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- From: "Karl Pearson" <karlp@colubs.com>
- Subject: PoliHumor: How to be a good Democrat
- Date: 05 Jul 2000 15:33:00 -0600
- I hope not to get flamed for posting an off topic email, and please don't
- respond to the list regarding the following post. Thanks, KLP
- How to be a good Democrat
- 1. You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of Federal
- funding.
- 2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders
- how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about morals and
- sex.
- 3. You have to believe that guns, in the hands of law-abiding Americans,
- are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology, in the hands of
- Chinese communists.
- 4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.
- 5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by
- cyclical, documented changes in the earth's climate, and more affected by
- yuppies driving SUVs.
- 6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being
- homosexual is natural.
- 7. You have to be against capital punishment but support abortion on
- demand.
- 8. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments
- create prosperity.
- 9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but loony
- activists who've never been outside of Seattle do.
- 10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually
- doing something to earn it.
- 11. You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start wars.
- 12. You have to believe the NRA is bad, because it supports certain parts
- of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because it supports certain
- parts of the Constitution.
- 13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
- 14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more
- important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee
- or Thomas Edison.
- 15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial
- quotas and set-asides aren't.
- 16. You have to believe Hillary Clinton is really a lady.
- 17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked
- anywhere it's been tried, is because the right people haven't been in
- charge.
- 18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but
- a sex offender who lies belongs in the White House.
- 19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag,
- transvestites and bestiality should be constitutionally protected and manger
- scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
- 20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic party funding by the
- Chinese is somehow in the best interest of the United States.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: URGENT Hostettler Pushing BATF Amendment
- Date: 07 Jul 2000 10:40:52 -0600
- -----
- Thursday, July 06, 2000 9:38 PM
- July 6 Neal Knox Report -- Rep. John Hostettler (R-Ind.) is
- talking to members of the Treasury Appropriations Subcommittee
- about preventing BATF from being involved in enforcing the
- Smith & Wesson/Clinton Administration agreement.
- The subcommittee hasn't yet completed action on the
- Treasury Appropriations bill, and will probably hold a
- committee markup next week, "as soon as Congress gets back."
- On April 7 Rep. Hostettler and 61 other Congressmen wrote
- Subcommittee Chairman Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) asking that the
- committee prevent BATF from participating in the "Oversight
- Commission" created by the S&W agreement.
- Similar restrictions, offered as amendments to the Justice
- Department and Housing Urban Development funding bills,
- failed last month, but would probably survive attacks by
- the gun control crowd if incorporated in the committee bill.
- NRA hasn't supported the earlier Hostettler amendments
- arguing they wouldn't apply to later agreements with other
- manufacturers. Rep. Hostettler submitted NRA's broader
- language to the House parliamentarian, who said it would
- be out of order because it would be legislating on an
- appropriations bill, which is forbidden by House rules.
- However, broader language might be possible if proposed in
- the subcommittee bill, though that might require approval
- of the Rules Committee.
- The House sometimes winks at the rule against legislating
- on appropriations bills, but not when the Speaker opposes
- an amendment. The Wall Street Journal has reported NRA
- has left Hostettler to fight alone in deference to Speaker
- Hastert, who doesn't want any hard gun votes.
- Other Treasury, Postal Appropriations Subcommittee members
- are Republicans Frank Wolfe (Va.), Anne Northrup (Ky.), Jo
- Anne Emerson (Mo.), John Sununu (N.H.) and John Peterson (Pa.).
- Democrats are Steny Hoyer (Md.), Carrie Meek (Fla.), David
- Price (N.C.) and Lucille Roybal-Allard (Calif.).
- Gun rights stalwart Virgil Goode (Va.), an Independent, is
- also a member and a signer of the letter to Chairman Kolbe.
- *****************************************
- Editor's Note by Weldon Clark û You need to contact your
- Congressman NOW. You can call your Representative at
- (202) 225-3121 and your two Senators at (202) 224-3121 at
- the Capitol Switchboard. Here is the URL for Congressional
- Telephone Directory:
- http://clerkweb.house.gov/106/mbrcmtee/members/teledir/members/cdframe.htm
- Here's an e-mail link to Congress. http://in-search-of.org/
- http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/
- http://www.gunowners.org/mailerx.html
- now be accomplished at the speed of light, thanks to
- WorldNetDaily's new Legislative Action Center.
- http://congress.nw.dc.us/wnd/
- *****************************
- To begin receiving Neal Knox's bi-monthly newsletter, send a
- contribution of $25 or more to The Firearms Coalition, 7771
- Sudley Rd. No. 44, Manassas, VA 20109. For current news,
- call 1-900-225-3006 (89 cents per minute) or visit
- http://www.NealKnox.com (free).
- ************************************************************
- What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
- Weapons see http://www.2ndamendment.net
- For legislative updates contact www.nealknox.com and go to
- "Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line"
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- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: FW: "Patriot" for 10-year olds
- Date: 11 Jul 2000 14:33:51 -0600
- Edited for legibility
- -----
- Someone on an email list for antique firearms posed a question about
- the suitability of "The Patriot" for viewing by his 10-year old son.
