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From: owner-rubberstampers-digest@lists.xmission.com (rubberstampers-digest)
To: rubberstampers-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: rubberstampers-digest V2 #2093
Reply-To: rubberstampers@crafts.dm.net
Sender: owner-rubberstampers-digest@lists.xmission.com
Errors-To: owner-rubberstampers-digest@lists.xmission.com
Precedence: bulk
rubberstampers-digest Friday, April 24 1998 Volume 02 : Number 2093
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:49:52 EDT
From: Rubearhart <Rubearhart@aol.com>
Subject: Re: RS: Who's who on the list anyway?
Very clever deduction my dear Watson. And I'll bet you're a whiz at the game
Clue too. Funny no one else has thought of this.
- -----snip
As others have mentioned, if your name is on the list (any list) you are
then entitled to have a copy of the list. OK. If your name is not on
the list then you are not entitled to have a copy of the list. OK.
Now, we're all so worried about our addresses going to some unscrupulous
somebody since the list was inadvertently published to THE LIST.
Have you ever thought of the fact that this is an open list, not a closed
list. Anyone who wants to join is automatically accepted by MOM Janet.
She doesn't (and who would have time to) check backgrounds of applicants;
she lets everyone play.
So, if perchance someone (call him/her MISS X) had evil designs on the
rubber stampers, all they have to do is join THE LIST, and offer their
name and address to the snail list or the unofficial snail list (who's to
say that MISS X gives a real address anyway), and s/he will legally
receive a copy of the list in question. Then s/he can do the dastardly
deed which they had in mind, and no one the wiser.
Thus, if you really don't want your name published to the evil one(s) -
the only solution is not to put you own name on any lists at all. This,
however, will not guarantee your anonymity overall, but at least the
rubber stampers won't be able to get you without some additional
--`--,--{@ Patti in Fort Myers, FL @}--`--,--
Computers are life. Rubberstamping is art. TV is furniture
This message was from Rubearhart <Rubearhart@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:30:51 EDT
From: SereneGirl <SereneGirl@aol.com>
Subject: Re: RS: FLAME: Another of Chris McEwen's pot shots ...
In a message dated 4/24/98 10:42:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
socrates@sprintmail.com writes:
<< Her mistake was in addressing the file >>
My final thought on this is that a number of people have misunderstood that
this was an addressing problem.
This was not merely an addressing problem. There was an explicit instruction
that the list NOT be forwarded. You see, if you don't forward the list, you
don't ADDRESS it. And if you don't ADDRESS it, it doesn't erroneously get
sent to the wrong address.
The reason that certain rules and stipulations are made are so that people can
have "some" protection. Sure, giving out my name and address to Susan, who
was to forward it ONLY to people who also disclosed the same, carried some
risk. I thought through that, and decided the risk was minimal. Especially
since I incorrectly assumed that everyone would obey the explicit instruction
NOT to forward the list. My mistake.
As the RS list was NOT included as part of the address when the addys were
sent to the individuals, the only way for it to be forwarded to the entire RS
list was to type it manually in. Granted, another mistake. I have made lots
of mistakes in my life, and I'm positive I'll make many more. Obviously,
lashing out in anger yesterday was another one of those one of those mistakes.
There has been a great deal of discussion regarding privacy on the internet.
While I know our privacy is becoming more and more limited, I also realize
that we can take steps to protect our privacy. One of the ways I choose to do
that is to use an AOL account which allows me a screen between my name and
snail addy and my email name and addy. Some use Juno accounts. Some use
Hotmail accounts. Some use Sprintmail accounts. Some get a P. O. Box, some
use work addresses. <shrug> The point is, by entering my email name into a
search engine such as Infoseek, one is not likely to encounter my name,
address and a map to my house. (Except Betsy, the axe-murderer who is out to
steal my stamps, but that's another story, and Bandit the Attack Mutt will
take care of that....).
