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  783.             </TR>
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  787.               <TD colspan="4">╜Θ╔▄╡▒╡╪┼⌐├│╩╨│í╡─┼⌐╕▒▓·╞╖╩╡╩▒╫╝╚╖╡─╩╨│í╝█╕±íó╕≈└α┼⌐╫╩╥⌐▓─╡╚╩╨│í╨╨╟Θíú</TD>
  788.             </TR>
  789.             <TR> 
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  793.             </TR>
  794.             <TR> 
  795.               <TD width=5><IMG height=18 src="shiweb.files/syt46.gif" width=5></TD>
  796.               <TD width=76>[<a href="mytc.asp">├√╙┼╠╪▓·</a>]</TD>
  797.               <TD width=206>╜Θ╔▄▒╛╡╪╡─┼⌐╠╪▓·╞╖íó╙┼┴╝╞╖╓╓íú</TD>
  798.               <TD width=5> </TD>
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  807.             <TR> 
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  815.               <TD colspan="4">╜Θ╔▄▒╛╡╪╡─├√╩ñ╣┼╝úíó╖τ╛░╟°ú¼╠╪╔½┬├╙╬╡╚íú</TD>
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  919.                             <option selected>╧╪╝╢╨╦┼⌐═°</option>
  920.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/nj">─■╜≥</option>
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  925.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/wc">╬Σ│╟</option>
  926.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/py">╞╜╘¡</option>
  927.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/xj">╧─╜≥</option>
  928.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/yc">╙φ│╟</option>
  929.                             <option value="http://www.sdxnw.gov.cn/city/dz/qh">╞δ║╙</option>
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  939.                             <option value=http://www.xinhua.org>╨┬╗¬═°</option>
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  941.                     value=http://www.cctv.com>╤δ╩╙╣·╝╩</option>
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  943.                     value=http://www.china.org>╓╨╣·═°</option>
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  947.                     value=http://www.sohu.com.cn>╦╤║ⁿ</option>
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  949.                     value=http://www.163.com>═°╥╫</option>
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  953.                     value=http://www.beijingnews.com.cn>╟º┴·═°</option>
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  955.                     value=http://www.eastday.com.cn>╢½╖╜═°</option>
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  957.                     value=http://www.dayoo.com.cn>┤≤╤≤═°</option>
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  959.                     value=http://www.rednet.com.cn>║∞═°</option>
  960.                             <option 
  961.                     value=http://www.anhuinews.com.cn>╓╨░▓═°</option>
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  963.                     value=http://www.southcn.com>─╧╖╜═°</option>
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  965.                     value=http://www.99sky.com>╛ú│■╨┬╬┼═°</option>
  966.                             <option 
  967.                     value=http://www.enorth.com.cn>▒▒╖╜═°</option>
  968.                             <option 
  969.                     value=http://www.nen.com.cn>╢½▒▒╨┬╬┼═°</option>
  970.                             <option 
  971.                     value=http://www.dzdaily.com.cn>┤≤╓┌═°</option>
  972.                           </select>
  973.                         </div></td>
  974.                     </tr>
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  978.                             <option  selected>╞°╧≤═°╒╛</option>
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  980.                             <option value="http://www.sdqx.gov.cn/">╔╜╢½╞°╧≤═°</option>
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  991.                             <option value="http://www.thaimet.tmd.go.th/">║╙▒▒╞°╧≤╛╓</option>
  992.                             <option value="http://www.telms.com.cn/">╠∞╜≥╫¿╥╡╞°╧≤</option>
  993.                             <option value="http://www.qh.cninfo.net/weather/index.html">╟α║ú╞°╧≤╛╓</option>
  994.                             <option value="http://www.smb.ty.sx.cn/">╔╜╬≈╞°╧≤═°</option>
  995.                             <option value="http://www.sxmb.gov.cn/">╔┬╬≈╞°╧≤═°</option>
  996.                             <option value="http://www.qx121.com.cn">─■╧─╞°╧≤═° </option>
  997.                             <option value="http://www.weather.he.cninfo.net/">║╙▒▒╞°╧≤═°</option>
  998.                             <option value="http://www.hnzyqx.ha.cn/">║╙─╧╞°╧≤╖■╬±</option>
  999.                             <option value="http://qx121.363.net/index.htm">╦─┤¿╞°╧≤╨┼╧ó 
  1000.                             </option>
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