- Of course the answers were all positive, with most suggesting he might
- go see it himself first, and then decide for sure. Apparently, someone
- forwarded his question to Vin Suprynowicz. Here's Vin's response.
- Jim H
- ===================================================
- Vin Suprynowicz comments:
- ---------- Forwarded message ----------
- > ikipniss wrote:
- >> My ten year old son would like to see the movie... He enjoys history
- >> and historical fiction.
- >> He is standing here as I type, because I don't believe it is
- >> appropriate to let a ten year old see an R rated movie.
- >> I would Love to take him but feel it is my duty to raise him properly,
- >> and just because his friends are able to see doesn't mean it is
- >> appropriate for his age group.
- >> What are the opinions of you guys/gals who have seen it already....
- >> would you let your ten year old see this movie.
- >> Thanks for your guidance
- >> Ivan
- Hi --
- The more substantive response to ikipniss (if you'd be willing to forward
- this -- you didn't include his address) would be to point out that the film
- rating board ADMITS the only reason they rated this film "R" was because a
- 10-year-old boy is shown being instructed by his father to shoot and kill
- British officers. The film has no frontal nudity or sex scenes or foul talk
- or any of the stuff one might SUSPECT would be indicated by an "R" rating
- ... some of which stuff actually shows up pretty regularly in PG films,
- these days.
- Yes, there are a few "bloody" or "gory" combat scenes, but the camera
- doesn't zoom in or linger long on any such images -- in fact, combat here
- doesn't look nearly as realistically gruesome as in the first half-hour of
- "Saving Private Ryan."
- (One critic complained that, in a crucial scene, Gibson gratuitously goes
- to work with a hatchet on a "British soldier who was already dead." I
- reply: 1) Gibson's Benjamin Martin had channeled his anger into direct,
- purposeful action after seeing one of his own sons killed only a short time
- before -- I think his character showed admirable restraint, and this kind
- of letting-out of his anger was very understandable and in character, while
- the critic shows an inexperienced person's common foolish misunderstanding
- that someone in an adrenaline rush, fighting for his life, is likely to be
- able to determine and use "only the measured amount of force necessary";
- 2) the camera never points down to show the body of the British soldier
- sustaining the hatchet wounds; it's always discreetly off camera to spare
- us the real gore; 3) the critic is nuts, and demonstrates that his
- knowledge of life-and-death situations most likely comes from watching
- Hopalong Cassidy, the Cisco Kid, or the Lone Ranger. If you throw a hatchet
- at a fleeing soldier and it sticks in a man's shoulder muscles and he falls
- down, you'd BETTER not assume he's "already dead;" you'd BETTER run up and
- follow through with some really mortal blows, or that guy is going to sit
- up, point his flintlock or his belt pistol at you, and show you just how
- "dead" he really is.)
- Obviously, each parent has to make a case-by-case judgment for each kid.
- But I thought the "R' rating was very bizarre. Who is MORE open to (and
- also in need of) an understanding of what our ancestors sacrificed -- what
- patriotism really means -- than young teens, most of whom are about to be
- subjected to four to six years of relentless feminist, pacifist, socialist
- propaganda and chemical castration in the government high schools?
- -- V.
- p.s. -- After the movie, of course, everyone in the family WILL want to go
- out and buy a flintlock. I don't happen to think this is a bad thing, either.
- Vin Suprynowicz, vin@lvrj.com
- "The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it." -- John Hay,
- 1872
- "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed --
- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless
- series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Date: 11 Jul 2000 18:20:22 -0600
- Attempts at victim disarmament indicate enmity of the public
- servants towards the Citizenry. Respect and encourage the right
- of the People to keep and bear arms to prevent handgun violence.
- Scott
- Vanguard of the Revolution
- http://www.theVanguard.org
- by Rod D. Martin, 11 July 2000
- Four years into the British and Australian gun bans, the verdict on gun
- control is in: disaster.
- Those who argue for the right of self-defense have always said that banning
- guns would disarm the law-abiding while encouraging the criminals. Yet even
- by the standards of most pro-gun arguments, the actual results of total gun
- control have been startling, leaving anti-gunners and government officials
- at a loss to explain the debacle.
- Take Australia. Just over one year ago, the Australian government spent
- more than $500 million to confiscate 640,381 privately-owned firearms, even
- using deadly force. This followed a partial ban of over 60 percent of the
- country╣s private weapons in 1996. The promise: a dramatic reduction in
- crime, in exchange for the right of common citizens to defend themselves.
- The results: utter mayhem, showing yet again that, as in most things,
- government cannot take care of you as well as you can.
- In the first year of the ban, Australian homicides increased 3.2 percent,
- and in the state of Victoria, gun homicides shot up 300 percent. Assaults
- increased 8.6 percent. Armed robberies rose a whopping 44 percent, after
- having dropped for 25 straight years before the ban. Since then, homicides
- have jumped 29 percent, kidnappings have risen 38 percent, assaults have
- increased 17 percent, and armed robberies have skyrocketed an additional 73
- percent.
- In Australia today, police can go house to house, enter your home without a
- warrant, search for guns, copy your hard drive, seize your records, and take
- you to jail. What they cannot do is protect you.