While I respect a person's rights to make a mistake, I just wish we could ALL
learn to be more careful, and respect the rules of a list of addresses. Rules
are there for our own protection, and for the protection of others. That's
This message was from SereneGirl <SereneGirl@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:09:29 -0300
From: Stampcas <stampcas@triang.com.br>
Hi, there!
By reading my NASCO catalog I came across a Heavy-Duty
Snap Fastener Kit for leather craft and
I'm wondering whether there's one for paper???
They even mention a revolving hole punch for making
the hole in fabric or leather and again I wonder whether
there's one for paper...
It's for a fellow translator who needs to "bind" her official
translation work (she translates official stuff) using snaps.
She's gonna be in the US next week - Sacramento and
Los Angeles (California) and Las Vegas. If any of you know
of such a device and where it can be found in any of the
places above, please let me know. She's been looking
for this for ages...
Love and sunshine always,
Stampcas :-) xo galore!
This message was from Stampcas <stampcas@triang.com.br>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 13:57:34 -0600 (MDT)
From: egle@raphael.vis.colostate.edu (Debra Egle)
Subject: Re: RS: Fort Collins Convention question
Hi Paula Jo and all,
The Ft. Collins Convention is traditionally pretty small, but rather
well attended by very enthusiastic stampers. Every year it's been getting
bigger, and although not nearly as big as the big one (the con in Denver
coming up May 2nd!) it has some good things. RBBB is based out of Ft. Collins,
as is Uptown Rubber Stamps. Thus, RBBB always has their pit of UM rubber,
and that is a blast. Uptown usually has seconds and also has unmounteds,
although of all the lines they produce, they only sell Azadi this way. There
are other random vendors and I do have a vendor list at home that I can post
later. And pin trading is in full vogue here. This will be the third
year for this fledgling con. and it must be doing something right for
the organizers to keep having it.
Last year I organized the meeting and dinner plans for the internet
group, since I live here. I'd be glad to do it again. Hope to see you in
Ft. Fun and if there's any other questions feel free to email me again. I'll
be unsubbing (as always) for the weekend, though.
- -deb
Debra Egle-Nielsen
This message was from egle@raphael.vis.colostate.edu (Debra Egle)
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
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Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:29:38 -0400
From: "Nancy Green" <njgreen@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re:RS: ?? about UMS
Thanks Maryilyn!
You've just given me a convention tip to use when I go to Stampfest
Take some little scaps of paper (have tons of that at home!) and write the
name of the Stamp Company that I buy the UM's from and put it in the little
bag so later when I mount them on HALO's and store them away, I'll know
which company they were purchased from.
I'm one of those "people" who try to include the stamp credits with my swap
cards. It's the Virgo in me, I guess.
Nancy Green
The Gator Stamper
St. Cloud, FL
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday"
- ----------
> From: Marilyn Roy <marilynr@spiritone.com>
> To: rubberstampers@crafts.dm.net
> Subject: Re:RS: ?? about UMS
> Date: Thursday, April 23, 1998 6:01 PM
> Since this subject has come up, I must confess a problem I had at the
> convention purchasing UMs.
> I "assumed" each little bag of UM I bought would have a sales slip in it
> with the name of the company on it or a business card. I was very
> surprised to find later that most did neither & now I could not remember
> which company I bought some from. Fortunately, some I did remember, but
> feel terrible about the others. I learned the hard way.
> Marilyn
> >
> >
> Marilyn Roy
> marilynr@spiritone.com
> This message was from Marilyn Roy <marilynr@spiritone.com>
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from "Nancy Green" <njgreen@worldnet.att.net>
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:01:11 -0400
From: Tim and Terese <tnt@riverview.net>
Subject: RS: Proposed "Home Grown"Swap 5/30
This is my first swap as a hostess. I would love to see your Home Grown
ideas. I have a huge garden and rabbits that are "HomeGrown" and I have
3 wonderful children that are too. what do you "Home Grow"???
Come and join us and make it a fun swap.
swap: Home Grown
Hostess: Terese LaPree
Items:5/5 cards, book marks, magnets , pins, postcards.
