This is just my opinion, but I believe that there will always be some strong stocks that BO when the market rallies. But this market is either totally bearish or too volatile to guage; thus, my conclusion is that while stocks may BO, the market will tamp them down.
Also, even though a stock is strong, that doesn't mean that it should be bought. WON says that the Market leads the stock up or down with about a 70-75%influence-ie. a strong stock might very well fall in a weak market.
I believe that waiting for industrial market leaders (high industrial ratings in IBD + leading stocks in the industry)will eventually lead one to a winner. However, one should only analyze stocks now (to see which have potential)rather than investing in them.
In a message dated Wed, 31 Jul 2002 10:03:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> DCOM is down right now, 3% as of this writing, and it looks like the
> markets are negative...seems like we just can't catch a