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Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 10:24:31 EDT
Subject: Re: (mobility) Off Subject
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hey Eric, i would be more than happy to take one..(:o)....elie
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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT COLOR="#004080" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Lucida Sans" LANG="0">hey Eric, i would be more than happy to take one..(:o)....elie</FONT></HTML>
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Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 07:28:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: Brad Caviness <>
Subject: Re: (mobility) Off Subject
- --- Eric <> wrote:
> Yeah!! It's an amazing album! Buuuuuutttt..... The
> trees told me to get five more for karma reasons. So now I
> have five of them. I think I am going to give the
> remaining four to the unfortunate.
My car needs a new transmission, which will cost more than
the car is worth, and I really don't have money for either
the repairs or to get a new one.... does that make me
unfortunate enough to get a weezer cd?
Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises
"We're all writing everyday with our lives, whether or not we ever pick up a pen." û Linford Detweiler, Over the Rhine
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Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 16:58:57 -0600
From: "Tyler Holt" <>
Subject: (mobility) Play DVD?
<html><DIV>Wasn't the Play DVD supposed to come out next month or in July? Does anyone know anything?</DIV><br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <a href=""></a><br></p></html>
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End of mobility-digest V4 #585
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