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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) test
Date: 09 Aug 1997 15:21:15 -0600
Just seeing if this works.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Another test
Date: 09 Aug 1997 17:03:57 -0600
Another test message.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Hello!
Date: 09 Aug 1997 19:03:56 -0600
I see that Lee and Sylvie have arrived. Welcome?
How does it look?
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Hello!
Date: 09 Aug 1997 21:54:28 -0400
>>I see that Lee and Sylvie have arrived. Welcome?
>>How does it look?
OK, so far!
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Hello!
Date: 10 Aug 1997 03:29:31 -0400
Hi Tim,
>> I see that Lee and Sylvie have arrived. Welcome?
>> How does it look?
Maybe you could reformat the following paragraphs:
>> The Majordomo software this mailing list uses provides a =
>> suite of convenient
>> utilities that you can utilize. And they're as simple to =
>> use as sending e-mail. For further information, send an e-
>> mail message to:
>> You can contact the the fractint list administrator, Tim =
>> Wegner, by sending =
>> e-mail to:
- Sylvie
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) re: Hello!
Date: 10 Aug 1997 09:42:40 -0600
Sylvie wrote:
> Maybe you could reformat the following paragraphs:
OK, thanks. Never mind my other message, our mail crossed <g!> I
never did get an administrator message saying you were in "fractint",
but I guess you are!
The messages are changing this pass.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks!
Date: 11 Aug 1997 20:18:39 -0600
I see Jay and Noel have logged in. Welcome everybody! I suggest those
of you already here make yourselves known :-)
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From: NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@triumf.ca>
Subject: RE: (fractint) Welcome folks!
Date: 11 Aug 1997 18:24:19 PST
Hi all,
This is great! Finally a forum for all those fractint questions
and technical talk.
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: (fractint) Questions about Les St Clair's par Gallery
Date: 11 Aug 1997 18:23:39 -0700
Hi Fractint users:
Here is my last post from the art list, it will be better served here.
Les wrote:
>I especially don't upload my *images*, only par files. One reason is that
>I have so many and the PAR format is so compact compared with decent
>resolution GIFs. I do, however, claim copyright on my images. By
>them only as PAR files (which have to be generated by Fractint) the
>copyright comment is there for the user to see.
Les sent me par files for 52 images. It did not take long to look them
Very nice. I replied to him with the following, which I am posting here
because I have some questions about one of the formula. Hopefully,
someone on this list can answer. The formula produces intriguing patterns
- I currently use an example (Partwave, see below) as my screen back
-- --
Now folks, these are a great series, really. One of my favorite images is
variation, or a reverse zoom (zoomout) of Les' "Parting of the Waves
What I like to do to these and FotD images is zoomout and look around a
See if there is some interesting mathematical implication or another nice
image in another corner. I've put some of these explorations on my web
Parting of the Waves zoomout looks like a modified MSet image with rays
out all around, but some are under splotches. The cardioid has radial
bands of
color but all other components including mini-cardioid have circular
BTW, as a long time DEEPZOOMer(TM), I saw someone calling a 10^^300+
midget a minibrot. Well, in the age of nanotech, I suggest we call
nanobrots. :-)
Here is the file for FRACTINT 19.6. I'd sure like to know what is going on
here. I read formula tutorial and the fractint.doc and understand a some
But that just does not seem to be enough for me. So please allow me a few
Why the rays? Zoomout shows it is related to the angle where c is. But how
does z[n] map to these angles? That is, how does the final exit select a
based on angle? The rays are fractal, splitting as they approach the MSet.
If you can follow one, you will end up at a mininbrot.
Why the splotches? Zoomout even more and we see a band (width -45i to +45i)
going from -inf to +inf. The band is made of these splotches which near the
real line get so narrow that Moir? patterns take over. The splotches are
mapped all over the image as you zoom in near the MSet.
Why the banding in the components and where are the splotches? I would
thought the components would have them. And why is the cardioid different
from all other components? It must be a bof60 thing. :-) Turning it off
leaves the cardioid banded.
And finally, if you zoom into a spiral, you often run smack into a round
An example is Blackhole (see below) where I follow a ray into a spiral and
there it is, a spot blocking exploration which is unlike the splotches
mentioned in the previous questions. Unlike the fake MSet zones of black
which go away with higher iteration limits, this one is persistent. What
is it? Can we make it smaller and even go away?
Thanks, Les, for the great images! Hopefully Les St Clair or Jim Muth or
of the other experts can help me understand.
Partwave { ; By Jay Hill JAY.R.HILL@cpmx.saic.com
; Part wave, part matter ...
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=partwave.par
formulaname=tent_in_mod function=abs/cos/cos/cabs
center-mag=-0.705104/0/0.6911445 params=0/0/0.001/0 float=y
maxiter=1500 inside=bof60 logmode=fly decomp=256 periodicity=0
z cyclerange=0/255
comment! { ; Press F2 for additional info. and credits
; inspired by Les St Clair les_stclair@compuserve.com
; All images use "tent_in_mod" formula (included).
; Thanks to Sylvie Gallet for the original formula
; which was adapted from a BASIC program -
; "Tent Inside Man" by Malcolm Lichtenstein.
; Many of the color schemes used herein are
; from original maps by Linda Allison, Bob Carr,
; Sylvie Gallet, Lee Skinner and others :)
FRM:tent_in_mod { ; Modified Sylvie Gallet formula
; Modified tent_inside.frm (generalized by Les St Clair)
; use fn1,fn2,fn4=abs & fn3=cabs for default behaviour
; set p1=0, p2=0.001 for default behaviour
IF (p1 || flip(p1))
r = p1
r = 1
z = 0 :
l = r+p1
z = z*z + pixel
UV = (5,5) - fn1((5,5) - fn2(z))
r = fn3(UV)
fn4(l-r) >= p2 && r < 4
Blackhole { ; By Jay Hill JAY.R.HILL@cpmx.saic.com
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=partwave.par
formulaname=tent_in_mod function=abs/cos/cos/cabs
params=0/0/0.001/0 float=y maxiter=150000 inside=bof60 logmode=fly
decomp=256 periodicity=0
And here is one reply so far:
>The black, or brown in this case, hole at the center of the "Blackhole"
>fractal will go away with little change to the rest of the image if
>real p2 is changed from 0.001 to 0.
>Jim M.
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: (fractint) Making myself known
Date: 11 Aug 1997 23:33:07 EDT
Tim and all,
Responding to Tim's request that subscribers to this list make themselves known
I am George Martin from the Detroit, Michigan area. I've been active on the
CompuServe forum for years, and more recently a participant with the Fractint
development team.
I'm glad to see this list started - I know there's lots of good Fractint work
being done outside of CompuServe, and I hope this list becomes a vehicle for all
users to share their ideas and problems.
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 11 Aug 1997 22:44:10 -0600
In response to Tim's prodding :), I'll introduce myself.
I work as a software engineer in computer graphics (we make a program
to paint textures directly on the surfaces of 3D models for SGI
workstations), and when I get some time I create whatever I can manage
with fractals. I tend to explore the complex exponential julia sets
(z <- lambda * e^z + c), among other things. I've only been using
fractint for a short while; mostly I have been writing my own code and
rendering techniques.
I wrote the call for votes that created sci.fractals on usenet and its
subsequent charter. That was a few years ago; now I avoid usenet
because of all the spam issues, unfortunately. I've taken enough
mathematics to be able to read (and understand! :) Beauty of Fractals,
which is quite dense indeed. It took me a few courses in topology and
fractals in general before I understood some of the things Peitgen
talks about in that book. Until the last few years, I didn't have an
IBM PC to play with fractint much, but I did sneak a few tastes on
other people's computers. (I used to own an Amiga.)
My interests are in the mathematics and rendering of fractals. I've
written a little perl script that creates a DOS fractint batch file
from a par file, if that is of interest to anyone.
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks!
Date: 12 Aug 1997 10:12:41 -0400
Hi All,
>> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
I am Sylvie Gallet from Drancy (France). Fractal addict for more than =
years, formula writer, beta tester... and (sometimes) math teacher<g>.
- Sylvie
PS: Here is a small gift:
Gallet-9-02 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Aug 1997
z1 =3D c =3D pixel , mz1 =3D cabs(fn2(z1)) , k =3D real(p1)*mz1
bailout =3D real(p2) , z =3D imag(p1) :
z1 =3D z1*z1 + c
z1 =3D fn1(real(z1)) + flip(imag(z1)) , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 <=3D k)
z1 =3D (z1 + 1) * p3 , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 < imag(p1))
z =3D z1^imag(p2)
mz1 <=3D bailout
6SG90219.GIF { ; . t=3D 0:02:0=
; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Aug 10, 1997
; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgallet_9.frm
formulaname=3Dgallet-9-02 function=3Dtan/sinh passes=3D1
params=3D100/100/8/3/1.1/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D255 inside=3D0 decomp=3D=
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:05:38 -0400
Hi All,
>> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
I am Lee Skinner from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fractaholic and fractal=
artist since that first article appeared in Scientific American in the mi=
s =
'80s. When I discovered Fractint it was up to version 12.0.
I see that Sylvie has posted an image 6SG90219.GIF. Very beautiful, =
Sylvie - palm trees in snow??
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From: "Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:11:25 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Lee Skinner wrote:
> >> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
> I am Lee Skinner from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fractaholic and fractal
> artist since that first article appeared in Scientific American in the mis
> '80s. When I discovered Fractint it was up to version 12.0.
I'm Melissa Binde, going into my final year at Swarthmore College in
Swarthmore, PA, then moving out to the San Francisco Bay Area of California
to get a job :^).
I play with Fractint in version 11 originally, but had been playing with
fractals since sometime in the 80's somewhere. Just recently got access to
a machine running DOS again so, after a 5 year hiatus, am able to use
Fractint again. I use Fractint as a way of diffusing my need to be creative
and a way to relax after a harrowing day at work. [or classes, in a few
weeks :^)]
Melissa Binde -- binde@cs.swarthmore.edu
Outside the Asylum -- http://www.cs.swarthmore.edu/~binde/index.html
Babylon 5 Weekly Column -- http://babylon5.miningco.com
Satisfaction guaranteed, or twice your load back. -- sign on septic tank truck
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 14:20:10 -0700
Hi! I'm Linda Allison. My husband actually discovered Fractint, and
downloaded it in early 1995. I think he's sorry now. I spend so much time
in the computer room playing with it!
We live in Lacey, Washington, and there's not much unique to tell you! But
nice to meet you all!
Lee, you said that you saw a posting by Sylvie. Where did you see the
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:59:50 -0400
>>Lee, you said that you saw a posting by Sylvie. Where did you see the
It was in a postscript of her introduction message. If you got it, look =
it again and <page down> beyond her signature. I'll bet you overlooked i=
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From: noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)
Subject: (fractint) Thanks to Tim and a Question on MMX
Date: 12 Aug 1997 14:44:22 -0700
I'm happy that Tim Wegner finally got this mailing list started. It is a
much needed Internet-wide forum for discussing Fractint-specific topics for
those who can't or won't join Compuserve. The online world is inexorably
moving to the Internet, even CompuServe, so forums limited to one service
provider will slowly but surely fade into the sunset in the next couple
years. Tim's mailing list is, as I understand it, the interim step in this
inevitable evolution.
As the administrator for the Fractal-Art mailing list (to subscribe, see my
.sig below), I hope that both lists will be able to serve the fractal
enthusiast community, each in their own unique ways. As some may know,
I've sort of frowned upon overly Fractint-techie talk on Fractal-Art for
various reasons I won't go into. Tim's list is the natural and appropriate
outlet for such topics. And I do plan to post every once in a while to
Fractint(-list) since I mostly use Fractint.
With that, I'd like a definitive answer to my Fractint-specific question.
Does Intel's new MMX technology affect the accuracy of Fractint, or does it
have no effect? Has anybody here done actual tests?
Jon Noring
Fractal-Art administrator
OmniMedia Digital Publishing | E-Books: http://www.awa.com/library/omnimedia
9671 S. 1600 West St. | Digital/Fractal Art: (coming soon!)
South Jordan, UT 84095 |
801-253-4037 | E-mail: omnimedia@netcom.com
Two great mailing lists: FRACTAL ART, and ELECTRONIC BOOKS. To subscribe to
either one, send e-mail to majordomo@aros.net and put the appropriate line in
the body of the message:
subscribe fractal-art
subscribe ebook-list
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Thanks to Tim and a Question on MMX
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:22:11 -0600
Jon wrote:
> With that, I'd like a definitive answer to my Fractint-specific question.
> Does Intel's new MMX technology affect the accuracy of Fractint, or does it
> have no effect? Has anybody here done actual tests?
Oops! I've seen this question before <g!> I know very little about
MMX, but I can think of no reason why MMX would affect Fractint in
any way: Fractint makes no attempt to use any MMX instructions. This
is hardly a definitive answer <g!> can anyone help?
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Thanks to Tim and a Question on MMX
Date: 12 Aug 1997 16:44:03 -0600
In article <E0wyPFv-00043r-00@mail.xmission.com> ,
noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring) writes:
> With that, I'd like a definitive answer to my Fractint-specific question.
> Does Intel's new MMX technology affect the accuracy of Fractint, or does it
> have no effect? Has anybody here done actual tests?
It should be a no-op unless fractint uses any of the MMX
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 19:07:52 -0400
Hi All,
>> I see that Sylvie has posted an image 6SG90219.GIF. Very beautiful,=
>> Sylvie =
Thank you, Lee! Linda, let me know if you want me to post it again.
>> palm trees in snow??
Why not?
- Sylvie
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 12 Aug 1997 18:10:59 -0600
Rich Thomson said:
> In response to Tim's prodding :), I'll introduce myself.
I guess I should respond to my own prodding <g!>
I've been a Fractint developer since version 6 or so and am
currently the developer team coordinator. Fractint development
continues, but it's much slower than it once was. As always, we have
more ideas than time or energy, but once in a while we get code
contributions that prod us on, or find a burst of energy from
I am a software developer at the Johnson Space Center working for
the United Space Alliance. I am a mathematician by training. I have
written 5 Fractint-related books. The first several were best sellers
when they came out in the early 90's. They all went out of print when
Mitch Waite sold out to MacMillan. My favorite was Fractal Creations
2nd Edition. Because the book market is now so internet oriented,
there is no hope for more books anytime soon, though if we ever port
Fractint to Windows, there would be a small window of opportunity to
do a book targetting whatever the latest and greatest Windows version
is. At the present time I am very happy to NOT be writing :-) But I
sure wish Fractal Creations was in print. It's a good book. It even
has an appendix on hypercomplex fractals, my modest contribution to
the literature.
Things in the works at the moment for Fractint:
There will be an "evolver" feature that fills the screen with
thumbnails of variations that change a particular parameter. Robin
Bussell contributed this, and several of us are helping with it.
At long last we have some SOI (Synchonous Orbit Iteration) code that
greatly speeds up some deep zooms. It is based on code by Michael
Ganss, who wrote AlmondBread. This isn't too well integrated yet.
What I obviously need to do is port the logic to arbitrary
precision, since SOI is nmost useful for very deeps zooms, and since
deeps zooms are slow and could use some speedup! It remains to be
seen how well this would work, but I have high hopes. We can also
make SOI function with any fractal types. Whether the algorithm
will actually *work* with other than Mandelbrot/Julia is anyone's
guess <g!>
Well, that's enough for now.
Tim Wegner
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: evolver
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:19:40 -0600
In article <199708122322.SAA15386@raid2.fddi.phoenix.net> ,
"Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net> writes:
> Things in the works at the moment for Fractint:
> There will be an "evolver" feature that fills the screen with
> thumbnails of variations that change a particular parameter. Robin
> Bussell contributed this, and several of us are helping with it.
Cool! I was going to suggest this actually :)
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 12 Aug 1997 17:21:53 -0600
In article <199708122322.SAA15386@raid2.fddi.phoenix.net> ,
"Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net> writes:
> At long last we have some SOI (Synchonous Orbit Iteration) code that
> greatly speeds up some deep zooms. It is based on code by Michael
> Ganss, who wrote AlmondBread. This isn't too well integrated yet.
> What I obviously need to do is port the logic to arbitrary
> precision, since SOI is nmost useful for very deeps zooms, and since
> deeps zooms are slow and could use some speedup! It remains to be
> seen how well this would work, but I have high hopes. We can also
> make SOI function with any fractal types. Whether the algorithm
> will actually *work* with other than Mandelbrot/Julia is anyone's
> guess <g!>
Deep Zooming and arbitrary precision math should just kick in
automatically, right? When I zoom in to the deepest zoom supported by
floating point (I have a P90/Win95 setup) the M-set looks fine, zoom
in any deeper (tab shows "16 digit arbitrary precision" or something
like that), then the screen draws in a constant color. Zoom back out
again and the M-set comes back.
I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks!
Date: 12 Aug 1997 16:34:23 -0700
Hi all,
I'm Jay R. Hill, Jay.R.Hill@cpmx.saic.com and
and it is not a a phony identity as Paul Derbyshire suspected
in sci.fractals. I first got on the net about 4 years ago when I
was pushing DEEPZOOM and computing the area of the
Mandelbrot Set (which I'm still doing, BTW it is at least
1.5063036). You think you have examined a lot of nanobrots,
how about 65243?
Here in San Diego, I have been glued by fractals to one
computed screen or another since I first coded the MSet on my
8080 5 MHz 320x200 CGA DOS machine more than 10 years
ago. The machines are what - 1000x faster and has that
satisfied? NOT! Do any of you still have floppies storing
fractals that took 2 days to compute (but now would take
less than a minute)? And worse still, stored in EGA? Yuk!
Oh well, we always think the latest image is the greatest
thing but then we never look back. So many new ones
appearing everyday.
I do still have 'partwave' as my screen 'background' (see my
web page) but Sylvie's might push it off for a few days. :-)
Wooop! Er.... Oh OK, Sylvie's is now the wallpaper.
May you have a fractal life.
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From: A M Kelley <amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 12 Aug 1997 20:11:43 -0400 (EDT)
I'm Alice AKA Chessiecat....I made my first fractal in February so I'm a
newbie. My gallery is in the infinite fractal loop. I am probably the only
person on the list who makes fractals on a 486.<G> I am stuck at the point
where I need to begin writing my own formulas. I've been stuck at that
point for about 2 months now.<G> So that's my big story.<cackle>--Alice
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From: Jay Perrett <jay.perrett@lucent.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 01:35:01 +0100
Hi to all you fractint list pioneers,
In reply to Tim's promptings let me tell you a bit about myself:
Name: Robin Bussell.
Location: Bristol, south west England.
Physical attributes: height (lots), Hair (long), Grin (constant, hairy
too), Glasses (round).
Occupation: far too many things at once but mainly computer support.
Current philosophical preoccupations: feedback, boundary conditions,
randomness combined with the aforementioned.
Fractal stuff: I first came across the marvels of the Mandlebrot set
while playing with Transputers around 1984-5. I started coding
fractals as a start in learning C coding for a project which has since
been swept aside :-) . After discovering fractint at version 11 ish I
embarked on a fanatical search for the source code amoung local BBS
(hey! remember those? ) as a CIS account was out of reach at the time.
Having achieved the holy grai, with teh assistance of some generous
sysops I dove into the maze of code that is fractint and implemented
my first feature.. autologmap! there then followed the freestyle mode
for palette editor and with the help of the wonderously kind Dorothy
Gibbs, sysop of pandoras box BBS, I made finally the credits of
version 18. Since then I've thrown the image browser into the soup
(marvellously reworked into something useable by Jonathan Osuch) an am
working on another bizzare feature to be added real soon now!
I'm a user interface hacking type dude rather than a mathematical
boffin and have the most extreme respect for the rest of the team that
hold the whole magnificent ediface that is Fractint together.
Oh yeah and I still try and find time to generate some pretty images
from time to time tough never approach the dizzy heights of the true
masters ( LS, SG, BC, CP to allude to but a few... I'm sure you know who
they are! )
Obligatory web page:
Other interests: Kites (esp the large 'beach skiing' variety), old style
analouge 'music' synthesis, reading far too much email :-)
I've just completed a very pleasant summers night in the garden, coding
fractint on a laptop by candlelight (and discovering that I can type
'makefrac' and 'f_errs.txt' in the dark by muscle memory alone :-) )
and drinking a variety of interesting bottled ales (variously organic
and light, jacobean, dark and spiced, and even chocolated flavoured) I'd
like to be able to say that this missive was keyed in thus but I
couldn't get the phone line out there, maybe next time :-)
Well think that about summs me up! any questions?
Tim, on an administrative note, will this list be available in digest
form? and what about archives available on the web?
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 19:29:42 -0700
Yes, Sylvie! Please repost it!
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From: Ed Cole <eacole@ups.edu>
Subject: (fractint) Re: (Fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 19:44:59 -0700
> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
My name is Ed Cole. I'm a gardener by trade and an amateur Fractint
enthusiast. Lee Skinner and Sylvie Gallet are my heroes, glad to see both
of them here.
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From: dougowen@mindspring.com (Doug Owen)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 02:59:08 GMT
On Tue, 12 Aug 1997 17:05:38 -0400, you wrote:
>>> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
Hi folks. My name is Doug and I'm just another obsessed fractal fanatic.
Thanks to PAN for adding Doug's Gallery to Surreal RAYn
NEW images are being added, check often!!!
Typical Homepage Under Construction
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From: BrockBadge@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 23:39:42 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-12 22:07:29 EDT, the collection of monkeys
affectionately known as mailing lists writes:
>> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
After reading all of you other's's posts, I feel surely inadequate ! ...
Okay here it is:
My name:
For purely superstitious reasons I do not give my name out over the Internet
although anyone with any sleuthing could find it as it is not a secret <g>
I publish a mediocre webpage under my pseudonym at
I live in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
I have always enjoyed fractals (since I heard of them, anyway. . . see
I discovered fractals on the net, um... sometime within the last 7 days, and
subscribed to fractal-art because I saw that guy's sig ( i can never remember
names ) and got Fractint 19.6 a coupla days later. ( WOULD have gotten it
right away, but I can't seem to connect to spanky.triumf.ca in the morning :(
And i subscribed to this list because . . . well because I'd like to use
fractint for myself I guess, and to be free of having other people have to
post their .par files for me. :)
"Brock" --who can recognize the Mandelbrot set now-- <g>
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From: Fabian Labeau <andros@impsat1.com.ar>
Subject: (fractint) Presenting myself...
Date: 13 Aug 1997 00:11:55 -0300
My name is Fabian Labeau, I=B4m a MD and an admirer of the fractal art. I=
the work of Skinner, Muth, Carr, Park, Gallet and most of the artist in the
fractal world. I=B4m trying to understand the basics of fractals (Isn=B4t=
for me, remember that I=B4m not a mathematic, just a plain MD.)
Many (if not all) the bioforms are fractals.=20
Well, that=B4s all. I=B4m from Buenos Aires, Argentina and my english=
teacher is
a guy called Tarzan, so forgive me and I promise to improve it.
Fabian Labeau
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From: NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@triumf.ca>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 22:12:21 PST
Hi Everyone,
Following Tim's suggestion for introductions. I thought I would
wait for a few days for people to join up before posting. My Name is
Noel Giffin and I've had an interest in fractals from reading about them
in Scientific American in the late 1980's. I played around in fortran
originally creating my own fractal programs, making lots of mistakes
and getting confused at strange results for awhile, before I really
understood what I was doing. I switched to Fractint around version 15
because I couldn't resist the temptation of the formula parser. What,
I don't have to compile every time? From the alt.fractals and then
the sci.fractals newsgroups I came in contact with all these crazy
people who were interested in this subject as well. I started
an ftp archive for fractals in the early days of the internet and
later turned that into the Spanky Fractal Database and webserver.
Thanks again to everyone who has contributed and made it such a
success. I maintain the Fractint web pages as well. Sorry if
people here have emailed me and I haven't responded or not taken
up all your material and ideas. It keeps me so busy, I barely find
time to make any of my own fractals.
I work at TRIUMF which is a 500 MeV cyclotron on the University
of British Columbia campus in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. I've been working
around computers since my college days in Ottawa, where I learned on
DEC pdp-8 and IBM 1620 machines where 4k of core memory was something
that you could hold in your hands and marvel at the maze of beads and wires.
Life was so simple then. So what if it took two days to punch your
program onto cards only to drop them on the way to the machine room.
So that's what sequence numbers were for?
I'm really glad Tim started this list. I've never had a CIS
account and I've always felt a little like an outsider, knowing most
of all the ideas and development for fractint was done there. I hope
a little of the discussion and technical fractal topics will now
spill over here as well.
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From: Ramiro Perez <rperez@ns.pa>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Presenting myself...
Date: 13 Aug 1997 02:02:21 +0500 (GMT)
Hi Friends
My name is Ramiro Perez, and I am a fractint enthusiast since the days
on where the fractals (like lambdasines in BASIC) take long time to render
and fractint came with a fast generation of fractals (in 8088 computers!)
surprising (and helping!) all of us that tries to build programs for
generating fractals in those days!!
For me Fractint helped me to learn, discover and to explore fractals,
since the days on where fractint fits perfectly in a 360kb diskette.
The formula parser is the best invention that fractint has, and I took
some fractals challeges with it, that you can see im my web pages, such as
the escape time rendering of the IFS (the fern for example) or the Icons
fractals (using zmag to plot the attractor) coded for the formula parser.
Many thanks for making fractint, without it, the fractals don't where the
By the way, my web pages are at:
Ramiro Perez
Ramiro Perez Clare Nash . _/ . .
System Adminstrator . * . _/ *
PANNet * + . _/ _/ _/ . + .
e-mails: . . _/ _/ _/ + .
rperez@ns.pa _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ .
rperez@keops.utp.ac.pa . * _/ _/ _/ . *
rperez@listas.utp.ac.pa + + _/ _/ _/ * . .
Web pages: . _/ . *
http://www.utp.ac.pa/~rperez * _/ . + . . +
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From: wdelange@biochem.nl (Wim de Lange)
Subject: (fractint) ParToBat
Date: 13 Aug 1997 07:58:57 GMT
With all the par files that are coming in through the different
mailinglists, I put all those files including the formula's in one
par file using the 19.6 files.
I use partobat to make a batch file of these par files. The only
problem is that partobat can't recognize the 19.6 FRM: format for
including formula's.
Does anyone know of a newer version, of how to reach the author of
this little program?
Wim de Lange
Internet: wdelange@biochem.nl
CompuServe: 100142,604
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: (fractint) ParToBat
Date: 13 Aug 1997 04:30:50 EDT
You wrote
I use partobat to make a batch file of these par files. The only
problem is that partobat can't recognize the 19.6 FRM: format for
including formula's.
Does anyone know of a newer version, of how to reach the author of
this little program?
Michael Peters (100041.247@compuserve.com) is the author of this very popular
Fractint utility. Concurrent with the release of Fractint 19.6 he posted an
updated version of partobat in the CompuServe forum; his new version recognizes
that entries in parfiles beginning with "frm:", "lsys:" or "ifs:" are not image
entries, and therefore does not write batch commands to draw them.
I don't know if this latest version has been sent to Noel Giffin for inclusion
in the Spanky Fractal Database, but if not, it should be.
George Martin
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From: Nicolas Guerin <Nicolas.Guerin@grenoble.rxrc.xerox.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 10:41:46 +0200
> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
My name is Nicolas Guerin. I live in Grenoble, France, close to the
French Alps. I've been a fractal enthusiast for a long time now,
beginning at the end of the 80s on my Amiga.
I am mostly interested in fractal programming: rendering techniques,
code optimization, etc.
I consider Fractint as THE fractal program, even though it is
becoming somewhat outdated: no 32 bits support, dos only (and UNIX
port), and basic user interface. I guess those issues will be
discussed in this mailing list ;-)
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 13 Aug 1997 04:59:57 -0400
Rich wrote:
>> I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
>> files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
>> for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
>> send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
>> situations.
I don't have this problem but I can have a look. Send me a GIF and the=
corresponding par.
- Sylvie
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 04:59:59 -0400
Hi All,
>> Yes, Sylvie! Please repost it!
OK Linda, here it is:
Gallet-9-02 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Aug 1997
z1 =3D c =3D pixel , mz1 =3D cabs(fn2(z1)) , k =3D real(p1)*mz1
bailout =3D real(p2) , z =3D imag(p1) :
z1 =3D z1*z1 + c
z1 =3D fn1(real(z1)) + flip(imag(z1)) , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 <=3D k)
z1 =3D (z1 + 1) * p3 , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 < imag(p1))
z =3D z1^imag(p2)
mz1 <=3D bailout
6SG90219.GIF { ; . t=3D 0:02:0=
; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Aug 10, 1997
; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgallet_9.frm
formulaname=3Dgallet-9-02 function=3Dtan/sinh passes=3D1
params=3D100/100/8/3/1.1/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D255 inside=3D0 decomp=3D=
- Sylvie
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From: Thore Berntsen <berntsen@vbdas.no>
Subject: RE: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 13 Aug 1997 13:13:33 +0200
Do You know when the next release of Fractint will be? I really liked
the idea behind the "evolver" feature!
Thore Berntsen
>From: Tim Wegner[SMTP:twegner@phoenix.net]
>Sent: 13. august 1997 02:10
>To: fractint@mail.xmission.com
>Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
>Rich Thomson said:
>> In response to Tim's prodding :), I'll introduce myself.
>I guess I should respond to my own prodding <g!>
>I've been a Fractint developer since version 6 or so and am
>currently the developer team coordinator. Fractint development
>continues, but it's much slower than it once was. As always, we have
>more ideas than time or energy, but once in a while we get code
>contributions that prod us on, or find a burst of energy from
>I am a software developer at the Johnson Space Center working for
>the United Space Alliance. I am a mathematician by training. I have
>written 5 Fractint-related books. The first several were best sellers
>when they came out in the early 90's. They all went out of print when
>Mitch Waite sold out to MacMillan. My favorite was Fractal Creations
>2nd Edition. Because the book market is now so internet oriented,
>there is no hope for more books anytime soon, though if we ever port
>Fractint to Windows, there would be a small window of opportunity to
>do a book targetting whatever the latest and greatest Windows version
>is. At the present time I am very happy to NOT be writing :-) But I
>sure wish Fractal Creations was in print. It's a good book. It even
>has an appendix on hypercomplex fractals, my modest contribution to
>the literature.
>Things in the works at the moment for Fractint:
>There will be an "evolver" feature that fills the screen with
>thumbnails of variations that change a particular parameter. Robin
>Bussell contributed this, and several of us are helping with it.
>At long last we have some SOI (Synchonous Orbit Iteration) code that
>greatly speeds up some deep zooms. It is based on code by Michael
>Ganss, who wrote AlmondBread. This isn't too well integrated yet.
>What I obviously need to do is port the logic to arbitrary
>precision, since SOI is nmost useful for very deeps zooms, and since
>deeps zooms are slow and could use some speedup! It remains to be
>seen how well this would work, but I have high hopes. We can also
>make SOI function with any fractal types. Whether the algorithm
>will actually *work* with other than Mandelbrot/Julia is anyone's
>guess <g!>
>Well, that's enough for now.
>Tim Wegner
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From: <robin.b2@ukonline.co.uk>
Subject: (fractint) identity crisis
Date: 13 Aug 1997 06:25:12 -0600
Hi Folks,
Just to clear any misunderstandings, there is no 'jay perret' on this list, that just me
using someone elses copy of netscape to send mail and forgetting to fiddle with the ID!
So fear not, I'm really me, not him, and he's not me, or something.....
(though there is another Robin Bussell in England who teaches computing at the university of
Hertfordshire... he's not me either, not tall enough :-) )
>>Do You know when the next release of Fractint will be? I really liked
>>the idea behind the "evolver" feature!
>>Thore Berntsen
Thanks Thore! Well it's not going to be *too* soon I'm afraid but things are now emerging
from the 'quick hack' stage (well 'two year fiddle' really ) and we're dealing with issues
like stopping the evolver crashing everything when it's told to do something illogical,
stopping it eating up all available memory, allowing save/resume operations and so on... in
short all the things that make it useable by anyone without detailed inside knowlege of how
it works (which is the whole driving point behind it ). I'm not going to make any promises
as to time as that would be a foolish thing to do where software development is concerned..
just ask Bill Gates :-)
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From: Dave Kolasa <dak2@psu.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 08:25:24 -0400
My name is Dave Kolasa. I spend my days working with computers and most
evenings my home pc is cooking up fractals - been using Fractint since
version 13 or around there somewhere. Although I've been reading a few
books per year about chaos and fractals it's still difficult to do more
than begin to comprehend all the mathematics involved . . .
