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- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: Gun Control Research - Hard Data 1/2
- Date: 04 Aug 1997 16:44:00 -0700
- From the Heartland Institute (Palatine, IL)
- .....http://www.heartland.org
- 1. There is no relationship between the number of privately owned guns and
- the amount of violent crime in the United States.
- Between 1973 and 1992, the number of privately owned firearms in the United
- States increased 73 percent--from 122 million to nearly 222 million. The
- number of privately owned handguns increased by 110 percent, from 37 million
- to 78 million, and the rate of gun ownership increased by 45 percent. But
- during this same period, the national homicide rate fell by nearly 10
- percent.
- Moreover, areas with relatively high gun ownership rates tend to report
- relatively low violent crime rates, and vice versa.
- 2. There is no relationship between gun control laws and violent crime.
- Studies purporting to show a negative relationship between gun control and
- violent crime are plagued by serious methodological weaknesses, including the
- failure to control for confounding factors, selective use of data, and
- failure to measure the real impact of gun laws on the rate of gun ownership.
- Criminologists Gary Kleck and E. Britt Patterson sought to overcome these
- methodological weaknesses in a comprehensive 1993 study that covered all
- forms of gun violence, encompassed every large city in the nation, and
- assessed all major forms of gun control
- in the U.S. All told, Kleck and Patterson analyzed the impact of 19 kinds of
- gun control measures on six categories of violence. In ninety of the
- resulting 102 relationships, gun control laws had no significant negative
- effect on violence.
- 3. Are gun control laws effective?
- Data from the City of Chicago cast further doubt on the effectiveness of gun
- control
- laws. The City of Chicago's 1982 gun control ordinance is one of the most
- restrictive gun control measures in the country. Still, data compiled every
- year by the Chicago Police Department show that the number of murders in the
- city ebbs and flows with little respect for gun control laws. For example,
- the number of murders in the city started falling before passage of the
- city's 1982 gun control ordinance. Five years later, the number of murders in
- the city began to climb steadily. By gun control's tenth anniversary in 1992,
- the number of murders in the city was back where it had
- been a decade before gun control.
- 4. Why do gun control laws fail?
- First, by focusing almost exclusively on handguns, gun control laws encourage
- the substitution of other weapons. These may be much more deadly (as are
- shoulder weapons) or more likely to result in injury if the victim resists
- (as are knives). So long as the underlying motivation to do harm is present,
- gun control laws can affect only the choice of weapon, sometimes with deadly
- results.
- Second, most handgun violence is perpetrated by criminals who, due to
- previous run-ins with the law, are already forbidden by law to possess
- firearms, and who face serious punishment for the crimes they commit.
- Controlling the behavior of this cohort through additional gun control
- legislation is nearly hopeless.
- Third, gun control laws are more likely to disarm the general public than the
- criminal element. Most criminals acquire their guns on the illegal market,
- where background checks and waiting periods are not enforced, and they are
- willing to pay a higher price for a gun because they plan to use it. The
- law-abiding majority, on the other hand, is more likely to postpone
- purchasing a firearm if gun control laws make the purchase less convenient or
- more expensive. Italian criminologist Cesare Beccaria described the end
- result over 200 years ago: "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . .
- disarm those only who are neither inclined nor determined to commit
- crimes. . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for
- the assailants."
- 5. What do we do about crime and violence?
- As David Kopel has written, "We are now reaping the consequences of 30 years
- spent talking about guns rather than doing something effective about poverty
- and hopelessness." As long as some people have little or nothing to lose by
- spending their lives in crime, dispositions to violence will persist--and
- increasingly strict gun controls will do little if anything to improve
- matters.
- Millions of Americans in the poorest neighborhoods of large and medium-sized
- cities are caught in the scissors of poor employment prospects (due to
- low-quality schools, welfare dependency, family disintegration, etc.) and
- growing opportunities in the illegal drug trade, resulting from the nation's
- ever-more-vigorous War on Drugs. All too often, crime appears to be a wise
- choice.
- The upward spiral of violence in our large and medium-sized cities will
- persist until we start thinking about how to strengthen families, foster
- individual responsibility, and repair the educational institutions of inner
- cities. ####
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: More on Australia 1/2
- Date: 04 Aug 1997 16:44:00 -0700
- Forwarded on Mon, 28 Jul 1997 by Patricia Neill <pnpj@db1.cc.rochester.edu>
- Folks, this is Mike Johnson with Mike Johnson News. Here's an excellent post
- on what's happening Down Under, and what the Aussies are doing about their
- gun grab. Very interesting. Thanks Mike for asking, and for posting the
- Tasmania First reply.
- Patty
- I have continued digging around to find out what is happening in Australia.
- One gentleman that I got into a message exchange with is the Secretary of
- the Tasmanian Firearms Owners Association. Some of the comments that he had
- to make were quite interesting. Especially the method that they have chosen
- to try to deal with the problem peacefully, as apparently things have not
- yet reached the point over there that revolt is needed. The message that
- I sent to the gentleman initially reads as follows:
- ============================================================================
- Over here in America we're getting all kinds of rumors as to what the
- situation with regards to privately owned firearms is in the great land
- down under. Stories of door to door search and seizure operations and
- confiscations of firearms in your part of the world have been reported.
- Quite simply, I would like to know what, if anything, is actually going
- on. Is there anything especially heinous happening? Or will that not be
- clear until the latest amnesty runs out? Speaking of which, when will
- the amnesty run out as I have heard several different dates mentioned?
- Is there anything that you think you could use our admittedly limited
- ability to help you all on?
- One of the reasons that I'm especially curious as to all this is that I
- have actually had the opportunity to have visited Tasmania. I enjoyed the
- few days that I got to spend there. I liked the scenery, the friendliness
- of the natives, and the excellence of the local brews <g>. I'd hate to
- think that anything especially obnoxious was happening to you all.
- Eagerly and curiously awaiting a reply.
- - Mike Johnson
- ============================================================================
- Mike, thanks for your firearms situation query. Rumours are the very
- devil. I suggest you check out the Sporting Shooters Association of
- Australia Web Site at http://www.ssaa.org.au which covers all Australia.
- I am secretary of the Tasmanian Firearms Owners Association with our own
- small web site at http://globec.com.au/~owend. We have started up a
- political party the "Tasmania First party" as lobbying now seems to be
- almost totally non-productive. I have added an attachment in rich text
- format that is the Presidents Report after NINE months of the party's
- existence. Going into politics seems to be the answer in Tasmania at
- least. Nil Corborundum Barstardum
- John Presser
- John C Presser
- 1 Forensic Biology Section
- Government Analytical & Forensic Laboratory,
- 20 St Johns Ave, New Town, Tasmania 7008, Australia
- e-mail jcp@pc635.dchs.tas.gov.au
- phone 61 362 785 611, fax 61 362 785 693
- 2 Secretary, Tasmanian Firearms Owners Association
- PO Box 229, Glenorchy, Tasmania 7010, Australia
- email jpregafl@mail.mpx.com.au, phone 0419 553 705, fax 61 362 750 251
- http:/www.vision.net.au/~njessup/tfoa/tfoahome.html
- 3 President, Tasmania First Party
- PO Box 608, Glenorchy, Tasmania 7010, Australia
- email jpregafl@mail.mpx.com.au, phone 0419 553 705, fax 61 362 722 332
- 4 Aust Disputed Paternity & Forensic Science Laboratory Consultancy Services
- GPO Box 1384, Hobart 7001, Australia
- email jpregafl@mail.mpx.com.au, phone 0419 553 705
- ============================================================================
- Presidents Report 1996 - 1997
- 28/6/97
- From State registration in September 1996, Tasmania First has been the
- fastest growing political party in Australia, ever. As of yesterday,
- the party has Federal Registration. This is only the beginning for
- Tasmania First and an auspicious beginning it is.
