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- From: owner-fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com (fractint-digest)
- To: fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com
- Subject: fractint-digest V1 #430
- Reply-To: fractint-digest
- Sender: owner-fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com
- Errors-To: owner-fractint-digest@lists.xmission.com
- Precedence: bulk
- fractint-digest Sunday, December 26 1999 Volume 01 : Number 430
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 23:01:21 -0500 (EST)
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FOTD 22-12-99 (A Fractal Secret) (c)
- FOTD -- December 22, 1999
- Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries:
- Today's fractal is a somber one, filled with darkness and
- relieved only by sharply defined shafts of deep violet, almost
- an ultra-violet. It could be a stylized exploding galaxy, or it
- could be a design in a stained-glass window of some grotesque
- cathedral. It could be these and much more, but it is a fractal.
- It is today's fractal -- a scene cut in the Rectangular
- direction through the four-dimensional figure defined by the
- formula 3.5*((-z)^1.1+z^1.1)+c. The Rectangular direction is my
- own name for the orientation determined by the imag(z) and
- imag(c) axes.
- It is probably the darkest in overall value as well as in mood
- of all my FOTD's, quite in keeping with the season of Advent
- which is rapidly coming to a close as the big day approaches. I
- named the picture "A Fractal Secret" because I'm not sure what
- it reminds me of, and I didn't want to call it "I Don't Know".
- The formula behind the image is my RectPMnew -- a formula that I
- rarely pull out -- not because it is worthless, but rather
- because I have so many other formulas to investigate and not all
- that much time to do the investigation.
- In contrast to some of my recent FOTD's, today's parameter file
- takes less than 6 seconds to run on a Pentium 200mhz, that is
- after the minute or two it will take to copy this message to
- your Fractint parameter directory and run it from there.
- For those who would rather download the finished JPEG image,
- that image is available on the Usenet binary newsgroup:
- <alt.binaries.pictures.fractals>
- The image is also available on the web at Paul Lee's FOTD web
- site at the following URL:
- <http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html>
- The weather began turning winterish today here at Fractal
- Central -- cloudy, cold, bleak and raw, with a few periods of
- sleet and a promise of perhaps a little light snow overnight.
- The temperature of 38F (3C) was far too chilly for the fractal
- cats to venture outdoors, so they spent the day alternately
- chasing each other and stretched out by a radiator.
- Chilly days are also great for philosophizing, and I had a
- pretty good day with the philosophy, though I'll hold it until
- after the holidays, when the world will be in an entirely new
- era.
- Until tomorrow, same time same place, take care, and never give
- up on a fractal unless it gives up on you.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- START FORMULA==============================================
- RectPMnew {; Jim Muth
- z=flip(real(pixel))+p2,
- c=flip(imag(pixel))+p3,
- a=real(p1)+1, b=imag(p1):
- z=a*((-z)^b+z^b)+c,
- |z| <= 250
- }
- END FORMULA================================================
- START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
- A_Fractal_Secret { ; time=0:00:05.82 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=plusmin.frm
- formulaname=RectPMnew
- center-mag=-1.73195e-014/-3.55271e-015/0.07305376/1/\
- 44.999 params=2.5/1.1/1.987/0/0.735/0 float=y
- maxiter=250 bailout=25 inside=251 logmap=yes
- symmetry=origin periodicity=10
- colors=000BA7<4>G5HH4JI4L<3>XC__DbYLd<3>QlkOslTmj<3>\
- lTeqNcvIbzDa<3>QOMHQILVJ<3>YkM`pMctNfxNDKs<3>zUivhPr\
- w4mx2ix1<3>cfQabW`YaZUgYQm<3>EmqAsrLrq<2>qop<3>hWZfR\
- mVspVurVvWX`9YGKeOUlW<3>aUecPgeKjgFliBn<3>XYnUcnRhnO\
