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From: owner-movies-digest@lists.xmission.com (movies-digest)
To: movies-digest@lists.xmission.com
Subject: movies-digest V2 #189
Reply-To: movies-digest
Sender: owner-movies-digest@lists.xmission.com
Errors-To: owner-movies-digest@lists.xmission.com
Precedence: bulk
movies-digest Friday, May 14 1999 Volume 02 : Number 189
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
[MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
Re: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
Re: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force"
RE: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
RE: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:25:25 -0500
From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
I have to correct you on one thing, Wade. I do not believe there will EVER
be a farewell performance by The Rolling Stones. Alas.
|:| -----Original Message-----
|:| From: owner-movies@lists.xmission.com
|:| [mailto:owner-movies@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Wade S.
|:| Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 1:35 PM
|:| To: movies@lists.xmission.com
|:| Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
|:| Amen, brother. I hate it when I think of a reply to a
|:| well-written post such
|:| as Scott's, only to find that someone else said it much
|:| better than I had
|:| yet thought of!!!!!!!!!!! I kid but kudos on the
|:| comments, Josh (and Scott).
|:| I see no point in waiting three weeks in line to be in
|:| the first theater. I
|:| also question the folks who were paying 200 to 500
|:| dollars for advance
|:| tickets about 2-3 weeks ago. Hanh???? i know that that
|:| was for charity, but
|:| I've read some posts on websites of people who actually
|:| paid that price to
|:| SEE the movie, not for any charitable reasons. Crazy.
|:| You could wait a
|:| couple of weeks and then still have money to buy your
|:| ticket and snacks for
|:| at least a couple of dozen more viewings, which i'm
|:| sure these guys will do
|:| anayway.
|:| Here in Waco, one theater started a line on Monday, the
|:| other theater
|:| wouldn't let people stay the night in front of it.
|:| Checking by telephone
|:| yesterday evening, there were still plenty of tickets
|:| for Thursday, Friday,
|:| and Saturday!!!!!! Way out of proportion. As Joshua
|:| says, it's not like a
|:| farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a
|:| Superbowl or even an All
|:| Star Game or sports champioship matchup. The movie will
|:| be played for
|:| months!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised to see it stay in
|:| the first run theaters
|:| through Thanksgiving. I'm not even going to see the
|:| movie next week unless
|:| there are no lines on the weekend. I can wait a few
|:| days. Sheesh.
|:| Wade
|:| >From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
|:| >Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
|:| >To: <movies@lists.xmission.com>
|:| >Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
|:| >Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:22:34 -0500
|:| >
|:| >
|:| >Also agreed. We also have to remember, though, that
|:| we're not talking about
|:| >standing in line for some "one-time-only" event like a
|:| Pink Floyd concert
|:| >or
|:| >The Superbowl. We're talking about a movie that's
|:| going to be playing
|:| >probably eight times a day for the next six months.
|:| All these "line
|:| >lizards"
|:| >are getting from their devotion is the chance to see
|:| the movie maybe 24
|:| >hours sooner than their more, shall we say, chemically
|:| balanced peers. I
|:| >went down to my local megaplex around 5:30 on
|:| Wednesday. By then, the line
|:| >had dissipated. Yes, all of the Wednesday shows were
|:| sold out, but I did
|:| >get
|:| >tickets for 7:20pm for the 20th, the next day. And you
|:| know what? My
|:| >willingness to wait all of 24hours to see this movie
|:| means that I didn't
|:| >have to lose my job or my sanity by sitting on a
|:| sidewalk for three weeks,
|:| >and I'm going to be seeing the same movie they are.
|:| >
|:| >Besides, do any of you really WANT to see this movie
|:| on opening night? It's
|:| >going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I
|:| saw the "Star Wars"
|:| >special edition opening night 2 years ago, I swore I'd
|:| never do it again.
|:| >When they opened the doors to the theater, there was a
|:| stampede that almost
|:| >killed people. Then, once everyone had claimed their
|:| seat, a couple of guys
|:| >decided to have a toy lightsaber fight in the row
|:| directly in front of me.
|:| >And the crowd was so obnoxious and rowdy that I
|:| literally could not hear
|:| >the
|:| >dialogue in the film for at least the first 20
|:| minutes, even with a souped
|:| >up DTS sound system. I don't know about you guys, but
|:| I want to actually be
|:| >able to ENJOY this movie when I see it.
|:| >
|:| >Scott, I agree with every word you said when you
|:| compared Star Wars mania
|:| >to
|:| >the dregs who don facepaint and foam cheese hats to
|:| "support their team".
|:| >We
|:| >still need to put this into a bit of perspective, though.
|:| >Josh
|:| >
|:| >|:| -----Original Message-----
|:| >|:| From: owner-movies@lists.xmission.com
|:| >|:| [mailto:owner-movies@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of
|:| >|:| Bruce Bridges
|:| >|:| Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 10:48 AM
|:| >|:| To: movies@lists.xmission.com
|:| >|:| Subject: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
|:| >|:|
|:| >|:|
|:| >|:| Very well said Scott, but I think standing in line for
|:| >|:| a month does raise the legitimate question whether
|:| >|:| somebody is in need of a life to get.
