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TERMINATOR Parameter File -- Copyright (c) 1987 Trillium, all rights reserved.
TERMINATOR reads this file when it is first executed and loaded into memory.
Only information enclosed in < and > brackets is read and used. All other
information is ignored. Information outside < and > brackets is either
explanation, or inactive choices. These may be activated by enclosing them
in < and > brackets.
This file may be edited with any editor or word processor that can handle a
standard text file containing only ASCII characters, without inserting any of
its own formatting or control codes. Be careful to use the same format,
spacing, and capitalization as the examples in the file. You might also keep
a backup copy of this file in case it gets garbled in the editing.
---------CGA Map Mode------------------------------(choose one)-------------
This choice only applies if you are using a Color Graphics Adapter (CGA).
It is ignored if you are using a Hercules Monographics Adapter or an Extended
Graphics Adapter (EGA).
CGA MAP2 This map uses only 180 lines of the CGA's 200
line graphics mode, but it shows the polar
<CGA MAP3> This map uses all 200 lines of the CGA's
640x200 graphics mode, but it doesn't show
all of the north and south polar regions.
---------Clock Mode---------------------------------(choose one)-------------
This choice determines whether times will be displayed using a 12-hour or a
24-hour (military) clock.
CLOCK 12 This displays times using a 12-hour clock.
<CLOCK 24> This displays times using a 24-hour clock.
-----------Local Time-------------------------------(choose one)--------------
Daylight Savings Time adjustments are automatically made for Alaska, Pacific,
Mountain, Central, and Eastern Time. European Summer Time adjustments are
automatically made for English, European, East European and Russian Time.
TIME 14 Hawaii Time (14 hours behind GMT)
TIME ALASKA Alaska Time (15 or 16 hours behind GMT)
TIME PACIFIC Pacific Time (16 or 17 hours behind GMT)
TIME MOUNTAIN Mountain Time (17 or 18 hours behind GMT)
<TIME CENTRAL> Central Time (18 or 19 hours behind GMT)
TIME 18 Mexico and Central America Time
TIME EASTERN Eastern Time (19 or 20 hours behind GMT)
TIME 20 Atlantic Time (20 hours behind GMT)
also Venezuela, West Brazil, Bolivia,
Chile, and Paraguay
TIME 20 30 Nova Scotia Time (20.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 21 Greenland Time (21 hours behind GMT)
TIME 0 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) also West Africa
TIME ENGLISH English Time (0 or 1 hours behind GMT)
also Portugal
TIME EUROPEAN European Time (1 or 2 hours behind GMT)
TIME E.EUROPE East European Time (2 or 3 hours behind GMT)
TIME RUSSIAN Russian Time (3 or 4 hours behind GMT)
TIME 3 30 Iran Time (3.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 4 30 Afghan Time (4.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 5 Pakistan Time (5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 5 30 India Time (5.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 6 30 Burma Time (6.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 7 Southeast Asia Time (7 hours behind GMT)
TIME 8 China Time (8 hours behind GMT)
also Philipines and West Australia
TIME 9 Japan Time (9 hours behind GMT) also Korea
TIME 9 30 Central Australia Time (9.5 hours behind GMT)
TIME 10 Eastern Australia Time (10 hours behind GMT)
TIME 12 New Zealand Time (12 hours behind GMT)
---------------Daylight and Summer Time---------------------------------------
U.S. Daylight Savings Time (DST) and European Summer Time (EST) are subject
to change. TERMINATOR uses a table of dates, which indicate when DST and EST
begin and end. This table can be updated via parameters like the following:
<DST BEGINS 4 5 87> First Sunday in April <DST BEGINS 4 3 88>
<DST BEGINS 4 3 88>
<DST BEGINS 4 2 89>
<DST ENDS 10 25 87> Last Sunday in October
<DST ENDS 10 30 88>
<DST ENDS 10 29 89>
<EST BEGINS 3 29 87> Last Sunday in March
<EST BEGINS 3 27 88>
<EST BEGINS 3 26 89>
<EST ENDS 9 27 87> Last Sunday in September
<EST ENDS 9 25 88>
<EST ENDS 9 24 89>
---------------Toggles------------------------(choose one per toggle)---------
These on/off toggles specify what information is initially displayed.
<F3 ON> local date and time are displayed
F3 OFF local date and time are not displayed
F5 ON time zones are displayed
<F5 OFF> time zones are not displayed
F7 ON cities are displayed
<F7 OFF> cities are not displayed
<F8 ON> position of overhead sun displayed
F8 OFF position of overhead sun not displayed
-------------Hot Key---------------------------(choose one)-------------------
The default hot keys, which are used to invoke TERMINATOR when it is memory-
resident, are Alt and T, pressed together. The Alt key is required, but the
T key can be changed to any other key, to avoid conflicts with other programs.
