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<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80743"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Troi Automatisering Releases Troi Serial Plug-In 2.0 for FileMaker Pro 5
New ready-to-use Plug-in lets wide array of devices--from weight scales to
credit card swipes--to work directly with FileMaker Pro 5 databases
Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands, October 18, 1999--Troi Automatisering
today announced the release of Troi Serial Plug-in 2.0, for FileMaker Pro 5
both on Mac OS and Windows.
This plug-in gives FileMaker Pro easy and powerful access to one (or more)
of the computer's serial ports and works completely cross platform. The
plug-in can read from and write to the serial ports of the computer
directly from FileMaker Pro without the need of a separate application.
Peter Baanen, company president, states that "The release of FileMaker Pro
5 gave databases ActiveX support on the Windows platform. The Serial
plug-in uses ActiveX and Apple Events on the Mac to get incoming data into
the database. This makes for a really elegant cross-platform
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80736"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Valentina Web Competitive Upgrade for FileMaker Pro Owners
October 15, 1999. Beaverton, Oregon. Paradigma Software and Vampire
Software today announced limited time, two week competitive upgrade offers
for FileMaker Pro users, allowing them to purchase the fast, MacOS based
Valentina 1.5, and Vampire Software's OpenForm plug-in for web servers, for
Valentina 1.5 is a powerful, 'object-relational' database application which
allows scripters to create and automate databases using Apple Computer's
system level scripting technology, AppleScript. Valentina 1.5 incorporates
a visual database browser for easy creation of object-oriented databases.
Valentina 1.5 allows use of scripts which embed SQL syntax.
Valentina 1.5 is one member of the Valentina product family, based on the
powerful Valentina database kernel. Paradigma also sells developer kits
allowing the creation of database-oriented applications, including...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80732"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">REAL Software is pleased to announce the latest development release of
REALbasic 2.1a20. These alpha releases are for testing purposes only and
are not considered the current release of REALbasic. Projects saved in
alpha releases of 2.1 cannot be opened in REALbasic 2.0.2. You should not
use alpha releases for mission-critical development.
* [Bug] Win32 Format now handles exponents
* [Bug] Win32 CDbl, CStr and Format now use correct separators on foreign
language systems
* [Bug] Floating windows implemented for Win32
* [Bug] Line controls update correctly on Win32
* [Bug] Date class properties update correctly on Win32
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80731"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">After several months of development, during which we received some
fantastic feedback and feature requests (most of which we implemented!),
PageNOW! E-Mail Gateway for MacOS is now available!
The PageNOW! E-Mail Gateway provides a link between email addresses and
pagers or digital phones. The gateway simply checks internet email
addresses, and relays any messages found to the designated pager or phone.
The gateway can be used with email accounts on an in-house email server, or
those on an internet service provider - you can even mix and match.
The gateway can be used in many ways! Just two examples are:
1) Use the gateway to check existing accounts for email (myname@isp.com),
and send just part of the message (such as sender and subject), and leave
the mail on the server for later retrieval.
2) Create pager-specific accounts that are meant to send the entire message
directly to the pager. Create accounts such as page_linda@company.com or
linda@pagers.company.com to make it easy for...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80723"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">John Mauro Software is proud to announce the release of PowerCalc 4.0, one
of the most powerful and intuitive scientific calculators for Mac OS. It is
available for download from the John Mauro Software web site at:
Two new function palettes have been added to PowerCalc 4.0. The first
allows conversions among dozens of units for length, area, volume, time,
temperature, mass, force, pressure, energy, power, and speed. The second
new function palette lists over twenty constants commonly used for
scientific and engineering computations. Just select a constant from the
convenient popup menu and click "Input Constant" to input its value into
the calculator. Other functions palettes contain buttons for trigonometry,
probability, exponential, integer, bitwise, relational, and logical
Previous versions of PowerCalc could store four numbers in memory. Now with
version 4.0, up to 1000 values may be stored. Each value is easily
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80719"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">OpenForm is a plug-in for any HTTP server compatible with the W*API 1.1
(like WebSTAR, AppleShare IP, WebTen or Quid Pro Quo), it is a new
revolutionary way to handle forms in your web pages. You don't need to buy
custom plug-ins or cgi to handle different types of web forms. With
OpenForm, you can save processor cycles and money: ONE plug-in for ALL your
OpenForm allows you to execute EVERY AppleScript script using the data from
the fields in your form page.