|:| >|:|
|:| >|:| Of course that's just my geeky opinion.
|:| >|:|
|:| >|:| bb
|:| >|:|
|:| >|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
|:| >|:| "unsubscribe ]
|:| >|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
|:| >|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
|:| >|:|
|:| >
|:| >
|:| >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
|:| "unsubscribe ]
|:| >[ movies" (without the quotes) to
|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
|:| _______________________________________________________________
|:| Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
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|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ]
[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 12:12:23 PDT
From: "Danielle Conkle" <danyelli@hotmail.com>
Subject: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
Actually I saw the re-releasings on opening night and I thought the crowd
made it awesome. The excitement of everyone was all buzzing, and it made me
more into what I was watching. Sure we were rowdy, and the movie attendents
were having fun walking around with a microphone to get comments before the
movie started, but I kind of liked it. Thankfully, we weren't so crazy that
I couldn't hear the dialogue, as in your case, but the buzz was still going
on. I'm a fan, but not quite extreme as some. I'll see it, but not on
opening night...and I'm kind of sad I'll miss all that crazyness.
>Besides, do any of you really WANT to see this movie on opening night? It's
>going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I saw the "Star Wars"
>special edition opening night 2 years ago, I swore I'd never do it again.
>When they opened the doors to the theater, there was a stampede that almost
>killed people. Then, once everyone had claimed their seat, a couple of guys
>decided to have a toy lightsaber fight in the row directly in front of me.
>And the crowd was so obnoxious and rowdy that I literally could not hear
>dialogue in the film for at least the first 20 minutes, even with a souped
>up DTS sound system. I don't know about you guys, but I want to actually be
>able to ENJOY this movie when I see it.
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
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[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:37:39 CDT
From: "Wade S." <wds9974@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
:-) point well taken.
Note that my first impulse was to say "The Who" but they have had at least 3
or 4 farewell performances so it's a no-win situation.
>From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
>Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>To: <movies@lists.xmission.com>
>Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
>Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:25:25 -0500
>I have to correct you on one thing, Wade. I do not believe there will EVER
>be a farewell performance by The Rolling Stones. Alas.
>|:| -----Original Message-----
>|:| From: owner-movies@lists.xmission.com
>|:| [mailto:owner-movies@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of Wade S.
>|:| Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 1:35 PM
>|:| To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>|:| Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
>|:| Amen, brother. I hate it when I think of a reply to a
>|:| well-written post such
>|:| as Scott's, only to find that someone else said it much
>|:| better than I had
>|:| yet thought of!!!!!!!!!!! I kid but kudos on the
>|:| comments, Josh (and Scott).
>|:| I see no point in waiting three weeks in line to be in
>|:| the first theater. I
>|:| also question the folks who were paying 200 to 500
>|:| dollars for advance
>|:| tickets about 2-3 weeks ago. Hanh???? i know that that
>|:| was for charity, but
>|:| I've read some posts on websites of people who actually
>|:| paid that price to
>|:| SEE the movie, not for any charitable reasons. Crazy.
>|:| You could wait a
>|:| couple of weeks and then still have money to buy your
>|:| ticket and snacks for
>|:| at least a couple of dozen more viewings, which i'm
>|:| sure these guys will do
>|:| anayway.
>|:| Here in Waco, one theater started a line on Monday, the
>|:| other theater
>|:| wouldn't let people stay the night in front of it.
>|:| Checking by telephone
>|:| yesterday evening, there were still plenty of tickets
>|:| for Thursday, Friday,
>|:| and Saturday!!!!!! Way out of proportion. As Joshua
>|:| says, it's not like a
>|:| farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a
>|:| Superbowl or even an All
>|:| Star Game or sports champioship matchup. The movie will
>|:| be played for
>|:| months!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised to see it stay in
>|:| the first run theaters
>|:| through Thanksgiving. I'm not even going to see the
>|:| movie next week unless
>|:| there are no lines on the weekend. I can wait a few
>|:| days. Sheesh.
>|:| Wade
>|:| >From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
>|:| >Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>|:| >To: <movies@lists.xmission.com>
>|:| >Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
>|:| >Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:22:34 -0500
>|:| >
>|:| >
>|:| >Also agreed. We also have to remember, though, that
>|:| we're not talking about
>|:| >standing in line for some "one-time-only" event like a
>|:| Pink Floyd concert
>|:| >or
>|:| >The Superbowl. We're talking about a movie that's
>|:| going to be playing
>|:| >probably eight times a day for the next six months.
>|:| All these "line
>|:| >lizards"
>|:| >are getting from their devotion is the chance to see
>|:| the movie maybe 24
>|:| >hours sooner than their more, shall we say, chemically
>|:| balanced peers. I
>|:| >went down to my local megaplex around 5:30 on
>|:| Wednesday. By then, the line
>|:| >had dissipated. Yes, all of the Wednesday shows were
>|:| sold out, but I did
>|:| >get
>|:| >tickets for 7:20pm for the 20th, the next day. And you
>|:| know what? My
>|:| >willingness to wait all of 24hours to see this movie
>|:| means that I didn't
>|:| >have to lose my job or my sanity by sitting on a
>|:| sidewalk for three weeks,
>|:| >and I'm going to be seeing the same movie they are.