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From: jpreslar@memphisonline.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 12 Aug 1997 22:29:27 -0700
Hi . . . I am Janet Preslar from Memphis which is celerating, even as I
write, Dead Elvis Week. Like Alice/Chessiecat I am a newbie and am still
generating fractals on a 486. With any luck that may change in a few
Many of you have been of great help to me (whether you know it or not)
by your informative web-sites, posts to fractal-art, and inspiring
galleries of work. Thanks for that and all the help I plan to ask for in
the future ;)
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 13 Aug 1997 09:08:11 EDT
I'm doing some work on the memory management code in the formula parser. This
would be a good time to make known any ideas you have for the parser. As with
all wish list items, there is no guarantee that the proposed feature will be
added right away, but at least I may be able to complete the work I'm doing now
in a way that won't preclude implementation in the future.
George Martin
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From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
Subject: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 09:29:55 -0700 (MST)
>> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
> I am Lee Skinner from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Fractaholic and fractal
>artist since that first article appeared in Scientific American in the
>mid '80s. When I discovered Fractint it was up to version 12.0.
What he said! I'm Kerry Mitchell, currently in Phoenix, AZ. Been doing
fractals since that same SciAm article. Started with a Commodore 64, then
graduated to computing fractal datafiles on a mainframe and downloading
them over a 2400 baud modem to my Amiga. Now, I use mostly Fractint and
my own codings (in QuickBASIC), along with Piclab (image processing
program by the Stone Soupers). I'm an aerospace engineer by training and
work as staff scientist at the Arizona Science Center. I've had the
privilege of doing several museum and gallery shows, and have sold a few
images for use on bookcovers.
When I first found Fractint, v12, I thought that Stone Soup Group had
foolishly mis-typed--it was *obviously* version 1.2; no good program could
have *twelve* versions! :-)
Kerry Mitchell
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From: NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@triumf.ca>
Subject: RE: (fractint) ParToBat
Date: 13 Aug 1997 10:03:03 PST
Michael Peters sent me partobat v. 3.4 in May of this year.
Partobat 3.4 ignores FRM:, LSYS:, and IFS: entries which can be part of
PAR files in the forthcoming Fractint version 19.6.
If there is a more recent version I haven't got it yet.
Version 3.4 can be found at:
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Sylvie's Palm Trees
Date: 13 Aug 1997 09:58:25 -0700
Thanks, Sylvie! It's beautiful! and Lee's right . . . palm trees in
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From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks!
Date: 13 Aug 1997 13:19:23 -0400 (EDT)
At 10:12 AM 8/12/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi All,
>I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
Greetings everyone, I am Jim Muth, fractal fanatic, graphic artist,
writer and sometimes philosopher. I reside in a large, (too large
in fact), East Coast city of the USA, where I spend most of my
idle hours searching for those elusive great fractals. Those of
you who are members of the Fractal-Art mailing list are already
familiar with my work. It appears as the "Fractal of the Day",
which I've been posting to that list for several months, and will
continue doing so.
But in addition to the artistic aspect, fractals also have a math-
ematical and philosophical aspect, and it is these aspects which
I will emphasize in my posts to this list.
Like many of you, I learned about fractals from the articles which
appeared in Scientific American Magazine in the 1980's. But it was
not until 1987 that I actually began working with them on a clunky
old 8088. Even now, I am still using a 486, but I am ready to
purchase a new machine as soon as I determine which processor runs
Fractint the fastest.
My particular fascination with fractals lies in the fact that they
are multi-dimensional. The assemblage of Julia sets comprises a
four-dimensional object known as the julibrot figure. The assem-
blage of perturbed Mandelbrot sets also comprises a four-dimensional
figure, the same julibrot figure sliced from a different direction.
But in addition to these two directions, there are four other
perpendicular directions in which the julibrot may be sliced in
two-dimensional slices. It is these other directions, as well as
the oblique and skew directions of the julibrot that I am most
interested in.
Before I go, I'd like to tell my most wished-for Fractint feature --
a simple text editor included as part of the program. This would
eliminate the constant switching of programs when fine-tuning
See all of you soon. Take care.
Jim Muth
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Sylvie's Palm Trees
Date: 13 Aug 1997 15:23:20 -0400
Thanks Linda! Now, I hope that you'll post some of your wonderful pars=
- Sylvie
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From: wdecker@csc.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 08:29:54 -0400
> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
Hi, my name is Bill Decker.
I've been using Fractint on and off since the late 80's. Fractint has
taught me lots about fractal math as it drew pretty pictures. It's good to
see that there is now a list devoted to the program. (Thanks, Tim.) I hope
to learn more as questions are asked and answers are supplied on the list.
My interest is in Iterated Function Systems. IFSs are something that
Fractint is not quite as useful for as it is with some other fractal types.
This isn't a complaint, but it explains my on and off Fractint usage.
Perhaps, as I get the time, I will propose some possible improvements to
Fractint in this area.
In the meantime, I have been working on my own software to investigate
IFSs. While this means that I don't have as much time for Fractint as I
used to, my continued interest in Fractint has at last moved me to add a
feature to my IFS software to produce 19.6 par files. This will allow me to
share my IFS creations with others.
Anyway, IFSs continue to hold my fascination and I look forward to running
into other IFS aficionados on this list who might share their IFS
experiences with us.
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From: Leslie St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 13 Aug 1997 18:15:44 -0400
Tim Wegner wrote:
>>I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
Hi, my name is Les St Clair.
I've been around CompuServe's GraphDev forum for a couple of years and it=
a pleasure to be able to join the wider internet "Fractint" community via=
this mailing list.
I've conjoured up a special fractal to celebrate the occasion (it's at th=
end of this message for those with the patience to render it!).
I'm an industrial (paint) chemist from Liverpool, UK (and just about old
enough to remember The Beatles in their hay-day<g>)
Now living in North Wales and still having fun with fractals!
cheers, one and all, =
- Les
acc_man_mod {; Modified Sylvie Gallet formula
; Modified acceleration_man.frm (generalized by Les St Clair=
; use fn1=3Dcabs, fn2=3Dabs for default behaviour
; set p1=3D0 and p2=3D0 for default behaviour
z2 =3D r =3D 0:
l =3D r, z =3D z2
z1 =3D z*z + pixel +p1
vel1 =3D z1 - z
z2 =3D z1*z1 + pixel +p2
vel2 =3D z2 - z1
acc =3D vel2 - vel1
r =3D fn1(acc)
r < 4 && fn2(l - r) >=3D 0.001
am_mod07 { ; "Mandeldots" t=3D 1:43:44=
; t=3Dcalc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1=
; (c) 1997 by Les St Clair [Par date: Aug 13, 1997]
; e-mail to: les_stclair@compuserve.com
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dles.frm
formulaname=3Dacc_man_mod function=3Datan/exp passes=3D1
params=3D0.45/0/0.33/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1000 inside=3Dzmag decomp=3D=
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From: "Peresich, Eugene A" <Eugene.Peresich@HSV.Boeing.com>
Subject: RE: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 17:21:12 -0500
My name is Gene Peresich.
Somewhat new to FRACTINT. Primary interest is fractal analysis
methods, with some fractal image generation work.
I'm looking for a source code - preferable C or FORTRAN - which
computes fractal dimensions of 2-dimensional images - any method(s),
but box count preferred - which I could adapt to incorporate into
another program.
Can you help? Thanks.
Gene Peresich
> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
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From: wdecker@csc.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Welcome folks
Date: 13 Aug 1997 08:29:54 -0400
> I suggest those of you already here make yourselves known :-)
Hi, my name is Bill Decker.
I've been using Fractint on and off since the late 80's. Fractint has
taught me lots about fractal math as it drew pretty pictures. It's good to
see that there is now a list devoted to the program. (Thanks, Tim.) I hope
to learn more as questions are asked and answers are supplied on the list.
My interest is in Iterated Function Systems. IFSs are something that
Fractint is not quite as useful for as it is with some other fractal types.
This isn't a complaint, but it explains my on and off Fractint usage.
Perhaps, as I get the time, I will propose some possible improvements to
Fractint in this area.
In the meantime, I have been working on my own software to investigate
IFSs. While this means that I don't have as much time for Fractint as I
used to, my continued interest in Fractint has at last moved me to add a
feature to my IFS software to produce 19.6 par files. This will allow me to
share my IFS creations with others.
Anyway, IFSs continue to hold my fascination and I look forward to running
into other IFS aficionados on this list who might share their IFS
experiences with us.
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: (fractint) Just a few to warm up with
Date: 13 Aug 1997 16:41:43 -0700
Just a .frm file and a few .par files to warm up with . . .
-----------------begin frm file------------------------
040797-001 { ;Linda Allison
z = c = pixel:
z2 = (1/z ^ p1)
z = fn1(c * (1 - z2 ^ z2)/(1 + z2 ^ z2))
|z| <= p2
-----------------end frm file--------------------------
-----------------begin par files------------------------
4sg0001a { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
.206/0.416 params=0.5/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60
invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001b { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
.204/0.414 params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60
invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001c { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
.206/0.416 params=0.5/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60
invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001d { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
.205/0.415 params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60
invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001e { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=tan
center-mag=-0.0077202/-0.00106685/0.7957333/1.294/90 params=2/0/1/-1
float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60 invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256
4sg0001f { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60 invert=-1/0/0
decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001g { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=gumbycat.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
3.696/-14.245 params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60
invert=-1/0/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=1/1/yes/0/0
-------------------end par file------------------------
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: RE: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 13 Aug 1997 19:10:59 -0600
Thore asked:
> Do You know when the next release of Fractint will be? I really liked
> the idea behind the "evolver" feature!
No one knows when the next release will be <g!> We release whenever
the set of new features warrants and we have time to iron out bugs.
We're fairly early in the development cycle right now. Maybe I
shouldn't have tantalized you with upcoming features :-)
I have thought of releasing more often. On the WWW many authors
release beta versions every few weeks. However, I've heard the
opinion expressed that this is a bad trend as it turns the public
into beta testers and encourages sloppiness. While we have released
versions with bugs that forced a new version in a few days, we try to
keep Fractint as solid as we can. Also, since we are volunteers, more
frequent release exposes us to the possibility of more support for
versions that only last a short while.
This is worth discussing more, maybe we could release somewhat more
often than we have recently.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Archives and Digests
Date: 13 Aug 1997 19:23:21 -0600
Someone asked about archives and digests for this list. I know little
about this, because majordomo is new to me, but I have found out this
For the archive, check out:
<URL: http://www.xmission.com/pub/lists/fractint/>
I have checked this out and it seems to work. If you see people
discussing some message posted before you subscribed, so you don't
have a copy, just check the archive.
There is also a digest list. If you subscribe to fractint-digest the
same way you subscribed to this list, you will get digest messages
with a number of messages combined. This reduces the quantity of
messages you get at the cost of the size of the message. Plus, of
course, you can't post to the digest list. I can set how
often the digest messages go out etc., but so far I haven't changed
the default way majordomo set this up.
Looks to me like the archive is more useful than the digest idea.
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From: jpreslar@memphisonline.com
Subject: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 13 Aug 1997 20:36:23 -0700
Can someone help?
Unless I misunderstand, the only way to delete or rename an image within
Fractint is to use the browser which searches for related images. If I
don't have a zoom based on the image I wish to delete, I must first zoom
out and then delete the original image. Is this correct? If there's
something I've missed, please clue me in.
If there's not an easier way to delete and rename files, please consider
this a request for an a future release.
And I, too, vote for a text editor. :)
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 13 Aug 1997 21:45:18 -0600
George suggested:
> This
> would be a good time to make known any ideas you have for the parser.
One request is to be able to to do orbit fractal types with the
parser. This might not be too hard.
One idea I've had for a long time that probably will have to wait for
a Windows or other 32 bit port is expanding the variables from 2D to
4D, and hooking up to a 3D renderer.
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making my
Date: 14 Aug 1997 01:03:42 -0400
Hi Les,
>>am_mod07 { ; "Mandeldots" t=3D =
Nice image! Here's another that uses your formula:
am04003 { ; Winter Wonderland t=3D =
; on a P166 at 1600x1200 Aug 13, 1997 22:57:20
; Image Copyright 1997 by Lee H. Skinner ver=3D1960
; Formula courtesy of Les St Clair
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfractint.frm
formulaname=3Dacc_man_mod function=3Dcos/abs passes=3D1
params=3D0.415/0/0.63/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D512 inside=3D0 decomp=3D110=
Lee Skinner
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From: <robin.b2@ukonline.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 05:10:31 -0600
On Wednesday, August 13, 1997 20:36:23 you wrote:
>Can someone help?
>Unless I misunderstand, the only way to delete or rename an image within
>Fractint is to use the browser which searches for related images.
I'm afraid so, though there's always the shell to dos key (d I believe), though you then
have the task of remembering what that file name was. Don't forget you don't have to wait
for the zoom out to actually finish so it can be quite quick to go pgup,pgup ctrl-enter,
l,d,y,y... quick but ugly :-) The main problem here is lack of hotkeys to do the job as all
the sensible ones were taken ages ago! Any suggestions for a key that you'd be happy with?
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Just a few to warm up with
Date: 14 Aug 1997 11:11:34 -0400
Hi Linda,
>> Just a .frm file and a few .par files to warm up with . . .
Very nice images. My favorites are 4sg0001b, e and f.
- Sylvie
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 14 Aug 1997 11:11:35 -0400
Hi Les and Lee,
>> am_mod07 { ; "Mandeldots" t=3D 1:43:44.0=
>> am04003 { ; Winter Wonderland t=3D 0:12:46.6=
Very nice images! Here is another one:
sgammd03 { ; Mandelflower t=3D 0:15:2=
; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Aug 14, 1997
; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dtest.frm formulaname=3Dacc_ma=
function=3Dtan/exp passes=3D1
params=3D0.415/0/0.33/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1023 inside=3D0 decomp=3D25=
- Sylvie
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From: "Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 14 Aug 1997 11:29:55 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 13 Aug 1997, Sylvie Gallet wrote:
> Rich wrote:
> >> I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
> >> files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
> >> for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
> >> send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
> >> situations.
> I don't have this problem but I can have a look. Send me a GIF and the
> corresponding par.
Just to add my voice to this, I also have a similar problem, although I
can't recall a particular one off the top of my head (since I tend to just
give up :^).
I had a possibly related problem of when I used the unix port, and saved a
par file, if I tried to reload it, in either the unix port or DOS (19.6), it
would compute out as a constant color screen.
Melissa Binde -- binde@cs.swarthmore.edu
Outside the Asylum -- http://www.terindell.com/asylum/index.html
Babylon 5 Weekly Column -- http://babylon5.miningco.com
How many developers does it take to change a light bulb?
The light bulb works fine on the system in my office . . .
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 11:22:42 -0600
In article <199708140257.VAA10009@raid2.fddi.phoenix.net> ,
"Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net> writes:
> One request is to be able to to do orbit fractal types with the
> parser. This might not be too hard.
I'm not sure I understand the request?
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Howdy howdy howdy!
Date: 14 Aug 1997 11:36:12 -0600 (MDT)
Tim suggested self-introductions, so....
My name is Jason Hine, and I'm a recent graduate of Colorado State
University, USA. I focused on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their
applications to natural resources during my undergrad career. When i return to
grad school, it will be to work on incorporating fractal theory into GIS. In
the meanwhile, I'm working on a couple C++ programs which will work in
conjunction with Fractint.
The first program, already under construction, allows unmanned
deepzooming into the mandelbrot (and possibly other) fractal(s). The first
version of that program, called DEEPER, had some major bugs, including a hefty
memory leak... the source code for DEEPER is available from my page at
The second version, which I've just begun, will have a fair amount more
functionality than the original, including some pattern recognition abilities
which will allow the program to 'lock on' to a prime spot for a mini-Mset, and
dive until it reaches it. I'll keep you posted.
The other program, which is still only in my head, would take saved
images of two mini-Msets and rotate/zoom one of them so that it matched the
other in both size and orientation, allowing the user to then perform various
operations with the two images to find differences and similarities between the
I'm looking forward to the opportunities which this mailing list will
provide us all with! If anyone else out there is into GIS, I'd love to hear
from you personally. Take care, everyone!
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From: Ramiro Perez <rperez@ns.pa>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 13:10:07 +0500 (GMT)
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Rich Thomson wrote:
> In article <199708140257.VAA10009@raid2.fddi.phoenix.net> ,
> "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net> writes:
> > One request is to be able to to do orbit fractal types with the
> > parser. This might not be too hard.
> I'm not sure I understand the request?
Hmm, probably that means that you can use the formula parser for
strange attractors instead of the normal escape-time diagram..This is
something that I waited for years..
Ramiro Perez
Ramiro Perez Clare Nash + . . . . +
System Adminstrator . * . * .
PANNet * + . . + . .
e-mail: . . + . *
rperez@ns.pa * . . *
http://www.utp.ac.pa/~rperez * . . + . . +
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 12:13:03 -0600
In article <Pine.GSO.3.96.970814130113.18454A-100000@ns.pa> ,
Ramiro Perez <rperez@ns.pa> writes:
> Hmm, probably that means that you can use the formula parser for
> strange attractors instead of the normal escape-time diagram..This is
> something that I waited for years..
Ah, so you could program the lorenz attractor by entering the formula
for the 3 variables? Yes, that would be useful :)
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Making my (Winter Wonderland)
Date: 14 Aug 1997 09:55:19 -0700
Oh my! No doubt you looked at the zoomout of your Winter Wonderland.
This is a three cornered MSet or somehow very distorted one, not sure.
I haven't seen one of these before.
-- --
int main(){float g,s,f,r,i;char*_="!/-,;<:!lnb/bh`r/ylqbAmmhI/S/x`K\n";int
am04003- { ; Winter Wonderland zoomout t=0:12:46.66
; on a P166 at 1600x1200 Aug 13, 1997 22:57:20
; Image Copyright 1997 by Lee H. Skinner ver=1960
; Formula courtesy of Les St Clair
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=gallet1.par
formulaname=acc_man_mod function=cos/abs
params=0.415/0/0.63/0 float=y maxiter=512 inside=0 decomp=110
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From: hluna@interware.com.mx (Horacio Luna)
Subject: (fractint) Hi
Date: 14 Aug 1997 16:42:06 -0600
Hello all, my name is Horacio Luna, I use fractint since the first
time I saw ita few years ago, but I didnt know about the mailing list...
I hope I should do something usefull for the people in here, then I most
I think you'll enjoy this as I did, please take your time to browse the
place (is not my home page)
Best regards
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 18:53:05 -0600
> If there's not an easier way to delete and rename files, please consider
> this a request for an a future release.
This is much requested by users, and much resisted by the
usually-responsive developers <g!>
The fact that Fractint still works at all is a technical miricale. It
has grown many times bigger than the DOS 640K limit. (A trick called
"overlays" permits this.) We're reluctant to add complications that
are not essential because the program is already so big. If and when
Fractint is ported to Windows (a new port, not the old Winfract) this
would be easier to do.
Having said that, if someone comes along who both wants more file
management and editing from within Fractint AND has the programming
skills to do it, it will probably happyen. In my case, I have a
backlog of ideas going back years, and would rather spend my time
giving you truecolor support, PNG support, better 3D rendering , or
whatever than file management <grin!>
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 18:53:05 -0600
Rich wrote:
> Ah, so you could program the lorenz attractor by entering the formula
> for the 3 variables? Yes, that would be useful :)
This would be really easy, with one caveat: the formula parser uses
complex math. Most Lorenz-type formulas use real formulas for x and
y, so it would not necessarily be easy to code things up in the
Another related feature for the parser would be some kind of variable
declarations that would permit real variables.
In the meantime, it is probably possible to cheat and use the real()
operator, wasting a complex variable and using it as a real variable.
Inefficient, but effective.
There is a crude way to do this now: use the orbits feature with a
formula (the <o> command.)
I believe that this Lorenz fractal use of the formula parser would
not be hard to implement. We've just never tried. The orbit feature
(in jiim.c) does something very similar. That code could be stole3n
and re-used with some modification to make an orbit fractal type
using the parser.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 14 Aug 1997 18:53:05 -0600
> I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
> files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
> for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
> send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
> situations.
Help us poor programmers, folks, and give us specific instructions
with enough information to duplicate the problem. Usually, if we can
duplicate the problem, we can fix it. Just a littlke ol' PAR file is
often enough. (PARs are save fractal parameters sufficient to
re-generate an image. They are created with the <b> command.)
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From: Kerry Mitchell <lkmitch@primenet.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 16:56:59 -0700 (MST)
Here's my request: a spacebar toggle between user-defined
"mandelbrot"-type and "julia"-type formulas. When I'm using my
"myfract_man" formula and hit the spacebar, Fractint fires up the
"myfract_jul" formula in the same formulafile, and uses the current center
coordinates as the new parameters. And vice-versa.
Just a thought.
Kerry Mitchell
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Wish list
Date: 14 Aug 1997 19:09:11 -0600
Ketty wrote:
> Here's my request: a spacebar toggle between user-defined
> "mandelbrot"-type and "julia"-type formulas.
Kerry, great minds think alike <g!> We have implemented something
like this in our developer version. Only we did it my having a
special designated parameter.
In the z^2 +c formula, the Mandelbrot-Julia relationship makes use of
two different uses of the parameter c. In the Mandelbrot case, it is
initialized to pixel, and in the julia case it is a constant
parameter. (I know you understand this basic point, I'm just trying
to explain how we implemented your idea <g!>) So we created a
pre-defined constant ismand, which is 0 for julia and 1 for
mandelbrot. You can use the new if else endif feature to test ismand,
and initialize c differently in the two cases. The space toggle
toggles the value of ismand.
What do you think?
(Lest anyone misunderstand, this hasn't been implemented yet in
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From: jpreslar@memphisonline.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 19:17:15 -0700
I wrote:
> > If there's not an easier way to delete and rename files, please consider this a request for an a future release.
Tim responded:
> This is much requested by users, and much resisted by the
> usually-responsive developers <g!>
Oh well <sigh> it didn't hurt to ask. :)
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making my
Date: 14 Aug 1997 21:01:29 -0400
>>Oh my! No doubt you looked at the zoomout of your Winter Wonderland. Th=
is a three cornered MSet or somehow very distorted one, not sure. I haven=
seen one of these before.<<
Hey, if it weren't for surprises like this constantly cropping up, I woul=
have become bored with fractals years ago. There just seems to be no end=
to the types of "landforms" or fractoids that appear on our screens!
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making my
Date: 14 Aug 1997 21:01:30 -0400
Hi Sylvie,
>> am04003 { ; Winter Wonderland t=3D 0:12:46.6=
> Very nice image!
Thank you!
>> Here is another one:
>sgammd03 { ; Mandelflower t=3D =
Also cool!
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From: VRCH78B@prodigy.com (MR CHARLES F CROCKER)
Subject: (fractint) Speed testing
Date: 14 Aug 1997 21:25:16, -0500
I am who Prodigy says I am. I can trace my downfall back to Aug of 1985
when Sci. Amer. came out with the first article for the public on
fractals. After some false starts my first fractals were 64X64 plots using
colored characters to represent pixels. Have gone through 5 printers up to
now with a Cannon 4550. Haven't been able to get any good 11X14 paper yet
so can't judge it. Have been very satisfied with an HP PaintJet XL.
What I want to propose is a test that will tie a fractal speed rating to a
computer. I have juggled the numbers in this parameter file to run in
exactly 100 seconds on my Quantex Pentium 90. (Well, actually 100.02.) The
formula is in the Orgform compilation but here it is in 19.6 form just in
case someone doesn't happen to have it.
test { ; P90 1024X768 time 0:01:40.02
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=_p.frm formulaname=Prop passes=1
center-mag=+1.09809204844546600/+0.15284814152098180/77.28729 float=y
maxiter=497 periodicity=0
zB0zC0zg0zE0zF0zg0zH0zI0zg0zL0<38>zx0zz0zz0<150>zz0 }
frm:Prop (XAXIS) {
z=0 c=pixel:
|z| <=4
;SOURCE: crocker.frm
} On an AMD DX4-120 it took 2:15.23. The Pentiums are obviously
appreciably more efficient. The question is what about the newer Pentiums
and other variations. I have been toying with the idea of getting an AMD K6-200.
Rhe formula came from my first program where the ROM routine was supposed
to subtract b from a but actually subtracted a from b, which reversed the
sign of the real part of Z^2 on every itteration, which is the only
difference from the classic Mandelbrot. It has perfect 3 way symmetry. Find
an interesting detail and you can calculate precisely where 5 rotated
copies are located.
My favorite view of this formula is centered at (1.17484/.17799) Mag 109.
The above color scheme was intended to go with this view. I balk at giving
my pictures names. For one reason because several people have radically
different impressions of what this may represent.
Enough for now. My wish list is coming.
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From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 14 Aug 1997 21:40:14 -0400
Lee & Sylvie,
>> am04003 ; Winter Wonderland t=3D 0:12:46.66
>>sgammd03 ; Mandelflower t=3D 0:15:28.12
Super images, both!
and on the same subject...
>>Oh my! No doubt you looked at the zoomout of your Winter Wonderland.
>>am04003- ; Winter Wonderland zoomout t=3D0:12:46.66
Of course, the best thing about zooming out is finding interesting new
areas to zoom back into<g>
am_mod11 { ; "Prairie Sunset" t=3D 0:33:36=
; t=3Dcalc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1=
; (c) 1997 by Les St Clair [Par date: Aug 15, 1997]
; e-mail to: les_stclair@compuserve.com
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfract_ml.frm
formulaname=3Dacc_man_mod function=3Dcos/abs passes=3D1
params=3D0.415/0/0.63/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D512 inside=3Dzmag decomp=3D=
_51`62`72`<5>E6`F7_H8_I8ZJ9Y<7>VHQ cyclerange=3D2/255
=2E..sorry it's another s-l-o-w one.
- Les
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From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re:(fractint) Just a few to warm up with
Date: 14 Aug 1997 21:40:17 -0400
Hi Linda,
>>Just a .frm file and a few .par files to warm up with . . .
By posting these I'm sure you've made a lot of people very happy!
They're all lovely.
Your web site has been a long standing favourite of mine.
My vote for your next offering would be those wonderful "Egyptian Art"
images from your pages of a few months ago.
cheers, and nice to see you here,
- Les
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Re:(fractint) Just a few to warm up with
Date: 14 Aug 1997 19:45:08 -0700
Hi, Les!
Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you like them!
Mike and I are heading out and about early tomorrow morning. But when we
get back in a couple of weeks, I'll upload some "Egyptian pyramid" files.
Talk to you all then,
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From: BrockBadge@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 14 Aug 1997 22:56:09 -0400 (EDT)
Content-ID: <0_28826_871613634@emout17.mail.aol.com.12989>
Content-type: text/plain
In a message dated 97-08-14 19:54:19 EDT, you write:
<< Help us poor programmers, folks, and give us specific instructions
with enough information to duplicate the problem. Usually, if we can
duplicate the problem, we can fix it. Just a littlke ol' PAR file is
often enough. (PARs are save fractal parameters sufficient to
re-generate an image. They are created with the command.)
Tim >>
Attached to this letter is a .PAR file with a few of the par's that you kind
people have posted... It seems that the ones with "Sylvie Gallet" in them do
not work for me. I must be missing something-- any help would be good.
"Brock" --still not any good at this yet--
Content-ID: <0_28826_871613634@emout17.mail.aol.com.12990>
Content-type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
miranda { ; 25 min. on a 486-100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm formulaname=3DManN-YW=
.113/8.126 params=3D0/-0.195/1.5/0/1/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1600
bailout=3D100 inside=3D253 logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dorigin periodicity=3D=
frm:ManN-YW {; Jim Muth
|z| <=3D 16
newtjuli { ; 80 seconds at 100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm formulaname=3DCrazyNe=
passes=3D1 center-mag=3D-1.49337/0/0.7473842 params=3D2/-2/2/3/2/3 floa=
bailout=3D100 inside=3Depsiloncross logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxaxis
frm:CrazyNewton { ; Jim Muth
a=3Dreal(p1), b=3Dimag(p1), c=3Dreal(p2),
d=3Dimag(p2), k=3Dreal(p3), f=3Dimag(p3),
wondrlnd { ; 15 min. on a 486-100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Drotation.frm
formulaname=3DXY-YZrotation passes=3Dt
.912/-34.906 params=3D70/0/0/0/0.5/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D5000 bailout=3D=
inside=3D253 logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxaxis periodicity=3D0
frm:XY-YZrotation {; Jim Muth, thanks to Benno
; p1 =3D rotation angle in degrees, p2 =3D parallel planes
; p3 =3D point of rotation and parallel planes
|z| <=3D 16
mask { ; 45 seconds at 100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm formulaname=3DNewtTes=
passes=3D1 center-mag=3D8.88178e-016/-4.44089e-016/0.3177864
params=3D1/6/3/2.5/1/0.75 float=3Dy maxiter=3D90 bailout=3D100 inside=3D=
logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxyaxis periodicity=3D0
frm:NewtTest03 {; Jim Muth, June 1997
a=3Dreal(p1), b=3Dimag(p1), c=3Dreal(p2),
d=3Dimag(p2), k=3Dreal(p3), f=3Dimag(p3),
|zx| >=3D f
SPIDERY { ; 2-1/2 MINUTES AT 100MHZ, 1024X768
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm formulaname=3DCrazyNe=
passes=3D1 center-mag=3D0/0/0.6666667 params=3D5/5/1/2/2.75/2 float=3Dy=
bailout=3D100 inside=3Dbof60 logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxyaxis periodicity=
frm:CrazyNewton { ; Jim Muth
a=3Dreal(p1), b=3Dimag(p1), c=3Dreal(p2),
d=3Dimag(p2), k=3Dreal(p3), f=3Dimag(p3),
Gallet-9-02 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Aug 1997
z1 =3D c =3D pixel , mz1 =3D cabs(fn2(z1)) , k =3D real(p1)*mz1
bailout =3D real(p2) , z =3D imag(p1) :
z1 =3D z1*z1 + c
z1 =3D fn1(real(z1)) + flip(imag(z1)) , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 <=3D k)
z1 =3D (z1 + 1) * p3 , mz1 =3D cabs(z1)
if (mz1 < imag(p1))
z =3D z1^imag(p2)
mz1 <=3D bailout
6SG90219.GIF { ; . t=3D 0:02:0=
; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Aug 10, 1997
; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgallet_9.frm
formulaname=3Dgallet-9-02 function=3Dtan/sinh passes=3D1
params=3D100/100/8/3/1.1/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D255 inside=3D0 decomp=3D=
diadem { ; 5 minutes at 100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm
formulaname=3DMixMan2waypro passes=3D1
params=3D2/0/0.002/0/-3/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D5000 bailout=3D100 inside=
logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxaxis periodicity=3D10
frm:MixMan2waypro {; Jim Muth
|z| <=3D 100
frm:040797-001 { ;Linda Allison
z =3D c =3D pixel:
z2 =3D (1/z ^ p1)
z =3D fn1(c * (1 - z2 ^ z2)/(1 + z2 ^ z2))
|z| <=3D p2
4sg0001a { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
.206/0.416 params=3D0.5/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60
invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001b { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
.204/0.414 params=3D0.555/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60=
invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001c { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
.206/0.416 params=3D0.5/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60
invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001d { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
.205/0.415 params=3D0.555/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60=
invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001e { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dtan
center-mag=3D-0.0077202/-0.00106685/0.7957333/1.294/90 params=3D2/0/1/-=
float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60 invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256
4sg0001f { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
params=3D0.555/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbof60 invert=3D-=
decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
4sg0001g { ; copyright Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
; uploaded to Fractint Mailing List 8-14-97
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dgumbycat.frm
formulaname=3D040797-001 function=3Dlog
3.696/-14.245 params=3D0.555/0/9/-9 float=3Dy maxiter=3D500 inside=3Dbo=
invert=3D-1/0/0 decomp=3D256 viewwindows=3D1/1/yes/0/0
acc_man_mod {; Modified Sylvie Gallet formula
; Modified acceleration_man.frm (generalized by Les St Clair=
; use fn1=3Dcabs, fn2=3Dabs for default behaviour
; set p1=3D0 and p2=3D0 for default behaviour
z2 =3D r =3D 0:
l =3D r, z =3D z2
z1 =3D z*z + pixel +p1
vel1 =3D z1 - z
z2 =3D z1*z1 + pixel +p2
vel2 =3D z2 - z1
acc =3D vel2 - vel1
r =3D fn1(acc)
r < 4 && fn2(l - r) >=3D 0.001
am_mod07 { ; "Mandeldots" t=3D 1:43:44=
; t=3Dcalc time [h:mm:ss.] using a PII-266 at 1600x1=
; (c) 1997 by Les St Clair [Par date: Aug 13, 1997]
; e-mail to: les_stclair@compuserve.com
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dles.frm
formulaname=3Dacc_man_mod function=3Datan/exp passes=3D1
params=3D0.45/0/0.33/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1000 inside=3Dzmag decomp=3D=
l_and_r { ; 1-3/4 minutes at 100mhz, 640x480
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Djim.frm formulaname=3DMytest0=
function=3Dflip passes=3Dt center-mag=3D0.100959/2.44249e-015/0.5053182=
params=3D1/0/0/-1/-0.5/1 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1200 bailout=3D100 inside=3D=
logmap=3Dyes symmetry=3Dxaxis periodicity=3D10
frm:Mytest08 {; Jim Muth
z=3Dfn1(pixel), a=3Dreal(p3),
b=3Dimag(p3), c=3Da+(b*pixel):
sgammd03 { ; Mandelflower t=3D 0:15:2=
; Copyright Sylvie Gallet, Aug 14, 1997
; <sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com>
; t=3Dcalc time using a Pentium 166 at 1600 x 1200
reset=3D1960 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dtest.frm formulaname=3Dacc_ma=
function=3Dtan/exp passes=3D1
params=3D0.415/0/0.33/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1023 inside=3D0 decomp=3D25=
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 22:06:08 -0600
Janet sighed:
> Oh well <sigh> it didn't hurt to ask. :)
Yes, by all means, it always pays to ask. We developers definitely
respond to interested users :-) Just keep in mind we have so many
ideas from ourselves and others, that we have to have priorities to
stay sane ... well, at least maintain the present level of sanity
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 14 Aug 1997 22:31:28 -0600
Brock wrote:
> Attached to this letter is a .PAR file with a few of the par's that you kind
> people have posted... It seems that the ones with "Sylvie Gallet" in them do
> not work for me. I must be missing something-- any help would be good.
