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From: rubberstampers-owner@xmission.com (rubberstampers Digest)
To: rubberstampers-digest@xmission.com
Subject: rubberstampers Digest V2 #3193
Reply-To: rubberstampers@xmission.com
Sender: rubberstampers-owner@xmission.com
Errors-To: rubberstampers-owner@xmission.com
rubberstampers Digest Wednesday, October 22 1997 Volume 02 : Number 3193
In this issue:
Re: RS: little baggies
RS: TTPO received
RS: Names Sorted by E-Mails
RS: check out website
RS: RE: Stained glass swap rcvd
RS: Tan: DH??
RS: Tan: Thankful for???
RS: Sheryl's Postoids Came!
RS: Newbie Swap Groups Round 2
Re: RS: Abbreviations (was: lots Q's)
RS: Order Received - Baggie
RS: Re:looking for extra wood for mounting dyes
Re: RS: COMM: Mortgage Sale Extension
See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the rubberstampers
or rubberstampers-digest mailing lists and on how to retrieve back issues.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 00:47:42 -0500
From: Phil Schloss <phil@red-castle.com>
Subject: Re: RS: little baggies
Call Plastic Bag Mart at 1-800-727-7618
I buy all of my bags from them, they are between me and the
dance studio.
They have 100's of sizes and types of bags in 100's or 1000's
the 1000 are usually about 2/3 of the 100 price
zip seal bags per 100
3x3 2.25
3x5 3.00
4x8 4.00
8x10 7.00
12x15 13.50
if anyone has a cheaper source, I'd like to know, i use a
lot of bags.
LIrvine113@aol.com wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I am looking for some little baggies to put my unmounted sets in.
> I bought HALOS a couple of months ago, and for the past 2 weeks Bill and I
> have made all of my foam mounted set into unmounted. We did about 25 sets.
> I know thaey are out there somewhere.Can someone please let me know where to
> find them.
> thanks lots
> Inkie Bunny
> This message was from LIrvine113@aol.com
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- --
Phil Schloss
"FIT-IT"-It works for you! at URL--> http://www.red-castle.com
Come visit my on-line rubber stamp catalog, you will love the designs.
Or email phil@red-castle.com for address to order a paper catalog
Red Castle Inc., Antiques Memories Rubber Stamps
This message was from Phil Schloss <phil@red-castle.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 20:52:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: jmorrison@nm-us.campus.mci.net (Jody Morrison)
Subject: RS: TTPO received
We had a tremendous hail storm as I got home from work today. I was trying
to dodge the hail as I reached my mailbox.
I nearly pmp when I saw my box. My PO person had tastefully allowed your
TTPO to stick its head out of the box. Since it was jammed with a bunch of
other stuff, it really looked like my TTPO was "leaping" out.
I laughed so hard I was almost crying... I left it there for my neighbors
to see and they sure loved it also...
And I also want to know how you sent this postage free!!!
This message was from jmorrison@nm-us.campus.mci.net (Jody Morrison)
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 15:39:08 -0500
From: cindy_piet@juno.com
Subject: RS: Names Sorted by E-Mails
103375.2432@Compuserve.com Katy Ulrich
103520,165@compuserve.com Lori McCauley
a.larue@juno.com Ann Wilson
aa472@seorf.ohiou.edu Andi Stern
aardvark@pitnet.net Connie Turner
abbercay@juno.com Lisa Sarpolis
adrlm@ccia.com Robin Moore
AgentZed@aol.com Sherry King
Aglaia@aol.com Maggie Murphy
AHRL56B@Prodigy.com Jeralyn Baker
alana@crl.com Alana Jordan
ALHRobkin@aol.com Nan Robkin
andrade@az.com Kristina St. John
aneary@powerup.com.au Jenny Neary
Annie-Laurie@juno.com Laurie Morrison
Antpam@aol.com Pam (Antpam) Morrison
ardnas@qni.com Sandra Luck
artattack@juno.com Cynthia Stroo
asloan@kuentos.guam.net Anna Sloan
audi@haven.ios.com Audi Gelowitz Gerstein
audreyp@micron.net Audrey Chapman
azanders@ix.netcom.com Annette Zanders
bacaj01@iname.com Betsy Claflin
barbiec@ebicom.net Ann Graham
BarefootStamper@juno.com Tracy May
Batmom@delphi.com Debby Gribbin
BBrimhall@prodigy.com Barbara Brimhall
bbrinkhu@awinc.com Maria Brinkhurst
bbrinkhu@awinc.com Maria Sandberg
bbursey@roanoke.infi.net Betsy Bursey
BByrnes952@aol.com Barbara Byrnes
bc909@scn.org Brigitte Molitor