- This great party arose from the State and Federal government dictatorship
- over firearms laws in 1996. Our lobbyists were pointedly ignored and
- demonised. When we threatened to go political, we were told "you have not
- got the nouse to get together and form a political party, despite your
- seven city block rally numbers". Later we were told "you will not last
- 6 months". Well it is now twelve months and Tasmania First is going from
- strength to strength.
- There are many good people who are intimidated by the prospect of being
- part of a political party. Let me assure you Tasmania First is in good
- hands and the task of putting our members into Parliament in both Houses
- can be accomplished. One of the major reasons we can do this is the huge
- decline in party member support for Labor and especially for the Liberal
- party. There is a vast political desert out there just waiting for Tasmania
- First to step out and occupy. We do not have to push any party aside,
- the ground is empty!
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: Gun Control Research - Hard Data 2/2
- Date: 04 Aug 1997 16:44:00 -0700
- 11250 Waples Mill Road
- Fairfax, VA 22030
- Phone: (800) 392-8683
- Fax: (703) 267-3918
- E-Mail: GROOTS@NRA.org
- Vol. 4, No. 31, August 1, 1997
- Too often, biased researchers use federal tax dollars to finance their
- "studies" which are then formulated into research propaganda purportedly
- justifying more "gun control." Pro-gun, freshman Congressman Robert Aderholt
- (R-AL) wants to hold these researchers accountable for the claims they make
- by requiring anyone seeking public funding for their research to publish a
- disclosure plan for the release of the data used in their studies. This
- week, NRA-ILA's goal of trying to reform the status quo which allows
- taxpayer-funded researchers to shield the data they collect at taxpayers
- expense from independent review suffered a setback.
- As you know, there is a committed group of anti-gun researchers working with,
- and funded by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control who have
- made a practice of refusing to release the data on which they base what are,
- invariably, anti-gun conclusions. This week, Aderholt was unsuccessful in
- attaching an amendment to the House Appropriations Treasury Postal bill to
- require that all public researchers release their data within 90 days of
- first public use of the results. Most taxpayers would be surprised to know
- that such data is not made routinely available to others for corroboration
- and re-analysis despite the fact that according to a recent Roper poll, more
- than 80% of the public supports such review.
- Readers of this alert may remember that after University of Chicago Professor
- John Lott's ground-breaking study on the positive crime-reducing effects of
- state right to carry laws, his study came under heavy scrutiny by the
- anti-Second Amendment and anti-self defense community. Lott made all research
- data available to anyone interested, and while no other study on the subject
- has been as thoroughly analyzed, Lott's results remain solidly affirmed. It
- should be noted that while honest researchers such as Dr. Lott welcome such
- scrutiny, others, particularly those who appear to be trying to further a
- politically-motivated agenda, do not. For instance, one anti-gun researcher,
- Arthur Kellerman of Emory University, has used more than 2 million dollars of
- public funds over the last several years, yet took more than three years to
- release data for one of his more controversial studies, despite the repeated
- attempts by both Members of Congress and the research community alike to gain
- access to his data.
- NRA-ILA will continue working with other like-minded groups to make a
- research disclosure policy the rule, and we need your help. We ask that you
- contact House Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Livingston (R-LA) and
- ranking member David Obey (D-WI) and ask them to support this much needed,
- common sense reform. Also, please call your U.S. Congressman at (202)
- 224-3121 and suggest that this matter deserves congressional scrutiny, and
- that the "Disclosure of Certain Federally-Sponsored Research," should be
- considered. Remember: the public's right-to-know is essential for good
- government.
- Yours in Freedom,
- <alphashewolf@proaxis.com>
- Running with the pack!!
- Home page: http://www.proaxis.com/~alphashewolf
- FREEDOM'S VOICE: http://www.proaxis.com/~alphashewolf/free.htm
- GUARDIANS' CORNER: http://www.proaxis.com/~alphashewolf/guard.htm
- ===================================
- QUOTE: "Government is not reason. Government is not eloquence. It is
- force. And, like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
- -- George Washington
- ===================================
- QUOTE: "There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government
- has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough
- criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it
- becomes impossible to live without breaking laws."
- -- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged"
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: More on Australia 2/2
- Date: 04 Aug 1997 16:44:00 -0700
- If we had an election now, how many seats would Tasmania First win?
- Polls tell us, that up to eleven seats of the 35 in the Tasmanian House
- of Assembly would be ours. The voting intention return in the Tasmanian
- Firearms Owners "Facts & Furphies" V4/1 shows the strength of the
- firearms owners vote. The recent Legislative Council election for Derwent
- also indicates about 10 seats.
- I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Will Frank on his
- showing in Derwent and to thank those party members who helped in Will's
- campaign. I think it would be appropriate to ask Will to address us
- briefly this evening on the experience he has gained from contesting
- the Legislative Council seat of Derwent.
- What does 10 Tasmania First seats mean? It means that our original plan
- based on the premise we would be a minority party holding the balance of
- power, need revision. The likely makeup of the Lower House is 10 Liberal,
- 10 Labor, 4 Greens and 11 Tasmania First. A majority of 18 is required
- to govern. Therefore, as in New Zealand, Tasmania First must consider a
- coalition government with one of the major parties. We must also consider
- requests from existing parliamentarians who might want to join Tasmania
- First. We would benefit from their political experience.
- The distribution of our members across Tasmania is as follows:
- Lyons 30%
- Bass 21%
- Denison 19%
- Franklin 18%
- Braddon 12%
- Many times we have all heard the words "If Tasmania First produces sound
- policies, I will vote for your candidates". The area of policy development
- is of critical importance to the success of Tasmania First. We now have
- a booklet of policies for consideration. At this point, I would like to
- thank David Pickford for his considerable input as chairman of our policy
- committee. Our thanks also to Peter Stokes for the production of the
- Tasmania First policy booklet.
- One of the more difficult tasks assigned to me as President during our
- first year was to organize indemnity insurance. This has now been achieved.
- The only hiccup is that any public street rally undertaken by Tasmania
- First must have prior approval from the insurers. A new constitution for
- Tasmania First has now been drafted with the assistance of a party member
- who is a solicitor. This document will be presented for approval to this AGM.
- It is imperative that Tasmania First be seen to be more than a copy of
- the existing political parties of the old mould. As Harry Evans, the
- Clerk of the Australian Senate has said, "The need for reform is not
- so much in the institutions of Government as in political parties.
- Political parties have become narrowly based, factionalised, undemocratic
- oligarchies controlled by too few people, closed to public view but
- open to manipulation and outright corruption."
- Remember the 18th century American proverb "the restraint of government
- is the true liberty and freedom of the people." Remember also "when the
- government fears the people you have freedom, when the people fear the
- government you have tyranny."
- What we are seeing today is the revolt of the neglected. Ordinary
- Australians now realise that the country has been led to a series
- of dead-ends. They are now in revolt against the political class,
- whatever its party appearance. Mr. Howard, and before him Mr. Keating
- have at various times claimed that "the settings are now right" to
- give us a drop in unemployment a year from now. These statements have
- been made so often, that they are no longer believed.
- Despite the fact that we have the most efficient farmers in the world,
- the agricultural sector is still losing money. Small country towns are
- collapsing, and 30 families shut the farm gate for the last time, EVERY
- 21,000 bankruptcies are forecast for 1996/97, up from the 17,340 for 1995/96.
- The harsh truth is that the central idea is all wrong. Our established
- political parties are captives of the same deflationary economic theory,
- which after the speculative mania of the late 1920's, multiplied the
- unnecessary miseries of the Great Depression of the 1930's.
