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From: owner-utah-firearms-digest@lists.xmission.com (utah-firearms-digest)
To: utah-firearms-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: utah-firearms-digest V2 #140
Reply-To: utah-firearms-digest
Sender: owner-utah-firearms-digest@lists.xmission.com
Errors-To: owner-utah-firearms-digest@lists.xmission.com
Precedence: bulk
utah-firearms-digest Saturday, June 12 1999 Volume 02 : Number 140
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 19:37:11 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: Re: FW: About the GOP Convention 1/2
At 02:11 PM 6/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:50:43 -0600
>To: lputah@qsicorp.com
>From: "Jim Dexter" <jimdex@inconnect.com>
>The reporter (who was anonymous in the copy I received) neglects to mention
>that Gerry Arthus got 22% of the vote for GOP state chair.
>Those who attended might be able to identify the writer by the actions
>described herein.
I believe the author is Arnold Gaunt, the sponsor of the two resolutions
- -
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 1999 14:28:50 -0600
From: "S. Thompson" <righter@therighter.com>
Subject: The Salt Lake Tribune -- Nation/World
> June 09, 1999
> Feds Check If IOC Boss Broke U.S. Firearm Laws =
> BY GREG BURTON =A9 1999 [Image]
> THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Samaranch [The Front
Page for Today]
> Federal investigators [Notable News
- -- Links to Newspapers on the Net]
> are trying to determine whether a handgun given to [Image]
> International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio [Search]
> Samaranch during a 1991 visit to Salt Lake City was taken [Tribtalk]
> out of the country in violation of U.S. firearms laws. [Tribaccess
> As part of the government's investigation into the bid [Help Desk]
> for the 2002 Olympics, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and [Links and
special features]
> Firearms (ATF) is examining a series of transactions [Contact the
> between the Salt Lake bid committee, the IOC and Browning
> Arms Co., The Salt Lake Tribune has learned.
> The Morgan County gun manufacturer sold or delivered 10
> weapons to the bid committee. At least three of those guns Today's
> were given to Samaranch. Headlines:
> "We were interviewed by the ATF and the FBI and we
> discussed the facts that the products we sold to [the bid [Image] GOP
> committee] were spotted in other parts of the world," said Poll Shows
> Rich Bauter, Browning's vice president of marketing. That Public Backs
> acknowledgment essentially ended the interview, Bauter Gun Laws
> said.
> Visitors to the United States must obtain approval from [Image]
> the U.S. State Department before leaving the country with
> weapons purchased or obtained here. Browning Says
> Violators could be charged under federal law with Gun-Crime
> felony exportation of a firearm without a permit, said ATF Report Isn't
> spokesman Larry Bettendorf. Other federal laws restrict Accurate
> non-U.S. citizens from possessing firearms without a permit
> and prohibit unlicensed dealers from exporting firearms [Image]
> from the country. Babbitt: West
> The ATF inquiry dovetails with investigations of wire Is Awash in
> fraud and money laundering by the FBI, tax fraud by the Water, It=
> Internal Revenue Service and a U.S. Customs probe of a Needs an
> transport of large sums of cash out of the country. Efficient=
> "I really can't comment on any ongoing information that
> we may or may not have," Bettendorf said. [Image] Reel
> The Department of Justice also declined to comment on
> any aspect of the investigation, although The Tribune has Dilemma:
> learned at least two people are facing indictments in the Violence, Sex
> Olympic scandal. Treated
> Browning has found invoices for 10 firearms bought by Differently
> the bid committee. A 7 mm bolt-action rifle and
> semiautomatic shotgun were delivered to Samaranch in May [Image]
> 1995 at the bid committee's request. Theaters=
> Another invoice was for a 9 mm pistol sold to the bid to Enforce
> committee in February 1991, two months before Samaranch's Film-Rating
> first visit to Utah. The invoice, for $395.86, was directed System
> to Tom Welch, the former head of the bid committee and the
> Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC). [Image]
> The pistol was presented to Samaranch during a dinner
> at the home of businessman Jon Huntsman. Carmakers to
> "[Our] counsel has not been informed of any involvement Install
> by ATF," SLOC spokeswoman Shelley Thomas said Tuesday. Trunk-Release
> The IOC has acknowledged that Sam-aranch was given a Latches
> pistol and a rifle, and Samaranch has said he was given
> guns on two visits to Salt Lake City. [Image]
> The rifle was presented in a case with an engraved Legislators
> plaque that read, "Presented to President Juan Antonio Try to Save
> Samaranch from the Browning Arms Co. on behalf of the Big With
> people of Salt Lake City." Lobbyist Cash
> Last year, Samaranch gave conflicting answers about
> where the rifle and pistol are kept. In a press conference, [Image] U.S.
