"$\r%%[[%d]%%] Minutes left. Enter command ([?] for help): "
"Press [RETURN] to continue: "
"More? [Y/n/ns] "
"\rCan your terminal display ANSI graphics? [y/n] "
"$Enter desired bulletin number: "
"\rCheck for personal mail? %%[[%s]%%] "
"$Your FIRST name: "
"$ and LAST name: "
"Please choose your personal password: "
"Please reenter password to verify it: "
"$You have called [%d] times.\rLast called on [%s] at [%s]."
"\rWhat is your phone number[?] "
"$\r\rDaily call limit exceeded. Please call again tommorrow.\r\r"
"\rInvalid protocol selection.\r"
"$\r%[[H]%]ang-up now, leave %[[m]%]essage to sysop, or %[[r]%]eturn to board: "
"$Goodbye, [%s]~\r"
"$Enter filename: "
"$Enter desired selection: "
"$Which line[?] "
"Do you wish to continue the logon process? "
"\rDo you want to fill out the questionnaire? %[[y/n]%] "
"\rDo you wish me to save your answers? %[[y/n]%] "
"$\r[Thanks] for filling out the questionnaire.\r"
"\rFile transmission [canceled].\r"
"\rPress ^[[Esc]^] to define a new topic, or ^[[RETURN]^] to retain the old topic.\rTopic thread:~ %s"
"\rPress ^[[Esc]^] to define a new phrase, or ^[[RETURN]^] to retain the old phrase.\rTextual thread:~ %s"
"\r^[[Esc]^] to define a new address.\r^[[RETURN]^] to retain the old address.\rAddress thread:~ %s"
"\rEnter message, [99] lines max., [empty line] or [CTRL-END] to end.\r %[[--------------------------------------------------------------------------]%]\r"
"$[P]rivate [M]essage [A]rea.\r"
"\rPress ^[[Esc^]] for new subject, or ^[[RETURN]^] to retain old subject.\r"
" ready, you have [40] seconds to begin. Press %[[Ctrl-X]%] to abort.\r"
"$Cannot locate requested file.\r"
"\rTime limit has expired[!]\r"
"\r\rSorry. Too close to a scheduled event for transfer[!]\r"
"\rThe use of [wildcards] is [okay].\r"
"\r\r >>> END OF CHAT. Press ^[[RETURN]^]: "
"$Enter [^(A^)]ll, [^(R^)]eview or the line numbers to read, [MM-NN] : "
"$Enter Msg#:~ "
"$Enter Msg# or Filename:~ "
"$\rMessage [#%u] deleted.\r"
"$ Subject: &["
"$Security: "
"$[^(P^)]rivate "
"$[^(R^)]ecurring "
"$[^(K^)]ill protect [^(N^)]one? "
"\r%s is not currently authorized.\r"
"$Text to search for: "
"\r[NODELIST.BBS] file is missing, must obtain!"
"$Is this the correct destination? %[[y/n]%] "
"Sorry. You don't have enough [credit] to send to that destination.\r"
"\r[^(L^)]ookup NET/NODE numbers.\r$NET/NODE: "
"$ [Filename] | [Description] - Up to 10 lines per file, empty line to end.\r$------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|\r"
"$ [(PRIVATE)"
"$ [(NO KILL)"
"$ [(RECURR)"
"$\rFILES: %s"
"$\rMSGS : %s"
"$\r\rYou have downloaded [%uk] today.\rYour daily download limit is [%uk].\rThe current request of [%uk] exceeds your limit[!]\r\r"
"$\r%s selected.\r"
"$\rApplication for conference submitted, [SYSOP must authorize access].\r"
"$\rEnter new directory name: "
"\rSorry. Cannot find that directory[!]\r\r"
"%-22s [AUTHORIZED\r"
"Access Level . [%c]\r"
"Caller Nbr ... [%ld]\r"
"Non-stop mode [ENABLED]\r"
"Expert mode [ENABLED]\r"
"$\rNot enough memory available for file search.\r"
"$\rLIST NEW FILES.\r\rThe cutoff date will default to %s.\rEnter the desired cutoff date, [^(MM-DD-YY^)]: "
"$\rTYPE OF SEARCH? ^[[K^]]eyword or ^[[F^]]ilename: "
"$Enter [text]: "
"$Use of [wildcards] is [okay].\rEnter filename: "