KEY 16 key code for Q
KEY 17 key code for W
KEY 18 key code for E
KEY 19 key code for R
<KEY 20> key code for T
KEY 21 key code for Y
KEY 22 key code for U
KEY 23 key code for I
KEY 24 key code for O
KEY 25 key code for P
KEY 30 key code for A
KEY 31 key code for S
KEY 32 key code for D
KEY 33 key code for F
KEY 34 key code for G
KEY 35 key code for H
KEY 36 key code for J
KEY 37 key code for K
KEY 38 key code for L
KEY 44 key code for Z
KEY 45 key code for X
KEY 46 key code for C
KEY 47 key code for V
KEY 48 key code for B
KEY 49 key code for N
KEY 50 key code for M
-------------Reverse Video--------------------(choose one)--------------------
Ordinary displays show light characters on a dark background. The LCD
displays used with certain laptop computers reverse this, and show dark
characters on a light background. This reversal may cause TERMINATOR to
display night with a light background and day with a dark background.
Selecting the REVERSE ON parameter, below, corrects this.
REVERSE ON for light background displays
<REVERSE OFF> for dark background displays
-------------Time Zones--------(choose up to 24 zones, cities, and areas)-----
Time zone labels can be placed anywhere on the map, though they should be
placed where they won't obscure other labels or important geographic features.
They have the format: ZONE name latitide longitude time, where time may be a
time zone name (as in Local Times) or hours (and minutes) behind GMT.
<ZONE Hawaii N=10 W=165 T=14>
<ZONE Alaska N=85 W=155 T=ALASKA>
ZONE Pacific N=60 W=120 T=PACIFIC
<ZONE Mountain N=85 W=125 T=MOUNTAIN>
ZONE Central N=70 W=110 T=CENTRAL
ZONE Eastern N=55 W=85 T=EASTERN
ZONE Atlantic N=70 W=65 T=20
ZONE Greenland N=85 W=55 T=21
<ZONE Greenwich N=70 W=15 T=0>
ZONE English N=60 W=15 T=ENGLISH
<ZONE European N=85 E=5 T=EUROPEAN>
ZONE East European N=75 E=15 T=E.EUROPE
ZONE Russian N=85 E=30 T=RUSSIAN
ZONE Iran N=40 E=38 T=3 30
ZONE India N=27 E=70 T=4 30
ZONE China N=38 E=95 T=8
ZONE Japan N=40 E=150 T=9
ZONE E. Australia S=10 E=127 T=10
ZONE New Zealand S=50 E=135 T=12
-------------Cities------------(choose up to 24 cities, zones, and areas)-----
City labels can be placed anywhere on the map, though they should be
placed where they won't obscure other labels or important geographic features.
They have the format: CITY name latitide longitude time, where time may be a
time zone name (as in Local Times) or hours (and minutes) behind GMT.
Cities may be located to the nearest half degree of latitude and longitude.
If the city name contains the ^ character, the ^ is displayed as a small box
and is placed at the specified latitude and longitude, so city names can be
positioned either to the right or left of the box.
North America
CITY ^Anchorage N=61 10 W=149 50 T=ALASKA
CITY ^Baltimore N=39 18 W=76 37 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Boston N=42 21 W=71 3 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Buffalo N=42 43 W=78 52 T=EASTERN
<CITY Chicago^ N=42 W=87 30 T=CENTRAL>
CITY ^Cleveland N=41 30 W=81 42 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Denver N=39 44 W=105 T=MOUNTAIN
CITY ^Detroit N=42 20 W=83 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Halifax N=44 40 W=63 7 T=20
<CITY Los Angeles^ N=34 W=118 T=PACIFIC>
CITY ^Montreal N=45 31 W=73 34 T=EASTERN
CITY ^New Orleans N=30 W=90 5 T=CENTRAL
CITY ^New York N=40 41 W=74 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Philadelphia N=40 W=75 9 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Phoenix N=33 30 W=112 T=MOUNTAIN
CITY Pittsburgh^ N=40 27 W=80 T=EASTERN
CITY ^Quebec N=46 52 W=71 13 T=EASTERN
CITY San Francisco^ N=37 47 W=122 26 T=PACIFIC
CITY Seattle^ N=47 37 W=122 19 T=PACIFIC
CITY ^San Juan N=18 28 W=66 9 T=20
CITY ^Toronto N=43 40 W=79 23 T=EASTERN
CITY Vancouver^ N=49 15 W=123 10 T=PACIFIC
<CITY ^Washington N=39 W=77 T=EASTERN>
Latin America
