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Text File  |  2009-08-10  |  2KB  |  77 lines

  1. if(this.getBytesLoaded() < this.getBytesTotal())
  2. {
  3.    gotoAndPlay(1);
  4. }
  5. else
  6. {
  7.    watch("csPreview",previewSetup);
  8.    var contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
  9.    contextMenu.hideBuiltInItems();
  10.    this.menu = contextMenu;
  11.    var ExpressInstall = function()
  12.    {
  13.       this.needsUpdate = _root.MMplayerType != undefined ? true : false;
  14.    };
  15.    ExpressInstall.prototype = {init:function()
  16.    {
  17.       if(this.needsUpdate)
  18.       {
  19.          this.loadUpdater();
  20.          return true;
  21.       }
  22.       return false;
  23.    },loadUpdater:function()
  24.    {
  25.       System.security.allowDomain("fpdownload.macromedia.com");
  26.       this.updater = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("expressInstallHolder",10000000);
  27.       var _self = this;
  28.       this.updater.installStatus = _self.onInstallStatus;
  29.       this.hold = this.updater.createEmptyMovieClip("hold",1);
  30.       this.updater.onEnterFrame = function()
  31.       {
  32.          if(typeof this.hold.startUpdate == "function")
  33.          {
  34.             _self.initUpdater();
  35.             this.onEnterFrame = null;
  36.          }
  37.       };
  38.       var _loc3_ = Math.random();
  39.       this.hold.loadMovie("http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?" + _loc3_);
  40.    },initUpdater:function()
  41.    {
  42.       this.hold.redirectURL = _root.MMredirectURL;
  43.       this.hold.MMplayerType = _root.MMplayerType;
  44.       this.hold.MMdoctitle = _root.MMdoctitle;
  45.       this.hold.startUpdate();
  46.    },onInstallStatus:function(msg)
  47.    {
  48.       if(msg != "Download.Complete")
  49.       {
  50.          if(msg == "Download.Cancelled")
  51.          {
  52.             getUrl("javascript:alert(\'This content requires a more recent version of the Macromedia Flash Player.\')", "");
  53.          }
  54.          else if(msg == "Download.Failed")
  55.          {
  56.             getUrl("javascript:alert(\'There was an error downloading the Flash Player update. Please try again later, or visit macrmedia.com to download the latest version of the Flash plugin.\')", "");
  57.          }
  58.       }
  59.    }};
  60.    if(csPreview == "false")
  61.    {
  62.       var ExpressInstall = new ExpressInstall();
  63.       if(ExpressInstall.needsUpdate)
  64.       {
  65.          ExpressInstall.init();
  66.       }
  67.       else
  68.       {
  69.          timeline.gotoAndStop(5);
  70.       }
  71.    }
  72.    else
  73.    {
  74.       timeline.gotoAndStop(5);
  75.    }
  76. }