- nnLsn<3>SjVThQVbN<3>aGDT8s<3>HfgEodBwb<3>moFvn9rk8<3\
- >ca6<2>y3N<3>qQLoWKm`KkfJikJ<3>sLNuEOw7Py1Q<3>p7Jn8H\
- l9GgLEbXDTO7JG2<2>X7a<3>bVkc`mefpflrgqt<3>bTnaNl`Hk8\
- k7<3>VhI`gLegNkfQpfSPdM<3>wca<3>MGkDAmIKoNUqSbrIio9p\
- m<3>RuTEUB<3>2Sj0Ss7RZDRE<3>Hb7Ie5Jh4<3>LJ7MD8M789jQ\
- <3>kbLtaKjYG<2>IN4<2>EL5zzzCK6BK6AK6FHA
- }
- END PARAMETER FILE=========================================
- START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
- A_Fractal_Secret { ; time=0:00:05.82 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=plusmin.frm
- formulaname=RectPMnew
- center-mag=-1.73195e-014/-3.55271e-015/0.07305376/1/\
- 44.999 params=2.5/1.1/1.987/0/0.735/0 float=y
- maxiter=250 bailout=25 inside=251 logmap=yes
- symmetry=origin periodicity=10
- colors=000BA7<4>G5HH4JI4L<3>XC__DbYLd<3>QlkOslTmj<3>\
- lTeqNcvIbzDa<3>QOMHQILVJ<3>YkM`pMctNfxNDKs<3>zUivhPr\
- w4mx2ix1<3>cfQabW`YaZUgYQm<3>EmqAsrLrq<2>qop<3>hWZfR\
- mVspVurVvWX`9YGKeOUlW<3>aUecPgeKjgFliBn<3>XYnUcnRhnO\
- nnLsn<3>SjVThQVbN<3>aGDT8s<3>HfgEodBwb<3>moFvn9rk8<3\
- >ca6<2>y3N<3>qQLoWKm`KkfJikJ<3>sLNuEOw7Py1Q<3>p7Jn8H\
- l9GgLEbXDTO7JG2<2>X7a<3>bVkc`mefpflrgqt<3>bTnaNl`Hk8\
- k7<3>VhI`gLegNkfQpfSPdM<3>wca<3>MGkDAmIKoNUqSbrIio9p\
- m<3>RuTEUB<3>2Sj0Ss7RZDRE<3>Hb7Ie5Jh4<3>LJ7MD8M789jQ\
- <3>kbLtaKjYG<2>IN4<2>EL5zzzCK6BK6AK6FHA
- }
- frm:RectPMnew {; Jim Muth
- z=flip(real(pixel))+p2,
- c=flip(imag(pixel))+p3,
- a=real(p1)+1, b=imag(p1):
- z=a*((-z)^b+z^b)+c,
- |z| <= 250
- }
- END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:06:38 +0100
- From: "J.P. Louvet" <louvet@hse.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr>
- Subject: (fractint) A new fractal FAQ?
- Somebody asking to repost the sci.fractal FAQ in this newsgroup I have
- posted the text below. The question of an updated FAQ is open. What do you
- think about it ?
- - ----------- Text of my reply -----------
- The main server for the FAQ (maintained by Michael Taylor) is closed. The
- FAQ is somehow outdated for several aspects. As it is, it can be consulted
- at www.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/fractals/faq/.
- I was co-editor of the FAQ (for some parts which are in my field my
- competence), but I have hardly any time to update it and no competence for
- the mathematical questions. I have no news from Michael for a long time but
- I think that he retains his copyright. Maybe somebody has ideas to start
- another new FAQ (with another name). I can help for some parts (programs,
- galleries, references for web tutorials, mailing lists...).
- Any suggestion ?
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- J.P. Louvet | Phone : (33)05-56-84-58-35
- IUT Universite Bordeaux I | email : louvet@iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- 33405 Talence CEDEX France | email : louvet@hse.iuta.u-bordeaux.fr
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:33:31 -0500 (EST)
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 23-12-99 (Timewarped Midget) (c)
- FOTD -- December 23, 1999
- Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries:
- Today's midget, which was created by the MandelbrotMix4 formula
- calculating Z-3Z^(-3)+C reminds me of a time warp. Time warps,
- of course, are the things fiction writers tell of. They do not
- exist . . . or do they. A time warp could perhaps best be
- defined as a discontinuity in the time dimension. But if this
- definition is accepted, time warps become an every day reality.
- Last Saturday evening I experienced a time warp. When I
- finished my FOTD, I ensconced myself in my favorite chair to
- watch one of those junky old sci-fi thriller movies that they
- don't make any longer. (For good reason) I inserted the tape
- into the VCR and saw the movie begin. Then, there was a sudden
- time warp and the movie was ending. I thought the VCR might
- have malfunctioned until I checked the clock and saw that the
- time actually was 75 minutes later than it had been only 5
- minutes previously. The time stream had instantly jumped more
- than one hour into the future.