- It╣s worse in Britain, where virtually all guns were banned in 1996
- following the Dunblane massacre. Americans tend to believe Britain a
- peaceful place with little crime. Post-confiscation, quite the opposite
- proves true: the crime rate in England and Wales is now 60 percent higher
- than in the United States. Indeed, it is higher than in every one of the 50
- states.
- As in Australia, British police are incapable of stopping this growing
- anarchy. Despite having more policemen per capita than the U.S., despite
- installing more electronic surveillance equipment than any other Western
- country, robbery and sex crimes have shot ahead of U.S. numbers, property
- crime is now twice as high, and assaults and muggings are now between twice
- and three times as high as in America.
- Perhaps the most telling statistic is the "hot burglary" rate; i.e., those
- burglaries which are committed while the homeowner is present. In the
- United States, these burglaries account for just over 10 percent of the
- total: criminals fear getting shot. In post-gun-ban Britain, however, "hot
- burglaries" account for more than half of the total, meaning that vastly
- more Britons face an armed intruder each year, with absolutely no way to
- defend themselves either from the burglary itself or from whatever other
- assaults, rapes or murders the criminal may choose to commit.
- The contrast between this horror story and the American experience is vast.
- The U.S. crime rate has fallen precipitously throughout the 1990s, largely
- driven downward by those states which have enacted concealed-carry laws. And
- in fact, gun ownership has been shown in survey after survey to be one of
- the single most important factors in preventing violent crime.
- Of particular note, Janet Reno╣s Department of Justice commissioned a survey
- in 1994 by the openly anti-gun Police Foundation. That exhaustive study,
- "Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms,"
- was completed in 1997, and its conclusion was clear: "Guns are used far more
- often to defend against crime than to perpetrate crime."
- In the year studied, 1.5 million Americans used guns to defend their homes,
- families or property. In the words of the study, literally "millions of
- attempted assaults, thefts and break-ins were foiled by armed citizens
- during the 12-month period." And as the study itself admits, its conclusions
- are "directly comparable" to other similar studies: the Police Foundation's
- work was the fifteenth national survey to reach this same conclusion in the
- past twenty-two years, every one of them having found results in the same
- range.
- The common sense of gun ownership is inescapable: a family, or a single
- mother, alone at home, facing an armed intruder in the middle of the night,
- does not have time to call 911. By the time the police arrive, no matter how
- competent they are, no matter how quickly they respond, she and her children
- will be dead. It's that simple. She can defend herself and her children, or
- she can face her merciless predator, alone.
- The fact is simple: guns save lives. Lots of lives. Every day. Criminals
- would far rather prey on the weak than on someone who can fight back.
- Private gun ownership means people can help protect their families and keep
- the peace; it also makes certain that crime does not pay.
- And if you don╣t believe it, just visit our British and Australian cousins.
- Copyright: Rod D. Martin, 11 July 2000.
- -- Rod D. Martin is National Chairman of The Vanguard, an organization
- dedicated to the promotion of conservative causes. He is a Fellow of
- the Kuyper Institute for Political Studies, an elder of Covenant
- Baptist Church, and an attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Doctors promoting the anti-gun agenda?
- Date: 12 Jul 2000 14:20:46 -0600
- My apologies to any who regularly read Dear Abbey and have already read
- this article from today's Deseret News. But for those who don't, there
- is a tid-bit of information in this one that is worth seeing.
- For the last couple of years I've seen varous internet/email reports
- warning that medical groups were pushing for doctors to begin including
- ownership/use of guns in their questions about family medical history and
- offering advice against the private ownership of guns--especially in
- homes with children. The last sentence of this letter would seem to
- confirm that this is actually happening, at least in some places.
- In a letter encouraging a parent to take her teenage daughter, who has a
- mustache, to the doctor to rule out serious medical problems that may
- cause excess body hair, an MD writes (emphasis added):
- "The visit also gives the pediatricians (or family practioners) an
- opportunity to touch base with a population notorious for avoiding
- doctors -- adolescents. Not only are they underimmunized, they are also
- the group most in need of anticipatory guidance on issues such as
- abstinence, safe sex, birth control, STDs, drugs, alcohol, smoking,
- __GUNS__, nutrition, school perfomance, sports, and safe driving."
- Complete letter online at
- <http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,175018713,00.html?>.
- ==================================================================
- Charles C. Hardy
- Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control
- <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Crime in Britian
- Date: 13 Jul 2000 11:14:40 -0600
- Holy smokes Batman, looks like the night janitor took some time and wrote
- the lead editorial in today's SLTrib. Heaven knows the usual bunch of
- editorialists isn't responsible for this one. :)
- While it would be a bit of stretch to call this a pro-gun piece, at least
- it looks to be factually accurate and ackowledges that the lack of
- private guns and the resulting inability to put up a fight is a
- contributing factor in home invasions in England.
- On the web at <http://www.sltrib.com/07132000/opinion/opinion.htm>
- Apologies to any who have already read this, but it is too good to not
- pass along for any who don't regularly read the editorial page of the
- SLTrib.
