HAM Radio 3
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Text File
1,938 lines
Ver. 3.05
Copyright 1986-89
M. Lee Murrah, WD5CID
The Original Comprehensive Morse Code
Training Program for the IBM PC and Compatibles
I. General Information
A. Purpose and Goals
B. Your Right to Use SUPER MORSE
C. The Software
D. The Author
E. More Information about Amateur Radio
A. SUPER MORSE Program and Data Files
B. Equipment and Operating System Requirements
C. Installation
D. Printing the DOC file
E. Hardware and Software Considerations
B. SUPER MORSE Organization--the Main Menu
C. The SUPER MORSE Display
D. Help
E. Configuring the Character Set
F. Output via Communications Port
G. Timing a SUPER MORSE Session
H. Controlling SUPER MORSE
I. Setting Program Parameters
IV. The Learn Phase
A. The <L>earn Command
B. Lesson 1 - DITS and DAHS, the Basic Code Sounds
C. Lesson 2 - Sound Combinations
D. Lesson 3 - Character Length
E. Lesson 4 - Character Rhythm
F. Lesson 5 - Character Steps
G. Lesson 6 - Character Runs
H. Lesson 7 - Character Groups
I. Lesson 8 - Character Learning Levels
J. Lesson 9 - All characters
K. The User Group
L. Viewing Character Groupings
V. The Build Phase
A. Building Code Speed
B. Receiving Random Groups--the <G>roups Command
C. Receiving Random Groups--the <S>tructured Groups
D. Receiving Random Groups--the <V>ariable Groups
E. Receiving Complete Words--the <W>ords Command
F. Receiving a Simulated Radio Transmission--the <Q>SO
G. Receiving Text Entered via Keyboard--the <E>nter
H. Receiving Text in a Disk File--the Disk Command
I. Receiving Groups at Increasing Speed--the <Z>oom
VI. The Enhance Phase
A. Skill Enhancement
B. Sending Code
C. <L>ag Copy
D. Copying on a <T>ypewriter
E. Boost Copy
VII. The Measure Phase
A. The <M>easure Command
B. Simulated FCC Exam
C. <K>eyboard Receive Test
D. <S>olid Copy Test
VIII The Operation Phase
A. Two Way Practice Via Telephone Modem
B. Radio Terminal
IX. We Need Your Feedback and Help
X. Troubleshooting
I. General Information
A. Purpose and Goals
Super Morse was written to help prospective hams overcome
what many perceive to be the biggest obstacle to obtaining
an amateur radio license--learning the Morse code. There
are several programs available in the public domain which
send Morse code via a PC's speaker, but most are very
limited and are often written in BASIC, which requires a
clumsy interpreter. Super Morse seeks to provide a
full-featured program which provides a variety of modes for
learning and practicing the code and which takes advantage
of the computer as a teaching tool.
My goals in writing Super Morse were:
1. Professional appearance and operating characteristics.
2. Comprehensive program covering all aspects of Morse code
learning and practice.
3. Create new methods of learning and practicing the Morse
4. Provide ample opportunities for customization by the user.
5. Use the microcomputer to teach and learn Morse code.
B. Your Right to Use and Distribute Super Morse
1. License
As you may have noticed I have retained the copyright in
Super Morse, primarily in order to control its orderly
development. However, I am granting the right to anyone to
use the program for private, non-commercial purposes without
further permission from me. That is, you can copy it, use
it, and share it (including distribution at hamfests and in ham
radio equipment stores) so long as you do not charge any
money for it other than the cost of the disk or other
transfer medium, not to exceed $2. Please note that you
MUST return a completed registration form as contained in
the file REGISTER.FRM as a condition of using Super Morse.
2. Suggested Contributions
In order to cover expenses associated with the development
and distribution of Super Morse, such as equipment,
software, telecommunications charges, postage, supplies, and
long distance calls to users, I suggest that you make a
voluntary contribution of $15 (or whatever if affordable to
your) for each copy of the program. If you have already made
a contribution for previous releases, you do not need to
make an additional contribution. If you cannot afford a
monetary contribution, at lease give me a call or write me a
note and give me an "attaboy" or two.
C. The Software
Super Morse is written in Turbo Pascal version 5.5. The
development of Super Morse began in early 1986 under the
name "CW" and has gone through a number of versions. New
versions will be released as features are added and
corrections are made to previously released versions.
The latest version of Super Morse can usually be found on
GEnie in the IBMPC section and Compuserve in HAMNET. The
latest version can also be obtained by sending a FORMATTED
(360K) diskette and a STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED diskette
mailer to the author at the above address. The request
should also be sent with sufficient postage that it does not
arrive with postage due! Also a Shareware contribution
makes the author whistle while he works making your copy!
D. The Author
The author holds an advanced class license to operate amateur
radio station WD5CID. He is a registered patent attorney
working with Rockwell International Corporation in Cedar Rapids,
IA (the old Collins Radio Company). He can be contacted on
Compuserve (ID No.: 71016,1355), or GEnie (Address:
L.MURRAH), or by mail at the following address:
10 Cottage Grove Woods, S.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
The home telephone number is (319) 365-6530. Call early
evenings and weekends if you would like to talk about Super
Morse for any reason. For a mail reply please enclose a
self-addressed, self-stamped envelope.
Credit must also be given to users who have made suggestions
for improving Super Morse. Many of their suggestions have
been incorporated into Super Morse.
E. More Information About Amateur Radio
1. National Amateur Radio Association (NARA)
NARA is a specialized new organization dedicated to
increasing participation in amateur radio, especially by the
youth of America. The address is:
National Amateur Radio Association
16541 Redmond Way, Suite 232
Redmond, WA 98052
2. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
ARRL is a general membership amateur radio
organization. ARRL publishes a monthly magazine named QST
and provides many useful services and publications. The
address is:
American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
3. Ham Radio Magazines
Following are major magazines dealing with ham radio:
QST (published by ARRL for members)
These are available at many amateur radio and electronics
stores, large newsdealers, and magazine racks at many larger
4. Compuserve HAMNET
COMPUSERVE provides a special interest area called HAMNET
which is available to any COMPUSERVE subscriber. Most
computer stores (Radio Shack, for example) can tell you how to
subscribe to COMPUSERVE.
5. GEnie RADIO Roundtable
GEnie also has a special interest area for radio and
broadcasting interests. To subscribe call 800-638-9636.
6. Amateur Radio Clubs and Individual Hams
Most communities of substantial size have an amateur radio
club or at least one ham. To find the nearest club or ham
contact the ARRL or call businesses who are likely to have a
ham on the payroll. Try a local radio dealer (amateur or
commercial) or TV or radio station. The author found a ham
to help him out by looking for suspiciously large antennas
in the neighborhood. Another good tactic is to look for
amateur radio call sign automobile license tags and make
contact with the driver (leave a note on the windshield).
II. Super Morse Setup
A. Super Morse Program and Data Files
SMnnn.ZIP (where nnn is the version number) contains the
following files:
Name Description Needed to Run?