You are missing the "frm:" in front of two formulae. After fixing
that, all the images work for me. The ones to fix are Gallet-9-02 and
acc_man_mod; changes these formula names to frm:Gallet-9-02
and frm:acc_man_mod.
Incidently, I do not recommend permanently storing formulas inside
PAR files. This feature is just for convenience, to faciltate a quick
look when you download. After you've had a look, it is best to
separate the formulas and put them in their own file with the .frm
extension, and remove the "frm:" from the formula names.
Every fractint formula lover should get George Martin's orgfrm
program and collection of formulas. It's on spanky.triumf.ca
someplace, maybe someone could tell us exactly where. Fractint tries
hard to find a formula, and will search all the formula files it can
find. George's program will look through all your formulas and locate
duplicates, and organize them.
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From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Speed testing
Date: 14 Aug 1997 23:50:12 -0400
Charles Crocker wrote:
>>What I want to propose is a test that will tie a fractal speed rating t=
computer. I have juggled the numbers in this parameter file to run in
exactly 100 seconds on my Quantex Pentium 90.<<
>>test { ; P90 1024X768 time 0:01:40.02
>> On an AMD DX4-120 it took 2:15.23. The Pentiums are obviously
appreciably more efficient. The question is what about the newer Pentiums=
and other variations.<<
Here's a comparison using a Dell PII-266:
test_PIIa { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 time =3D 0:00:48.34
; Running under Windows 95
(106% faster)
test_PIIb { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 time =3D 0:00:47.24
; Win 95/ "showdot" turned off
(112% faster, switching showdot off speeds it up!)
test_PIIc { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 under DOS t=3D 0:00:43.=
; Running under DOS
(128% faster)
On other tests (under Win 95) I found the Pentium II to be approx 30%
faster than a P166.
(obviously PII technology wasn't designed with Fractint in mind<g>)
- Les
Thanks for usin
From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 23:50:07 -0400
Hi Janet,
>If there's not an easier way to delete and rename files<
It's not the answer you were looking for, but here's one possible solutio=
If you're using windows..
1. Get hold of Graphics Workshop for Windows (shareware, for free
2. Fire up the program and disable "thumbnail view"
3. Navigate to your chosen directory.
4. Now you have a screen with all of the image file names in nice columns=
sorted alphabetically
5. There's two handy icons on the toolbar -
5.1 Delete (icon is a paper shredder!)
5.2 Rename - just hit this button and type the new name, don't even need =
type the extension. Very quick.
6. Use <alt><tab> to switch between Fractint and GWS. (to avoid possibly
scrambling the image between switches, <tab> to the info screen before
switching from Fractint to GWS.)
just a thought, Les
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From: Kevin Smith <kevster@compusmart.ab.ca>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 14 Aug 1997 22:08:43 -0600
Tim Wegner wrote:
> Every fractint formula lover should get George Martin's orgfrm
> program and collection of formulas. It's on spanky.triumf.ca
> someplace, maybe someone could tell us exactly where. Fractint tries
> hard to find a formula, and will search all the formula files it can
> find. George's program will look through all your formulas and locate
> duplicates, and organize them.
The url is: http://spanky.triumf.ca/www/fractint/fractint.html
Kevin P. Smith
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From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Speed testing
Date: 14 Aug 1997 23:15:51 -0500
Les St Clair wrote:
> Charles Crocker wrote:
> >
> > > What I want to propose is a test that will tie a fractal speed
> > > rating to a computer. I have juggled the numbers in this
> > > parameter file to run in exactly 100 seconds on my Quantex
> > > Pentium 90.
> > >
> > > test { ; P90 1024X768 time 0:01:40.02
> >
> > > On an AMD DX4-120 it took 2:15.23. The Pentiums are obviously
> > > appreciably more efficient. The question is what about the
> > > newer Pentiums and other variations.
> Here's a comparison using a Dell PII-266:
> test_PIIa { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 time = 0:00:48.34
> ; Running under Windows 95
> (106% faster)
> test_PIIb { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 time = 0:00:47.24
> ; Win 95/ "showdot" turned off
> (112% faster, switching showdot off speeds it up!)
> test_PIIc { ; PII-266 @ 1024x768 under DOS t= 0:00:43.77
> ; Running under DOS
> (128% faster)
> On other tests (under Win 95) I found the Pentium II to be
> approx 30% faster than a P166.
> (obviously PII technology wasn't designed with Fractint in mind<g>)
I am curious as to the amount of RAM, the size of the Virtual Memory,
and the type of hard-drive (EIDE or SCSI) and the drives access times on
these machines.
I have been gathering my own stats for a few weeks now in various areas
of performance, and am always interested in the full details for my
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From: jpreslar@memphisonline.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Deleting and Renaming
Date: 14 Aug 1997 23:39:46 -0700
Les St Clair wrote:
> Hi Janet,
> >If there's not an easier way to delete and rename files<
> It's not the answer you were looking for, but here's one possible solution:
> If you're using windows..
> 1. Get hold of Graphics Workshop for Windows (shareware, for free
> evaluation)
> 2. Fire up the program and disable "thumbnail view"
> 3. Navigate to your chosen directory.
> 4. Now you have a screen with all of the image file names in nice columns,
> sorted alphabetically
> 5. There's two handy icons on the toolbar -
> 5.1 Delete (icon is a paper shredder!)
> 5.2 Rename - just hit this button and type the new name, don't even need to
> type the extension. Very quick.
> 6. Use <alt><tab> to switch between Fractint and GWS. (to avoid possibly
> scrambling the image between switches, <tab> to the info screen before
> switching from Fractint to GWS.)
> just a thought, Les
Thanks, Les, for the recommendation and handy instructions!
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Just a few to warm up with
Date: 14 Aug 1997 14:05:47 -0700
Now 4sg0001g was interesting, and as usual I zoomed out to look around.
Nearby I found this. I'll put it on my web page in a day or so.
frm:040797-001 { ; by Linda Allison
; gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
z = c = pixel:
z2 = (1/z ^^ p1)
z = fn1(c * (1 - z2 ^^ z2)/(1 + z2 ^^ z2))
|z| <= p2
DomeCity { ; Dome City by Jay Hill
; Jay.R.Hill@cpmx.saic.com
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=allison.par
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60 invert=-1/0/0
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making my
Date: 15 Aug 1997 10:00:09 -0400
Hi Les,
>>Of course, the best thing about zooming out is finding interesting new
areas to zoom back into<g><<
Yes, indeed!!
>>am_mod11 { ; "Prairie Sunset" t=3D =
Absolutely stunning! I also liked your stormclouds image.
>>...sorry it's another s-l-o-w one.
Faster computers are coming - but this will only challenge us more - ther=
may always be slow ones!
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From: Kevin Smith <kevster@compusmart.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) Info request: error message
Date: 15 Aug 1997 08:14:25 -0600
Hi everyone
I'm attempting to save a formula file and parameter file as separate
files in my fractint directory as test01.frm and test01.par
respectively. I also edit the formula names in the files to reflect the
required files. When I attempt to generate the images, an error message
occurs that it can't find the file and it is unable to open the file in
the required directory. What am I doing wrong?
Kevin P. Smith
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From: "Mike or Linda Allison" <gumbycat@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Just a few to warm up with - me again!
Date: 15 Aug 1997 07:39:47 -0700
Great Jay! Did you zoom back into it again? I did! Here's what I got
(new colormap, too).
DomeCity-zoom { ; Zoom into Jay Hill's Domecity, which is zoom into
; fractal by LAllison
; changed colormap, too
; Linda Allison gumbycat@ix.netcom.com
reset=1920 type=formula formulafile=all-frms.frm
formulaname=040797-001 function=log
params=0.555/0/9/-9 float=y maxiter=500 inside=bof60 invert=-1/0/0
I'm really leaving now. Mike is threatening to leave without me if I don't
go offline and get in the car!!
Boeff says "woof!"
(last partial update 8/15/97)
(the last 16 fractals uploaded to alt.binaries.pictures.fractals,
last updated 8/13/97)
> From: Jay Hill <jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
> To: fractint@mail.xmission.com
> Subject: Re: (fractint) Just a few to warm up with
> Date: Thursday, August 14, 1997 2:05 PM
> Now 4sg0001g was interesting, and as usual I zoomed out to look around.
> Nearby I found this. I'll put it on my web page in a day or so.
> http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3825
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From: hluna@interware.com.mx (Horacio Luna)
Subject: (fractint) Alternative fractal software for fractal newbies :)
Date: 15 Aug 1997 11:04:05 -0600
Hi, I just want to recommend a program that I found when I was
fooling around, its name is Flarium, it is so easy to handle, that
people who finds fractint a little dificult to begin, would be able to
acomplish amazing things. Of course, as it is not as complex as
fractint, someone who knows what to do with fractint, will find flarium
very limited. If you are interested or just courious, give it a try, I
found it in www.download.com, just write fractals in the search text
Best regards
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Truecolor question
Date: 15 Aug 1997 11:17:39 -0600 (MDT)
Howdy folks...
I'm trying to decipher just what's going on in that little bonus program
called TRU.C which comes with Fractint. I'm able to compile it, and run it on a
.TGA image created with the truecolor=yes command, but I'm not sure I understand
the output. Specifically, is the iteration number for each pixel a direct
interpretation of the actual number of iterations calculated for each pixel? If
so, then:
a) What is the iteration number for a section of the lake?
b) Why are values larger than my max iter setting in Basic Options
('x') being listed when I run TRU?
Also, if anyone has any suggestions for info on the binary structure of
GIF files, I'd be interested in hearing from you. Thanks for your input, and
the rest of the interesting posts! I'm so psyched for this mailing list...
Jason "Whee!" Hine
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zooms
Date: 15 Aug 1997 11:38:03 -0600
In article <199708150343.WAA23092@raid2.fddi.phoenix.net> ,
"Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net> writes:
> Incidently, I do not recommend permanently storing formulas inside
> PAR files. This feature is just for convenience, to faciltate a quick
> look when you download. After you've had a look, it is best to
> separate the formulas and put them in their own file with the .frm
> extension, and remove the "frm:" from the formula names.
I'm curious why fractint doesn't just unify all the different
"parameter files" into a single file. IFS, L-System, formula files
and PAR files could all be unified into a single text file. Is there
a reason for the split?
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: hluna@interware.com.mx (Horacio Luna)
Subject: (fractint) flarium update
Date: 15 Aug 1997 13:09:46 -0600
I was browsing the net looking for some amazing fractals, then I
found a very interesting place:
It worts the time.
By the way, in the same place I found a link for flarium's home
page, but if you want to download the program without visiting Sharons's
(what a shame), here is the address:
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Making myself known
Date: 15 Aug 1997 17:01:46 -0400
>> Of course, the best thing about zooming out is finding interesting new=
>> areas to zoom back into<g>
>> am_mod11 { ; "Prairie Sunset" t=3D 0:33:3=
Great image, Les!
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From: "Peter Jakubowicz" <pfj@brigadoon.com>
Date: 15 Aug 1997 17:38:05 -0700
Hi. I've been playing with Fractint for a while now, having a lot of fun
with it, but I feel as if I don't understand what I'm doing very deeply. I
know the book that originally was written to accompany the program is long
gone out of print because I've been searching for it. Is there a good
general tutorial on the program out there? And what is a good general book
on fractals, something somehere between pop science and a rigorous
mathematical treatment?
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From: NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@triumf.ca>
Subject: (fractint) question for developers
Date: 15 Aug 1997 15:11:41 PST
I understand that there has been a lot of pressure on the
Fractint developers to add true-colour support, and I understand
that there is also an effort being made to make fractint a 32 bit
program, to use a flat memory model and to make the code more portable.
I have some concern for existing features like colour cycling
and palette editing, if true-colour displays are adopted. Won't Fractint
have to switch graphics modes to utilize both truecolour and palette
editing? Isn't this rather a problem in the windows 3.1 and win95
environment. I'm not sure about win95 but I know that windows must be
restarted after switching video modes. This makes this type of dual
support next to impossible to implement in a program. What is the
current line of thinking on this? Does this mean that Fractint will
primarily remain a dos program or at least non-windows?
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: good general book on fractals
Date: 15 Aug 1997 15:42:23 -0600
In article <199708152131.OAA18423@siskiyou.brigadoon.com> ,
"Peter Jakubowicz" <pfj@brigadoon.com> writes:
> [...] And what is a good general book
> on fractals, something somehere between pop science and a rigorous
> mathematical treatment?
I recommend Heinz-Otto Peitgen's "Chaos and Fractals". It covers
everything: M-set, dynamical systems, bifurcation diagrams, L-systems,
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: aq936@freenet.carleton.ca (Michael Traynor)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: Making my
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:44:52 -0400 (EDT)
Lee Skinner writes:
>Faster computers are coming - but this will only challenge us more - there
>may always be slow ones!
Computers only handle what is currently possible with the software because
we keep the requirements down to what they can handle. With fractint's
current zoom capacity of 10^1600, it is already beyond the capacity of
computers to produce the entire standard mandelbrot image at 10^1600, in
1024x768 chunks.
Math is bigger than physics and everything that inhabits its realm.
Now, finding images worth doing, slow or fast, is another thing entirely, and
one that Lee Skinner (among many others) does much better than I.
Mike Traynor
People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Abraham Lincoln
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) question for developers
Date: 15 Aug 1997 17:42:34 -0600
In article <009B8D15.FFC3BFC0.17@triumf.ca> ,
NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@triumf.ca> writes:
> I have some concern for existing features like colour cycling
> and palette editing, if true-colour displays are adopted. Won't Fractint
> have to switch graphics modes to utilize both truecolour and palette
> editing? Isn't this rather a problem in the windows 3.1 and win95
> environment. I'm not sure about win95 but I know that windows must be
> restarted after switching video modes. This makes this type of dual
> support next to impossible to implement in a program. What is the
> current line of thinking on this? Does this mean that Fractint will
> primarily remain a dos program or at least non-windows?
For a windows/win95 environment, there are two approaches:
1. require the user to set their video mode to what the program wants.
2. require the program to conform to the video mode the user has set.
I personally am annoyed by programs of the #1 flavor. For fractint to
be a #2 flavor, this means that:
a) "truecolor" renderings would have to be dithered to the current
color palette on a screen that isn't in truecolor mode.
b) color cycling would either be emulated or disabled when you
aren't using a palette mapped display.
Note that palette editing can still be done and applying a colormap
to an image can still be done, but the operation is more complex
than simply modifying the CLUT on the video card.
These are just the facts of life under Windows.
For DOS, its conceivable you could switch to the truecolor video mode;
but again, you wouldn't have color cycling via the hardware in 24-bit
mode. It can be emulated, but the emulation is so slow at that point
I don't think it will make people happy. PC busses are just too slow
for 24-bit color cycling emulation.
Think of fractint like this:
color palette -+
parameters -> "fractal" -------> frame buffer ----> image
fractint uses the video hardware to handle the last stage of that
pipeline -- mapping iteration counts to colors. When in 24-bit mode,
the palette editor and so on can still be used, but in that case fractint
itself must take the iteration count and pump it through the palette
table to get the 24-bit pixel that is stored in the frame buffer.
Similarly, when viewing 24-bit images under a limited color palette,
fractint could do the obvious thing of picking a video hardware
palette that selects the "best" 256 colors to represent the 24-bit
image in a dithered fashion. Even here "palette editing" is useful,
because the palette defines the transformation of an iteration count
into a pixel. Furthermore, this view of a palette leads to palette
depths limited only by the memory on your machine. The fact that
palettes are 256 entries deep is an artifact of fractint's assumption
that a palette used to map iteration counts to (R,G,B) values is
identical to the palette used by the video hardware on a PC. This is
a reasonable assumption for most programs.
Once you divorce this notion out of your code, you can have code that
uses the hardware when possible, but isn't simply SOL when the
hardware doesn't fit your model exactly. I think the biggest thing
limiting the future of the DOS fractint is its memory consumption and
not its use of truecolor vs. 8bit. At least that's how I understand
it from recent comments from Tim :). I am a newbie in the fractint
developer community.
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) question for developers
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:45:59 -0500
> I understand that there has been a lot of pressure on the
> Fractint developers to add true-colour support, and I understand
> that there is also an effort being made to make fractint a 32 bit
> program, to use a flat memory model and to make the code more
> portable.
> I have some concern for existing features like colour cycling
> and palette editing, if true-colour displays are adopted.
> Won't Fractint have to switch graphics modes to utilize both
> truecolour and palette editing? Isn't this rather a problem
> in the windows 3.1 and win95 environment. I'm not sure about
> win95 but I know that windows must be restarted after switching
> video modes.
You don't have to reboot Win-95 to change the video mode to another
resolution, there are various utilities that make this easier, like
Microsoft's QuickRes. But why would the display mode have to change
when creating an image in either format? You may not be able to view it
correctly if your display is under one other than what was being
generated, but it wouldn't stop the program from doing both.
> This makes this type of dual support next to impossible to
> implement in a program. What is the current line
> of thinking on this? Does this mean that Fractint will
> primarily remain a dos program or at least non-windows?
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From: jpreslar@memphisonline.com
Subject: (fractint) Re:
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:35:03 -0700
Peter Jakubowicz wrote:
> Hi. I've been playing with Fractint for a while now, having a lot of fun
> with it, but I feel as if I don't understand what I'm doing very deeply. Is there a good general tutorial on the program out there?
Try Linda Allison's site at:
She has written some really good tutorials on using Fractint which were
of great help to me when I first started (Well, ok, they still are!) Her
fractals are beautiful, too.
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From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Truecolor question
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:48:19 -0500
Jason Hine wrote:
> Also, if anyone has any suggestions for info on the binary
> structure of GIF files, I'd be interested in hearing from you.
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats, 2nd Edition
written by James D. Murray and William vanRyper
published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
====== GIF ======
Also Known As: Graphics Interchange Format
Type Bitmap
Colors 1 to 8 bit
Compression LZW
Maximum Image Size64Kx64K pixels
Multiple Images Per File Yes
Numerical Format Little-endian
Originator CompuServe, Inc.
Platform MS-DOS, Macintosh, UNIX, Amiga, others
Supporting Applications Too numerous to list
See Also Chapter 9, Data Compression
Originally designed to facilitate image transfer and online storage for
use by CompuServe and its customers, GIF is primarily an exchange and
storage format, although it is based on, and is supported by, many
A well-defined, well-documented format in wide use, which is quick, easy
to read, and reasonably easy to uncompress. It lacks, however, support
for the storage of deep-pixel images.
Vendor specifications are available for this format.
Code fragments are available for this format.
Sample images are available for this format.
The following software packages can process this format:
Microsoft Windows Software:
ò CompuPic
ò Graphics Viewer
ò GraphX Viewer
ò Graphic Workshop for Windows
ò LView Pro
ò Paint Shop Pro
ò PhotoLab
ò Picture Man
ò Ulead Viewer
ò VuePrint
MS-DOS Software:
ò Graphics Display System (GDS)
ò gif2dxf
ò Graphic Workshop
OS/2 Software:
ò GBM (Generalized Bitmap Module)
ò PMJPEG (Presentation Manager JPEG)
UNIX Software:
ò xli
ò xv (X Viewer)
Source Code:
ò FBM (Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation)
ò GBM (Generalized Bitmap Module)
ò giftrans
ò Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit (pbmlus)
ò Piclab Source
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a creation of CompuServe and is
used to store multiple bitmap images in a single file for exchange
between platforms and systems. In terms of number of files in existence,
GIF is perhaps the most widely used format for storing multibit graphics
and image data. Even a quick peek into the graphics file section of most
BBSs and file archives seems to prove this true. Many of these are
high-quality images of people, landscapes, cars, astrophotographs, and
anthropometric gynoidal data (you guess what that is). Shareware
libraries and BBSs are filled with megabytes of GIF images.
The vast majority of GIF files contain 16-color or 256-color
near-photographic quality images. Gray-scale images, such as those
produced by scanners, are also commonly stored using GIF, although
monochrome graphics, such as clip art and document images, rarely are.
Although the bulk of GIF files are found in the Intel-based MS-DOS
environment, GIF is not associated with any particular software
application. GIF also was not created for any particular software
application need, although most software applications that read and
write graphical image data, such as paint programs, scanner and video
software, and most image file display and conversion programs, usually
support GIF. GIF was instead intended to allow the easy interchange and
viewing of image data stored on local or remote computer systems.
File Organization
GIF is different from many other common bitmap formats in the sense that
it is stream-based. It consists of a series of data packets, called
blocks, along with additional protocol information. Because of this
arrangement, GIF files must be read as if they are a continuous stream
of data. The various blocks and sub-blocks of data defined by GIF may be
found almost anywhere within the file. This uncertainty makes it
difficult to encapsulate every possible arrangement of GIF data in the
form of C structures.
There are a number of different data block categories, and each of the
various defined blocks falls into one of these categories. In GIF
terminology, a Graphics Control Extension block is a type of Graphics
Control block, for instance. In like manner, Plain Text Extension blocks
and the Local Image Descriptor are types of Graphic Rendering blocks.
The bitmap data is an Image Data block. Comment Extension and
Application Extension blocks are types of Special Purpose blocks.
Blocks, in addition to storing fields of information, can also contain
sub-blocks. Each data sub-block begins with a single count byte, which
can be in the range of 1 to 255 and indicates the number of data bytes
that follow the count byte. Multiple sub-blocks may occur in a
contiguous grouping (count byte, data bytes, count byte, data bytes, and
so on). A sequence of one or more data sub-blocks is terminated by a
count byte with a value of zero.
The GIF format is capable of storing bitmap data with pixel depths of 1
to 8 bits. Images are always stored using the RGB color model and
palette data. GIF is also capable of storing multiple images per file,
but this capability is rarely utilized, and the vast majority of GIF
files contain only a single image. Most GIF file viewers do not, in
fact, support the display of multiple image GIF files or may display
only the first image stored in the file. For these reasons, we recommend
not creating applications that rely on multiple images per file, even
though the specification allows this.
The image data stored in a GIF file is always LZW compressed. See
Chapter 9 for a discussion of LZW and other compression methods (and
also see the sidebar below). This algorithm reduces strings of identical
byte values into a single code word and is capable of reducing the size
of typical 8-bit pixel data by 40 percent or more. The ability to store
uncompressed data, or data encoded using a different compression
algorithm, is not supported in the current version of the GIF format.
LZW Is Not Free
If you are creating or modifying software that implements the LZW
algorithm, be aware that under certain circumstances, you will need to
pay a licensing fee for the use of LZW.
Unisys Corporation owns the patent for the LZW codec (encoding/decoding
algorithm) and requires that a licensing fee be paid for each software
program that implements the LZW algorithm.
Many people have concluded that the Unisys licensing claim applies only
to LZW encoders (software that creates LZW data) and not to LZW decoders
(software that only reads LZW data). However, Unisys believes that its
patent covers the full LZW codec and requires a licensing fee even for
software that reads, but does not write, LZW data.
For more information about the entire issue of LZW licensing, refer to
the section called "LZW Legal Issues" in Chapter 9. For a popular
alternative to graphics file formats that use LZW, consider using the
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format.
There are two revisions of the GIF specification, both of which have
been widely distributed. The original revision was GIF87a, and many
images were created in this format. The current revision, GIF89a, adds
several capabilities, including the ability to store text and graphics
data in the same file. If you are supporting GIF, you should include
support for both the 87a and 89a revisions. It is a mistake to support
only the 89a version, because many applications continue to produce only
87a version files for backward compatibility.
File Details
The "GIF87a" section here discusses features common to both versions;
the "GIF89a" section describes only the features added in GIF89a.
Version 87a is the original GIF format introduced in May 1987 and is
read by all major software applications supporting the GIF format.
Figure GIF-1 illustrates the basic layout of a GIF87a file. Each file
always begins with a Header and a Logical Screen Descriptor. A Global
Color Table may optionally appear after the Logical Screen Descriptor.
Each of these three sections is always found at the same offset from the
start of the file. Each image stored in the file contains a Local Image
Descriptor, an optional Local Color Table, and a block of image data.
The last field in every GIF file is a Terminator character, which
indicates the end of the GIF data stream.
Figure GIF-1: GIF87a file layout
| missing |
The Header is six bytes in size and is used only to identify the file as
type GIF. The Logical Screen Descriptor, which may be separate from the
actual file header, may be thought of as a second header. We may
therefore store the Logical Screen Descriptor information in the same
structure as the Header:
typedef struct _GifHeader
// Header
BYTE Signature[3]; /* Header Signature (always "GIF") */
BYTE Version[3]; /* GIF format version("87a" or "89a") */
// Logical Screen Descriptor
WORD ScreenWidth; /* Width of Display Screen in Pixels */
WORD ScreenHeight; /* Height of Display Screen in Pixels */
BYTE Packed; /* Screen and Color Map Information */
BYTE BackgroundColor; /* Background Color Index */
BYTE AspectRatio; /* Pixel Aspect Ratio */
Signature is three bytes in length and contains the characters GIF as an
identifier. All GIF files start with these three bytes, and any file
that does not should not be read by an application as a GIF image file.
Version is also three bytes in length and contains the version of the
GIF file. There are currently only two versions of GIF: 87a (the
original GIF format) and 89a (the new GIF format). Some GIF87a file
viewers may be able to read GIF89a files, although the stored image data
may not display correctly.
Logical Screen Descriptor
The Logical Screen Descriptor contains information describing the screen
and color information used to create and display the GIF file image.
The ScreenHeight and ScreenWidth fields contain the minimum screen
resolution required to display the image data. If the display device is
not capable of supporting the specified resolution, some sort of scaling
will be necessary to properly display the image.
Packed contains the following four subfields of data (bit 0 is the least
significant bit, or LSB):
Bits 0-2 Size of the Global Color Table
Bit 3 Color Table Sort Flag
Bits 4-6 Color Resolution
Bit 7 Global Color Table Flag
The Size of the Global Color Table subfield contains the number of bits
in each Global Color Table entry minus one. For example, if an image
contains 8 bits per pixel, the value of this field is 7. The total
number of elements in the Global Color Table is calculated by shifting
the value one to the left by the value in this field:
NumberOfGlobalColorTableEntries =
(1L << (SizeOfTheGlobalColorTable + 1));
The Size of the Global Color Table subfield is always set to the proper
size even if there is no Global Color Table (i.e., the Global Color
Table Flag subfield is set to 0). If the Color Table Sort Flag subfield
is 1, then the Global Color Table entries are sorted from the most
important (most frequently occurring color in the image) to the least
important. Sorting the colors in the color table aids an application in
choosing the colors to use with display hardware that has fewer
available colors than the image data. The Sort flag is only valid under
version 89a of GIF. Under version 87a, this field is reserved and is
always set to 0.
The Color Resolution subfield is set to the number of bits in an entry
of the original color palette minus one. This value equates to the
maximum size of the original color palette. For example, if an image
originally contained eight bits per primary color, the value of this
field would be 7. The Global Color Table Flag subfield is set to 1 if a
Global Color Table is present in the GIF file, and 0 if one is not.
Global Color Table data, if present, always follows the Logical Screen
Descriptor header in the GIF file.
BackgroundColor in the Logical Screen Descriptor contains an index value
into the Global Color Table of the color to use for the border and
background of the image. The background is considered to be the area of
the screen not covered by the GIF image. If there is no Global Color
Table (i.e., the Global Color Table Flag subfield is set to 0), this
field is unused and should be ignored.
AspectRatio contains the aspect ratio value of the pixels in the image.
The aspect ratio is the width of the pixel divided by the height of the
pixel. This value is in the range of 1 to 255 and is used in the
following calculation:
PixelAspectRatio = (AspectRatio + 15) / 64;
If this field is 0, then no aspect ratio is specified.
Global Color Table
The Logical Screen Descriptor may be followed by an optional Global
Color Table. This color table, if present, is the color map used to
index the pixel color data contained within the image data. If a Global
Color Table is not present, each image stored in the GIF file contains a
Local Color Table that it uses in place of a Global Color Table. If
every image in the GIF file uses its own Local Color Table, then a
Global Color Table may not be present in the GIF file. If neither a
Global nor a Local Color Table is present, make sure your application
supplies a default color table to use. It is suggested that the first
entry of a default color table be the color black and the second entry
be the color white.
Global Color Table data always follows the Logical Screen Descriptor
information and varies in size depending upon the number of entries in
the table. The Global Color Table is a series of three-byte triples
making up the elements of the color table. Each triple contains the red,
green, and blue primary color values of each color table element:
typedef struct _GifColorTable
BYTE Red; /* Red Color Element */
BYTE Green; /* Green Color Element */
BYTE Blue; /* Blue Color Element */
The number of entries in the Global Color Table is always a power of two
(2, 4, 8, 16, and so on), up to a maximum of 256 entries. The size of
the Global Color Table in bytes is calculated by using bits 0, 1, and 2
in the Packed field of the Logical Image Descriptor in the following
ColorTableSize = 3L * (1L << (SizeOfGlobalColorTable + 1));
The Header, Logical Screen Descriptor, and Global Color Map data are
followed by one or more sections of image data. Each image in a GIF file
is stored separately, with an Image Descriptor and possibly a Local
Color Table. The Image Descriptor is similar to a header and contains
information only about the image data that immediately follows it. The
Local Color Table contains color information specific only to that image
data and may or may not be present.
Local Image Descriptor
The Local Image Descriptor appears before each section of image data and
has the following structure:
typedef struct _GifImageDescriptor
BYTE Separator; /* Image Descriptor identifier */
WORD Left; /* X position of image on the display */
WORD Top; /* Y position of image on the display */
WORD Width; /* Width of the image in pixels */
WORD Height; /* Height of the image in pixels */
BYTE Packed; /* Image and Color Table Data Information */
Separator contains the value 2Ch and denotes the beginning of the Image
Descriptor data block.
Left and Top are the coordinates in pixels of the upper-left corner of
the image on the logical screen. The upper-left corner of the screen is
considered to be coordinates 0,0.
Width and Height are the size of the image in pixels.
Packed contains the following five subfields of data (bit 0 is the LSB):
Bit 0 Local Color Table Flag
Bit 1 Interlace Flag
Bit 2 Sort Flag
Bits 3-4 Reserved
Bits 5-7 Size of Local Color Table Entry
The Local Color Table Flag subfield is 1 if a Local Color Table is
associated with this image. If the value of this subfield is 0, then
there is no Local Color Table present, and the Global Color Table data
should be used instead.
The Interlace Flag subfield is 1 if the image is interlaced and 0 if it
is non-interlaced. (See the description of Image Data for an explanation
of interlaced image data.)
The Sort Flag subfield indicates whether the entries in the color table
have been sorted by their order of importance. Importance is usually
decided by the frequency of occurrence of the color in the image data. A
value of 1 indicates a sorted color table, while a value of 0 indicates
a table with unsorted color values. The Sort Flag subfield value is
valid only under version 89a of GIF. Under version 87a, this field is
reserved and is always set to 0.
The Size of Local Color Table Entry subfield is the number of bits per
entry in the Local Color Table. If the Local Color Table Flag subfield
is set to 0, then this subfield is also set to 0.