<CITY ^Buenos Aires S=35 W=60 T=21>
CITY ^Caracas N=10 30 W=66 55 T=20
CITY Havana^ N=23 8 W=82 21 T=19
CITY Lima^ S=12 3 W=77 3 T=19
CITY Mexico City^ N=19 25 W=99 7 T=18
<CITY ^Rio de Janeiro S=23 W=43 T=21>
CITY Santiago^ S=33 27 W=70 39 T=20
CITY ^Sao Paulo S=23 33 W=46 39 T=21
CITY Vera Cruz^ N=19 12 W=96 8 T=18
CITY Athens^ N=38 E=23 30 T=E.EUROPE
CITY ^Amsterdam N=52 23 E=4 54 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Barcelona N=41 23 E=2 11 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Belfast^ N=54 36 W=5 56 T=ENGLISH
<CITY ^Berlin N=52 30 E=13 30 T=EUROPEAN>
CITY ^Brussels N=50 50 E=4 20 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Bucharest N=44 25 E=26 6 T=E.EUROPE
CITY ^Budapest N=47 30 E=19 20 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Cologne N=50 56 E=6 57 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Copenhagen N=55 41 E=12 34 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Dublin^ N=53 20 W=6 15 T=ENGLISH
CITY ^Dusseldorf N=51 13 E=6 47 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Edinburgh^ N=55 57 W=3 12 T=ENGLISH
CITY ^Frankfurt N=50 6 E=8 40 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Geneva^ N=46 12 E=6 10 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Genoa^ N=44 25 E=8 55 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Helsinki N=60 10 E=24 58 T=E.EUROPE
CITY ^Istanbul N=41 E=28 55 T=3
CITY ^Leningrad N=59 57 E=30 18 T=RUSSIAN
CITY Lisbon^ N=38 41 W=9 10 T=ENGLISH
CITY Liverpool^ N=53 23 W=3 T=ENGLISH
<CITY London^ N=51 30 W=0 T=ENGLISH>
CITY ^Madrid N=40 25 W=3 40 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Manchester N=53 28 W=2 14 T=ENGLISH
CITY Milan^ N=45 28 E=9 11 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Moscow N=55 30 E=37 30 T=RUSSIAN
CITY ^Nice N=43 42 E=7 17 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Oslo^ N=59 55 E=10 45 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Paris N=49 E=2 30 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Rome N=42 E=12 30 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Stockholm N=59 20 E=18 4 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Venice N=45 26 E=12 20 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Vienna N=48 14 E=16 20 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Warsaw N=52 E=21 T=EUROPEAN
CITY ^Zurich N=47 22 E=8 22 T=EUROPEAN
CITY Bangkok^ N=13 45 E=100 30 T=7
CITY Beirut^ N=33 53 E=35 30 T=2
CITY Bombay^ N=18 56 E=72 50 T=5 30
CITY ^Calcutta N=22 30 E=88 20 T=5 30
CITY ^Hong Kong N=22 45 E=114 15 T=8
CITY Jakarta^ S=7 48 E=110 22 T=7
CITY ^Jerusalem N=32 E=35 T=2
CITY ^Kyoto N=35 E=135 45 T=9
CITY ^Madras N=13 8 E=80 15 T=5 30
<CITY ^New Delhi N=28 30 E=77 T=5 30>
CITY ^Osaka N=34 40 E=135 31 T=9
CITY Peking^ N=40 E=116 30 T=8
CITY ^Saigon N=10 47 E=106 42 T=7
CITY ^Seoul N=37 34 E=127 T=9
CITY Shanghai^ N=31 14 E=121 30 T=8
CITY Singapore^ N=1 17 E=103 50 T=8
CITY ^Taipei N=25 2 E=121 31 T=8
CITY ^Teheran N=35 40 E=51 25 T=3 30
<CITY ^Tokyo N=36 E=139 30 T=9>
CITY Cairo^ N30 31 E 31 15 T=2
CITY Lagos^ N=6 26 E=3 23 T=1
<CITY ^Johannesburg S=26 E=28 T=2>
CITY Adelaide^ S=34 52 E=138 30 T=9 30
CITY ^Honolulu N=21 18 W=157 51 T=14
CITY Manila^ N=14 35 E=120 59 T=8
CITY Melbourne^ S=37 50 E=144 58 T=10
CITY Perth^ S=31 57 E=115 52 T=8
<CITY ^Sydney S=34 E=151 T=10>
CITY Wellington^ S=41 19 E=174 46 T=12
-------------Areas-------------(choose up to 24 areas, zones, and cities)-----
Area labels can be placed anywhere on the map, though they should be
placed where they won't obscure other labels or important geographic features.
They have the format: AREA name latitide longitude. Areas differ from time
zones and cities in that they do not have times associated with them.
<AREA Pacific Ocean S=10 W=150>
<AREA Atlantic N=25 W=53>
<AREA Ocean N=17 W=49>
<AREA Indian S=6 E=60>
<AREA Ocean S=14 E=60>