- But the time stream had not jumped; I had fallen asleep and for
- 75 minutes been unaware of the passage of time. I then began
- thinking of my experience. It could be seen in two different
- ways. Had I been unconscious for 75 minutes, or had time
- instantly jumped 75 minutes into the future? From my individual
- point of view, there was no way of knowing, since both events
- would have seemed exactly the same to me. Common sense tells me
- to explain the time discontinuity by claiming that I had fallen
- asleep and been unaware of time for 75 minutes. But I wonder if
- this is just another way of saying that my private time-stream
- experienced a discontinuous leap of 75 minutes into the future.
- I thought of that event today when I was studying today's
- picture, which I named "Timewarped Midget". The image is one of
- a midget sitting back in time, which exists along the Z axis of
- the image. I'd estimate the midget to be around 30 minutes in
- the past of the areas around the edge of the image. I have
- given the scene a dark blue color palette to emphasize the
- mystery of time.
- And speaking of time, it becomes relatively unimportant when the
- parameter file is run. Even the slowest Pentium will finish the
- image in less than 2 minutes. As always, the JPEG file has been
- posted to:
- <alt.binaries.pictures.fractals>
- and to:
- <http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html>
- The fractal weather was rather winterish today. Just a trace of
- snow fell during the overnight, and that little bit melted by
- the late morning when the sun broke through. But the tempera-
- ture of 41F (5C) was too cold for the delicate fractal cats, who
- passed the afternoon watching the birds at the feeder.
- Though conditions were good, I exhausted today's philosophical
- energies thinking about the nature of time. But tomorrow is a
- new day, and a new opportunity for new philosophy.
- Until tomorrow at this same time, take care, and time waits for
- no one.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- START FORMULA==============================================
- MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END FORMULA================================================
- START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
- Timewarped_Midget { ; time=0:00:54.16 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident
- center-mag=-2.61821107601817100/-1.46545761939722700\
- /1584762/1/162.5 params=-3/-3/1/1/0/0 float=y
- maxiter=1200 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=15
- symmetry=none periodicity=10
- colors=00040F30F20J12N13R<3>CJfFMiIQlKUoNYsQaxSdz<3>\
- GmzDpzArz7tz5vz<2>zcz<5>knzipzgrzdtzbvz`wz<3>OyzLzzI\
- zwLztNzs<2>UznWzlZzi<3>gzYizUlzRnzOpzKrzIdz7<5>OzILz\
- KIzM<3>7zT<3>LzMOzKSzIVzGYcF<2>gcA<3>NcWIc`Sci`cq<3>\
- YchXcfXAd<3>bO_dSZeVYgcX<3>mcTncSpcRqcQOc6SmA<3>emP<\
- 3>WmZUm`Vma<2>VmdumF<3>cmeSmdGmd<3>TmOXmK_mGbmCem8<2\
- >XmFUVI<3>JfRGiTDlVBnX<3>S_gWWj`Sm<3>pEw<3>h6pf4ne3m\
- <3>eBGeC8kFHqHPwJX<5>`JWXJWTJW<3>EJW<8>dgRgjRjmQ<3>u\
- wPtzU<3>szkszoszsKzi<6>YzO_zLazI<3>iz6<4>_zB<3>SzE<3\
- >dzOgzQfzP<3>czNbzNazM<3>_zL<2>9zkIzd7zW6zX5zZ
- }
- END PARAMETER FILE=========================================
- START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
- Timewarped_Midget { ; time=0:00:54.16 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident
- center-mag=-2.61821107601817100/-1.46545761939722700\
- /1584762/1/162.5 params=-3/-3/1/1/0/0 float=y
- maxiter=1200 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=15
- symmetry=none periodicity=10
- colors=00040F30F20J12N13R<3>CJfFMiIQlKUoNYsQaxSdz<3>\
- GmzDpzArz7tz5vz<2>zcz<5>knzipzgrzdtzbvz`wz<3>OyzLzzI\
- zwLztNzs<2>UznWzlZzi<3>gzYizUlzRnzOpzKrzIdz7<5>OzILz\
- KIzM<3>7zT<3>LzMOzKSzIVzGYcF<2>gcA<3>NcWIc`Sci`cq<3>\
- YchXcfXAd<3>bO_dSZeVYgcX<3>mcTncSpcRqcQOc6SmA<3>emP<\
- 3>WmZUm`Vma<2>VmdumF<3>cmeSmdGmd<3>TmOXmK_mGbmCem8<2\
- >XmFUVI<3>JfRGiTDlVBnX<3>S_gWWj`Sm<3>pEw<3>h6pf4ne3m\
- <3>eBGeC8kFHqHPwJX<5>`JWXJWTJW<3>EJW<8>dgRgjRjmQ<3>u\
- wPtzU<3>szkszoszsKzi<6>YzO_zLazI<3>iz6<4>_zB<3>SzE<3\
- >dzOgzQfzP<3>czNbzNazM<3>_zL<2>9zkIzd7zW6zX5zZ
- }
- frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 00:59:10 -0600
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Re: [fractal-art] A new fractal FAQ?