> he said they are in the Olympic Museum in Lausanne,
> Switzerland. But in a subsequent interview, he said they Gathers Its
> are in his office. Peacekeepers
> "I am in a position to show them to any of my as It Keeps
> visitors," he reportedly told a European newspaper. Bombing Serbs
> A Browning Arms Model 1886 lever-action rifle and
> custom case delivered to the bid committee at 1994 Winter [Image]
> Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, was apparently given to Balkans Peace
> the king of Norway. =20
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> =A9 Copyright 1999, The Salt Lake Tribune
> All material found on Utah OnLine is copyrighted The Salt
> Lake Tribune and associated news services. No material may
> be reproduced or reused without explicit permission from
> The Salt Lake Tribune.
- -
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:20:30 -0600
From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
Subject: Re: FYI. Leavitt Speaks on Gun Control!
If there is ANY gun owner in this State who still thinks Leavitt is any
better than a Democrat would be, I'd like to see about selling them some
ocean front property in St. George.
I suggest everyone also check out the accompanying article at
<http://www.sltrib.com/06101999/utah/180.htm> (or via the link on the
front page <http://www.sltrib.com/>). On the one hand, even the BATF
basically admits that many of the so called "dangerous felons"
"prevented" from buying guns are nothing more than someone who committed
check fraud 20 years ago and aren't even worth arresting for trying to
buy a gun. On the other, even those convicted of violent felonies are
almost never arrested unless there happens to be an outstanding warrant
at the time the purchase is attempted. Even then, they aren't likely to
actually be charged with trying to buy a gun illegally.
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 11:04:02 -0600 "Mr. Black" <dusk@utah-inter.net>
>To All:
>See your marvelous Governor finally revealing his true colors on the
>page of the SL Tribune: "Weapons Don't Belong in School, Governor
>Says" at
>Gore/Leavitt in 2000!
>Mr. Black
>P.S. In the next Star Wars movie, I nominate Hatch to play Senator
>Palpatine and Leavitt to play his new apprentice -- Darth Liar. Call
>"The Phantom Republicans."
Charles C. Hardy
Get the Internet just the way you want it.
Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
Try Juno Web: http://dl.www.juno.com/dynoget/tagj.
- -
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 99 09:41:00 -0700
From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
Subject: FW: House Votes Coming Next Week
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 22:45:29 -0600
Subject: LPU: FW: House Votes Coming Next Week
From: "Jim Dexter" <jimdex@inconnect.com>
House to Tackle Anti-gun Crime Bill Soon
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Thursday, June 10, 1999
"House Republican leaders yesterday embraced gun control legislation
written with the help of the National Rifle Association and announced
plans to rush it to a final vote." -- The Washington Post, 6/9/99
House To Take Up Gun Control Next Week
Voting on juvenile crime legislation will probably begin next week.
There will be gun control amendments offered on the floor of the
House, and many of these provisions will probably parallel the gun
issues that were considered in the Senate (background registration
checks, import bans on self-defense magazines, liability on gun
owners who don't lock up their guns, etc.).
The House Republican leadership is supporting a proposal that, among
other things, will impose background registration checks on those
buying guns from PRIVATE individuals at gun shows. Gun owners should
begin calling their Representatives and urge them to vote "NO" on
all gun control-- including any Gun Control "Lite" provisions that
are sponsored by Republicans. [Activists can now get an exact copy
of the juvenile crime bill (S. 254) that passed in the Senate at
http://www.gunowners.org/gts254.htm on the GOA Website.]
Republicans Getting Hammered On Capitol Hill
Irate gun owners from across the country are deluging Republicans with
correspondence, both at the Republican National Committee and on Capitol
Hill. Reports have indicated that the RNC has been "besieged" with mail,
as "several boxes" of faxes, emails and letters have been unloaded upon
their offices. House Speaker Denny Hastert's office has admitted to
receiving a thousand calls a day from angry gun owners.
In what could be an attempt to counteract this grassroots response,
the head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Rep.