---- ----------- --------------
ANTENNAS.SM - Names of antennas for QSO feature Yes
BUILD.HLP - Help file for Build phase Yes
BYE.HLP - Sign off message Yes
CITIES.SM - Names of cities for QSO feature Yes
ENHANCE.HLP - Help file for Enhance phase Yes
GROUPS.SM - Code groups for Learn phase Yes
GROUPS.1 - Alternate code group for Learn phase No
GROUPS.2 - Alternate code group for Learn phase No
HAMWORDS.SM - List of "ham" words for receive feature Yes
HOME.HLP - Help file for control keys Yes
JOBS.SM - Name of occupations for QSO feature Yes
LEARN.HLP - Help file for Learn phase Yes
MAIN.HLP - Main help file Yes
MEASURE.HLP - Help file for Measure phase Yes
MORSE.HLP - Help file for Morse characters Yes
NAMES.SM - Names of operators for QSO feature Yes
ONLINE.HLP - Help file for the online feature Yes
OP.HLP - Help file for the Operate phase Yes
RADIO.HLP - Help file for radio terminal feature Yes
README.1ST - Important information about setup No
REGISTER.FRM - For user registration and suggestions No.
REGWORDS.SM - List of "regular" words for Receive feature Yes
RIGS.SM - Names of radio equipment for QSO feature Yes
RUNS.SM - Character runs for Learn feature Yes
SM.EXE - the main executable file Yes
SM.DOC - This documentation file No
STATES.SM - States Yes
STEPS.SM - Character pairings for Learn feature Yes
Versions of Super Morse which have an "N" after the version
number are distributed by the National Amateur Radio
Association and contain additional files relevant to that
B. Equipment and Operating System Requirements
Super Morse can be run on the IBM-PC and compatibles having
192K of memory and one floppy disk drive. A hard disk is
not required, although you will find that a hard disk will
enhance operation of this and any other program.
Your CONFIG.SYS file should authorize at least 20 files.
This can be done with the following statement:
FILES = 20
CONFIG.SYS may be edited using a word processor in the ASCII
output mode or a text editor.
C. Installation
1. In General
In versions of Super Morse prior to 1.04, it was necessary
to create a special subdirectory and copy all data files into
that directory. That is no longer required! The only
restriction on the location of files is that the files having
HLP and SM extensions must be in the same subdirectory as the
SM.EXE file.
Super Morse may be run directly from the distribution
diskette, or it can be copied onto another diskette or to a
hard disk. If you wish to use another floppy diskette,
simply copy all the files on the distribution diskette other
than the file having the ZIP extension to the new diskette.
If you install Super Morse on a hard disk, you may wish to
place the program in a special subdirectory of you choosing.
Simply create the subdirectory as described in your DOS
manual, and copy all the files from the distribution
diskette to the selected subdirectory.
If you run Super Morse from a floppy disk, DO NOT write
protect the disk! Super Morse periodically writes to the
diskette and write protection will cause a disk write error.
2. Upgrading from CW or Earlier Super Morse Versions
The structures of the configuration (SM.CFG) and user (SM.USR)
files which record the current status of certain program
information file have changed several times during the
evolution of Super Morse. The lastest change in the
configuration file was in version 3.01 and the user file in
version 3.01. If you are upgrading from an earlier version,
you will need to erase one or both of the current files using
the following commands:
an reinitialize Super Morse. If you fail to do this you will
either get a "Disk Read" error or the program will operate
3. The Archive File
If you obtained your copy of Super Morse directly from the
author, your disk contains all the files necessary to
immediately run Super Morse. Your diskette also contains a
an "archive" file named SMxxx.ZIP (where xxx is the program
version number) which is a single file containing a compacted
version of the same files. Unless you want to upload Super
Morse to a computer bulletin board system, you may not have
any need for this file. To place Super Morse on a bulletin
board system, all you have to do is upload this one archive
file. If you do want to use this file for other than
uploading, it must be un-archived using an archive utility
program such as PKUNZIP (version 1.01 or later), both of
which are commonly available on most computer bulletin board
D. Printing the DOC File
To print SM.DOC (this file) enter the following command:
You can also use the PRINT.COM program which comes with DOS
or a word processor program.
E. Hardware and Software Considerations
1. Computer Clock Speed
The clock speed for your computer will affect the code speed.
Therefore, you should calibrate Super Morse code speed for
your computer. If you have a multiple speed system, use
Super Morse only in the calibrated clock speed unless you
wish to recalibrate.
2. Video Display Card
Super Morse supports CGA (color), MDA (monochome) and HGC
(Hercules) video displays. The proper display adapter can be
selected using the ALT-S command.
3. Memory Resident Programs
Since Super Morse uses a software loop for timing purposes
(the system clock does not provide sufficient accuracy for
code timing), you will need to recalibrate the code speed if
memory resident programs are added or deleted. Such programs
affect the clock operation upon which the loop is based.
4. Disk Cache Programs
Super Morse saves changes in the program parameters when
user exits the program. If you are using a disk cache
program, the parameters may be saved to the cache area in
memory and thus may not permanently saved to disk. If you
are having this problem, you should try disabling any disk
cacheing program which you have installed on your system.
III. Using Super Morse
A. Starting Super Morse
To run Super Morse enter the following at the DOS prompt:
and press RETURN.
B. Super Morse Organization--The Main Menu
Super Morse is organized around the five phases of the Morse
code learning process: (1) learning the characters,
(2) building speed, (3) enhancing skills, (4) measuring
progress, and (5) operating. These five phases are
reflected in the <L>earn, <B>uild, <E>nhance, <M>easure, and
<O>perate commands, respectively, in the main menu as
| |
| <L>earn Characters <M>easure |
| <B>uild Speed <O>perate |
| <E>nhance Skills e<X>it |
| |
C. The Super Morse Display
1. The Message Line (Top)
At all times while Super Morse is running, the top line of
the screen is used to identify the current function and the
key necessary to abort that function. Most functions can be
exited ata any prompt using the <ESC> key.
2. The Status Lines (Bottom)
Likewise, the bottom two lines display important program
parameters. The upper status line displays from left to right
the currently active character set ("Ch"), whether code text
will be displayed ("Txt"), whether the speaker is active
("Spk"), and the elapsed time for the current session ("ET").
The lower status line displays from left to right the code
send speed ("SS") in words per minute, the code character
speed ("CS") in words per minute, the code word speed ("WS")
in words per minute, the U.S. license class represented by
the speed ("Cl"), the oscillator tone frequency ("Tone") in
Hertz, whether the zoom mode is active ("Zm", whether the
DIT/DAH tone split is enabled ("Spl"), and the current status
of background noise ("QRM").
3. The Morse Code Character Set
SUPER MORSE implements the standard Morse code character set
used in amateur radio. This includes the 26 letters, 10
numbers, the comma, period, question mark, the slash mark, and
the prosigns. In addition, SUPER MORSE supports the
colon, semicolon, left parenthesis, and right parenthesis for
modes using the keyboard and disk files. These characters are
not part of the character set for automatic sending by the
Several Morse code procedure signs ("prosigns") are not
printable as ASCII characters. These characters are usually
represented as a combination of two printable ASCII characters
as follows:
Prosign ASCII Representation Meaning
------- -------------------- -------
<AR> @ End of message
<SK> $ End of contact
<AS> ! Wait, stand-by
<KN> # Over-specified station only
<BT> = Double dash
When prosigns are printed on the screen, they are represented
in their double letter form surrounded by pointed brackets.
Prosigns must still be entered on the keyboard using their
ASCII representations. The ASCII characters used to
represent prosigns are chosen to provide at least some
association with or suggestion of the double-letter
representation of the prosigns. '@' suggests the 'A' in
'<AR>', '$' the 'S' in '<SK>', and '!' the staccato DIT DIT
DIT of the 'S' in '<AS>'. '#' suggests the run-together
combination of 'K' and 'N' in '<KN>'.