- Crime in Britain
- When CBS newsman Dan Rather recently
- reported that Britain is "one of the most violent
- urban societies in the Western world," the British
- uprose in vociferous wrath, to borrow a
- Churchillian phrase. Well they should.
- Not because Rather is wrong, not because for
- years the British have liked to imagine the United
- States to be much more violent and crime-ridden
- than their own society, but because violent crime
- is rising in Britain.
- For many years, Americans and the British
- have basked in the firm belief that crime is a
- definite problem in the United States while Britain
- is peaceful and relatively crime-free. Popular
- thinking has attributed this difference to the fact
- that the American citizenry can own firearms,
- while in Britain this prerogative is severely
- restricted.
- It is illegal for a private person to own a
- handgun in Britain. Automatic and semi-automatic
- weapons are banned. All legal firearms sales must
- be registered with the police. Private possession
- of rifles and shotguns is strictly regulated, and
- usually is permitted only in conjunction with
- membership in a government-approved shooting
- club.
- No doubt, part of the British reaction to the
- CBS report is due to the fact that it is inimical to
- this long-held notion that firearms restrictions
- prevent violent crime. The fact is, crime is rising in
- Britain and some of it is quite violent.
- Home invasion robberies, for instance, are on
- the rise in Britain. This is due to a variety of
- factors, chiefly that the pickings are easy and
- residents tend to lack the means and will to put up
- much of a fight. One recently did, a farmer in
- Norfolk who killed an assailant who forcibly
- entered his home. The government's reaction was
- to jail him. Such action does not encourage others
- to defend themselves against intruders.
- Instead of whining about the effrontery of CBS
- for suggesting that Britain is not as peaceful and
- glorious as a Georgian evening on the Thames in
- the royal barge with Handel in charge of the
- music, the British should be more worried about
- finding solutions to their own crime problems.
- ==================================================================
- Charles C. Hardy
- Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control
- <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: FW: Appeals Court Rules FBI Can Keep Gun Records
- Date: 14 Jul 2000 10:10:26 -0600
- -----
- Like I'm really surprised.
- Appeals Court Rules FBI Can Keep Gun Records
- http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A26048-2000Jul12.html
- Washington Post Staff Writer
- Wednesday, July 12, 2000; Page A21
- A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the FBI can hold on to gun
- purchase records for six months to ensure that a federal computer system
- that conducts millions of instant criminal background checks is working
- properly.
- The 2 to 1 ruling was a defeat for the National Rifle Association, which
- argued that the practice amounted to an "illegal national registration of
- gun owners." The NRA contended that the law requires the FBI to destroy
- records of approved purchases immediately.
- The instant background checks of potential gun purchasers began in
- November 1998, fulfilling requirements under the Brady Handgun Violence
- Prevention Act and putting an end to checks conducted under a five-day
- federal waiting period.
- Gun dealers are required to submit information about prospective buyers to
- the computer system in an effort to prevent sales to convicted felons,
- fugitives and other disqualified buyers.
- The information includes the customer's name, sex, race, date of birth and
- state of residence. The computer is supposed to immediately generate a
- response for gun dealers that approves, rejects or postpones the sale for
- further investigation.
- Since the system was put into place, roughly 14 million checks have been
- performed, Justice Department officials said. About 280,000 purchases have
- been rejected.
- The NRA filed suit to challenge a Justice Department regulation that
- allows the FBI to keep all purchase records for six months for auditing
- purposes only.
- The Justice Department contended that it needs the time to spot-check
- results for quality control, ensure that gun buyers and dealers are not
- using false identities or other means to thwart the system and determine
- that the huge database is not being used by anyone to gain confidential
- information for unauthorized purposes.
- While the NRA did not object to preserving--indefinitely--the records of
- buyers who are rejected, it argued that the FBI was required to
- immediately destroy personal data about those who were approved. The NRA's
- lawyers pointed to language in the Brady law that called for officials to
- "destroy" records of approved transactions. The law also warned against
- using the checks "to establish any system for the registration of
- firearms."
- U.S. District Judge James Robertson dismissed the NRA's lawsuit last year,
- concluding that the Justice Department acted reasonably in establishing
- auditing standards. The NRA asked the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to
- overturn Robertson's ruling.
- Appellate Judges David S. Tatel and Merrick B. Garland, both Clinton
- appointees, rejected the NRA's argument. David B. Sentelle, a Reagan
- appointee, dissented.
- Tatel wrote that the "audit log" is not a firearms registry. The Brady law
- contained no timetable for purging records, he said, adding that common
- sense indicates that Congress wanted to ensure that the system functions
- properly.
- Sentelle wrote that the law's instruction to destroy records meant exactly
- that, prohibiting even temporary preservation.
- The NRA was among the strongest supporters of instant background checks.
- James Baker, the NRA's chief lobbyist, said the organization may seek
- further appellate review.
- "When you have words in the law like 'destroy,' 'don't record' and 'no
- system of registration,' it seems fairly obvious to us," Baker said.
- Attorney General Janet Reno called the ruling "a win for the safety of all
- Americans," saying it "will allow us to continue to conduct audits that
- protect individual privacy, ensure system accuracy and deter fraud by
- corrupt gun dealers."
