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Text File  |  2003-10-07  |  6KB  |  169 lines

  1. <!--#include file="config.asp"-->
  2. <head>
  3. <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">
  4. <%
  5. source = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
  6. set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  7. sql="select * from count order by time desc"
  8. rs.open sql,conn,1,1
  9. if rs.eof then
  10. response.write "<p align=center>╗╣├╗╙╨╚╬║╬└┤╖├╝╟┬╝"
  11. response.end
  12. end if
  13. set rsfirst=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  14. sql="select * from count"
  15. rsfirst.open sql,conn,1,1
  16. firstday=datevalue(rsfirst("time"))
  17. %>
  18. <title><%=webname%>└┤╖├╝╞╩²═│╝╞</title>
  19. </head>
  20. <div align="center">
  21.   <center>
  22.   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="760" height="20">
  23.     <tr>
  24.       <td width="760" height="20" style="border-left: 1 solid #008000; border-right: 1 solid #008000; border-top: 1 solid #008000" bgcolor="#DDDDE1"><%=webname%>╙├╗º╖├╬╩╟Θ┐÷ú║</td>
  25.     </tr>
  26.   </table>
  27.   </center>
  28. </div>
  30. <div align="center">
  31.   <center>
  32.   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="650" height="1">
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  35.       <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse; text-align: center" bordercolor="#008000" width="760" height="1">
  36.         <tr>
  37.           <td width="150" bgcolor="#B5CFFB" align="center" height="1">╖├╬╩╫┼IP</td>
  38.           <td width="200" bgcolor="#B5CFFB" align="center" height="1">╖├╬╩╩▒╝Σ</td>
  39.           <td width="130" bgcolor="#B5CFFB" align="center" height="1">IE└α╨═</td>
  40.           <td width="130" bgcolor="#B5CFFB" align="center" height="1">▓┘╫≈╧╡═│</td>
  41.           <td width="200" bgcolor="#B5CFFB" align="center" height="1">└┤╖├╡╪╟°</td>
  42.         </tr>
  43. <%if not rs.eof then
  44.    rs.PageSize = perpagenumber
  45.    Page = CLng(Request("Page"))
  46.    If Page < 1 Then Page = 1
  47.    If Page > rs.PageCount Then Page = rs.PageCount%>
  48.    <%
  49. rs.AbsolutePage = Page
  50. For iPage = 1 To rs.PageSize
  51. %><%if not rs.eof then%>
  52.         <tr>
  53.           <td width="150" align="center" height="1"><%=rs("ip")%></td>
  54.           <td width="200" align="center" height="1"><%=rs("time")%></td>
  55.           <td width="100" align="center" height="1"><%=rs("browser")%></td>
  56.           <td width="110" align="center" height="1"><%=rs("system")%></td>
  57.           <td width="200" align="center" height="1"><%=rs("address")%></td>
  58.         </tr>
  59. <%else%><%end if%>
  60. <%
  61. if not rs.eof then
  62. rs.MoveNext
  63. end if
  64. Next  
  65. end if
  66. %>
  67.       </table>
  68.       </td>
  69.     </tr>
  70.   </table>
  71.   </center>
  72. </div>
  75. <div align="center">
  76.   <center>
  77.   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="760" height="1" style="border-left: 1 solid #008000; border-right: 1 solid #008000; border-bottom: 1 solid #008000">
  78. <%dim visitday1,visitday2,visitday3,visitmonth,visittotal,visitaverage,fromtime
  79. visitday1=0
  80. visitday2=0
  81. visitday3=0
  82. visitmonth=0
  83. set rscount=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
  84. sql="select * from count"
  85. rscount.open sql,conn,1,1
  86. visittotal=rscount.recordcount
