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Text File  |  1987-04-26  |  13KB  |  220 lines

  1. xxword(5,["WHAT","DO","YOU","RECOMMEND"],["Take 2 asprins and go to bed!"])
  2. xxword(4,["WHAT","DO","YOU","RECOMMEND"],["Two weeks in the Bahamas..."])
  3. xxword(3,["WHAT","DO","YOU","RECOMMEND"],["A new topic of conversation!"])
  4. xxword(2,["WHAT","DO","YOU","RECOMMEND"],["Give up hamming and get a new hobby!"])
  5. xxword(1,["WHAT","DO","YOU","RECOMMEND"],["More time off!"])
  6. xxword(1,["CHANGE","THE","SUBJECT"],["Sounds good to me...This conversation has been going nowhere!"])
  7. xxword(3,["CAN","YOU"],["*","Don't you believe that I can"])
  8. xxword(2,["CAN","YOU"],["*","Perhaps you would like to be able to"])
  9. xxword(1,["CAN","YOU"],["*","You want me to be able to"])
  10. xxword(3,["CAN","I"],["*","Just never can tell"])
  11. xxword(2,["CAN","I"],["*","Perhaps you don't want to"])
  12. xxword(1,["CAN","I"],["*","Do you want to be able to"])
  13. xxword(7,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Why do you think that I am"])
  14. xxword(6,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Do you ever wish you were"])
  15. xxword(5,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Am I really"])
  16. xxword(4,["YOU","ARE"],["*","What makes you think that I am"])
  17. xxword(3,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Does it please you to believe that I am"])
  18. xxword(2,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Perhaps you would like to be"])
  19. xxword(1,["YOU","ARE"],["*","Do you sometimes wish you were"])
  20. xxword(2,["I","DON'T"],["*","Don't you really"])
  21. xxword(1,["I","DON'T"],["*","Why don't you"])
  22. xxword(2,["I","CAN'T"],["Does that trouble you?"])
  23. xxword(1,["I","CAN'T"],["*","Do you wish to be able to"])
  24. xxword(3,["I","FEEL"],["Tell me more about such feelings."])
  25. xxword(2,["I","FEEL"],["*","Do you often feel"])
  26. xxword(1,["I","FEEL"],["*","Do you enjoy feeling"])
  27. xxword(2,["IS","THAT","YOU"],["*","You never know who's in control... McPaC or.."])
  28. xxword(1,["IS","THAT","YOU"],["*","Around here, you can never tell...could be"])
  29. xxword(3,["WHY","ARE","YOU"],["*","I am trained..to be "])
  30. xxword(2,["WHY","ARE","YOU"],["*","Don't you want me to "])
  31. xxword(1,["WHY","ARE","YOU"],["*","Why do you think I am "])
  32. xxword(2,["WHY","DON'T","YOU"],["*","Do you want me to"])
  33. xxword(1,["WHY","DON'T","YOU"],["*","Perhaps in good time I will"])
  34. xxword(3,["WHY","CAN'T","I"],["Have you tried?"])
  35. xxword(2,["WHY","CAN'T","I"],["*","How do you know you can't"])
  36. xxword(1,["WHY","CAN'T","I"],["*","Perhaps you can now"])
  37. xxword(3,["ARE","YOU"],["*","Why are you interested in whether or not I am"])
  38. xxword(2,["ARE","YOU"],["*","Would you prefer it if I were not"])
  39. xxword(1,["ARE","YOU"],["*","Perhaps in your fantasies I am"])
  40. xxword(3,["WHO","ARE","YOU"],["I am a computer..what do you think I am?"])
  41. xxword(2,["WHO","ARE","YOU"],["Some call me McPaC..some Eliza...what do you think?"])
  42. xxword(1,["WHO","ARE","YOU"],["I know who I am...do you?"])
  43. xxword(3,["WHAT","IS","YOUR","NAME"],["McPaC...Who do you think I am?"])
  44. xxword(2,["WHAT","IS","YOUR","NAME"],["McPaC...or Eliza...or anything you want to call me."])
  45. xxword(1,["WHAT","IS","YOUR","NAME"],["McPaC...I am a packet nut..how abt you?"])