- ⌐ 2000 The Washington Post Company
- [Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
- Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]
- A.K. Pritchard
- http://www.ideasign.com/chiliast/
- http://rosie.acmecity.com/songfest/189/
- To subscribe to "The Republican" email list - just ask!
- therepublican@ideasign.com
- "Are we disposed to be of the numbers of those
- who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears,
- hear not, the things which so nearly concern
- their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever
- anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know
- the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide
- for it.
- Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
- March 23, 1775
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: Federal judges created unequal?
- Date: 17 Jul 2000 15:22:56 -0600
- Excerpted
- Cato Daily Dispatch
- July 17, 2000
- http://www.cato.org/
- http://www.cato.org/dispatch/07-17-00d.html
- Washington Post columnist Al Kamen writes today about a proposal to
- allow federal judges to carry concealed weapons nationwide, regardless
- of state laws. The plan is part of the Federal Courts Improvement Act
- which passed the House recently on a voice vote.
- http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54652-2000Jul16.html
- The idea was pushed by the U.S. Judicial Conference, the policymaking
- body of the federal judiciary and would allow about 2,000 federal judges
- and magistrates to conceal and carry any type of gun they wished. The
- conference states the law is needed because three federal judges have
- been killed this century.
- "[I]f a judge is in danger, the fact that he or she is in one state
- or the other does not eliminate the danger," said Judge Harvey E.
- Schlesinger, a supporter of the bill.
- Congress may also decide that what is true for federal judges is true
- for the population at large. In "Fighting Back: Crime, Self-Defense, and
- the Right to Carry a Handgun," http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-284.html
- an analysis of a 1987 Florida law that allowed citizens to carry
- concealed firearms in public, Jeffrey R. Snyder found that there was a
- decrease in violent crime, not the increase many people had predicted.
- Recently, the Cato Institute hosted the book forum featuring legal
- scholar John R. Lott, Jr., author of "More Guns, Less Crime." His
- updated book presents the most comprehensive analysis ever done on
- crime statistics and the right-to-carry laws. Video of the forum is
- available on the Cato Web site. http://www.cato.org/events/000616bf.html
- To unsubscribe or change your e-mail address, visit
- http://www.free-market.net/partners/c/cato.html#dailydispatch
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Joe Waldron <jwaldron@halcyon.com>
- Date: 17 Jul 2000 17:56:13 -0700
- Ohio Gun Law Challenged in Court - Hearing Tuesday
- CINCINNATI, OHIO (Monday, July 17, 2000) - The Second Amendment
- Foundation, along with Ohio citizens, filed a Complaint for
- Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against the law prohibiting the
- carrying of concealed firearms. The suit alleges that current
- law violates numerous federal and state constitutional
- protections.
- "It is blatantly unfair to have a law where nobody knows whether
- he or she is complying with the law, or in violation of the law,"
- stated Alan Gottlieb, SAF founder. "There are no standards,
- guidelines or common sense under the current statute."
- The legal action specifically seeks to prevent enforcement of
- R.C. 2923.12 until a court reviews whether it is constitutional.
- The complaint calls the current scheme a violation of both the
- U.S. Constitution (Second Amendment [keep & bear arms], Ninth
- Amendment [self-defense], and Fourteenth Amendment [Equal
- Protection, Incorporation of Bill of Rights to the States]) as
- well as the Ohio Constitution, which reads:
- Article 1, Section 1: All men are, by nature, free and
- independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are
- those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring,
- possessing, and protecting property, and seeking and obtaining
- happiness and safety.
- Article 1, Section 4: The people have the right to bear arms for
- their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of
- peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and
- the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.
- The Ohio law in question, R.C. 2923.12, bans all concealed carry
- of firearms with felony penalties for any violations. It is only
- after a person caught carrying a concealed firearm is incurring
- the costs and stresses of a criminal trial that the current law
- allows the possibility of an "affirmative defense" to be made.
- Such an unjust system must be replaced with reasonable and
- prudent legislation.
- In a recent case against a pizza delivery driver, both the
- prosecutor and the judge stated that the law should be changed or
- repealed. The defendant was Pat Feely, who was known to carry
- large sums of cash in bad neighborhoods as part of his
- employment. He was acquitted at trial, but could face the same
- charges if found carrying a concealed firearm again. The threat
- and costs of repeated prosecutions is another reason for
- declaring the current law unconstitutional.
- "Even after a defendant wins his or her case based on
- 'affirmative defense' showing need for carrying a firearm
- concealed, this does not prohibit dragging the same person into a
- courtroom again for the very same charge," warned Timothy A.
- Smith, attorney for Mr. Feely and lead counsel for the pending
- legal action. "Such unfairness motivated Mr. Feely's employer,
- James H. Cohen, to step forward as one of the plaintiffs seeking
- relief from courts against the current law."
- In addition to SAF and Mr. Cohen, the other plaintiffs include
- Chuck Klein, Vernon Ferrier and Lea Anne Driscoll. A hearing
- will take place at 10:00 AM in the Judge Robert Ruehlman's
- Courtroom this Tuesday, July 18, 2000 with a ruling on the
- restraining order expected at the end of the hearing. A full
- hearing on the constitutionality of the law is expected in August
- 2000.
