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Text (UTF-16)  |  2012-02-15  |  3KB  |  35 lines

  1. [INSTALL]
  2. DisplayName=Adobe Reader X
  3. ProductCode={AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AA0000000001}
  4. UpgradeCode={A6EADE66-0000-0000-484E-7E8A45000000}
  5. MsiFileName=AcroRead.msi
  6. SetupFiles=ABCPY.INI,AcroRead.msi,setup.exe,Setup.ini
  7. FilesInArchive=5
  8. InstallerFolderSizeInMB=116
  9. ArchiveSize=36349982
  10. Run=%INSTALLPATH%\setup.exe
  11. SetupArgs2=/msi DISABLE_CACHE=1
  12. Compression=7z
  13. [STRING]
  14. SFX_UNSUPPORTED_OS=This application cannot be installed on this operating system. Setup will now terminate. Please refer to the minimum system requirements at http://www.adobe.com/go/reader_system_reqs.
  15. SFX_BTN_YES=&Yes
  16. SFX_DLG_ERR_DISK_SPACE=Low disk space. Please, free [DISK_SPACE] MB of disk space and run installer again.
  17. SFX_DLG_SELECT_EXTRACT_FILES_FOLDER=Select folder to extract installation files
  18. SFX_DLG_ERR_RETRY_BROWSE_FOR_FOLDER=Selected folder cannot be used. Would you like to Retry ?
  19. SFX_DLG_ERRCODE=Error code:
  20. SFX_BTN_OK=&OK
  21. SFX_DLG_ERR_STATUS=Setup was interrupted before Adobe Reader X could be completely installed.
  22. SFX_DLG_ERR_TITLE=Setup Completed
  23. SFX_CANCELCONFIRM=Are you sure you want to cancel?
  24. SFX_DLG_ERR_FAILCREATMAINDLG=Failed to create main dialog. 
  25. SFX_DLG_ERR_ALREADYINSTALLED=This product is already installed.
  26. SFX_DLG_STATUS=This may take a few minutes depending on your processor speed and hardware configuration.
  27. SFX_TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Adobe Reader X - Setup
  28. SFX_BTN_CANCEL=&Cancel
  29. SFX_DLG_TITLE=Preparing installation
  30. SFX_BTN_NO=&No
  31. SFX_DLG_EXTRACTING=Extracting installation files...
  32. [conditions]
  33. MinOS=51
  34. MinMemory=256