- J.P. Louvet wrote:
- >
- > Somebody asking to repost the sci.fractal FAQ in
- > this newsgroup I have posted the text below. The
- > question of an updated FAQ is open. What do you
- > think about it ?
- >
- If you want a list of various web links and other information for these
- topics:
- Software
- Animations
- Various Products
- Movies
- Music
- Interactive
- Newsgroups
- Copy Sites of Usenet Postings
- Mail Listings
- CHAT Related References
- Documentation
- Books, Magazines, Articles, etc.
- Fractal Galleries
- Tutorials on Software use
- Tutorials on Fractal Creation
- Various Other Information
- Then try the following URL:
- http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/Fractal_Links.txt
- P.N.L.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 19:27:56 EST
- From: Khemyst@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) question on printing fractals
- About a year ago there was info on fractal image size to create, how to do
- it, and recommended service bureaus to get higher resolution prints made,
- suitable for framing- ie bigger than 8 by 10's...perhaps more poster sized.
- Does anyone have this info? My system crashed and I can't find the message
- threads regarding this.
- Thanks
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:25:24 -0700 (MST)
- From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) question on printing fractals
- This may have a slight Ultra Fractal bias to it, but the basic information
- is pretty general:
- http://www.parkenet.org/jp/print.html
- Kerry
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kerry Mitchell
- lkmitch@primenet.com http://www.primenet.com/~lkmitch/
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 18:25:34 -0700
- From: Phil McRevis <legalize@xmission.com>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) question on printing fractals
- In article <0.aabf7a02.2594180c@aol.com>,
- Khemyst@aol.com writes:
- > About a year ago there was info on [...]
- > Does anyone have this info?
- You can probably find it in the FTP archives
- <ftp://ftp.xmission.com/pub/lists/fractint/>
- - --
- <http://www.xmission.com/~legalize/> Legalize Adulthood!
- ``Ain't it funny that they all fire the pistol,
- at the wrong end of the race?''--PDBT
- legalize@xmission.com <http://www.thewho.net>
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 22:29:52 -0500 (EST)
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FOTD 24-12-99 (Deep Blue Midget) (c)
- FOTD -- December 24, 1999
- Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries:
- We've just passed the night of what was supposed to be the
- brightest full moon in 133 years. The viewing conditions here
- at Fractal Central were perfect, with skies as clear as they
- ever get around these parts. The moon as I saw it was
- brilliant, and it did seem a bit larger and brighter than the
- normal full moon, but the difference was tiny, and I'm not about
- ready to argue that I witnessed the brightest moon in 133 years.
- There's nothing loony about today's FOTD. The name I gave it is
- "Deep Blue Midget", which would have been more appropriate for
- yesterday's spectacularly blue midget. But today's midget has a
- blue heart, making it at least somewhat worthy of the name. The
- little midget is part of the fractal that results from iterating
- a critical plane of the formula Z^1.5-2*(Z^2.5)+C.
- The most interesting feature in the picture is the ring of 16
- sausage-shaped open areas arranged symmetrically around the
- midget. Such theme-holes often appear in the Mandelbrot aspect
- of fractals created when two different powers of Z are combined.
- I'm not enough of a math expert to know why these holes appear,
- but when they do appear, it is usually in only certain areas of
- the fractal.
- Today's fractal was calculated in 50 minutes while I attended to
- some last-minute Christmas chores. That time is slow enough to
- make the a download of the GIF file almost imperative. I posted
- today's image in GIF format because it suffered too much
- deterioration when I JPEG'd it. The image has been posted to
- the Usenet group:
- <alt.binaries.pictures.fractals>
- and to Paul Lee's web site at:
- <http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html>
- The fractal weather was seasonal today, with variable skies and
- a temperature of 43F (6C) that kept the fractal cats indoors
- chasing sunbeams. The weather was also ideal for thinking deep
- thoughts, though I'm holding my deepest thoughts until next
- century, when anything could happen.