4. Visual Cues
When most people think of Morse code, they think of "dots" and
"dashes." This is unfortunate since the use of dots and dashes
slows down the learning process. Morse code should be
learned by sound and not by sight. For that reason the only
visual cues uses in Super Morse are the characters
themselves and the words "DIT" and "DAH" to represent the
short and long sounds of Morse code.
D. Help
Help screens for for each menu are available by pressing
ALT-H. Help for the control keys is available by pressing
E. Configuring the Character Set
The character set to be received may be set by pressing the
ALT-D key combination during any menu display. The ALT-D
command permits the currently enabled character set to be
altered using the following screen:
| |
| Current Character Set |
| |
| ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 .,?/- !@#$ |
| xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx ----- ---- |
| |
| "x" = enabled "-" = disabled |
| |
| Key Toggles Character Status |
| Toggle: |
| "%" = Letters "{" = Group 1 "<" = Group 5 |
| "^" = Numbers "{" = Group 2 ">" = Group 6 |
| "&" = Punctuation "[" = Group 3 "~" = Group 7 |
| "*" = Prosigns "]" = Group 4 |
| |
| "\" = Clear All SPACE Bar = Default Chars |
| |
The symbol directly below the character in the above screen
indicates whether the character is enabled. The "x"
indicates that it is enabled, and the "-" that it is disabled.
The default character set has the letters and numbers
enabled and the punctuation and prosigns disabled. To
change the status of any character, press the corresponding
key on the keyboard. To enable the default character set,
press the SPACE bar. To clear all characters, press "|". To
enable or disable all the letters, press the "%" key.
Likewise, for the numbers press the "^" key, for punctuation
the "&" key, and for the prosigns the "*" key. The currently
active character groups used in the Learn phase can be
selectively activated using the indicated keys. Note that the
alternate character groups file has only six groups, and the
"~" key will thus not be active if that file is used.
The current status of the character set is saved at the user's
option when Super Morse is exited or when ALT-V is pressed.
F. Input/Output via Communications Port
The primary I/O for Super Morse code is via the computer
keyboard and the PC onboard speaker. Secondary output is
provided by toggling either the DTR or RTS pin at the
selected RS-232 communications port. Input is provided via
either the DSR or CTS pin at the same port. The user can
select whether to expect either a high (+) or a low (-)
voltage in the key-down condition and the opposite in the
key-up condition. Output via DTR/RTS is available whenever
code is being sent, but input via DSR/CTS is available only
in the <M>anual key function of the <E>nhance phase and in
the <O>perate phase.
I/O via either COM1 or COM2 can be set using the <ALT-S> (Set
Parameters) key combination. With a proper interface DTR/RTS
can be used to drive an external oscillator for making high
quality code tapes or to key a transmitter Likewise, DSR/CTS
can be interfaced with a hand key, electronic keyer, or a
Code output to the speaker and com port can be selected using
the <ALT-S> key combination. Code input can be selected from
either one of several keys on the computer keyboard or the
com port using the <M>anual key command in the <ALT-S>
A detailed explanation of how to use the DTR/RTS and DSR/CTS
signals for the aforementioned purposes is beyond the scope
of this manual and is left to the ingenuity of the user.
However, an external key can be connected between pins 4 and
6 (for DSR pin) or between pins 4 and 5 (for CTS pin) of the
selected COM port without any other interface circuitry. The
author would like to receive diagrams of tested circuits
designed by users to take advantage of COM port I/O.
G. Timing a Super Morse Session
Super Morse includes a session timer which is displayed on
the status line as "ET". The session timer is automatically
zeroed when Super Morse is invoked, but it may be re-zeroed
at any time by pressing the ALT-T key combination.
H. Controlling Super Morse
1. The ESC Key
At any time code is being sent, the current operation can be
aborted by pressing the <ESC> key. In some functions it is
necessary to press another key to continue as indicated on
the message line. The <ESC> key can also be used to abort any
time a user input is requested.
2. The Function Keys
The function keys are active at any input prompt, and while
code is being sent. They are defined as follows:
F1 - Decrease SEND Speed F2 - Increase SEND Speed
F3 - Decrease CHAR Speed F4 - Increase CHAR Speed
F5 - Decrease WORD Speed F6 - Increase WORD Speed
F7 - Decrease Speaker Tone F8 - Increase Speaker Tone
F9 - Set SEND, CHAR, and WORD to Same Speed
F10 - Hide/Unhide Text
The operations performed by these keys are discussed in more
detail in several of the following sections.
3. The ALT and Other Control Keys
The following ALT and other keys are available:
ALT-C - Clear the screen (not active during menu
ALT-D - Define character set
ALT-E - Set to Extra class speed (20,20,20)
ALT-G - Set to General class speed (13,13,13)
ALT-H - Context sensitive help
ALT-K - Toggle speaker
ALT-L - Toggle tone split
ALT-M - Show Morse characters
ALT-N - Set to Novice class speed (5,13,5)
ALT-P - Pause
ALT-Q - Set background noise (QRM) level
ALT-S - Set program parameters
ALT-T - Reset elapsed time clock
ALT-V - Save new settings
ALT-U - Display user statistics
ALT-Z - Toggle zoom mode
HOME - Quick key help
4. The Code Speed
The code speed can be set at any input prompt, and while
code is being sent, using the function keys as follows:
F1 - Decrease SEND Speed F2 - Increase SEND Speed
F3 - Decrease CHAR Speed F4 - Increase CHAR Speed
F5 - Decrease WORD Speed F6 - Increase WORD Speed
F9 - Set SEND, CHAR, and WORD to Same Speed
You can set the speed at which the character is sent separately
from the overall send speed (the Farnsworth method). For
example, you can set the send speed at a slow speed but the
character speed can be set to send the characters using
shorter DITS and DAHS which are equivalent to a much faster
send speed. This is a highly recommended way to increase
your speed since you will know the sound of the characters
at the higher speed from the beginning. This method has
been found to help alleviate the "hump" that many people
reach at 10 words per minute.
You can quickly set the speed to the speeds for the various
class of licenses using the ALT keys as follows:
ALT-E Extra class (20 WPM)
ALT-G General class (13 WPM)
ALT-N Novice class (5 WPM)
For the Novice class the speed is set for the Farnsworth
method. For the other classes the send, character, and word
speeds are set to the same value.
You can also set the word speed separately from send and
character speed. This helps the user to learn the sounds of
whole words sent at high speeds but spaced at a slower speed.
The minimum code speed is permitted by Super Morse is 3 WPM,
and the maximum is 99 WPM (good luck with that setting!).
The send speed and character speeds are coupled so that the
send speed will never exceed the character speed. Also in
the speed test mode, the word speed is automatically set to
the send speed so that the test is valid. In addition, upon
entry into the Learn phase, the send and word speeds are
automatically set to 5 wpm, and the character speed to 13 wpm.
5. The Oscillator Tone
The oscillator tone can be set to suit the user's tastes with
the function keys as follows:
F7 - Decrease Speaker Tone F8 - Increase Speaker Tone
The minimum tone is 400 Hz., and the maximum is 2000 Hz.
Unfortunately the volume of the PC speaker cannot be changed.
Some tones are reproduced by the PC speaker better than
others, however, and they seem louder. The default tone is
730 Hz. to approximate the 725 Hz. tone believed to be used
for FCC tests.