>|:| >
>|:| >Besides, do any of you really WANT to see this movie
>|:| on opening night? It's
>|:| >going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I
>|:| saw the "Star Wars"
>|:| >special edition opening night 2 years ago, I swore I'd
>|:| never do it again.
>|:| >When they opened the doors to the theater, there was a
>|:| stampede that almost
>|:| >killed people. Then, once everyone had claimed their
>|:| seat, a couple of guys
>|:| >decided to have a toy lightsaber fight in the row
>|:| directly in front of me.
>|:| >And the crowd was so obnoxious and rowdy that I
>|:| literally could not hear
>|:| >the
>|:| >dialogue in the film for at least the first 20
>|:| minutes, even with a souped
>|:| >up DTS sound system. I don't know about you guys, but
>|:| I want to actually be
>|:| >able to ENJOY this movie when I see it.
>|:| >
>|:| >Scott, I agree with every word you said when you
>|:| compared Star Wars mania
>|:| >to
>|:| >the dregs who don facepaint and foam cheese hats to
>|:| "support their team".
>|:| >We
>|:| >still need to put this into a bit of perspective, though.
>|:| >Josh
>|:| >
>|:| >|:| -----Original Message-----
>|:| >|:| From: owner-movies@lists.xmission.com
>|:| >|:| [mailto:owner-movies@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of
>|:| >|:| Bruce Bridges
>|:| >|:| Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 10:48 AM
>|:| >|:| To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>|:| >|:| Subject: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >|:| Very well said Scott, but I think standing in line for
>|:| >|:| a month does raise the legitimate question whether
>|:| >|:| somebody is in need of a life to get.
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >|:| Of course that's just my geeky opinion.
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >|:| bb
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
>|:| >|:| "unsubscribe ]
>|:| >|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
>|:| >|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
>|:| >|:|
>|:| >
>|:| >
>|:| >[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
>|:| "unsubscribe ]
>|:| >[ movies" (without the quotes) to
>|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
>|:| _______________________________________________________________
>|:| Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
>|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
>|:| "unsubscribe ]
>|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
>|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:42:19 CDT
From: "Wade S." <wds9974@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
I used to like opening shows, but recently it has gotten too obnoxious. When
we saw ID4 on July 4, we were early, waited in line, and still had to sit in
the fifth row ( I know some people like it that close, but my corneas must
be fragile and unable to focus the pixels as well..) Then, the guy sitting
next to us took his daughter to the toilet and through the start of the
movie - people harrassed us for those seats, especially one particularly
obnoxious usher, when the guy cam back 10 minutes later. But, on the good
side, it made the rather cheesy and hokey movie quite enjoyable due to the
applause, laughter and cheers in all the right places. Give and take.
But, we did see Matrix when it opened, as well as Payback, and the
about-two-thirds full audiences made it fun. It can be fun, but I wouldn't
want to go through it for Phantom Menace.
>From: "Danielle Conkle" <danyelli@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>Subject: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
>Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 12:12:23 PDT
> Actually I saw the re-releasings on opening night and I thought the
>made it awesome. The excitement of everyone was all buzzing, and it made
>more into what I was watching. Sure we were rowdy, and the movie
>were having fun walking around with a microphone to get comments before the
>movie started, but I kind of liked it. Thankfully, we weren't so crazy
>I couldn't hear the dialogue, as in your case, but the buzz was still going
>on. I'm a fan, but not quite extreme as some. I'll see it, but not on
>opening night...and I'm kind of sad I'll miss all that crazyness.
>>Besides, do any of you really WANT to see this movie on opening night?
>>going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I saw the "Star Wars"
>>special edition opening night 2 years ago, I swore I'd never do it again.
>>When they opened the doors to the theater, there was a stampede that
>>killed people. Then, once everyone had claimed their seat, a couple of
>>decided to have a toy lightsaber fight in the row directly in front of me.
>>And the crowd was so obnoxious and rowdy that I literally could not hear
>>dialogue in the film for at least the first 20 minutes, even with a souped
>>up DTS sound system. I don't know about you guys, but I want to actually
>>able to ENJOY this movie when I see it.
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
>[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ]
>[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
[ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message "unsubscribe ]
[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 14:43:37 CDT
From: "Wade S." <wds9974@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
>From: jkrudy <jkrudy@micron.com>
>Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>To: "'movies@lists.xmission.com'" <movies@lists.xmission.com>
>Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
>Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 13:15:55 -0600
>I can't take it any longer!!!!!!!!!!! I must tell you that I'm writing
>email from my laptop in line for Wednesday's show. I was the 10th person
>the entire state of Idaho to have my tickets for the show. You bet ya, I'm
>going to be at the 12:01 AM showing and for all you losers on the West
>that's a full hour before you, so there! And I'm going to have my pick of
>seats since I'm already in line for the show. Ya, I couldn't get the time
>off from work so I quit. But I can always get another job after I'm done
>seeing the movie a couple dozen times. I can't believe you guys. Who
>want to go to a stupid football game anyway? I don't understand what
>they're doing on the field anyway...sorry, I had to go for a while my buddy
>in Phoenix just emailed in his next move. Ya we're playing a game of 3D
>Chess just like on Star Trek. I'm kicking his Klingon butt! Any who, back
>to what I was saying, why do you question our mentality. I mean, I've got
>life, in fact this time in line has given me a lot of time to do some
>creative and useful things. I taught myself Klingonese, I read the entire
>Star Wars Encyclopedia (it's really cool because it includes all the stuff
>from the books--I'm thinking of starting up a Mara Jade fan club, she's so
>hot), and I'm thinking of starting my own Jedi Academy right here in Boise.