  87. visitaverage=int(visittotal/(datediff("d",datevalue(firstday),datevalue(now)+1)))
  88. do while not rscount.eof 
  89. fromtime=rscount("time")
  90. if  datevalue(fromtime)=date then
  91.     visitday1=visitday1+1
  92.     end if
  93. if  datevalue(fromtime)=date-1 then
  94.     visitday2=visitday2+1
  95.     end if
  96. if  datevalue(fromtime)=date-2 then
  97.     visitday3=visitday3+1
  98.     end if
  99. if  year(fromtime)=year(now) and month(fromtime)=month(now) then
  100.     visitmonth=visitmonth+1
  101.     end if
  102. rscount.movenext 
  103. loop
  104. rscount.close
  105. set rscount=nothing
  106. %>
  107.     <tr>
  108.       <td height="1" width="252" align="center">╟░╠∞╖├╬╩ú║<%=visitday3%></td>
  109.       <td height="1" width="253" align="center">╫≥╠∞╖├╬╩ú║<%=visitday2%></td>
  110.       <td height="1" width="253" align="center">╜±╠∞╖├╬╩ú║<%=visitday1%></td>
  111.     </tr>
  112.     <tr>
  113.       <td height="1" width="252" align="center" style="border-top: 1 solid #008000">▒╛╘┬╖├╬╩ú║<%=visitmonth%></td>
  114.       <td height="1" width="253" align="center" style="border-top: 1 solid #008000">╞╜╛∙╖├╬╩ú║<%=visitaverage%></td>
  115.       <td height="1" width="253" align="center" style="border-top: 1 solid #008000">╫▄╣▓╖├╬╩ú║<%=visittotal%></td>
  116.     </tr>
  117.   </table>
  118.   </center>
  119. </div>
  120. <div align="center">
  121.   <center>
  122. <table width="760" border="0" cellspacing="0" height="1">
  123.    <tr> 
  124.     <td height="1" bgcolor="#DDDDE1" style="border-left: 1 solid #008000; border-right: 1 solid #008000; border-bottom: 1 solid #008000"> 
  125.       <div align="center">íí  <%If Page <> 1 Then ' ╚τ╣√▓╗╩╟╬╗╙┌╡┌╥╗╥│%><a href=<%=source%>?Page=1>╩╫╥│</a>í@                                               
  126.         <a href=<%=source%>?Page=<%=(Page-1)%>>╔╧╥╗╥│</a>í@                                               
  127.         <%End If
  128.   If Page <> rs.PageCount Then ' ╚τ╣√▓╗╩╟╬╗╙┌╫ε║≤╥╗╥│ñ@¡╢
  129. %>
  130.         <a href=<%=source%>?Page=<%=(Page+1)%>>╧┬╥╗╥│</a>í@                                               
  131.         <a href=<%=source%>?Page=<%=rs.PageCount%>>╬▓╥│</a>í@                                               
  132.         <%End If%>
  133. <% response.write "╥│┤╬: <font color=red>"&page&"</font>/"&rs.PageCount&"╥│"%>                                      
  135.         ╥│╩²ú║                                               
  136.         <%for ipage=1 to rs.pagecount 
  137. if ipage<>page then%>
  138.         <a href=<%=source%>?page=<%=ipage%>>                                               
  139.         <% response.write ipage%>
  140.         </a>   
  141.         <%
  142. else
  143. %>
  144.         <font color="#999999"><%=ipage%></font>                                               
  145. <%                                              
  146. end if
  147. %>
  148. <%next%>                                              
  149. </div>     
  150. </td>
  151.   </tr>  
  152. </table>      
  153.   </center>
  154.   </div>
  155. <div align="center">
  156.   <center>
  157.   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="760" height="7">
  158.     <tr>
  159.       <td height="7" align="center"><br>
  160.         ░µ╚¿╦∙╙╨ú║╓≥╣Γ╣ñ╫≈╩╥       
  161.         ░µ▒╛ú║count1.0<br>
  162.  Copyright©2002-2008 Candelaboy.net All Rights      
  163.         Reserved</td>
  164.     </tr>
  165.   </table>
  166.   </center>
  167. </div>