6. Splitting the DIT and DAH Tones
The tones for sending DITs and DAHs are normally the same.
However, as an additional aid in distinguishing between the
two, Super Morse permits you to split the two tones such that
the DAH is 10 Hz. lower than the DAH using the ALT-L key
7. Adding Background Noise
To provide practice in copying code under difficult
conditions, the user can add background noise (known as
"QRM" to hams) to the code by pressing the ALT-Q key
combination. Level 0 is no noise, and levels 1, 2, and are
noise levels of different types. Background noise is
available only in the Build and Enhance phases.
8. Hiding the Text
If you want to hide the text so that you are not tempted to
peek while copying, press the F10 key. Pressing F10 again
reverses the effect. The current status is displayed on the
status line. With some functions the text will be hidden
regardless of the setting of the hide subcommand.
The hide feature remembers up to 1792 characters sent when
the text is hidden. When the text is unhidden, these
characters are printed on the screen as they would have
appeared if the had not been hidden.
9. Zoom Mode
The Groups and Words functions in the Build phase may be
exercised using the zoom mode. In this mode a specified
number of words or groups is sent at specified starting
speed, and then the send speed is bumped up by the specified
WPM increment. This process is repeated until a specified
end speed is reached.
The zoom mode is enabled and disabled by pressing the ALT-Z
key combination during any menu display. When the zoom mode
is enabled, the following screen is displayed for parameter
| (1) Start Speed : 3 |
| (2) End Speed : 14 |
| (3) Char Speed : 14 |
| (4) Increment : 1.0 |
| (5) Num Words : 10 |
Each parameter can be changed by entering the indicated
parameter number. The increment parameter specifies the
number of WPM the speed is bumped after the specified number
of words or groups is sent. Any one of four preset
increment values may be selected: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0
10. Repeating Characters
In the <L>earn phase, characters can be repeated at any
prompt by pressing the <SPACE> bar.
11. Clearing the Screen
The screen may be cleared any time the screen is active
(i.e., no menu is showing) by pressing the ALT-C key
12. Quick Key Help
The definitions of the function keys and ALT keys can be
displayed at any menu by pressing the HOME key.
13. Pause
During the middle of a code exerise, you may wish to pause
for some reason, e.g., answer the phone. You may do so by
pressing the ALT-P key combination. Note that you will lose
a character if you are in the midst of it when you invoke the
pause. Note also that pause will affect timed functions.
Pressing any key continues the previous function.
14. Displaying User Statistics
Several of the features in the Learn and Measure phases
record information about the user's progress.
In Lessons 6,7,8, and 9 of the Learn phase, Super Morse
keeps track of the user's number of consecutive correct
answers. When the <U>ser statistics command is selected, a
color graph showing the number of correct answers for each
character for the last 10 times the character has been sent
to the user. Also displayed at the bottom of the graph is a
percentage goal figure. The goal referred to is to achieve
10 out of 10 correct for each letter, for a total of 450
consecutive correct answers. A perfect score is 100, but you
have to be VERY good to achieve it. Your score starts at 0
and slowly builds toward 100 as you get better. If you can
come even close to 100, you KNOW the Morse characters!
In the Enhance phase the user's maximum boost speed and
keyboard copy speed are recorded and displayed in the user
statistics. Also the number of Super Morse sessions and
total time spent using Super Morse are shown.
The user statistics can be cleared with the <E>rase User
15. Saving Current Settings
The current values of the program settings (parameters)
can be saved with the ALT-V key combination. If the settings
have been saved during the current session, then the user is
given the opportunity to save them when exiting Super Morse.
Several parameters (zoom status, split tone status, and qrm
status) are not saved and must be reset during every session.
16. Exiting Super Morse
Super Morse may be exited from the main menu using the
e<X>it command. If program parameters have been changed,
the user will be given an opportunity to save the new
ones. The Morse code exit message can be cut short by
pressing ESC (although you would be deprived of the pleasure
of hearing WD5CID's call sign yet again).
I. Setting Program Parameters
1. The Set Parameters Menu
Super Morse may be configured by pressing ALT-S at any menu
prompt, which will display a window with the following
| <A> Timing Factor : XXXX <P> Prompt Sound : XXX |
| <B> Auto Calibrate : XXXX <Q> Jump File Spaces : XXX |
| <C> Speed Test : XXXX <R> Video Adapter : XXX |
| <D> Code Weight : XXX |
| <1> Main Background : XXX |
| <E> Telephone Port : XXXX |
| <F> Baud Rate : XXXX <2> Main Foreground : XXX |
| <G> No. Bits : X |
| <H> Parity : X <3> Window Background : XXX |
| |
| <I> Keying Port : XXXX <4> Window Foreground : XXX |
| <J> Input Keying : XXX |
| <K> RS-232 Input : XXX <5> Status Background : XXX |
| <L> Input Sense : X |
| <M> Output Keying : XXX <6> Status Foreground : XXX |
| <N> RS-232 Output : XXX |
| <O> Output Sense : X <7> Highlight : XXX |
For all but two of the set commands (B and C), the menu also
gives the current status of the affected parameter. The
color selections <1>-<7> show the actual color selected
(color display only).
2. Calibrating the Code Speed
a. Code Speed/Timing in General
Code speed is an elusive measure since it varies with the type
of material being sent. The average plain text word is 50
units (DIT times) long, which is the length of the standard
text word PARIS. On the other hand, the average 5 letter
random character group is 60 units long, which is the length
of the standard random character group word CODEX. This
is easily understood once it is realized that plain English
text has a disproportionate number of E's and T's, which are
the shortest characters in Morse code. In fact, the Morse
code was designed so that the most frequent characters used
the shorter code sequences. The net effect of this
difference is that the DITS and DAHS in 5 letter random code
groups should sound about 20% faster than those in plain
text even though the total number of characters is the same.
The PARIS method is used for all but the <B>uild/groups
functions where the CODEX method is used. As a consequence,
that function will seem to be faster than the other functions,
but that is the way it should be.
b. Determining the Present Code Speed - the <C>
When you install Super Morse, and when you add or remove memory
resident programs, you will need to check the speed calibration
and reset the timing if it is incorrect. The timing of the
code in Super Morse is initially set assuming a computer
clock speed of 4.77 MHz and a NEC V20 replacement for the
8088 microprocessor. To use the <C> command, set the send
and word speeds to any desired speed and select the command.
Press any key when prompted, and wait while the word PARIS is
sent the same number of times as indicated by the send speed
(SS). When completed the prompt line will show the number of
seconds required to send the indicated number of PARIS's. For
correct calibration exactly 60 seconds is required. If the
calibration is not correct, you should change the timing
factor in the manner instructed on the prompt line using the
<A> command, and re-run the <C> command until you get as
close to 60 seconds as possible. Continue this process until
you are satisfied with the result. You should aim for
slightly less than 60 seconds so that any errors are on the
too-fast side of the indicated speed.
c. Changing the Timing Factor - the <A> Command
If the speed determined using the Speed Test is incorrect,
the <A> is used to change the Timing Factor. To decrease
code speed, increase the value of the timing factor, and vice
versa. With a clock speed of 4.77 MHz., a NEC V20
microprocessor, and with no memory resident programs
installed, the author has found that a timing factor of
around 1220 is necessary.
d. Automatic Calibration - the <B> Command
You can use the Auto Calibrate feature to automatically
set the timing factor to APPROXIMATELY the correct setting.
