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  1. <!--#include file="data/include/sqldb.inc.asp"-->
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  18. color=#FFCC00>╩╫╥│</FONT></A> | <a href="javascript:window.external.addFavorite('http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn','╨╦┼⌐═°╩╨│í╨┼╧ó')"><font color="#ffcc00">╔Φ╬¬╩╒▓╪</font></a>|         
  19.       <A href=/03/></a><A href="mailto:jfxnw@sdan.com.cn"><font color=#ffcc00>┴¬╧╡╬╥├╟</font></A>|</FONT></td>        
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  25.     <TD WIDTH=646 height="62" valign="top">íí</TD>       
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  29.     <TD align="center" valign="middle" width="646" height="48"><a href="yanggu.htm"><font size="3"><b><font color="#FF00FF">╤⌠╣╚╕┼┐÷</font></b></font></a>        
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  31.       | <a href="news.htm"></a> </font> <a href="news.htm"><font color="#FF0000"><b>╨╦┼⌐┐∞╤╢</b></font></a> <font color="#FF00FF"> | <a href="schq.asp"><strong></strong></a>         
  32.       </font> <a href="schq.asp"><strong><font color="#FF0000">╩╨│í╨╨╟Θ</font></strong></a>        
  33.       <font color="#FF00FF">         
  34.       | <a href="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/syjs.asp"></a>         
  35.       </font> <a href="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/syjs.asp"><font color="#FF0000"><b>┼⌐╥╡┐╞╝╝</b></font></a>        
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  37.       | <a href="tese.htm"></a> </font> <a href="tese.htm"><font color="#FF0000"><b>╠╪╔½┼⌐╥╡</b></font></a> <font color="#FF00FF"> | <a href="zsyz.asp"></a>         
  38.       </font> <a href="zsyz.asp"><font color="#FF0000"><b>╒╨╔╠╥²╫╩</b></font></a>        
  39.       <font color="#FF00FF">         
  40.       | <a href="../weather"></a></font> <a href="../weather"><i><font color="#FF0000"><b>╞°╧≤╖■╬±</b></font></i></a></font></TD>       
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  51.             <%sub querytable(inputquery)       
  52.                        set conn1=server.createobject("ADODB.connection")       
  53.                        conn1.open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=;Database=sdxnw;UID=read;pwd=DSread17@8408;")       
  54.                        set rstemp1=conn1.execute(inputquery)       
  55.                          %>       
  56.             <table border=0>       
  57.               <%do while not rstemp1.eof%>       
  58.               <tr>        
  59.                 <% for i = 0 to 1       
  60.                                thisvalue=trim(rstemp1(i))       
  61.                                If isnull(thisvalue) then       
  62.                                thisvalue=""       
  63.                                end if       
  64.                                if thisvalue="╣⌐" then       
  65.                                  thisvalue="<font color=red>╣⌐</font>"       
  66.                                   end if       
  67.                                if thisvalue="╟≤" then       
  68.                                   thisvalue="<font color=green>╟≤</font>"       
  69.                                   end if       
  70.                              %>       
  71.                 <td valign=top width="98%" height="15" align="left"> <a href="http://localhost/show.asp?id=<%=rstemp1("id")%>">    
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  74.                       <td height="19" colspan="2" background="file:///D:/╨╦┼⌐═°1/schq/images/line3.jpg"><font color="#FF0000"><strong>┼⌐╕▒▓·╞╖</strong></font></td>   
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  76.                     <tr>   
  77.                       <td width="69" height="18" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╩▀▓╦╥░▓╦'">╩▀▓╦╥░▓╦</a></td>   
  78.                       <td width="72" align="left" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='┴╕╙═├▐┬Θ'">┴╕╙═├▐┬Θ</a></td>   
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  80.                     <tr>   
  81.                       <td height="16" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='║ú╧╩╦«▓·'">║ú╧╩╦«▓·</a></td>   
  82.                       <td height="16" align="left" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╕╔╧╩╣√╞╖'">╕╔╧╩╣√╞╖</a></td>   
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  84.                     <tr>   