beadles@earthlink.net Dawn Beadles
beagleboss@mindspring.com Vicki Broz
becky-bear@juno.com Becky Gardner
BeDOTS@aol.com Amy Beattie
bengtson@cps.acast.nova.edu Michelle Bengtson
BFinnegan@worldnet.att.net Roz Finnegan
bholl@halcyon.com Barbara Holl
Bibelots@aol.com Deborah Johnson
bigsid@juno.com Sid Glaser
billandmartha@willowtree.com Martha Scheidecker
billnsue@cjnetworks.com Suzanne Domme
Bladerunr@why.net Donna Joy
BLarsen523@aol.com Beverly Larsen
blueyes@micron.net April DeMaster
boldt.l@juno.com Lori Boldt
bonniel@cdsnet.net Bonnie Linhart
bound@picknowl.com.au Megan Boundey
brad1225@gte.net Terri Bradbury
brandaluna@earthling.net Brandy Wegner
breimeir@utsw.swmed.edu Denise Breimeir
btrltrs@cmug.com Ardyth Brown
budzyk@aloha.com Allyson Reed
burnetts@fuse.net Sheila Burnett
burns@dayton.net Flo Leszczynski
buttonqueen@juno.com Pat Vidal
bwilliam@earthlink.net Paulette Williams
byadao@otn.net Ingrid Yadao
byars@ptw.com Laura Byars
c557506@showme.missouri.edu Darlene Sybert
Cadrmn2d@aol.com Amy Masai
Cafecrafts@aol.com Diane McVicar
CAHICO@aol.com Shoko Masumiya
cannedy@edge.net Rebecca Campbell
cannedy@edge.net Lisette Cannedy
carriel@neca.com Carolyn Lebeau
carrubba@gte.net Debbie Carrubba
Cathy36901@aol.com Cathy Schadler
caulkins@cdsnet.net Tricia Caulkins
ccabcwoo@aol.com Carolyn Woo
ccaudle@usa.pipeline.com Cindy Caudle
ccmm@augustana.edu Melinda Mourning
cdeaton@trib.com Cyndi Deaton
CeeCee6496@aol.com Cecilia Barrington
chargual@iftech.net Melissa Chargualaf
Charlton@total.net Louise Charlton
chatty@erols.com Lisa Fortunato
chelle@ziplink.net Michelle Yanofsky
cherri@gtii.com Cherri Langley
chertlop@class.org Frank Lopez
chrisPPP@aol.com Chris Salvatore
Cindy_Piet@juno.com Cindy Piet
cja.nc@worldnet.att.net Pam Angstman
ckeller@siu.edu Charlotte Keller
cleonard@castles.com Christy Leonard
cliebersbach@nr-student.cc.mn.us Christine Liebersbach
CMunger@aol.com Colleen Munger
ConnieKo@aol.com Connie Koch
conniemail@msn.com Connie Erndt
conraderp@aol.com Patricia Conrader
coopers@ix.netcom.com Kathleen Coope
COTEMMVC@aol.com Monica Cote
cperk@worldnet.att.net Carol Perkins
CrabyKitty@aol.com Jackie Lewis
crafter@csrlink.net Doreen Rymell
crafty@oberon.ark.com Bonnie Hoffman
Craftyowl@kenelise.demon.co.uk The Owl
craftyt@erols.com Theresa Eiermann
creative@dmv.com Florence Schimkaitis
cristiw@ix.netcom.com Cristi White
csimmers@erols.com Cheryl Simmers
cstrube@warick.net Chris Strube
ctrusheim@primary.net Charla Trusheim
Cweber6345@aol.com Cindy Weber
CynSer01@aol.com Cynthia Serrano
cynthia@ionet.net Cynthia Sillitoe
dana_wood@eee.org Dana Wood
Dannie_Graves@byu.edu Dannie Graves
das@marsweb.com Audra Silva
dboucher@msn.com Shelly Boucher
dbruns@stellarproducts.com Carol Bruns
dbutler@pacifier.com Tami Butler
debbie_kay@msn.com Debbie Ward
DebbieD237@aol.com Debbie Davenport
debbmalo@kcls.org Debbie Malone
debkaeding@aol.com Debbie Kaeding
debutARTe@aol.com Amy Roggenkamp
demers@email.sjsu.edu Louella De Mers
denaqu@gte.net Dennie Aquino
denij@athenet.net Deni Johnson
Deslie@onaustralia.com.au Deslie Gordon
Devon@ibm.net Devon Fleming
dew1na@aol.com Dewina Chesnutt
dgm1@erols.com Debbie Gleason-Morgan
dgrady@sirius.com Donna Grady
dianeb@cfu-cybernet.net Diane Bowman
Diffin@aol.com Ellen Rand
Diffin@aol.com Nicole Rand
DJKnapp520@aol.com Dianna Knapp
DJohn3@classic.msn.com Deborah Johnson
dksather@concentric.net Darlene Sather
DLMARLER@aol.com Doris Marler
dmcknig@creston.heartland.net Sherri McKnight
donasart@unnet.com Donna Mattson
donlyn@mho.net Donlyn Whissen
dotskc@ldd.net Kathy Cowley
dotsstamper@juno.com Donna Caldwel
dove@northlink.com Annette Culver
dsg6@juno.com Diana Gehrt
dsnyder@landoflakes.com Kathy Snyder
dsvehla@concentric.net Denise Svehla
dswbirch@deltanet.com Sheryl Whitebirch
DUSTBUNY14@aol.com Diane Boyer
E-Gard@ix.netcom.com Bonnie Gard
ECV500@juno.com Elizabeth Estes
ee33597@goodnet.com Erin Cunningham
efader1@juno.com Eunice Fader
egle@raphael.vis.colostate.edu Debra Nielsen
eherman@flash.net Elizabeth Herman
ekland@cwia.com Lee Crete
elaine@stardel.com Elaine Normandy
elainem@interactive.net Elaine Morgan
Elfsattic@aol.com Mary Franklin
Embossink@aol.com Carol Perry
endgame@qconline.com Cheryl Bartlett