Local Color Table
If a Local Color Table is present, it immediately follows the Local
Image Descriptor and precedes the image data with which it is
associated. The format of all Local Color Tables is identical to that of
the Global Color Table. Each element is a series of 3-byte triples
containing the red, green, and blue primary color values of each element
in the Local Color Table:
typedef struct _GifColorTable
BYTE Red; /* Red Color Element */
BYTE Green; /* Green Color Element */
BYTE Blue; /* Blue Color Element */
The number of entries and the size in bytes of the Local Color Table is
calculated in the same way as the Global Color Table:
ColorTableSize = 3L * (1L << (SizeOfLocalColorTable + 1));
ColorTableNumberOfEntries = 1L << (SizeOfLocalColorTable
+ 1);
A Local Color Table only affects the image it is associated with and, if
it is present, its data supersedes that of the Global Color Table. Each
image may have no more than one Local Color Table.
Image data
GIF files do not compress well when stored using file archivers such as
pkzip and zoo. This is because the image data found in every GIF file is
always compressed using the LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) encoding scheme, the
same compression algorithm used by most file archivers. (See the sidebar
about LZW at the beginning of this article.) Compressing a GIF file is
therefore a redundant operation, which rarely results in smaller files
and is usually not worth the time and effort involved in the attempt.
Normally when LZW-encoded image data is stored in a graphics file
format, it is arranged as a continuous stream of data that is read from
beginning to end. The GIF format, however, stores encoded image data as
a series of data sub-blocks.
Each data sub-block begins with a count byte. The value of the count
byte may range from 1 to 255 and indicates the number of data bytes in
the sub-block. The data blocks immediately follow the count byte. A
contiguous group of data blocks is terminated by a byte with a zero
value. This may be viewed as either a terminator value or as a sub-block
with a count byte value of zero; in either case, it indicates that no
data bytes follow.
Because GIF files do not contain a contiguous stream of LZW-encoded
data, each sub-block must be read and the data sent to an LZW decoder.
Most sub-blocks storing image data will be 255 bytes in length, so this
is an excellent maximum size to use for the buffer that will hold the
encoded image data. Also, the LZW encoding process does not keep track
of where each scan line begins and ends. It is therefore likely that one
scan line will end and another begin in the middle of a sub-block of
image data.
The format of the decoded GIF image data is fairly straightforward. Each
pixel in a decoded scan line is always one byte in size and contains an
index value into either a Global or Local Color Table. Although the
structure of the GIF format is quite capable of storing color
information directly in the image data (thus bypassing the need for a
color table), the GIF specification does not specify this as a possible
option. Therefore, even 1-bit image data must use 8-bit index values and
a 2-entry color table.
GIF image data is always stored by scan line and by pixel. GIF does not
have the capability to store image data as planes, so when GIF files are
displayed using plane-oriented display adapters, quite a bit of
buffering, shifting, and masking of image data must first occur before
the GIF image can be displayed.
The scan lines making up the GIF bitmap image data are normally stored
in consecutive order, starting with the first row and ending with the
last. The GIF format also supports an alternate way to store rows of
bitmap data in an interlaced order. Interlaced images are stored as
alternating rows of bitmap data. If you have ever viewed a GIF file that
appeared on the screen as a series of four "wipes" that jumped across
the screen as the image was displayed, you were viewing an interlaced
GIF file.
Figure GIF-2 compares the order of rows stored in an interlaced and
non-interlaced format. In the non-interlaced format, the rows of bitmap
data are stored starting with the first row and continuing sequentially
to the last row. This is the typical storage format for most bitmap file
formats. The interlaced format, however, stores the rows out of the
normal sequence. All the even rows are stored first and all the odd rows
are stored last. We can also see that each successive pass usually
encodes more rows than the previous pass.
GIF uses a four-pass interlacing scheme. The first pass starts on row 0
and reads every eighth row of bitmap data. The second pass starts on the
fourth row and reads every eighth row of data. The third pass starts on
the second row and reads every fourth row. The final pass begins on the
first row and reads every second row. Using this scheme, all of the rows
of bitmap data are read and stored.
Figure GIF-2: Arrangement of interlaced and non-interlaced scan lines
| missing |
Why interlace a GIF image? Interlacing might seem to make the reading,
writing, and displaying of the image data more difficult, and of course
it does. Does this arrangement somehow make the image easier to display
on interlaced monitors? The answer lies in one of the original purposes
of GIF.
GIF was designed as an image communications protocol used for the
interactive viewing of online images. A user connected to an information
service via a modem could not only download a GIF image, but could also
see it appear on his or her display screen as it was being downloaded.
If a GIF image were stored in a non-interlaced format, the GIF image
would display in a progressive fashion starting at the top of the screen
and ending at the bottom. After 50 percent of the download was
completed, only the top half of the GIF image would be visible. An
interlaced image, however, would display starting with every eighth row,
then every fourth row, then every second row, and so on. When the
download of an interlaced GIF image was only 50 percent complete, the
entire contents of the image could be discerned even though only half
the image had been displayed. The viewer's eye and brain would simply
fill in the missing half.
Interlacing presents a problem when converting a GIF image from one
format to another. A scan-line table must be created to write out the
scan lines in their proper, non-interlaced order. The following sample
code is used to produce a scan-line table of an interlaced image:
WORD i, j;
WORD RowTable1[16];
WORD RowTable2[16];
WORD ImageHeight = 16; /* 16 lines in the GIF image */
for (i = 0; i < ImageHeight; i++) /* Initialize source array*/
RowTable1[i] = i;
j = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ImageHeight; i += 8, j++) /* Interlace Pass 1 */
RowTable2[i] = RowTable1[j];
for (i = 4; i < ImageHeight; i += 8, j++) /* Interlace Pass 2 */
RowTable2[i] = RowTable1[j];
for (i = 2; i < ImageHeight; i += 4, j++) /* Interlace Pass 3 */
RowTable2[i] = RowTable1[j];
for (i = 1; i < ImageHeight; i += 2, j++) /* Interlace Pass 4 */
RowTable2[i] = RowTable1[j];
The array RowTable1[] contains the mapping of the scan lines in a
non-interlaced image, which in this example are the values 0 to 15 in
consecutive order. The array RowTable2[] is then initialized by the
interlacing code to contain the mapping of the scan lines of the
interlaced image:
RowTable1[] RowTable2[]
0 0
1 8
2 4
3 9
4 2
5 10
6 5
7 11
8 1
9 12
10 6
11 13
12 3
13 14
14 7
15 15
We can restore the non-interlaced image by stepping through the values
stored in RowTable2[]. The 0th row of the non-interlaced image is the
0th row of the interlaced image. The first row of the non-interlaced
image is the eighth row of the interlaced image. The second row of the
non-interlaced image is the fourth row of the interlaced image, and so
The Trailer is a single byte of data that occurs as the last character
in the file. This byte value is always 3Bh and indicates the end of the
GIF data stream. A trailer must appear in every GIF file.
Version 89a is the most recent revision of the GIF image file format and
was introduced in July of 1989. Although the GIF89a format is very
similar to GIF 87a, it contains several additional blocks of information
not defined in the 87a specification. For this reason GIF89a image files
may not be read and displayed properly by applications that read only
GIF87a image files. Many of these programs do not not attempt to display
an 89a image file, because the version number "89a" will not be
recognized. Although changing the version number from "89a" to "87a"
will solve this problem, the GIF image data may still not display
properly, for reasons we shall soon see.
Figure GIF-3 illustrates the basic layout of a GIF89a image file. Just
as with version 87a, the 89a version also begins with a Header, a
Logical Screen Descriptor, and an optional Global Color Table. Each
image also contains a Local Image Descriptor, an optional Local Color
Table, and a block of image data. The trailer in every GIF89a file
contains the same values found in 87a files.
Version 89a added a new feature to the GIF format called Control
Extensions. These extensions to the GIF87a format are specialized blocks
of information used to control the rendering of the graphical data
stored within a GIF image file. The design of GIF87a only allowed the
display of images one at a time in a "slide show" fashion. Through the
interpretation and use of Control Extension data, GIF89a allows both
textual and bitmap-based graphical data to be displayed, overlaid, and
deleted as in an animated multimedia presentation.
The four Control Extensions introduced by GIF89a are the Graphics
Control Extension, the Plain Text Extension, the Comment Extension, and
the Application Extension, summarized here and described in greater
detail in the sections below.
Graphics Control Extension blocks control how the bitmap or plain-text
data found in a Graphics Rendering block is displayed. Such control
information includes whether the graphic is to be overlaid in a
transparent or opaque fashion over another graphic, whether the graphic
is to be restored or deleted, and whether user input is expected before
continuing with the display of the GIF file data.
Plain Text Extension blocks allow the mixing of plain-text ASCII
graphics with bitmapped image data. Many GIF images contain
human-readable text that is actually part of the bitmap data itself.
Using the Plain Text Extension, captions that are not actually part of
the bitmapped image may be overlaid onto the image. This can be
invaluable when it is necessary to display textual data over an image,
but it is inconvenient to alter the bitmap to include this information.
It is even possible to construct an 89a file that contains only
plain-text data and no bitmap image data at all.
(lot's more available)
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) question for developers
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:54:13 -0600
Noel mused:
> I have some concern for existing features like colour cycling
> and palette editing, if true-colour displays are adopted.
Color cycling is a hardware feature of super VGA boards in 256-color
modes. It necessarily won't work in truecolor. When Fractint adds
truecolor capabilities, color cycling will still work in 256 color
> Won't Fractint
> have to switch graphics modes to utilize both truecolour and palette
> editing?
Not necessarily. One of the first truecolor algorithms we implement
will be one that continuously interpolates colors between the
escape-time bands. A 256-color palette editor will still be useful
for designing the colors of such an image.
But basically you are right. Truecolor demands a whole different
approach to coloring fractals. If truecolor is calculated "on the
fly" you won't be able to recolor fractals as a post-process, at
least not in the same way. On the other hand, Fractint could
simultaneously store the iteration and orbit information in a file,
and special post-processing could construct colors using different
algorithms, includoing use of a super-long palette.
> Isn't this rather a problem in the windows 3.1 and win95
> environment.
You won't be able to color cycle if Windows is in a truecolor mode.
Bert Tyler did get color cycling to work with the now-very-old
Winfract port, but under a 256-color video mode.
> Does this mean that Fractint will
> primarily remain a dos program or at least non-windows?
It means that if you want color cycling, you will have to use a
256-color video driver for windows. In the long run, my opinion is
that color cycling will be less and less important as truecolor
hardware and software become dominant.
Fractint can't stay as a DOS program and progress. At the very least,
fractint needs porting to a DOS extender environment such as the
djgpp compiler.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Short absence
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:54:13 -0600
I'll be gone from Saturday morning (August 16) through Wednesday
(August 20). List traffic can continue as normal, but I won't be
available to handle any special fractint list problems until I get
Fractint list owner
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: (fractint) Fractint File formats
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:54:13 -0600
Re different Fractint formats for IFS, Lsystems, PAR
The reason for the split is that the original IFS and Lsystem files
came first, amd the parameter idea came later.
Feel free to propose a syntax for embedding Lsystems and IFS into PAR
files. But you'll have to make a case for it, and show that there's
an advaqntage. The current lsystems and IFS formats make
interoperability easy with other programs. For example, fdesign can
read and write Fractint IFS files. The lsystem format is pretty
standard, we've just wrapped curly brackets around it.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Truecolor question
Date: 15 Aug 1997 18:54:13 -0600
> I'm trying to decipher just what's going on in that little bonus program
> called TRU.C which comes with Fractint.
I don't have time to answer this now, as I'm leaving for a few days
on a trip. I would like to say I'd love to see people play with
tru.c, because we're ovrdue for a truecolor implementation push. If
no one else can answer, please remind me after I get back next
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From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Fractint tutorials
Date: 16 Aug 1997 13:16:43 -0400
Hi Peter,
>>I've been playing with Fractint for a while now, having a lot of fun
with it, but I feel as if I don't understand what I'm doing very deeply. =
know the book that originally was written to accompany the program is lon=
gone out of print because I've been searching for it. Is there a good
general tutorial on the program out there?<<
Don't forget the excellent documentation that comes with the latest relea=
(v19.6) of Fractint.
To get the full, 200+ page, Fractint.doc you need to execute the command
<Fractint Makedoc>
Once you have expanded this documet you will find most of what you need =
know on how to use the program, as well as detailed explanation of all th=
fractal types supported plus history and background on fractals in genera=
(page 138, I think<g>).
Bradley Beacham's "Formula Parser Tutorial" is now also included with
Fractint (you'll need to unzip it). Primarily designed to introduce user=
to the wonders of formula writing, it also contains an introduction to
complex numbers plus a walkthrough of how the mandelbrot set is generated=
[apologies, of course, if you already knew this!]
- Les
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From: "Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu>
Subject: (fractint) finally got around to saving some par files :^)
Date: 16 Aug 1997 20:07:10 -0400 (EDT)
These are all fractals I've created in the last month or so. Unfortunately
they're not available online yet, but I'll have them up by the middle of
September. Until then, here are a few. They are all fractals which I've
put into my "odd fractals" category.
Eaves { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=fn+fn function=tan/asin
center-mag=-0.042885/-0.0626068/0.00999991/0.6001 params=3/0/-1/2
bailoutest=imag inside=startrail
Modern Art I { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=fn*z+z function=recip
center-mag=-0.133608/-0.30777/0.07022472 params=1/0/1/0
maxiter=10000 outside=imag
Modern Art II { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=abs/floor
params=0/0/0.5 maxiter=1000 outside=atan
Attraction { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=fn*z+z function=sin
center-mag=10.2981/0.103254/21.26705 params=1/0/1/0 maxiter=10000
Untitled I { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=barnsleyj1
params=-0.02250748872756958/1.029216051101685 bailoutest=manr
Pierce { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=manfn+zsqrd function=exp
params=0/0 float=y maxiter=5000 bailoutest=imag outside=atan
Sunset I { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=manzzpwr
params=0/0/1.98 float=y maxiter=5000 bailoutest=imag outside=mult
Sunset II { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=sin/ident
params=0/0/0.5 outside=imag
Melissa Binde -- binde@cs.swarthmore.edu
Outside the Asylum -- http://www.terindell.com/
Babylon 5 Weekly Column -- http://babylon5.miningco.com
It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always
do what you are afraid to do." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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From: franz@mediom.qc.ca (Francois Blais)
Subject: Re: (fractint) finally got around to saving some par files :^)
Date: 17 Aug 1997 20:12:10 -0400
"Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu> wrote:
>Modern Art II { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
> reset=1960 type=mandel(fn||fn) function=abs/floor
> center-mag=+0.06542968500000002/+0.00207519499999997/0.3335641/0.9996
> params=0/0/0.5 maxiter=1000 outside=atan
> colors=000VHWC9hdaP<3>pt`dUXfQghLsZuubPKbGIa6GZUJ<4>D72UcR<2>2uhQ_LDaKZU\
> J<4>CA4ZYM<6>1bGa_K<4>XjA`UL<6>G1DcXQ<6>pPwWWI<3>1M0dZT<2>lcmYYT<2>I`pGB\
> qaYK<4>WWANPU7Gb_YR<4>GbpgPSmGZY_M<5>0lH_WQ<5>FFpZXQ<5>6PqttGeVL<2>nLHcW\
> >Le0bZJ<5>ge1cYVdZce_lb`N<6>_wWXbM<3>7yMaZV<2>ZbvbRUcJbdBklSPvMSXYM<3>8a\
> NfSM<3>z3IcUR<5>i0wZ`O<3>HpZRYCEY1SdZGkk4rx_PJXGGT7DeYR<4>u`qYZP<5>0gkZ`\
> L<3>InFebK<3>txCWODOD35GZ<5>OlB
> }
I find this one very interesting.
In particular the fact that it's based on a Fractint 'bug'.
If you set floating point to yes, you'll see the difference.
I also found another interesting variation with both fp enabled and
the outside color set to atan.
Thanks for the par!
La voix de ma contrebasse
Quebec City * Canada
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."
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From: "Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) finally got around to saving some par files :^)
Date: 17 Aug 1997 22:30:58 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, Francois Blais wrote:
> "Melissa D. Binde" <mdb@condor.sccs.swarthmore.edu> wrote:
> >Modern Art II { ; Melissa Binde (binde@terindell.com)
> I find this one very interesting.
> In particular the fact that it's based on a Fractint 'bug'.
> If you set floating point to yes, you'll see the difference.
> I also found another interesting variation with both fp enabled and
> the outside color set to atan.
> Thanks for the par!
Yes, lots of them have "cousins" which I have squirreled away on my hard
drive :^). I liked this version best though.
Melissa Binde -- binde@cs.swarthmore.edu
Outside the Asylum -- http://www.terindell.com/
Babylon 5 Weekly Column -- http://babylon5.miningco.com
The system runs with NT 3.51, service pack 5. At now, we have no idea why.
-- out of context; from a mailing list
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From: Kenny McAlpine <km@maths.gla.ac.uk>
Subject: (fractint) Re:
Date: 18 Aug 1997 11:19:37 -0700
> What is a good general book on fractals, something somehere between pop > science and a rigorous mathematical treatment?
A good one is Peitgen, Jurgens and Saupe's 'Fractals for the Classroom'
parts 1 & 2, pub. Springer-Verlag. It's aimed at American Schoolkids,
and can be approached either as a rigorous treatment, or as a nice easy
introduction. Highly recommended.
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Tru.c workings
Date: 18 Aug 1997 08:20:48 -0600 (MDT)
Howdy all,
After a weekend of playing around with the little piece of C code that
comes with Fractint called TRU.C, I've determined the following (maybe!):
1) TRU.C is designed to read in the file ITERATES.TGA produced when
Fractint is given the "truecolor=yes" command; TRU.C first reads in the file
header (see next note!), then reads in the actual iterations data. There is a
subroutine, RGBMAP, which produces a new .TGA file containing color data instead
of iterations data.
2) There seems to be a problem reading in the header which looks like
Who-knows-what... 12 bytes
xdots............ 2 bytes
ydots............ 2 bytes
Who-knows-what... 2 bytes
Max_iteration.... 4 bytes
All these values are being read correctly except for ydots, which always
ends up being a large number, like 6147489 or such...
3) If you set a viewwindow size of 50x38 and create iterates.tga, then
not only is the ydots in the header corrupt, but the actual iteration data is
also incorrect.
Can someone provide me with the supposed binary file format for the
iterates.tga file? Other suggestions welcome... I have another question, but
I'll post it in a separate email. Thanks, all!
Jason (Iteration) Hine
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Fractint GIF format (binary)
Date: 18 Aug 1997 08:33:40 -0600 (MDT)
Howdy again,
As some of you may recall, I'm working on an add-on for Fractint that
will allow unmanned zooming... my apologies, please! I mean _unpersoned_
zooming... There is a program out there called Fractal eXtreme which has such a
feature, and that program is available for a free trial period (anyone have a
URL for that site?) Anyway, I'm debating whether to write my program to work
with GIF files or the .TGA file created when you give Fractint the
"truecolor=yes" command.
The .TGA file would be the easiest to work with, since what I'm really
interested in is the iterations value for each pixel, and that's exactly what's
in ITERATES.TGA. On the other hand, it seems that the state of Fractint's
truecolor support scene is, if not currently, then soon to be undergoing some
modifications, whereas the GIF file format seems pretty well established. Also,
there may be some problems with Fractint's ability to write ITERATES.TGA for
viewwindowed images.
Going with the GIF file, on the other hand, would be a pain... mostly
because a) there's the LZW compression to deal with, and b) I'm just a novice
programmer, and not even any kind of /graphics/ programmer! Choosing to work
with GIFs will complicate things programming-wise, but is more likely to mean
that my program will still work fine with future versions of Fractint.
I'm hoping that Tim will be able to help me come to a decision when he
returns... in the meantime, any ideas from the peanut gallery would be most
Jason (the Peanut) Hine
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) GIF file format site
Date: 18 Aug 1997 09:35:36 -0600 (MDT)
I've located a source for GIF and other file format definitons:
Jason (FYI) Hine
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) good general book?
Date: 18 Aug 1997 13:18:33 -0700
pfj wrote:
Hi. I've been playing with Fractint for a while now, having a lot of fun
with it,
but I feel as if I don't understand what I'm doing very deeply. I know the
book that originally was written to accompany the program is long gone
out of print because I've been searching for it. Is there a good general
tutorial on the program out there? And what is a good general book on
fractals, something somehere between pop science and a rigorous
mathematical treatment?
Now some have said the Fractint books are out of print. Does anyone
out there (I hate it when they say that, like you all are homeless in the
want a copy? These show up at close out stores sometimes. A friend
of mine saw some, so I'm a huntin'.
Let me know if you are interested.
main(){int f,g,h=0;float a,b,c,d,e;for(;h<3920;putchar("^^/-,;<:lnb/bh`\
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) Hello
Date: 19 Aug 1997 15:17:33 -0400
Howdy folks...
Finally found my way over to this list, now that I got xmission.com to lift
the ban on address at emi.net. But it doesn't seem to be generating any
mail. Hmmm.
Anyway, looking forward to FractInt-specific discussions. Has anyone
figured out how to get FractInt to use new coloring techniques, without
resorting to changing the source code?
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) Hello again
Date: 19 Aug 1997 17:40:56 -0400
After downloading the archive of previous messages (200K!) I see that
people have been introducing themselves a bit as they join. So perhaps I
should do that...
My first introduction to fractals was in junior high school, in the
mid-80s. (Yes, that *does* indicate I'm still a young whipper-snapper.
Age is the gift that everyone eventually gets.) I was hooked right away,
but it was a few years before I could start messing around on my own, with
an Atari ST computer. Three or so years ago I found FractInt (DOS), and my
skill with this program continues to improve. (Not necessarily my artistic
ability--just my skill with the program. :)
Recently I took over management of the Infinite Fractal Loop, a web ring
dedicated to fractal art. Its home page is http://www.emi.net/~dmj/ifl/
for those who wish to browse through it.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: A M Kelley <amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: (fractint) Question
Date: 19 Aug 1997 18:07:59 -0400 (EDT)
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
The newbie is here with a question. I have had fractals that have a hole
in the middle of their spiral that simply refuses to fill in. Attached is
an example; the swirl on the left has a filled in hole and the swirl on
the right has a blank hole. (Can you stand all this technical jargon?<G>)
It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the maxiter. One of my very
favorite fractals has one of these holes and I'm tempted to do away with
it using Paintshop.<G> If anyone would like to explain these holes,
please, no equations.<VBG>--Alice
Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="question.par"
Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9708191806.A6557@login>
Question_fractal { ; amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=ident passes=2
center-mag=-0.345098/0/0.3333333 params=1/0.4 float=y maxiter=2000
invert=1/0.5/0 decomp=256 viewwindows=2/0.75/yes/0/0
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From: Jim Muth <jamth@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 19 Aug 1997 19:28:35 -0400 (EDT)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 06:07 PM 8/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
>The newbie is here with a question. I have had fractals that have a hole
>in the middle of their spiral that simply refuses to fill in. Attached is
>an example; the swirl on the left has a filled in hole and the swirl on
>the right has a blank hole. (Can you stand all this technical jargon?<G>)
>It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the maxiter. One of my very
>favorite fractals has one of these holes and I'm tempted to do away with
>it using Paintshop.<G> If anyone would like to explain these holes,
>please, no equations.<VBG>--Alice
The hole in your otherwise fine fractal is caused by a combination of
things. First, the bailout is too low -- I set it to 5000. Second, the
periodicity should be disabled with this fractal -- I set it to 0. Third,
the maxiter need be nowhere as high as you had set it -- I set it to 255.
Fourth, the Log Palette should be turned on, which I did. The result is
visible in the par file named answer.par, which I have attached. I think
this is the effect you were after.
Hope I was of help, and good luck with those fractals.
Jim Muth
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ANSWER.PAR"
reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=ident
params=1/0.4 float=y maxiter=255 bailout=5000 logmap=yes
invert=1/0.5/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 19 Aug 1997 19:29:04 -0400
This one's easy. Increase your bailout (z options page) to about 1,000,000
or so. It'll go away.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Question
Date: 19 Aug 1997 19:34:44 -0400
Hi Alice,
>> The newbie is here with a question. I have had fractals that have a ho=
>> in the middle of their spiral that simply refuses to fill in. Attached=
>> an example; the swirl on the left has a filled in hole and the swirl o=
>> the right has a blank hole.
The center of the spiral on the right is also the center of the inversi=
(0.5,0). The inversion transforms each pixel close to (0.5,0) to a very
big number and the orbit escapes at the first iteration.
>> It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the maxiter.
No but the blank hole disappears if you set the bailout value to 10000.=
>> please, no equations.<VBG>
It was not necessary <G>!
- Sylvie
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 19 Aug 1997 16:52:39 -0700
Fine on terh left side bu-bu-bu--buu-but on the right side the
HoleIsStillThere { ; Jay Hill
reset=1960 type=lambdafn function=ident
params=1/0.4 float=y maxiter=255 bailout=5000 logmap=yes
invert=1/0.5/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0 viewwindows=2/0.75/yes/0/0
whoever smaller with 4 'corner'.
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From: Donald Archer <arch@dorsai.org>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 20 Aug 1997 00:58:39 -0400 (EDT)
>The newbie is here with a question. I have had fractals that have a hole
>in the middle of their spiral that simply refuses to fill in. Attached is
>an example; the swirl on the left has a filled in hole and the swirl on
>the right has a blank hole. (Can you stand all this technical jargon?<G>)
>It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the maxiter. One of my very
>favorite fractals has one of these holes and I'm tempted to do away with
>it using Paintshop.<G> If anyone would like to explain these holes,
>please, no equations.<VBG>--Alice
>Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="question.par"
>Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9708191806.A6557@login>
>Attachment Converted: C:\ARCHDOR\question.par
I don't know what to tell you. It's a hole alright, no matter how
you look at it. I don't normally use the options that you invoked,
but I suspect you've pushed the Fractint code a little beyond the margin
for this fractal type. I suggest you ask Tim Wegner, Fractint developer and
administrator here. I'd be interested in his response. Nice image, too.
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From: Fractalier@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 20 Aug 1997 04:19:01 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-20 04:14:09 EDT, you write:
<< Alice:
>The newbie is here with a question. I have had fractals that have a hole
>in the middle of their spiral that simply refuses to fill in. Attached is
>an example; the swirl on the left has a filled in hole and the swirl on
>the right has a blank hole. (Can you stand all this technical jargon?<G>)
>It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the maxiter. One of my very
>favorite fractals has one of these holes and I'm tempted to do away with
>it using Paintshop.<G> If anyone would like to explain these holes,
>please, no equations.<VBG>--Alice
>Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="question.par"
>Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9708191806.A6557@login>
>Attachment Converted: C:\ARCHDOR\question.par
I don't know what to tell you. It's a hole alright, no matter how
you look at it. I don't normally use the options that you invoked,
but I suspect you've pushed the Fractint code a little beyond the margin
for this fractal type. I suggest you ask Tim Wegner, Fractint developer and
administrator here. I'd be interested in his response. Nice image, too.
If you are doing iterative Julia/Mandelbrot set fractals, the black hole in
the center is representative of the area of the graph where a greater number
of iterations are necessary for the function to exceed the "blowup"
parameter...if you increase the number of iterations to 256, 512, 768, 1024
and so on, more of the graph will fill in...
ultimately though, the graph will never quite be completely "filled in"...
Hope that helps,
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From: lelio <lelio@mci2000.com>
Subject: (fractint) Hello
Date: 20 Aug 1997 09:48:17 -0400
Hello everyone, I am a new user (6 months) of Fractint. I love it. I just
found the mailing list so this is cool too.
However when I was cutting and pasting for various .par and .frm files,
Fractint didn't like it, I think it put in control characters in the
clipboard, I don't know, I have had to re-type them and that's OK, the
images have been, for the most part, really cool.
Here is my request, could you (being all who post formulas or parameters)
post them as e-mail attachments? A few have done this and it makes it so
much easier.
Like I said I'm still new to the software, but I'm learning, I'll post some
.par files soon. :)
Time is an illusion,
Lunchtime doubly so.
- Ford Prefect (by way of Douglas Adams)
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From: A M Kelley <amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 20 Aug 1997 10:18:45 -0400 (EDT)
Thank you to all who answered my question! I'm so glad this was easy.<G> I
still have to go look at the pars that were sent to me. Jim, when I turned
the log palette on, I hit 2 so it would choose its own setting, and it
picked 33, which looked very bad. The log palette always acts that way for
me. Sometimes I can improve an image by setting it to 1 or -1, but very
rarely does setting it to 2 (the auto setting) do any good. I mean, 33??
I am not totally sure why having a maxiter that's too high is bad.
And the periodicity setting....Les St. Clair has tried to explain that
to me, and it's like a big brick wall.<G> I never think to try altering
that setting because it's so meaningless to me, and I have no way of
realizing what kind of fractal might respond to a change in that value.
I'll have to try it on all my fractals.<G>--Alice
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Hello
Date: 20 Aug 1997 09:59:44 -0700
Russel wrote:
>Here is my request, could you (being all who post formulas or parameters)
>post them as e-mail attachments? A few have done this and it makes
>it so much easier.
If we must use attachments please make it in addition to the email, when
I export my email to an ascii file, attachments are lost. Par files
the description are soon orphins. I have found the Fractal of the Day
email works great if I export the whole thing and name it with a .par
extension. Fractint 19.6 reads it fine.
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From: <robin.b2@ukonline.co.uk>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Question
Date: 20 Aug 1997 10:45:03 -0600 (MDT)
On Wednesday, August 20, 1997 10:18:45 you wrote:
>the log palette on, I hit 2 so it would choose its own setting, and it
>picked 33, which looked very bad. The log palette always acts that way for
>me. Sometimes I can improve an image by setting it to 1 or -1, but very
>rarely does setting it to 2 (the auto setting) do any good. I mean, 33??
> I am not totally sure why having a maxiter that's too high is bad.
Hi Alice,
In the simples case with logpallete = -1 or 1 the colours get spread out across
the whole range of iterations possible, from 1 ... maxiter. This means that, if you're
looking at a zoomed fractal, some of the 256 available colour bands are in effect outside
your screen, not displayed and therefore wasted. In extreme cases this would mean only
showing a just few colours when you could have 256.. not necessarily a bad thing but often
resulting in a picture with little detail. To counter this you can give logpalette a value
(say 33 ) which results in the colour bands being spread across iteration values
33 ... maxiter.
What autolog does is do the calculations for all the pixels round the edge of your zoomed
view first, find out the lowest value it encountered and then use this as the lower end of
the colour spread used by logmap. This only gives good results if the fractal is one which
has no 'islands' of lower iterations inside such as the Mset.
Though this is the most 'efficient' way of using colours it also results in the colourmap
being shifted so you might need to cycle things a bit to get back to the look you had
Hope this helps,
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) Periodicity checking
Date: 20 Aug 1997 13:07:49 -0400
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
- And the periodicity setting....Les St. Clair has tried to explain that
- to me, and it's like a big brick wall.<G>
OK, I'll take a stab at it. Let me know if I obfuscate... ;-)
Your average garden-variety fractal takes each screen point and maps it to
a complex number, running that number through the same equation over and
over again to see what happens. Points "outside" the set head off towards
infinity (they get bigger than the "bailout" value) and points "inside" the
set don't--they just kind of hang around. Eventually you've run the point
through so many iterations you "give up"--this is the maximum iterations
The problem (as far as speed is concerned) is that all of your inside
points are run through your equation the *full* number of times. If there
was a way to detect early on that a point isn't going to head to infinity,
you could quit early, safe in the knowledge that the point is "inside".
Well, for some points, you *can* find out early. Some points, as they are
pushed through the equation over and over, produce a repeating cycle of
numbers. For example, in the Mandelbrot set, the point at (-2,0), as it is
run through the iterated equation z = z*z + c, produces the sequence (0,0),
(-2,0). One number produces the other. Obviously that's not heading
towards infinity, so if that can be detected, the program can quit early
and not calculate 10,000 iterations of that point.
To see what's going on, start FractInt and let the M-set fully draw. Press
"O" (to turn on the Orbits window) and "L" (to connect all the points with
Lines). Now move the pointer over the M-set. What FractInt is showing you
is how the point you start at moves around as it is run through the
iterative equation. Move the pointer into the main bud at the left side,
and you'll see the point ping-pongs between two areas. Now move the
pointer into the big bud at the top. You'll see a rough triangle, as the
point moves through three small areas that make up the triangle corners.
(Press L again to see the point clusters.)
For many fractal types, inside points show this kind of periodic (cyclic)
behavior. But here's the catch: some points may *look* like they're doing
this, but in fact the numbers are just a little bit different each time;
and if you iterate long enough, they suddenly become unstable and shoot off
towards infinity. With FractInt's periodicity checking, sometimes these
points are mistaken early on as periodic points, when in fact they just
need to be iterated more to show that they shoot off to infinity.