- This same blind ideology operates today, through:-
- the credit monopoly of the private banks,
- the balancing of government budgets by selling off every marketable public
- utility, and cutting vital government services, most cruelly demonstrated
- in the ever growing queues for hospital beds,
- by continuous "downsizing" in staff numbers and reductions in real wages
- for the ordinary worker.
- It is time we "downsized" the established political parties.
- The trouble with Mr Howard's "settings" and they would be Labor's were
- they in office, is that for 15 years they have been made in the interests
- of the wrong people. Not for the ordinary Australian, but for the foreign
- investors. That is the core of the matter. Without a radical change of
- direction, the Australia we know is doomed.
- I urge you to vote for all Tasmania First candidates on your ballot paper
- before any other candidates.
- I implore you to support the Tasmania First Party. We will lead this
- State out of the wilderness with a government that is:-
- OF the everyday people of Tasmania
- FOR the everyday people of Tasmania
- BY the everyday people of Tasmania.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: AT&T + Benton Foundation = Gun Control
- Date: 04 Aug 1997 22:50:00 -0700
- On Mon, 4 Aug 1997 22:39:14 -0400 (EDT) Steve <XFreedomsX@aol.com>
- sent the following:
- I used to work for Charles Benton -- of Benton Foundation fame, but NOT for
- their Leftist Foundation. He is the son of the late Senator Benton, dead for
- some time now. Charles' wife, Marjorie Benton, is the main contact as far as
- I know. She's was/is the political activist, anyway. If you want to make a
- graeter impact, you might consider writing to her directly at her home in
- Evanston, IL (Sheridan Place, as I recall -- but look it up in 847 directory
- assistance). Or, find the Benton Foundation web page and send a letter to
- her at that address. A well done letter is worth 100 marginal ones.
- Best to ya'll
- Steve
- =======================================
- Forwarded Message:
- AT&T has joined the "Anti-Gun Lobby"; Americas largest and most wealthy long
- distance carrier has donated THREE MILLION DOLLARS to help fund the Anti-Gun
- wackos who would take away the rights afforded us by people with more brains
- then them.
- Maybe it's time to "reach out and touch" the dolts at AT&T to let them know
- that you are not behind their efforts. Let them know that passage of
- restrictive legislation will not effect "bad guys"
- AT&T is linked to the countrys # 1 group of anti gun wackos at HCI (handgun
- control Inc) as well as The Benton Foundation. Their primary target is
- private gun ownership.
- Ads promoting the program are paid for by AT&T and are headlined:
- "We're Fighting for the Children" ...
- I guess they will be using bows and arrows -- just dropped my AT&T service.
- They can be reached at http://www.kidscampaign.org -- tell 'em what you think
- about their efforts.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: chardy@ES.COM (Charles Hardy)
- Subject: Re: Cook's Town Meetings
- Date: 05 Aug 1997 08:46:12 -0600
- On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us> posted:
- >### -- The crime meeting is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 6 at the Salt Lake
- >County Commission Chambers, 2001 S. State St., North Building.
- >Panelists include Salt Lake County Sheriff Aaron Kennard and Salt Lake
- >City Police Chief Ruben Ortega.
- Prior obligatons will keep me from attending the "crime" meeting.
- Anyone planning on going and asking Ortega some tough questions about
- officer "throw em on the ground first and ask questions later" Bell?
- --
- Charles C. Hardy | If my employer has an opinion on
- <chardy@es.com> | these things I'm fairly certain
- 801.588.7200 (work) | I'm not the one he'd have express it.
- "Those, who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the
- state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please.
- [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the
- measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army,
- and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people." -- Aristotle.
- Quoted by John Trenchard and Walter Moyle "An Argument Shewing, That a
- Standing Army Is Inconsistent with a Free Government, and Absolutely
- Destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy" [London, 1697]
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: Unconstitutional Theories "Justifying" Federal Gun Control 2/2
- Date: 07 Aug 1997 13:27:00 -0700
- It is important to understand that the word regulate was
- applied to commerce in the sense of making regular rather
- than controlling. In an early case where the Commerce Clause
- was at issue, Justice Marshall in the Gibbons steamboat case,
- noted that had the Clause been intended to affect all economic
- activity, it would not have been included in the enumerated,
- or limited, powers section of Article One Section 8. Thus,
- the Commerce Clause affects interstate trade which involves
- more than one state. The idea was that Virginia could not tax
- Maryland tobacco to the point that it was kept out of its
- Commonwealth, and similarly, so that Maryland could not do
- the same.
- Justice Thomas put it this way in his Lopez opinion: "...the
- power to regulate `commerce' can by no means encompass authority
- over mere gun possession, any more than it empowers the
- Federal Government to regulate marriage, littering, or cruelty
- to animals, throughout the 50 States. Our Constitution quite
- properly leaves such matters to the individual States,
- notwithstanding these activities' effects on interstate
- commerce."
- Thomas went on to explain that, as an enumerated power, the
- Commerce Clause of Article I Section 8 cannot be used to
- justify a universal police power of the federal government:
- After all, if Congress may regulate all matters
- that substantially affect commerce, there is no
- need for the Constitution to specify that Congress
- may enact bankruptcy laws, cl. 4, or coin money and
- fix the standard of weights and measures, cl. 5,
- or punish counterfeiters of United States coin and
- securities....
- Put simply, much if not all of Art. I, Sec. 8 (including
- portions of the Commerce Clause itself) would be surplusage
- if Congress had been given authority over matters that
- substantially affect interstate commerce. An interpretation
- of cl. 3 that makes the rest of Sect. 8 superfluous simply
- cannot be correct.
- To put it another way, the Court is now saying that they
- believe that the Tenth Amendment has to be observed. As Joe
- Sobran put it in a column in The Washington Times (May 30,
- 1995): "From now on, the court will be debating basic
- principles. The federal government will have to walk through
- the metal detector of the 10th Amendment."
- In the Wickard case, the Supreme Court agreed with the argument
- that even though farmer Filburn's wheat was not purchased nor
- sold in interstate commerce, the very fact that he did not enter
- interstate commerce negatively affected interstate commerce. With
- this totalitarian view of the reach of government, there was no
- limit to what the federal government could do. In many areas of
- social life, using this distorted interpretation of the Commerce
- Clause, Congress stepped up its suffocation of many kinds of
- private activity. Firearms were no exception.
- Finally, in the 1995 Lopez decision, the Court has begun to
- return to constitutional government. Lopez was arrested at a
- Texas school for having a gun and thus violating the federal
- prohibition on having a firearm within 1000 feet of a school.
- The Court held that whatever the policy merits of the measure,
- the Congress had no authority to enact such a law.
- (Regarding the policy issue, the most constitutionally
- consistent approach would be to make it illegal to have a
- gun at a school for the purpose of committing a violent crime.
- This would put the burden on the criminal by, in effect, adding
- an additional penalty to whatever other violent crime was
- committed. The burden would not go on the decent people, such
- as students who target practice with teams, parents who are
- going to or from hunting, and teachers and other adults who
- have a concealed carry permit for self-defense. Such a policy
- also assumes that criminals will violate any law that we pass,
- so the law should target only criminal behavior, and not
- criminalize good behavior.)
- A proper understanding of the Commerce Clause indicates that
- the most the federal government can do in the firearms area is
- to keep one state from using taxation to adversely treat
- firearms which are made in another state and are for sale in
- the first state. As Justice Thomas put it in his opinion
- concurring with the majority in the Lopez case, the central
- issue of the wrong turn by the Court over the last 50 years
- was not being addressed head-on in Lopez, but it needs to
- be soon.