- Until tomorrow, take care, and have a happy instead of a hectic
- holiday season.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- START FORMULA==============================================
- MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END FORMULA================================================
- START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
- Deep_Blue_Midget { ; time=0:50:36.26 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=+0.92778257319408740/+0.03987525463564205\
- /7.287883e+009/1/144.999 params=1/1.5/-2/2.5/0/0
- float=y maxiter=12000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=493
- symmetry=none periodicity=10
- colors=000VVrQRsMNt<3>QYqR`qScp<3>Wmn<3>Kq`HqXErU<2>\
- 5tK<3>IXILRHOLH<3>ZMCaMAdM9<2>lM5oM4pM3nM2lJ4<3>JA9C\
- 8AED9<5>Ka4Le3Mj3<3>Qz0<3>SoBSlDSiG<7>OUWOSYNQ_<3>MJ\
- f<3>YfQ`lMcrIewE<6>XpTWoVVnX<3>QjdPicOh`<2>PbSP`POZM\
- NXJ<3>M`NMaOLbP<2>LeSLeTMgR<7>QoFQpERqC<2>St8Su7UrA<\
- 7>eZRfXThUW<2>lNamLclK`<3>iIPiIMhHJhHH<3>u7A<13>_JFY\
- z<2>Jbz<25>hcziczjczkczlcz<24>mcz
- }
- END PARAMETER FILE=========================================
- START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
- Deep_Blue_Midget { ; time=0:50:36.26 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=+0.92778257319408740/+0.03987525463564205\
- /7.287883e+009/1/144.999 params=1/1.5/-2/2.5/0/0
- float=y maxiter=12000 bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=493
- symmetry=none periodicity=10
- colors=000VVrQRsMNt<3>QYqR`qScp<3>Wmn<3>Kq`HqXErU<2>\
- 5tK<3>IXILRHOLH<3>ZMCaMAdM9<2>lM5oM4pM3nM2lJ4<3>JA9C\
- 8AED9<5>Ka4Le3Mj3<3>Qz0<3>SoBSlDSiG<7>OUWOSYNQ_<3>MJ\
- f<3>YfQ`lMcrIewE<6>XpTWoVVnX<3>QjdPicOh`<2>PbSP`POZM\
- NXJ<3>M`NMaOLbP<2>LeSLeTMgR<7>QoFQpERqC<2>St8Su7UrA<\
- 7>eZRfXThUW<2>lNamLclK`<3>iIPiIMhHJhHH<3>u7A<13>_JFY\
- z<2>Jbz<25>hcziczjczkczlcz<24>mcz
- }
- frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 11:00:20 +0500
- From: Abhishek Roy <asm12@bom5.vsnl.net.in>
- Subject: (fractint) Sci.fractal faq
- A few weeks ago someone had posted the location of the sci.fractal faq.
- Could anyone please repost the ftp path/url?
- Thank you,
- Abhishek Roy
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 13:16:42 -0600
- From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Sci.fractal faq
- Abhishek Roy wrote:
- >
- > A few weeks ago someone had posted the
- > location of the sci.fractal faq.
- > Could anyone please repost the ftp path/url?
- >
- Various Links that have been used over the past few years:
- http://fractal.mta.ca/sci.fractals-faq/
- http://spanky.triumf.ca/pub/fractals/docs/SCI_FRACTALS.FAQ
- http://www.mta.ca/~mctaylor/sci.fractals-faq/
- http://non.com/news.answers/fractal-faq.html
- ftp://pit-manager.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/fractal-faq
- ftp://pit-manager.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/sci/fractals-faq
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/fractal-faq
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/sci/fractals-faq/
- http://webpages.marshall.edu/~stepp/fractal-faq/faq.html
- http://www.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr/fractals/faq/
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/sci/fractals/
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/sci.fractals/
- P.N.L.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- http://www.fractalus.com/cgi-bin/theway?ring=fractals&id=43&go
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 18:36:45 -0500 (EST)
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 25-12-99 (Greetings) (c)
- FOTD -- December 25, 1999
- Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries:
- I've noticed a thread over on the UF list about favorite
- fractals. The discussion set me to thinking -- what is my
- favorite fractal? This is a most difficult question indeed.
- I doubt if any of my FOTD's would qualify, as even the best of
- them fall from favor within a week of their creation.
- If the question refers to a particular fractal image, then I
- have no definite answer, because my favorite image is rarely the
- same two days in a row. But if the question refers to a
- particular abstract fractal object, then the four-dimensional
- Julibrot object created by the formula Z^2+C is my favorite.
- I never tire of discovering new slices of this single object,
- which holds within its unfathomable intricacies not only every
- Julia set, but the Mandelbrot set along with all the perturbed
- M-sets as well.