>Since my wife has left me, and I don't have a job I'll have plenty of time
>to do something really meaningful like this. If you don't know what I'm
>talking about maybe you should question whether you have a life or not.
>This kind of devotion isn't easy. Ya, some teenagers came over and threw
>stuff at us last night, garbage and stuff, but it wasn't too bad since we
>haven't bathed in 12 days. That's kind of cool too, it's like Woodstock
>man, except the only tunes playing is those of John Williams, loud and
>proud. Anyway I gotta go, it's time for my afternoon JEDIULCAN meditation
>trance. You guessed it, I created it myself it's a hybrid of a Vulcan
>trance and a Jedi trance only better.
>I am a GOD!!!!
>May the Force be with you all,
>Jak'da'r Daag Ut (That's my name in Klingonese)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Wade S. [mailto:wds9974@hotmail.com]
>Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 12:35 PM
>To: movies@lists.xmission.com
>Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
>Amen, brother. I hate it when I think of a reply to a well-written post
>as Scott's, only to find that someone else said it much better than I had
>yet thought of!!!!!!!!!!! I kid but kudos on the comments, Josh (and
>I see no point in waiting three weeks in line to be in the first theater. I
>also question the folks who were paying 200 to 500 dollars for advance
>tickets about 2-3 weeks ago. Hanh???? i know that that was for charity, but
>I've read some posts on websites of people who actually paid that price to
>SEE the movie, not for any charitable reasons. Crazy. You could wait a
>couple of weeks and then still have money to buy your ticket and snacks for
>at least a couple of dozen more viewings, which i'm sure these guys will do
>Here in Waco, one theater started a line on Monday, the other theater
>wouldn't let people stay the night in front of it. Checking by telephone
>yesterday evening, there were still plenty of tickets for Thursday, Friday,
>and Saturday!!!!!! Way out of proportion. As Joshua says, it's not like a
>farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a Superbowl or even an All
>Star Game or sports champioship matchup. The movie will be played for
>months!!!!! I wouldn't be surprised to see it stay in the first run
>through Thanksgiving. I'm not even going to see the movie next week unless
>there are no lines on the weekend. I can wait a few days. Sheesh.
> >From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
> >Reply-To: movies@lists.xmission.com
> >To: <movies@lists.xmission.com>
> >Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
> >Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:22:34 -0500
> >
> >
> >Also agreed. We also have to remember, though, that we're not talking
> >standing in line for some "one-time-only" event like a Pink Floyd concert
> >or
> >The Superbowl. We're talking about a movie that's going to be playing
> >probably eight times a day for the next six months. All these "line
> >lizards"
> >are getting from their devotion is the chance to see the movie maybe 24
> >hours sooner than their more, shall we say, chemically balanced peers. I
> >went down to my local megaplex around 5:30 on Wednesday. By then, the
> >had dissipated. Yes, all of the Wednesday shows were sold out, but I did
> >get
> >tickets for 7:20pm for the 20th, the next day. And you know what? My
> >willingness to wait all of 24hours to see this movie means that I didn't
> >have to lose my job or my sanity by sitting on a sidewalk for three
> >and I'm going to be seeing the same movie they are.
> >
> >Besides, do any of you really WANT to see this movie on opening night?
> >going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When I saw the "Star
> >special edition opening night 2 years ago, I swore I'd never do it again.
> >When they opened the doors to the theater, there was a stampede that
> >killed people. Then, once everyone had claimed their seat, a couple of
> >decided to have a toy lightsaber fight in the row directly in front of
> >And the crowd was so obnoxious and rowdy that I literally could not hear
> >the
> >dialogue in the film for at least the first 20 minutes, even with a
> >up DTS sound system. I don't know about you guys, but I want to actually
> >able to ENJOY this movie when I see it.
> >
> >Scott, I agree with every word you said when you compared Star Wars mania
> >to
> >the dregs who don facepaint and foam cheese hats to "support their team".
> >We
> >still need to put this into a bit of perspective, though.
> >Josh
> >
> >|:| -----Original Message-----
> >|:| From: owner-movies@lists.xmission.com
> >|:| [mailto:owner-movies@lists.xmission.com]On Behalf Of
> >|:| Bruce Bridges
> >|:| Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 10:48 AM
> >|:| To: movies@lists.xmission.com
> >|:| Subject: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force" -Reply
> >|:|
> >|:|
> >|:| Very well said Scott, but I think standing in line for
> >|:| a month does raise the legitimate question whether
> >|:| somebody is in need of a life to get.