ernst@visi.net Kristina Ernst
esack@bulloch.com Melissa Sack
esalcido@lausd.k12.ca.us Elizabeth Salcido
esim@wasatch.com Lisa Sim
evo@pobox.com Ellen Gordon
facemire@idsonline.com Kathy Facemire
firekeep@mcn.net Ann Branstetter
fleurish@juno.com Phyllis Kenyon
fonseca@mwr.is Yazdel Alvarez-Fonseca
FORRUNNR@aol.com Susan Lanctot
FranklyStamping@juno.com Debbie Frank
FranRShaw@aol.com Fran Robertshaw
fujette@hehe.com Shellie Maccaux
g.kim@juno.com Grace Kim
gbeezley@swri.edu Gail Beezley
gblowe@istar.ca Bonnie Lowe
GCONNOLLY@prodigy.net Ginny Connolly
GGMCCOR@AOL.COM Gabriele McCormick
giggles5@juno.com Linda Skirvin
GinMcG@aol.com Ginny McGuckin
Ginstamper@aol.com Ginger Tapia
Gjjake@aol.com Lynn Miller
glandis@together.net Gwen Landis
glenco@telusplanet.net Val Kildaw
GloMom23@otn.net Gloria Alexander
gmaattic@wolfenet.com Michelle Bloye
gmaattic@wolfenet.com Barb Gat
gmork@telusplanet.net Glenyce Mork
GoblinAnne@aol.com Debi-Ellen Becket
gordonse@iac.net Sharon Gordon
greene10@mto.infi.net Becky Greene
greninger@socketis.net Pat Greninger
Grosland@aol.com Gloria Rosland
guggag@means.net Nancy Guggisberg
h.fear@ix.netcom.com Melissa Fear
hackneym@HUB.ofthe.NET Mary Hackney
hansnart@burgoyne.com Mark Hansen
happyacre@wir.net Kristin Tilley
happyrubber@juno.com Ginny Newman
harperps@earthlink.net Sherri Harper
harris@njcc.com Karen Harris
HBComer@aol.com Honey Comer
Hearts880@aol.com Nancy Hunt-Bartek
helene@interpac.net Helene Nishihara
hensley@server.northernnet.com Jodi Hensley
hford@ucsd.edu Hilari Ford
Hildamac@top.monad.net Lynda Barnwell
HJGG81A@prodigy.com Patty Spakoski
hkbraun@ultranet.ca Kathy Braun
hoecker@erols.com Madonna Hoeker
hofb@millennianet.com Cindy Hofbauer
Holli@mindspring.com Holli Smith
holtanhpmn@juno.com Helen Holtan
holtdn@ix.netcom.com Teresa Holt
honey13@aol.com Eileen Cross
HorsKrazy@aol.com Pam Poehlmann
hreilly1@juno.com Heather Reilly
hryker@juno.com Holly Ryker
HunEEBunEE@aol.com Marianne Bruns
husker@ipa.net Dawn Stegall
Iclemmons@juno.com Lori Clemmons
ikat@msg.ti.com Kathleen (Kat) Chaplin
il_duomo@juno.com Cathy Evans
impashnt@westol.com Sheila McKeever
Impress_of_the_Night@prodigy.net Terri Pointer
impressionable@vval.com Kathy Nakata
imtrying@fuse.net Darlene Sarver
Inkpad101@aol.com Lori Cash
inkyangel@juno.com Dorothy Little
InkyAngels@juno.com Pamella Chatfield
inkypsto@ix.netcom.com Inga Mirin
iodine@javanet.com Patti Britt
irielle@winternet.com Beth Whiteman Ran
iris@madbbs.com Kate Hill
ishi@interpac.net Shawn Ishikawa
istation@cyberhighway.net Nicole Humphrey
j.bondi@ix.netcom.com Judi Bondi
jaguarvdp@aol.com Cheryl von Kugler
jan463@postoffice.worldnet.att.net Jan Bartlett
janet@plano.net Janet Detter Margul
janet_lacey@bc.sympatico.ca Janet Lacey
JANNIEQ@aol.com Jann Lienhard
jcarl@ime.net Julie Carleton
jcowell@trib.com Janice Cowell
jdancisa@isd.net Janet Dancisak
jdarci@erols.com Jean Darci
jduncan@mother.com Chris Duncan
jegmag@aol.com Mary Ann Gindlesperger
jellybien@aol.com Jean Schablin
jennywu@netcom.com Jenny Wu
Jessica.Edwards@rook.wa.com Jessica Edwards
jfoster@netrover.com Jo Foster
jginsb@mich.com Joan Ginsberg
jhall@lakefield.net Jackie Hall
jhansen@inconnect.com Jodi Hansen
jhone@aol.com Jhone Messinger-Dickson
jillynn2@3-cities.com Jill Britton
jimi.L@juno.com Jimi Loveland
jimkari@ptialaska.net Kari Mattocks
JimStamper@AOL.COM Jim Stephan
JIrvine603@aol.com Jolene Irvine
JJasper@juno.com Janet Jasper
jjdemore@techline.com Jana' DeMore
jjh@amc.com Judy Hackley
jmercer@pris.bc.ca Jen Mercer
jmorrison@nm-us.campus.mci.net Jody Morrison
jode@cutey.com Jodie Tamaye
jodest@ida.net Jolene Stoker
josephrodriguez@juno.com Joseph Rodriguez
joshua4@dailyxpress.infi.net Carolyn Nelson
jsandahl@hutchtel.net Sharon Sandahl
judylp@littlebit.com Judith Perry
julia.sb@tir.com Julia Sidebottom
juliar@cup.hp.com Julia Rodriguez
julie@dayton.net G. Julie Brodbeck
juliehoh@aol.com Julie Hohenstein
julietcapulet@juno.com Laura Pence
junekoz@nni.com June Koziar
justine.tamaro@centigram.com Justine Tamar
Jutta@wolfenet.com Jutta Hood
jww808@mail.usask.ca Sherry Webster
KalicoKathy@juno.com Kathy McCaffrey
Kandee@cl-sys.com Kandee Block
karen.barnes@blackwell.co.uk Karen Barnes
karker@gte.net Karen Keolker
katchoo@randomc.com Colleen McMahon
