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RelayNet (tm) International Message Exchange (RIME) BBS Network
Version 1.5 (7 December 1989) Draft F
Copyright 1988, 1989 RIME BBS Network
I. PREFACE. The RelayNet (tm) International Message Exchange
(RIME) BBS Network (known hereafter as the "Net," "RIME," or
"RelayNet) is a multi-tier telecommunications network comprised
of one "Network Hub," or "NetHub", multiple "Regional Hubs" or "RHs,"
and "nodes."
II. RIME is owned and operated as a public service organization
by a Board of Directors referred to as the "Steering Committee," or
"SC," whose membership is listed in Appendix A. The SC reserves the
right to admit or refuse any BBS SYSOP as a participating node or RH
to RIME; the SC further reserves the right to remove or suspend
network access of any individual or node or RH for grevious misconduct
considered detrimental to the spirit and intent of RIME and these
III. The SC shall designate one of its members to act as Operations
Officer to run the day-to-day operations of RIME and to coordinate node
and RH membership applications.
IV. RIME requires each participating node to provide to its end-users
a common link which may be a conference, door, or other software device
to ensure that all nodes have a common channel available throughout
RIME. The SC will define and provide the framework and access mechanism
for this common channel. A BBS is not considered part of RIME until
and unless it provides this common channel and notifies its users
of the scope, intent, and any special rules of the common channel.
However, "Administrative Nodes," i.e., nodes which are used soley for
RIME's administration purposes, are exempt from carrying this
common channel. Examples of administrative nodes are (a) the NetNode
for maintaining a central file library, (b) SMARTNET for transferring
messages between multiple networks (RIME Network and SMARTNET
Network), and (c) nodes whose sole purpose in RIME serve to provide
"product/service support conferences," such as the USRobotics
Conference sponsored by USRobotics. It is understood that RIME's
overall objectives and goals are dedicated to provide an information
service to its most important participant, the BBS user community.
A. Purpose. The purpose of RIME is to provide participating
RHs and nodes a means of communicating with each other through common
conference areas which are "relayed" via the central NetHub. RIME's
primary purpose is considered social in nature.
B. Terminology.
1. "RH" and "Node" refer to PCRelay Hub and PCRelay
Node software as used by BBS Sysops to participate in RIME.
2. "Relay" is used to describe the transfer of
conference messages from one node (BBS) to another node via an
3. Network.
a. A "Regional Hub", or "RH is comprised of one Hub and
two or more nodes. A BBS Sysop "hosts" an RH and this host BBS is one
of the RH's nodes. To be considered an RH, a hub has to have at least two
nodes "relaying" through it.
b. The SC is composed of 7 voting members.
C. Size. The physical size of RIME may be no more than the
number of nodes and RHs as prescribed by the SC. Each RH may have
non-RIME-relayed nodes (that use PCRelay software). However, such
nodes may be authorized to carry RIME's common channel.
D. Software
1. All member nodes and RHs in RIME (including non-RIME-
relayed nodes) need to use legally purchased or obtained PCRelay
node and/ hub software.
2. All member nodes and RHs in RIME need to use legally
purchased, obtained, and/or registered BBS software which are the
versions supported by the PCRelay software as used by RIME.
E. RIME maintains the capability and capacity to send and
receive messages that are flagged as "Receiver-Only" or "Routed
Mail." Messages so flagged are not to be considered by and
user as actual "private" messages. The purpose of the "R/O"
and "Routed Mail" flags are intended solely to provide a means to
limit the possible number of nodes that may have access to the
messages for display purposes.
1. Therefore, pursuant to the Electronic Communications
Privacy Act of 1986, 18 USC 2510 et. seq., all BBS SYSOPs
participating within RIME must be aware that there are no
facilities provided by RIME for sending or receiving confidential
electronic communications.
2. All participating node and RH SYSOPS need to agree, as
a condition of network membership and participation, that they will
notify anyone reading or exchanging messages within all RIME conferences
on their BBSs of all applicable by-laws rules and that RIME has no
facilities for exchanging confidential electronic communications.
A suitable bulletin and/or news display should be placed in a prominent
place within the the individual RIME BBS indicating that there are no
confidential communications capabilities within RIME.
3. All messages posted in relayed conferences are deemed
to be public. All nodes and RHs shall deem all messages posted within t
RIME's conferences to be readily accessible to the general public at all
times. If any person posts a message within any RIME conference,
his/her acceptance of this policy is heretofore implied.
4. RIME and all member nodes and RHs assume absolutely no
accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this
policy by any and all users of RIME.