> >|:|
> >|:| Of course that's just my geeky opinion.
> >|:|
> >|:| bb
> >|:|
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:27:54 -0400
From: Mel Eperthener <bcassidy@usaor.net>
Subject: Re: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
At 12.12 PM 14/05/99 PDT, Danielle Conkle wrote:
> Actually I saw the re-releasings on opening night and I thought the crowd
>made it awesome. The excitement of everyone was all buzzing, and it made me
>more into what I was watching.
This is the reason that I try to get to the opening nights of any Star Trek
movie. I just like to see all of the weirdos (oops, sorry, I mean fans:-)
going in all psyched.
One thing that has always disappointed me about Pittsburgh is that they do
not get outlandish enough, at least not at the theatre we go to. I always
want to go and see the people decked out in full Klingon battle gear, and
hell, I'm lucky to see someone in Spock ears. I see these fellows make the
news (their 15 minutes of fame, I reckon), but never in the flesh. (Ugh,
that could actually be a really horrendous image:-)
As for Mr Rudy's (hopefully) parody, I gotta say that you remind me of my
future brother-in-law (that is if I don't strangle him before the wedding).
He works for me, which would be bad enough if not for his obsession over
Phantom Menace (and seeing as he is much younger than I am, he does not
have the same reasons for seeing it as my generation). He is attempting to
ensure that he gets opening night tickets (and wants Tuesday off, which I
cannot allow, as I plan to get my own tickets:-), and HAS to be at the
midnight showing, so that at 1.00AM, when his friends get in to see the
show (back in his native Missouri), he'll feel like he's watching it with
them. That, and the Darth Vader mask that he plans to wear have me afraid.
Very afraid.:-)
- --Mel
- --Mel Eperthener
president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
Please support the endeavour
of a friend and fellow Australian.
Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy
Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
- -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppell (Kip) Enderby
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[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:17:52 -0400
From: Mel Eperthener <bcassidy@usaor.net>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
Josh, wish I had thought of that. However, I can expand:-)
This movie is EXACTLY like the farewell tour of Rolling Stones. The hype
is overblown, it will be repeated over and over all year. And in two
years, they will be back with the same character:-)
However, the queue sitters are just like the Deadheads that used to follow
Jerry and Co all over the place. They had/have no lives, dressed
outlandishly, went to the same shows over and over again, and rarely bathed:-)
The Dead used to play in Foxboro, Mass and Buffalo NY around the 4th of
July week-end every year. I remember one 4th of July, I had to travel from
Cape Cod to Buffalo. The Dead had played in Foxboro on the 3rd, and their
Buffalo show was the 5th. I got to share the road with all of these 60s
rejects and they Partridge-Family-style psychodelic schoolbuses. Best part
was that tho the NY Thruway was lousy with Cops, I could travel as fast as
I wanted. The cops were too busy pulling over the schoolbuses and VW
combi-vans and searching them. Deadheads and drugs?? Never would have
thought of it:-)
- --Mel
At 02.25 PM 14/05/99 -0500, Joshua Crow wrote:
>I have to correct you on one thing, Wade. I do not believe there will EVER
>be a farewell performance by The Rolling Stones. Alas.
As Joshua
>|:| says, it's not like a
>|:| farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a
>|:| Superbowl or even an All
>|:| Star Game or sports champioship matchup.
- --Mel Eperthener
president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
Please support the endeavour
of a friend and fellow Australian.
Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy
Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
- -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppell (Kip) Enderby
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[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:03:40 -0400
From: Mel Eperthener <bcassidy@usaor.net>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable "Force"
At 11.27 AM 14/05/99 -0700, Romero, Leticia wrote:
>To me, the difference between standing in line for a ticket to a show that
>can NEVER BE REPEATED (sports) to a show that the same action EVERY TIME
>(movie) is pretty obvious. I will stand in line for days for Dodger tickets
>because you never know when Raul is going to out-bat the league.
Stand in line?? Hell, I wouldn't even take those for free!!:-)
>P.S. T-shirts with team logos with a matching shorts and hat is an
>acceptable dress standard in our human society - Klingon war togs are not --
>in the 80's maybe, but not anymore...
Well, who would you want your children to look up to?? Captain Picard or
Latrell Spreewell??
Just asking:-)
- --Mel
- --Mel Eperthener
president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
email: bcassidy@usaor.net
419 Butler Street
PO Box 95184
Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184
(412) 781-6140
(412) 781-6380
"Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for
two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia"
- --Dana Scully
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:10:54 -0600
From: jkrudy <jkrudy@micron.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
Since there's a shadow of doubt that it wasn't a parody, let me reassure you
that I'm at work. My loving wife just called and told me that she is
anxiously awaiting when I get off work so we can be together, I bathed this
morning, and yesterday morning, etc, I have read many of the Star Wars
books, and although Mara Jade is described as a redhead I don't fantasize
about her, I do have tickets to go to the show, but it's the 8 AM showing on
the 19th which shouldn't be too crowded and does not jeopardize my job and
the earliest me and my oldest son (age 7, the exact age I was when Star Wars
came out and I went and saw it with my family) will arrive is around 7AM.