katep@norfolk.infi.net Kate Pacheco
KatydidKB@aol.com Kathi Byron
kavanagh@unm.edu Sandy Kavanagh
Kay-Bee@juno.com Kathy Bayliss
KayeLynne@juno.com Kaye Ingold
kaysch@nslsilus.org Kay Schlumpf
KazWaz@aol.com Karen Wasserman
kbob@theriver.com Sue Bentlye
kcdavis@hotcoco.infi.net KC Davis
kdick@mail.netshop.net Kimberlee Dick
Ken.Kosmo@sandnessjoen.vgs.no Inger-Lise Kosmo
kfwk27b@prodigy.com Barbara Egli
kglover@juno.com Karen Glover
Kittystmpr@aol.com Delyne Mayer
kjstmpr@ite.net Kim Jones
kjungman@tenet.edu Kim Jungman
kkatee@aol.com Kaye Taylor
kknutson@gvn.net Pam Knutson
kline@stic.net Rachel Kline
kmcdonal@saturn.vcu.edu Kathy McDonald
kmt@cruzio.com Karan Thompson
kniess@compass-da.com Catie Kniess
kpearl1@juno.com Kathy Pearl
kpowell@ucinet.com Kathie Powell
KraftyKitty@prodigy.net Dawn Miller
Kre8iv@aol.com Kendra Baldridge
krueger@earthlink.net Libby Krueger
kstclair@mail.orion.org Karen St. Clair
kwillia@ties.k12.mn.us Karla Williams
la@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Laurell Millheim
ladiblue@gte.net Michele Barnes
Ladyug@webtv.net Lynn Legge
laitysny@idcomm.com Natasha Snyder
lambos@erols.com Kathy Lamboni
laurelm@u.washington.edu Laurel Mandt
lb1@earthlink.net Linda Berman
Ldcoller@aol.com Debbie Coller
leeann@twave.net Lee Ann Tremain
Lestamper@aol.com Leslie Dinaber
LiBlaauw@earthlink.net Lori Blaauw
Lililo@aol.com Lillie Burns-Brown
Linda_Israel@msn.com Linda Isarael
lindaloo@telusplanet.net Linda Hengen
LindaSueN@aol.com Linda Neumann
lingama@ozonline.com.au Jessica Lingam
linniek@prodigy.net Linn Karnaugh
LIrvine113@aol.com Lisa-Marie Irvine
lisa_s@pacbell.net Lisa Soares
lissa@dsuper.net Lissa Albert-Tenser
ljweiner@pipeline.com Lisa Weiner
llachelt@apu.edu Laura Lachelt
llewis@akron.ohio.gov Lynn Lewis
llhibb@vcn.com Lisa Hibbert
llutz@pen.k12.va.us Lynda Lutz
LMJCAT@aol.com Lisa Jacobsen
lngnglr@interserv.com Ellen Gengler
lorimark@ok.is Lori Olive
LPoozer@aol.com Liz Thompson
LPSpeer@feist.com Janice Speer
ls@ix.netcom.com Leilani Schooling
lwagers@indiana.edu Lora Wagers
Lyndawthay@aol.com Lynda Blankenship
lynettew@ptialaska.net Lynette Walters
lynnelynn@aol.com Sharyl Beard
mabutas_holly@tandem.com Holly Mabutas
Mapamich@aol.com Michelle Sibert
marci.williams@attws.com Marci Williams
maren@alaska.net Maren Harki
margel@worldnet.att.net Marge Lutz
marilyn@fgi.net Marilyn Robinson
Marilyn@lytb.com Marilyn Lynch
marlsore@btigate.com Sharon Sorenson
marmstr@wvnvm.wvnet.edu Mars Mannix
marsha.braymen@oryx.com Marsha Braymen
marthaj@concentric.net Martha Jackson
Matho89979@aol.com Mary Ann Thomas
mavinci@juno.com Robin Pagliasotti
mcarmain@iquest.net Melinda Carmain
mcbauman@ix.netcom.com Melissa Bauman
mcentee@csionline.com Penny McEntee
mcmahon@freeway.net Michelle McMahon
mcmullan@novia.net Laura McMullan
mcounts@bbs.mpcs.com Margaret Counts
Melaniekrs@aol.com Melanie Enkoff-Sage
melissa@mcs.com Melissa Archer
merideestamps@juno.com Meridth Weilert
merry@primenet.com Cynthia Curts
MerRyanFl@aol.com Mary Ryan
MeStamp2@aol.com Carrie Hanson
meverett@madison.k12.wi.us Mona Everett
Michaele7@juno.com Michaele Cobb
Michelle_M._Lim@siltronic.com Michelle Lim
michellepaul@msn.com Michelle Harubin
millerk@eskimo.com Kathleen Miller
mills@iland.net Kaye Mills
miser@inforum.net Lorna Miser
Mizstamp@aol.com Suzanne Slupesky
MJNolan@msn.com Kathy Nolan
mklap@gte.net Melissa Klap
ml28@cornell.edu My Ly
mlynd@juno.com Marie Lynd
mmmoon@colby.edu Melissa Moon
Mommyof03@aol.com Melody Bills
moostamp@rfci.net Kathie Buckner
morris@galesburg.net Joy Morris
mousee@iglobal.net Karen Llewellyn
moviefan@juno.com Mary Farrell
MsAmaretto@aol.com Lori Gilbert
msd83220@cmsu2.cmsu.edu Michelle Drabek
msharman@alonline.com Misty Sharman
mshaulis@juno.com Mycala Shaulis
mulder@telis.org Cathie Mulder
munchkin@cyberg8t.com Dianne Thayer
murphy@lib.wfunet.wfu.edu Miriam Murphy
MUZZEE@aol.com Jerry Hall
mwalker@camalott.com Madene Walker
mwolle@zianet.com/mwolle/ Michelle Wolle
NanStamps@aol.com Nancy Hall-Johnson
NC3Diamond@aol.com Diane White
ncurry@mail.win.org Nancy Curry
nicholette@xtra.co.nz Nicholette Hart
nicole.ingham-rhodes@das.gov.au Nikki Ingham-Rhodes
niteowljo1@juno.com Joanne Royster
njgifford@juno.com Jenny Gifford