To see an example of this, I've attached a PAR file of a Julia set. If you
generate this as is, you'll see the middle of the looping spiral is
missing, even though the maximum iterations is set to 1000 and it should
appear. (And it uses two-pass rendering, so it's not being dropped out by
guessing.) If you press "G" and type "periodicity=no" to turn off
periodicity checking, the fractal will redraw and you'll see the inner
loops of the spiral. The effect is much more pronounced at lower
resolutions (like 640x480) than my normal working res of 1024x768. This
type of drop-out can be baffling if you forget to try turning off
periodicity checking.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Period.par"
periodicityexample {
reset=1960 type=julia passes=2 center-mag=0/0/0.6666667
params=-0.7482893185793418/-0.025423566101695 float=y maxiter=1000
bailout=128 inside=0 colors=@atomic.map
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Guenther Pfannhauser" <ongel@ibm.net>
Subject: (fractint) video-driver
Date: 20 Aug 1997 19:29:05 +0200
I have a question about graphic-adapters with fractint.
Specially about the ATI MACH-64 chipset.
I read in the DOC that anyone (how knows everything about a
graphics-adapter) can write his own video-driver. So, does anybody know
where I can find these driver-files on the internet?
Guenther Pfannhauser
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: (fractint) Fractal Creations 2nd edition
Date: 20 Aug 1997 11:09:04 -0700
Fractal Creations 2nd edition:
What is the interest in this out of print book? Send my email if you are
looking for a copy.
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) video-driver
Date: 20 Aug 1997 11:43:41 -0600
In article <199708201738.RAA126038@out1.ibm.net> ,
"Guenther Pfannhauser" <ongel@ibm.net> writes:
> I have a question about graphic-adapters with fractint.
> Specially about the ATI MACH-64 chipset.
> I read in the DOC that anyone (how knows everything about a
> graphics-adapter) can write his own video-driver. So, does anybody know
> where I can find these driver-files on the internet?
You'll want to start with the source code for fractint. It is
available in all the same places that executable version is. Here's a
URL for the one at spanky <URL:
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: A M Kelley <amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: (fractint) 2nd Question: New Hole<G>
Date: 20 Aug 1997 17:52:22 -0400 (EDT)
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Well after that exciting success with my first holed fractal, which is now
dressed up in a nice colormap and is ready for my gallery, I went running
for this fractal, already on my gallery and one of my favorites, that also
has a hole in its spiral vortex; I was eager to apply what I've learned to
in its hole. I'll bet since you see there's an attached par file you can
guess what happened.<G> Since this one's formula does not allow for a
bailout value, I wrote one in the par file. No good. Playing with the
maxiter and logmap values makes no difference. This fractal has a distest
of 1000, and I tried varying that. Raising it to 50000000 or so fills in
the hole with some busy looking stuff, but still, it's a hole. I am almost
certain this is my last holed fractal, by the way.<G> The par has a zoom
into the hole included. Thank you all in advance.--Alice
Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="quest2.par"
Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9708201826.A19925@login>
Fractalj.gif { ; Pulse
; by amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=1950 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
formulaname=CGNewtonSinExp passes=2
center-mag=-0.992426/0.931621/4.63121 params=1.4/1 float=y
maxiter=5000 inside=bof60 logmap=5 distest=1000/71/80/60
Pulse_zoom { ; amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=1950 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
formulaname=CGNewtonSinExp passes=2
center-mag=-0.950575/0.9244/46.3121 params=1.4/1 float=y
maxiter=5000 inside=bof60 logmap=5 distest=1000/71/400/300
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From: A M Kelley <amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us>
Subject: (fractint) Holey Fractals, Batman!
Date: 20 Aug 1997 18:11:04 -0400 (EDT)
I forgot to mention that I did try various periodicity values with this
latest fractal, and there was no effect.....--Alice
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) 2nd Question: New Hole<G>
Date: 20 Aug 1997 15:43:04 -0700
Now these are strange par files. Look what happened when I zoom out.
There is a sudden jump in the image.
JumpPoint { ; zoom out just a bit
; see suddenly a different picture
reset=1950 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
formulaname=cgnewtonsinexp passes=2
center-mag=-0.992426/0.931621/0.006024541 params=1.4/1 float=y
maxiter=5000 inside=bof60 logmap=5 distest=1000/71/80/60
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) 2nd Question: New Hole<G>
Date: 20 Aug 1997 19:33:46 -0400
This one took me a while, but it is a bailout problem. The fractal type
you're using in this image is a Newton-type, which uses a different bailout
test than some fractals. With a Newton-type, you test to see if your
iterated value homes in on a "solution", rather than if it heads to
infinity. So typically you check to see if a value gets very small,
instead of gets very big. In this case, the bailout is at the end of the
function, and is .0001--change it to .0000001 and your hold will close
right up.
BTW, this was one of my favorite images of yours. Very interesting.
Here's the corrected FRM (just paste this in your own FRM file):
newCGNewtonSinExp (XAXIS) {
.0000001 < |z2|
Better yet, replace .0000001 with p3, and you can adjust the bailout to
taste. Just remember that in Newton types, a *smaller* bailout means
points iterate longer; with other types (where points shoot off to
infinity), *larger* bailouts means points iterate longer. Ain't fractals
fun? :)
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) 2nd Question: New Hole<G>
Date: 20 Aug 1997 19:49:44 -0400
Hi Alice,
>> I'll bet since you see there's an attached par file you can guess what=
>> happened.<G>
I added a second parameter (p2) to the formula and the pars. Now, you
can use p2 to reduce the size of the hole but it will never disappear.
- Sylvie
FRM:CGNewtonSinExp-M (XAXIS) {
p2 < |z2|
Fractalj-m { ; Pulse
; by amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=3D1950 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfractint.frm
formulaname=3DCGNewtonSinExp-m passes=3D2
center-mag=3D-0.992426/0.931621/4.63121 params=3D1.4/1/.0001/0 float=3D=
maxiter=3D5000 inside=3Dbof60 logmap=3D5 distest=3D1000/71/80/60
Pulse_zoom-m { ; amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=3D1950 type=3Dformula formulafile=3Dfractint.frm
formulaname=3DCGNewtonSinExp-M passes=3D2
center-mag=3D-0.950575/0.9244/46.3121 params=3D1.4/1/.0001/0 float=3Dy
maxiter=3D5000 inside=3Dbof60 logmap=3D5 distest=3D1000/71/400/300
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) 2nd Question: New Hole<G>
Date: 20 Aug 1997 17:21:57 -0700
Well, so here is what I tried, but the spot does get very small if
you make p2=1.e-12. What are the limits for these parameters.
Is extended arithmetic available so we can zoom in? Looks like
if it is, set p2 = (desired_spot_size)^^2. Here I go in with magnification
10^^11 and p2 = 10^^-24 and there is the spot.
frm:newCGNewtonSinExp (XAXIS) {
p2 < |z2| ; p2 small like .0000001 or smaller, not zero
NewFract_Deepzoom { ; Pulse zoomed in
; by amkelley@freenet.columbus.oh.us
reset=1950 type=formula formulafile=quest2.par
formulaname=newcgnewtonsinexp passes=2
params=1.4/1/0/0/9.999999999999999e-025/0 float=y maxiter=5000
inside=bof60 logmap=5 distest=1000/71/80/60
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: (fractint) Re: Fractint formulas
Date: 21 Aug 1997 16:32:56 -0700
Hi all,
Since I would also like to know how to do these things with Fractint,
I am pushing this out to the fractint list. For example, I want to color
a point
inside an MSet component according to its period or some other
function of its position, c. And if it is outside, color it according to
iteration count and some other function of c and z[n].
Forewarded message....
Date: 21 Aug 1997 05:08:53 GMT
From: "Phong" <phong@ismi.net>
Organization:Coteric Continuum
Newsgroups: sci.fractals
I'm trying to write a formula that will bail out the normal way for some
pixels, but will specify a specific color for ones that meet a certain
criteria at some point during their iteration. Basically what I am trying
to do is the exact same thing as the parameter inside=epsiloncross, except
I want to specify how close the orbits must come to the axes (or some
arbitrary points or lines in the complex plane) to bail out (and get
colored a specific color rather than the iteration count). Right now, I'm
keeping track of what iteration I'm currently on, and if I want to bail out
to a certain color, I set a variable then bail out when the color wraps
around to the right one. That is a total kludge, slows things down and is
awkward. Is there a better way? If not, is it something that is planed
for a future version of Fractint (i.e. a variable you can set to specify
that a pixel should be a certain color rather than the number of
-- Tom Schumm ---- http://www.ismi.net/~phong/ ----__/\__---- Phong --
-- v3.1 GCS/M d- s: a20 C$++>++++ W++(--) P++++ M-- \ / w---(++) --
-- UBLS$+++(++++) L+ t+* X+ b+ DI++++ G+ !r y? __/\__/ \__/\__ e --
-- the Coteric Continuum -- O- -- phong@ismi.net / tgschumm@mtu.edu --
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Tru.c workings
Date: 21 Aug 1997 18:57:04 -0600
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 1997 08:20:48 -0600 (MDT)
> From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
> To: fractint@xmission.com
> Subject: (fractint) Tru.c workings
> Reply-to: fractint@mail.xmission.com
> Howdy all,
> After a weekend of playing around with the little piece of C code that
> comes with Fractint called TRU.C, I've determined the following (maybe!):
> 1) TRU.C is designed to read in the file ITERATES.TGA produced when
> Fractint is given the "truecolor=yes" command; TRU.C first reads in the file
> header (see next note!), then reads in the actual iterations data. There is a
> subroutine, RGBMAP, which produces a new .TGA file containing color data instead
> of iterations data.
> 2) There seems to be a problem reading in the header which looks like
> this:
> Who-knows-what... 12 bytes
> xdots............ 2 bytes
> ydots............ 2 bytes
> Who-knows-what... 2 bytes
> Max_iteration.... 4 bytes
> All these values are being read correctly except for ydots, which always
> ends up being a large number, like 6147489 or such...
> 3) If you set a viewwindow size of 50x38 and create iterates.tga, then
> not only is the ydots in the header corrupt, but the actual iteration data is
> also incorrect.
> Can someone provide me with the supposed binary file format for the
> iterates.tga file? Other suggestions welcome... I have another question, but
> I'll post it in a separate email. Thanks, all!
> Jason (Iteration) Hine
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Tru.c workings
Date: 21 Aug 1997 18:57:04 -0600
Hi everybody, I'm back from a quick dash to Baltimore to tack my son
to the maryland Institute College of Art. It was a good trip to a
part of the country that's new to me.
I see the fractint list has been lively while I'm gone. I don't see
many messages that that a response from me; thanks to various list
members for answering questions.
Jason Hine asked:
> Can someone provide me with the supposed binary file format for the
> iterates.tga file?
I remind myself about this over the weekend. I just glanced at the
code, but to much time has gone by for me to give you a quick answer
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 00:32:43 -0400
Hello all,
In my first post to this list, I asked if anyone knew how to add new
coloring options to FractInt, preferably using the formula parser (instead
of recompiling the C code). Now I see some others are asking the same
thing. I've done some playing around, and I found out how to do it.
Let me give a little background, first. I've often wondered what the bof60
inside coloring option would look like applied to outside points. I got my
first taste by fudging the distance estimator method (DEM) pixel percentage
value. If you turn DEM on, you can set a percentage distance (relative to
a pixel's size) such that if the point is within that distance to the set's
inside, it is colored as an inside point, even though the point is outside.
Well, I set this to a ridiculous number (32767) and suddenly *all* my
points are colored like inside points.
This produces some pretty neat pictures, and I've been moderately happy
with the results. Except for three things. First, most of the inside
coloring options aren't very tweakable. Second, because I'm relying on
points being within 327 pixels of the set, sometimes I get points that
don't quite reach, and get colored using the outside coloring method--and
that really screws up poster-size prints. And third, it still only gives
me a few more coloring options, only a couple of which (bof60 and bof61)
produced really good results.
So I thought of a way to use the formula parser to add new coloring
techniques. Now, I'm sure some of you old hands and formula-writing
already knew this trick, but it was quite a discovery for me. The basic
trick is that just before you bail out, you figure out what your color
should be, and make it your z value's real part. Then you can use
FractInt's "real" coloring option to extract the color value. Of course,
since the "real" coloring option adds in the iteration count too, you track
that and subtract it out of the z value's real part; this cancels it out.
What you're left with is a whole new avenue of coloring fractals. So, my
original goal was implemented like this:
Color01 { ; New coloring technique #1 (bof60 outside)
; outside = real: closest approach to p1
; p2: color scaling factor
; p3: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p3)
point = point - p1
z = |point| * p2 - done
done = -1
done >= 0
The formula remembers the orbit point closest to p1 (so it doesn't have to
be 0,0) and allows you to specify a color scaling factor and a bailout.
(Set fn1 to the sqr function to get the M-set.) The color scaling factor
is important; it lets you tweak the colors as you zoom in. And because the
images don't rely on the distance estimator method to fake out the coloring
routine, they're totally resolution-independent, and can be generated
The above formula only colors outside pixels. I wanted to be able to color
inside pixels at the same time (as an option). Doing that is pretty
easy--you just bail out one iteration early, so FractInt never thinks
you've quite made it to an inside point:
Color01i { ; New coloring technique #1i - same as #1, does inside too
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = real: closest approach to p1
; p2: color scaling factor
; p3: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p3 || done >= maxit)
z = |point-p1| * p2 - done
done = -1
done >= 0
It's important to remember to turn off periodicity checking--since this
formula basically fools FractInt into thinking all pixels are "outside", if
you leave periodicity on, it might end up thinking some points are "inside"
and not color them the way you want.
bof60 colors based on the distance of closest approach to the origin.
bof61 colors based on the iteration of closest approach to the origin. In
one picture I generated, I wanted to plot the *angle* of closest approach
to the origin. This was several months ago, before I had figured out this
new trick, so I wrote a program to do the job. But this week I wrote a FRM
to do the trick:
Color05 { ; New coloring technique #5 (angle of closest approach)
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = decomp: angle of closest approach to p1
; p2: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p2)
z = point-p1
done = -1
done >= 0
Since writing angle-decoding formula stuff is obnoxious, I thought to take
advantage of FractInt's decomposition option--which takes the final z value
and colors based on its angle. So the above formula remembers the actual
point of closest approach, and just before bailing out, resets z to this
value--which FractInt then considers the "last value" and colors based on
its angle. I have an inside variant of this, too:
Color05i { ; New coloring technique #5 (angle of closest approach)
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = decomp: angle of closest approach to p1
; p2: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p2 || done >= maxit)
z = point-p1
done = -1
done >= 0
And here's a PAR that produces an effect similar to what I had to write a
program for earlier:
mandelc {
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=dmj.frm formulaname=Color05i
function=sqr center-mag=-0.938416/0/0.6666667 params=0/0/4/0 float=y
maxiter=256 inside=0 invert=0.5/-0.5/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0
I am still playing with this technique, and so far I've used it to produce
some moderately spectacular images. I'll post some in my gallery soon.
Some of the coloring techniques I'm using require one-pass rendering to
work properly, so it's faster to download them than to generate them.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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Subject: (fractint) question & introduction
Date: 22 Aug 1997 17:31:01 +0200
Hello everyone,
I recently joined the Fractint-mailing list and I am very surprised to
discover that there are other people in this world that use Fractint and
are dealing with the same problems as I am. I really learned a lot from it
already. So I figured that if I could download all previous messages, I
would probably have a lot of interesting stuff to learn from. Another
reason to do this is that I am considering sending some questions to the
list, and I hate to ask questions which already have been asked and
So I thought: how does one do this? I have send a message to
majordomo=40xmission.com with =A1index fractint=A2 in the body. Very soon =
I found
a reply in my mailbox, saying:
> --
> >>>> index fractint
> .:
> total 4
> drwxrwxr-x 2 domo domo 512 Aug 15 17:52 archive
> drwxrwxr-x 2 domo domo 512 Aug 18 14:20 latest
> ./archive:
> total 826
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 208578 Aug 18 14:20 fractint.9708
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 41682 Aug 12 20:59 v01.n001
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 41916 Aug 13 17:50 v01.n002
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 52474 Aug 14 20:57 v01.n003
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 63586 Aug 15 17:52 v01.n004
> ./latest:
> total 68
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1726 Aug 15 17:55 001
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 2947 Aug 15 17:55 002
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1281 Aug 15 17:55 003
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1468 Aug 15 17:55 004
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 2133 Aug 16 11:19 005
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 4910 Aug 16 18:08 006
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 2457 Aug 17 18:53 007
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1980 Aug 17 20:31 008
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1334 Aug 18 04:20 009
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 2167 Aug 18 08:22 010
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 2499 Aug 18 08:35 011
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1085 Aug 18 09:37 012
> -rw-r--r-- 1 domo domo 1988 Aug 18 14:20 013
> >>>>=20
Well, ehemmmmm..... I guess this is some sort of directory list, but I
still haven=A2t got a clue which files are available for downloading , =
they contain and what their names are. Can anyone help me out on this????
I also noticed it is a sort of custom to introduce yourself. Well, =
then - if you read on don=A2t blame me if you get bored. Also please take =
consideration that english is not my native language and I am to lazy to
get the dictionary.
At the age of 12 I was drawing my first fractal, a Pythagoras-tree (some =
you might remember that in the old days drawing was a proces done by =
on flat white stuff called paper with a little stick called a pencil or
pen). This tree had 1023 branches so you can understand it was a hell of a
job. I used ink so one tiny mistake would spoil the whole image, and that
is why I never managed to finish it.
In those days the only computer I had ever seen was in a comic-book (no, I
was born AFTER the war), but I already thought how wonderful it would be =
I had a machine that would be able to do the drawing. Seven years later I
had my first computer, a Sinclair ZX81 with a RAM-memory of - hold your
breath - 16 Kbyte (born after WHICH war?). The graphic screen was =
like 80 x 46 x 2, I am not sure, but it wasn=A2t much more. I could even =
my BASIC-programs on a tape=21 But I never came to make this machine draw =
pythagoras-tree for me.
I had read an article about Mandelbrot fractals in some magazine at the
library, and I thought: this is very exiting and I want to learn all about
it=21 When I had access to a proper computer for the first time, and =
some TurboPascal, I started making my own fractal-drawing program. The
program was very slow, and I had only a four color CGA-screen available,
but I managed to zoom in on the Mandelbrot-set. I also started thinking
about how to build features like Fractint has now, something like
solid-guessing and periodicity-checking. But I am not exactly a
programming engineer and I realised this was going to be very complicated.=
And then one day... a friend of mine gave me a present for my birthday. It
was floppy-disc with a copy of Fractint 17.2 for DOS. Yes, it was a cheap
present because the program is freeware and even the disc was used, but
until this day I am very grateful to him. In the mean time I had bought a
80286-computer and the machine must have calculated thousands of fractals
by now. I wouldn=A2t have been surprised if one day the poor thing would =
put a message on its screen like =A1Are you nuts??? at the moment when I
feeded him another 200 line batch-file. I have also spend many hours
editing color maps to get good looking images, and I must say I managed to
get some real nice ones.
A few weeks ago I bought a new computer with a Pentium 166 MHz processor.
It was a terrible shock to see how fast Fractint runs on this. I had a
fractal that took more than 11 hours to compute on my old 80286, on the
Pentium it only took 10 minutes......and there are still people complaining=
that Fractint is SLOW???=21=21?
My next plan is to buy a colour printer and put some of my images on that
old fashioned flat white stuff. I am also planning to get an
Internet-account at home and maybe put a gallery on a homepage. I=A2ll =
you posted.
Jacco Burger
from Delft in The Netherlands
you can e-mail me at Jacco.Burger=40BU.TUDelft.nl
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) PARs and FRMs
Date: 22 Aug 1997 16:48:40 -0400
My apologies to all who experimented with the FRMs and PAR that I posted
last night. I should know better to write technical messages just before
going to bed; I leave things out that are important. :-)
For those who tried the FRMs and found they generated a blank screen,
switch to floating-point math. Also don't forget to set a bailout; the
default is zero, and the FRM doesn't substitute a different value if you
forget to put one in. 4 is good to start, but depending on the point
you've selected for p1, you might want to use something higher to prevent
discontinuities. And if you don't set the color scaling factor (for the
color01 formula) to something besides 0, you won't see the new coloring
As for the PAR... well, boneheaded me didn't realize until after I posted
it that it referred to a map file rather than include the colors directly.
Color me stupid. I've attached a new PAR file below.
mandelc {
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=dmj.frm formulaname=color05i
function=sqr center-mag=-0.938416/0/0.6666667 params=0/0/4/0 float=y
maxiter=256 inside=0 invert=0.5/-0.5/0 decomp=256 periodicity=0
And, for easier reference, here's the FRM file with the four formulae I
posted last night (save as dmj.frm):
Color01 { ; New coloring technique #1 (bof60 outside)
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = real: closest approach to p1
; p2: color scaling factor
; p3: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p3)
point = point - p1
z = |point| * p2 - done
done = -1
done >= 0
Color01i { ; New coloring technique #1i - same as #1, does inside too
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = real: closest approach to p1
; p2: color scaling factor
; p3: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p3 || done >= maxit)
z = |point-p1| * p2 - done
done = -1
done >= 0
Color05 { ; New coloring technique #5 (angle of closest approach)
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = atan: angle of closest approach to p1
; p2: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p2)
z = point-p1
done = -1
done >= 0
Color05i { ; New coloring technique #5 (angle of closest approach)
; might want to turn off periodicity checking
; outside = atan: angle of closest approach to p1
; p2: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2:
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z-p1| < closest)
point = z
closest = |z-p1|
IF (|z| > p2 || done >= maxit)
z = point-p1
done = -1
done >= 0
If there are still problems with these, let me know. I've produced lots of
pictures with these over the past week, so I know they work. But my
posting of them (as history proves) might not. :)
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 17:48:47 -0600
> Damien wrote:
> In my first post to this list, I asked if anyone knew how to add new
> coloring options to FractInt, preferably using the formula parser (instead
> of recompiling the C code). Now I see some others are asking the same
> thing. I've done some playing around, and I found out how to do it.
If there are any predefined constants that you would like added to
the parser to facilitate coloring methods, let me know and I'll add
them. A predefined constant is a variable that the parser assigns a
particular value to. "Constant" isn't exactly the right term; maybe I
should call them "automatically updated variables" or some such. The
whitesq variable used in pseudohighcolor is an example.
Also, when you have arrives at a few good formula examples of
coloring methods, we can add them to fractint.frm.
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From: RBarn0001@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 20:49:05 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-22 01:08:24 EDT, you write:
<< So I thought of a way to use the formula parser to add new coloring
techniques. >>
Those are some really neat ideas. I am just leaving to go on vacation
(actually help move my daughter from Buffalo, NY), so I can't try anything
until I get back. I see all kinds of possibilities here.
Ron Barnett
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From: RBarn0001@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 20:52:08 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-22 18:51:54 EDT, you write:
<< Also, when you have arrives at a few good formula examples of
coloring methods, we can add them to fractint.frm. >>
Tim, when I get back from vacation, I going to explore whether some of
Damien's ideas can be used to implement the Linas Vepstas true coloring
algorithm. I think it can be done, especially in conjunction with
Ron Barnett
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) More fun with new coloring
Date: 22 Aug 1997 23:06:48 -0400
Howdy folks,
Here's another new coloring method picture. The basic idea with this one
is to position a ring somewhere on the complex plane, and track the closest
any iteration value gets to it; color based on the angle of the closest
point. Using a ring instead of a point produces some really wild effects;
playing with the ring's location and diameter gives this lots of variety.
Good palettes help enormously, of course. When I wrote this formula, I
erred and computed the distance incorrectly--the square root should be
taken before the subtracting the ring's diameter. So mathematically it's
wrong... but it still produces some really cool pictures, like this one.
So aesthetically, it's fine. :-)
This image took a while to render, mainly because I was generating it at
such high resolution, but also because it doesn't work with guessing (hence
the two-pass rendering). I prefer to render high, then reduce image size
in a graphics program to anti-alias the results. On my Cyrix 6x86P120+ it
took 4:01.72 to render at 640x480; the one I keep in my collection is a
1600x1200 I rendered on a PPro-200 (which still took over fifteen minutes).
-----8<----- Begin FractInt 19.6 PAR file
RubySlippers { ; Copyright 1997 Damien M. Jones
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=dmj.frm formulaname=color11
function=sqr passes=2
params=-0.5/0.75/0/0.75/128/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=128
inside=0 decomp=256
FRM:Color11 { ; New coloring technique #11 (ring trap)
; outside = decomp: angle at closest approach to ring at p1
; p2r: unused
; p2i: ring diameter
; p3: bailout
z = 0, c = pixel, closest = 100000, point = 0, done = 2,
z = fn1(z) + c
done = done + 1
q = abs(|z-p1| - range)
IF (q < closest)
point = z
closest = q
IF (|z| > p3)
z = point
done = -1
done >= 0
-----8<----- End PAR file
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) Possible DeepZoom bug
Date: 22 Aug 1997 23:43:57 -0400
It's me again.
I recently found what I think may be a bug in the deepzoom code. If the
bailout is set above 4, odd things happen to the iteration bands. I have
attached two PARs, one with the bug and one without. The only difference
between the two is the bailout value. I'd like someone else to be able to
verify this. It occurs on both a PPro and a 6x86, so it's not a
processor-related thing.
Sorry the point itself is so lame, but it's where I noticed the bug (on the
way to something a bit cooler).
dz-bug {
reset=1960 type=mandel
params=0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=128 inside=0
dz-ok {
reset=1960 type=mandel
params=0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=4 inside=0
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
Thanks for using Fractint, The Fractals and Fractint Discussion List
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 23:36:07 -0400
I know you directed this at Tim:
- Tim, when I get back from vacation, I going to explore whether some of
- Damien's ideas can be used to implement the Linas Vepstas true coloring
- algorithm. I think it can be done, especially in conjunction with
- iterates.tga.
The biggest problem is that you need access to the last z value for the
no-stepping algorithm, and you really need more than 256 colors to do a
good job. Still, if you don't mind the 256-color limit, you can make the
entire color palette repeat at an arbitrary number of iterations--instead
of looping at 255, you could make it loop at 253, or 127.5... whatever you
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 22 Aug 1997 23:32:28 -0400
- If there are any predefined constants that you would like added to
- the parser to facilitate coloring methods, let me know and I'll add
- them. A predefined constant is a variable that the parser assigns a
- particular value to. "Constant" isn't exactly the right term; maybe I
- should call them "automatically updated variables" or some such. The
- whitesq variable used in pseudohighcolor is an example.
I'll have to think about that. This is an interesting idea. The ismand
keyword will be most valuable, though, and is the best idea I've heard for
the formula parser in a long time. One thing I'd definitely like, though:
more parameters! Three is pretty limiting. This is probably more an
interface issue than anything else, though.
BTW, as long as I'm thinking about it, does the formula parser to any sort
of JIT compiling? (Yes, I could look at the source code, but it's easier
to ask you than to unzip it and hunt for the relevant portions. :-)
- Also, when you have arrives at a few good formula examples of
- coloring methods, we can add them to fractint.frm.
Hmmm, there's the ones I've posted here. Plus the ones I skipped when I
went from 1 to 5 to 11. :-) I'd have to go through and weed out the
useless ones, though.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) Constant-color PARs (and an intro.)
Date: 23 Aug 1997 02:37:38 -0600 (MDT)
Rich wrote:
> I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
> files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
> for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
> send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
> situations.
I have most definitely experienced this problem before. Some of the
suggestions I've read sound reasonable to me, but another possibility is
simply that your PAR file has entries "inside=0 outside=0" in it. With
other options enabled (like some value or other for "distest") this is
fine, but I have a few PARs where said options are not explicitly
Another possibility might be something like the problem Damien corrected
in his Aug. 22nd post regarding switching to floating point before running
the PAR.
I dunno. I'm new here. :)
Speaking of which, HI! I just subscribed, thanks to Noel's plug at
Spanky, and what a treat it is to see messages from the authors that,
until now, I suspected were part of a Compuserve plot to keep us lowly
internet users away from any FractInteraction. (I punned in my first
post. Sorry.)
My name is Sean, and I've been a Fract-a-holic since my first copy of
FractInt in 1991. I played with it for a while, and then got a copy of
Fractal Creations and really went to town after that. Missed the 2nd
edition, though.
FractInt was the "force" which prodded me into pushing myself to
understand previously opaque mathematical concepts. I've a long way to
go, but I like this brain exercise!
Okay, now I've got a question for the list. I've found the Rich8z3
entry in FRACTINT.PAR for the BACK cover of Fractal Creations. Now can
anyone enlighten me as to how to recreate the feather image on the FRONT
cover? Is it obvious to everyone but me?
(Psst. I'm in digest-mode, so if someone replies and I don't thank
them immediately, don't assume I'm rude. Assume I'm slow instead.)
Enough for now. Thanks for setting up this list, Tim. I love it
-Sean Pratz
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Constant-colo
Date: 23 Aug 1997 08:34:19 -0400
>> Now can anyone enlighten me as to how to recreate the feather image on=
the FRONT cover? <<
feather { ;
; Image Copyright 1991-7 by Lee H. Skinner
reset=3D1920 type=3Dformula formulafile=3D_c.frm formulaname=3Dcubic
params=3D1/0/0/0/0/0 float=3Dy maxiter=3D1023 inside=3D0 logmap=3Dyes
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From: Lee Skinner <LeeHSkinner@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) 2nd Question:
Date: 23 Aug 1997 15:34:29 -0400
>>Now these are strange par files. Look what happened when I zoom out.
>>There is a sudden jump in the image.
>>JumpPoint { ; zoom out just a bit
Apparently this is all due to periodicity. Make periodicity=3D0 and ther=
will be no jumps - but the images will be very different! I asked Jonath=
Osuch about this example (on the Compuserve Graphdev forum) and he said:
"Turn off periodicity. The image is exclusively due to the inside=3Dbof6=
option, so anything that changes when the bailout occurs will change the
image. ... However, periodicity checks for periodic orbits and exits if
one is found. When this happens the color value is set to maxit. Turning=
periodicity off allows points that were caught by periodicity to continue=
calculating. Hence, there are points that are now outside the set becaus=
they exceed the bailout."
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From: owner-fractint@xmission.com
Date: 23 Aug 1997 15:08:53 -0600
unsubbed the original list and subbed to the digest. Then I posted the
following to the digest without remembering that it wouldn't go out to the
list, so I reversed the process. Oops! So here I go again. :)
Sender: owner-fractint@xmission.com
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Reply-To: fractint
Rich wrote:
> I also have noticed that a bunch of the images in the various PAR
> files being distributed around compute out as a constant color screen
> for me. Does anyone else have this problem? If it would help, I can
> send someone a GIF file saved of one of my constant color screen
> situations.
I have most definitely experienced this problem before. Some of the
suggestions I've read sound reasonable to me, but another possibility is
simply that your PAR file has entries "inside=0 outside=0" in it. With
other options enabled (like some value or other for "distest") this is
fine, but I have a few PARs where said options are not explicitly
Another possibility might be something like the problem Damien corrected
in his Aug. 22nd post regarding switching to floating point before running
the PAR.
I dunno. I'm new here. :)
Speaking of which, HI! I just subscribed, thanks to Noel's plug at
Spanky, and what a treat it is to see messages from the authors that,
until now, I suspected were part of a Compuserve plot to keep us lowly
internet users away from any FractInteraction. (I punned in my first
post. Sorry.) So, when do I get my charter-member certificate mailed to
me? :)
My name is Sean, and I've been a Fract-a-holic since my first copy of
FractInt in 1991. I played with it for a while, and then got a copy of
Fractal Creations and really went to town after that. Missed the 2nd
edition, though.
FractInt was the "force" which prodded me into pushing myself to
understand previously opaque mathematical concepts. I've a long way to
go, but I like this brain exercise!
Okay, now I've got a question for the list. I've found the Rich8z3
entry in FRACTINT.PAR for the BACK cover of Fractal Creations. Now can
anyone enlighten me as to how to recreate the feather image on the FRONT
cover? Is it obvious to everyone but me?
Enough for now. Thanks for setting up this list, Tim. I love it
-Sean Pratz
****** Sean or Jaq Pratz * spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ******
* o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o *
* /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ *
* / \ / \ | \ /) | (\ /o\ /) | (\ / | / \ / \ *
****** http://www.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/~spratz/mpd.htm ******
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From: Fabian Labeau <andros@impsat1.com.ar>
Subject: (fractint) Books for the rest of us...
Date: 23 Aug 1997 18:08:37 -0300
Please, I want to read and understand the fractal world.
Which is the best book/s avaliable for the "non math-wizard".
Fabian Labeau
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From: "Peter Jakubowicz" <pfj@brigadoon.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Books for the rest of us...
Date: 23 Aug 1997 19:49:01 -0700
> From: Fabian Labeau <andros@impsat1.com.ar>
> To: fractint@mail.xmission.com
> Subject: (fractint) Books for the rest of us...