Quite frankly your brother-in-law-to-be scares me, and you should have a
serious talk with your sister.
I completely subscribe to your theory of why this movie is so important to
those of our generation. It wasn't just a movie, it was an event. My
family made it an event and that's what I'm going to try to provide for my
son. He's counting down the days, and he's so excited that we're going to
it on opening day. We're going to the show, going to breakfast, and going
to have fun. I've taken him to movies plenty of times, this time (despite
whether the movie is academy awards material or not) it will be an event for
both of us, and I'm looking forward to that.
As far as the people in Klingon garb, let me tell an experience I had. It
was a Halloween party at our church 5 years ago. At that time I was reading
anything "Trek". Including the encyclopedia. I was becoming a huge fan and
could not get enough. At this party there was a man (I found out from
somebody else that he was 36) there dressed as a Klingon in a Starfleet
uniform (and yes I knew enough about these things to know that he wore the
rank of Commander on his lapel). Since this was a Halloween costume party I
didn't think it was strange at all. I went and complimented him on his
costume, and make up job. I mean it was great, he had a real professional
make-up artist mask just like on the movies. I asked him if he did all of
this just for this party and he replied, "Oh no. I am a Klingon. I'm the
1st officer on the USS KELLY." To which I replied in a very cautious voice,
"Are there many starships in the Salt Lake Valley?" "Oh yes, there are
currently 5 in this sector, but the Kelly is the flagship in this sector".
Eventually I got him to drop the facade for a minute so he could tell me
what the hell he was talking about. Apparently a bunch ("the USS KELLY
currently as a crew of 150 people from 13 different species") of these
people actually get together and go bowling and hold meetings and such and
they never drop out of character if they're in uniform. He told me that I
could join Starfleet, but would first (you guessed it) have to go to
Starfleet Academy. I excused myself as quickly as I could after it occurred
to me that this individual was serious. It really sent chills down my
spine. I went home and threw my Encyclopedia away and vowed never to go
down that route. It was truly scary.
James K. Rudy
- -----Original Message-----
From: Mel Eperthener [mailto:bcassidy@usaor.net]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 2:28 PM
To: movies@lists.xmission.com; movies@lists
Subject: Re: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??!
(yes :)
At 12.12 PM 14/05/99 PDT, Danielle Conkle wrote:
> Actually I saw the re-releasings on opening night and I thought the
>made it awesome. The excitement of everyone was all buzzing, and it made
>more into what I was watching.
This is the reason that I try to get to the opening nights of any Star Trek
movie. I just like to see all of the weirdos (oops, sorry, I mean fans:-)
going in all psyched.
One thing that has always disappointed me about Pittsburgh is that they do
not get outlandish enough, at least not at the theatre we go to. I always
want to go and see the people decked out in full Klingon battle gear, and
hell, I'm lucky to see someone in Spock ears. I see these fellows make the
news (their 15 minutes of fame, I reckon), but never in the flesh. (Ugh,
that could actually be a really horrendous image:-)
As for Mr Rudy's (hopefully) parody, I gotta say that you remind me of my
future brother-in-law (that is if I don't strangle him before the wedding).
He works for me, which would be bad enough if not for his obsession over
Phantom Menace (and seeing as he is much younger than I am, he does not
have the same reasons for seeing it as my generation). He is attempting to
ensure that he gets opening night tickets (and wants Tuesday off, which I
cannot allow, as I plan to get my own tickets:-), and HAS to be at the
midnight showing, so that at 1.00AM, when his friends get in to see the
show (back in his native Missouri), he'll feel like he's watching it with
them. That, and the Darth Vader mask that he plans to wear have me afraid.
Very afraid.:-)
- --Mel
- --Mel Eperthener
president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
Please support the endeavour
of a friend and fellow Australian.
Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy
Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
- -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppell (Kip) Enderby
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:18:35 -0500
From: "Joshua Crow" <joshc@galaxy-inc.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
|:| Josh, wish I had thought of that. However, I can expand:-)
|:| This movie is EXACTLY like the farewell tour of Rolling
|:| Stones. The hype
|:| is overblown, it will be repeated over and over all
|:| year. And in two
|:| years, they will be back with the same character:-)
HA! Excellent point. Not to mention that C3PO and R2D2 have a lot in common
with Mick Jagger and David Bowie, if you catch my drift.