noakes@rp.csiro.au Nerolie Oakes
nthrbns@netpluscom.com Lacey Kavanaugh
Olyvia29@aol.com Jaimee Givens
oq91@dial.pipex.com Tracey Carr
Packrat415@aol.com Lori Nelson
paigemoon@hotmail.com Paige Moon
paintjet@aol.com Shona Barric
pam@greycat.com Pamela Lunsford
pammoore@mindspring.com Pam Moore
Pampstamp@aol.com Debbie Littlejohn
patglenn@ix.netcom.com Patricia Glenn
Patty1949@aol.com Patty Sulcs
PaulaSL@ix.netcom.com Paula Sigman Lowery
Pedstamper@aol.com Carey Roger
pennie2@juno.com Penelope Lincoln
peppatty@flash.net Sandy Colby
pepper-mt@sisna.com Toni Keel
peterpan6@juno.com Don Glaser
photolee@ican.net Leona Cemigoy
photolee@ican.net Merlene Lee
pingram@prodigy.com Phyllis Ingram
pjbcs@juno.com Patricia Ciancio
pjdesigns1@juno.com Paula Jo Green
PMKenyon@aol.com Phyllis Kenyon
pnnywsl@juno.com Sharon Beattie
Ponine@aol.com Anna-Marie Villegas
poong@earthlink.net Shauna Poong
postoids@artlover.com Sheryl Davis
psketty@cent.com Pamela Black
pwatson@trib.com Peggy Watson
ql76@dial.pipex.com Mandy Welch
Quaking@aol.com Jane Gilbert
Queenpokey@aol.com Michele Kerr
QVC4me@aol.com Denise Straws
rachae19@atl.mindspring.com Libby White
Rachael.Innes@trw.com Rachael Innes
ranniejo@gte.net Marianne Anderson
Rbrangel@ix.netcom.com Kathie Gillaspey
rbrbaby@pioneer.net Melissa Zessin
RBRNUT@aol.com Lori Hecker
Rbrstamped@aol.com Veronica Singh
RCfor4boyz@aol.com Renee Clausing
Rclarsen@aol.com Renee Larsen
redcastl@winternet.com Phil Schloss
reeves@enternet.com.au Kym Pottinger
retro@hooked.net Chris Rolik/THGA
reynolds@pacifier.com Suzanne Reynolds
rhoz@calweb.com Rhonda Halushka
rinski@ap.net Maureen Butcher
ritter@mail2.nai.net Betsy Ritter
riverrun@flash.net Ruth Rachum
rkatew@pipeline.com Kathy Ward
robbie56@flash.net Robbie Shelto
rollin@ri.ultranet.com Janice Rollin
rose@micronet.net Darlene Barlow
rrichie@idt.net Patty Richie
rsjes1@aurora.alaska.edu Jane Sifsof
rstine@aloha.net Lori Stine
rsxf@juno.com Holly Holden
rubber@u.washington.edu Pamela Knowles
rubberchickenlady@juno.com Betsy McLoughlin
RubberChickie@juno.com Belinda Grippa
rubbercow@fdldotnet.com Laurel Sherry
rubbereyes@earthlink.com Sandi Marr
rubberjunkie@juno.com Tracy Rivera
rubberki@ct2.nai.net Cheryl Dobkins
rubbermade@juno.com Trude Thoman
rubbermick@aol.com Nancy Lynn
rubbermouse@juno.com Rhonda Rodriguez
Rubbrangel@AOL.com Janet Jasper
RuberJoker@aol.com Jeanie Hampton
RubrHeart@myself.com Michele Pryor
RubrObcsed@aol.com Patricia DiBitonto
Rubrwoman@aol.com Shawn Buckmaster
russ@sunco.com Inga Russ
russnkim@proaxis.com Kim Mallette
ruthann@key-net.net Ruthann Gigliotti
rutht@accessone.com Ruth Tolmasoff
RWerner@concentric.net Ellie Werner
rwhitta@tpgi.com.au Liz Whittaker
S_Blodgett@Prodigy.com Stacia Blodgett
sager@tiac.net Ann Sager
SammiLynnH@aol.com Samantha Houp
SarahK1994@aol.com Sarah Keys
Sassarixa@aol.com Lynn Johnson-Smith
scatlett@uneeda.win.net Sandi Catlett
schueler@prairie.nodak.edu Kristi Schueler
scolter@vax2.rain.gen.mo.us Suzanne Colter
scpstamp@erols.com Mariann Skears
sdahl@isd.net DJ Dahl
sdbw@fia.net Debbie Williams
Seesa2@aol.com Lisa Stearny
sgreen@wf.net Shannon Green
sgtpengi@aol.com Lisa Varshal
sharon@specent.com Sharon Wright
SHARP@ithaca.edu Margaret Sharp
shaz78@eisa.net.au Sharon Wolstenholme
SherryThom@tyler.net Sherry Thompson
sheymar@earthlink.com Shey Belshi
Shiloh10@webtv.net Donna Christman
silkk555@aol.com Ellie Cassatt
silvrfox@agate.net Donna Brown
simpson@rpnet.net Barbara Simpson
sjtubbs@smcoe-ns.ed.co.sanmateo.ca.us Joyce Tubbs
slemons@iamerica.net Sandy Lemons
sliles@inreach.com Sylvia DeSoto-Liles
slruff@plantaganet.com Susan Ruff
smith25@ix6.ix.netcom.com Tyra Smith
smudgekn@erols.com The Smudgekins
smwien@uit.net Diane Wien
sock-freiberg.ffm@stern-online.de Margret Sock-Freiberg
sol131@sol1.solinet.net Christi Craig
speters@csuhayward.edu Sally Peters
sporter@utah-inter.net Sheryl Porter
sproc@digital.net Susan Sproc
sspencer@techline.com Shirley Spencer
Stamp Mama@aol.com Lisa Digman
stampacadabra@psnw.com Sue Godfrey
Stampadora@webtv.net Sharon Mefford
Stampalot@juno.com Susan Dill
stamparoni@worldnet.att.net Rhonda Barbieri
stampatti@juno.com Patti Welsh
stampcas@triang.com.br Cassia Nasser
stampcrazy@juno.com Sue Bell