- Though the Julibrot object is my favorite fractal, the
- MandelbrotMix4 is my favorite formula. (At least until I update
- it.) This formula almost automatically finds and draws one
- never-before-seen minibrot after another. Today's image, which
- results from subtracting a portion of Z^2.5 from Z^2, is a
- typical example of the formula's efficiency.
- Being bogged down in holiday activities, I had next to no time
- to find a fractal worthy of the big day. Then the M-Mix4
- formula came to the rescue by creating a fractal that is filled
- with interesting midgets. The midget I selected is found deep
- in an elephant-trunk spiral in the East Valley area of the
- parent image. I named the festive picture "Greetings" both
- because of the season and because I thought of nothing better.
- Taking 10 minutes to render from the parameter file, the image
- may be downloaded in much less time from:
- <alt.binaries.pictures.fractals>
- and from:
- <http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html>
- The fractal weather was partly cloudy and quite cold today, with
- an afternoon temperature around 25F (-4C), which kept the
- fractal cats from even thinking of putting their noses outside.
- My philosophical muse was as cold as the temperature, so no
- brilliant new ideas emerged. But it's still 7 days until the
- next century -- plenty of time to solve some cosmic mysteries.
- And now I've got to solve the more mundane mystery of wrapping
- presents and keeping the ever-curious fractal cats out of the
- wrapping paper. Until next time, take special care, and the
- best is yet to come.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- START FORMULA==============================================
- MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END FORMULA================================================
- START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
- Greetings { ; time=0:09:41.94 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=-3.47737558637312900/-0.34798533512990480\
- /8.466862e+008/1/-35
- params=0.25/2/-0.044/2.5/0/10000 float=y maxiter=1600
- bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=163 symmetry=none
- periodicity=10
- colors=000WACWAC<4>`AR<3>dAbeBefChgDkhEn<3>lFvmFxnFy\
- 5ED6CE7CE8EF9ILAIQCJ<2>dAKi9In6Gs3Ev0Cw4Ax8GyCEzGB<3\
- >rV2pY0q_2<8>viIwkKwlL<3>ypS<2>_eUSbUJYVBZV<2>PgUUjN\
- FmG0qA<3>9uBBvBFqC<3>U_GYWHaRIeNJhJJ<3>`niZvoYqq<3>V\
- >mjI<3>POZJIcDDg77k12o<7>CQRDTOEWL<2>IdCJf9MgD<5>`mZ\
- cnaeoe<3>ors<3>mowmnxlmylmy<7>fczfbze`z<3>cXz<3>NInJ\
- EkFAh2N6<3>9J6BF6<3>IZ6Kc6Lh6RnX<3>RrmRsqQtoQunQvm<5\
- >PwfPwePwd<3>Pw`QwZRwX<9>YwG
- }
- END PARAMETER FILE=========================================
- START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
- Greetings { ; time=0:09:41.94 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=-3.47737558637312900/-0.34798533512990480\
- /8.466862e+008/1/-35
- params=0.25/2/-0.044/2.5/0/10000 float=y maxiter=1600
- bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=163 symmetry=none
- periodicity=10
- colors=000WACWAC<4>`AR<3>dAbeBefChgDkhEn<3>lFvmFxnFy\
- 5ED6CE7CE8EF9ILAIQCJ<2>dAKi9In6Gs3Ev0Cw4Ax8GyCEzGB<3\
- >rV2pY0q_2<8>viIwkKwlL<3>ypS<2>_eUSbUJYVBZV<2>PgUUjN\
- FmG0qA<3>9uBBvBFqC<3>U_GYWHaRIeNJhJJ<3>`niZvoYqq<3>V\
- >mjI<3>POZJIcDDg77k12o<7>CQRDTOEWL<2>IdCJf9MgD<5>`mZ\
- cnaeoe<3>ors<3>mowmnxlmylmy<7>fczfbze`z<3>cXz<3>NInJ\
- EkFAh2N6<3>9J6BF6<3>IZ6Kc6Lh6RnX<3>RrmRsqQtoQunQvm<5\
- >PwfPwePwd<3>Pw`QwZRwX<9>YwG
- }
- frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 01:41:59 EST
- From: Khemyst@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) question on printing fractals
- Found It Took a very long while, but found it- Thanks
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 10:28:50 EST
- From: BillatNY@aol.com
- Subject: Re: (fractint) Sci.fractal faq
- I don't know if there is a more current version, but the FAQ I'm aware of is
- at:
- http://spanky.triumf.ca/pub/fractals/docs/SCI_FRACTALS.FAQ
- - -Bill
- http://members.aol.com/billatny/fractopi.htm
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 19:35:01 -0000
- From: "Les St Clair" <les_stclair@crosstrees.prestel.co.uk>
- Subject: (fractint) Merry Christmas (Tree)
- Merry Christmas...