- If the Court were to be consistently constitutional, all federal
- gun control legislation, starting with Roosevelt's 1934
- National Firearms Act, would be thrown out. This could actually
- happen in view of the five federal courts which have now held
- another federal gun control law to be unconstitutional on
- similar grounds to that of Lopez. Five sheriffs have sued
- successfully under the Tenth Amendment holding that Washington
- had no authority to force them to carry out a background
- check under the Brady Law. This argument points right back to
- Article I Section 8 where we have already found that there
- is no authority given to the federal government for gun
- control legislation.
- If the United States is to return to a lawful, constitutional
- national government, one of the sure signs of that return will
- be the removal of the decades-long imposition of federal
- gun laws.
- ****************************************************************
- Chris W. Stark
- Gun Owners of America - Texas Representative
- e-mail: gunowner@onramp.net
- Visit our Web Page at: http://rampages.onramp.net/~gunowner
- ****************************************************************
- "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
- invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
- under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,
- to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for
- their future security."
- John Hancock, Author - The Declaration of Independence, January 18, 1777
- To unsubscribe from this mailing list, DISREGARD ANY INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE and
- go to the Web page at http://www.maillist.net/rightnow.html. New
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- World Wide Web, send an e-mail message to RightNow-Request@MailList.Net and
- on the SUBJECT LINE put the single word: unsubscribe
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: Unconstitutional Theories "Justifying" Federal Gun Control 1/2
- Date: 07 Aug 1997 13:27:00 -0700
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
- Unconstitutional Theories "Justifying" Federal Gun Control
- by
- Larry Pratt
- Executive Director
- Gun Owners of America
- Much of this century has been a time when the federal government
- has ignored the limitations imposed on it by the Constitution.
- Recent cases decided by the by the Supreme Court indicate that
- the Justices are beginning to once again take the Constitution
- and their oath of office seriously. As Justice Clarence Thomas
- put it in the recent Lopez case, "our case law has drifted far
- from the original understanding ..." of the Constitution.
- While there were wrong turns before this century, much of the
- unconstitutional rule from Washington dates back to the
- Great Depression and its war on crime and war on the bank
- crisis. There were many unconstitutional theories of
- government pursued to justify the power grab by Washington.
- One of the theories was to run an end run around constitutional
- limitations by entering into a treaty that would require
- passage of legislation accomplishing what, without the treaty,
- would have been unconstitutional.
- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration was an
- active participant in the Disarmament Conference of 1934.
- Roosevelt sought Senate ratification of an Arms Traffic
- Convention but was unsuccessful. Had the treaty been
- ratified, Roosevelt would have obtained the alleged authority
- to have Congress infringe on the right to keep and bear
- arms pursuant to the treaty powers of Article VI, paragraph 2.
- Roosevelt then shifted to the unconstitutional, non-existent
- doctrine of emergency powers to justify enactment of gun
- control at the federal level. Calling for a War on Crime and
- Gangsters, Roosevelt persuaded Congress to pass a series of
- bills federalizing various crimes and compelling the registration
- of machine guns and sawed-off shotguns and rifles. The formula
- "War on Whatever" became a decades long federal government weapon
- for usurping powers not delegated to it.
- Nowhere does the Constitution give the President or the Congress
- the power to federalize state crimes or enact gun control
- legislation -- not even in a national emergency. One reads
- the Constitution in vain for such a delegation of authority by
- "We, the People" through the several states. Very instructive
- on this point are the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 which were
- written by Thomas Jefferson.
- The federal government in 1798 enacted a law making it illegal
- to criticize a federal official (the Sedition Act). Kentucky
- and Virginia passed resolutions declaring that the national
- law was unenforceable in their states.
- These are among the arguments that Jefferson made in the
- Kentucky resolutions:
- ...whensoever the general government assumes
- undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative,
- void, and of no force: ...that the government
- created by this compact was not made the exclusive
- or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated
- to itself;...each party has an equal right to judge
- for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode
- and measure of redress.
- Jefferson went on to spell out that the only powers to punish
- crime delegated to the federal government were 1) treason,
- 2) counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the
- United States, 3) piracies and 4) offenses against the law of
- nations. In this context, Jefferson cited the Tenth Amendment
- as providing a limit to any expansion of authority for punishing
- crime by the federal government. He quoted it verbatim in the
- Kentucky resolutions: "the powers not delegated to the United
- States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States,
- are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
- Jefferson addressed an argument in the Kentucky Resolutions that
- we still hear to this day. Namely, that Congress has the
- authority to pass all laws which shall be necessary and proper
- for doing whatever it does. Jefferson described this abuse of
- the "necessary and proper" clause as going,
- to the destruction of all limits prescribed to
- their power by the Constitution: that words meant
- by the instrument to be subsidiary only to the
- execution of limited powers, ought not to be so
- construed as themselves to give unlimited powers,
- nor a part to be so taken as to destroy the whole
- residue of that instrument...
- A parallel argument is derived from the "supremacy" clause
- of Article VI. This clause makes treaties and laws passed by
- Congress the supreme law of the land. Jefferson is pointing
- out that the federal government is not empowered to take the
- limited powers it has been granted and convert them to
- unlimited powers that would destroy the nature of the
- Constitution. Similarly, the "general welfare" clause in
- Article I, Section 8 can hardly be a grant of unlimited power
- of action for the Congress since the section is one limiting
- the powers of Congress. Jefferson made this particular argument
- in his opinion against the national bank in 1791.
- It is the Commerce Clause that has become the most popular
- pillar of unconstitutional authority for federal gun control.
- It is interesting to note that in the early part of the
- twentieth century it was considered necessary to amend
- the Constitution to ban alcoholic beverages. After the
- bloating of the Commerce Clause to justify federal involvement
- in anything and everything following the key 1946 Supreme Court
- decision Wickard v Filburn, it was not felt to be necessary to
- amend the constitution to infringe something specifically named
- and protected -- like arms -- in the Constitution.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Subject: Anti-Gun Conference
- Date: 07 Aug 1997 13:27:00 -0700
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
- Is this a nefarious convention that we pro-second amendment
- folks should be aware of and pay attention to before it is
- too late? Well, whats a little chicannery among gun-grabbers?
- Found this on a anti-gun web-site [not given - Scott]. This
- according to the web-site is their intention for their meeting
- as you see it here.
- 4th Annual Citizens' Conference to Stop Gun Violence
- September 12, 13, 1997
- Washington, DC
- Convened by
- The Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence
- The Episcopal Diocese of Washington
- The Violence Policy Center
- Americans are uniting to reduce gun violence. Across the country, there
- is a growing grassroots movement consisting of diverse groups of people
- working to reduce firearm death and injury. This conference is the only
- national meeting that has as its focus the needs of grassroots activists
- and provides an opportunity for concerned citizens to learn from one
- another about successful initiatives and programs that reduce gun violence.
- 1997 Objectives
- 1. Education
- Seminars are tailored to meet the needs of the most seasoned activists
- as well as those new to the movement. Seminar topics will include: basic
- statistics, important publications and resources that every advocate
- should have, the true meaning of the Second Amendment, the rudiments of
- firearm technology, and current federal and state legislation. Also, gun
- violence prevention activists will learn about pro-gun organizations and
- the links between the gun culture and the militia movement.
- 2. Organizing Techniques
- After becoming familiar with gun violence issues, activists need to
- organize. Seminars will instruct participants how to start an
- organization, the fundamentals of organizing, and fundraising.
- 3. Successful Initiatives
- Once organized, activists can pursue successful initiatives. The
- conference will teach proven strategies which activists can replicate,
- such as anti-violence initiatives which involve young people, and
- efforts to hold the gun industry accountable through firearm litigation.