stampen@bslnet.com Nancy Miller
stamper@sprynet.com Rosemarie Goetzke
StamPerson@aol.com Sara Humphery-Knight
Stampforme@aol.com Ann Sakagawa
StampGuru@juno.com Stephanie Lukaszewski
Stampher2@aol.com Lisa Wynn
stampherson@webtv.net Cheryl Hester
stampin@stlouis.sbceo.k12.ca.us Maria Cieri
StampinBeauty@juno.com Terrie Price
StampinMax@aol.com Maxine Grossman
Stampinnutdar@juno.com Darlene Yaworski
StampinSis@juno.com Cathy Reid
StampMaine@aol.com Annette Aslin
Stampmark@juno.com Jing Mark
StampMeMad@aol.com Maria Gallagher
Stampngmom@aol.com Lisa Huppert
StampnGrnd@aol.com Debra Wunderly
StampnS@aol.com Linda Stage
stampqueen@iquest.net Debbie Reale
StampToo@aol.com Sally Gaun
stampurr@anacapa.net Linda Lloy
stargazser@juno.com Stargazser
starlight_stamper@kktv.com Laura Kennedy
steller@ix.netcom.com Chris Steller
stephaniemanifold@juno.com Stephanie Manifold
steve.a@ix.netcom.com Janice Ashby
StFlossie@aol.com Barb Blanks
Stmpaloosa@aol.com Mary Jo Vonasek
StmpBeanie@aol.com Jeanne Weidner
StmpnKitty@aol.com Diane Brule
Stmpnmagic@aol.com Katrice Faulkner
STMPR@mindsync.com Debbie Burnham
StmprSpiff@aol.com Carrie Mitchell
stmpspaz@libby.org Patti Scanlan
straken@ida.net Linda Strawn
stults@juno.com Amber Stults
suds@southtech.net Julie Sudlow
SukiQ@aol.com Suki Aitcheson
sunrise@wolfenet.com Dawn Francisco
susan.e.thomson@strath.ac.uk Susan Thompson
susan@node99.com Susan Palmer
susanbenedict@worldnet.att.net Susan Benedict
suzanne@crown.icongrp.com Suzanne Owen
swest@ligand.com Sarah West
swilson@fcsi.fujitsu.com Sheila Wilson
taclark@akamail.com Tama Clark
tami0939@interoz.com Tami Porter
tammy@unity.ncsu.edu Tammy Abernethy
tander02@mail.coin.missouri.edu Theresa Anderson
tarheelstamper@juno.com Tarheel Stamper
tclk@juno.com Punkie Bagdon
TDStamper@juno.com Teresa Durn
teapot@mv.mv.com Nisa Yuthasastrakosol
tedstmpr@bellsouth.net Stephanie Allison
terrij@cris.com Terri Johnson
Terrybrac@aol.com Teresa Bracciodieta
tgoeres@pps.k12.or.us Tonia Goeres
Thepaprldy@AOL.com Susan Giduck
Thepebbles@aol.com Pat Pebley
thewriteco@juno.com Janet Anderson
threasbrun@earthlink.net Shelley Barnes
tiffwin@juno.com Tiffani Winward
Tldaniels@aol.com Terri Daniels
tmac@islandnet.com Tricia MacLaren
tmbr@techline.com Tammy Reynolds
Tntrilling@aol.com Tonya Rillin
tonikw@deltanet.com Toni Whitesell
tracy.yamamoto@lmco.com Tracy Yamamoto
trmeyer@nemonet.com Tracy Meyer
trodgers@gulf.net Trish Rodgers
tshoward@pacbell.net Sunny Howard
ttribe@sympatico.ca Terry Tribe
tvlady@webtv.net Ruth Soldavini
ValerieX_Bernunzio@ccm2.hf.intel.com Valerie Bernunzio
valobra@Mcs.Net Juliann Wasisco
vaneman@worldonline.nl Ria Vaneman
vflaherty@cybertours.com Victoria Flaherty
VHernan691@aol.com Victoria Cisneros
victoria@premier1.net Vicki Couture
violet@javanet.com Marcia Balonis
visionq@wolfenet.com Joan Kerr
vleem@juno.com Vicki Lee Maddox
volpe.1@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu Brenda Volpe
voss@fiber.net Linda Voss
wackey@primenet.com Sue Beck
walzct@aol.com Carol Walz
WBean05495@aol.com Wendy Bean
WELCHX5@cris.com Nel Welch
wellnat@sure.net Debbie Evans Braun
wendie.wu@wellsfargo.com Wendie Wu
wendystamp@hotmail.com Wendy Beaver
wendystamp@juno.com Wendy Gunderson
wes@marsweb.com Wendy Smith
whitridg@achilles.net Kate Whitridge
wildwubber@redshift.com Diana Crockett
wisneski@vbe.com Sandy Wisneski
wmork@sk.sympatico.ca Carole Mork
wood@rfci.net Caroline Wood
wsmith4@compuserve.com Winabeth Smith
xstitch@toolcity.net Linda Winans
yhattori@Hawaii.edu Yvonne Hattori Phillipson
young@solutions.net Debra Young
Zandrielle@aol.com Zandrielle Estes
zj111@aol.com Janie Mundt
This message was from cindy_piet@juno.com
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 00:57:52 -0600
From: Dennis Booth <blues@future.net>
Subject: RS: check out website
check out this website it is loaded with stamping tips and techniques. The
name of the company is The Stampin' Place their web address is
This message was from Dennis Booth <blues@future.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 97 02:37:00 UT
From: "Debbie Kay Ward" <DEBBIE_KAY@classic.msn.com>
Subject: RS: RE: Stained glass swap rcvd
The embossing powder I used was Judikins egyptian gold. Colorbox gold ink.