Tom Davis (R-VA), released a poll recently supposedly showing that
80% of Republicans favor stricter gun controls, such as those which
passed in the Senate juvenile crime bill. This ignores the fact
that truly honest polls-- such as those conducted by the Denver
Rocky Mountain News (5/20/99)-- have found that 65% of people want
less gun control, like easier concealed carry.
"Should people ought to have to register a gun like they register
their cars? Do I think that? Of course I do. Of course I do." --
President Bill Clinton, June 4, 1999
Democrats Pushing For More Gun Control
Even before the House of Representatives has had a chance to vote on
the juvenile crime bill, top-ranking Democrats in Congress and in
the White House are predicting that the current batch of gun control
provisions will be followed by more stringent proposals. For example,
on June 4, President Clinton stated on ABC's Good Morning America that:
"I have made it perfectly clear that I want to get what was passed
in the Senate, passed in the House. Then we will come back and try
to pass some more [gun control]."
The current gun control proposals in Congress are mere stepping stones
to Clinton's next goal. He has openly stated he wants to move towards
full-fledged gun owner registration. Gun owners should not fall for
Congressional promises that once this anti-gun crime bill is finished
with, they will get the whole gun control debate "behind them." Not
true. If the current gun restrictions in Congress become law, we will
see an immediate move towards even stricter proposals. The time to stop
the hemorrhaging is now. Make sure your Congressman hears from you.
ACTION: If you have not done so already, please contact your Representative
and ask him to oppose Gun Control "Heavy" (from the Democratic side of the
aisle) and to oppose Gun Control "Lite" (from the Republicans). Moreover,
Representatives should be encouraged to vote "NO" on the final passage of
any juvenile bill that contains even the least 2nd Amendment infringement.
Call the House at 202-225-3121 or toll free at 1-888-449-3511. The address
for all Representatives is: [Name of Rep.], U.S. House of Representatives,
Washington DC 20515. See http://www.gunowners.org/h106th.htm for fax and
e-mail contact info.
Did someone else forward this to you? To be certain of getting up to date
information, please consider subscribing to the GOA E-Mail Alert Network
directly. There is no cost or obligation, and the volume of mail is quite
low. To subscribe, simply send a message to goamail@gunowners.org and
include the state in which you live, in either the subject or the body.
To unsubscribe, reply to any alert and ask to be removed.
- -
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 99 09:41:00 -0700
From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
Subject: Vin: May 31 column -- kids with guns
* Original was to Reader.Advocate@sltrib.com (Shinika Sykes)
This is another excellent column for The Salt Lake Tribune to print.
I believe it is quite easy to obtain syndication rights from Vin
Suprynowicz and the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Please request your
editors to do so.
Scott Bergeson
- --------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vin_Suprynowicz@lvrj.com (Vin Suprynowicz)
To: vinsends@ezlink.com
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 18:53:05 -0700
Subject: May 31 column -- kids with guns
THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
To prevent a life of crime, buy your kid a gun
It's called propaganda: Simplify your lie down to an easily-recalled slogan,
repeat it often enough, and people will eventually get it down by heart and
accept it as fact.
Take: "The cause of all these school shootings is the too-easy availability
of guns."
Prior to the National Firearms Act of 1933, there was no law to
discourage a veteran of the Great War from keeping a fully-operational
souvenir machine gun in the bedroom closet. There were few towns in
America where the local lads didn't know the location of at least one
such weapon. Yet none was ever used in a "school shooting."
As late as the 1960s, it was not unusual in rural America for young
boys to carry their .22 rifles to school with them, parking them in the
principal's office until needed for the target matches after school. At
age 49 I am no doddering old-timer, but I can remember young lads walking
the country roads of Ohio and Connecticut after school with their rifles
(or bicycling home with the weapons across their handlebars), hoping to
pick off some predatory bird with the full encouragement of area farmers.
A neighbor might chide you about watching where your bullets went if you
missed, but no one ever called the police to report "The Jones boy is
heading down the road with his gun; come arrest him!"
When I went away to Eaglebrook School in Massachusetts (yes, "Own a gun,
go to jail" Massachusetts) in 1962 at the age of 12, I took my rifle. We
fired for accuracy at the range on Saturdays. I daresay we could have
snuck them out of the lockers down at the gym for some mayhem if it ever
crossed our minds ... but it never did.