  85.                       <td height="21" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╚Γ╟▌╡░─╠'">╚Γ╟▌╡░─╠</a></td>   
  86.                       <td height="21" align="left" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╩│╙├╒µ╛·'">╩│╙├╒µ╛·</a></td>   
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  88.                     <tr>   
  89.                       <td height="15" colspan="2" valign="top"><strong><font color="#FF0000">┼⌐╥╡╬∩╫╩</font></strong></td>   
  90.                     </tr>   
  91.                     <tr>   
  92.                       <td height="22" colspan="2" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╗»╖╩'">╗»╖╩</a>    
  93.                         <a href="schq.asp?classid='┼⌐╥⌐'">┼⌐╥⌐</a> <a href="schq.asp?classid='╦╟┴╧'">╦╟┴╧</a>    
  94.                         <a href="schq.asp?classid='╓╓╫╙'">╓╓╫╙</a></td>   
  95.                     </tr>   
  96.                     <tr>   
  97.                       <td height="16" colspan="2" valign="top"><strong><font color="#FF0000">╞Σ╦√</font></strong></td>   
  98.                     </tr>   
  99.                     <tr>   
  100.                       <td height="50" colspan="2" valign="top"><a href="schq.asp?classid='╗¿╗▄'">╗¿╗▄</a>    
  101.                         <a href="schq.asp?classid='╓╓├τ'">╓╓├τ</a> <a href="schq.asp?classid='╗·╨╡'">╗·╨╡</a><br>   
  102.                         <br>   
  103.                         <a href="schq.asp?classid='╣ñ╥╒╓╞╞╖'">╣ñ╥╒╓╞╞╖</a>    
  104.                         <a href="schq.asp?classid='╩▐╥⌐'">╩▐╥⌐</a><br>   
  105.                       </td>   
  106.                     </tr>   
  107.                     <tr>   
  108.                       <td height="17" colspan="2" valign="top" background="file:///D:/╨╦┼⌐═°1/schq/images/line3.jpg"><strong><font color="#FF0000">╣⌐╟≤╚╚╧▀</font></strong></td>   
  109.                     </tr>   
  110.                   </table>   
  111.                   <%=thisvalue%></td>      
  112.                 <%next%>      
  113.               </tr>      
  114.               <%rstemp1.movenext      
  115.                             loop      
  116.                           %>      
  117.             </table>      
  118.             <%      
  119.                           rstemp1.close      
  120.                           set rstemp1=nothing      
  121.                           conn1.close      
  122.                           set conn1=nothing      
  123.                           end sub      
  124.                         %>      
  125.             <%call querytable("select top 9 substring(titel,1,9),typeid,id from SCXX_sale order by dates desc,id desc")      
  126.                         %>      
  127.           </td>      
  128.         </tr>      
  129.         <tr>       
  130.           <td align=right><a href="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/scxx.asp"><img src="images/more.gif" width="20" height="6" border="0">╕ⁿ╢α</a></td>      
  131.         </tr>      
  132.       </table></td>      
  133.     <td width="619" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="283">      
  134.         <tr>       
  135.           <td width="619" height="7" align="right" valign="bottom"><a href="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/scxx_show.asp?mark=1"><img src="images/more.gif" width="20" height="9" border="0">╕ⁿ╢α</a></td>      
  136.         </tr>      
  137.         <tr>       
  138.           <td height="276" valign="top">       
  139.             <%      
  140.                dim conn,sql,rs      
  141.                dim currentPage,counts      
  142.                dim cityid,cityids      
  143.                    cityid=trim(request("cityid"))      
  144.                    cityids=split(cityid,",")      
  145.                    currentPage=trim(request("currentPage"))      
  146.                    classid=request("classid")      
  147.               if currentPage="" then currentPage=1      
  149.                  set conn=server.createobject("ADODB.connection")      
  150.                  set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.recordSet")      
  152.                  conn.open(constr)      
  153.                  sql="select * from SCXX_price"      
  155.                  if  classid="" then      
  156.                  sql=sql & " where types2='╩▀▓╦╥░▓╦' and cityid=19"      'cityid╬¬╕≈╡╪╩╨╧╪╨┼╧ó╘▒╔╧┤½╨┼╧ó╬¿╥╗▒α║┼íú      
  157.                  else      
  158.                  sql=sql & " where types2=" & classid &"and cityid=19"      