- Tentative Schedule
- Friday, September 12
- 8:00AM - 12:00PM Registration
- 9:00 - 10:00AM Keynote Address
- 10:30AM - 12:00PM Choice of Seminar
- 12:30 - 2:00PM Lunch
- 2:30 - 4:00PM Choice of Seminar
- 4:30 - 6:00PM Choice of Seminar
- 6:30- 8:00 Dinner - Keynote by Scott Harshbarger, Attorney General of
- Masachusetts (invited)
- Saturday, September 13
- 8:00 - 11:30AM Registration
- 9:00 - 10:00AM Keynote by Ellen Miller of Public Campaign
- 10:15 - 11:45AM Networking and Exchange of Materials
- 12:00 - 1:30PM Lunch - Keynote on Firearms Litigation by A. Kennon Goff
- III, Esq., Chairman, Association of Trial Lawyers of America Defective
- Firearm and Ammunition Subgroup
- 2:00 - 3:30PM Choice of Seminar
- 3:45 - 5:15PM Choice of Seminar
- 5:30 - 6:30PM Closing Remarks
- Seminar Topics (Partial List)
- The Second Amendment
- Anti-Violence Programs for Young People
- Gun Shows: Tupperware Parties for Criminals
- Help For Survivors: The Role of Victims in Advocacy
- The Gun Lobby: Who, What, Where, and Why
- Federal and State Legislation
- Concealed-Carry Laws: So What Is the Evidence?
- Fund-raising
- Hands Without Guns, a Youth Anti-Violence Program
- How to Start Your Own Nonprofit
- Beginning Organizing
- Guns 101
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Firearm Statistics,
- Publications, and Resources, But Didn't Know Who to Ask
- Firearms Litigation
- Gun Culture and Its Links to the Militia Movement
- The Nexus Between the International Small Arms Trade and Gun Violence in
- the U.S.
- Featured Speakers
- Addison K. Goff, Goff & Goff
- A. Kennon Goff, Goff & Goff
- Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates
- Scott Carpenter, Peace Action of Washington
- Sue Glick, Violence Policy Center
- Natalie Goldring, British American Security Information Council
- Dennis Henigan, Center to Prevent Handgun Violence
- Josh Horwitz, Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence
- John Johnson, Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence
- JoAnn Karn, Hands Without Guns
- Robin Katcher, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
- Dan Kotowski, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence
- Jens Ludwig, Georgetown University and Northwestern/University of
- Chicago Poverty Center
- Ellen Miller, Public Campaign
- Luis Montes, Teens on Target
- Kristen Rand, Violence Policy Center
- Michael Robbins, Help for Survivors
- Andres Soto, Pacific Center for Violence Prevention
- Anja Speerforck, Social Action Leadership School
- Joe Sudbay, Handgun Control, Inc.
- Josh Sugarmann, Violence Policy Center
- Tom Vanden Berk, Help For Survivors
- Garen Wintemute, Violence Prevention Research Program, University of
- California at Davis
- Conference Registration Information
- Please Register before September 5, 1997. A registration form must be
- completed for each participant.
- If you have any questions about registration or would like more
- information about the conference, please call Desmond Riley at
- 202-530-5888 ext. 24.
- Fees
- The conference registration fee is $80.00 per person. The fee includes
- lunch of Friday and Saturday, dinner on Friday, and all conference
- materials. Please register before September 5, 1997.
- Please send your completed registration with a check or money order
- payable to:
- The Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence
- 1000 16th St. NW
- Suite 603
- Washington, DC 20036
- Scholarships
- Requests for scholarship assistance to attend the conference will be
- considered if submitted in writing to the Educational Fund by August 15,
- 1997. For more information, please call Desmond Riley at 202-530-5888
- ext. 24.
- If you are unable to attend, but wish to make a tax-deductible donation
- to the conference's scholarship fund, please make your check payable to
- the Educational Fund to End Handgun Violence and send to the address
- listed above.
- Hotel Accommodations
- The 4th Annual Citizens' Conference to Stop Gun Violence will be held at
- the Holiday Inn on Capitol Hill, 415 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington DC
- 20001.
- Reservations must be made through the hotel. Please call (800)-638-1116
- or (202)-638-1616 and mention you are attending the 4th Annual Citizens'
- Conference to Stop Gun Violence.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
- Subject: New FCO on the way soon, but meanwhile... -Forwarded
- Date: 08 Aug 1997 13:11:15 -0700
- Received: from fs1.mainstream.net by wvc (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
- id DAA07117; Fri, 8 Aug 1997 03:08:49 -0600
- Received: (from smap@localhost) by fs1.mainstream.net (8.7.6/8.7.3) id EAA23971; Fri, 8 Aug 1997 04:51:10 -0400 (EDT)
- Received: from localhost( by fs1.mainstream.net via smap (V1.3)
- id sma023943; Fri Aug 8 04:50:25 1997
- Message-Id: <199708080801.AA27729@crl9.crl.com>
- Errors-To: listproc@fs1.mainstream.com
- Reply-To: fco@Mainstream.net
- Originator: fco@mainstream.net
- Sender: fco@Mainstream.net
- Precedence: bulk
- X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0 -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
- X-Comment: Firearms Coalition Online
- See an important new development in the NRA controversy at
- http://www.crl.com/~cknox/nra.html
- Do you expect your NRA officers and directors to disclose their
- financial dealings with NRA and its vendors? They won't unless you
- make'em! This is the most important change to the Bylaws in ten
- years. Sign and turn in by September 20. Instructions on the
- petition.
- Chris
- Version: 2.6.2
- xXhxbxKYabRO5xkbp+d3Als76EKaY9mJCLETDFl0OW+N35SDJnUE8ZMEQ9GA12c5
- phhCx+8big06QKlwjBIXBfF/VAIS/PldZNwnOsSflh5TILxhIpc03R3ZD6gAOrSK
- rlTAKKjiHW0=
- =nxCh
- --
- To receive the Online Firearms Coalition Bulletin send mail to
- listproc@mainstream.com containing in the message body:
- subscribe fco <Your Name>
- Coming soon! http://www.nealknox.com
- http://www.crl.com/~cknox/fco.html
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
- Subject: Dear Ms. Metaska: -Forwarded
- Date: 11 Aug 1997 15:46:22 -0700
- Received: from THIOKOL.COM by wvc (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
- id IAA09467; Mon, 11 Aug 1997 08:36:51 -0600
- Received: from UTAH-Message_Server by THIOKOL.COM
- with Novell_GroupWise; Mon, 11 Aug 1997 08:41:44 -0600
- Message-Id: <s3eed048.001@THIOKOL.COM>
- X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 4.1
- Dear Ms. Metaska:
- Dear Tanya Metaska:
- This letter is to protest NRAs approval of the inclusion of a
- requirement for firearms dealers to offer trigger locks at their place
- of business in S. 10, the Juvenile Justice Bill. You even called this a
- victory that the bill was passed without any anti-gun amendments.
- True, it was a compromise to avoid a more egregious abuse of my
- rights by Sen. Kohl, but once again you have compromised my rights.
- Please understand that Americans want the government out of their
- lives, not a series of compromises that erode our civil rights.
- We need a NRA that has the courage to stand up and say that what is
- happening is wrong, and the American people deserve and demand
- better. We need a NRA that will take a firm stand against bills that
- are wrong. Instead of just trying to tame down bad bills, we need a
- NRA to insist that bills return freedom to Americans, that put control
- on the Federal government. We need a NRA that honestly represents
- his constituents.
- Individuals and groups that believe only they know how to "make the
- world safer for children" or how to preserve a minor subset of an
- obscure, insignificant rodent, year after year propose and vote for
- legislation that ignores our civil rights and restricts our liberties.
- These bills generally start off asking for extensive and wide ranging
- reforms and restrictions. When these bills are proposed NRA
- negotiates and compromises, and by the end of the day only a portion
- of the original bill passed, we only lost a few liberties.