The violent media? Today's TV offers nothing like "The Rifleman" or
"Wanted Dead or Alive," programs of the early 1960s in which Chuck
Connors and Steve McQueen ended every episode by mowing down some
reprobate who had kicked the town dog or insulted Millie down at the
general store, in McQueen's case using a sawed-off Winchester which
it's now a federal felony even to recreate for a museum.
This focus on "the availability of guns" -- ignoring the fact they were
far more accessible only 40 years ago, when you could order a 20-mm Lahti
anti-tank gun through the mail from an ad in the back of a comic book --
is intended not only to advance the prior agenda of those who want a
disarmed and enslaved citizenry, but also to distract us from asking what
it is about the mandatory behavior modification labs (public schools) which
creates such rage and frustration in our incarcerated adolescent males. We
don't see these shoot-em-ups in the private schools, or among home-schoolers.
It also diverts attention from the perfectly relevant question of how many of
these shooters had been on drugs known to affect the judgment, like Ritalin
and Luvox, (start ital)prescribed and administered by their government
wardens(end ital).
In the face of all this misdirection, isn't it too bad the government
has never conducted an actual scientific study on how it affects a
child's likelihood of committing crimes if his parents buy him a gun?
Um, actually ... they have.
The study was conducted from 1993-1995 by the U.S. Department of
Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Child
psychologists tracked 4,000 boys and girls aged 6 to 15 in Denver,
Pittsburgh, and Rochester, N.Y. Their findings?
- -- Children who get guns from their parents don't commit gun crimes (0%)
while children who get guns illegally are quite likely to do so (21%).
- -- Children who get guns from parents are less likely to commit any kind
of street crime (14%) than children who have no gun in the house (24%) --
and are dramatically less likely to do so than children who acquire an
illegal gun (74%.)
- -- Children who get guns from parents are less likely to use banned
drugs (13%) than children who get illegal guns (41%.)
- -- Most strikingly, the study found: "Boys who own legal firearms have
much lower rates of delinquency and drug use (than boys who own illegal
guns) and are even slightly less delinquent than non-owners of guns."
This wouldn't have surprised anyone before the rise of the modern welfare
state. It used to be common knowledge that the best way to get kids to act
"responsibly" was precisely to give them some "responsibility." Why would
we assume a child taught by his parents to use a gun responsibly wouldn't
also be more responsible in his other behaviors?
"Want to dramatically reduce the chance that your child will commit a
gun-related crime or -- heaven forbid -- go on a shooting spree?" asked
the national Libertarian Party in a May 21 news release detailing these
study results. "Buy your youngster a gun."
"Politicians are apparently more interested in demonizing guns than they
are in facts," commented LP national director Steve Dasbach, himself an
Indiana government schoolteacher. But "The evidence is in: The simplest
way to reduce firearm-related violence among children is to buy them a
gun and teach them how to use it responsibly."
Vin Suprynowicz, assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas
Review-Journal, is author of the book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays
on the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998."
Vin Suprynowicz, vin@lvrj.com
The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it. -- John
Hay, 1872
The most difficult struggle of all is the one within ourselves. Let us
not get accustomed and adjusted to these conditions. The one who adjusts
ceases to discriminate between good and evil. He becomes a slave in body
and soul. Whatever may happen to you, remember always: Don't adjust!
Revolt against the reality! -- Mordechai Anielewicz, Warsaw, 1943
* * *
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have subscribed to vinsends@ezlink.com and you wish to unsubscribe,
send a message to vinsends-request@ezlink.com, from your OLD address, including
the word "unsubscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line.
To subscribe, send a message to vinsends-request@ezlink.com, from your
NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks)
in the "Subject" line.
All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my columns
until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and
that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their
entirety, preserving the original attribution.
The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be
reached directly at alan@ezlink.com. The web sites for the Suprynowicz
column are at http://www.infomagic.com/liberty/vinyard.htm, and
http://www.nguworld.com/vindex. The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth
in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at mvoth@infomagic.com.
- -
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 23:51:33 -0600
From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
Subject: Fw: May 31 column -- kids with guns
- ----------------
Charles Hardy
- --------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vin_Suprynowicz@lvrj.com (Vin Suprynowicz)
To: vinsends@ezlink.com
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 18:53:05 -0700
Subject: May 31 column -- kids with guns
Message-ID: <v02130509b374f889cff6@[]>
THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
To prevent a life of crime, buy your kid a gun
It's called propaganda: Simplify your lie down to an easily-recalled
slogan, repeat it often enough, and people will eventually get it down by
heart and accept it as fact.
