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From: "LUIE HAVAS01 Edward Lui" <gbcyblui@ibmmail.com>
Subject: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 06:32:21 EST
I agree where is everyone, I'm still not sure what this list is all
about as I haven't recieved anything yet.
From: Andrew Kantor <ak@mecklermedia.com>
Subject: Re: Urm...
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:32:26 -0500
>Is it just me, or is the traffic on this list EXTREMELY low?
Whatever this list is, please unsubscribe me. I never signed up for it.
Andrew Kantor: Senior Editor, Internet World
For Work: ak@iw.com; http://www.iworld.com/iw/
For Not-Work: andrew@kantor.com; http://www.panix.com/~ak
"If you don't have e-mail,
I probably don't need to talk to you."
From: MIKEY@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu
Subject: Re: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:44:52 -0500 (EST)
TO: Satellite_update list ? satellite_update@xmission.com
FROM: Mike Baker Mikey@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu
Gainesville, FL
Hello, whoever you are...:
Several posts have showed up in my E-mail box regarding this list.
I have no knowledge of this list or what its purpose is.
My work (engineering) relates to satellite uplinking and downlinking
for a statewide educational network.
Sooo... I do not recall ever signing up, but I am curious to know what the
list is that is being referred to.
From: Mark DeCrane <mdecrane@keller.clarke.edu>
Subject: Re: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:01:27 -0600 (CST)
I do remember subscribing to this list about satellite changes from
Keystone Communications a long time ago. This is the first message I
have ever received.
Mark DeCrane Director, Audio Visual Services
Clarke College Dubuque, IA 52001
Internet: mdecrane@keller.clarke.edu
(319) 588-6301 phone
(319) 588-8160 fax
From: William.Poore@uni.edu
Subject: Re[2]: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:12:13 -0600 (cst)
If I remember right, this list belongs to Keystone Communications and was
supposed to give info about goings on in the satellite business. So far, I
think I've only seen one post in the last year. Maybe Keystone is falling
apart...if their last issue of the North American Satellite Guide is any
Bill Poore | vox: 319/273-7098
Satellite Operations Manager | fax: 319/273-6494
University of Northern Iowa | Internet: william.poore@uni.edu
Office of Telecommunications | WWW: http://www.uni.edu/~telecomm
All opinions expressed are my own and nobody else's. So THERE!
"By edging Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan is reshaping the Republican race.
Problem is, the new shape is that of Rush Limbaugh."
From satellite_update-request@xmission.COM
X-Envelope-From: satellite_update-request@xmission.COM
Received: from xmission.xmission.com (xmission.xmission.com)
by uni.edu (PMDF V5.0-4 #12290) id <01I28UCXTOOG9KM2AN@uni.edu>; Tue,
12 Mar 1996 08:50:43 -0500 (CDT)
Received: (from root@localhost) by xmission.xmission.com (8.7.4/8.7.3)
id HAA07658; Tue, 12 Mar 1996 07:49:56 -0700 (MST)
Resent-date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 07:49:56 -0700 (MST)
Resent-from: satellite_update@xmission.COM
Resent-sender: satellite_update-request@xmission.COM
Resent-message-id: <UrnEn.A.1fB.44YRx@xmission>
Message-id: <01I28W9302YW8WW5EA@gnv.ifas.ufl.EDU>
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X-Loop: satellite_update@xmission.com
TO: Satellite_update list ? satellite_update@xmission.com
FROM: Mike Baker Mikey@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu
Gainesville, FL
Hello, whoever you are...:
Several posts have showed up in my E-mail box regarding this list.
I have no knowledge of this list or what its purpose is.
My work (engineering) relates to satellite uplinking and downlinking
for a statewide educational network.
Sooo... I do not recall ever signing up, but I am curious to know what the
list is that is being referred to.
From: Donald D Schleicher <schleidd@uwec.edu> (Don Schleicher)
Subject: What a flurry!!!
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:44:23 -0600
I think this was set up by Doug Jessop (formerly with Keystone) as a way to
send those of us who subscribed, updates and info outside of his
publication. I think I got something once... But he's gone now so who
knows what's going on???!!! This is the most activity I've seen since it began!