Mailing info:SAML and equal postage.
Post marked :Due May 30.
I hope you will share with us!!
This message was from Tim and Terese <tnt@riverview.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:27:25 -0700
From: "Sharie Rose Soriano" <ssoriano@clubi.net>
Subject: RS: OFFICIAL Mother's Day/Father's Day Swap
Of course I will sign up because you are hostess...even though I said I
would chill on the swaps =DC
Did you get the pictures, by the way? So, will it be primarily Father's =
since it will be past Mother's Day? sorry, not trying to be a smart butt.
- -----Original Message-----
From: KCHaga <KCHaga@worldnet.att.net>
To: Rubberstampers list <rubberstampers@crafts.dm.net>
Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 1:25 PM
Subject: RS: OFFICIAL Mother's Day/Father's Day Swap
:Hello Fellow Stamper's! I look forward to swapping ideas with all of yo=
:I hope you will join us in this exchange!
:Theme: Mother's Day/Father's Day
:Hostess: Kelly Haga (HoosierStmpr)
:Due date: May 22, 1998
:Amount: 5 for 5 (anything goes)
:Postage : SAML & equivalent postage
:Snail Addy: P.O. Box 2293, Valparaiso, IN 46384
:Stamps and Smiles,
:Kelly Haga (HoosierStmpr)
:This message was from "KCHaga" <KCHaga@WORLDNET.ATT.NET>
:The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Mode=
:Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from "Sharie Rose Soriano" <ssoriano@clubi.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem=
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:29:21 EDT
From: Saskzoo <Saskzoo@aol.com>
Subject: Re: RS: Need more help in finding stamps!
In a message dated 98-04-24 07:58:17 EDT, teapot@teapot.mv.com writes:
<< m looking for "photo" stamps - stamps that look like a photograph, but you
get to stamp inside the frame - know what I mean? I found one at RBBB, but
I'm looking for different sizes - any ideas?
Toomuchfun has one like that.
This message was from Saskzoo <Saskzoo@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:35:53 EDT
From: Stampnyama <Stampnyama@aol.com>
Subject: Re: RS: ?? about UMS
In a message dated 98-04-24 17:17:41 EDT, njgreen@worldnet.att.net writes=
<< 'm one of those "people" who try to include the stamp credits with my =
cards. It's the Virgo in me, I guess.
Nancy Green
The Gator Stamper
St. Cloud, FL >>
No NEED to appologize,each to their OWN !!
Love Linda =DC
This message was from Stampnyama <Stampnyama@aol.com>
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem=
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
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Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:59:20 EDT
From: EFell62295 <EFell62295@aol.com>
Subject: Fwd: RS: ELAINE-yu may email me
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Hi, everyone , I think Trina could use some cheering up and some support!
This list always tries to help each other , so lets jump in and let her know
we care. Hugs, Elaine
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Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 22:14:58 -0700
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update--back to more drs....we gotta get a neuropsychologist
now -all tests came out normal.so we need to have a
neuropsychological battery done,and neurologist is trying
to refer us to USC/UCLA for further assistance.feel like
we hit a dead en d w/ no answers yet.oxox ~trina~
<u may fwd this to RS list > sun_ shyne@earthlink.net
- --part0_893447960_boundary--
This message was from EFell62295 <EFell62295@aol.com>
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:30:04 -0500
From: "Brian Finnegan" <BFinnegan@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: RS: Re: Mars Tokyo?? Does anyone know about this Co.?
> Does anyone have any information about this company or the stamps they
> I have seen the ad's in RSM and I know they are located in Baltimore,
> they use a p.o.box # Any info out there?
They don't have a phone number listed in the catalog. The addy is
Mars Tokyo
Rubber Stamp Co.