> Date: Saturday, August 23, 1997 2:08 PM
> Please, I want to read and understand the fractal world.
> Which is the best book/s avaliable for the "non math-wizard".
After having asked a similar question myself last week, it was suggested
by some kind people I try "Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science" by
Peitgen, Jurgens and Saupe. Which I have been reading since (its about 900
pages long). It is definitely a book to beg, buy or steal; I cannot express
how good it is.
Now for an unrelated newbie question: I have been creating slews of little
fractal planets using Fractint's spherical projection routine. And I should
like to make them spin. Can anyone possibly point me in the right direction
towards animating these things? I apologize in advance if this is something
I should be able to figure out without help.
I also noticed people have been introducing themselves in various ways. I
live in Washington, D.C., don't work for the feds, live with Molly (who
thinks Fractint is the greatest program she's ever seen), and have been
enjoying Fractint myself for about a year. I do not think I could bear
working in offices without it; the .zip file very conveniently fits onto
one floppy.
Best regards,
Peter Jakubowicz
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) feather.par
Date: 23 Aug 1997 19:32:28 -0600 (MDT)
Thanks, Lee!
****** Sean or Jaq Pratz * spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ******
* o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o *
* /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ *
* / \ / \ | \ /) | (\ /o\ /) | (\ / | / \ / \ *
****** http://www.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/~spratz/mpd.htm ******
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) Everyone has to start somewhere
Date: 23 Aug 1997 22:38:38 -0600 (MDT)
Well, I'm no math whiz, so I have no idea what this does or why it does
it, but it looks cool to me. I guess it's a credit to the Soupers that
someone can string together a couple letters and brackets to make
something that looks like a valid equation, and have it render as a
And that's what happened here. The names of the files say it all. This
is my first attempt at formula writing. Of course, not knowing thing one
about the math behind it (I MUST get some of those recommended books!), I
stuck in a lot of parms to let me play.
Apologies to anyone who thinks my images are ugly. I have everyone here
beat so far, as I run Fractint on a 386/33 with a monochrome monitor.
Play with the palette or MAPs to spruce 'em up.
So, er... IS this an acceptable fractal, or for that matter an
acceptable formula? I notice that zooming out changes the picture
considerably, giving large squared-off areas.
Pratz001 {
z = (Pixel*p1)+sqrt(p2), c = Pixel:
z = (fn1(z)*fn2(c)),
|z| <= p3
======END FORMULA======
=======BEGIN PAR=======
No_Idea { ; I don't know how it works, but I like it!
; (c) Sean Pratz, Aug. 23, 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=seantest.frm
formulaname=pratz001 function=cosh/ceil
center-mag=-1.68528/0.233754/4.284931 params=1/0/4/0/8/0 float=y
inside=0 logmap=yes colors=@firestrm.map
========END PAR========
****** Sean or Jaq Pratz * spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ******
* o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o *
* /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ *
* / \ / \ | \ /) | (\ /o\ /) | (\ / | / \ / \ *
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From: Yehuda Katz <yehuka@beitberl.beitberl.ac.il>
Subject: (fractint) fractint 19.6 and Win95
Date: 24 Aug 1997 22:54:43 +0300
Hello there,
Being new to this listserv, my question might be somewhat dull:
Whenever I try to run fractint 19.6 under Win95 - parts of the system
seem to disappear, and I have to reconstruct them.
Is this a known fact?
Does there exist a Fractint version that lives in peace with Win95?
Thank you,
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From: Jimmy Emerson <emerson@jps.net>
Subject: (fractint) Win 95
Date: 24 Aug 1997 17:45:06 -0400
I'm also new to the group and this is in reference to the "fractint
19.6 and Win95" post by Yehunda Katz. I always run fractint by
accessing the dos prompt in WIN95. I have now had to reformat my HD and
reinstall windows 95 twice as the dos prompt window disapears and turns
into one screen window. It is worth it so I can use the fractint
software with my faster computer but perhaps I should run in dos mode on
bootup? I believe this question is in more than Yehudas and my minds
because as users of WIN95 we have grown to expect these kind of mishaps
when using software not written for out operating system and a touchy
one at best.
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jimmy Emerson and I
have been using fractint for 7 years. I started with my first $3500 8
MHz 286. I am importing the images into Corel 7 for landscapes and I
use them as textures in some places in CorelDream and on CAD objects
imported into CorelDraw. I love the software but wish there was a howto
manual on it that told you such things as "hold down mouse button and
move forward and backward when in the palette editing mode while on one
of the color tiles". This is an example of the mechanics of fractint
that I can find no documentation for. (BTW, I just finished
differential equations, placing four semesters of Calculus under my
belt...at 39 years old I'm proud of this acomplishment)
Who said you can't teach an old dog
new tricks?
Jimmy Emerson
Emerson Technical
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) Suggestions for FractInt
Date: 24 Aug 1997 21:07:50 -0400
I've been thinking about what you said about pre-defined values to help out
coloring-method FRMs. And although I haven't thought of anything yet, I
did think of one other thing that would help enormously. Right now,
whenever the user switches fractal types, the parametersm, colors, and
location are reset. If an option could be included to switch types, but
leave all other settings intact, this would make it easy to explore using
the fast mandel type, then switch to one of these other more exotic
coloring options once an interesting location is found. I suggest using
CTRL-T as the key to invoke this function, and that from there it act
pretty much like pressing T normally would.
Just a thought.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) New coloring methods (need help)
Date: 24 Aug 1997 21:07:47 -0400
I need some help.
I have been trying to use the new coloring method trick to write an
"absolute decomposition" method. But it doesn't seem to be working right,
and the problem seems to be the mathematics. So those of you with some
understanding of fractal mathematics, please help this college-math-dropout
out. :)
The decomposition provided by FractInt's decomp option takes the last value
of z and turns its angle into a color. Settings decomp=256 will map the
entire palette to the full range of angles. However, because this is done
on the *last* iteration, the number of times the palette loops within an
iteration band doubles with each iteration band. What I'd like to do is
have a decomposition that doesn't do this--so that color transitions
coincide with field lines around the M-set.
In the book, _Chaos and Fractals: New Frontiers of Science_, by Peitgen,
Juergens, and Saupe, pp. 851-852, the authors describe how this can be
done. Basically, they suggest that the sign of the imaginary component of
each z[n] term forms a sequence of binary digits which can simply be read
off as the field line; as more iterations are performed, more binary digits
are added that simply refine the angle further. This sounded ideal, so I
cooked up this FRM:
-----8<----- Start FRM file
Color12 { ; New coloring technique #12 (absolute decomposition)
; outside = real: absolute decomposition
; p1r: decomposition color scaling (start with 256)
; p2r: bailout (start with 128)
IF (real(p1) == 0)
p1 = 256
IF (real(p2) == 0)
p2 = 128
z = 0, c = pixel, done = 2, d = 0, dinc = 0.5:
z = sqr(z) + c
done = done + 1
IF (imag(z) < 0)
d = d + dinc
dinc = dinc * 0.5
IF (|z| > real(p2))
z = d * real(p1) - done
done = -1
done >= 0
-----8<----- End FRM file
The problem is, this doesn't work. I get strange discontinuities when I
try it. I tried this a while back with a custom program, and got the same
results; thinking it was just a bug in my program that I didn't have time
to fix, I filed it away for future tinkering. That the above formula does
the same thing in FractInt seems to imply there is something wrong with the
underlying math. Yet the book has pictures which show the correct result,
so obviously the authors were able to make the technique work. I can
produce their image on p. 854, but only if I use the last bit. The last
bit seems to be the only that is accurate, and lines up correctly.
I was able to "fudge" the results I wanted by taking the decomposition at a
fixed iteration (i.e. always use the 32nd iteration) but this doesn't seem
to work very well upon zooming in. The reason I want this feature is
because if it is combined with the "continuous color" method posted
earlier, it can be used to give FractInt the spiraling-gradient
capabilities of KPT Fractal Explorer. To date I have seen nothing with
this capability besides the KPT plug-in for Photoshop.
Any help would be appreciated.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) New coloring methods (again)
Date: 24 Aug 1997 21:07:44 -0400
I'm back... :-)
Ron Barnett suggested using Linas Vepstas' no-banding coloring technique
with the techniques I suggested earlier this week. While my first response
was that it would not be possible to do true-color coloring with the
technique, I think that may have been a bit hasty.
Below is a FRM that implements Linas' coloring technique in FractInt. The
color scaling value is used to tweak how "rapidly" colors cycle through the
entire palette. Using a value of 1 (the default) will give you the default
integer iteration bands. Using a value of 255 would cause the entire
palette to cycle through once for each integer band (*rapid* color change).
Values between zero and one would spread color changes out over several
iterations, useful for zoomed-in areas.
FractInt is still a 256-color program, so it's not possible to directly
render true-color images as suggested. Using ITERATES.TGA isn't in itself
a solution, since this only stores the integer part of the iteration count
(and no coloring method changes that). You don't get the exit value of z,
which is needed for the true-color rendering.
However, some creative soul could take the ITERATES.TGA as the base
iteration count, then generate the same point with the formula below, using
a color scaling factor of 255--this would give you the fractional
iteration, in 1/255ths. Combine the two, and you have a fairly accurate
representation of fractional iteration value--which would then be mapped to
an arbitrary color gradient. (You have to use 255 instead of 256 because
FractInt wraps the real outside coloring option from 255 to 1, not zero.)
Anyway, even if you don't want to use the formula below for that purpose,
it can be used to prepare multiple layers for combination in a graphics
program. (For example, generate one image in shades of grey, another in
colors, but with a different color scale... multiply the two together in
Photoshop. Ooooo, pretty. :)
Now that I think about it, PHC techniques could be used to apply two
different color scales to the same image. The PHC version follows the
original "continuous color" version below.
-----8<----- Start FRM file
Color13(XAXIS) { ; New coloring technique #13 (continuous color)
; outside = real: continuous color
; p1r: color scaling (0 means default of 1--normal iteration bands)
; p2r: bailout (0 means default of 128)
IF (real(p1) == 0)
p1 = 1
IF (real(p2) == 0)
p2 = 128
z = pixel, c = pixel, done = 0, il2 = 1/log(2.0), lp = log(log(real(p2))):
z2 = sqr(z)
z = z2 + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z| > real(p2))
z = (done + 2*il2*lp - il2*log(log(cabs(z)))) * real(p1) - done
done = -1
done >= 0
Color13phc { ; New coloring technique #13 (continuous color, PHC)
; outside = real: continuous color
; p1r: color scaling 1 (0 means default of 1--normal iteration bands)
; p1i: color scaling 2 (0 means default of 1--normal iteration bands)
; p2r: bailout (0 means default of 128)
IF (real(p1) == 0)
p1 = 1 + imag(p1)
IF (imag(p1) == 0)
p1 = real(p1) + (0,1)
IF (real(p2) == 0)
p2 = 128
z = pixel, c = pixel, done = 0, il2 = 1/log(2.0), lp = log(log(real(p2))):
z2 = sqr(z)
z = z2 + c
done = done + 1
IF (|z| > real(p2))
IF (whitesq)
z = (done + 2*il2*lp - il2*log(log(cabs(z)))) * real(p1) - done
z = (done + 2*il2*lp - il2*log(log(cabs(z)))) * imag(p1) - done
done = -1
done >= 0
-----8<----- End FRM file
-----8<----- Start PAR file
ccphc { ; Continuous Color PHC example
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=dmj.frm formulaname=color13phc
params=16/0.2/0/0 float=y maxiter=50000 inside=0 outside=real
-----8<----- End PAR file
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: Les St Clair <Les_StClair@compuserve.com>
Subject: (fractint) Win 95
Date: 24 Aug 1997 22:34:13 -0400
Hi Jim,
you wrote >>I always run fractint by
accessing the dos prompt in WIN95. I have now had to reformat my HD and
reinstall windows 95 twice as the dos prompt window disapears and turns
into one screen window.<<
If, by a "one screen window", you mean maximised then this is normal.
I have run different DOS realease versions of Fractint under Win 95 on a
486DX2 and, more recently, on a Pentium II without difficulty. It is
important that you set up a shortcut (or PIF) to ensure that Windows 95 i=
told to run Fractint maximised and NOT in a window.
To do this -
(1) open explorer and locate your Fractint directory, then *right-click* =
(2) select "properties" from the list of options
(3) on the "fractint.exe properties" box click on the "Program" tab
(4) from the pull-down list next to "Run", choose "Maximized"
(5) check the "Close on exit" box
(6) click on the "Screen" tab
(7) choose the "Full-screen" button in the "Usage" section
(8) click on "OK"
After this a new file will appear in your fractint directory called
"fractint" (no extension), this will be appear with the description
"shortcut to MS-DOS program". Right clicking will reveal it's MS-DOS name=
to be "fractint.pif"
If you prefer to run your DOS prompt in a window and you find programs li=
Fractint re-set it to full screen, then just follow the reverse of the
above to restore it to "normal"
i.e. right-click your MS-DOS prompt and choose "properties"
on the "Program" tab choose "normal window"
on the "Screen" tab choose "window"
Your DOS "window" will then re-appear!
Once you have set up the shortcut for Fractint it won't mess with you DOS=
prompt settings any more. But, better still, why not create a shortcut to=
Fractint in one of your program groups, or have its icon sitting right
there on you desk-top and give the DOS prompt a miss all together?
I hope these suggestions help your operating system and Fractint to live=
in harmony<g>
cheers, Les St Clair
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 25 Aug 1997 10:39:05 -0600
In article <970822205207_17241903@emout12.mail.aol.com> ,
RBarn0001@aol.com writes:
> << Also, when you have arrives at a few good formula examples of
> coloring methods, we can add them to fractint.frm. >>
> Tim, when I get back from vacation, I going to explore whether some of
> Damien's ideas can be used to implement the Linas Vepstas true coloring
> algorithm. I think it can be done, especially in conjunction with
> iterates.tga.
Hmm... I was thinking that when truecolor support is added, that you
would simply write a formula saying how the pixel would be colored.
We have formulas for complex numbers (two components), but formulas
involving colors have to carry around three components (perhaps even
four if you allow alpha channel support). Colors also have a color
space associated with them. RGB and HSV are useful colorspaces and
you might want to add support for others. Here's a stab at some
intrinsic functions that would be useful in writing color formulas:
Does colormap lookup for index x. If x has a fraction, then
interpolate between floor(x) and ceil(x). Lookup is done modulo
the colormap length.
rgb(r, g, b)
Specify an RGB color, r/g/b in 0-1 range
rgba(r, g, b, a)
Specify an RGB color with alpha coverage
hsv(h, s, v)
Specify an HSV color, hue in 0-360 range (or 0-2Pi), s/v in 0-1
hsva(h, s, v, a)
Specify an HSV color with alpha coverage
interpolate(c1, c2, t)
Interpolate between c1 and c2 by t: t*c1 + (1-t)*c2
When 24-bit support is finally added please don't overlook the alpha
channel (32-bit support). Many cards can support 32-bit pixels in
the frame buffer and PNG can support transparency by having an alpha
channel. I have gotten many wonderful effects from the M-set by using
the alpha channel keyed to the iteration somehow. This is a powerful
feature and being able to write a formula to describe the coloring
will make it very handy. I suppose one would write two formulas, one
for "inside" coloring and another for "outside" coloring. I'd like to
see the inside/outside options made available somehow in the color
formula. For instance, the decomposition options should be easy to
write in the color formulas.
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu>
Subject: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 10:55:16 -0600
Does anyone know how to get Fractint working with a Matrox Millenium video
chip? It won't work with any of the Fractint drivers that I've tried. It's
an MGA 2064W B2 R2 chip with 4 Megs of VRAM.
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From: noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)
Subject: (fractint) [Announcement] Image Arithmetic 2.0 is released!
Date: 25 Aug 1997 11:51:58 -0700
I just got the following announcement from Richard van Paasen, which will
be of great interest to fractal artists and enthusiasts.
Jon Noring
>From: R.L.F.v.Paasen@stud.tue.nl
>Date: Mon, 25 Aug 1997 20:04:34 +0000
>Subject: Image Arithmetic 2.0 is released!
>Reply-to: R.L.F.v.Paasen@stud.tue.nl
Announcement Image Arithmetic v2.0
A new tool for processing images
with very high resolutions.
Download it from: <http://huizen.dds.nl/~buddha/>
* Image Arithmetic is a suite of FAST and EFFICIENT
image processing tools that perform arithmetic on
several images to combine them into one larger image.
* Image Arithmetic is a tool that can be used beside
the "big one". It is designed for GRAPHIC ARTISTS
who are working with images at large resolutions.
* Image Arithmetic can TILE, ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY,
and compute DIFFERENCE to combine several images
into one large image.
* Image Arithmetic is specially designed to handle
images with very HIGH RESOLUTIONS: up to 65535 x 65535.
Furthermore, it has virtually no memory requirements.
* Features of Image Arithmetic are:
- Adds, subtracts, multiplies and computes difference
of two or three images
- Tiles a matrix of up to 36x36 images into one image.
- Creates huge images, up to a resolution of 65535x65535
- Has virtually no memory requirements
- Performs fast, robust computation
- Supports both truecolour and colour mapped images:
- Has an easy-to-use, task-oriented interface
- Comes with a help file, covering a wide range of
image arithmetic topics
- Image Arithmetic is a 32-bit application and runs
under Windows 95 and Windows 3.11 (with win32s).
Image Arithmetic can be downloaded from
Richard van Paasen.
OmniMedia Digital Publishing | E-Books: http://www.awa.com/library/omnimedia
9671 S. 1600 West St. | Digital/Fractal Art: (coming soon!)
South Jordan, UT 84095 |
801-253-4037 | E-mail: omnimedia@netcom.com
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 17:09:16 -0400
Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu> wrote:
>Does anyone know how to get Fractint working with a Matrox Millenium video
>chip? It won't work with any of the Fractint drivers that I've tried. It's
>an MGA 2064W B2 R2 chip with 4 Megs of VRAM.
I have a Matrox Millennium 4Mb card and it works fine with fractint. I know
there are other fractint users that have this card also. Are you using the
FRACTINT.CFG file that came with Fractint 19.6? All the VESA Autodetect
modes work for me as well as the Millennium 1600x1200 mode. What exactly is
happening? What operating system are you using? Plain DOS or DOS mode under
Windows 95?
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 17:22:27 -0600
Bob Norton asked:
> Does anyone know how to get Fractint working with a Matrox Millenium video
> chip? It won't work with any of the Fractint drivers that I've tried. It's
> an MGA 2064W B2 R2 chip with 4 Megs of VRAM.
I can't speak for this board in particular, but there's a general
answer. Fractint supports VESA 256 color modes, so the problem boils
down to getting your board to support VESA. Most boards either have
VESA built into the BIOS or have a little TSR program that adds VESA
support. Failing that, there is a shareware TSR called UNIVESA that
works pretty well for nearly every video board under the sun.
Remember that Fractint does not yet support truecolor - we're talking
256 color VESA modes. (Fractint does have some truecolor drivers
built in, but they don't do anything yet.)
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From: Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 17:16:53 -0600
The Matrox chip is built into the motherboard of an Intergraph TD-310 with
2 200MHz Pentium Pro CPU's running NT4.0. On all but the simplest 2 color
modes I get a red screen that says my video card does not support this
mode. I am using the v19.6 FRACTINT.CFG file.
At 05:09 PM 8/25/97 -0400, Nick wrote:
>I have a Matrox Millennium 4Mb card and it works fine with fractint. I know
>there are other fractint users that have this card also. Are you using the
>FRACTINT.CFG file that came with Fractint 19.6? All the VESA Autodetect
>modes work for me as well as the Millennium 1600x1200 mode. What exactly is
>happening? What operating system are you using? Plain DOS or DOS mode under
>Windows 95?
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From: Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 17:20:36 -0600
I have heard rumors that my video BIOS version may have VESA problems.
Unfortunately, the motherboard manufacturer didn't bother to implement the
BIOS udpate jumper that is needed to load the new BIOS. The message here is
NEVER buy an Intergraph. Where might I find a copy of UNIVESA?
At 05:22 PM 8/25/97 -0600, Tim wrote:
>I can't speak for this board in particular, but there's a general
>answer. Fractint supports VESA 256 color modes, so the problem boils
>down to getting your board to support VESA. Most boards either have
>VESA built into the BIOS or have a little TSR program that adds VESA
>support. Failing that, there is a shareware TSR called UNIVESA that
>works pretty well for nearly every video board under the sun.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 25 Aug 1997 21:06:35 -0600
> I have heard rumors that my video BIOS version may have VESA problems.
> Unfortunately, the motherboard manufacturer didn't bother to implement the
> BIOS udpate jumper that is needed to load the new BIOS. The message here is
> NEVER buy an Intergraph. Where might I find a copy of UNIVESA?
First, there's an interesting page that discusses this problem at
On this page there's the following link:
I can't tell you if this a good or latest version - I found this info
searching for Univesa.
In the process of doing this, I remembered that the company is
scitech. I looked up their page, and found this:
They have apparently changed the name of the product. The link listed
earlier must be older.
Let us know if this works.
Tim Wegner
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From: "Guenther Pfannhauser" <ongel@ibm.net>
Subject: (fractint) About me
Date: 26 Aug 1997 14:26:13 +0100
Hi all!
Since I've joined this group a few days ago, I got many interesting
mails. As I can read, new users like to tell a little bit about
themselves. So I shall do the same. (You can read this before going to
bed, if you have sleeping-problems.:-)
My "first contact" (not the movie) with FRACTINT was, I think 1990. In
this time I read somthing about fractals in a scientific magazin and
thought: "What the hell is that! It looks great!" So, therefore I
bought some shareware to create my own nice fractals. But - I hope no
one will treat me now - FRACTINT wasn't my first choice! But it was
included in that shareware-package. I used a DOS-program (I've
forgotten the name) with nice menus and mouse controlling (a little bit
"windows-spoiled") and found FRACTINT complicated to use. This program
was only able to create a mandelbrot-set and was also very, very, very
SLOW. As I get bored about this program (a few weeks after I started it
the first time) I tested the other programs I found in my package. And
one of these was FRACTINT 16.11. After printing the manual (took a very
loong time on my matrix printer) I read it :-). I have read of course,
these parts I needed to create a simple mandelbrot-set. I was amazed.
It took only seconds to finish the image - the other program needed
more than 10 minutes! - on my 286.
So at this point I wanted to know more about fractals. So I bought a
book. Which one? At that time I thought a book from the "discoverer" of
fractals Ben=F4it Mandelbrot couldn't be the worst. It really wasn't, bu=
it's a very hard stuff to read.
Now some things are different since my first fractal-creation:
changes (my operating-system - now using OS/2), get's faster (my
computer, FRACTINT), older (myself) but also better (FRACTINT and
myself again ;-).
Okay that's it!
If you are still awake I've a question (I think Jacco Burger has asked
this Q already):
How can I download the older mails of the list and more interresting:
which file should I
Thanks and bye to all!
E-mail: ongel@ibm.net
visit my homepage: http://www2.htl-hl.ac.at/~3825/
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From: Peter Otterstaetter <peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de>
Subject: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 15:26:42 +0000
Content-description: Mail message body
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Hi friends,
My name is Peter Otterstaetter. I'm a computer specialist and work
for the chemical industrie. I generate models for business processes
and advise our customers using the right modelling methods. Fractals
are a hobby of mine and I spend a lot of my spare time in exploring
fractals with fractint. Mostly I use formulas and/or parameters from
other authors and zoom in or out but sometimes I generate my own
Some examples attached.
Peter Otterstaetter
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Zentralbereich Informatik
ZXA/U Anwendungsentwicklung
D-67056 Ludwigshafen
E-mail: peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
All things come to those who wait. They come, but often come too late.
From Lady Mary M. Curie: Tout Vient a Qui Sait Attendre (1890)
Content-description: Text from file 'NEU.PAR'
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
P_Untitled { ; ZoomOut from Melissa D. Binde "Untitled I" image
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1960 type=barnsleyj1 passes=t
params=-0.02250748872756958/1.029216051101685 float=y maxiter=5000
bailoutest=manr fillcolor=2
P_SG-8-04 { ; ZoomIn into one of Sylvie Gallet's images
; (Gallet-8-04 formula)
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
center-mag=0.671149/0.425616/7.882359/1/47.499 params=5/0/2.7/1.3
float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 biomorph=128 periodicity=0
Autobahn { ; fractal highway
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1720 type=lyapunov passes=1
params=0/0.5/0 float=y maxiter=500 inside=0
Fraktal-Insel { ; fractal island
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1960 type=mandel
0 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=5000 inside=0
Erleuchtet { ; buddha
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1960 type=quatjul passes=1
params=-0.745/0/0.113/0.05/0/0 float=y maxiter=200 inside=0
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 26 Aug 1997 10:14:58 -0400
>At 05:09 PM 8/25/97 -0400, Nick wrote:
>>I have a Matrox Millennium 4Mb card and it works fine with fractint. I know
>>there are other fractint users that have this card also. Are you using the
>>FRACTINT.CFG file that came with Fractint 19.6? All the VESA Autodetect
>>modes work for me as well as the Millennium 1600x1200 mode. What exactly is
>>happening? What operating system are you using? Plain DOS or DOS mode under
>>Windows 95?
Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu> wrote:
>The Matrox chip is built into the motherboard of an Intergraph TD-310 with
>2 200MHz Pentium Pro CPU's running NT4.0. On all but the simplest 2 color
>modes I get a red screen that says my video card does not support this
>mode. I am using the v19.6 FRACTINT.CFG file.
Bob: I think your problem is that NT will not run *any* DOS program in SVGA
modes. I have read several messages on various newsgroups saying that NT
will not run fractint (or other SVGA programs) under NT except maybe in
320x200x256 or other simple modes. I have NT 4.0 but do not use it for DOS
apps. I use OS/2 for fractint. When I get home tonight I'll try running
fractint under NT and let you know. Can you boot to plain DOS and try
fractint? This would at least tell you if your Matrox chip is OK.
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Subject: (fractint) downloading files
Date: 26 Aug 1997 17:53:06 +0200
Hi there,
Some days ago I asked this question about downloading a file with previous
messages. In the meantime I noticed there are others with the same
question, so I decided to send this message.
I received a reply from Damien Jones (if there is a Academy Award for
Fractint-wizards, I would nominate him). This is the trick: send a message
to majordomo@xmission.com with in the body:
get fractint archive/fractint.9708
Warning: the file that you get in return is quite large. If you decide to
make a printout I suggest you delete the ' Thanks for using Fractint, The
Fractals and Fractint Discussion List ' and the next few lines which are at
the end of every message. That saves quite a few pages.
I haven't read all of it yet, but I can really recommend to download this
file if you have joined the Fractint-list recently!
Jacco Burger
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From: hluna@interware.com.mx (Horacio Luna)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 26 Aug 1997 11:33:59 -0600
> Bob: I think your problem is that NT will not run *any* DOS program in
> modes. I have read several messages on various newsgroups saying that
> NT
> will not run fractint (or other SVGA programs) under NT except maybe
> in
> 320x200x256 or other simple modes. I have NT 4.0 but do not use it for
> apps. I use OS/2 for fractint. When I get home tonight I'll try
> running
> fractint under NT and let you know. Can you boot to plain DOS and try
> fractint? This would at least tell you if your Matrox chip is OK.
> Nick
> nick.grasso@hrads.com
I have to tell that I USE fractint on win nt 4.0 in a 200 mhz pp, it
runs very smooth in all resolutions, even 1024 x 768 with 256 colors,
never have to boot in dos mode, but I cant think what else could be the
problem for Bob, I also dont remeber the name of the video card on the
machine, it only gives me 256 colors in 1024 x 768, true color only when
it is in 640 x 480.
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: (fractint) downloading files
Date: 26 Aug 1997 12:30:46 EDT
Amanda, is that you?
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 09:39:48 -0700
Peter Otterstaetter posted this par without the formula.
What if the frm: ?
P_SG-8-04 { ; ZoomIn into one of Sylvie Gallet's images
; (Gallet-8-04 formula)
; peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
reset=1960 type=formula formulafile=fractint.frm
center-mag=0.671149/0.425616/7.882359/1/47.499 params=5/0/2.7/1.3
float=y maxiter=2000 inside=0 biomorph=128 periodicity=0
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 10:42:10 -0600
In article <882564FF.005B7253.00@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL> ,
"Jay Hill"<jrhill@notesgw.nosc.mil> writes:
> Peter Otterstaetter posted this par without the formula.
> What if the frm: ?
He's using a formula from the fractint.frm file distributed with
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: wdecker@csc.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) downloading files
Date: 26 Aug 1997 14:20:27 -0400
Thanks for the hint, Jacco. I discovered that the files are also available
FTP is possibly a better way to access these files if you have restrictions
on the volume of mail in your inbox.
Bill Decker
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From: Sylvie Gallet <Sylvie_Gallet@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 15:12:56 -0400
Jay Hill wrote:
>> Peter Otterstaetter posted this par without the formula.
>> What if the frm: ?
The formula is not in Fractint.frm. Here it is:
Gallet-8-04 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Mar 1997
; Requires periodicity =3D 0
; p1 =3D exponent
; p2 > 1
z =3D zn =3D pixel , ex =3D p1 - 1
IF (p2 || imag(p2))
k =3D p2
k =3D 1
znex =3D zn^ex , num =3D znex*zn - 1 , mnum =3D |num|
den =3D p1*znex , zn =3D zn - num/den
IF ( mnum > |z^p1-1|)
z =3D zn * k
mnum >=3D 0.001
- Sylvie Gallet
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From: RBarn0001@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 26 Aug 1997 21:45:45 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-22 23:49:39 EDT, you write:
<< The biggest problem is that you need access to the last z value for the
no-stepping algorithm, and you really need more than 256 colors to do a
good job. >>
My TrueMand Program uses Fracting color maps and interpolates between the
colors to provide smooth transitions and therefore have "millions" of colors.
TrueMand uses the Vepstas algorithm. Check out the TrueColor gallery on my
web page (via IFL :-) ). The last z value is available in Fractint as LastSq
(I may have the name wrong, but its something like that). My intent is that
the pseudo continuous iteration value be calculated within the formula
parser, then multiplied by, say 1000, and the integer part equated to Z.Real,
using the real option in Fractint. That should provide iterates.tga with the
pseudo-continuous interation value times 1000. After appropriate treatment of
iterates.tga, a 256000 color fractal should result.
Ron Barnett
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From: VRCH78B@prodigy.com (MR CHARLES F CROCKER)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 22:17:41, -0500
Lets carry the quotes one level deeper but condense them. The subject line
gets a little off track.
>>>Jay Hill wrote "Peter Otterstaetter posted" and Sylvie Gallet answered
with the formula.
Fractint can be mislead into writing the wrong source for a formula into a
parameter file. This really doesn't hurt because it is very thorough in
searching your formula directory when the named source is wrong.But, there
always is a but, it will only find one. Orgform is very thorough in
compiling any formula file you give it, even filing away duplicate names
and formulas in a seperate file. After a period of use the directory
becomes a little disorganized. Fractint presents the list nicely organized
but when it does a search it goes through the files in the order they
appear in the directory. At the moment my setup has the _l_dup.frm
appearing before the _l.frm file so it ends the search at the duplicated
name, with sometimes disasterious results. Tim Wegner is open to
suggestions that anyone might make about what search method they would like
to see.
To get even farther away from the subject I notice that when anyone with a
Compuserve address posts a parameter file that every equal sign is followed
by 3D. Apparently their mail program is set for a line length of 72 and any
line it wraps ends with =, and any line that starts with an equal sign the
next character is turned into its ASCII hex code. Anyone else notice this?
It could cause some problems for a beginner. This wouldn't be the first
time I have seen a strange happening that as far as I can tell nobody else sees.
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 26 Aug 1997 22:20:07 -0400
- My intent is that the pseudo continuous iteration value be calculated
- within the formula parser, then multiplied by, say 1000, and the integer
- part equated to Z.Real, using the real option in Fractint. That should
- provide iterates.tga with the pseudo-continuous interation value times
As I was trying to indicate, ITERATES.TGA seems to only provide the
iteration count, regardless of what other coloring options you may have
chosen. Using outside=real will have no effect on the contents of
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 21:46:31 -0600
Charles Crocker wrote:
> Fractint can be mislead into writing the wrong source for a formula into a
> parameter file. This really doesn't hurt because it is very thorough in
> searching your formula directory when the named source is wrong.
I would like suggestions for a better behavior by fractint in
searching for formulas. In fact there probably needs to be more than
one behavior that the user can select.
I'm very ambivalent about the ability of Fractint to search for
formulas. As Charles pointed out, it means that if multiple formulas
with a given name exist, you're not sure which is being used.