The difference between a live show and a movie, however, is that at least
with a live show you have real people who tend to change things from night
to night, with a lot of subtle nuances that are different every time. As a
music enthusiast, I can tell you that there are bands that I will definitely
see 2 or 3 times on the same tour, for that reason. In the case of the
movie, though, we're talking about somebody in a projection booth pressing
"play" on the same reel that's run earlier that day, and the day before
|:| However, the queue sitters are just like the Deadheads
|:| that used to follow
|:| Jerry and Co all over the place. They had/have no
|:| lives, dressed
|:| outlandishly, went to the same shows over and over
|:| again, and rarely bathed:-)
|:| The Dead used to play in Foxboro, Mass and Buffalo NY
|:| around the 4th of
|:| July week-end every year. I remember one 4th of July,
|:| I had to travel from
|:| Cape Cod to Buffalo. The Dead had played in Foxboro on
|:| the 3rd, and their
|:| Buffalo show was the 5th. I got to share the road with
|:| all of these 60s
|:| rejects and they Partridge-Family-style psychodelic
|:| schoolbuses. Best part
|:| was that tho the NY Thruway was lousy with Cops, I
|:| could travel as fast as
|:| I wanted. The cops were too busy pulling over the
|:| schoolbuses and VW
|:| combi-vans and searching them. Deadheads and drugs??
|:| Never would have
|:| thought of it:-)
|:| Regards,
|:| --Mel
|:| At 02.25 PM 14/05/99 -0500, Joshua Crow wrote:
|:| >
|:| >I have to correct you on one thing, Wade. I do not
|:| believe there will EVER
|:| >be a farewell performance by The Rolling Stones. Alas.
|:| As Joshua
|:| >|:| says, it's not like a
|:| >|:| farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a
|:| >|:| Superbowl or even an All
|:| >|:| Star Game or sports champioship matchup.
|:| --Mel Eperthener
|:| president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
|:| Please support the endeavour
|:| of a friend and fellow Australian.
|:| Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy
|:| http://www.angelfire.com/ma/politicalmusings
|:| ____________________________________________
|:| Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
|:| -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppell (Kip) Enderby
|:| __________________________
|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
|:| "unsubscribe ]
|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
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[ movies" (without the quotes) to majordomo@xmission.com ]
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:30:51 -0600
From: jkrudy <jkrudy@micron.com>
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
Any event performed before a live audience from a movie to a Shakespeare
play to an AC/DC concert will be eupherial, in that the entire experience
will never be the same twice. Yes that effect is greatly amplified if the
performance isn't static as it is with a movie, but the point is the same.
The overall experience will be different. I remember seeing Space Balls in
the theater. The opening scene where the ship was flying over and it was so
incredibly huge, somebody yelled out "That's a big ship" 5 minutes later
when the ship is still growing in size the humor of the scene was amplified
by what the woman had said. During the opening scrolling words, when it
says "If you can read this, you don't need glasses" an older gentlemen
behind me asked his wife what that said to which she replied in a rather
loud voice, "It says, you need glasses." Movie audiences in general are all
the same. There's chatter as the beginning, things begin to calm down
during the previews and then it's completely silent during the movie, except
were you are suppose to laugh, etc. This is out of respect I suppose, but
it's also so common that we seem to have taken the audience out of the
equation, but in reality they can be a large part of it. I don't know about
any of you but when Saving Private Ryan ended and nobody made a single
sound, not even a peep as we filed out of the theater, that "shared-silence"
made it more of an event for me. I knew that it hadn't just effected me, it
had effected 499 other people. It went beyond a movie and became an
experience. Yes, TPM the movie will be the same every single time and in
time the crowds will calm down to the normal movie-going audiences, but
until that time it might well be a different experience everytime it's seen.
James K. Rudy
- -----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Crow [mailto:joshc@galaxy-inc.com]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 3:19 PM
To: movies@lists.xmission.com
Subject: RE: [MV] ESSAY: Reasonable
|:| Josh, wish I had thought of that. However, I can expand:-)
|:| This movie is EXACTLY like the farewell tour of Rolling
|:| Stones. The hype
|:| is overblown, it will be repeated over and over all
|:| year. And in two
|:| years, they will be back with the same character:-)
HA! Excellent point. Not to mention that C3PO and R2D2 have a lot in common
with Mick Jagger and David Bowie, if you catch my drift.
The difference between a live show and a movie, however, is that at least
with a live show you have real people who tend to change things from night
to night, with a lot of subtle nuances that are different every time. As a
music enthusiast, I can tell you that there are bands that I will definitely
see 2 or 3 times on the same tour, for that reason. In the case of the
movie, though, we're talking about somebody in a projection booth pressing
"play" on the same reel that's run earlier that day, and the day before
|:| However, the queue sitters are just like the Deadheads
|:| that used to follow
|:| Jerry and Co all over the place. They had/have no
|:| lives, dressed
|:| outlandishly, went to the same shows over and over
|:| again, and rarely bathed:-)
|:| The Dead used to play in Foxboro, Mass and Buffalo NY
|:| around the 4th of
|:| July week-end every year. I remember one 4th of July,
|:| I had to travel from
|:| Cape Cod to Buffalo. The Dead had played in Foxboro on
|:| the 3rd, and their
|:| Buffalo show was the 5th. I got to share the road with
|:| all of these 60s
|:| rejects and they Partridge-Family-style psychodelic
|:| schoolbuses. Best part
|:| was that tho the NY Thruway was lousy with Cops, I
|:| could travel as fast as
|:| I wanted. The cops were too busy pulling over the
|:| schoolbuses and VW
|:| combi-vans and searching them. Deadheads and drugs??