Then colored in the roses and leaves with the wet looks markers from marvy and
used a glitter embossing powder. I do not like wet looks with other powders,
to me they are too messy looking, but love them with glitter powders. It
softens them. Thanks so much for describing my card, I have only entered
three swaps so far. Fantastic learning experience.
Debbie Kay
Left and Right brained oriented.
No wonder I am so confused!!
- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-rubberstampers@aloha.webkahuna.com On Behalf Of Olyvia29@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 1997 1:30 AM
To: rubberstampers@crafts.dm.net
Cc: mkwatts@worldnet.att.net; DebbieKay@msn.com; ladyug@webtv.net;
Subject: RS: Stained glass swap rcvd
Hey all!
Got the stained glass swap back in the mail today!! Here goes with the
From Kristen Watts: A dark green card with a stained glass sunflower....the
sunflower in the middle is very intricate and it is all cut out...very
impressive!! Around the edges of the center piece are more
sunflowers....very pretty card Kristen!! I will have to share this one with
my friend who has a sunflower kitchen!
From DebbieKay: A dark burgundy card with a BIG rose stained glass pic
stamped on vellum...the metal part of the window is done in some kind of gold
glitter (?), and the roses are done in a pink glitter....What did you use
for this Debbie?? It looks like glitter, but it is all perfectly done!!
Please share your knowledge!!
From Lynn Legge: A beige card with a smaller rose stained glass piece
mounted on dark blue cardstock...I have that same stamp!! It is colored in
with yellow, blue and coral...very pretty!! It also says "Best Wishes" on
the front..embossed in gold..and inside says "May your day be filled with
From ???: A pale green glossy card with gold holographic paper on the front.
On top of that is an iris stained glass piece. The stamped image is colored
in with purples and blues, and covered with the Judikins glaze...very cool
how that looks over the stained glass stamp!!!
From ???: A blue card vellum covering it...attached with some gold "stretchy
stuff" at the top. On the front is a round stained glass butterfly
stamp...very cool stamp!!!
Thanks to all for the great cards, and to Lynette for hosting!!!
Jaimee :)
This message was from Olyvia29@aol.com
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from "Debbie Kay Ward" <DEBBIE_KAY@classic.msn.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 19:20:53 -0400
From: kalicokathy@juno.com (Kathleen O McCaffrey)
Subject: RS: Tan: DH??
I always think " Dear Heart " when I see 'DH'.
Thanks, KalicoKathy
Have a Gentle Day
This message was from kalicokathy@juno.com (Kathleen O McCaffrey)
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 00:03:41 -0400
From: kalicokathy@juno.com (Kathleen O McCaffrey)
Subject: RS: Tan: Thankful for???
Many things I am thankful for! I have loved driving around my rural town
, looking at all the trees changing color.
( My family thinks I am a little nutty because I now carry my camera
around and been taking pics of trees! I want to use the pics as
backgroung for cards since there was dicussion on the list about stamping
on photos.)
I'm thankful for Eyes to See ,
Ears to Hear,
A sense of smell ( apple crisps)
My family and pets and home.
Living in this country and at this time in
Some days you have to start with the basics to be thankful for and to
practice positive thinking.
Thanks, KalicoKathy
Have a Gentle Day
This message was from kalicokathy@juno.com (Kathleen O McCaffrey)
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 02:00:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: CrabyKitty@aol.com
Subject: RS: Sheryl's Postoids Came!
I meant to write earlier and thank Sheryl for her great postoid stickers,
which came last Saturday. She sent them with that little book/holder that
list members have been writing about. I won't describe it again since that's
already been covered, but I just wanted to chime in and repeat that it is SO
cute...and, wow, what a nice surprise to open my order and find that! :-D
I know I'll enjoy using my "Mail Carrier" and "RAK'd" designs, and next time
I'll have to get the new "Tea Po(s)t," too. If you haven't seen Sheryl's
postoids, there are nine different kinds and I know she'd be happy to send
you a copy of what they look like. Her addy is:
Sheryl Davis
8149 East 3rd Street
Tucson, AZ 85710
No affiliation, yadda, yadda...I just wanted to share how delighted I was
with my order!