- Second Amendment Foundation is the nation's oldest and largest
- tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group
- focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately
- own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has
- grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters and conducts
- many programs designed to better inform the public about the gun
- control debate and its consequences. SAF previously has funded
- successful firearms-related suits against the cities of Los
- Angeles, New Haven, CT, and San Francisco on behalf of American
- gun owners. Current projects include a damage action lawsuit
- against the cities suing gun makers, an amicus brief in support
- of the Emerson case holding that the Second Amendment is an
- individual right and a lawsuit against the Clinton gun and
- magazine ban.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: Live like sheep, die like cows.
- Date: 17 Jul 2000 21:33:55 -0600
- Dave Hansen elaborates:
- -----
- Excerpt:
- "[I]f a judge is in danger, the fact that he or she is in one state
- or the other does not eliminate the danger," said Judge Harvey E.
- Schlesinger, a supporter of the bill.
- Well, duh! Of course "some are more equal than others", and this
- clearly seems to apply to Federal judges.
- Read below also about the Siren Song of the Anti-gunners. Or,
- "How to live like sheep and die like cows."
- Dave
- Cato Daily Dispatch
- July 17, 2000
- http://www.cato.org/dispatch/07-17-00d.html
- Washington Post columnist Al Kamen writes today about a proposal to
- allow federal judges to carry concealed weapons nationwide, regardless
- of state laws. The plan is part of the Federal Courts Improvement Act
- which passed the House recently on a voice vote.
- http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54652-2000Jul16.html
- The idea was pushed by the U.S. Judicial Conference, the policymaking
- body of the federal judiciary and would allow about 2,000 federal judges
- and magistrates to conceal and carry any type of gun they wished. The
- conference states the law is needed because three federal judges have
- been killed this century.
- "[I]f a judge is in danger, the fact that he or she is in one state
- or the other does not eliminate the danger," said Judge Harvey E.
- Schlesinger, a supporter of the bill.
- Congress may also decide that what is true for federal judges is true
- for the population at large. In "Fighting Back: Crime, Self-Defense, and
- the Right to Carry a Handgun," http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa-284.html
- an analysis of a 1987 Florida law that allowed citizens to carry
- concealed firearms in public, Jeffrey R. Snyder found that there was a
- decrease in violent crime, not the increase many people had predicted.
- Recently, the Cato Institute hosted the book forum featuring legal
- scholar John R. Lott, Jr., author of "More Guns, Less Crime." His
- updated book presents the most comprehensive analysis ever done on
- crime statistics and the right-to-carry laws. Video of the forum is
- available on the Cato Web site. http://www.cato.org/events/000616bf.html
- Siren Song of the Anti-gunners:
- Written By: Robert Waters
- The Siren Song of Gun Control
- by Robert Waters
- http://keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.asp?cmd=view&articleid=304
- (In Greek mythology, the Sirens had such sweet voices that mariners
- who heard their songs were lured upon the rocks from which they sang.)
- On May 24, 2000, it was closing time at Wendy's. As employees worked
- to finish their chores so they could go home, John Taylor and Greg
- Godineaux are alleged by police to have entered the restaurant on Main
- Street in Queens, New York. One of the men pulled a gun on the workers,
- tied and gagged them, then systematically executed the entire crew.
- Five employees died, while two survived.
- In New York City, you see, only the cops and robbers have guns--
- employees of Wendy's aren't allowed. Decades of strictly enforced gun laws have
- bullied most law-abiding citizens into abandoning their best
- means of self-defense.
- But, as the Wendy's shootings show, gun control laws don't prevent
- violence. In fact, statistics have shown that such laws often breed
- crime. The combined research of Dr. Gary Kleck, Dr. John Lott, Jr.,
- and others make powerful arguments against restrictive firearms
- legislation.
- Gun control, however, is an enticing mistress.
- She promises security, safety, and insulation from those brutal thugs
- whose faces you see each night on the six o'clock news. She whispers
- that if you give her your gun, the cops will protect you. In her heart
- of hearts, she can't stand the thought that a single citizen might be
- armed.
- Like the Siren that is, though, her lying lips don't tell you that the
- Wendy's victims might have been saved.
- Almost exactly a month after the New York shooting, the McDonald's
- restaurant at 5301 East Freeway in Houston was getting ready to close.
- Three robbers burst in wearing masks and brandishing rifles. Threatening
- employees and customers, they didn't notice Willis Lee. The janitor
- pulled out a revolver and shot two of the thugs. Because he carried a
- gun, the maintenance man stopped an armed robbery and possibly a mass
- murder similar to the one at Wendy's.
- In New York City, employees are sitting ducks.
- But in Texas, concealed carry laws give citizens the opportunity to
- defend themselves.
- One of the common songs the gun control Siren sings is that if you give
- robbers your money, you probably won't get hurt. That lie has lured many
- onto the rocks of gun control.
- But what the Siren won't tell you is that robbery victims are often
- successful in fighting off their attackers.
