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/ Greeting Card Maker 2.0 / GCM_V2.ISO / edgrtn-h.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-07-23  |  49KB
Labels: grass | lodestone | reckoner | sand | sky | water
OCR: adcdefghijk Lm-nopeg stuvwKyz ABCDE FGHT JKEMNOPO RSTUVWXYZ 0123456785 -1#$2+- +7,<,L]}[ /? The 9uiC.-s tosue Lox jeonpl ove the The guic-t d-nown fox Jeam-ps ove/ the LaLy dog. 24 quic-k d-rown fOx jumpl over the Lazy dog. The *7mh fox rdun! over the Lazy dog The own x0F jumpd oVe the lazy dog uMO jumpd the lazy The uMO jump. adcdefghiit ovet LOzy quick aown junpy oven Jjumps guick jumps