  159.                  for counts=0 to ubound(cityids)      
  160.                  sql=sql & " or cityid=" & cityids(counts)      
  161.                  next      
  162.                  end if      
  163.                  sql=sql & " order by dates desc"      
  164.                 ' response.write(sql)      
  165.                  rs.PageSize=15      
  166.                  rs.CursorType=adOpenStatic      
  167.                  rs.Open sql,conn      
  168.                  if cint(currentPage)<1 then currentPage=1      
  169.                  if cint(currentPage)>rs.pageCount then currentPage=rs.PageCount      
  170.                  if rs.eof then currentPage=0      
  171.                  if not rs.eof then       
  172.                  rs.AbsolutePage=cint(currentPage)      
  173.                  end if      
  174.             %>      
  175.             <form name="form_log" method="post" action="schq.asp">      
  176.               <table width="619" height="270">      
  177.                 <tr>      
  178.                   <td width="528" height="75"> <table border=1 bordercolor="white" width="556" height="36">      
  179.                       <tr >       
  180.                         <td height="5" align=left width=69 class="x">├√│╞</td>      
  181.                         <td align=left width=72 class="x" height="5">╝█╕±</td>      
  182.                         <td align=left width=48 class="x" height="5">╡Ñ╬╗</td>      
  183.                         <td align=left width=30 class="x" height="5">╩▒╝Σ</td>      
  184.                         <td align=left width=197 class="x" height="5">╜╗╥╫╡╪╡π</td>      
  185.                         <td align-left width=100 class="x" height="5">└α╨═</td>      
  186.                       </tr>      
  187.                       <%      
  188.                           counts=0      
  189.                           while not rs.eof and counts<rs.PageSize      
  190.                       %>      
  191.                       <tr>       
  192.                         <td width="69" height="19"><%=left(rs("name"),5)%>╞╗╣√</td>     
  193.                         <td width="72" height="19">4.00</td>     
  194.                         <td width="48" height="19">╣½╜∩</td>     
  195.                         <td width="30" height="19"><%=left(rs("dates"),10)%>08-25</td>    
  196.                         <td width="197" height="19"><%=left(rs("lxfs"),13)%>╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í</td>    
  197.                         <td width="100" height="19"><%=rs("types")%></td>    
  198.                       </tr>    
  199.                       <%    
  200. counts=counts+1    
  201. rs.movenext    
  202. wend%>    
  203.                     </table></td>    
  204.                 </tr>    
  205.                 <tr>    
  206.                   <td width="528" height="187">   └≡╙π           
  207.                     6.60         ╣½╜∩    08-25           
  208.                     ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í<p> <%=currentPage%>     
  209.                     ╫╧╟╤        6.60            
  210.                     ╣½╜∩    08-25           
  211.                     ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í</p>   
  212.                     <p> ╬≈╣╧            
  213.                     6.60         ╣½╜∩       
  214.                     08-25        ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í</p>   
  215.                     <p> ╞╧╠╤         6.60         
  216.                        ╣½╜∩    08-25            
  217.                     ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í     </p>    
  218.                     <p> ╝ª╡░         6.60          
  219.                       ╣½╜∩    08-25       
  221.                     ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í</p>    
  222.                     <p> ≡╞≡╚╡░       6.60        
  223.                         ╣½╜∩    08-25      
  225.                     ╤⌠╣╚▒▒╜╓╩╨│í             
  227.                     <input type="hidden" name="currentPage" value="<%=currentPage%>">        
  228.                     <input type="hidden" name="cityid" value="<%=cityid%>">  </p>     
  229.                   </TD>       
  230.                 </TR>       
  231.               </table>       
  232.             </form></td>       
  233.         </tr>       
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  243. </html>       