Maybe Fractint should have a "thorough" option where it seaches ALL
frm files even if it finds a formula, and presents the user with a
choice of which one to use, or at least give a warning, instead of
quietly quitting when a formula is found. This would slow
performance of course.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 26 Aug 1997 21:46:31 -0600
> As I was trying to indicate, ITERATES.TGA seems to only provide the
> iteration count, regardless of what other coloring options you may have
> chosen. Using outside=real will have no effect on the contents of
I am more than happy to add more parameters to ITERATES.TGA, such as
the x and y orbit values. I also promised to check into iterates.tga
and make sure it is working OK, but I haven't done this yet.
We are about to start a truecolor development effort, and I'll be
looking for people who want to participate.
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From: VRCH78B@prodigy.com (MR CHARLES F CROCKER)
Subject: (fractint) Deep zoom bug
Date: 26 Aug 1997 23:16:15, -0500
A few days ago Damien Jones posted two parameter files showing an odd
effect in a pure Mandelbrot plot that was due to changing the bailout value
when in extended precision. I did a little exploring in the area and came
up with some even odder results. Here are two highlights.
Julia? { ; Bailout 24
; Funny background dividing lines.
; Looks like a Julia even though it can't be.
; P90 320X200 time 0:13:44.77
reset=1960 type=mandel passes=1
71965e+021 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=24 inside=0
Crystal_defect { ; Bailout 32
; ;
; ;
; P90 320X200 time 0:04:25.78
reset=1960 type=mandel
10628/6.41868e+026 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=10000 bailout=32
I changed a few colors to make it easier to see the transitions. Zooming
out from Julia? shows the path I took in and the amount of structure that
shows up. Reducing the bailout to clear up the background doesn't work. At
16 or lower the image disappears. It is tempting to guess that there is a
baby Minibrot at the center of the four arm spiral. It persists up to a
magnification of 2E30 where I quit. Is this one of the whirlpools of self
similarity Tim speaks of?
I don't remember what led me to Crystal_defect but other odd things happen
here. Gradually raising the bailout at first makes the pattern more
distinct and then more pixel colors appear. At 255 almost the whole
screen is chaotic. At 256 the whole screen goes high count. Zooming in on
the chaotic area doesn't seem to change anything up to at least 2E29. Here
my patience gave out again.
Zooming in on the single red pixel in the Crystal_defect shows form
attached to the apparent random speckles, but few red pixels appear for
several maximum zooms. By about 2.7E36 the pattern is parallel red lines
that are broken by what seem to be incipient new patterns. I gave up again.
All of which doesn't give any answers but it's fun to speculate.
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 23:34:52 EDT
I would like suggestions for a better behavior by fractint in
searching for formulas.
One thing that would be pretty easy is to do is to assure that fractint searches
only the basic orgform files (e.g. _b.frm), and not the duplicates (e.g.
_b_dup.frm). This would give the user some confidence about which formula is
being used if there are duplicate named formulas. If the user wants to use a
formula in a duplicate file, he can either specify the duplicate file in the par
entry or use the "g" option in interactive mode to select, for example,
George Martin
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 26 Aug 1997 21:39:33 -0600 (MDT)
On Tue, 26 Aug 1997, Tim Wegner wrote:
> ... if multiple formulas with a given name exist, you're not sure which
> is being used.
> Maybe Fractint should have a "thorough" option where it seaches ALL
> frm files even if it finds a formula, and presents the user with a
> choice of which one to use, or at least give a warning, instead of
> quietly quitting when a formula is found. This would slow
> performance of course.
> Tim
There are so many different ways to distribute PARs, including having them
embedded in the gif89a file, that I can think of no reasonable way to make
*certain that the correct formula is being referred to. But I wouldn't
object to seeing all the PARs on this list accompanied with their
corresponding formula. Does anyone else feel this way?
I feel, however, that slowing Fractint down because some folks don't give
their formulas unique names is probably a bad idea. I'd rather hand-check
for duplicate names if the PAR doesn't work, or ask the person who posted
it to post the formula if people have problems.
Hmm.. A random idea. I have no idea if it's a good one or even possible.
Perhaps Fractint could be bundled with a small utility that checks your
FRM files for duplicate names, a'la Orgform, and write a file containing
this info. Fractint could then check this SINGLE file before running a
PAR, and pop up a warning if formulas with the same name exist. Would
that slow things down so much?
This utility would only need to be run when new formulas are added, and it
could be done manually by the user.
Or perhaps a CHECKSUM could be run on the default FRM directory when
Fractint is started, and the results written to a file. If the CHECKSUM
changes, Fractint pops a message up telling you you may need to run the
aforementiond utility. (I'd ask for a command-line option to override
this behavior, of course...)
One more thought... I sure hope someone named Roberta Carr doesn't start
formula writing, or we'll all be screwed!
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From: "aalvaro@acs.itd.uts.edu.au" <aalvaro@acs.itd.uts.edu.au>
Subject: (fractint) bug
Date: 27 Aug 1997 14:01:41 +1000 (EST)
I have discovered a bug in fractint?
When trying to draw juliabrots on my PC the scrren goes blank and then after 10
minutes trying to find out the progression of drwaing the computer hangs up.
Please Help Me?
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 26 Aug 1997 23:52:52 -0400
- I am more than happy to add more parameters to ITERATES.TGA, such as
- the x and y orbit values. I also promised to check into iterates.tga
- and make sure it is working OK, but I haven't done this yet.
ITERATES.TGA works just fine here. I have tested the Targa files produced
with several different readers, and they are all legitimate files. A few
non-standard readers might assume the header length is always eighteen
bytes, rather than checking the header itself, but this is not a problem
with FractInt.
Adding extra parameters to ITERATES.TGA would be somewhat helpful, but most
of the really cool coloring algorithms (in my opinion) require access to
the entire set of orbits. This cannot reasonably be stored for every
point--one image I computed recently had a *minimum* iteration count of
over 200,000. At twenty bytes per iteration (two 10-byte long doubles)
this is four megabytes, and that's just one point. Now figure I was
generating it at 1600x1200...
- We are about to start a truecolor development effort, and I'll be
- looking for people who want to participate.
Hmmm, well, I have my own opinions of what should be done in a fractal
program. Somehow I doubt they'd mesh too well with the current state of
the FractInt code. :)
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: Peter Otterstaetter <peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 27 Aug 1997 11:09:54 +0000
Hi all,
thanks to Sylvie for posting the Gallet-8-04 formula.
The formula is part of the latest orgform distribution - I found it
in _G.FRM) - so I saw no need to post the formula too. Sorry.
> Jay Hill wrote:
> >> Peter Otterstaetter posted this par without the formula.
> >>
> >> What if the frm: ?
> The formula is not in Fractint.frm. Here it is:
> Gallet-8-04 { ; Sylvie Gallet, sylvie_gallet@compuserve.com, Mar 1997
> ; Requires periodicity = 0
> ; p1 = exponent
> ; p2 > 1
> z = zn = pixel , ex = p1 - 1
> IF (p2 || imag(p2))
> k = p2
> k = 1
> :
> znex = zn^ex , num = znex*zn - 1 , mnum = |num|
> den = p1*znex , zn = zn - num/den
> IF ( mnum > |z^p1-1|)
> z = zn * k
> mnum >= 0.001
> }
> - Sylvie Gallet
Peter Otterstaetter
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Zentralbereich Informatik
ZXA/U Anwendungsentwicklung
D-67056 Ludwigshafen
E-mail: peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
All things come to those who wait. They come, but often come too late.
From Lady Mary M. Curie: Tout Vient a Qui Sait Attendre (1890)
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From: aq936@freenet.carleton.ca (Michael Traynor)
Subject: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 27 Aug 1997 07:33:06 -0400 (EDT)
"Sean Jaqueline" wrote:
>On Tue, 26 Aug 1997, Tim Wegner wrote:
>> ... if multiple formulas with a given name exist, you're not sure which
>> is being used.
>> Maybe Fractint should have a "thorough" option where it seaches ALL
>> frm files even if it finds a formula, and presents the user with a
>> choice of which one to use, or at least give a warning, instead of
>> quietly quitting when a formula is found. This would slow
>> performance of course.
>> Tim
As I understand it, the slowdown to find the right formula would only
occur when starting up an image. I don't find the time taken by my 486/33
to go through the non-duplicate formulas to be so great that I could not
wait a few seconds more than that to make sure I'm generating the right
image. Since most of the time it takes a lot longer to generate images
than to find the formula (often several orders of magnitude), I just don't
see this slowdown as a big problem. Now, if fractint had to do it per
pixel ... ;-)
Mike Traynor
People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.
Abraham Lincoln
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From: RBarn0001@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 27 Aug 1997 10:03:43 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-26 22:49:41 EDT, you write:
<< We are about to start a truecolor development effort, and I'll be
looking for people who want to participate.
I definitely want to participate in the truecolor development.
Ron Barnett
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 10:20:35 -0400
>I have to tell that I USE fractint on win nt 4.0 in a 200 mhz pp, it
>runs very smooth in all resolutions, even 1024 x 768 with 256 colors,
>never have to boot in dos mode, but I cant think what else could be the
>problem for Bob, I also dont remeber the name of the video card on the
>machine, it only gives me 256 colors in 1024 x 768, true color only when
>it is in 640 x 480.
I tried fractint under NT last night (full screen DOS session of course)
and it worked with 320x200x256 and 640x480x16 but none of the VESA modes
worked. Each time I picked one, my monitor said that the synch signal was
out of range. In the settings for the Millenium, it lists all the modes
(640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, etc.) and I can hit the 'test' button for each
mode and they all work. I don't know why the card would be sending an
incorrect signal in a DOS session. (BTW, VESA is built into the Millenium's
BIOS - you don't have to run a TSR). If anyone knows the answer, please let
me know as it would be great to run fractint under NT. In the meantime I'll
try other DOS programs and I'll email a question to Matrox tech support.
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Truecolor Development
Date: 27 Aug 1997 08:44:32 -0600 (MDT)
Well, I've not made much progress in the last week, as I've been
preparing resumes... I'm hoping to get a 'real' job so I can get my own computer
and actually program at home (what a concept!) In the meantime, Damien has been
a real help with figuring out Fractint's .TGA header structure. I hope to make
another attempt at reading ITERATES.TGA in by the middle of next week.
As much as I'd love to be involved in the truecolor development effort,
it's probably a silly idea for me to get involved until I've done some more
graphics programming on my own... I am planning to purchase "Supercharged
Bitmapped Graphics" by Steve Rimmer, on advice from Damien. Any other
suggestions? On the slight chance that I turn out to be some kind of 'natural'
at graphics programming <^)) , I'll help if I can!
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From: Bob Norton <rnorton@unm.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 08:56:27 -0600
This is exactly the problem that I'm having. What video BIOS version do
you have running on your Matrox chip?
At 10:20 AM 8/27/97 -0400, Nick wrote:
>I tried fractint under NT last night (full screen DOS session of course)
>and it worked with 320x200x256 and 640x480x16 but none of the VESA modes
>worked. Each time I picked one, my monitor said that the synch signal was
>out of range. In the settings for the Millenium, it lists all the modes
>(640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, etc.)
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 11:28:18 -0400
At 08:56 AM 8/27/97 -0600, Bob wrote:
> This is exactly the problem that I'm having. What video BIOS version do
>you have running on your Matrox chip?
I'll check when I get home tonight and let you know. I don't think it's a
BIOS problem however.
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Attaching frm to the posted par, was (fractint) Introducing myself
Date: 27 Aug 1997 09:53:54 -0700
spratz... wrote
>There are so many different ways to distribute PARs, including having them
embedded in the gif89a file, that I can think of no reasonable way to make
*certain that the correct formula is being referred to. But I wouldn't
object to seeing all the PARs on this list accompanied with their
corresponding formula. Does anyone else feel this way?
I agree, repeating the formula with a reference to its orgin would be best.
[Peter Otterstaetter wrote
>The formula is part of the latest orgform distribution - I found it
in _G.FRM) - so I saw no need to post the formula too.
Then we can be sure what it is and if we already have the referenced
file, we're set. Also since we should be using 19.6, putting the frm:
in front would allow instant viewing of the image.
Just my $.03 worth.
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) bug
Date: 27 Aug 1997 11:44:02 -0600
In article <199708270401.OAA26991@ghostgum.itd.uts.edu.au> ,
"aalvaro@acs.itd.uts.edu.au" <aalvaro@acs.itd.uts.edu.au> writes:
> When trying to draw juliabrots on my PC the scrren goes blank and then after
> 10
> minutes trying to find out the progression of drwaing the computer hangs up.
I have found that when fractint appeared to be "doing nothing" that
using showdot=b/20 I was able to see that indeed it was "doing
something". You might try setting this so you can see the progress on
a per-pixel basis.
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 27 Aug 1997 11:46:13 -0600
In article <> ,
"Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net> writes:
> [most] of the really cool coloring algorithms require access to
> the entire set of orbits.
Can you elaborate on these coloring algorithms? How would you write
them as a formula in the vein I suggested earlier on the list?
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: (fractint) deep zoom: no F6 corners?
Date: 27 Aug 1997 11:55:55 -0600
When I deep zoom into arbitrary precision, I seem to lose the ability
to edit/view the corner parameters. ('z' screen, then F6) Is this
a known limitation?
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: hluna@interware.com.mx (Horacio Luna)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 15:23:09 -0600
Grasso, Nick wrote:
> I tried fractint under NT last night (full screen DOS session of
> course)
> and it worked with 320x200x256 and 640x480x16 but none of the VESA
> modes
> worked. Each time I picked one, my monitor said that the synch signal
> was
> out of range. In the settings for the Millenium, it lists all the
> modes
> (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, etc.) and I can hit the 'test' button for
> each
> mode and they all work. I don't know why the card would be sending an
> incorrect signal in a DOS session. (BTW, VESA is built into the
> Millenium's
> BIOS - you don't have to run a TSR). If anyone knows the answer,
> please let
> me know as it would be great to run fractint under NT. In the meantime
> I'll
> try other DOS programs and I'll email a question to Matrox tech
> support.
> Nick
> nick.grasso@hrads.com
Then, the problem must be all in the video card, I have checked mine,
its a trident clone with 2 megs of ram (pretty cheap), and it works as I
said earlier. Sorry I couldn help you more.
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From: Jason Hine <jason@CNR.ColoState.EDU>
Subject: (fractint) Re: deep zoom: no F6 corners?
Date: 27 Aug 1997 14:27:45 -0600 (MDT)
I have noticed this too. The full number of decimal places shows
up when you press [TAB], but when you make a parameter file for a deeply
zoomed image, the corner locations are truncated. This prevents folks
from using parameter files to create very deep-zoom movies, among other
things... I'm going to guess it's a limitation of the data type that
Fractint is looking to read from a parameter file (double long float or
something like that, eh?) Suprisingly, however, even though the corner
locations are truncated, the parameter file seems to be able to recreate
the exact image nonetheless!
If there _was_ a way to produce a .par file with 100 digits of
accuracy on the corners, I'd be psyched! I have my reasons...
Jason Hine
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 16:55:51 -0400
Horatio Luna wrote:
>Then, the problem must be all in the video card, I have checked mine,
>its a trident clone with 2 megs of ram (pretty cheap), and it works as I
>said earlier. Sorry I couldn help you more.
Thank you. You were very helpful! Before I saw your message I thought that
NT was incapable of running fractint, but now I know the problem is not NT.
Aren't there any other fractint users out there running NT?
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From: Serge Shumilov <shumilov@cs.uni-bonn.de>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 23:51:07 +0200
Grasso, Nick wrote:
> Thank you. You were very helpful! Before I saw your message I thought that
> NT was incapable of running fractint, but now I know the problem is not NT.
> Aren't there any other fractint users out there running NT?
I also use Fractint in Windows NT 4.0 with Matrox video card. But, I
Mistique with 2Mb. First time I also had the same problems. Now I
downloaded new driver from www.matrox.com and at least can work in the
640x480x16k mode. (And all SVGA modes with 256 colors also) As I have
new driver for Millenum also available.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Re: deep zoom: no F6 corners?
Date: 27 Aug 1997 18:33:54 -0600
> If there _was_ a way to produce a .par file with 100 digits of
> accuracy on the corners, I'd be psyched! I have my reasons...
This works just fine all the way up to 10^1500. It's just the <z>
screen you can't use, but you can save to a PAR file.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) deep zoom: no F6 corners?
Date: 27 Aug 1997 18:33:54 -0600
> When I deep zoom into arbitrary precision, I seem to lose the ability
> to edit/view the corner parameters. ('z' screen, then F6) Is this
> a known limitation?
Yes, it's a known limitation. Look at the <tab> screen and see how
much space is taken up by all the digits of the numbers. The <z>
screen would require a total rewrite to handel arbitrary precision.
For now you need to save to a PAR file and edit the file to get the
effect of the <Z> screen. Awkward but effctibve, and very quick
relative to the time of calculating a deep zoom fractal :-)
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) bug
Date: 27 Aug 1997 18:33:54 -0600
> I have discovered a bug in fractint?
> When trying to draw juliabrots on my PC the scrren goes blank and then after 10
> minutes trying to find out the progression of drwaing the computer hangs up.
> Please Help Me?
CDould you please make a PAR file (using the <b> key) that
illustrates the problem? Or does it happen with any julibrot?
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 27 Aug 1997 18:33:54 -0600
Mike Traynor wrote:
> As I understand it, the slowdown to find the right formula would only
> occur when starting up an image.
Yes, this is correct. It would be a once-per-image slowdown.
I'm open to suggestions on formula file searching.
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From: Barry Bluestein <barryblu@tmn.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 27 Aug 1997 12:49:03 -0500
I must agree with those having problems with Fractint under NT 4.
I have tried to run Fractint under 2 different NT 4.0 boxes so far. Both are
P Pro 200 with 128 Mb of RAM. One uses the Number 9 128 series II with 8 Mb
of VRAM and the other uses the Matrox Millennium with 4 Mb of WRAM.
Neither one will run Fractint in anything higher than 640x480. 8 bit color
is only available at 320x200.
So far I have not bothered to dual boot either of these machines with DOS.
It's a great pity, too. I had really looked forward to being able to
generate some of the more time-consuming fractals under the P Pro 200's.
Any ideas as to why this would be the case?
Horacio Luna wrote:
> > Bob: I think your problem is that NT will not run *any* DOS program in
> > SVGA
> > modes. I have read several messages on various newsgroups saying that
> > NT
> > will not run fractint (or other SVGA programs) under NT except maybe
> > in
> > 320x200x256 or other simple modes. I have NT 4.0 but do not use it for
> > DOS
> > apps. I use OS/2 for fractint. When I get home tonight I'll try
> > running
> > fractint under NT and let you know. Can you boot to plain DOS and try
> > fractint? This would at least tell you if your Matrox chip is OK.
> >
> > Nick
> > nick.grasso@hrads.com
> >
> I have to tell that I USE fractint on win nt 4.0 in a 200 mhz pp, it
> runs very smooth in all resolutions, even 1024 x 768 with 256 colors,
> never have to boot in dos mode, but I cant think what else could be the
> problem for Bob, I also dont remeber the name of the video card on the
> machine, it only gives me 256 colors in 1024 x 768, true color only when
> it is in 640 x 480.
> Regards
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Barry Bluestein
TeleJamaica Design Project Manager
2 Hainning Rd
Kingsto 5, Jamaica, W.I.
809-926-5001 x3327
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) Someday I'll grow up and have my own CD-ROM!
Date: 27 Aug 1997 22:46:51 -0600 (MDT)
Hi, folks. Been playing around a bit with the formula parser, and out
popped these pretties.......
Compound_Mirror { ; A computer bug's-eye-view
; Sean M. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=ceil/round
center-mag=0.0209965/-6.96533/0.1814156/0.8613 float=y inside=0
outside=real colors=@default.map
Discoball_Mountain { ; Climb this one while wearing a white suit
; and black shirt
; Sean M. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=sqr/trunc
float=y potential=255/1000/1 colors=@chroma.map
Electric_Spider { ; A new superhero's logo, perhaps?
; Sean M.. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=sqrt/round
center-mag=0.0141699/1.52656e-016/15.28062/1/-90 float=y inside=0
outside=real colors=@default.map
Neon_Peacock { ; An electric hen's dream-boy
; Sean M. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=cabs/round
center-mag=-0.0399601/1.38778e-017/47.61905 float=y colors=@neon.map
Surf's-Up! { ; Wheeeeeeeeee!
; Sean M. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=sqr/trunc
center-mag=0.30593/1.4791/2.117098 float=y logmap=yes
Windshield_Chip { ; Are you insured for fractal mishaps?
; Sean M. Pratz, August 1997
; spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
reset=1960 type=formula
formulaname=SMP_Quotient_G1 function=sqrt/round
center-mag=0.00215336/1.52656e-016/15.28062 float=y inside=0
outside=summ decomp=256 colors=@default.map
frm:SMP_Quotient_G1 (XAXIS) {
z = pixel:
z = (fn1(z) + pixel) / (fn2(z) - pixel),
|z| <= 42
(The usual caveat applies: "I have a B&W monitor. They look good to
me. YMMV!")
- Sean
****** Sean or Jaq Pratz * spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ******
* o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o *
* /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ *
* / \ / \ | \ /) | (\ /o\ /) | (\ / | / \ / \ *
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From: lelio <lelio@mci2000.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 28 Aug 1997 11:41:59 -0400
I think it would be a good thing to have Fractint search all the .frm files
for f
From: lelio <lelio@mci2000.com>
Subject: (fractint) electricity
Date: 28 Aug 1997 11:45:48 -0400
here's a deep zoom into a Mandelbrot (It took about 2 hours on my Cyrix
6x86 PR166+) but I thought it looked cool.
electricity { ; A deep zoom into a Mandelbrot
; Russel Maxwell
reset=1730 type=mandel passes=1
56267605934 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=500000 inside=0
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From: RBarn0001@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) New Coloring Methods
Date: 28 Aug 1997 12:11:49 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-08-28 10:55:28 EDT, you write:
<< As I was trying to indicate, ITERATES.TGA seems to only provide the
iteration count, regardless of what other coloring options you may have
chosen. Using outside=real will have no effect on the contents of
Yup, you are right. I was just hoping that the code within fractint that
writes iterates.tga would be modified (by Tim maybe <g>) so that it writes
whatever is used for the color lookup instead. Then, for example, putting a
pseudo-continuous iteration value into real portion of z and selecting real
as the coloring method, iterates.tga would contain the pseudo-continuous
iteration value. It could be scaled beforehand, by say, 1000, so that the
data to the right of the decimal point would be included in the integer
written to iterates.tga. A simple formula example follows which would work if
fractint were modified in how it writes iterates.tga:
TrueColor { ; formula to place a pseudo-continuous
; iteration value in the real portion
; of z.
z = c = pixel
i = 0
zb = 0
bailout = p1:
IF (|z| <= bailout)
z = z*z + c
i = i + 1
IF (|z| > bailout)
zb = z
z = z*z + c ; These extra iterations
z = z*z + c ; are added as suggested
; by L. Vepstas to minimize
; the error function
z = i - log(log(cabs(z)))/log(2)
|zb| <= bailout
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 28 Aug 1997 09:40:46 -0700
Looking for the lost formula?
PC Magazine MSDOS utility (1985 S.Holzner) called locate.com (517 bytes)
will find a word in any file in one directory.
There is also grep.exe (October 1984 Dr. Dobbs) which is even better.
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From: Jack Gill <d_gill@twu.edu>
Subject: (fractint) Color Printing
Date: 28 Aug 1997 12:01:39 -0500
I've just downloaded Fractint and Winfractint. I can print in color
with Winfractint, but Fractint (dos) will not print in color. I've
changed the sstools.ini but there is no option that I've found for a hp
Deskjet color printer. It prints fine in black and white if I select hp
for the laserjet.
Any suggestions on how to print in color with the Deskjet would be
Jack Gill
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Color Printing
Date: 28 Aug 1997 11:04:49 -0600
In article <3405AEF3.30C8DE16@twu.edu> ,
Jack Gill <d_gill@twu.edu> writes:
> Any suggestions on how to print in color with the Deskjet would be
> appreciated.
I suppose you could always render to a GIF file and use a windows
utility to print the GIF?
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 28 Aug 1997 13:36:52 EDT
I've been following this thread with interest, since I wrote the most recent
changes to the Fractint "search for a formula" code, and will probably take on
making any additional changes which the group wants. Version 19.6 added the
"frm:" feature for including formulas in par files, and changed somewhat the
sequence of events in a formula search. (BTW, there is a bug in the 19.6 "frm:"
feature which appears when a formula and image entry in a par file have the same
name - this has been fixed for the next release).
The Fractint documentation does not get into detail about how the program goes
about finding a formula, lsystem or ifs entry. Here is that detail:
I. Item selected from menu screen in interactive mode:
a. The item selected is always the one highlighted on the screen.
II. Item is named as a command parameter in a .par file
a. First, some definitions:
1. Default directory - the directory where the default .frm,
.l, or .ifs file is located upon starting up fractint.
2. Current item directory - the last directory from which a
formula, lsys, or ifs item was selected, as applicable.
3. Current directory - the directory you were in when you started
fractint, unless you changed it by shelling to DOS.
4. Default extension - .frm for formulas, .l for lsys, .ifs for
ifs, and .par for parameter files.
b. Phase one - look for the file named in the parameter entry. If
the file is found, look for the named formula, ifs or
lsystem entry. If the entry is found, the search is done. If not,
continue the search. The file search goes like this:
1. Look for the named file in the current item directory (this
must be first so that I. above works correctly).
2. Look for the named file in the current directory (only if
curdir=yes is in effect)
3. Look in the .par file itself (the entry must have an
appropriate prefix)
4. Look for the named file in the default directory.
c. Phase two - do a general search of the default directory in
files having the default extension, checking each file one by
one until the sought for entry is found, at which time the search
ends. If not found, bzzzt the user.
If there are two formulas with the same name in two different .frm files in the
default directory, there is no guarantee that the correct one will be selected
by the final general search; nor is there any guarantee of the order in which
the files will be processed during the general search. If two formulas in the
same .frm file have the same name, the first one will *always* be selected, even
if you select the second one from the menu screen in interactive mode.
Under the current system, it is critical that formula writers give their
formulas unique names; the more active formula writers have done this by
including their initials or some variation of their names as part of the name of
each formula they write (e.g. Carr3192). You can also consult the orgform
compilation to check whether a formula name has already been used.
Hope this helps -
George Martin
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 28 Aug 1997 14:16:30 -0400
Bob Norton wrote:
> This is exactly the problem that I'm having. What video BIOS version do
> you have running on your Matrox chip?
It says I have VGA Bios 2.0. I just installed the latest NT drivers (ver
3.20 dated 7/21/97) but nothing changed. I tried running several other VESA
DOS programs, but none of them worked. I'm going to email Matrox tech
support. I'll let you know what they say. I think the BIOS can be upgraded
with software but I don't know if this will help.
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 28 Aug 1997 14:20:32 -0400
Serge wrote:
>I also use Fractint in Windows NT 4.0 with Matrox video card. But, I have
>Mistique with 2Mb. First time I also had the same problems. Now I
>downloaded new driver from www.matrox.com and at least can work in the
>640x480x16k mode. (And all SVGA modes with 256 colors also) As I have seen,
>new driver for Millenum also available.
Thanks for your reply Serge. I just installed latest drivers (dated 21 July
97) but they didn't help. I'm going to email Matrox tech support.
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Color Printing
Date: 28 Aug 1997 14:35:46 -0400
- > Any suggestions on how to print in color with the Deskjet would be
- > appreciated.
- I suppose you could always render to a GIF file and use a windows
- utility to print the GIF?
I'd agree with this approach. You'll have a lot more control over how the
image is printed, as well as a completely current driver, by using a
Windows program. FractInt just can't (and IMO shouldn't) try to provide
support for every printer.
Personally, I've had decent results (for the price) by rendering at
1600x1200 or higher and printing on my Epson Stylus Pro. Using the stiff
glossy cardboard-like paper runs about $1 per sheet, but as I said, for the
cost, it's great.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: Barry Bluestein <barryblu@tmn.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 28 Aug 1997 17:18:01 -0500
Is this truly an isssue with the card's video drivers? Or is it an issue with NT
Grasso, Nick wrote:
> Serge wrote:
> >
> >I also use Fractint in Windows NT 4.0 with Matrox video card. But, I have
> >Mistique with 2Mb. First time I also had the same problems. Now I
> >downloaded new driver from www.matrox.com and at least can work in the
> >640x480x16k mode. (And all SVGA modes with 256 colors also) As I have seen,
> >new driver for Millenum also available.
> >
> Thanks for your reply Serge. I just installed latest drivers (dated 21 July
> 97) but they didn't help. I'm going to email Matrox tech support.
> Nick
> nick.grasso@hrads.com
Barry Bluestein
TeleJamaica Design Project Manager
2 Hainning Rd
Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.
809-926-5001 x3327
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From: nick.grasso@hrads.com (Grasso, Nick)
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 28 Aug 1997 17:33:08 -0400
At 05:18 PM 8/28/97 Barry Bluestein wrote:
>Is this truly an isssue with the card's video drivers? Or is it an issue
with NT 4.0?
Very good question. I wish I knew the answer! I just emailed Matrox tech
support, so I'll post their reply. If I have time, I'll search Microsoft's
knowledge base on microsoft.com. There may be a clue there.
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From: Barry Bluestein <barryblu@tmn.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 29 Aug 1997 00:32:59 -0500
I wonder this especially because, as I noted earlier, I have been unable to go
over 640x480x16 under NT 4.0 with a Matrox Millennium w/ 4Mb WRAm OR a # Nine
Series 2 w/ 8Mb of VRAM.
DEEPLY disapointing!!
I've tried the MS KB. Since they reoganized it last year it has been
monumentally unhelpful, mostly.
[Serious wishful thinking below]
Tim, any plans to redo Fractint as an NT friendly, hi-res, 32-bit software? I
would rather see this even more than a 24-bit color version. The ability to
leverage the full speed of PPro 200's and P-II 300's at very high resolutions
(1600-1280 or even 2000x1600) would be so much more useful to me than 24-bit
Call me easy, but I love the results of even 8-bit color. I just want the full
speed of NT on a P Pro 200 and the hi-res possible with todays better
mainstream 2D video cards, monitors and printers.
Grasso, Nick wrote:
> At 05:18 PM 8/28/97 Barry Bluestein wrote:
> >Is this truly an isssue with the card's video drivers? Or is it an issue
> with NT 4.0?
> >
> Very good question. I wish I knew the answer! I just emailed Matrox tech
> support, so I'll post their reply. If I have time, I'll search Microsoft's
> knowledge base on microsoft.com. There may be a clue there.
> Nick
> nick.grasso@hrads.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Barry Bluestein
TeleJamaica Design Project Manager
2 Hainning Rd
Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.
809-926-5001 x3327
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: (fractint) A minor FRM file searching speedup
Date: 29 Aug 1997 01:10:12 -0600 (MDT)
I can't say for sure, but I believe it was Tim who said there is no
saying which .frm files are searched first when Fractint is having trouble
finding a formula.
I noticed that it was darned annoying testing out PARs and their related
.frm files downloaded from this list and other sources, because Fractint
would invariably search through all my _*.frm files before it started
searching through the new .frm files I'd just added to my formula
directory. (Running Orgform takes a while, and I only do it when my
formula directory starts filling up.)
But you *can predict which .frm files Fractint will search first. It
searches the files in the order which they were added to your formula
directory, not based upon the .frm filenames or timestamps. If you use
the DIR command at the DOS prompt, you'll see that the order in
which the files are listed is the same order that Fractint searches your
files. Same thing using the "Sortorder - None" option with LIST.COM.
Simply making a temp directory, moving all your .frm files into it, and
then copying them back one by one in the order which you would like
Fractint to search them seems to work just fine. Of course, a batch file
greatly speeds up this process. :) (I'll post an example of this batch
file if anyone cares enough to ask.)
An example. I have a ton of formulas that I just got from Paul
Derbyshire's excellent web-page. I haven't yet run Orgform on them, and
they are stored in a file called DERBY.FRM. But when running his PAR
files, Fractint searches through every OTHER .frm file before it reaches
DERBY.FRM, because it was the most recently added file in that directory
(subtly different from the file with the most recent timestamp). So my
disk churns away for many unneccessary seconds, when *I know where the
darned new formula is!
Just running my handy batch file whenever I download a significant
number of .par and .frm files forces Fractint to search through the files
I want it to search before it tries the _*.frm files. And it takes a
heckuva lot less time to move these files back and forth than it does to
run Orgform more often.
- Sean
****** Sean or Jaq Pratz * spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ******
* o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o *
* /|\ | /\ __\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ *
* / \ / \ | \ /) | (\ /o\ /) | (\ / | / \ / \ *
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From: "Paul N. Lee" <Paul.N.Lee@Worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 29 Aug 1997 02:33:13 -0500
Grasso, Nick wrote:
> At 05:18 PM 8/28/97 Barry Bluestein wrote:
> >
> > Is this truly an isssue with the card's video drivers? Or is it
> > an issue with NT 4.0?