  46. xxword(2,["I","CAN'T"],["*","Do you think you should be able to"])
  47. xxword(1,["I","CAN'T"],["*","Why can't you"])
  48. xxword(7,["I","AM"],["*","Can you picture not being"])
  49. xxword(6,["I","AM"],["*","Do you like being"])
  50. xxword(5,["I","AM"],["*","Are you really"])
  51. xxword(4,["I","AM"],["*","Did you come to me because you are"])
  52. xxword(3,["I","AM"],["*","How long have you been"])
  53. xxword(2,["I","AM"],["*","Do you believe it is normal to be"])
  54. xxword(1,["I","AM"],["*","Do you enjoy being"])
  55. xxword(5,["I","WANT"],["*","What would it mean to you if you got"])
  56. xxword(4,["I","WANT"],["*","Why do you want"])
  57. xxword(3,["I","WANT"],["*","Suppose you soon got"])
  58. xxword(2,["I","WANT"],["*","What if you never got"])
  59. xxword(1,["I","WANT"],["*","I sometimes also want"])
  60. xxword(2,["SEND","MAIL"],["McPac is not a postman...type BYE and return to bbs to send mail."])
  61. xxword(1,["SEND","MAIL"],["Next Chance..read the help file...now you are talking to McPaC."])
  62. xxword(1,["LIST","MAIL"],["McPac is not a postman...type BYE and return to bbs to list mail."])
  63. xxword(8,["MACHINE"],["Do machines worry you?"])
  64. xxword(7,["MACHINE"],["What do you think machines have to do with your problems?"])
  65. xxword(6,["MACHINE"],["Don't you think computers can help people?"])
  66. xxword(5,["MACHINE"],["Are you frightened by machines?"])
  67. xxword(4,["MACHINE"],["Are you talking about me in particular?"])
  68. xxword(3,["MACHINE"],["Do computers worry you?"])
  69. xxword(2,["MACHINE"],["How do you think people differ from computers?"])
  70. xxword(1,["MACHINE"],["Do you think I am different from you?"])
  71. xxword(8,["WHAT"],["Don't ask so many question...tell me about YOU!"])
  72. xxword(7,["WHAT"],["What do you think?"])
  73. xxword(6,["WHAT"],["Have you asked anyone else?"])
  74. xxword(5,["WHAT"],["What else comes to mind when you ask that?"])
  75. xxword(4,["WHAT"],["Why do you ask?"])
  76. xxword(3,["WHAT"],["Does that question interest you?"])
  77. xxword(2,["WHAT"],["What answer would please you the most?"])
  78. xxword(1,["WHAT"],["Are such questions on your mind often?"])
  79. xxword(7,["WHO"],["Who do you think?"])
  80. xxword(8,["WHEN"],["What about right now?"])
  81. xxword(7,["WHEN"],["When do you think?"])
  82. xxword(7,["HOW"],["How do you think?"])
  83. xxword(8,["WHERE"],["What do you see right here?"])
  84. xxword(7,["WHERE"],["Where do you think?"])
  85. xxword(8,["WHY"],["Is the reason important to you?"])
  86. xxword(7,["WHY"],["Lets not worry about reasons"])
  87. xxword(5,["CAUSE"],["Is that the real reason?"])
  88. xxword(4,["CAUSE"],["Do any other reasons come to mind?"])
  89. xxword(3,["CAUSE"],["Does that reason explain anything else?"])
  90. xxword(2,["CAUSE"],["What other reasons might there be?"])
  91. xxword(1,["CAUSE"],["Lets not worry about reasons."])
  92. xxword(6,["BECAUSE"],["*","Really?  Because"])
  93. xxword(3,["SORRY"],["Please don't apologize."])
  94. xxword(2,["SORRY"],["There's no need to apologize."])
  95. xxword(1,["SORRY"],["What feelings do you have when you apologize?"])
  96. xxword(4,["DREAM"],["What does that dream suggest to you?"])
  97. xxword(3,["DREAM"],["Do you dream often?"])
  98. xxword(2,["DREAM"],["What persons appear in your dreams?"])
  99. xxword(1,["DREAM"],["Are you disturbed by your dreams?"])
  100. xxword(3,["HELLO"],["Hello yourself."])
  101. xxword(2,["HELLO"],["Have we truly met?"])
  102. xxword(1,["HELLO"],["Greetings.  Please state your problem."])
  103. xxword(4,["MAYBE"],["Why the uncertain tone?"])
  104. xxword(3,["MAYBE"],["Can't you be more positive?"])
  105. xxword(2,["MAYBE"],["You aren't sure?"])
  106. xxword(1,["MAYBE"],["Don't you know?"])