A. The individual node SYSOP is responsible for enforcing the
following rules: (1) No illegal activities, (2) No BBS Ads (except
in an authorized BBS Ad Conference), and (3) No aliases. It is not
the intent of RIME or the SC to interfere with any SYSOP's authority
on his/her own BBS. Yet, all "relayed" conferences on nodes and
RHs are considered subject to the jurisdiction of these by-laws.
B. The Regional Hub (RH) SYSOPs have the freedom to solicit, but
not grant RIME membership, to prospective nodes within their region.
1. RH SYSOPs who solicit prospective nodes need to advise
(a) of RIME's three basic rules: No illegal activities, No
Ads, and No Aliases.
(b) that the purchase of PCRelay software does not
automatically give any BBS a priority on an RH's vacancy availability
list. Although there may be occasions when a prospective node may have
been pre-approved by the RHub and the SC, that pre-approval does not
in any way obligate the author of PCRelay software to give priority
of sales to the applicant.
(c) That the RHub SYSOP will provide to the SC an
admission application form which details the the applicant's particulars
such as: applicant's name, voice and BBS telephone numbers, address, BBS
name, whether applicant has node software or wishes to purchase node
software .
2. The RHs are responsible for enforcing these by-laws
within their region. An RH must relay mail a minimum of five times
a week unless it is technically infeasible to do so. The SC will
resolve any problems regarding the potential overlapping of regions.
No RH should intentionally shut down for more than 24 consecutive hours
without first making provisions for the continued relaying of it nodes.
3. RHs should make every feasible effort to accommodate all
conference requests for their nodes as their equipment and
configuration allow.
4. When an RH has been notified by the SC to remove the access
of a node, the RH should remove the node's access as soon as possible.
In the event that the RH does not comply with an SC-directed node-access-
removal request, the RH's access may be removed at the NETHUB level.
5. The RH has the authority to remove the access of one or
more of its nodes for one day if the situation warrants such action.
Immediately following any access removal, the RH needs to notify the
an SC member by voice.
C. Conference Coordinator(s) (CC) and Conference Hosts (CH).
1. The Conference Coordinator is the SC's designated
representative. Duties include: (a) administrate conferences and
designates Conference Hosts, (b) maintain conference lists, (c) advise
the SC regarding conference problems. The SC will appoint the
Conference Coordinator for any length of term.
2. Conference Hosts are designated by the Conference
Coordinator. Conference Hosts are responsible for their
conferences and guide the discussion areas. Their duties include:
(a) provide bulletins to nodes carrying their conference for the
purpose of clarification and/ or information; (b) define what should and
should not be discussion areas within the conference; and (c) provide
guidance to all concerned with legal responsibilities and/or
disclaimers. The Host may be responsible for providing to the
Conference Coordinator a description of the conference, it's aims,
and the scope of the conference.
3. The Conference Host for the Common Conference, or any
conference or device used by RIME as a net-wide E-Mail and
message distribution channel which services all nodes within RIME,
is an SC member. A non-SC member may be appointed to act as Common
Conference Assistant Host.
D. NetHub Operations.
1. The NETHUB equipment and the trademarks "RelayNet"
and "RIME" are the property of the members of RIME's SC.
2. The SC will make available a conference for the general
administration affairs of RIME. This conference is open to sysops,
co-sysops, the Conference Coordinator and conference hosts.
3. The NETHUB Sysop coordinates the primary mail
exchange time for each RH connected to the NETHUB. Each
RH has this primary time to ensure that all routine mail
exchanges are accomplished in a timely manner. The NETHUB Sysop
publishes the primary mail exchange times to ensure that no RH
deliberately intrudes during another RH's primary mail exchange
time-window. Only RHs may relay through the NetHub.
E. Ammendments
1. Though the SC is ultimately responsible for implementing
changes to these by-laws, any RIME node or RH Sysop, Co-Sysop,
Conference Host or the Conference Coordinator may petition the SC for
by-laws changes at any time. However, such requests and petitions and
any and all discussions thereof MUST be conducted in the designated
general RIME adminsitration conference, as specified in subparagraph 2,
paragraph D, section VI above.
A. No Illegal Activities. Illegal activities, including
promotion of illegal acts and promotion of software copyright
infringement, will not be allowed in RIME. Such activities constitute
a grievous reason for the potential removal of the node from RIME, and may
necessitate compensatory action against the violator for any legal
liabilities such activities may cause RIME.
B. No offensive or abusive language. The use of any word,
group of words, expression, comment, suggestion, or proposal
which is profane, obscene, lewd, lascivicious, filthy, indecent,
or is ethnically or racially demeaning is strictly prohibited
within RIME.
C. No BBS Ads. Participating node SYSOPs will not relay nor
allow to be relayed messages that contain information that advertise BBSs
EXCEPT in a conferences designated as the BBS AD or ANSI Conferences.