- However, the next day guess who is at it again? The same "we know
- best" crowd with another bill - only bigger, and more invasive. Again
- our NRA negotiates and compromises, and by the end of the day only
- a portion of the original bill passed, we only lost a few more liberties.
- Day after day this process continues and after a number of years the
- small losses of freedoms turn into an avalanche of repression.
- Instead of our NRA negotiating and compromising with unlawful and
- unconstitutional proposals, why aren't these bills and their
- supporters laughed off Capitol Hill? Why are they taken seriously?
- In the future please consider NRA members, your constituents, and
- uphold your oath to defend the Constitution rather than allowing it to
- be whittled away by small compromise after small compromise.
- Sincerely,
- Neil. Sagers
- 1205 North Quincy Avenue, #2
- Ogden, Utah 84404
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: chardy@ES.COM (Charles Hardy)
- Subject: Carjacking law in LA
- Date: 14 Aug 1997 14:23:12 -0600
- Of interest to some, I'd guess.
- From the Desnews:
- Louisiana law says it's OK to gun down carjackers
- [Image]
- [Image]
- [Image]
- Last updated 08/14/1997, 12:01 a.m. MDT
- Associated Press
- NEW ORLEANS รน A motorist confronted by a carjacker can
- legally kill the attacker under a new Louisiana law taking
- effect this week.
- The "Shoot the Carjacker" law makes such a killing
- justifiable homicide.
- The measure drew scant opposition as it moved through
- the Legislature earlier this year. The final vote in the state
- House was 93-3; the Senate passed it 34-0.
- It was sponsored by state Rep. Emile "Peppi" Bruneau of
- New Orleans, which was hit by a rash of carjackings in late
- 1996 and early 1997, many committed by gangs who stole
- vehicles to go on robbery sprees.
- Among the victims was Erika Schwarz, the 1996 Miss
- Louisiana and the first runner-up in the Miss America pageant.
- Her car was taken by a gunman who accosted her as she pulled
- into her driveway last December. The vehicle was found after
- police received an anonymous tip.
- Under the measure, which takes effect Friday, the person
- who does the killing would have to be inside the car being
- carjacked and would have to reasonably believe the alleged
- intruder was attempting to use force.
- The intended carjacking victim also would have to hold a
- permit for a concealed handgun.
- The number of people applying for gun permits is far
- below original estimates, state police said last week.
- State police expected 40,000 people to seek the
- statewide permits. But only 6,500 people had applied and 5,800
- had been awarded since the state began issuing the permits 10
- months ago.
- [Image]
- [Image]
- and the Tribune:
- [Image] [Image] Thursday, August 14, 1997 [Image] [Image]
- Louisiana Motorists Get License to Kill Carjackers
- Motorists who fear their lives are in danger will be able to kill
- carjackers under a Louisiana law that takes effect Friday.
- All states have some sort of law that allows self-defense, but
- the Louisiana measure appears to be the first to focus specifically
- on carjacking, legislators said. The law was passed by the
- Legislature in June.
- The license to kill is drawing fire from critics.
- ``Essentially, it's just a law that allows you to kill car
- thieves,'' said Bert Garraway of the public defender office in Baton
- Rouge. ``As is usually the case, the Legislature overreacted.''
- Proponents say the law is needed.
- ``We had three cases where victims of violent incidents were
- charged initially for defending themselves,'' said Sandy Krasnoff,
- director of the advocacy group Victims and Citizens Against Crime.
- ``Victims should not be hassled by the legal system -- if they manage
- to live through it.''
- A young advertising executive was raped and killed in a
- carjacking in New Orleans just before Mardi Gras this year.
- Businesses in the French Quarter put signs in their windows
- saying ``Crime and noise are killing the Quarter.''
- The new law permits motorists to use deadly force. It doesn't
- specify what means they may use. But because of the popularity of
- guns in Louisiana, the measure became known as the ``Shoot the
- Carjacker'' law.
- Rep. Peppi Bruneau, the New Orleans Republican who drafted the
- bill, noted that the burden is on the carjack victim to prove that he
- or she has been threatened with bodily harm.
- [Image] [Thursday Navigation Bar] [Image]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Charles C. Hardy | If my employer has an opinion on
- <chardy@es.com> | these things I'm fairly certain
- 801.588.7200 (work) | I'm not the one he'd have express it.
- "The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by rule
- of construction be conceived to give the Congress the power to disarm
- the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some
- general pretense by a state legislature. But if in blind pursuit of
- inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be
- appealed to as a restraint on both." -- William Rawle, 1825; considered
- academically to be an expert commentator on the Constitution. He was
- offered the position of the first Attorney General of the United States,
- by President Washington.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: DAVID SAGERS <dsagers@ci.west-valley.ut.us>
- Date: 18 Aug 1997 17:48:57 -0700
- Heads Up
- A Weekly edition of News from around our country
- August 15, 1997 #48
- by: Doug Fiedor fiedor19@eos.net
- Previous Editions at: http://mmc.cns.net/headsup.html
- When an old friend, who is a career federal bureaucrat above
- the "GS" level, called one afternoon last week to chit-chat, I should have
- realized there may have also been an ulterior motive. He was, after all,
- calling from work. About ten minutes into the conversation he asked
- why this publication is so hard on the people working for the federal
- regulatory agencies.
- 'Because they are there, and should not be,' I wanted to answer.
- But I did not. Instead, I played the game, began my own opening gambit,
- and turned it around so he was on the defensive.
- "How many search warrants did your agency serve these past
- few weeks?" I eventually asked.
- "A few," he reluctantly answered.
- "How many with guns drawn and agents looking and acting like a
- SWAT team?" I then inquired.
- "That is for the protection of the agents. . . . . ." he tried to jive
- me.
- Uh huh. Sure.
- Lately, even FEMA and EPA started doing that. Where once,
- regulators came in dressed in normal business attire, now they bring a
- "team" wearing bullet proof vests and brandishing military-style guns.
- Reports are that a FEMA team "raided" a county flood
- management office recently, vested and guns at the ready. They even
- brought along a search warrant. Except that the only thing on the
- warrant was the judges signature and the word "sealed." They
- confiscated box- loads of public documents -- documents that were
- always available for anyone in the world to walk in and read. And, of
- course, they terrified (or is it terrorized?) the staff working the office in
- the process.
- Same with the EPA. Nowadays, if they visit a business
- suspected of spilling hazardous materials, they often bring along a
- SWAT team and act like they're going after a gang of armed bank
- robbers. Just a few years ago, that type of thing was handled by one
- man carrying nothing more ominous than a notebook.
- This is called lack of respect. It's the "them" against "us"
- mentality. Each year, the federal government ramps-up the aggression
- level. Today, many federal regulators act like they have absolutely no
- respect for the American public. Sure, they are not all like that -- yet.
- But, how many of these reports do we need before we voters start
- putting pressure on elected officials to get them stopped?
- IRS used a SWAT team to "take over" a day care center, kids and
- all. FDA brought along a SWAT team to "raid" a vitamin store. The BLM
- brought an armed posse to confront two hunters. Fish and Wildlife
- delivered a SWAT team by armed military choppers. Yet, in none of
- these cases was any wrongdoing ever proven.
- The problem is, neither was any of these agencies punished for
- use of excessive force (or stupidity!). Clearly, these people are out of
- control.
- It's our fault, too. These are, after all, public servants.
- Therefore, we can, with a little effort, have them fired. Federal
- agencies like FEMA, EPA, BLM and OSHA do not need guns. There are
- only a few real federal police agencies: Marshals, DEA, FBI and BATF
- immediately come to mind. These other agencies are only regulatory
- and tax collection agencies.