Jackie :-)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Inky Antics Rubber Stamps
P.O. Box 131081
Roseville, MN 55113
Phone/Fax: (888) 483-1792
E-Mail: InkyAntics@aol.com
Come visit the Inky Antics Rubber Stamps website at
http://members.aol.com/InkyAntics and check out
some of our images!
This message was from CrabyKitty@aol.com
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:16:19 -0500
From: Shannon Green <sgreen@wf.net>
Subject: RS: Newbie Swap Groups Round 2
Everyone has been grouped and I've emailed your list of swapmates to you so
let me know if you haven't received it yet.
Please get your cards mailed out on time. Remember, they're to be in the
hands of the recipient by November 10th so be sure you allow plenty of time
especially for those going overseas.
Have fun and just let me know if you have any questions.
SWAP: Newbie Swap Groups
HOST: Shannon Green <sgreen@wf.net>
ITEMS: Cards or postcards, size of group determines number of cards to
make (will be approximately 5)
DETAILS: Thanksgiving/Fall/Harvest or make your own theme. You will be
emailed a list of names and addresses of your swapmates. Put your
email address on the back of the cards you send.
MAILING INFO: Send directly to your swapmates
DEADLINE: Sign up by October 20
Send all cards so they're received by November 10
This message was from Shannon Green <sgreen@wf.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 21:31:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: jmorrison@nm-us.campus.mci.net (Jody Morrison)
Subject: Re: RS: Abbreviations (was: lots Q's)
<BEV> = big evil grin
>At 06:56 AM 10/21/97 -0400, Teapot <teapot@mv.mv.com> wrote:
>>LOL = laugh(ing) out loud
>>ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
>>ROFLMBO = rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
>>ROFLMAO = rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
>>DH = dear husband, damn husband, darn husband - whatever
>>UM = unmounted stamp
>>COMM = commercial (ad)
>>TAN = tangent = off-topic subject
>>EP = embossing powder
>>What else?
>TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now
>TTYL = Talk To Ya Later
>TTYS = Talk To Ya Soon
><g> = grin
><VBG> = Very Big Grin
>And I'm sure there are more........
> ^ ^
> -- --
> = v =
> `~u~`
>KatsPurr (a 'play' on the name Casper, cuz I am both cat- & Spirit-minded)
>This message was from KatsPurr <katwrat@nidlink.com>
>The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
>Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from jmorrison@nm-us.campus.mci.net (Jody Morrison)
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 17:21:12 -0700
From: "Christine L. Cox" <christine@coxes.com>
Subject: RS: Order Received - Baggie
I got my tassle order. Thanks. They're so luminous. I love the color. I was
going to give them all to my mom but I just decided that she's only getting
1/2 ;-)
Your service was really fast. I put the check in the mail yesterday (which
means it will probably be post marked today).
This message was from "Christine L. Cox" <christine@coxes.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 22:11:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: EFell62295@aol.com
Subject: RS: Re:looking for extra wood for mounting dyes
In an e-mail today a stamper was converting to the halo system and was
asking what to do with all the wood. I e-mailed her and said I'd be happy to
buy some from her, pay shipping or what ever. In time I too may have to do
the same, but would want to work with the system, before deciding. So, if
anyone out there wants to get rid of some wood I coud use some. THANKS!!
sent by:Elaine Fellows,#4 Pelican Dr. N, Oldsmar, Fl. 34677
This message was from EFell62295@aol.com
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 17:13:02 -0700
From: Krueger <krueger@earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: RS: COMM: Mortgage Sale Extension
Oh really...well, I think Stampo's website is hilarious. His store is
great and...Stampo is great too!!! You have to have a true sense of
humor if you're going to "play" with Stampo. Trust me...I know. I have
plenty of Stampo's stamps. Life is too short to be fussy.
Viva Stampo wrote:
> >I hate to frustrate and disappoint anyone
> >oh REALLUHLLLY? that was the most annoying &rude stamp web sight I have
> ever
> >been on! I almost posted to the whole board that is was a site to be
> avoided
> >as a warning of how awful it was! & nasty !!!! that" sucker" screen
> really
> >pissed me off! Since I have never seen this stuff & really wanted to!
> Also
> >wanted to buy
> > you need a much more fast & informative site ....this
> wasted
> >my time & lost a sale for you.
> >..its
> >been
> >>frustrating...and disapointing!!!
> >
> >I hate to frustrate and disappoint anyone
> > Nita :TIGHTWAD Stamper <><
> > "Art is that which eliminates the unecessary"-Picasso
> I'm sorry... I thought it was obvious that you need to bring a sense of
> humor with you when you visit my Web Page! I've had many letters from
> people who have cracked up laughing over my Web Page... it's indicative
> of my warped mind, the stamps I like and the Mail Art I like. If you
> think my Web Page is awful and nasty, you wouldn't enjoy our Viva Las
> Vegastamps! line of stamps anyway.
> It does state CLEARLY on the front page that you can hit STOP if you
> don't want the graphics and animation and rude sounds as soon as the text
> comes up OR you can set your browser to not load animation, sounds and
> graphics before you hit my page... I've posted this several times to the
> list as well. If you do that, you'll find the page loads as fast or
> faster than any other you'll visit.
> Stampo
> Viva Las Vegastamps!
> This message was from stampo@juno.com (Viva Stampo)
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- --
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
If you're looking for rubber stamps and supplies in Tucson,
take a look at Libby's Highway Rubbery
This message was from Krueger <krueger@earthlink.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
End of rubberstampers Digest V2 #3193
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