Take: "The cause of all these school shootings is the too-easy
availability of guns."
Prior to the National Firearms Act of 1933, there was no law to
discourage a veteran of the Great War from keeping a fully-operational
souvenir machine gun in the bedroom closet. There were few towns in
where the local lads didn't know the location of at least one such
Yet none was ever used in a "school shooting."
As late as the 1960s, it was not unusual in rural America for young
to carry their .22 rifles to school with them, parking them in the
principal's office until needed for the target matches after school. At
age 49 I am no doddering old-timer, but I can remember young lads walking
the country roads of Ohio and Connecticut after school with their rifles
(or bicycling home with the weapons across their handlebars), hoping to
pick off some predatory bird with the full encouragement of area farmers.
neighbor might chide you about watching where your bullets went if you
missed, but no one ever called the police to report "The Jones boy is
heading down the road with his gun; come arrest him!"
When I went away to Eaglebrook School in Massachusetts (yes, "Own a
go to jail" Massachusetts) in 1962 at the age of 12, I took my rifle. We
fired for accuracy at the range on Saturdays. I daresay we could have
them out of the lockers down at the gym for some mayhem if it ever
our minds ... but it never did.
The violent media? Today's TV offers nothing like "The Rifleman" or
"Wanted Dead or Alive," programs of the early 1960s in which Chuck
and Steve McQueen ended every episode by mowing down some reprobate who
kicked the town dog or insulted Millie down at the general store, in
McQueen's case using a sawed-off Winchester which it's now a federal
even to recreate for a museum.
This focus on "the availability of guns" -- ignoring the fact they were
far more accessible only 40 years ago, when you could order a 20-mm Lahti
anti-tank gun through the mail from an ad in the back of a comic book --
intended not only to advance the prior agenda of those who want a
and enslaved citizenry, but also to distract us from asking what it is
about the mandatory behavior modification labs (public schools) which
creates such rage and frustration in our incarcerated adolescent males.
don't see these shoot-em-ups in the private schools, or among
It also diverts attention from the perfectly relevant question of how
many of these shooters had been on drugs known to affect the judgment,
Ritalin and Luvox, (start ital)prescribed and administered by their
government wardens(end ital).
In the face of all this misdirection, isn't it too bad the government
never conducted an actual scientific study on how it affects a child's
likelihood of committing crimes if his parents buy him a gun?
Um, actually ... they have.
The study was conducted from 1993-1995 by the U.S. Department of
Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Child
psychologists tracked 4,000 boys and girls aged 6 to 15 in Denver,
Pittsburgh, and Rochester, N.Y. Their findings?
-- Children who get guns from their parents don't commit gun crimes (0
percent) while children who get guns illegally are quite likely to do so
(21 percent).
-- Children who get guns from parents are less likely to commit any
of street crime (14 percent) than children who have no gun in the house
percent) -- and are dramatically less likely to do so than children who
acquire an illegal gun (74 percent.)
-- Children who get guns from parents are less likely to use banned
(13 percent) than children who get illegal guns (41 percent.)
-- Most strikingly, the study found: "Boys who own legal firearms have
much lower rates of delinquency and drug use (than boys who own illegal
guns) and are even slightly less delinquent than non-owners of guns."
This wouldn't have surprised anyone before the rise of the modern
state. It used to be common knowledge that the best way to get kids to
"responsibly" was precisely to give them some "responsibility." Why would
we assume a child taught by his parents to use a gun responsibly wouldn't
also be more responsible in his other behaviors?
"Want to dramatically reduce the chance that your child will commit a
gun-related crime or -- heaven forbid -- go on a shooting spree?" asked
national Libertarian Party in a May 21 news release detailing these study
results. "Buy your youngster a gun."
"Politicians are apparently more interested in demonizing guns than
are in facts," commented LP national director Steve Dasbach, himself an
Indiana government schoolteacher. But "The evidence is in: The simplest
way to reduce firearm-related violence among children is to buy them a
and teach them how to use it responsibly."
Vin Suprynowicz, assistant editorial page editor of the Las Vegas
Review-Journal, is author of the book, "Send in the Waco Killers: Essays
the Freedom Movement, 1993-1998."