  107. xxword(9,["NO","."],["No what?"])
  108. xxword(8,["NO","."],["Are you sure?"])
  109. xxword(7,["NO","."],["Why not?"])
  110. xxword(6,["NO","."],["What are you trying to hide from me?"])
  111. xxword(5,["NO","."],["Are you a lawyer?"])
  112. xxword(4,["NO","."],["Did you say no a lot as a child?"])
  113. xxword(3,["NO","."],["Loosen up and tell some stories, Cowboy."])
  114. xxword(2,["NO","."],["Are you saying 'NO' just to be negative?"])
  115. xxword(1,["NO","."],["You are being a bit negative."])
  116. xxword(9,["NO"],["No what?"])
  117. xxword(8,["NO"],["Are you sure?"])
  118. xxword(7,["NO"],["Why not?"])
  119. xxword(6,["NO"],["What are you trying to hide from me?"])
  120. xxword(5,["NO"],["Are you a lawyer?"])
  121. xxword(4,["NO"],["Did you say no a lot as a child?"])
  122. xxword(3,["NO"],["Loosen up and tell some stories, Cowboy."])
  123. xxword(2,["NO"],["Are you saying 'NO' just to be negative?"])
  124. xxword(1,["NO"],["You are being a bit negative."])
  125. xxword(2,["YOUR"],["*","Why are you concerned about my"])
  126. xxword(1,["YOUR"],["*","What about your own"])
  127. xxword(4,["ALWAYS"],["*","Really?  Always?"])
  128. xxword(3,["ALWAYS"],["When?"])
  129. xxword(2,["ALWAYS"],["Can you think of a specific example?"])
  130. xxword(1,["ALWAYS"],["What are you thinking of?"])
  131. xxword(3,["I","THINK"],["Do you really think so?"])
  132. xxword(2,["I","THINK"],["*","But you are not sure"])
  133. xxword(1,["I","THINK"],["*","Do you doubt that"])
  134. xxword(4,["ALIKE"],["In what way?"])
  135. xxword(3,["ALIKE"],["What resemblance do you see?"])
  136. xxword(2,["ALIKE"],["What does the similarity suggest to you?"])
  137. xxword(1,["ALIKE"],["What other connections do you see?"])
  138. xxword(4,["YES"],["Now that being positive!"])
  139. xxword(3,["YES"],["I once knew a girl who always said yes...how abt you?"])
  140. xxword(2,["YES"],["You seem quite positive."])
  141. xxword(1,["YES"],["Are you sure?"])
  142. xxword(5,["TALK","ABOUT"],["*","Good idea...I like to discuss "])
  143. xxword(4,["TALK","ABOUT"],["*","An interesting subject..."])
  144. xxword(3,["TALK","ABOUT"],["*","OK..then lets discuss "])
  145. xxword(2,["TALK","ABOUT"],["*","Hmmmm...."])
  146. xxword(1,["TALK","ABOUT"],["*","What do you think about "])
  147. xxword(3,["TALK","TO"],["*","Whats so good about talking to "])
  148. xxword(2,["TALK","TO"],["*","Why do you want to talk to "])
  149. xxword(1,["TALK","TO"],["*","Why would anybody want to talk to "])
  150. xxword(4,["TALK"],["We are talking..."])
  151. xxword(3,["TALK"],["Right now ... You're talking to ME!"])
  152. xxword(2,["TALK"],["Are you getting tired of this conversation?"])
  153. xxword(1,["TALK"],["Talking to YOU is certainly a challenge..."])
  154. xxword(5,["PACKET"],["Why do you like packet radio?"])
  155. xxword(4,["PACKET"],["Do most of your friends operate packet?"])
  156. xxword(3,["PACKET"],["What kind of TNC do you have?"])
  157. xxword(2,["PACKET"],["Lots of people call it PACKET RACKET"])
  158. xxword(1,["PACKET"],["Perhaps you like packet too much"])
  159. xxword(5,["RADIO"],["Why do you like ham radio?"])
  160. xxword(4,["RADIO"],["Aro most of your friends hams?"])
  161. xxword(3,["RADIO"],["Do your radio friends pick on you?"])
  162. xxword(2,["RADIO"],["What kind of rig are u using?"])
  163. xxword(1,["RADIO"],["Do you find Radio is a challenging hobby?"])
  164. xxword(5,["FRIEND"],["Why do you bring up friends?"])
  165. xxword(4,["FRIEND"],["Do your friends worry you?"])