Don Schleicher - Operations Specialist
Video and Distance Learning Division
Media Development Center
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54701
715-836-6006 voice
715-836-6001 fax
From: Ellen Christensen <ellen@mail.ntu.edu>
Subject: RE: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 08:45:15 -0500
Looks like we are out here - who is sending?
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 1996 6:32 AM
I agree where is everyone, I'm still not sure what this list is all
about as I haven't recieved anything yet.
From: APARRIS@JA6.jsc.nasa.gov (Parris, Andrew)
Subject: Test
Date: 12 Mar 1996 10:11:38 -0600
From: Kit McCarty <kit@okway.okstate.edu>
Subject: Re[2]: Is anybody out there?
Date: 12 Mar 1996 09:37:50 -0600
Hi there! I also remember subscribing to this list sometime last
year. Since then I have received only two messages regarding
satellite updates.
Kit McCarty -- Production/Satellite Services Coordinator
Educational Television Services
Telecommunications Building
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-0585
Internet: KIT@okway.okstate.edu
(405) 744-7238 - phone
(405) 744-8563 - fax
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author: satellite_update@xmission.com at SMTP
I do remember subscribing to this list about satellite changes from
Keystone Communications a long time ago. This is the first message I
have ever received.
Mark DeCrane Director, Audio Visual Services
Clarke College Dubuque, IA 52001
Internet: mdecrane@keller.clarke.edu
(319) 588-6301 phone
(319) 588-8160 fax
From: Jeff Halapin <greeby@onramp.net>
Subject: Re: Urm...
Date: 12 Mar 1996 10:53:33 -0600
At 11:34 AM 6/28/95 +0100, you wrote:
>Is it just me, or is the traffic on this list EXTREMELY low?
>It's been two weeks since I first subscribed, and I haven't
>received any messages thus far!
I've been on this list for quite a while and I think that this is actually
the first e-mail I have gotten from it.
Jeff Halapin
From: Jeremy Fuksa <reznor@okway.okstate.edu>
Subject: unsubscribe
Date: 12 Mar 1996 10:29:54 -0600
This is a Mime message, which your current mail reader
may not understand. Parts of the message will appear as
text. To process the remainder, you will need to use a Mime
compatible mail reader. Contact your vendor for details.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: cc:Mail note part
unsubscribe sattelite_update Jeremy Fuksa
From: PeterS10@aol.com
Subject: Re: Urm...
Date: 12 Mar 1996 12:21:34 -0500
Excuse me...
Why am I getting these postings? I haven't signed up for this list and I
don't want to be on this list. please remove me. thank you & good day.
Subject: The List
Date: 12 Mar 1996 13:15:05 -0500 (EST)
I have been a subscriber for a little under 2 years. I did receive
a message from Doug Jessop (the "originator") once. And that was the last
I've heard.
Yes, this was set up to advise subscribers to Keystone Communications
North American Satellite Guide. I would assume that since Doug left, the
list was put on a back burner.
I still get my Guide every other month and it still is much better
that the other satellite magazines we used to get. If I have a problem,
I'll do what I've done in the past - use a telephone and call. Some old
technology still works.
Good day to all. JC
* Jim Carroll *
* Herkimer Co. Comm. College VOICE: (315)-866-0300 x301 *
* Reservoir Road FAX: (315)-866-7253 *
* Herkimer, NY 13350 *
* DECNET: shccva::jjcarroll *
* INTERNET: jjcarroll%shccva@va.itec.suny.edu *
From: "LRJACKSO" <lrjackso@IUSMAIL.IUS.Indiana.Edu>
Subject: Re: Urm...
Date: 12 Mar 1996 13:35:25 est
Is it just me, or is the traffic on this list EXTREMELY low?
It's been two weeks since I first subscribed, and I haven't
received any messages thus far!
Yes, but it could be faster. Got any satellite updates? L. Jackson
From: Drew Carter <dcarter@ycp.edu>
Subject: I've got the answer! (sort of...)
Date: 12 Mar 1996 14:06:28 EST
Hello everyone,
Like you, I'm a subscriber to the Keystone Satellite e-mail
update list. I've subscribed for about a year, and never gotten a message.
Sorta forgotten about it. And then all the recent activity reminded me.