- lesifs009 { ; "Christmas Tree with Lights" t= 0:06:46.73
- ; t=calc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1200
- ; (c) 1998 by Les St Clair [Par date: Nov 21, 1998]
- ; e-mail to: les_stclair@compuserve.com
- reset=1960 type=ifs ifsfile=les.ifs ifs=lesifs009
- center-mag=-0.28121945000000000/+5.14996337500000000/0.1558758/0.9998/14\
- 7.578 params=1 float=y maxiter=10000
- colors=0000zF0zFzNIz00SDzzz9z8zzX0zz88zzXNmzzzz0ZzaN0kzc0zzZ0000<236>000
- cyclerange=6/41
- }
- IFS:lesifs009 { ; Les St Clair 11/98
- ; ported from Fdesign
- 0.400000 -0.430769 0.266667 0.302564 3.370081 6.471119 0.091635
- - -0.466667 -0.817949 -0.600000 0.415385 4.342217 1.955171 0.265941
- 0.473743 -0.213001 -0.768943 0.284002 -0.108457 4.979621 0.295278
- - -0.048962 -0.059929 -0.050651 0.008561 -3.009826 5.185175 0.023253
- - -0.061893 -0.053325 -0.051265 0.034959 -0.250403 4.560843 0.028896
- 0.026178 -0.040175 -0.078535 -0.028135 1.966656 5.866811 0.022291
- - -0.000000 -0.029329 -0.088827 -0.021655 -0.726490 3.026234 0.013907
- - -0.088827 -0.045495 -0.088827 0.016922 2.037453 3.302222 0.041070
- - -0.088827 -0.045495 -0.000000 0.030556 2.037453 1.349467 0.014489
- - -0.065446 -0.055648 -0.052357 -0.004281 0.670731 7.727941 0.014899
- - -0.032723 -0.038526 -0.065446 -0.000000 2.195090 8.820071 0.016340
- - -0.039267 -0.051367 -0.078535 -0.004281 -3.697907 3.847955 0.020878
- - -0.045812 -0.059929 -0.111258 -0.004281 2.900863 6.813558 0.025504
- - -0.006545 -0.051367 -0.124347 -0.000000 3.099650 3.605853 0.040710
- - -0.032723 -0.051367 -0.091624 -0.000000 2.861876 1.955493 0.022938
- - -0.094776 -0.065346 -0.000000 0.065346 3.176909 -0.061160 0.030986
- - -0.094776 -0.065346 -0.000000 0.065346 -2.258020 2.268096 0.030986
- }
- - - Les
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 18:35:34 -0800
- From: Mark Christenson <mchris@hooked.net>
- Subject: (fractint) Fractal Gallery update
- I have just completed phase one of a much-needed fractal website
- update. Follow the links through "What's New" from my home page,
- http://www.hooked.net/~mchris/fractals.htm
- Included are my Fractal Art '99 contest entries, 3 of 5 also-rans,
- and two new "mandelfn" images.
- Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
- Bud
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 10:10:52 EST
- From: Khemyst@aol.com
- Subject: (fractint) The 256 color barrier
- I have a par that I've created. Is there a way to break the 256 color
- barrier with this par, to get more colors for better dithering (also the
- larger images)? I'm using fractint v 19.6
- Thanks...
- Paul
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 10:36:47 -0500 (EST)
- From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
- Subject: (fractint) FOTD, 26-12-99 (Joyful) (c)
- FOTD -- December 26, 1999
- Fractal enthusiasts and visionaries:
- I'm a little late with the discussion of today's FOTD for a good
- reason -- I found no chance to write it when it was due. So I'm
- writing it now, the morning of the day after it was due. The
- reason I'm late of course is that there was just too much
- visiting and other merry-making yesterday, which was December 25.
- The image itself is one I had on file for just such an
- emergency. It has been posted to:
- <alt.binaries.pictures.fractals>
- and to:
- <http://home.att.net/~Paul.N.Lee/FotD/FotD.html>
- for almost 24 hours. There's not much to be said about today's
- picture, so I'll not say much. It was created by the
- MandelbrotMix4 formula calculating Z^(1.5)+Z(2.5)+C. It's a
- picture of a standard quadratic baby M-set, surrounded by
- 'S'-shaped areas of chaos on stalks. The image is actually a
- bit beyond the limit of resolution, thus the mathtolerance=/0.18
- in the parameter file, which will force Fractint to calculate at
- the correct magnitude. I named the picture "Joyful" because it
- reminds me of a Christmas decoration.