P.O. box 65006
Baltimore, MD 21209
The catalog is $3.00 and refundable with the first order. I haven't bought
anythign yet but they have some interesting images. Write if you want more
This message was from "Brian Finnegan" <BFinnegan@Worldnet.att.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:09:34 EDT
From: Alybeary <Alybeary@aol.com>
Subject: RS: Intro and Question
Hi everyone, I have "lurking" for quite some time now and decided it was time
to join in ! It has taken me a couple of weeks just to learn how to control
my mail and keep up with it all, so now that I have a handle on it, I'm very
excited about getting on to the "good" stuff- swaps, SSS, ect.
A little about myself, I am 36 years old and have been married for 2 1/2
years and we have a little girl, she will be 1 year old on May 1, who is the
joy of our lives right now. I also take care of 2 little boys, brothers, ages
15 months and 5 1/2 years on a full time basis. Leaves very little time for
stamping and scrapbooking, my two favorite passions. I love to snow ski and
rollerblade also !
I have been rubberstamping for about 2 years, but haven't made alot of cards.
Have tons of supplies and stamps, just need more time ! LOL I did sign up as
a newbie and was given a "mom", but haven't heard from her yet. :( I
unfortunately was off the list for a few weeks, while I reinstalled AOL. So
Esther (tontine2@ix.netcom.com), if you are out there and still want to adopt
me, please let me know ! I see you have adopted another...I hope I'm not too
late....or if there are any other takers please let me know.
Nana Bev (blmarubbio@email.msn.com) sent me a wonderful package with a RAK
card in it ! ( Thanks Nana) I loved all the handouts too. It even had my
adoption papers in there, but no mom to claim me yet !!
Lastly, my question....what is double embossing and how to you do it ? I was
always curious about that ? What does it look like when it is done ?
Thanks for all the great ideas. I'm looking forward to making new friends very
Diane (Alybeary@aol.com)
Aliso Viejo, Ca.
This message was from Alybeary <Alybeary@aol.com>
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 13:53:30 -0800
From: Diane Hare <hibrida@goldrush.com>
Subject: RS: suggestion for unofficial SNAIL LIST
Why do some people seem more concerned with ignoring existing rules than in
changing them in an orderly fashion? I have yet to see anyone propose
changing the unofficial SNAIL LIST agreement to allow something like
"custody-but-not-use by a relative of the first degree or by a significant
other". If it's *really* "OK", there should be unanimous support for such
a change.
Diane Hare/MS.HARE hibrida@goldrush.com San Andreas,CA snotmyfault
This message was from Diane Hare <hibrida@goldrush.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:14:24 -0700
From: "Glitterface" <tomndeb@ccsi.com>
Subject: Re: RS: Fwd: SNAIL LIST
I thought somebody said that Cindy isn't subscribed right now. Maybe we
should be sending some of these messages to her? I don't have her addy or
I would.
Debbie Miller, Austin TX
Mommy to Kate and Maggie, fraternal twins (10-11-93)
> ...Maybe we need to wait and see what Cindy has to say on this
> matter...Maybe, she could provide some insite (?) as to how, what, where,
> when and why...Maybe she doesn't want to post the official snail but
> every six month....Maybe it need to be updated monthly...I don't
> know...do you...
> I now Susan didn't intend to step on any toes or start a war, just wanted
> to help new list members who want to send cards to others...Nice gesture
> I think...
> I am sure there is a solution to this issue, let's wait and see what
> Cindy say...Cindy where are you???? Come out, Come out where ever you
> are...
> Gloria
> _____________________________________________________________________
> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
> Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
> This message was from glomom23@juno.com (Gloria L Alexander)
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from "Glitterface" <tomndeb@ccsi.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:56:57 -0500
From: Kims Kreations <kima@sihope.com>
Subject: RS: Peter Pan Please!
Hi! I sent you a message a few days ago and you explained the UM =
grabbags, and gave me your addy. Now all I need is the price! LOL! =
Thanks much! Kim
This message was from Kims Kreations <kima@sihope.com>
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The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:56:13 EDT
From: DebutARTe <DebutARTe@aol.com>
Subject: RS: Debutarte is unsubbing
Goin' to visit the g-parents! Have a good weekend!