The placement of BBS telephone numbers within a message to advise
recipients of a contact telephone number is not considered a BBS ad
so long as the intent of the message is clearly evident without the
telephone number. It is clearly understood that a user might disregard
this rule. It is the expectation of RIME that the SYSOP will take
appropriate action to prevent this occurrence. It is also understood
that if an ad is relayed unintentionally, and the SYSOP takes the
appropriate responsible action, this does NOT constitute a grievous
reason for removal of that node. Flagrant continual disregard does,
however, constitute a potential grievous reason for possible removal
of that node.
1. BBS Tag Lines that contain telephone numbers and BBS
names are permitted as long as such tag lines are a requirement
for networking and reader software whose tag lines cannot be
disabled (such as PCRelay software).
2. There may not be more than 2 tag lines within any
message (one of these tag lines must be the required RIME node
tag line). Tasteless tag lines are discouraged. More than 2 tag
lines is considered discourteous to those node Sysops having to
relay long distance and may be considered as grievous reason for
removal of access if used continuously.
D. No aliases. Participating SYSOPs within RIME should not
allow messages to be relayed within RIME from individuals who
are using aliases.
1. An alias is defined as a name used by a caller whose
intention is to prevent identification of the caller by the
SYSOPs and RIME. SYSOPs of each participating BBS are
responsible for ensuring that only validated BBS members are
allowed to exchange messages within conferences that are relayed
within RIME.
2. An alias is also defined as a true derivative or true
name of a participating member who changes his/her name to
circumvent another node's INSULATE.NET.
3. It is RIME's understanding that each node SYSOP is
responsible for the names used on his/her own BBS. If the SYSOP
grants a user the right to use an alias, for what the SYSOP deems
is a valid reason, such as security, and that alias is not
apparently an alias (such as Dr. Midnight, which is) then there is
no need to inform RIME of that alias.
6. Duplicate names within RIME, such as three
John Smiths, will be handled by the node SYSOPS of the involved boards
in a manner which would not cause an alias to be relayed (example,
John Smith, Johnny Smith, J. Smith or Johnnie Smith)
E. Although PCRelay software may allow the "file send"
feature without RH control, unauthorized "sends" of files --
especially global file-sends -- is prohibited. Every RH within
the chain between nodes which either "sends" or "receives" a file
should approve such actions. An exception list (with such items
such as official PCRelay software releases which are sent to
RHs, etc.) is provided in Appendix B.
F. There are some National Conference Names (such as
COMMON) which needs to be used on all participating nodes to prevent
possible confusion. The current list of conferences which must be
called by their National Conference Name is contained in Appendix
G. Messages contained in conferences relayed through the
NETHUB are considered in the public domain. However, the SC needs
to authorize the "sharing" of conferences with non-RIME-participating
BBS systems. A "shared" conference is one that is relayed to or
between other networks or BBS systems that have the capability of
responding to such "shared" conference mail.
H. It is understood that node and RH SYSOPS take vacations.
RIME requests that a vacationing SYSOP delegate to another responsible
Sysop the ability to monitor the BBS in his/her absence. In the event
that any node does not relay within 3 consecutive days, the RH may
decline to hold mail until the node SYSOP has contacted the RH. It is
also understood that users may commit violations of RIME's rules in the
absence of a full time SYSOP and that immediate action may not be
able to be taken by the appointed SYSOP. This type of event does
not constitute a grievous reason for removal of a node.
I. Conference message bases may not be sent to non-RIME-relaying
nodes without the permission of the SC.
J. From time to time the SC may authorize the sending of
files, other than those listed in Appendix B, through RIME from
authors and/or vendors in support of their programs. This will
be done with the advance consent of all RHs involved.
A. There will be an annual membership fee to the RIME network.
B. No node may charge its users specifically for access to the RIME
conferences beyond whatever subscription rate, if any, they charge anyone
else. No RH may charge a node for admission to the RIME Network.
Appendix A
Steering Committee Members
Bonnie Anthony - Operations Officer
Howard Belasco -
Rex Hankins -
Mike Labbe -
J. Thomas Howell -
Mike Glenn -
James Spinelli -
Appendix B
Authorized "Send" List
The following files may be transmitted unsolicited to RHs using
the PCRelay software's "send" feature:
PCRelay Software Upgrades
The following files may be transmitted unsolicited to RHs,
provided the RHs have provided the "sender" a "blanket"
Conference Lists RelayNet/RIME NewsLetter
Network Directory of BBSs Relay Manual
Appendix C
National Conference Names That Must Be Used On Participating
============================== END OF BY-LAWS =========================