Due to vagaries of the PC clock, this method may be off by
several percent. This may be fine for general use, but
before relying upon the speed as when preparing for your
code test, you should manually calibrate the speed as
described in the preceding paragraph. This feature is a
good way to start the calibration process described above.
You should ALWAYS check the code speed for your computer before
relying upon Super Morse.
3. Code Weighting
The code weighting can be changed using the <D> command.
Normally a DAH is 3 times as long as a DIT. This is called
code weighting. In some instances it is useful to change the
weighting to some other ratio. Super Morse permits the
weighting to be set in the range 2-6 in increments of 0.2. At
present changing the weight from the weight used for speed
calibration causes a very slight change in speed. Thus, you
should always calibrate speed at a weighting of 3, and
understand that speeds at other weightings may be off by 1
WPM or so.
4. Configuring the Telephone Port
a. Telephone Port Selection - the <D> Command
SUPER MORSE makes use of the PC serial communications ports
for the <O>n Line Practice feature in the <O>perate phase.
The user can set either COM1 or COM2 using the <D> command.
b. Setting Communications Parameters
The baud rate for the telephone port can be set at either
300, 1200, or 2400 baud with the <E> command, the number of
bits can be set either at 7 or 8 using the <F> command, and
the parity can be set at either even, odd, or none using the
<G> command.
5. Configuring the Keying Port
a. Keying Port Selection - the <H> Command
SUPER MORSE provides auxiliary CW signal input and output
using a serial port. Either COM1 or COM2 can be selected
using the <H> command.
b. Selecting Input Keying Source - the <I> Command
The Build phase provides the ability to use a PC key as a
manual Morse code sender. The ALT key is the default, but
since memory resident programs often use the ALT key as a hot
key the Super Morse Settings window permits the user to
select either the ALT, CTRL, Left SHIFT, or Right SHIFT for
the manual key. An EXTERNAL device such as telegraph key, an
electronic keyer, or a radio receiver for the <R>adio command
in the <O>perate phase can also be selected using the <I>
command if the proper interface is available.
c. RS-232 Input
Either the DSR or CTS pin (6 and 5, respectively) can be used
to receive input keying either directly from a manual key or
from an interface to a radio receiver. This can be selected
using the <J> command, and the sense can be set at either
positive (+) or negative (-) using the <K> command.
d. RS-232 Output
Either the DTR or RTS pin (pins 20 and 4, respectively) can
be used to key an external oscillator or a transmitter. This
output capability can be toggled on and off using the <L>
command, and the desired pin can be selected using the <M>
command. The output sense can be set to either positive or
negative using the <N> command.
6. Setting Screen Colors
The colors of the screen, the windows, and the highlighting
can be set to suit your taste using the <1>-<7> commands when
the Settings window appears. The current color for each
screen area is shown in the menu (color display only).
7. Miscellaneous
a. Controlling Prompt Sound
The prompt sound ("beep")can be toggled on and off using the
<P> command.
b. Selecting the Video Type - the <Q> Command
At program invocation Super Morse will determine automatically
determine the video type. However, this can be changed if
necessary (e.g., you have two video cards installed) with <Q>
command. Screen colors will be automatically set for the
selected video card. The new video setting is saved in the
configuration file. The three choices availabe are MDS
(monochrome), CGA (color graphics adapter), and HGC
c. Jump Spaces in Disk Files - the <P> Command
This tool permits multiple spaces in a disk file to be
J. Super Morse Files
1. The Configuration File
The most recently used values for code timing, code speed,
oscillator tone, screen graphics type, screen colors, etc., are
contained in the SM.CFG file. If this file is not found
when Super Morse is first run, it will be created. The user
is given the opportunity to save the new settings when the
program is exited using the <X> command in the main menu if
changes have been made during program operation. Current
settings can also be saved using the ALT-V command.
2. Customizing the Super Morse Data Files
The data files having an "SM" extension can be customized to
suit the user's tastes using a word processor or text editor.
This is described more fully elsewhere in this documentation.
IV. The Learn Phase
A. The <L>earn Command
1. Introduction
To help you learn the Morse code, Super Morse provides a
<L>earn feature, which conducts a series of lessons to
gradually and logically introduce the Morse characters. The
Learn menu is as follows:
| |
| <1> DITS & DAHS <7> Groups |
| <2> DIT/DAH Combinations <8> Levels |
| <3> Character Length <9> All Characters |
| <4> Character Rhythm <F>lash Characters |
| <5> Character Steps <U>ser Group |
| <6> Character Runs <V>iew Groupings |
2. The Super Morse Teaching Method
Unlike standard Morse code teaching methods, Super Morse
does not initially introduce characters. Instead Super
Morse starts with sounds only -- no characters are taught or
displayed in the early lessons. The idea is to emphasize
that Morse code is a sound language and to teach the
fundamentals of code sounds without the added complication
of visual stimuli. Four sound-only exercises are provided.
First, the basic DIT and DAH sounds are taught. Second,
Super Morse puts the basic sounds together into the four
fundamental two-sound combinations. Third, Super Morse
teaches the first basic attribute of character recognition,
character length, by asking the student to identify the
total number of code sound elements in randomly sent but
purposely unidentified characters. Finally, Super Morse
teaches the second basic attribute of character recognition,
rhythm, by asking the student to identify the number of DITS
and DAHS in randomly sent characters.
Only after the basic sounds, sound combinations, character
lengths, and character rhythm are taught does Super Morse start
identifying characters. Before the standard code groups are
introduced, code "steps", which are groups of two similarly
sounding characters, are sent to gradually introduce the
characters in pairs. The idea is to teach the student to
distinguish similar sounding characters from the beginning,
such that those which do not sound so much alike will fall
into place by themselves. Also the characters are slowly
learned in an indirect fashion in that the student is
encouraged to concentrate on the differences rather than the
content of the characters themselves.
Only when the steps are completed are the standard code groups
The <L>earn subcommands are numbered to slowly build up the
user's knowledge of the characters in a very logical way.
It is recommended that the <L>earn subcommands be used in
the same order as the selections are numbered.
3. Repeating Characters
In the <L>earn mode (except <F>lash) characters can be
repeated by pressing the <SPACE> bar at any prompt.
4. Feedback in the <L>earn Mode
To enhance the learning experience, Super Morse provides
feedback after each response in the <L>earn mode in the form
of a report of the number of answers correct, the number of
answers incorrect, a percent score, and the number of
consecutive correct answers for the current session. Also, if
an answer is wrong, the correct answer is displayed and a
brief review is provided. The consecutive answers report is
useful in determining when the user should go on to the next
step in the <L>earn mode.
5. Character Speed in the <L>earn Mode
Upon entry into the <L>earn mode, the send speed is set to 5
WPM and the character speed to 13 WPM to force learning the
characters at the General Class License speed. This is
universally accepted as the fastest way to reach that speed.
The character speed can be increased, but it cannot be
decreased below 13 WPM. Send and word speed can be changed
through their full normal range.
6. Response Keys
In several of the lessons, the user is asked to press
numbered keys rather than the key representing the actual
character. Some users have questionned this, but it is done
to eliminate the necessity of locating keys on the keyboard.
This permits the user to concentrate on the sounds without
the additional complication of typing.