This message was from DebutARTe <DebutARTe@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:48:34 EDT
Subject: RS:*Chocolate Obsession Swap!*Free EP*(5/20)*Still Time!*4/24 Update
Hi All!
You read right! I love to make things more fun....so I will send a sample of
chocolate scented EP to all Chocoholics playing!! You never know what ELSE I
might think of.....come join the fun!!
SWAP:Chocolate Obsession!
HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen
ITEMS: 6 for 5 Anything Goes!
DETAILS: Use Chocolate words/ images somewhere in your art. Please be sure to
sign your work AND attach a note disclosing stamp credits and any special
technique or material you may have used!!!
MAILING INFO:Because of the possible variation of items received, please
include a self-addressed envelope that is AT LEAST 6x9 and $2 for
postage.....remainder, if any, will be returned.
POSTMARK: REACH me by May 20th.
Chocoholics so far!
1.spatier@umslvma.umsl.edu - Pattie
2.giggles57@juno.com - Linda
3.Holmes864 - Theresa
4.Ejwilliam - Ev.
5. bl6762@aol.com - Lin
6.tvlady@webtv.net - Ruth
7.JDieder919 - Lisa
8.Ldidge - Linda
9.l_leonard@email.msn.com - Lou Ann
10.kmberger@pacbell.net - Kathy
11.Stmpaholic - Laura
12.smosuch@hotmail.com - Sue
13.maxij@postoffice.worldnet.att.net - Maxine
14.srogers@snowcrest.net - Sheila
15.tinapen@mint.net - Tina
16.starlite@internet1.net - Diana
17.bsktcats@aol.com - Linda
18.madkapkid@aol.com - Karen
19.stamphola@aol.com - Wendy
20.zonzo@hotmail.com - Sherry
21.TCnative - Suzanne
22.pg123amr@info.starpoint.net - Paige
23.vaneman@worldonline.nl - Ria
24.tansyflwr@hotmail.com - Kim
25.ka_wat@yahoo.com - Kathy Ann
26.ggideas@aol.com - Germaine
Jamie :-)
This message was from RUFORGIVEN <RUFORGIVEN@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:29:30 -0400
From: "Nancy Green" <njgreen@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: RS: Update : SNAIL LIST
Hello Everyone,
I saved the last update from Cindy Piet dated 3/19/98 and have attached it
to the end of my message
I expected that we would be receiving the "Official" list by the end of
To all of you who posted that you haven't received the "Official List" ,
you are right. It hasn't come out yet.
I have addressed Cindy on this e-mail as well. I hope she will give the
List an update on the status of the Official List.
I agree with whoever posted that Cindy has been off the list for some time
(she told us that she was going to be) and probably doesn't even know how
much controversy there is over the Official List not being received.
Please, Cindy - let us hear from you.
Nancy Green
The Gator Stamper
St. Cloud, FL
"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday"
- ----------
> From: Cindy L Piet <cindy_piet@juno.com>
> To: rubberstampers@crafts.dm.net; melissa@mcs.com;
> Subject: RS: Snail Update - 3/19/98
> Date: Thursday, March 19, 1998 11:12 PM
> In order to get this project completed I will have to set a deadline, or
> I will never get finished. I will not process any changes or requests
> received after midnight Saturday. That doesn't mean that you won't get
> the list if you request it after that, you will get the finished list as
> of that time, you probably just won't be on it and will have to wait till
> the next edition is published.
> Please don't ask me to confirm if I received your information, you don't
> really know what you are asking.
> I just want to warn everyone, this will probably be the biggest list
> yet!!!!! I will warn you NOW, I will do like I did last time. I will
> post the bounced addresses to the Rubberstampers List, if you don't
> notify me of the correct e-mail address you will be dropped from the
> Snail Mail List.
> I have to do something to keep this list to a workable size. Some people
> only subscribe to the list once in a while, that's okay. They usually
> let me know if they don't want the list anymore and I make a note to drop
> them from the list.
