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Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 07:56:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Simpson <>
Subject: (mobility) The Techno Literate Dinosaur
Thanks for whoever said that little one-liner message!
I just found the pseudonym for my upcoming all-Cubase
side project!
Altho I seriously didn't see the point in that message
being posted. But whatever.
And to everyone who saw Moby live in Seattle, ROCK!
I love Seattle, and I love Moby even more!
Hope you guys had a great time and such, um....
Anyway, ROCK!
"I ain't the cat y'all saw yesterday, att least I mean by tomorrow I won't be anyway, whole new ball game whole new day....GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" Quasimoto
DJ PAUL, host of Chester's Blanket Fort, 89.5 FM/
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Date: 15 Sep 2000 15:31:00 -0000
From: "Leroy-kun" <>
Subject: Re:(mobility) Play: The BSides
Interesting.. I was hoping that the Mute 2CD edition of Play would include something that you can't get elsewhere.. like Underwater and Little Idiot. Well it's still a cool idea, but I already compiled all the B-Sides onto a CDR.. man if I would've known they were doing this I maybe would've thoght twice about buying all 12 import singles ^^;;; No nevermind, I'm too much of a collector not to have got them all *sighs*