When in doubt, go to the source. I just got off the phone w/ the
Keystone people. What they said was vague at best. Here's what I learned:
The e-mail system was set up, by Doug Jessop, as a supplement to the North
American Satellite Guide. Doug is no longer with the company. Apparently
his leaving caused some sort of major shift in management, and the future of
the e-mail setup and web site are in doubt. Also that the web site hasn't
been updated in a month or so. They are currently looking for someone to fill
that position. (the guy I talked to was very vague about most of this). But
he also said that management might forget about an Internet presence. The
(printed) Satellite Guide would (probably) continue. I'm glad to hear that.
That Sat. Guide is invaluable at times.
If anyone would like more information on this, Keystone Publications
can be reached at: 1-800-752-2666.
From: Drew Carter <dcarter@ycp.edu>
Subject: Here is the subscribe/unsubscribe info
Date: 12 Mar 1996 14:54:05 EST
Here is the original file that was sent to me when I subscribed. However, I've
just learned (about 30 minutes ago!) that Majordomo has been replaced by
something called SmartList. I would assume that all the old commands still
work, but I don't know for sure. Good luck!
Welcome to the satellite_update mailing list!
If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
you can send mail to "majordomo" with the following command
in the body of your email message:
unsubscribe satellite_update username@address.whatever
Here's the general information for the list you've
subscribed to, in case you don't already have it:
Welcome to the Keystone Communications' Satellite Information Update !
To post to the list, mail to:
For subscribing, unsubscribing, and so on:
From: Queen of Hearts <lyleh@mizar.usc.edu>
Subject: Majordomo has been replaced by SmartList (fwd)
Date: 12 Mar 1996 12:15:05 -0800 (PST)
Here's what I just got back by addressing majordomo.
*** * * * . * *** *** *** *** * * * * *** * * *** * * *** * * *
Lyle Henry, Director of Engineering, KUSC-FM Classic 91.5, Los Angeles
SCA Consultant, A PFLAG Founder, HamRadio K7OO, Theatre Organ Buff
China Traveler lyleh@usc.edu 213-743-5851 Voice 213-743-5853 Fax
*** *** * * *** *** * *** *** *** *** * * * *** *** * *** ***
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Majordomo is no longer functional on this system. It has been scrapped in
favor of SmartList, which is a much more intelligent list handler. It also
features the fact that its developers are still breathing and putting out
updates on their software.
What this means is that there is no longer a "central" address for handling
requests. Instead, you must send your requests to a "listname-request"
address instead. Another bright side of SmartList is that it can handle
a wide variety of requests, and intelligently parse them.
Here is a current list of mailing lists on XMission. Descriptions will be
available soon:
007 inter-asia silverchair
007-digest inter-asia-digest silverchair-digest
acbeta internet_video sniggles
alicia-fans isdn spoon
allen_users iwcccars spoon-announce
announce kids spoon-digest
barna_alumni klf ss-staff
biggen klf-digest ss-writers
bmw-performance krcltech stamping-stuff
bootleg krcltech-digest swedish-rms
breaks lds-gems tem-bulk-shopping
breaks-digest lds-gems-digest tem-bulk-shopping-digest
cmag lds-mod tem-shopping
cmag-digest lds-yw tem-shopping-digest
collector ldstars thm_npie
collector-digest ldstars-digest thm_npie-digest
comix-biz majordemo tpdis
comix-biz-digest mcrawford tpfict
compost montgomery_boats travel_list
curso_maestros_ur trektrade
dark-list nc-weavers trektrade-digest
delphi_slc ncsoar ucs-hp
delphi_slc-digest nm-list ucs-ml
discgrace nm-list-digest uiug_list
drama offtopic uqr
dsgov opengl utah-firearms
exotica opengl-digest utah-firearms-digest
exotica-digest orb utah-grizzlies
fan orb-digest utah-libs
fan2 orbital utah_wilderness
finnish-rms orbital-digest utah_wilderness-digest
foxxvox orioneda utahoutdoors
foxxvox-digest ourlist utahoutdoors-digest
francis-family pasco utsysadmin
fws police uvpcug-d
gather police-digest uvpcug-meetings
grumman-gang purple_fnord uvpcug-officers
help qotd vb4dev
hist_text roc vmug
hockey-goalie roc-digest vmug-digest
homebrewers rubberstampers wizards
homebrewers-digest rubberstampers-digest xmlistadmin
idi_info satellite_update zorn-list
igeme-list searcher zorn-list-digest
igeme-list-digest searcher-digest ztt
imgc_maillist series ztt-digest
From: insearch@xmission.com (INFOSEARCH)
Subject: Hello from Doug Jessop
Date: 12 Mar 1996 18:26:44 -0800
Hello Y'All,
The reason for the flurry of messages on this mailing list are a mystery to
me as well....technically the site was originally set up as a moderated
list that would require approval to post. From what I understand the server
recently dropped Majordomo in favor of another program....maybe that is
where the mysterious traffic originated.