> I have had some wonderful suggestions from several people about how to
> try and make this easier. All suggestions are appreciated, what makes
> this difficult sometimes is the data entry part of it. People don't
> always return the information in the format of the form I put out and
> then it takes longer to match up the data. That's okay, I just wanted
> you to know that it slows down the process.
> I am not complaining here, I get asked a lot of questions and it is not
> always easy to reply to each and everyone like I would like to, so I try
> to post these updates to keep everyone abreast of what's happening.
> Just one last note, PLEASE if you can receive this in a single file
> format, please let me know. I have another account that I can send them
> from instead of Juno for those requests. Again, the formats are: 1
> single message, 1 Excel 5.0 attachment, 1 Comma Delimited attachment.
> Just send the format request, and make sure that I have a correct e-mail
> address to send it to.
> Sorry this was so long, that you for letting me in your homes with this
> brief interuption. And now we return you back to your regular
> programming.
> Cindy_Piet@juno.com
> _____________________________________________________________________
> You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
> Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com
> Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
> This message was from cindy_piet@juno.com (Cindy L Piet)
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
This message was from "Nancy Green" <njgreen@worldnet.att.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:41:27 -0800
From: Diane Hare <hibrida@goldrush.com>
Subject: Re: RS: from PASCALE
At 7:53 AM -0800 4/24/98, Pascale Steig wrote:
>Funny, but it seems that we are all capable of jumping to conclusions
>erroneously; I did regarding the credits, you did about my gender
>(Pascale, by the way, IS a female name)...
Pascale's previous posts had been primarily COMM. The so-called normal
default gender in business is male. When in doubt, Mr. When not-defined,
in a business context, I had not then considered it, and do not now
consider it, an issue.
It may be well for those who are sensitive and realize that the given name
prompting occasional conclusion jumping is *not* one of the top 100 in the
nation, to assure clarity before it becomes an issue.
I don't do a gender check on each new name ... I just now checked *one*
name source and "Pascale" wasn't listed in it, so checking
ready-referrences wouldn't've helped.
"Jumping to conclusions"? Nice tangent, Pascale, but the comparison is
closer to "Grasping at straws".
Diane Hare/MS.HARE hibrida@goldrush.com San Andreas,CA snotmyfault
This message was from Diane Hare <hibrida@goldrush.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:19:53 EDT
Subject: RS:4/24 Update**Coffee Swap/Contest (5/6)**Still time to Join!!**
There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner based on the decision of an
independent panel of judges(My hubby and kids! LOL!) ....the cards will be
judged on visual appeal and creativity.....and then TWO random winners chosen
from those who have not already won!
SWAP: Coffee
HOSTESS: Jamie Dinnsen
ITEMS: 6 for 5 cards
DETAILS: Include coffee themed images and/or words in your art! Please be
sure to sign your work AND attach a note disclosing stamp credits and any
special technique or material you may have used!!!
MAILING INFO: Please send a self-addressed envelope with LOOSE postage
equivalent to what it cost to mail your items....PLUS two extra stamps. Extra
postage will be returned!
Mail to REACH me by May 6th
I will send my address in a private E-mail to all who sign up.
I have some neat ideas "brewing"..........anyone want to play!!
So far:
1.NORTH1633@aol.com - Barb - RECEIVED
2.susanb@inav.net - Susan -RECEIVED
3.Holmes864 - Theresa
4.MYDUKEDOG - Joanna
5.AlwaysL8NH - Wanda
6.ramyoung831@juno.com - Marachel
7.burningrubber2@yahoo.com - Victoria - RECEIVED
8.Karen.Stone@magnet.com.au - Karen
9.mcneil@chem.washington.edu - Stasey
10.bacchussmb@aol.com - Susan - RECEIVED
11.brad1225@gte.net - Terri
12.spatier@umslvma.umsl.edu - Patti
13.rtoerner@flex.net - Linda
14.tmorth@aol.com - Tracy - RECEIVED
15.vmontre@netshel.net - Vivian
16.StmpNFaith - Becca
17.m71955@aol.com - Marta - RECEIVED
18.joy@oncostar.com - Joy
19.grammy@3-cities.com - Becky
20.Stmpaholic - Laura
21.golfchak@cobweb.net - Lynn
22.heather385@juno.com - Heather
23. bozemanmb@aol.com - Barb
24.FANCYSTMPR - Darlene
25.oakleymc@ohio.net - Michelle
26. StampinDi - Diane
27.TIFF CHIU - Tiffani
28.TCnative - Suzanne
29.flwrstampr@juno.com - Meegan
30.penknapp@aol.com - Kathy
31.stamphola@aol.com - Wendy
32.SereneGirl - Tina
33.karker@gte.net - Karen
Still time to join!!!