Vin Suprynowicz, vin@lvrj.com
The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it. -- John
Hay, 1872
The most difficult struggle of all is the one within ourselves. Let us
get accustomed and adjusted to these conditions. The one who adjusts
to discriminate between good and evil. He becomes a slave in body and
soul. Whatever may happen to you, remember always: Don't adjust! Revolt
against the reality! -- Mordechai Anielewicz, Warsaw, 1943
* * *
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
If you have subscribed to vinsends@ezlink.com and you wish to
send a message to vinsends-request@ezlink.com, from your OLD address,
the word "unsubscribe" (with no quotation marks) in the "Subject" line.
To subscribe, send a message to vinsends-request@ezlink.com, from your
NEW address, including the word "subscribe" (with no quotation marks)
in the "Subject" line.
All I ask of electronic subscribers is that they not RE-forward my
until on or after the embargo date which appears at the top of each, and
that (should they then choose to do so) they copy the columns in their
entirety, preserving the original attribution.
The Vinsends list is maintained by Alan Wendt in Colorado, who may be
reached directly at alan@ezlink.com. The web sites for the Suprynowicz
column are at http://www.infomagic.com/liberty/vinyard.htm, and
http://www.nguworld.com/vindex. The Vinyard is maintained by Michael Voth
in Flagstaff, who may be reached directly at mvoth@infomagic.com.
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Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month!
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- -
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 99 10:45:00 -0700
From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
Subject: FW: GOUtah! Alert #16 - 11 June 1999 1/2
GOUtah! Gun Owners of Utah
Utah's Uncompromising, Independent Gun Rights Network.
No Compromise. No Retreat. No Surrender. Not Now. Not Ever.
Visit our website at www.slpsa.org/goutah!
GOUtah! Alert #16 - 11 June 1999
Today's Maxim of Liberty:
"It is unreasonable ...to oblige a man not to attempt the defense
of his own life." -Montesquieu, in The Spirit of Laws
If you wish to continue to receive this information under the GOUtah! banner,
you need to do nothing. If you wish to be added to or taken off the GOUtah!
list, please log onto our website at www.slpsa.org/goutah! or send an e-mail
to GOUtah3006@aol.com or send a fax to (801) 944-9937 asking to be added to or
removed from the GOUtah! list. If you wish to forward or share this copyrighted
information with others, you are welcome to do so, on the condition that you
pass along the entire document intact and unmodified, and that GOUtah! is
clearly indicated as the original source of the material, unless otherwise
U.S. House To Take Up Gun Control Next Week-Your Action Is Urgently Needed!
A Special Report from Gun Owners of America -10 June 1999
"House Republican leaders yesterday embraced gun control legislation written
with the help of the National Rifle Association and announced plans to rush
it to a final vote." -- The Washington Post, 6/9/99
Voting on juvenile crime legislation will probably begin next week. There
will be gun control amendments offered on the floor of the House, and many of
these provisions will probably parallel the gun issues that were considered
in the Senate (background registration checks, import bans on self-defense
magazines, liability on gun [owners] who don't lock up their guns, etc.).
The House Republican leadership is supporting a proposal that, among other
things, will impose background registration checks on those buying guns from
PRIVATE individuals at gun shows. Gun owners should begin calling their
Representatives and urge them to vote "NO" on all gun control--including any
Gun Control "Lite" provisions that are sponsored by Republicans. [Activists
can now get an exact copy of the juvenile crime bill (S. 254) that passed
in the Senate at http://www.gunowners.org/gts254.htm on the GOA website.]
(GOUtah! Note: An NRA/ILA Alert mailed nationwide to all NRA members this
week indicated that the Lautenberg language from the U.S. Senate version
describes "events" rather than only "gun shows" and "transfers" rather than
"sales." These terms are not defined in the bill. As such, this language
could easily be stretched to include any event at which any firearms transfer,
sale, gift or other exchange might take place, such as a shooting competition,
club meeting, family gathering, business lunch, etc. Clearly the intent of
the bill is to require every private party transfer, regardless of nature,
circumstance or location to require a background check, along with the
potential for registration and potential confiscation. We urge you to oppose
any expansion to the current Brady background check system.)
Call and write your U.S. Congressman TODAY!
Congressional District 1: Northern and Western Utah, except Salt Lake Metro
Rep. Jim Hansen (R)
242 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-0453
Fax (202) 225-5857
E-mail: www.house.gov
click on Members and select Jim Hansen
Local Office: 324-25th Ave.
