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  110. '═¿╓¬╡≈╙├
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  129.                       <%
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  174.                           set rstemp1=nothing
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  177.                           end sub
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  179.                       <%call query3table("select top 3 substring(titel,1,18),typeid,id from SCXX_sale order by dates desc,id desc")
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  223.                 <td width="82%" height="22" background="line3.jpg"><b>┼⌐╥╡╝╝╩⌡</b></td>   
  224.                 <td width="18%"><a href="http://korea.sohu.com/03/">>>     
  225.                   ╕ⁿ╢α</a></td>   
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  309.                     <li>íí</li>
  310.                     <li>íí</li>
  311.                     <li>íí</li>
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