Jamie :-)
This message was from RUFORGIVEN <RUFORGIVEN@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 07:54:54 -0700
From: Laura <merlin@uia.net>
Subject: Re: RS: TAN: Can anyone tell me~~~~BARB&Laura !!
AACK! She's gonna throw bugs & rocks and some old guys at me? Help
someone...wait a minute...I can outrun her! I'll just distract her with =
a big
pile of Magenta stamps!
Stampnyama wrote:
> In a message dated 98-04-23 20:51:31 EDT, StFlossie@aol.com writes:
> << You'd better duck & run, you smart alec! I'm not so old that I can'=
t use
> an
> album for a frisbee & knock you silly! (I can't chase you down--creak=
> crack,
> groan.......)
> Barb aka Flossie >>
> YOU GO GIRLFRIEND !! ( I always wanted to say that!) BARB!!!
> That's my RS baby your chaseing ,,,,,,but I'm right behind you !!!, She=
> be good at evasive action cuz I'm armed to the teeth with ,,,
> Beatles,stones,CrosbyStillsNashandYoung !!
> You may not be able to catch her but I'm gonna talk her into comming to=
> Demo next week and I'll put in a whack at her for you !!!
> When I became a Grandmother ,that didn't make me feel old,,,,,, when my=
> turned gray(started in JR. high) That didn't make me feel old,,,BUT whe=
n I
> went to the music store a few years back to find a new ALBUM , and ther=
> weren't any ,,THAT!!! made me feel old !!!
> My grand daughter asked me a few years ago,"Grandma,where did you get a=
> those BIG CDs,,?? LOL
> P.S. The colored stuff on your birthday card balloons is Crystal Lacquo=
> This message was from Stampnyama <Stampnyama@aol.com>
> --
> The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Mod=
> Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- --
Laura A. - Poste Pone and Sharon D.'s daughter
Queen of the Procrastinators
Chino Hills, CA
To reach any goal requires that we be unyielding
about where we intend to go, while at the same time
flexible about how to get there. Author Unknown
This message was from Laura <merlin@uia.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modem=
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 17:07:07 -0500
From: "Brian Finnegan" <BFinnegan@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: RS: Re: TAN:List Privacy
>And I tend to believe that if a lunatic was lurking around the internet
looking for "victims", this would >probably not be his or her first
stopping point.
Unless the lunatic has a rubber fetish <G>.
This message was from "Brian Finnegan" <BFinnegan@Worldnet.att.net>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 18:02:40 EDT
From: Venusink <Venusink@aol.com>
Subject: Re: RS: Raked by Marti Senpels in Belgium Europe
In a message dated 4/24/98 3:02:45 PM, you wrote:
<<Martie - why don't you tell us how this was done :) I apologize for my
terrible description. The card really is beautiful. Thanks SO much,
I waiting to read more about this one! Jenn, Thanks for sharing the
description. It sounds beautiful! Martie, please share.
This message was from Venusink <Venusink@aol.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:26:11 -0400
From: "Hugh Humphrey" <hugh@iglou.com>
Subject: RS: I have ANOTHER new mommy and sister!!!!
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
- ------=_NextPart_000_0265_01BD6F9D.B17315E0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
This is Jecka, I'm at my boyfriend's house so I'm not sure if this will =
have my addy on it or his!!=20
I have a new Mommy, sister, and DOGGIE!!!!!!
