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ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇThankÇ youÇ for your support of PERFECT BOX.Ç IÇ haveÇ spentì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇhundreds of hours massaging PERFECT BOX into its current version. ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇInitially, the program was only intended for my own purposes,Ç butì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇafterÇ timeÇ IÇ realized that a very largeÇ holeÇ existedÇ inÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇsoftware domain for the serious loudspeaker designer.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇI have seen a few very simple routines that do theÇ "classic"ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇideal box calculations, and concluded that there must be a wayÇ toì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇmake those hand calculations mean more that dB's here andÇ there! ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇThat is when I though a graphic plot would make the design processì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇgoÇ faster. Thus, the old standby program, "BOXRESPONSE,"Ç becameì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇthe foundation on which PERFECT BOX was built.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇNow,Ç the BOXDATA database file holds all the informationÇ inì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇoneÇ nice,Ç concise form, readable in seconds, forÇ programÇ use! ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇGoneÇ are the days when you can't finish (or start) aÇ newÇ designì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇbecause the T/S parameters are nowhere to be found!
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇSpeakingÇ ofÇ theÇ BOXDATAÇ FILE, IÇ haveÇ addedÇ aÇ fewÇ newì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇroutines,Ç externalÇ from the main program, that willÇ APPENDÇ newì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇrecordsÇ from another BOXDATA "like" file. I sayÇ "like"Ç becauseì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇtheÇ NEWÇ fileÇ is of the same format asÇ BOXDATA,Ç butÇ isÇ namedì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ"DATAUP.DAT."Ç YouÇ will find a few new BOXDATAÇ recordsÇ onÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇenclosedÇ diskÇ inÇ this updated file. ToÇ loadÇ themÇ intoÇ yourì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇcurrentÇ file, use the addata.exe routine. It will either addÇ toì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇorÇ replace the records in your BOXDATA file (in theÇ currentÇ DOSì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇdefaultÇ directory) with the records in the "DATAUP.DAT" file,Ç byì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇyour choice.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ TheÇ other new routine, BOXSORT.EXE,Ç alphabeticallyÇ sortsì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇtheÇ BOXDATA by the manufacterer (1st Key) and modelÇ numberÇ (2ndì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇKey.) To start the sort, execute the BSORT.BAT file from theÇ DOSì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇprompt (you can use the new DOS SHELL option from the opening menuì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇofÇ PERFECTÇ BOX.)Ç This routine willÇ alsoÇ deleteÇ anyÇ BOXDATAì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇrecordsÇ with the word "DELETE" as the model orÇ manufacturer,Ç orì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇany records with three spaces first in both of those fields.Ç Youì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇmustÇ use EDIT to enter those spaces or the word DELETE (inÇ caps)ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇfor the BOXSORT program to recognise them for deletion. TheÇ sortì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇprogramÇÇ itselfÇ onlyÇ createsÇ aÇ newÇ temporaryÇÇ fileÇÇ calledì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇBOXDATA.SRT. Feel free to modify the batch file to your needs.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇYouÇ willÇ noticeÇ a few minor changesÇ inÇ theÇ PERFECTÇ BOXì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇprogram itself.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 1. CGA Color is now supported! You may change the colorsì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ(aÇ temporary change) by typing "COLOR" as the "New path" forÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇBOXDATA file. EGA will be supported as well as 8087/80287Ç soon. ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇIÇ am currently working on converting PERFECT BOX to runÇ onÇ 512Kì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇMacintosh machines (full window operation!.)
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 2. A SHELL to DOS is now supported.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 3.Ç When you are ADDing records to the database, theÇ Xmaxì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇpromptÇ willÇ acceptÇ either inches or millimeters,Ç andÇ theÇ Vasì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇprompt will accept either cubic feet or cubic liters. JustÇ pressì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇRETURN to change back at forth at those prompts.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 4.Ç A "Ideal box" calculation for all the driversÇ inÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇBOXDATAÇ file can be printed easily from the "AutomaticÇ Parameterì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇEntry area.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 5.Ç The Port Table screen has been fixed up to line upÇ onì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇthe CRT, and is color coded for each port size; RED-NegativeÇ portì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇlength,Ç (not usable), YELLOW-Ok, but a bit long,Ç andÇ GREEN-Goodì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ 6. The Ideal box values are rounded to two places past theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇdecimal for CRT output, but not in calculations.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇIÇ wantÇ to comment on the BOXDATA records that IÇ haveÇ beenì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇreceivingÇ onÇ yourÇ disks. First, I think thatÇ manyÇ usersÇ areì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇconfusingÇ theÇ definitionÇ of the X-maxÇ parameter.Ç TheÇ typicalì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇranges for X-max range from 0.1 inches to 0.25 inches with 0.5Ç onì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇthe JBL 18" 2245H being the largest I've seen (Have you everÇ seenì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇone,Ç theyÇ areÇ huge.)Ç IfÇ youÇ don'tÇ knowÇ theÇ X-maxÇ value,ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇapproximate it with 0.1 to 0.15, 0.2 for large suspensions.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇNoteÇ thatÇ X-maxÇ is NOT the totalÇ possibleÇ coneÇ movementì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇallowedÇ byÇ the suspension, which on large driversÇ couldÇ beÇ atì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇleastÇ anÇ inch.Ç IÇ have seen specificationÇ sheetsÇ fromÇ aÇ fewì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇmanufacturers (Credence is one) that give an "X-max" and a "X-lin"ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ(for X-linear?) value. As far as I can tell from these, theÇ X-linì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇis really the value of X-max as normally defined. And theÇ "X-max"ì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇvalueÇÇ isÇ theÇ maximumÇ coneÇ travelÇ possible.ÇÇ ContactÇÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇmanufacturerÇ if you are confused about theirÇ specifications.Ç Iì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇhope that a standard for "X" measurements will surface soon.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ The X-max measurement defines the peak (not to beÇ confusedì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇwith peak-to-peak) distance that the voice coil can travel withoutì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇextendingÇ beyondÇ the magnetic field as determinedÇ byÇ theÇ poleì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇpieceÇ length.Ç The voice coil may be longer in lengthÇ thanÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇpoleÇ piece.Ç ThisÇ is defined asÇ "voiceÇ coilÇ overhang."Ç Theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇprogramÇ usesÇ the X-max measurement inÇ calculatingÇ theÇ Maximumì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇSoundÇ PressureÇ Level (SPLmax), and thus is a key factorÇ inÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇExcursion Limit Plot. Theoretically, the driver is "linear"Ç onlyì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇifÇ the cone travel is within the X-max limits! Think aboutÇ thisì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇthe next time you watch your low-end drivers move 3/4 " peak, fromì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇthe rest position!
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇIn general, (not always,) low Q drivers are intended forÇ 4thì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇorderÇ systems, and typically have what is coinedÇ asÇ "long-throwì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇsuspension." Also, remember that PERFECT BOX model is valid up toì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇQts of 0.7, and the Marquis 12G38BPP1H is slightly over that valueì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇatÇ 0.72.Ç Of course, each individual driver will varyÇ fromÇ theì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇmanufacturersÇ published specs, so you might want to measureÇ themì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇyourself to be sure.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇGoodÇ luck in your new designs, thanks again for all ofÇ yourì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇgenerousÇ support.Ç If you have any specific questionsÇ orÇ wouldì
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇlike chat about loudspeaker topics, drop me a letter.
ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ *** End of Document ***