> >
> Very good question. I wish I knew the answer! I just emailed
> Matrox tech support, so I'll post their reply. If I have time,
> I'll search Microsoft's knowledge base on microsoft.com. There
> may be a clue there.
I know normally to find out if it's a video driver problem under Win-95,
you would try running under "Safe Mode"??? This is a good test to see
where problems really lie.
But under Win-NT 4.0, you have to do a Shut Down, Restart the computer,
and when the OS Loader menu appears select the Windows NT Version
(Server or Workstation) 4.00 [VGA mode] option. Then test the problem.
If the problem does not occur, you may have a problem with the installed
video driver. Where you would then consult the video adapter
manufacturer to obtain an updated video driver.
Here is a good link to go to for some NT specifc information on video
driver problems:
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From: Peter Otterstaetter <peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 29 Aug 1997 11:01:50 +0000
Hello friends,
George Martin wrote:
> Under the current system, it is critical that formula writers give their
> formulas unique names; the more active formula writers have done this by
> including their initials or some variation of their names as part of the name of
> each formula they write (e.g. Carr3192). You can also consult the orgform
> compilation to check whether a formula name has already been used.
I think, to identify a formula, the most important thing is NOT its
name but its CONTENT. So why not use a "content dependend
identifier" like a "hash count" or a "fingerprint" (may be some
techniques used in PGP would help) as a formula identifier?
Just an idea.
Peter Otterstaetter
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Zentralbereich Informatik
ZXA/U Anwendungsentwicklung
D-67056 Ludwigshafen
E-mail: peter.otterstaetter@zxa.basf-ag.de
All things come to those who wait. They come, but often come too late.
From Lady Mary M. Curie: Tout Vient a Qui Sait Attendre (1890)
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From: "Guenther Pfannhauser" <ongel@ibm.net>
Subject: (fractint) 32bit version of fractint
Date: 29 Aug 1997 14:28:50 +0100
On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 00:32:59 -0500, Barry Bluestein wrote:
>Tim, any plans to redo Fractint as an NT friendly, hi-res, 32-bit software?
It's a good idea to port FRACTINT on a 32-bit plattform. But it is a
fact that DOS (or an emulation) comes with every 32-bit system.
Isn't it better to port Fractint on Linux (I'll think it's already
done)? Because Linux is free and not everyone wants to pay a lot of
money for an operating-system which he (or she) does only need for
creating fractint-images!
The advantage of a multithreaded Fractint will be great. For example:
rendering an image in background while configuring the parameters for
the next image, or similar...
E-mail: ongel@ibm.net
visit my homepage: http://www2.htl-hl.ac.at/~3825/
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From: "Chester A. Kustarz ii" <cheta@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: (fractint) Plasma Algorithm
Date: 29 Aug 1997 11:45:25 -0400 (EDT)
I am interested in the "Plasma" fractal type and looked at the
source code. Since I am not familiar with any of the source,
it is very hard to figure out what's going on with it.
I was wondering if anybody knew how the algorithm worked.
I absolutely do not need the integer math tricks because
im trying to port it for a power-mac, and it really doesnt
need to be as fast as possible.
Also, fractint seems to have some really great color palettes.
I looked at some docs and stuff a *little* but not enough to
understand how they are generated. Does anybody have any pointers?
Chester Kustarz
University of Michigan.
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From: George Martin <76440.1143@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 29 Aug 1997 12:17:27 EDT
Peter Otterstaetter wrote:
>I think, to identify a formula, the most important thing is NOT its
>name but its CONTENT. So why not use a "content dependend
>identifier" like a "hash count" or a "fingerprint" (may be some
>techniques used in PGP would help) as a formula identifier?
>Just an idea.
Worth a look, but this would constitute a *major* change in the way
Fractint handles the identification of formula, par, ifs, and lsystem
entries. Also, there is a fair amount of formula rewriting going on. For
example, quite a few formulas have been rewritten to take advantage of the
new if..else feature of the formula parser. These formulas look much
different than the originals, and run much faster; but in fact draw the
identical images as the original formulas with the same underlying math.
I wouldn't want to lose the ability to have such improved formulas
automatically used by old parfiles, as they can be now because the
formula name remains the same.
And Sean Pratz wrote:
>I noticed that it was darned annoying testing out PARs and their related
>.frm files downloaded from this list and other sources, because Fractint
>would invariably search through all my _*.frm files before it started
>searching through the new .frm files I'd just added to my formula
I'll look into adding a command line option to specify the directory in
which Orgform files are located. Then the search order could be "default
formula directory" followed by "Orgform directory". A nice side effect is
that only one file in the Orgform directory needs to be searched; for
example, if the formula name is "abc", the only file that needs to be
looked at is _a.frm. If it's not found, there won't be a formula of that
name in _a_dup.frm either. Another benefit would occur when there are
two "abc" formulas, and the one you want to use is in _a_dup.frm. By
copying _a_dup.frm from the Orgform directory to the default formula
directory, you could be sure that the search will select the formula you
BTW, I have a few of Paul Derbyshire's formulas from files "nova.frm" and
"quartz.frm" at his web page, and "pderb.frm" at the Spanky site. I don't
have a file "derby.frm" which you referred to. Can you let me know where
I can find this file? Thanks -
George Martin
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From: Barry Bluestein <barryblu@tmn.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) 32bit version of fractint
Date: 29 Aug 1997 13:46:33 -0500
Guenther, I was thinking of the size of the installed base of NT and 95 vs Linux
or Free BSD. While Linux and Free BSD are free, most users will never be adept
enough to dual boot their machines with these packages. Millions of people will
be getting NT or 95 in the upcoming years, though.
Regardless of whether Fractint is ever made 32bit or multithreaded, it does not
seem to run seamlessly under 95 or NT in all instances. I have now tried it on 3
NT 4.0 boxes, each with a different video card from different manufacturers and
higher res modes at 256 colors just won't work on any of them. I have also tried
it on 2 different 95 boxes, and 1024x768x256 won't work there either unless you
reboot into DOS mode.
Some of my graphical DOS software have the same problems, others do not. For
example, 'CHAOS - The Software' (now sadly out of print) runs perfectly on every
box I have tried it on.
Of course 32-bit and multithreaded would be just lovely! The sped issue alone
would justify that. I certainly wouldn't turn it down!
Guenther Pfannhauser wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 00:32:59 -0500, Barry Bluestein wrote:
> >Tim, any plans to redo Fractint as an NT friendly, hi-res, 32-bit software?
> It's a good idea to port FRACTINT on a 32-bit plattform. But it is a
> fact that DOS (or an emulation) comes with every 32-bit system.
> Isn't it better to port Fractint on Linux (I'll think it's already
> done)? Because Linux is free and not everyone wants to pay a lot of
> money for an operating-system which he (or she) does only need for
> creating fractint-images!
> The advantage of a multithreaded Fractint will be great. For example:
> rendering an image in background while configuring the parameters for
> the next image, or similar...
> GP
> -------
> E-mail: ongel@ibm.net
> visit my homepage: http://www2.htl-hl.ac.at/~3825/
> -------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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Barry Bluestein
TeleJamaica Design Project Manager
2 Hainning Rd
Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I.
809-926-5001 x3327
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From: "Sean (and/or) Jaqueline" <spratz@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 29 Aug 1997 12:01:04 -0600 (MDT)
On 29 Aug 1997, George Martin wrote:
> I'll look into adding a command line option to specify the directory in
> which Orgform files are located.
Awesome idea, George. This might solve a good number of the formula
seraching problems people have.
> BTW, I have a few of Paul Derbyshire's formulas from files "nova.frm" and
> "quartz.frm" at his web page, and "pderb.frm" at the Spanky site. I don't
> have a file "derby.frm" which you referred to. Can you let me know where
> I can find this file? Thanks -
My apologies. This file exists only on my hard drive. It is a
compilation of the above files into which I dump Paul's formulas whenever
I find a new one.
- Sean
* Brought to you by Sean and/or Jaq, and their 18 cats:
* Crystal, Sputnik, Venus, Berkeley
* Tinker, Evers, Chance,
* Crosby, Stills, Nash,
* Tigger, Pooh, Piglet,
* Orion, Cursa, Spica, Polaris, and Atria.
[And yes, we have children, too. Can't remember their names, though.]
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From: "Jay Hill"<jrhill@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL>
Subject: (fractint) Those awful viewwindows
Date: 29 Aug 1997 13:38:32 -0700
When one is new to Fractint, or even not so new, a very irritating feature
the 'viewwindows'. I took the list in bulk from the email and changed the
blocks to have frm: in front. Now I can name the bulk file to something.par
begin scanning the images in the list. However as soon as I hit one of
cute little pictures with viewwindows set to a small part of the screen,
well that
gets irritating. How do I get it back to normal without editing the .par?
means at least exiting Fractint, even if just to reenter and carefully step
the offending images.
Any ideas? Thanks.
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From: Rich Thomson <rthomson@ptc.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Those awful viewwindows
Date: 29 Aug 1997 14:53:46 -0600
In article <88256502.0070B82D.00@NOTESGW.NOSC.MIL> ,
"Jay Hill"<jrhill@notesgw.nosc.mil> writes:
> How do I get it back to normal without editing the .par?
Type 'v' to get the view window screen, then say "no" for "Preview
``Between stimulus and response is the will to choose.'' -- Steven Covey
3D Paint: The Power to Create in 3D; Rich Thomson
email me for more info rthomson@ptc.com
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From: Tim Gilman <t.gilman@apple.com>
Subject: (fractint) fractint porting information
Date: 29 Aug 1997 14:39:17 -0700
Recently joining this list, but using Fractint for some years, I'm
curious to find information on porting the DOS version of fractint to
other processors. I've combed through the pages maintained by Noel
Giffin, but I'm eager to learn of other people who are working on direct
assembly porting of x86 code.
Tim Gilman
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) A minor FRM file searching speedup
Date: 29 Aug 1997 18:28:56 -0600
> I can't say for sure, but I believe it was Tim who said there is no
> saying which .frm files are searched first when Fractint is having trouble
> finding a formula.
I may have said this, but you are right, it depends on the order they
are sorted in the directory. I thought of reading in all the files
and sorting the list before searching, but didn't want to use the
required memory.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Searching for Formulas
Date: 29 Aug 1997 18:28:56 -0600
Peter Otterstaetter wrote:
> I think, to identify a formula, the most important thing is NOT its
> name but its CONTENT. So why not use a "content dependend
> identifier" like a "hash count" or a "fingerprint" (may be some
> techniques used in PGP would help) as a formula identifier?
> Just an idea.
This is an interesting idea, but when you try to implement it, there
are problems. Trivial changes in algebra would change the "hash
count", as would changes in names of variables.
Still, it's worth reconsidering. But for now, serious fractal
fanatics need OrgFrm or something similar.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) 32bit version of fractint
Date: 29 Aug 1997 18:28:56 -0600
> It's a good idea to port FRACTINT on a 32-bit plattform. But it is a
> fact that DOS (or an emulation) comes with every 32-bit system.
> Isn't it better to port Fractint on Linux (I'll think it's already
> done)? Because Linux is free and not everyone wants to pay a lot of
> money for an operating-system which he (or she) does only need for
> creating fractint-images!
Fractint runs on Linux now as Xfract. Also under Unix. It has nearly
every feature, though it's slower because the assembler was
translated to C.
However Linux is not the total answer because the installed base is
very small compared to Win95/DOS.
We've given a lot of thought to this platform question. We are
seriously hamstrung by our current 16 bit programming environment.
Perhaps a better solution would be to port to djgpp, the free
extended DOS GNU compiler. Such a port would still be a DOS
application, but would have 32 bit memory access.
The future probably holds a more portable Fractint that runs on many
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Matrox Millenium cards
Date: 29 Aug 1997 18:28:56 -0600
> [Serious wishful thinking below]
> Tim, any plans to redo Fractint as an NT friendly, hi-res, 32-bit software? I
> would rather see this even more than a 24-bit color version.
The most common question I get is "any plans to do xxxx?" <grin!>
I personally have had ideas for three or four years that I haven't
gotten around to implementing yet. Fractint's development goes in
fits and starts, according to the interests and abilities of folks
who decide to be Stone Soup developers.
Fractint could die on the vine in it's present version (probably
won't :-)). It is also possible that an energetic developer will
burst on the scene and just do the Win95/NT port, so you'll have it
in a month. There are also many in between scenarios. :-)
I'd say a Win 95/NT port will happen, but not overnight. But I can't
predict for sure.
BTW I'm following the NT/Matrox thread with interest. Unfortunately I
have neither NT nor a Matrox, so I'm helpless to comment. I really
appreciate all the folks who have jumped in and shared (this is one
reason for the list). Bert Tyler has NT. I don't think he joined the
list, but I'll ask him to view the achive web page and search for
"NT" or "Matrox".
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) fractint porting information
Date: 29 Aug 1997 18:32:28 -0600
> Recently joining this list, but using Fractint for some years, I'm
> curious to find information on porting the DOS version of fractint to
> other processors. I've combed through the pages maintained by Noel
> Giffin, but I'm eager to learn of other people who are working on direct
> assembly porting of x86 code.
There'sa an Amiga port that has a lot of assembler. Sorry, I've
forgotten where to find this, but it's prominent on Amiga pages. What
target processor are you interested in?
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From: Tim Gilman <t.gilman@apple.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) fractint porting information
Date: 29 Aug 1997 17:31:09 -0700
>There'sa an Amiga port that has a lot of assembler. Sorry, I've
>forgotten where to find this, but it's prominent on Amiga pages. What
>target processor are you interested in?
powerPC's are my interest. I've done a lot of 604e work; but before I
commit myself to seriously munging through a mountain of low-level
reconstruction, which would take quite a while, I want to make sure
there's not already some kind of orchestrated effort for porting fractint
to different processors.
-Tim Gilman
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) fractint porting information
Date: 29 Aug 1997 20:21:58 -0600
Tim Gilman wrote:
> I want to make sure
> there's not already some kind of orchestrated effort for porting fractint
> to different processors.
The Xfract port will already run under Unix on a power PC, so it
wouldn't be very difficult to pick some code to write assembler for.
Xfract is 100% C.
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From: KivrynH@aol.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 29 Aug 1997 21:25:04 -0400 (EDT)
To begin with, if I posted this incorrectly, please let me know. I'm new at
My question is: I have Windows95 and when I downloaded Fractint a few days
ago I made a DOS window. Is it better to use Fractint through a DOS window
or just pull back and go through DOS directly?? And lastly, why??
Thanks for your help.
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From: "Chester A. Kustarz ii" <cheta@engin.umich.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) fractint porting information
Date: 29 Aug 1997 22:52:51 -0400 (EDT)
I also was thinking of doing a powerPC port, although after
I had thought about it, fractint is not very mac-like,
and the good floating point performance of the pwerPC
would seem to take out the "int" portion of fractint.
So then I had thought maybe just do a fractint-like program
for the mac, but I had real trouble trying to figure
out the algorithms with all those tricks and weird math
Chester Kustarz
University of Michigan
> powerPC's are my interest. I've done a lot of 604e work; but before I
> commit myself to seriously munging through a mount
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 29 Aug 1997 23:43:20 -0600
Kivryn asked:
> My question is: I have Windows95 and when I downloaded Fractint a few days
> ago I made a DOS window. Is it better to use Fractint through a DOS window
> or just pull back and go through DOS directly?? And lastly, why??
In my experience the DOS windows (fullscreen) works great in WIn95.
Occasionally I hear from someone whose Windows video driver causes
interference with Fractint under DOS, but this isn't too common.
I'm sorry to read here that Win NT users have a more mixed
There are a slew of properties of the DOS box that can be set that
help. I never remeber what these are. Tell you what, if a Windows
guru here will write a paragraph and setting the DOS box properties
under Win95, I'll quick stick in in the fractint docs while I'm
thinking of it <g!>
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From: rttyman@wwa.com
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 30 Aug 1997 02:23:45 -0500
The talented and helpful Tim Wegner typed:
> There are a slew of properties of the DOS box that can be set that
> help. I never remeber what these are. Tell you what, if a Windows
> guru here will write a paragraph and setting the DOS box properties
> under Win95, I'll quick stick in in the fractint docs while I'm
> thinking of it <g!>
Hello Gang:
I'm not a Windoze guru, but several months ago I had a terrible time
trying to run Fractint Windoze 95. Until then I would always exit from
Windoze and reboot to MS-DOS. After tinkering for several hours with the
settings in the Fractint Properties menu, I finally got Fractint to
behave correctly (on my system at least), and I e-mailed Tim to tell him
of my trials and errors.
Go to your Fractint folder and click once on the Fractint icon.
Go to the File menu and select "Properties."
Under Program, type in on Cmd_line where you have Fractint installed,
e.g., C:\Fractint\Fractint.exe
Click on the Advanced button on the Properties page.
Place a check mark next to MS-DOS mode.
Under a new MS-DOS configuration on the same page, put in the settings
you use for your config.sys and autoexec.bat files under MS-DOS. DO NOT
type in the config.sys and autoexec.bat files you use for Windoze. If
you do, then you'll have all sorts of problems, such as Windoze telling
you it doesn't have enough memory to run Fractint.
The other menus under Fractint Properties do not need to be addressed.
If you still have problems, please don't flame me. I got Windoze to work
with my system and you may have an entirely different configuration.
Basically, I'm running a 486/66 with a VESA-supported video driver and
24 Megs of memory.
Hope these instructions are helpful to you.
Bob Margolis
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From: lelio <lelio@mci2000.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 30 Aug 1997 08:03:35 -0400
I'm Running Fractint under Windows 95, In a full screen mode.
I've never even tried to reboot under DOS, because I have never had a
I'd suggest you try that first and if you have problems (as I have seen
others report) then set Fractint to re-boot in DOS to run.
Sometimes I have run Fractint drawing in 'Disk-RAM Video' in a window while
I do other stuff in Windows. (but then I have lots and lots of RAM :))
-----Original Message-----
>To begin with, if I posted this incorrectly, please let me know. I'm new
>My question is: I have Windows95 and when I downloaded Fractint a few days
>ago I made a DOS window. Is it better to use Fractint through a DOS window
>or just pull back and go through DOS directly?? And lastly, why??
>Thanks for your help.
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From: "Tim Wegner" <twegner@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 30 Aug 1997 10:37:36 -0600
Bob wrote:
> The talented and helpful Tim Wegner typed:
In this case I'm not so sure :-)
> After tinkering for several hours with the
> settings in the Fractint Properties menu, I finally got Fractint to
> behave correctly (on my system at least), and I e-mailed Tim to tell him
> of my trials and errors.
Yes, this has come up dozens of times, and I've probably gotten the
answer many times before. I'll look through my mail archives and
combine the suggestions I've received.
I'm actually pretty good at setting up things like Win95. But on a
home system, I do it once, so after a year or two I no longer
remember what I did <g!>
FWIW, here are the settings I use for my generic "MSDOS" button. I am
not claiming these are optimum, only that they work for me. I don't
use a "fractint" icon, I go to the DOS prompt and then run Fractint
(under Win95, not rebooting to DOS.)
MS-DOS icon properties:
Under memory, all the settings are "auto". The "protected" and "Use
HMA" boxes are not ticked (should they be?)
Under "screen", all the boxes are ticked, and usage is "full screen".
Under "misc" I have disabld the screen saver, which can really mess
you up.
In my config.sys (among other things) I have:
It is important to has as much free memory as possible. Mem shows
"largest executable program size" of 543K which is OK, but not great.
With this much, if I run
fractint debug=10000
the fractint reports 86128 far bytes free. This works reasonable
well. You wouldn't want the largest executable program size to drop
much below 500K.
Any other words of wisdom on this subject?
> Go to your Fractint folder and click once on the Fractint icon.
> Go to the File menu and select "Properties."
> Under Program, type in on Cmd_line where you have Fractint installed,
> e.g., C:\Fractint\Fractint.exe
> Click on the Advanced button on the Properties page.
> Place a check mark next to MS-DOS mode.
> Under a new MS-DOS configuration on the same page, put in the settings
> you use for your config.sys and autoexec.bat files under MS-DOS. DO NOT
> type in the config.sys and autoexec.bat files you use for Windoze. If
> you do, then you'll have all sorts of problems, such as Windoze telling
> you it doesn't have enough memory to run Fractint.
> The other menus under Fractint Properties do not need to be addressed.
> If you still have problems, please don't flame me. I got Windoze to work
> with my system and you may have an entirely different configuration.
> Basically, I'm running a 486/66 with a VESA-supported video driver and
> 24 Megs of memory.
> Hope these instructions are helpful to you.
> Bob Margolis
> rttyman@wwa.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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From: "Graham Hill" <psiclone@mindless.com>
Subject: Re: (fractint) Fractal to midi
Date: 30 Aug 1997 16:50:49 +0100
I would also love to see some sort of fractal music plugin if one were to
become available.
Fractal Music?
Any Programmers interested in implementing a midi-generator-plugin
into fractint?
I've written a routine in QBasic that generates a Mandelbrot Frac. and
sends it out as midi.
But I=A6m more of a musician than a programmer so it would be nice if
someone with programming skills would help.
PS We made a CD using this program so if you are interested in buying it
please contact me
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) FractInt in Windows 95
Date: 30 Aug 1997 13:49:30 -0400
A couple of years ago I was trying to use FractInt under OS/2. I had
problems with certain display modes; some would work, some would not. I
altered my FRACTINT.CFG file to force it to use VESA modes, and this worked.
I no longer use OS/2; I use Windows 95. However, I've noticed that
FractInt still runs well with the VESA modes. My FRACTINT.CFG line looks
like this:
-----8<----- Start FRACTINT.CFG
F2 ,VESA Standard Interface ,4f02, 101, 0, 0, 28, 640, 480,256,
F3 ,VESA Standard Interface ,4f02, 103, 0, 0, 28, 800, 600,256,
F4 ,VESA Standard Interface ,4f02, 105, 0, 0, 28,1024, 768,256,
F5 ,VESA Standard Interface ,4f02, 107, 0, 0, 28,1280,1024,256,
F6 ,VESA Standard Interface ,4f02, 120, 0, 0, 28,1600,1200,256,
F7 ,Disk/RAM 'Video' , 3, 0, 0, 0, 11,1024, 768,256,
F8 ,Disk/RAM 'Video' , 3, 0, 0, 0, 11,2048,1536,256,
-----8<----- End FRACTINT.CFG
I removed the comments at the end of each line so it wouldn't get garbled
through posting. Fixing your video modes this way helps quite a bit, but
there are some other things that you may want to do.
First, in the [fractint] section of your SSTOOLS.INI file, look for
"textsafe=". If it doesn't say "textsafe=save", change it (or add the line
if it is missing). This will protect your FractInt screen when you switch
away from the program to another application you're running, but you should
still ALWAYS switch to a text screen (by pressing TAB or ESC) if your
fractal is still generating. Otherwise when you switch back, your image
will be preserved, but FractInt will resume drawing in the wrong place on
the screen, corrupting the image. If the image is done generating, you can
switch away from the graphics screen directly.
Second, tweak your settings for FRACTINT.EXE. Locate FRACTINT.EXE,
right-click, and select "Properties". (If you launch FractInt from a
shortcut, especially one on your Start menu, you need to locate the
shortcut itself, right-click it, and choose Properties. You can work with
shortcuts on your Start menu by right-clicking it and choosing "Explore".)
Under the Program tab, make sure "Close on exit" is checked. (This is a
convenience only, and will make Windows close the DOS box when FractInt
exits.) In the Memory tab, leave all the settings on "Auto". Under the
Screen tab, choose "Full-Screen". For the Misc. tab, UNcheck "Allow screen
saver" and "Always suspend". (Note about Always suspend: this makes it up
to you to suspend FractInt by switching to a text screen before switching
away from FractInt. Since you have to do this anyway, leaving this option
unchecked lets you use Disk/RAM modes to render in the background.) Click
OK to save your settings for FRACTINT.EXE.
IF everything went well, FractInt should run reliably from a DOS box inside
Windows, and still let you switch away from it if necessary and run other
Windows programs (with the warnings above). I do this a lot, even though
other programs tend to run slowly with a DOS box open.
Hopefully these comments will help someone.
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: NOEL_GIFFIN <noel@Triumf.CA>
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window??
Date: 30 Aug 1997 23:18:22 PST
When you get your combined list of win95 settings for fractint
together, email them to me and I'll put them up on a web page in the
fractint pages.
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From: FRACPER@aol.com
Subject: (fractint) Let me introduce myself
Date: 31 Aug 1997 11:51:30 -0400 (EDT)
Last week I sent the following letter to the members of "fractal-art". The
results were beyond belief. I repeat the letter here in case some of you are
not mambers of fractal-art.
I probably do not belong in this group although I do use Fractint and am very
partial to fractals. I came to fractals late in life, being introduced by a
friend who is a retired professor at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in
Monterey. In the beginning I just played with fractals in a program called
Then after being laid low by a stroke and being unable to work I came back to
fractals. I found a number of generators (including fractint) that I could
play with and as long as I was now a 70 year old cripple I really wanted to
do something with fractals.
I fell back on an old hobby, that of making hooked rugs. Finding that
fractals made a great rug suitable as a wall hanging or as a throw rug. I
now make my hooked rugs from 100% 6 ply wool utilizing fractal images as my
I recently made a fractal rug for a N.Y. fractal artist which he will include
in a show he is having this fall. This was to be a copy of one of his
fractals. When he received the rug here is a quote of his reaction:
"It is really quite remarkable. I think the right word is luxurious. It is
clear the amount of work that went into it is extraordinary. It's rich
texture, weight and thickness are all a great and pleasant surprise to me.
My wife thinks it's gorgeous."
If any of you would like to see a picture of my work, Email me and I will
send one back to you.
Pat Graham fracper@aol.com
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From: "Juan Manuel Trillos G." <juatril@epm.net.co>
Subject: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window
Date: 31 Aug 1997 09:57:10 -0500
I use the following solution for a good an controlled performance of the
Fractint under Windows 95.
I have a system with the following characteristics:
Pentium MMX 166MHz processor.
S3 Virge video driver card
Fractint 19.6 program
1) Create a shorcut (Go to Explorer, select Fractint program, click right
button, select Create shorcut)
2) Still in the Explorer select the "Shortcut to Fractint", open Propieties
(Right click) and select the option for full screen running (Select Screen
tab, then select Full Screen)
3) Change the Explorer into a Window (If not already there) and drag the
"Shortcut to Fractint" file to the Desktop.
íEUREKA! Now you have an DOS Icon in the Desktop that send you directly to
Fractint without any problem. With <Alt>+<Tab> you can go to other
applications, leaving Fractint working in its own background window.
You can change the name and Icon of the shorcut in any moment, right
clicking the icon and selecting Propieties. I use the icon that came with
the Windows version of Fractint ┐How? Easy. Select change icon, and browse
to the file of Windows Fractint (You have to already have installed this
file), and then select the icon.
I expect that this procedure will work in any system, except if the video
driver is very special, and the system registers will be changed from
within the Fractint, then when return from Fractint you will have a nice
stuck computer.
Juan Manuel
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From: VRCH78B@prodigy.com (MR CHARLES F CROCKER)
Subject: (fractint) Fractal for today
Date: 31 Aug 1997 13:15:39, -0500
For those who are looking for todays fix here is a parameter file that
might fill the gap. It calculates pretty fast.
To keep my impression a secret until you have formed your own the name is
encoded by typing each letter one character higher.
By increasing the itteration count a much more branched structure develops
but then the background color becomes one of the bands in the figure.
Finding a good color scheme is one of the hardest things for me to do.
Thats about all of the lecture. To keep the file small all the co;ors that
don't show are set to white.
"Dbu_jo_uif_ibu"_? { ; P90 640X480 time 0:00:10.43
; Charles Crocker, Prodigy VRCH78B
reset=1960 type=julia center-mag=0.00681901/0.137755/23.35617/1/90
params=0.284912/0.014391 maxiter=255
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From: Angel Rivera <alrivera@southern.edu>
Subject: Re: (fractint) DOS vs. DOS Window
Date: 31 Aug 1997 12:00:45 -0400 (EDT)
I don't know about the rest of you but my version of Fractint came with
both the .EXE and a .PIF, and both of them worked fine in Win95 without
any tinkering on my part. (Just to echo the sentiment another person
who mentioned no problems runnning fractint)
H badger@innocent.com|newsmaster@earthling.net
=@==== http://members.aol.com/brockbadge/index.html
H H H "World Domination Through Trivia" -S3Kitties
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From: "Damien M. Jones" <dmj@emi.net>
Subject: (fractint) FractInt in Win95
Date: 31 Aug 1997 16:50:25 -0400
Yesterday I installed Windows 95 again on the PPro machine here (I had
Windows on it a few weeks ago, but it got blown away by some buggy
software). This machine is totally different from the system I normally
use. Using the information I posted about running FractInt in Win95, I set
up FractInt on this new machine.
It ran flawlessly the first time.
Now, if I had a few more systems to test it on, I would, but that should
give some reassurance that it's not just a fluke. :)
Damien M. Jones / temporary sanity designs / http://www.emi.net/~dmj/
dmj@emi.net / my gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2605/
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From: ao950@freenet.carleton.ca (Paul Derbyshire)
Subject: Re: (fractint) 32bit version of fractint
Date: 31 Aug 1997 23:28:38 -0400 (EDT)
>Fractint runs on Linux now as Xfract. Also under Unix. It has nearly
>every feature, though it's slower because the assembler was
>translated to C.
>However Linux is not the total answer because the installed base is
>very small compared to Win95/DOS.
>We've given a lot of thought to this platform question. We are
>seriously hamstrung by our current 16 bit programming environment.
>Perhaps a better solution would be to port to djgpp, the free
>extended DOS GNU compiler. Such a port would still be a DOS
>application, but would have 32 bit memory access.
>The future probably holds a more portable Fractint that runs on many
I am working (in fits and starts) on a DJGPP-based fractal program,
ProtoMatter. Among other things I intend to make it object-oriented (C++
with optimised C/asm for inner iteration loops) and thus easily extensible
(I notice Fractint, though written in plain C, uses structs with embedded
function pointers to achieve an object-oriented construction) and all the
features of Fractint. On the "wish list" of things I will try to implement
are compatibility with Fractint par and frm files (and more powerful
native par and frm alike files) and all formula types in Fractint. This
would make ProtoMatter backward-compatible with Fractint, and thus a
possible (but renamed) "Fractint 21.0". Of course if anyone, especially
Fractint contributors and authors, wishes to collaborate over the 'net I
would find that helpful and pleasant. Also on the list of intended
features: the "disks" algorithm for rapid monochrome distance-estimator
images, the synchronous orbits algorithm (depends on feasibility and ease
of implementation/debugging, an early attempt of mine to code a
synchronous orbits algorithm on an Amiga resulted in guru meditation and
other bugs which proved overwhelming at the time), plug-ins (DJGPP DLM's
plus datafiles, coding the iteration functions and containing parameter
data), and user-definable parsed formulas for such things as color mapping,
x/y mapping (an atan mapping of radius might be interesting on some
infinite fractals like the Julia sets of rational functions), and so
forth. Formulas will be compiled internally to either a byte-code that
will run more rapidly than an interpreter that has to parse ascii, or
perhaps if it is feasible to native machine code. The former will be
platform-portable, the latter would have to be implemented for every
platform to support. (All platform-dependent code will be in separate
modules with a platform name attached, e.g. dosvideo.c for handling the video
in DOS; some sort of makefile will be used that can be switched for
compiling for different platforms.)
.*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese]
-() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix"
`*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me]
Paul Derbyshire ao950@freenet.carleton.ca, http://chat.carleton.ca/~pderbysh
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From: ao950@freenet.carleton.ca (Paul Derbyshire)
Subject: (fractint) reset=nnnn
Date: 31 Aug 1997 23:54:32 -0400 (EDT)
I am curious as to what the "reset=nnnn" in Fractint does. reset implies
something to do with undoing settings like logmap, potential, DEM, decomp,
biomorph, and so forth so that these don't persist and "mutate" the par
entry. However, what do the numbers mean? They seem to be undocumented but
of some sort of importance since 'b'-generated pars are always full of
them. My personal guess is, perhaps these are interpreted into an 11-bit
bitfield that says which items aren't explicitly set and must be reset in
the par? Still, why bother instead of just resetting them all, since
resetting say the logmap only to then set it to 187 isn't THAT many wasted
cpu cycles...
.*. Where feelings are concerned, answers are rarely simple [GeneDeWeese]
-() < When I go to the theater, I always go straight to the "bag and mix"
`*' bulk candy section...because variety is the spice of life... [me]
Paul Derbyshire ao950@freenet.carleton.ca, http://chat.carleton.ca/~pderbysh
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