- On September 3, 1998, Joe Montgomery, an Indianapolis gun shop owner,
- refused the demands of two robbers who held a gun to his head and
- ordered him to lie on the floor. During a brutal struggle in which the
- robbers beat Montgomery, slashed him with a knife, and attempted to
- shoot him twice, the businessman was able to retrieve a gun he'd hidden.
- The gun shop owner then shot and killed both robbers.
- In a recent interview, Montgomery related his reasons for choosing to
- fight back. "I had seen too many horrible video clips," he said, "of
- robbers who, after they push somebody to the floor, start shooting
- while [the victim is] lying face-down. I figured at this point I'm
- already dead, so why should I lay down and let them shoot me in the
- back of the head?"
- The gun control Siren won't mention Joe Montgomery.
- Nor will she tell you about other intended victims who saved their own
- lives and the lives of others.
- She won't tell you about Joel Myrick, the assistant principal of Pearl
- High School who used his handgun to end a school shooting, probably
- saving the lives of dozens of schoolchildren.
- She won't tell you about Jan Hartford, the Philadelphia baker who shot
- and killed an armed robber. Or the Tucson jogger who shot one of two
- armed robbers. Or the Charleston, South Carolina woman who shot a
- burglar after he tore the steel bars off her window in order to break
- into her house. She won't tell you about the Atlanta housewife who shot
- and killed a masked intruder in her apartment.
- Each year, thousands of armed victims fight back and survive.
- In Jacksonville, Florida, 77-year-old Claude Allen and his daughter,
- Shirla Menendez, were relaxing at home one Sunday evening. Suddenly
- a stranger kicked in the the door. Holding the two at gunpoint, he
- forced Menendez to tie up her father, a World War II veteran. Then
- the robber looted the house. As he was leaving, he placed his gun to
- Menendez's head and threatened to pull the trigger. Allen, desperately
- wrenching at his bonds, finally broke free, The veteran then retrieved
- his 9 mm semiautomatic pistol and shot the intruder dead.
- In spite of the evidence, the Siren continues to lure innocents onto
- the rocks of gun control. Her song causes them to lose their reason,
- to surrender their senses, and to believe her lies.
- Under her influence, they learn to live like sheep and die like cows.
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Joe Waldron <jwaldron@halcyon.com>
- Date: 18 Jul 2000 12:39:33 -0700
- Ohio Gun Law Blocked By Restraining Order
- CINCINNATI, OHIO (Tuesday, July 18, 2000) - Judge Robert Ruehlman
- today issued a restraining order against enforcement of Ohio's
- law banning concealed carry of firearms as well as the law
- banning loaded firearms in a motor vehicle. The order affects
- the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. Backers of the legal
- action are very pleased.
- "These laws are in clear violation of both Ohio and U.S.
- Constitutions and were ripe for challenges after the Pat Feely
- decision," proclaimed Alan Gottlieb, Founder of the Second
- Amendment Foundation (SAF). "We saw a huge opportunity to
- advance the rights of self-defense and took advantage of it."
- In addition to blocking enforcement of R.C. 2923.12 (banning
- concealed carry) the Judge included R.C. 2923.16, (loaded gun in
- a motor vehicle). The restraining order will be in place until
- after the preliminary injunction hearing beginning August 11,
- 2000.
- Until that time, law-abiding adult residents of Cincinnati and
- Hamilton County can legally carry a loaded firearm on their
- person or in their car without risk of arrest or prosecution
- PROVIDED that they do not violate other laws prohibiting
- possession in bars, schools, or other specified places. The law
- preventing felons and other disqualified from possessing guns,
- R.C. 2923.13, is also still in effect.
- The restraining order makes Hamilton County unique. The only
- state with a similar carry law is Vermont, where any law-abiding
- adult can carry a gun if they have a driver's license or some
- other form of photo identification. Including Vermont, 43 states
- allow the lawful concealed carry of firearms. Only 7 states,
- including Ohio, deny the individual's right of self-defense
- outside one's home or fixed place of business.
- The complaint called the current scheme a violation of both the
- Ohio Constitutions (Article 1, Section 1 [inalienable rights to
- defending life, liberty and property] & Article 1, Section 4
- [bear arms for defense and security]) and the U.S. Constitution
- (Second Amendment [keep & bear arms], Ninth Amendment
- [self-defense], and Fourteenth Amendment [Equal Protection,
- Incorporation of Bill of Rights to the States]). But Judge
- Robert Ruehlman found yet another problem under current law.
- "The judge made it clear that the current law treats people as
- guilty until proven innocent," said attorney William Gustavson.
- "If this order is upheld, the burden of proof will switch to the
- Government to show why the person should not be allowed to carry
- a firearm for self-defense."
- In a recent case against a pizza delivery driver, both the
- prosecutor and the judge stated that the law should be changed or
- repealed. The defendant, Pat Feely, was known to carry large
- sums of cash in bad neighborhoods as part of his employment. He
- was acquitted at trial, but could have faced the same charges if
- found carrying a concealed firearm again unless the restraining
- order was issued. Such unfairness opened the door for throwing
- the unconstitutional law out.