B. Lesson 1 - DITS and DAHS, the Basic Code Sounds
Lesson <1> teaches the basic DIT (short) and DAH (long)
sounds. After sending DITS and DAHS in various formats, the
user is asked to identify randomly presented DITS and DAHS
using the '1' key for DITS and the '2' key for DAHS.
C. Lesson 2 - Sound Combinations
Since Morse characters are comprised of combinations of DITS
and DAHS, Lesson <2> is provided to introduce the four
simplest combinations: DIT DIT, DIT DAH, DAH DIT, and DAH DAH.
D. Lesson 3 - Character Length
Lesson <3> sends a character and asks the user to identify the
total number of sound elements (DITS and DAHS) included in
it. This forces the to listen for the LENGTH of a
character, which is a very important character attribute.
E. Lesson 4 - Character Rhythm
Lesson <4> forces the user to concentrate on character
sound patterns and rhythms. This selection sends a character
and asks the user to enter the number of DITS or DAHS in the
F. Lesson 5 - Character Steps
Lesson <5> combines the previously learned DITS and DAHS
into complete character sounds. The characters are paired
with similar sounds in a series of increasingly harder
steps, and the user is asked to identify randomly-selected
characters from each step. The user should start with step
1 and learn to distinguish the characters in each step before
continuing on to the next higher step. After all 63 steps
have been mastered, the user should be ready to start with
the group and levels lessons.
G. Lesson 6 - Character Runs
The character steps idea is extended in Lesson <6>. This
lesson forms groups of characters, each successive one of
which differs by only a DIT or a DAH from the previous
H. Lesson 7 - Character Groups
Lesson <7> begins the traditional code groups as defined and
used by the ARRL and others. This lesson lets the user study
each character group separately. The characters from the
selected group are presented randomly, and the user is asked to
identify them. The groups used in Super Morse are those
used in the ARRL publication "Tune in the World with Ham
Radio". If materials having a different grouping are used,
the groups can be changed by altering the contents of the
file named GROUPS.SM using a text editor or word processor
(the ASCII output mode must be used so that nothing but
printable ASCII characters are stored in the file. The
initially installed groups are included in the file
GROUPS.1, and a second grouping used in an older ARRL code
booklet is included in GROUPS.2. To use either of these
groups, just delete the current GROUPS.SM file and copy
either GROUPS.1 or GROUPS.2 to the filename GROUPS.SM. Note
that only the letters and numbers can be changed.
Punctuation and prosigns are automatically added as the last
two groups.
I. Lesson 8 - Character Learning Levels
Lesson <8> permits the user to study the various groups in
Lesson <7> in a progressive manner starting with the simple
Level 1 sounds and adding characters with each level. Each
level is simply a combination of groups 1 as defined above
through the group whose number is the same as the selected
level number. After the new characters for each level are
presented, the user is asked to identify randomly presented
characters from that level.
J. Lesson 9 - All Characters
Lesson 9 permits the user to sum up all he has learned in the
previous 8 lessons in that all letters, numbers, punctuation,
and prosigns are sent for identification in the same manner as
the preceding lessons. Lesson 9 is adaptive in that the more
recently missed characters are sent more often that the
K. Flash Characters
The <F> selection simulates flash cards by randomly
displaying characters from the currently active character
group in large display format. No user keyboard response is
required in this feature.
L. The User Group
The <U> selection permits the user to practice a customized
group of characters. The currently active character set
selected by the ALT-D key combination is randomly sent for
indentification in the same manner as the preceding lessons.
M. Viewing the Character Groupings (Steps and Groups)
The character steps and groups used in the preceding
subcommands may be displayed using the <V>iew subcommand.
V. The Build Phase
A. Building Code Speed
Once the character sounds have been mastered, speed can be
increased by receiving code in the Build phase. The Build
menu is as follows:
| |
| <D>isk File <S>tructured Groups |
| <E>nter Message <V>ariable Groups |
| <Q>SO <W>ords |
| <R>andom Groups |
| |
B. Receiving Character Groups - the <R>andom Groups Command
One of the classic ways of practicing code reception is
sending five letter groups of random characters. The <R>andom
Groups command does this.
C. Receiving Character Groups - the <S>tructured Groups
The <S>tructured groups command is similar to the <R>andom
groups command except that the first and second characters of
group are repeated in reverse order as the fourth and fifth
characters. The third character is always a randomly selected
number. This permits the user to receive random code but have
the ability to check his answer without looking at the screen.
D. Receiving Character Groups - the <V>ariable Groups Command
The <V>ariable groups command is similar to the <R>andom
groups command except that the length of the groups is
variable from 1 to 10. This helps the user become accustomed
to copying normal words, which are of differing lengths.
E. Receiving Complete Words - the <W>ords Command
If the user would rather work with real words, the <W>ords
function can be used. A choice of either "regular" words,
"ham" words, or call signs is given. The call sign "words"
are randomly generated and cannot be configured by the user.
At 15 WPM and below each character is displayed as sent.
Above 15 WPM the entire word is sent before it is displayed.
The regular and ham words sent by this command can be
changed by editing the files REGWORDS.SM and HAMWORDS.SM
with a word processor. Each word must be typed on a separate
line followed by a carriage return, and there must be no
blank lines after the last entry. A maximum of 500
words up to 11 characters long may be entered into the file.
F. Receiving a Simulated Radio Transmission - the <Q>SO Command
Use this command if you would like to copy a simulated QSO
(radio contact). Random text is sent containing randomly
chosen call signs, names, etc., providing a variety of QSO
combinations. The call signs are randomly selected from all
the possible call signs, which means that some unissued
calls signs will be used.
The names, antenna types, city names, and rig types can be
changed to reflect your desires by editing the files
a word processor or text editor. Simply place a new entry on
a single line followed by a carriage return. Make sure
there are no blank lines in the middle of the file or after
the last entry. The maximum number and length of the entries
are as follows:
File Max. No. Entries Max. Length Each Entry
---- ---------------- ----------------------
CITIES.SM 200 15
JOBS.SM 100 20
NAMES.SM 200 10
RIGS.SM 100 15
If the QSO is sent in the text hide mode, the user is given the
opportunity to review the QSO before exiting.
G. Receiving Text Entered via Keyboard - the <E>nter Command
With this command the user can have a helper enter test
messages via the keyboard, and then attempt to copy it. The
maximum length of the message is 255 characters. The last
message can be repeated by pressing RETURN without entering
any characters. This command differs from the <K>eyboard
Send command in that nothing is sent until RETURN is pressed.
H. Receiving Text in a Disk File - the <D>isk Command
This command sends the contents of a disk text file in Morse
code. At the prompt enter the name of the file (including
the drive and subdirectory) to be sent. If you do not know
the name of the file you wish to receive, you may enter a
carriage return to obtain a disk directory. At the prompt
enter the file specification in the form
D:\SUBDIR\FILENAME.EXT, where "D:" is the drive designator,
"SUBDIR" is the subdirectory name if applicable. If all
files are desired, enter "*.*" in place of FILENAME.EXT.
Disk files can be sent either normally or in reverse by
entering proper character when prompted.
You can practice by having someone create a text file of
unknown content. Another idea is to exchange disks with a
friend who is also studying the code and carry on a "disk
The disk file required for this command can be any ASCII
text file created with a text editor or a word processor.
If a word processor is used, make sure it is in the ASCII
store mode so that only ASCII characters are stored in the
file. Unprintable characters are ignored. Multiple blanks
may be skipped if desired in the Settings window. To
familiarize yourself with the use of this command, you can
enter the name of the words file (WORDS.SM) or any of the
other data files having the SM extension, although this will
not provide very useful code practice.