- The fractal weather was continued sunny but very cold, with a
- temperature of 26F (-3C) which kept the Fractal cats well
- ensconced indoors. Such weather is also perfect for
- philosophizing, and there's no time of the year better suited
- for philosophy than the Christmas season, when everyone gets all
- nostalgic about things that they can't even define. Despite the
- rush, I found time for much deep philosophical thinking. I'll
- share my thoughts starting January 3, 2000.
- Until next time, which will be in only 12 hours, take care, and
- thank goodness Christmas comes only once a year.
- Jim Muth
- jamth@mindspring.com
- START FORMULA==============================================
- MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END FORMULA================================================
- START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
- Joyful { ; time=0:06:23.16 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=mandelbrotmix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=-0.42590222577768970/+0.26971530247950280\
- /4.440764e+013/1.0001/77.505/-0.034
- params=-1/1.5/1/2.5/0/0 float=y maxiter=1800
- bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=132 symmetry=xaxis
- periodicity=10 mathtolerance=/0.18
- colors=000A2A<3>D5AE6AF7A<2>IAA<4>NUA<3>Si9Um9Vq9Wu9\
- Xy9<3>ZrWZpa_nf_ll_kq<3>TSoRNnPInODn<4>Z9c`8ab7_<3>j\
- 5S<3>ZYgWdkTkoQrsNyvSsWWm6<3>i_AmWBpTC<2>zJE<4>yAWy8\
- Zy6b<2>y1ly0ow3l<8>iTQgVNfYL<3>`hB<3>fR`gMgiImjDtk9z\
- <6>b4ga3e_2b<2>X0VW0TX4U<4>ZOWZSX_WX<2>`gZ`kZZi_<7>N\
- XfLVgKTh<3>ENk<3>W`j_djcgjmZcvRX<5>gMXdLXbLX<3>TIX<8\
- >eUFfVDhWB<3>m`4<3>gbKfcOecS<2>adb<4>kiTljS<9>htEhuC\
- hvB<3>gz6<3>QzaLziHzqDzx<7>HzqHzpIzo<3>Jzl<5>_zUbzQe\
- zN<3>pzB<4>dz6bz5`z5<3>Sz1EzHEzG
- }
- END PARAMETER FILE=========================================
- START 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE================================
- Joyful { ; time=0:06:23.16 on a p200, SF5
- reset=2000 type=formula formulafile=critical.frm
- formulaname=mandelbrotmix4 function=ident passes=1
- center-mag=-0.42590222577768970/+0.26971530247950280\
- /4.440764e+013/1.0001/77.505/-0.034
- params=-1/1.5/1/2.5/0/0 float=y maxiter=1800
- bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=132 symmetry=xaxis
- periodicity=10 mathtolerance=/0.18
- colors=000A2A<3>D5AE6AF7A<2>IAA<4>NUA<3>Si9Um9Vq9Wu9\
- Xy9<3>ZrWZpa_nf_ll_kq<3>TSoRNnPInODn<4>Z9c`8ab7_<3>j\
- 5S<3>ZYgWdkTkoQrsNyvSsWWm6<3>i_AmWBpTC<2>zJE<4>yAWy8\
- Zy6b<2>y1ly0ow3l<8>iTQgVNfYL<3>`hB<3>fR`gMgiImjDtk9z\
- <6>b4ga3e_2b<2>X0VW0TX4U<4>ZOWZSX_WX<2>`gZ`kZZi_<7>N\
- XfLVgKTh<3>ENk<3>W`j_djcgjmZcvRX<5>gMXdLXbLX<3>TIX<8\
- >eUFfVDhWB<3>m`4<3>gbKfcOecS<2>adb<4>kiTljS<9>htEhuC\
- hvB<3>gz6<3>QzaLziHzqDzx<7>HzqHzpIzo<3>Jzl<5>_zUbzQe\
- zN<3>pzB<4>dz6bz5`z5<3>Sz1EzHEzG
- }
- frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
- a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
- g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
- k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
- z=k*((a*(z^b))+(d*(z^f)))+c,
- |z| < l
- }
- END 20.0 PAR-FORMULA FILE==================================
- - --------------------------------------------------------------
- Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
- Post Message: fractint@lists.xmission.com
- Get Commands: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "help"
- Administrator: twegner@swbell.net
- Unsubscribe: majordomo@lists.xmission.com "unsubscribe fractint"
- ------------------------------
- End of fractint-digest V1 #430
- ******************************