- "For years, Gov. Bob Taft and the anti-self-defense crowd have
- blocked reasonable standards for issuing concealed carry
- licenses," stated Dave LaCourse, SAF Public Affairs Director.
- "Now they have their wish, and Hamilton County allows law-abiding
- people to carry of firearms without a license. I hope this
- decision sends a message to them that the Ohio and U.S.
- Constitutions are still valid and binding."
- The Second Amendment Foundation is the nation's oldest and
- largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal
- action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to
- privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The
- Foundation has grown to more than 600,000 members and supporters
- and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public
- about the gun control debate and its consequences. SAF previously
- has funded successful firearms-related suits against the cities
- of Los Angeles, New Haven, CT, and San Francisco on behalf of
- American gun owners. Current projects include a damage action
- lawsuit against the cities suing gun makers, an amicus brief in
- support of the Emerson case holding that the Second Amendment is
- an individual right and a lawsuit against the Clinton gun and
- magazine ban.
- SAF's web site is at http://www.saf.org/
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: Federal agent kills his dog?
- Date: 19 Jul 2000 10:51:53 -0600
- Assumming this "report" is substantially accurate, it will be interesting
- to see how it is handled. Joe Citizen would almost certainly be charged
- with animal neglect or even cruelty to animals for such a callous and
- stupid act as leaving a dog in a car during the summer months. And after
- all the talk we heard from government "experts" during this last session
- about how certain misdemeanors--including cruelty to animals--needed to
- be added to the list of disqualifications for owning a gun because
- cruelty to animals was a very strong indicator of a likelyhood of future
- violence against people, should we take bets on whether or not the agent
- will be stripped of his badge and gun?
- Well, just try to remember that some people (government agents in
- particular) are created more equal than others.
- From today's Rolly & Wells in the SLTrib
- <http://www.sltrib.com/07192000/utah/4586.htm>
- A narcotics-trained canine working for the Metro Narcotics Task
- Force in Salt Lake County died Friday after a federal Drug
- Enforcement
- Administration investigator left it in his car for several hours
- during
- 100-degree-plus temperatures.
- Don Mendrala, agent in charge of the Utah office of the DEA,
- confirmed he is investigating the death of Lady, a beagle trained to
- sniff
- out illicit drugs.
- The DEA is a member of the Metro Narcotics Unit, which consists
- of
- specially trained investigators from 14 federal, state and local law
- enforcement agencies.
- Because of the undercover nature of the agent's work, his
- identity is
- being kept confidential.
- o
- ==================================================================
- Charles C. Hardy
- Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control
- <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Scott Bergeson <shbergeson@uswest.net>
- Subject: FW: MILLION MOM MARCH organizer uses GUN to attempt murder
- Date: 19 Jul 2000 22:34:23 -0600
- These articles didn't load well for me.
- -----
- She'll probably claim that the gun made her do it.
- Maybe she and Candy Leightner can share a cell and a pint.
- Barbara Lipscomb, an organizer of the Million Mom March, was charged
- with assault with intent to kill for shooting a teen who she
- believed
- to have caused her son's death. It was later determined (second
- story)
- that she had probably shot the wrong person.
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A40501-2000Jul13.html
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A45741-2000Jul14.html
- Please circulate this far and wide.
- BTW, for those who do not remember: The Rocky Mountain News reported
- shortly after the Columbine massacre that Mark Manes, the man who
- sold the Tec-9 assault pistol used in the Columbine shootings, was
- the son of two strong members of Handgun Control, the nation's largest
- gun control lobbying group.
- LPUtah
- LPUtah -- This message sent via listserver "lputah@qsicorp.com"
- LPUtah -- All messages are the sole responsibility of the sender.
- LPUtah -- Support: Jim Elwell, email: elwell@inconnect.com
- LPUtah
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: charles hardy <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- Subject: BATF and SSC?
- Date: 28 Jul 2000 09:33:03 -0600
- Last night I turned on the 10:00 channel 4 news a few minutes late and
- just in time to catch the tail end of the last sentence of some report.
- All I caught was "...BATF and Shooting Sports Council."
- Can anyone shed anymore light on this?
- Thanks.
- ==================================================================
- Charles C. Hardy
- Utah Email Coordinator--Women Against Gun Control
- <utbagpiper@juno.com>
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: "Karl Pearson" <karlp@colubs.com>
- Subject: Petition To G.W.Bush
- Date: 29 Jul 2000 12:04:30 -0600
- Freedoms of one group lost create a footpath where all freedom will be
- trodden under the foot of the elite who are exempt. KLP
- http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html
- -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Kelly & Miriam Phelps <kmphelps@gbasin.net>
- Subject: Re: Petition To G.W.Bush
- Date: 29 Jul 2000 13:25:39 -0600
- I signed earlier, Karl, even though I don't trust GW.
- Thanks for forwarding this.
- Kelly Phelps
- Karl Pearson wrote:
- >=20
- > Freedoms of one group lost create a footpath where all freedom will be
- > trodden under the foot of the elite who are exempt. KLP
- >=20
- > http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html
- >=20
- > -
- --=20
- MZ=90
- -