As was mentioned, I am no longer with Keystone Communications. I am with
the local UPN affiliate in Salt Lake City as well as doing a guest column
with "Satellite Times" magazine. I also run the INFOSEARCH server at:
Doug Jessop
"Providing technical information services for consumers & businessess"
INFOSEARCH Email: insearch@xmission.com
Web: http://www.xmission.com/~insearch
FTP: ftp.xmission.com /pub/users/i/insearch
**Check out the newly updated "Mr. Smith E-Mails Washington(sm)"**
From: Thomas S Tomter <tomter@csd.uwm.edu>
Subject: Re: What a flurry!!!
Date: 12 Mar 1996 10:29:16 -0600 (CST)
Greetings Don & all other recipients . . .
The last Keystone up-date I received was, I believe late last
summer re. the co-locating of SBS-6 with GXY-6 @ 74 degrees west
. . . Be nice if Doug's replacement or someone @ Keystone would
take this useful tool over. My engineering staff truly
appreciates Keystones annual "C/Ku" wall charts!
Tom Tomter Chief Engineer UW Milwaukee I&MT
TV,ITFS,Video,& Distance Learning
Univ. WI.- Milwaukee On Tue, 12 Mar 1996, Donald D
Schleicher wrote:
> I think this was set up by Doug Jessop (formerly with Keystone) as a way to
> send those of us who subscribed, updates and info outside of his
> publication. I think I got something once... But he's gone now so who
> knows what's going on???!!! This is the most activity I've seen since it began!
> Don
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Don Schleicher - Operations Specialist
> Video and Distance Learning Division
> Media Development Center
> University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
> Eau Claire, WI 54701
> 715-836-6006 voice
> 715-836-6001 fax
> _____________________________________________________________________
From: roberts@nmia.com (Robert Smathers)
Subject: Re: I've got the answer! (sort of...)
Date: 12 Mar 1996 21:54:58 -0700 (MST)
Drew Carter wrote with unrecycled electrons:
>Keystone people. What they said was vague at best. Here's what I learned:
>The e-mail system was set up, by Doug Jessop, as a supplement to the North
>American Satellite Guide. Doug is no longer with the company. Apparently
correct. Jonathan Feldman (and some other person) have taken over
the publication. The publication has also moved headquarters from
Salt Lake City (where Doug did it) to Culver City (where Jonathan is
based). I'll have to go get my letter and post the details here (since
Jonathan is all I can remember from the new staff). So, someone remind
me tomorrow with a post to this list and I'll reply with the info.
>he also said that management might forget about an Internet presence. The
>(printed) Satellite Guide would (probably) continue. I'm glad to hear that.
the printed guide WILL continue. You'll get your next issue soon (on time,
as normal) -- I submitted my stuff for the guide (I do the SCPC section
only) and talked to Jonathan and all is going well.
de fcc sgn, Robert Smathers (roberts@nmia.com) Albuquerque, NM USA
Robert's Satellite TV/Baseball page: http://www.nmia.com/~roberts/
Sky-Scanner Extraordinaire! Proud owner, 3 (soon 4) of (by far!) TODYWEN!
Satellite Services Guide Manager & Co-Monitor, SATELLITE TIMES magazine
From: al427@yfn.ysu.edu (Sean Kuner)
Subject: test
Date: 13 Mar 1996 12:14:07 -0500
I"m not sure why I"m getting this stuff, but here's a test to see
where this message goes.
Sean Kuner
From: OnSat@aol.com
Subject: Re: Urm...
Date: 14 Mar 1996 12:23:27 -0500
From the header info I'm wondering if onsat@aol.com was your intended
distination? Let me know...
From: OnSat@aol.com
Subject: Re: Test
Date: 14 Mar 1996 12:38:22 -0500
Received your test message.