************************
  1470. * These are the ONLY false positives WE received on OUR systems *
  1471. *****************************************************************
  1475. Got a nice review in Virus Bulletin 1/93. However, they found
  1476. some other programs, which AVScan 'flags' as infected:
  1478. Virex-PC V.2.3
  1479. ==============
  1480. 570
  1482. Vi-Spy Version 10
  1483. =================
  1484. Aircop
  1486. Viruscure-Plus Version 2.41
  1487. ===========================
  1488. Slow
  1493. Support:
  1494. ========
  1495. Support for AVScan is provided on an as is basis if time
  1496. permits. Since we make our living out of AntiVir IV, our comercial
  1497. virus remover (not a simple deleter!),  you can reach us ONLY at:
  1499. CompuServe 71310,3143
  1501. InterNet 71310,3143@compuserve.com
  1503. Fax ++49 7542 52510
  1506. Background:
  1507. ===========
  1508. AVScan is based on the algorithm behind AntiVir IV, which scans
  1509. for viruses in destroyed or damaged files. Some viruses do not
  1510. infect all kind of files quite easily. They usually have big
  1511. problems on certain files.
  1513. Scanning and removing viruses on infected files is usually quite
  1514. easy (advertisment: we can do it), even for encrypting viruses.
  1515. The problems are damaged files where the virus overwrote parts of
  1516. the host file. We take this seriously and built a scanning
  1517. version into AntiVir IV. This special feature enables the user
  1518. to scan for virus identities or signatures in damaged files.
  1520. This algorithm is the engine within AVScan and used within
  1521. AntiVir IV. AntiVir IV is a German product and available in
  1522. German only. Please don't ask about an English version - new
  1523. viruses keep us busy to implement new recovering methods
  1524. than to build an English version. I'm sorry about that. This
  1525. version of AVScan is supposed NOT to work on systems equipped
  1526. German versions of DOS - while the German version of AVScan
  1527. does. 
  1530. We're thinking of bringing AVScan to North America. Ideas
  1531. welcome. You can contact us:
  1534. H+BEDV GmbH
  1535. Attn: Tjark Auerbach
  1536. Olgastrasse 4
  1537. D-88069 Tettnang
  1538. West Germany
  1540. Fax ++49 7542 52510
  1541. CompuServe 71310,3143
  1542. InterNet 71310,3143@compuserve.com
  1544. AntiVir IV (R) and AVScan are copyright H+BEDV GmbH