Disk files can be "scripted" by placement of the "~" (tilde)
character in the file. When Super Morse encounters the tilde
character, it pauses and waits for the user to press any key.
This feature may be used, for example, to to prepare code
tapes which have voice instructions intermixed with the
code. For proper spacing the tilde should be placed at the
end of a line of text.
I. Receiving in the Zoom Mode
Either the <R>andom groups, <S>tructured groups, <V>ariable
groups, or <W>ords can be sent in the "zoom" mode. The zoom
mode is enabled and disabled by pressing the ALT-Z key
combination during any menu display. The current status of
the zoom mode is shown on the bottom line of the screen. When
the zoom mode is active and either of the groups functions is
invoked, the user is asked to enter the start speed, the end
speed, the speed increment, and the number of characters to
be sent at each speed. After the specified number of
characters is sent, the code speed is increased by the
specified increment until the end speed is reached.
Increments of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 WPM are available.
J. Selecting the Character Set
The character set to be used in the <R>andom Group,
<S>tructured Group, and <V>ariable Group functions can be
set using the ALT-D key combination during any menu display.
VI. The Enhance Phase
A. Skill Enhancement
The Enhance phase includes modes which are designed to "put the
icing on the cake" by putting the user's code knowledge to
work in advanced ways.
The Enhance Phase menu is as follows:
| |
| <B>oost Copy <M>anual Send |
| <H>ead Copy <R>andom Lag Copy |
| <K>eyboard Send <T>ypewriter Copy |
| <L>ag Copy |
| |
B. Sending Code
The send-related commands in the Enhance phase permit the
user to practice sending Morse code either from the keyboard
or manually using a designated keyboard key or an external
device as a straight key.
1. Sending from the <K>eyboard
This function permits the user to enter individual keys to
hear how they sound. You can type ahead of the Super Morse
sender by 80 characters maximum. Unlike the <E>nter
command, you do not have to press RETURN to start sending
2. Sending with a <M>anual Key
You may also wish to practice your "fist", i.e., your manual
sending ability, by using the a designated key as a
telegraph key. The default designated key is the ALT key,
but this can be changed using the <M>anual Key function in
the Settings window to one of several keyboard keys or to an
external key. In this function SUPER MORSE decodes the
character sent and displays it on the screen. SUPER MORSE is
initialized to the character speed displayed on the status
line. However, SUPER MORSE automatically adjusts to your
sending speed as it changes. Since this adjustment takes
place slowly, you may have to send several characters before
SUPER MORSE determines your speed and displays the correct
character on the screen.
The external key is accessed via the DSR or RTS pin of the
designated port. A hand key can be interfaced by simply
connecting the key to pins 4 and 6 of the selected COM port.
This interface has been tested by the author! Comments are
on other interfaces is requested.
C. Copying Behind
In order to learn to copy Morse code at high speeds, it is
necessary to remember several characters before the one
presently being sent. Super Morse has several <E>nhance
exercises to help you develop this ability to "copy behind".
In all the copy features, the characters used are selected
using the ALT-D command described above.
1. <H>ead Copy
The <H>ead Copy function helps you learn to copy "in your
head" by developing your memory for a string of characters.
In this function a character sequence of increasing length
is sent, and the user is asked to enter the sequence exactly
after it has been sounded. A new sequence is started each
time an incorrect answer is entered. The current sequence
length and the best length for the session are reported
after each correct answer. The maximum sequence length is 50
characters (Good luck!).
2. <L>ag Copy
The <L>ag copy function helps you learn to record a previous
character while remembering a later sent character.
Instead of entering the character that was most recently
sent as in all other functions of Super Morse, this function
asks the user to enter the character sent a specified number of
characters ago. The default lag is 1 character, but the
user may enter a lag of up to 10 characters at the prompt.
This exercise is very hard at first, and you may have to use
pencil and paper to get the hang of it.
3. <R>andom Lag Copy
This function tests the user's ability to remember a
sequence of 3 randomly sent characters. After the group of
3 characters is sent, the user is asked to enter either the
first, second, or third character.
D. Copying on a <T>ypewriter
The military services train their Morse code operators to
use a typewriter to record incoming messages since it is much
faster than copying by hand. The <T>ypewriter Copy permits
the user to use the keyboard for "copying on the mill", as that
method is termed. In this function only the characters
typed by the user are displayed on the screen--the code
being sent is not displayed--and the sending of code does
not depend upon typing the correct response (or any response
at all) on the keyboard.
VII. The Measurement Phase
A. The <M>easure Command
The <M>easure command provides several ways to test the
user's Morse code progress. The Measure menu is as follows:
| |
| <F>CC Exam <K>eyboard Test |
| <P>repare FCC Exam <S>olid Copy Test |
| <G>ive Exam |
| |
B. Simulated FCC Exam
This group of commands permits the user to take a simulated code
test much (but not exactly!) like the one he would take
when sitting for the license exam. All FCC exam-related
functions are based upon the simulated contact used for the
<Q>SO command discussed above. The number of questions asked
in the exam does not necessarily correspond to the actual
number given in the actual exam. In the exam functions the
student is asked to set the exam speed either at novice,
general, or extra class speed. If novice is chosen, the user
is further given the opportunity to select either regular or
Farnsworth spacing.
1. <F>CC Exam
This is a fully integrated self-test for the student. All
exam questions are displayed on the screen, and the exam is
automatically graded. After the test has been taken, the
user is given the opportunity review the text of the test QSO.
2. <P>repare FCC Exam and <G>ive FCC Exam
These commands are intended for use by an instructor to
create and give a simulated test to a student or students.
The <P>repare command generates an exam QSO and stores it in
a special file on disk. The user is given the opportunity to
print the exam, the answers, and the entire exam QSO on a line
The <G>ive exam command loads the exam previously created
using the <P>repare command and sounds it at the exam speed
selected by the user.
C. <K>eyboard Receive Test
This command lets the user test his approximate receive
speed. The computer sends a character and waits for the
user to type in the correct key. When this function is
exited using the ESC key, the computer prints out the
approximate send speed, approximate receive speed, and copy
accuracy rate.
If the incorrect key is typed, the character is printed in
reverse video (color monitors only) and sent again. The
computer also remembers wrong characters and sends them more
often than the other characters.
The character set used in the test can be configured using the
ALT-D key as described elsewhere.
D. <S>olid Copy Test
This function tests the user's ability to copy random
characters without a mistake. A sequence of characters of
increasing length is sent, and the user is asked to type in
the sequence exactly as sent. When a mistake is made, the
test ends and the user is given a report of the number of
consecutive characters copied correctly and the number of
minutes and seconds during which "solid copy" occurred.
E. <B>oost Copy
Boost copy automatically boosts the user's speed to his
maximum copy speed. The send speed starts at 3 WPM and
automatically adjusts upwardly in 0.1 WPM increments as long
as the user maintains a 90% copy rate. If the rate drops
below 90%, the speed stays constant until the 90% level is
again attained.
VIII. The Operation Phase
A. Two Way Practice Via Telephone Modem
1. The <O>line Command
The <O>nline command provides a simple terminal program which
permits a user with a telephone modem connected to his
computer to call another similarly equipped user and carry
on a real time QSO in Morse code. A modem using the Hayes
AT command set is assumed.