- Worse yet, for the most part, these armed regulators are people
- with no firearms training. Police academies last at least ten or twelve
- weeks. Many of the armed federal bureaucrats confronting American
- citizens do not even have ten or twelve minutes firearms or police
- training. In fact, some of them never even had a firearms safety course.
- Yet, in some cases, they're carrying fully automatic weapons. This is
- not good!
- For the safety of the American public, all federal regulatory
- agencies should be completely disarmed.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: chardy@ES.COM (Charles Hardy)
- Subject: [LP RELEASE: Texas & Ruby Ridge Killings]
- Date: 19 Aug 1997 11:02:57 -0600
- Of some interest to some here....
- 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
- Washington DC 20037
- For release: August 19, 1997
- For additional information:
- George Getz, Deputy Director of Communications
- Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222
- E-Mail: 76214.3676@CompuServe.com
- Bring Marine and FBI killers to justice,
- demands outraged Libertarian Party
- WASHINGTON, DC -- It's now legal for Marines to use high-powered M-16
- assault rifles to kill American high school students and for FBI sharpshooters
- to gun down mothers holding their infant daughters -- without worrying about
- any criminal penalties, the Libertarian Party charged today.
- "In America today, your innocence is no guarantee that you won't be
- killed by your own government," said the party's national chairman, Steve
- Dasbach. "And incontrovertible proof of guilt is no guarantee that military
- personnel or FBI agents will be charged with any crime."
- Dasbach's comments were part of an outpouring of outrage that followed
- the decision late last week by a grand jury in Texas not to prosecute a Marine
- corporal who shot dead an 18-year-old high school student, and by the Justice
- Department not to file charges against four FBI agents involved in the killing
- of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992.
- "These two decisions show that the government is more concerned about
- protecting the military and the FBI from justice than protecting innocent
- civilians from death," charged Dasbach.
- The two cases -- while separated by five years and involving different
- government agencies -- are graphic examples of why so many Americans fear
- their government, said Dasbach.
- In Redford, Texas, Esequiel Hernandez, Jr. -- a "shy, hard-working"
- young man, according to neighbors -- was gunned down by a four-man squad of
- U.S. Marines in May as he grazed his herd of 45 goats on his family's farm. He
- was the first American killed by U.S. soldiers on U.S. soil as part of the War
- on Drugs.
- The grand jury ruled that the Marines were acting in self-defense when
- they shot Hernandez -- despite overwhelming evidence that the high school
- sophomore never saw the camouflaged Marines in the first place.
- "This grand jury has sent a deadly message: Anything goes in the War
- on Drugs," said Dasbach. "This so-called war has become a military shooting
- war -- with M-16 assault rifles pointed directly at American citizens."
- The grand jury's ruling caused a firestorm of criticism; charges of a
- military cover-up; and demands for a Justice Department investigation because
- of numerous inconsistencies in the "official" version of the events.
- The military claims that Hernandez opened fire with his antique .22
- rifle on the four Marines, who were lurking in the scrub brush while on a
- covert drug-surveillance mission.
- In response, they stalked Hernandez for several hundred yards, and
- Marine Corporal Clemente Banuelos killed him with a single shot from a
- high-powered M-16 assault rifle. According to Texas Rangers, Hernandez was
- shot in the side, while facing away from the Marines.
- Hernandez lay bleeding -- his red blood pouring into the dusty gray
- hillside near the Rio Grande River -- for 22 minutes before the Marines called
- for emergency aid. The young victim had never been suspected of or arrested
- for any criminal or drug-related activity.
- After the shooting, the Pentagon pulled 240 military personnel from
- the border area, and said the policy of using the U.S. military in covert
- anti-drug efforts on American soil was "under review."
- "Was the military upset over the death of an innocent civilian?" asked
- Dasbach. "No. The Pentagon was concerned because the Marines might face
- criminal penalties for gunning down a high school student."
- In fact, after the grand jury was convened, Pentagon spokesman Navy
- Lt. Cmdr. Scott Campbell complained that counter-drug operations "are not fair
- to the members of our armed forces," because it exposes them to "legal
- liability."
- In response, the Pentagon said it will ask border states like Texas,
- California, Arizona, and New Mexico to sign "status of forces" agreements with
- the federal government, which limit U.S. troops' liability to local criminal
- law. Such an agreement would be similar to those the U.S. government signs
- with foreign nations where American troops are stationed.
- The case involving the FBI dates back to 1992 -- to the bloody
- shootout at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, between the FBI and white separatist Randy
- Weaver. During that standoff, an FBI sharpshooter killed Vicki Weaver as she
- stood in the doorway of their mountain cabin, holding her 11-month-old
- daughter in her arms.
- After Randy Weaver surrendered, FBI officials destroyed documents that
- detailed the bureau's unorthodox "shoot to kill" orders, and one agent
- currently faces jail time for that cover-up.
- But the Justice Department ruled last week that it would not bring
- criminal charges against four other senior FBI officials, and ruled that the
- FBI gunman who fired the fatal bullet did not commit a "civil rights"
- violation by killing Vicki Weaver.
- "No wonder Americans are so concerned about violent crime," said
- Dasbach. "They see criminals in our Armed Forces and in the FBI committing
- murder and walking away without punishment -- while their victims lie in their
- graves.
- "But Esequiel Hernandez, Jr. and Vicki Weaver aren't the only victims
- here. The belief that in America, justice will prevail has also been mortally
- wounded. The only cure: For the judicial system to take immediate steps to
- bring the killers of these innocent Americans to justice," he said.
- In addition, Dasbach said the federal government should immediately
- demilitarize the War on Drugs, to make sure that another Redford, Texas-style
- killing does not occur. Specifically, he recommended:
- * Decommission the 8,000 military personnel and thousands of National
- Guard troops who are participating in anti-drug missions on U.S. soil, or
- reassign them to national defense tasks.
- * Immediately terminate all military spending on the War on Drugs.
- * Demilitarize the U.S./Mexico border.
- * File criminal negligence charges against the military commanders who
- sent heavily armed, poorly trained Marines onto private property, putting
- American civilians at risk of death.
- "By taking these steps, some good can come from the tragic death of
- Esequiel Hernandez, Jr.," said Dasbach. "The U.S. government can use this
- opportunity to stop waging war against its own citizens -- and, instead, wage
- a war for justice."
- # # #
- --
- Charles C. Hardy | If my employer has an opinion on
- <chardy@es.com> | these things I'm fairly certain
- 801.588.7200 (work) | I'm not the one he'd have express it.
- LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL - This phrase, denoting the whole thing, the
- entirety of it all, is an old expression, used as early as the American
- Revolutionary War. It comes from the three principle parts of a [muzzle
- loading] firearm: the barrel, "the pipe down which the bullets are
- fired," the lock, "the firing mechanism," and the stock, "the wooden
- handle to which the other parts are attached." Together, lock, stock and
- barrel referred to the entire gun and the phrase are now used to suggest
- the whole of anything. -- M.T. Wyllyamz; 1992; published by Price,
- Stern, Sloan, Los Angeles.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: chardy@ES.COM (Charles Hardy)
- Subject: [Washington Times Editorial: "That's No Justice"]
- Date: 21 Aug 1997 11:33:39 -0600
- Of some interest...
- The Washington Times Opinion
- August 20, 1997
- That's no Justice
- If one private citizen had set up another on weapons-possession charges,
- sent him the wrong court date to appear, shot his 14-year-old son in
- the back and killed him, and gunned down his wife as she stood in the
- doorway holding a baby, one would expect law-enforcement officials to
- take it pretty seriously. And so, no doubt, they would. When the feds
- themselves pull the trigger, however, it's a whole other story.