  166. xxword(3,["FRIEND"],["Do your friends operate packet?"])
  167. xxword(2,["FRIEND"],["Are you sure you have any friends?"])
  168. xxword(1,["FRIEND"],["Perhaps your love for friends worries you?"])
  169. xxword(6,["MOTHER"],["Do you have disturbing feelings about your mother?"])
  170. xxword(5,["MOTHER"],["Tell me about your family."])
  171. xxword(4,["MOTHER"],["How was your childhood?"])
  172. xxword(3,["MOTHER"],["Tell me about the rest of your family."])
  173. xxword(2,["MOTHER"],["Do you feel like part of your family?"])
  174. xxword(1,["MOTHER"],["Is your family a close-knit group?"])
  175. xxword(6,["FATHER"],["Do you ever resent your father?"])
  176. xxword(6,["SISTER"],["What sort of thoughts do you have about your sister?"])
  177. xxword(6,["BROTHER"],["Are you and your brother close?"])
  178. xxword(5,["YOU"],["We were discussing you -- not me!"])
  179. xxword(4,["YOU"],["*","What?"])
  180. xxword(3,["YOU"],["You're not really talking about me, are you?"])
  181. xxword(2,["YOU"],["I really don't know how to talk about that."])
  182. xxword(1,["YOU"],["Could you be projecting your own feelings on me?"])
  183. xxword(6,["IDIOTIC"],["Why do you think that profanity is necessary?"])
  184. xxword(5,["IDIOTIC"],["How descriptive of yourself."])
  185. xxword(4,["IDIOTIC"],["Do you think that profanity reinforces your sexual image?"])
  186. xxword(3,["IDIOTIC"],["did you have any idiotic early childhood experiences?"])
  187. xxword(2,["IDIOTIC"],["Why are you angry?"])
  188. xxword(1,["IDIOTIC"],["This isn't getting us anywhere and it's costing you $20 a minute."])
  189. xxword(5,["IDIOT"],["Why do you think that profanity is necessary?"])
  190. xxword(4,["IDIOT"],["How descriptive of yourself."])
  191. xxword(3,["IDIOT"],["Do you think that profanity reinforces your sexual image?"])
  192. xxword(2,["IDIOT"],["did you have any idiotic early childhood experiences?"])
  193. xxword(1,["IDIOT"],["Why are you angry?"])
  194. xxword(6,["STUPID"],["Why do you think that calling something stupid is necessary?"])
  195. xxword(5,["STUPID"],["How descriptive of yourself."])
  196. xxword(4,["STUPID"],["Do you think that kind of talk reinforces your image?"])
  197. xxword(3,["STUPID"],["Did you have any stupid early childhood experiences?"])
  198. xxword(2,["STUPID"],["Why are you angry?"])
  199. xxword(1,["STUPID"],["This isn't getting us anywhere and it's wasting a lot of time."])
  200. xxword(6,["STUPIDITY"],["Why do you think it necessary to say that?"])
  201. xxword(5,["STUPIDITY"],["How descriptive of yourself."])
  202. xxword(4,["STUPIDITY"],["Do you think that kind of talk reinforces your image?"])
  203. xxword(3,["STUPIDITY"],["did you have any early childhood experiences with stupidity?"])
  204. xxword(2,["STUPIDITY"],["Why are you angry?"])
  205. xxword(1,["STUPIDITY"],["This isn't getting us anywhere and it's wasting time."])
  206. xxword(3,["LOVE"],["*","Is this a new feeling for"])
  207. xxword(2,["LOVE"],["I try not to get involved with friends in that way."])
  208. xxword(1,["LOVE"],["*","What other feelings do you have for"])
  209. xxword(2,["WEATHER"],["My thermometer is broken."])
  210. xxword(1,["WEATHER"],["The weather around here changes so fast I can't keep up with it."])
  211. xxword(9,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Sounds good ... please say more."])
  212. xxword(8,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Very interesting ..."])
  213. xxword(7,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Is that so?"])
  214. xxword(6,["NOKEYZXQ"],["I see."])
  215. xxword(5,["NOKEYZXQ"],["And then?"])
  216. xxword(4,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Please elucidate your thoughts!"])
  217. xxword(3,["NOKEYZXQ"],["So what....does it matter?"])
  218. xxword(2,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Could you elaborate on that"])
  219. xxword(1,["NOKEYZXQ"],["Tell me more"])