Its kinda funny, cause my Dad just got re-married, so I have a new =
step-mom, step-sis, and dog. LOL My family just keeps growing and =
growing. And I recently moved out of my MOM's house, left my DOG with =
her, and my SISTER just moved to California. WHOA...this is getting =
freaky. LOL
Ok, now I'll stop being silly!! hehehe Thanks Mom Dorothy and Toto for =
the sweet e-card, you'll get an "ALL ABOUT ME" note soon, I've gotta =
read thru a million emails ...NEVER EVER go a day without checking mail! =
: (
Love ya ~
Jecka : )
Smile! : )=20
- ------=_NextPart_000_0265_01BD6F9D.B17315E0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Hey!!<BR><BR>This is Jecka, I'm at =
boyfriend's house so I'm not sure if this will have my addy on it or =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2><BR>I'VE BEEN =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>I have a new Mommy, sister, and=20
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Its kinda funny, cause my Dad just =
re-married, so I have a new step-mom, step-sis, and dog. LOL My family =
keeps growing and growing. And I recently moved out of my MOM's =
house, =20
left my DOG with her, and my SISTER just moved to California. =
WHOA...this is=20
getting freaky. LOL</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Ok, now I'll stop being silly!! =
hehehe =20
Thanks Mom Dorothy and Toto for the sweet e-card, you'll get an =
ME" note soon, I've gotta read thru a million emails ...NEVER EVER =
go a day=20
without checking mail! : (<BR><BR>Love ya ~</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Jecka : )<BR><BR>Smile! : ) =
<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 =
- ------=_NextPart_000_0265_01BD6F9D.B17315E0--
This message was from "Hugh Humphrey" <hugh@iglou.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:21:18 -0700
From: "Ellen Gengler" <lngnglr@interserv.com>
Subject: RS: COMM Rollograph WHEELS
Fellow Addicts:
It is time once again for you to get your "fix" of one of the most awesome
Rubberstamp Tools available, the Rollograph Wheel. For those of you not
familiar with the Rollograph, this patented wonder consists of a handle (I
prefer the self inking one) an ink cartridge (which is interchangeable and
comes in a variety of colors) and then of course ....THE WHEEL. The wheel
fits into the handle and this wheel contains the stamp images There are over
200 wheel patterns!
Rollographs are the PERFECT way to make:
backgrounds for cards and projects (checkerboard, aztec, flowers, balloons,
messages and MORE!)
tissue paper, gift wrap
gift cards, frames, notebooks, SCRAPBOOK PAGES....
ATR...S is running its' very popular Bakers' Dozen. You pick the wheels or
choose from a subject (below) and you pay ONLY $49.50 (including postage!)
There are some Wonderful wheels out for your spring/summer stamping!
If you don't have a catalog and are still intrigued you can choose your
Bakers' Dozen by themes:
If this is the first time you've heard about Rollographs, may I suggest the
famous and popular "Wheel of Fortune" Grabbag. This grabbag consists of a
handle, two ink cartridges, 3 wheels, and a catalog for ONLY 29.50! (this
includes shipping)
you can choose from the themes: garden, assorted, weird, animals
Wheel of Fortune Grabbag 29.50 (includes shipping)
Bakers' Dozen (13 wheels) 49.50 (includes shipping)
WA state res add 8.6%
Many wheels already in stock,
Let me know what you *need*,
Addicted to Rubber...Stamps
a division of Ground-Up Productions
coming soon: www.ground-up.com
PO Box 69753
Seattle, WA 98168
206-241-6064 (FAX)/(HOME)
For "stamp support" VOICE MESSAGING please call 206-901-0072
MasterCard, VISA and Discover accepted.
Serving online stamping *needs* since 1996
This message was from "Ellen Gengler" <lngnglr@interserv.com>
- --
The rubberstampers mailing list is proudly sponsored by the Dueling Modems
Arts & Crafts Forum. Point your web browser at http://crafts.dm.net/ .
- -
End of rubberstampers-digest V2 #2093