|:| Never would have
|:| thought of it:-)
|:| Regards,
|:| --Mel
|:| At 02.25 PM 14/05/99 -0500, Joshua Crow wrote:
|:| >
|:| >I have to correct you on one thing, Wade. I do not
|:| believe there will EVER
|:| >be a farewell performance by The Rolling Stones. Alas.
|:| As Joshua
|:| >|:| says, it's not like a
|:| >|:| farewell performance by The Rolling Stones or a
|:| >|:| Superbowl or even an All
|:| >|:| Star Game or sports champioship matchup.
|:| --Mel Eperthener
|:| president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
|:| Please support the endeavour
|:| of a friend and fellow Australian.
|:| Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy
|:| http://www.angelfire.com/ma/politicalmusings
|:| ____________________________________________
|:| Traditionally, most of Australia's imports come from overseas.
|:| -Former Australian cabinet minister Keppell (Kip) Enderby
|:| __________________________
|:| [ To leave the movies mailing list, send the message
|:| "unsubscribe ]
|:| [ movies" (without the quotes) to
|:| majordomo@xmission.com ]
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Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:21:02 -0400
From: Mel Eperthener <bcassidy@usaor.net>
Subject: RE: [MV] Do ya really wanna see Phantom on opening night??! (yes :)
At 03.10 PM 14/05/99 -0600, jkrudy wrote:
>Since there's a shadow of doubt that it wasn't a parody, let me reassure you
>that I'm at work. My loving wife just called and told me that she is
>anxiously awaiting when I get off work so we can be together, I bathed this
>morning, and yesterday morning, etc,
Oh, I was sure that you were funning us, but couldn't resist yanking the
chain just a bit more:-)
I have read many of the Star Wars
>books, and although Mara Jade is described as a redhead I don't fantasize
>about her, I do have tickets to go to the show, but it's the 8 AM showing on
>the 19th which shouldn't be too crowded and does not jeopardize my job and
>the earliest me and my oldest son (age 7, the exact age I was when Star Wars
>came out and I went and saw it with my family) will arrive is around 7AM.
Well, with my work schedule, it actaully makes sense for me to try to catch
the midnight show (for any movie). That's why we went to the midnight
showing of Titanic (Ugh:-) and The X-Files. I would really not have any
problem waiting until midnight Wed/Thurs even, but if I don't get to the
show sometime Wed, it will be Sunday before I have another chance (since
we're rather short staffed right now). Obviously, not seeing this is
hardly going to drive me to despair (at least I HOPE it's obvious:-), but
it would be nice to see it earlier rather than later.
As I have said, tickets are not even being sold until Noon Tuesday.
Brother-in-law wants off from work to go get the tickets. I have two
priorities every Tuesday. One is making sure the shop is open and the
second is getting supplies (as this is the supply pick-up day). Getting
tickets is, at best, third priority that day.
>Quite frankly your brother-in-law-to-be scares me, and you should have a
>serious talk with your sister.
He scares you?? You don't know the half of it, mate:-)
He brings his toys to work. OK, I know a lot of people our age (or anyone
above the age of 10) might buy the toys (I have some collectables myself),
but not that bring them to work, and have lightsabre battles on the back desk.
And as for the people queueing up, well I know the Australian that
organised the entire Mann's Chinese Theatre line (not well, tho:-), and I
do have to respect them, esp as most of these publicity stunts have charity
tie-ins. However, B-I-L looks up to these people as heroes.
Does anyone else get The Daily Probe (news parody) from Top5?? Today's
first article (about violence against video store clerks that will NOT SHUT
UP about this movie) fits him to a T.
And these are only his annoying habits that centre around Star Wars:-)
>As far as the people in Klingon garb, let me tell an experience I had. It
>was a Halloween party at our church 5 years ago.
(snip story about asylum escapee that BELIEVED that he was a Klingon:-)
He told me that I
>could join Starfleet, but would first (you guessed it) have to go to
>Starfleet Academy. I excused myself as quickly as I could after it occurred
>to me that this individual was serious. It really sent chills down my
>spine. I went home and threw my Encyclopedia away and vowed never to go
>down that route. It was truly scary.
I hear you, man:-)
I always thought it would be neat to get one of those stickers for the back
window of the car (like we have for our universities) that said Starfleet
Academy, but am concerned about the type of response it would generate.
To get back to the comparison to sports fans, there are a number of those
guys that are over the top (for example, see the movie Celtic Pride,
amongst others) and that scare me. And as I said before, I'd rather my
kids look up to someone like Patrick Stewart or LaVar Burtan or even the
characters they play than look up to Roger Clemens or the Dallas Cowboys.
However, it is a matter of perspective, and it seems that these guys who
obsess over movies are much less into reality than are your typical sports
Then again, you don't hear about some young kid shooting someone to get his
Spock's ears, just his Air Jordans:-)
- --Mel
- --Mel Eperthener
president, Gowanna Multi-media Pty
email: bcassidy@usaor.net
419 Butler Street
PO Box 95184
Pittsburgh, PA 15223-0184
(412) 781-6140
(412) 781-6380
"Mulder, if you had to do without a cell phone for
two minutes, you'd lapse into catatonic schizophrenia"
- --Dana Scully
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End of movies-digest V2 #189
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