Ogden, Utah 84401
Utah Phone: (801) 451-5822
Utah Fax: (801) 621-7846
Congressional District 2: Salt Lake Metro Area
Rep. Merrill Cook (R)
1431 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001
Phone (202) 225-3011
Fax (202) 225-5638
E-mail: Cong.Merrill.Cook@mail.house.gov
Local Office: 125 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84138
Utah Phone: (801) 524-4394
Congressional District 3: Central and Eastern Utah
Rep. Chris Cannon (R)
118 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4403
Phone (202) 225-7751
Fax (202) 225-5629
E-mail: Cannon.ut03@mail.house.gov
Local Offices: 51 South University Drive
Provo, Utah 84606
Utah Phone: (801) 379-2500
Utah Fax (801) 379-2509
Republicans Getting Hammered On Capitol Hill
A Special Report from Gun Owners of America -10 June 1999
Irate gun owners from across the country are deluging Republicans with
correspondence, both at the Republican National Committee and on Capitol
Hill. Reports have indicated that the RNC has been "besieged" with mail,
as "several boxes" of faxes, emails and letters have been unloaded upon
their offices. House Speaker Denny Hastert's office has admitted to
receiving a thousand calls a day from angry gun owners.
In what could be an attempt to counteract this grassroots response, the
head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, Rep. Tom Davis
(R-VA), released a poll recently supposedly showing that 80% of Republicans
favor stricter gun controls, such as those which passed in the Senate
juvenile crime bill. This ignores the fact that truly honest polls-- such
as those conducted by the Denver Rocky Mountain News (5/20/99)-- have found
that 65% of people want less gun control, like easier concealed carry.
Democrats Pushing For More Gun Control
A Special Report From Gun Owners of America-10 June 1999
Even before the House of Representatives has had a chance to vote on the
juvenile crime bill, top-ranking Democrats in Congress and in the White
House are predicting that the current batch of gun control provisions will
be followed by more stringent proposals. For example, on June 4, President
Clinton stated on ABC's 'Good Morning America' that:
"I have made it perfectly clear that I want to get what was passed in the
Senate, passed in the House. Then we will come back and try to pass some
more [gun control]."
The current gun control proposals in Congress are mere stepping stones to
Clinton's next goal. He has openly stated he wants to move towards
full-fledged gun owner registration. Gun owners should not fall for
Congressional promises that once this anti-gun crime bill is finished
with, they will get the whole gun control debate "behind them." Not true.
If the current gun restrictions in Congress become law, we will see an
immediate move towards even stricter proposals. The time to stop the
hemorrhaging is now. Make sure your US Congressman hears from you TODAY.
[ Continued In Next Message... ]
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Date: Sat, 12 Jun 99 10:45:00 -0700
From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
Subject: FW: GOUtah! Alert #16 - 11 June 1999 2/2
[ ...Continued From Previous Message ]
1999 Utah GOP State Political Convention Review-
Elected Leader's Anti-Gun Positions Rebuked by Republican Party Delegates
A Report From Arnold Gaunt, Utah State Republican Party Delegate
Senator Orrin Hatch's and Governor Mike Leavitt's advocacy for gun control
were opposed by delegates attending the Utah Republican Party State Organizing
Convention on Saturday June 5 at the Weber State Dee Events Center in Ogden.
Both politicians made appeals to the Party prior to the hearing of resolutions
addressing their promotion of gun control at the federal and state level,
In the case of Orrin Hatch, he provided a free breakfast preceding the
Convention in a failed effort to lure his die-hard supporters to oppose the
resolution. In addition, in his Convention report, he dramatized the impact
of crime in America and the resultant "necessity" of his anti-gun S. 254.
According to Sen. Hatch, gun owners should be happy that S. 254 isn't even
worse than it is.
As proof of his Second Amendment advocacy, Hatch stated that he had been
deputized as a Special US Marshal when his life had been threatened, and
thereby was authorized for concealed carry. However, his deputization
proves nothing more than hypocrisy on the issue of self-defense. When
Orrin is threatened, he receives a carry permit that is valid throughout
the US, preempts state and local laws, and is good even on airplanes.
On the other hand, when a private citizen faces similar threats, no similar
carry permit is available. Can it be that some people's right to life is
greater than others?