- Last week, the Justice Department announced it was dropping its
- investigation into the shooting deaths of a Ruby Ridge, Idaho,
- woman and her 14-year-old son without filing any charges against
- the federal agents who took part in the fatal siege. U.S. Attorney
- Michael Stiles, who led a 2-year inquiry into the 1992 shootings,
- said in a statement there was insufficient evidence to warrant
- criminal or civil charges in the case. The announcement was carefully
- timed for a late-summer Friday afternoon when no one was around to
- hear it, which is one measure of the agency's confidence in it.
- The Justice Department hastened to add that subjects of the
- investigation would still be exposed to internal "discipline," as if
- to show that the rule of law somehow still applies to the people
- entrusted to enforce it. Please. The family members who died hadn't
- been charged, much less convicted of any crime. Could anyone but a
- government sniper acting on government orders get away with killing
- them and face only "discipline?"
- The trouble started when federal officials tried to turn a man
- named Randall Weaver into an informant on a fringe political group
- with which they thought he had some connection. They pressed him
- repeatedly to sell them an illegal, sawed-off shotgun, and when
- finally he did, they charged him with federal gun crimes. The feds
- thought Mr. Weaver would cooperate with their undercover campaign and
- turn informant, but he refused and was charged.
- Problem was that the feds sent him the wrong court date. When
- Mr. Weaver didn't show up, they spent the next year and a half
- preparing for an assault on his Idaho cabin. Approaching the Weaver
- family cabin in August 1992, U.S. marshals stumbled on 14-year-old
- Sammy Weaver's dog and killed it. Sammy, not realizing who the
- marshals were, fired in their direction and ran. In the ensuing gun
- fight, one of the marshals shot Sammy in the back, killing him. A
- Weaver family friend returned fire, killing Marshal William Degan.
- In came the FBI, which promptly shot Randy Weaver as he went to
- see his son's body. Operating on illegal and unconstitutional
- "shoot-on-sight" orders, an FBI sniper, Lon Horiuchi, then shot Mrs.
- Weaver in the head as she stood in the doorway holding her infant
- child.
- Since that time, Randy Weaver and friend Kevin Harris have been
- acquitted on all federal murder charges. The federal judge
- presiding over the Weaver case blasted the FBI for its "callous
- disregard for the rights of the defendants and the interests of
- justice." The federal government has also settled a civil suit
- filed by Randy Weaver and his daughters by paying them $3.1 million.
- To date the only federal official prosecuted for what happened is
- FBI official Michael Kahoe, who pleaded guilty to obstructing
- justice after the fact by destroying key documents. That's it.
- FBI Director Louis Freeh has acknowledged that the Weaver case
- was a waste of time and resources from the beginning. Ultimately,
- of course, it turned out to be much worse. Some may downplay what
- happened to the Weavers because the reclusive family allegedly had
- odd political and religious ideas. But odd ideas are not a capital
- offense or crime here. Not yet anyway.
- The more serious concern is that there is a two-tiered system
- of justice evolving in this country -- one for the governed and
- another for their governors. That's an idea more repellent than
- anything Randy Weaver could have imagined. By its inaction, the
- Justice Department is making that idea a reality.
- --
- Charles C. Hardy | If my employer has an opinion on
- <chardy@es.com> | these things I'm fairly certain
- 801.588.7200 (work) | I'm not the one he'd have express it.
- "The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the
- other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the
- plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property.
- The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be
- preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike;
- but since some others them aside... Horrid mischief would ensue were one
- half the world deprived of the use of them; ... the weak will become the
- prey to the strong." -- Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56
- (1775).
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: scott.bergeson@ucs.org (SCOTT BERGESON)
- Date: 30 Aug 1997 21:47:00 -0700
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
- Reply-To: liberty-and-justice@pobox.com
- Paul Mitchell, private attorney general on behalf of the People of
- the United States of America, makes this unsolicited recommendation
- to the People of Australia, jointly and severally, to entertain an
- immediate and unconditional moratorium on the surrender of all
- firearms, until such time as a lawful national referendum can be
- scheduled, and implemented, on the question now before you.
- Respectfully submitted,
- /s/ Paul Mitchell
- Counselor at Law, federal witness,
- and private attorney general
- At 12:03 PM 8/30/97 -0400, you wrote:
- Dear Fellow Patriot:
- I have tried to limit my e-mails recently to only items which pertain to
- the main thrust of The American Resistance Movement, with the IRS being
- the starting point. However, I am making an exception due to the
- significance of this information.
- I recently wrote to an Austrailian on my mailing list asking for an "on
- the scene account" of what was going on in Australia with gun control.
- His account shows that the Australians have guts and there is going to
- be a showdown as early as October 1, 1997 if the Police go door to door
- as they have promised to do. The writer says that only 5% of the guns
- have been bought back, turned in, etc. in some of the states.
- Notice where the money comes from to buy the guns: The criminal government
- raises taxes (stealing it from everybody) and then pays gun owners SEVERAL
- TIMES what the guns are worth. We need to study the history of gun control
- in Australia so that we can avoid further infringements here!
- Here is the information:
- Terry,
- Thanks for assistance. Here's the scoop on Australian gun control.
- The Australian Federal Government as you know mandated a turn-in of any
- semi-automatic shoulder weapon (all semi rifles and shotguns) and banned pump
- shotguns as well. To assure greater compliance, the Feds here created an
- elaborate "buy-back" scheme that allocated millions of dollars to fund the
- buy-back. To generate the funds, the Feds increased the tax levy that
- individuals pay for the Federal health care benefit by 1%. Gun owners have
- been offered several times what their guns are worth to assure greater
- compliance. So, if you own a FAL pattern rifle (commonly made here at the
- government "Lithgow" arsenal for the Australian army and called SLR's or
- L1A1's), you'd be offered $2500 for this rifle. I had considered buying one,
- but the same rifle is selling in the U.S. for about $700. Even parts for
- banned weapons are fetching considerable sums. In addition, the Fed here is
- offering complete amnesty to anyone turning in previously banned or
- unregistered firearms. Large numbers of machine guns and semi-auto rifles,
- previously illegal are coming out of hiding. The money offered is
- irresistable to many.
- However, the scheme has been rated an overall failure, and has many nervous
- as to what the next step will be. Here's why......
- Several Australian states didn't require gun registration over the previous
- years. States such as New South Wales and Queensland registered the gun owner
- and not the weapons he or she purchased. In these states, the numbers of
- banned weapons sold is known, but not to whom. THERE ARE NO FEDERAL GUN
- CONTROL RECORDS HERE, gun registration and licensing had always been
- controlled by the individual states. The numbers of banned weapons being
- turned in in those states which didn't have gun registration records has been
- DISMAL. There are no official estimates, but many gun stores estimate
- that the turn-in of banned weapons is probably less than 5%.
- The reason why this concerns many is due to what the government is pondering
- as their "next step." Several states have openly stated that door-to-door gun
- round-ups are next. The policemen (whom I come here to train) are extremely
- concerned about this, as many are openly sympathetic regarding the rights of
- gun owners and believe the gun laws are absurd. Deadlines for the turn-in
- vary from state to state, but the last deadline appears to be the one set
- by the state of West Australia, which is October 1st, 1997. What each state
- government does from then is open to speculation, but many believe the
- Federal government will be publicity sensitive to any major upheaval prior
- to the 2000 Olympic Games being held in Sydney.
- There is word that New Zealand is considering a similar gun buy-back scheme
- that will be patterned after the Australian model.
- Stay tuned...
- =====
- Terry W. Stough
- http://members.aol.com/TWStough/main.htm The American Resistance Movement
- (770) 641-9042
- ======
- Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness
- B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine
- tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night
- email: <pmitch@primenet.com> : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU
- website: http://www.supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now
- ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best
- Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone
- Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this
- As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall
- not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal.