Oh now this is cool. Thanks for those quotes Shaun. I think i'm gonna tell this to my english class. They're all a bunch of Shakespear nuts who think *I'm* nuts for liking a children' Sci-Fi show. This'll show them! :)
"In the meantime, we have the right tools to subvert an imperial admiral."
"What tools?"
"Oh, Wes's maturity, your optimism, and my diplomatic skills."
Subject: TPDIS: To prevent making a fool of myself
Date: 16 Feb 2001 18:48:44 -0500
As we all know, PVC will be joing us in chat Sunday night (US time that is), and to prevent making a fool of myself I thought I would as the group their opinion of the question that I would like to ask PVC. Do you all think I could get away with asking him to wish me a happy birthday? (BTW this wasn't my idea) I thought I would ask every one's opinion before I made a complete fool of myself... I have a habit of doing this. Please tell me what you think. Oh and BTW, I may be a little late comming to the chat, I have a psychology test to take at 9.00 thiat night... Yuck, I have no idea the odd time... So goes college life... Sorry for the random rambling.
Kristin<--who's now made a complete fool of herself to the entire group :-)
Jackie, I have to agree with you, that was a blast yesterday afternoon (sorry night), and I though that it was great that you got Peter and Richard to put up with all of us... Hope we didn't scare them away. Thank you so much Jackie for getting them to chat with us, and the Ops for keeping the peace... Think of the chaos that would have kept going if htey didn't get us to shut up every now and then. And the Jaunting belt would be a great thing to have ::grin:: Any who, that was a blast, and I hope that we get to do it again soon! BTW, is there any way that I could get the end of the chat session please?
Kristin <-- who felt like she made a fool of her self after all
"Kristin, I think I can now say that it's good to be obsessed with something as much as you are." My Dorm Mate, Amanda (who is now hooked on TP!! It only took me 10 min!)
tpdis@lists.xmission.com wrote:
> Hello everyone. Well what can I say about last night? It was one of the >best nights of my life. I've not laughed so much in ages! For those who >were there can I apologise for upsetting anyone by being totally out of
> control... (not that I think I did but we; Peter, David and me were a >little drunk at the time!) Ok so I know that's not a very good TP thing >to do ábut hey it was a celebration!