2. General Description of the <O>n Line Command
When <O>n Line is selected, the computer's selected
communications port is initialized to the parameters stored
in the configuration file, the default values of which are
COM1, 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. The
modem is initialized to automatically answer calls from another
computer on the first ring. In order for a connection to be
successfully made, both computers must be set to the same
baud rate and communications parameters.
The On Line commands may be displayed using the usual
<ALT-H> specific help key. All On Line commands are invoked
using the <CTRL> key in combination with another key. For
example, the Morse mode is initiated by pressing the <CTRL-C>
key combination.
Initially, the On line function is in the "Terminal"
mode, which means that it will act just like a normal modem
program and will not sound Morse code. The terminal mode
should be used to make a connection with the other computer,
and then you should switch to the "CW" mode by pressing
<CTRL-C>. You can switch back to the terminal mode by
pressing <CTRL-T>.
Initially Super Morse will sound both the received and
sent characters. This can be selectively changed using the
<CTRL-R and CTRL-S> commands. Super Morse also adds line
feeds to all carriage return characters. If received lines
are printed double-spaced, this can be changed with the
<CTRL-L> command. If you would like to see characters sent
to the modem during the time that Super Morse is not
connected to another computer, use the <CTRL-E> command.
To dial another computer, use the <CTRL-D> command. To
disconnect the phone, use the <CTRL-H> command. In either
mode characters can be sent from the keyboard, or a disk
file can be sent using the <CTRL-F> command. In addition to
these commands, all the Hayes "AT" commands can be used.
3. Making a Connection with Another Computer
To connect with another computer you should prearrange the
call with the other operator. Both copies of SUPER MORSE
should be in the On Line function, and both should set SUPER
MORSE On Line to the terminal mode with <CTRL-T>. Both must
set their communications parameters, other than the
communications port, to the same values. Decide who who will
initiate the call and who will receive it. Since both
modems are already initialized to answer a call on the first
ring, it does not matter which computer is chosen.
The call initiator presses <CTRL-D> and enters the telephone
number of the call receiver and presses <RETURN>. He then
selects either tone (if he has a touch tone phone) or pulse
dialing (if he has a rotary dial phone) and presses <RETURN>.
He will hear the call receiver's telephone ring and the his
modem answer the phone, followed by a brief carrier tone.
Both screens should indicate "Connected to Remote SUPER
Both users should then enter the CW mode by pressing
<CTRL-C> and proceed with the landline QSO.
4. CONTROL Commands
Following is a summary of the CONTROL commands used in the
<O>nline function:
<CTRL-C> - Activate CW (Morse) mode
<CTRL-D> - Dial a number
<CTRL-E> - Echo/No echo of characters sent to modem
<CTRL-F> - Send a disk file
<CTRL-H> - Terminate telephone connection (hang up)
<CTRL-L> - Add/remove linefeeds from received text
<CTRL-M> - Hang up modem
<CTRL-O> - Online HELP
<CTRL-P> - Set baud rate and other communications parameters
<CTRL-R> - Enable/disable Morse mode for received characters
<CTRL-S> - Enable/disable Morse mode for transmitted characters
<CTRL-T> - Activate Terminal (non-Morse) mode
5. Problems with <O>nline Command
Experienced modem users will recognize that some of the
above commands can be duplicated using the standard Hayes
"AT" commands. If you have any difficulty with the online
mode, just remember that it is nothing more than a simple
terminal program which has the capability of sounding
transmitted and received characters in Morse code. If you
need help, check with a friend who understands the operation
of Hayes and compatible modems.
If the screen shows "Character Not Sent - Check Modem and
Port Selection", either the power to your modem is not
switched on or the wrong port has been selected. To correct
the latter use the <ALT-S> command to set parameters. Correct
the problem and try again!
B. Radio Terminal
The <R>adio Terminal command provides a very simple terminal
for sending and receiving Morse code via a radio, if an
appropriate interface circuit is used. The same COM pins are
used in the other Morse input-output function as discussed
elsewhere in this documentation.
When the <R> function is entered, Super Morse in in the
receive mode. To change to the send mode, press CTRL-S. To
return to the receive mode, press CTRL-R.
IX. We Need Your Feedback and Help!
A. Feedback
It is my goal that Super Morse be absolutely the best Morse
code training program available anywhere, commercial or
otherwise. If it is not the best, I will endeavor to make
it so. To achieve this I NEED YOUR INPUT! Please let me
know what you like about Super Morse, what you don't like
about it, any bugs or cosmetic defects you have discovered,
you would like to see changed or added, etc. If you have
used another Morse code program that you like better, tell me
the name of the program and why you like it better. Please
take the time to answer and return the questions in the
registration form contained in the file REGISTER.FRM to me.
If the registration form is inadequate, write me a letter. If
a letter won't do the job, give me a call!
I particularly need feedback from those who use Super Morse
to train novices. If I know your needs, I will endeavor to
add those features to Super Morse.
Your help would be much appreciated. Remember Super Morse
is for you! So tell me what you want it to do for you.
Please give me your constructively frank opinion.
B. Help Others Learn about SUPER MORSE
If SUPER MORSE is helpful to you, you can help others learn
about it in the following ways:
1. Give a copy to your friends.
2. Upload SUPER MORSE to your local computer bulletin
board system.
3. Leave a message on your computer bulletin board
recommending SUPER MORSE.
4. Tell your ham club about it, especially the person in
charge of license classes.
5. Write a letter to a ham radio magazine recommending
6. Write a review of SUPER MORSE for a ham radio or
computer magazine.
C. Send Me Your Good News!
If Super Morse helps you obtain your license or upgrade to a
higher class of license, I would love to hear about it! Please
take the time to drop me a and let me hear your good news!
D. Correspondence with Author
The author is happy to correspond by mail with users, but
X. Troubleshooting
A. Read the Instructions!
Most problems are caused by a failure to read the
installation instructions! So go read the section on
installation and make sure the program is installed correctly!
B. Code Speed Problems
1. Code Speed Is Too Fast or Too Slow
Calibrate the program as described hereinabove and in
the README.1ST file. For best results disable memory
resident programs since they steal clock cycles which Super
Morse depends upon for proper timing.
2. Random Characters are Faster than Plain Text
This is NOT a problem. Due to the way code speed is
calculated, random characters sound faster than plain text.
For an explanation see the discussion of code speed earlier
in the documentation.
C. 'File Not Found ' or 'I/O Error 02' Message
1. Make sure that all files with an HLP and an SM
extension are copied to the same subdirectory or diskette
containing SM.EXE.
2. Make sure all the required files listed early in this
documentation are on the program disk.
3. If Super Morse is distributed in ARC format,
de-archive only with ARC 5.12 or later, or PKXARC.
4. Make sure the program disk is in the currently
active drive when run.
5. Make sure that SM.CFG is present and is not shown
with 0 bytes. If the latter happens, erase SM.CFG and start the
program again.
D. 'I/O Error 100'
Erase the SM.CFG file. If that does not work, erase the
SM.USR file. The current version of one of these files is
longer than the previous version.
E. 'I/O Error 150'
Remove the write protect tab from your diskette! Super
Morse must be able to write to the diskette to create the
configuration and user statistics files.
F. Strange Values on the Status Line and Other Weird
Erase the SM.CFG file and start over!
G. 'Disk Read Error'
Erase SM.CFG or SM.USR and start over.