Governor Leavitt, who appears to be accompanied by armed bodyguards, shares
Hatch's position that some people (like "important" politicians) should be
able to defend their lives without restriction, while the rest should accept
ever-increasing "reasonable" infringements on their right to be armed. When
Leavitt offered some "reasonable" Second Amendment infringements to the
Convention, delegates didn't buy his gratuitous advice, and responded by
shouting back at him and jeering. Abruptly, the Governor changed subjects.
Resolutions were finally considered after Hatch and Leavitt had presented their
respective arguments for more gun control legislation. The first resolution
requested that Hatch and Bennett "uphold their oath of office by voting against
all proposals and legislation that compromise or subvert the Second Amendment,
and utilize whatever means are necessary, including the filibuster, to prevent
their passage, so as to protect the inherent rights of Utahns and Americans".
The second resolution requested that Gov. Leavitt "exercise prudence,
responsibility, and restraint by not calling a special session of the
Legislature for the purpose of enacting laws that infringe on the right of
self-defense". Happily, both resolutions were passed by large margins.
So, if Hatch and Leavitt don't represent the Republican Party on the Second
Amendment, whom do they represent?
The text of the Utah Republican Party resolutions passed is available on
the GOUtah! website at www.slpsa.org/goutah!
Utah Legislative Committees Will Meet on Wednesday, 16 June to Discuss
Gun Control Measures. Be There!
Please remember to attend the Utah Interim Legislative Committee hearings
on Wednesday, 16 June 1999 at 2:00 PM at the Utah State Capitol. It is
critical we be there in force! Make your voice heard to protect your rights!
The Judiciary Committee will meet in Room 403 to discuss issues related to
pleas and prosecution of gun crimes, additions to prohibited classes for
gun purchases, and other items.
The Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee will meet in Room 416 to
discuss updates on the Federal laws under consideration. BCI background
Checks, Mental health records access, gun shows, and progress reports form
the Governor's anti-gun working groups.
Governor Leavitt intends to call for a special session of the Utah Legislature
to consider Utah gun laws in the Fall of 1999. If he cannot get a majority of
Utah legislators to support the special session, it will not take place. So
far the Utah Senate has indicated they will favor the session, while the Utah
House is as yet uncommitted. Focus your calls, email and letters to the Utah
House members!
GOUtah! asks every Utah gun owner and concerned citizen to immediately and
repeatedly contact their state representatives and senators at home and
again urge them to take a measured and rational approach to these issues,
rather that blame peaceable gun owners for the deep seated ills of our
society. We must now work overtime to avoid a special session of the Utah
Legislature, which would likely devolve into a free-for-all legal and media
circus which will ride roughshod over our gun rights.
Feds Look Into Salt Lake Olympic Committee's Possible Gun Law Violations
The Salt Lake Tribune reports in a 9 June 1999 article that the FBI and ATF
are examining possible federal weapons export law violations by members of
SLOC and the Salt Lake Olympic Bid Committee, related to the numerous gifts
of Browning firearms to IOC members, including IOC President Juan Antonio
Samaranch. These allegations come close on the heels of media reports that
at least two members of the Salt Lake Olympic bid group will be facing
federal grand jury indictments regarding their actions in the
bribery-scandal plagued 2002 Winter Olympic Games bidding process.
GOUtah! Gun Rights (and Wrongs) Quote Watch
"Should people ought to have to register a gun like they register their cars?
Do I think that? Of course I do. Of course I do."
- -- President Bill Clinton, television interview, June 4, 1999
I'm one Republican who doesn't want my child going to a school where teachers
are armed." -- Governor Michael O. Leavitt, in a speech to the Utah Republican
Party Convention in Ogden, Utah on 5 June 1999
"I do! I do!" -- Shouted responses from numerous Utah Republican Party
Delegates, loudly disagreeing with the above comments by Governor Leavitt.
If you have a gun rights quote you'd like to share, please send it, along
with a verifiable original source reference to GOUtah!
That concludes the GOUtah! Political and Legislative Alert #16 - 11 June
1999. We hope this information will be of assistance to you in defending your
firearms rights. Remember that getting this information is meaningless unless
YOU ACT ON IT TODAY. If you just read it and dump it in the trash, your gun
rights, and the gun rights of future generations go in the trash with it.
Get involved, get active and get vocal! Copyright 1999 by GOUtah!
All rights reserved.
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End of utah-firearms-digest V2 #140