With OpenForm you can connect EVERY scriptable application to a form page,
so you can write ANY kind of form processing operation simply using
For example, if you have a form page with two fields "myName" and
"myComment" and you want to save these fields to the file "feedback",
simply write a script like:
set my_data to myName & "\t" & myComment & "\r"
set the open_target_file to open for access the file "Feedback" with
write permission
write my_data to the open_target_file starting at eof
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80712"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Maxum Development Announces Updates To Popular Server Tools
October 4, 1999. Maxum Development, best known for it's award winning line
of Internet server tools, announced updates to it's NetCloak, PageSentry,
and Rumpus products. The latest versions, NetCloak 3.0.2, PageSentry 2.5.2,
and Rumpus 1.3.3 are all available now at the company's Web site, and are
free updates for all registered users of the previous versions. All three
updates fall somewhere between simple maintenance releases and major
feature upgrades.
NetCloak 3.0.2 offers greater flexibility in handling incoming e-mail
messages and improvements for international use, in addition to a number of
bug fixes and minor corrections. PageSentry 2.5.2 also includes several bug
fixes as well as audible warnings when servers fail. The latest incarnation
of Rumpus, version 1.3.3, allows FTP server files to be moved between
directories and resolves a rare problem that occurs when launching the
application on certain systems. All...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80711"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Attn: - Absoft Pro Fortran v6.0 for Linux users.
Service Pack 4 is now available for download from the Absoft ftp site. It
includes several bug fixes and generates significantly faster F90 code.
Service Pack 4 is compatible with Pro Fortran v6.0 and F77 SDK v4.5.
Absoft makes complete F90/F77/C/C++ toolsets for Windows95/98/NT, Mac and Linux
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80710"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">futurebasic.org (http://www.futurebasic.org) is an organization dedicated
exclusively to supporting the users of FutureBASIC, the world's fastest and
most-versatile Macintosh BASIC development environment, published by Staz
Software, Inc. (http://www.stazsoftware.com). The website is a one-stop
experience for information about FBII and FB^3. Much of the information is
provided for free to all visitors as a way to promote use of FutureBASIC.
The organization requests, however, a $20 US registration from frequent
users in order to maintain and improve the site. The first benefit of
membership is a CD containing this entire site, as of the date you joined -
plus support-list archives, and a ton of other stuff! The information
contained therein is of immense value to newbies and veteran programmers
There are four main top-level folders available via ftp on this site:
Programs, Sample_Source, FB^3, and AOL. The Programs folder contains a
multitude of fully functional applications...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80706"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">SmartZip: "the most powerful and easy to use ZIP compressor for the MacOS".
SmartZip is a MacOS application designed to be the simplest and most
efficient way to manage ZIP files. You can automatically compress files (or
entire folders) by dragging them onto SmartZip and in the same way you can
easily expand ZIP files. SmartZip is fully compatible with WinZip for
Windows and it is designed to save ALL the unique MacOS information about
Macintosh files and folders, so the integrity of the MacOS files are
preserved when the ZIP file is managed by a PC computer.
For more information, or to download a free copy, visit
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80704"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Western Civilisation updates their CSS editor Style Master to version 1.5,
and introduces CSS2 editing with Style Master Pro.
Bondi Beach, Australia, 29th September 1999. Western Civilisation announces
the release and immediate availability of Style Master 1.5 and Style Master
Pro for Windows and Macintosh.
With this release, the ZDNet 5 Star rated style sheet editor is now first
to provide powerful, intuitive support for editing CSS2 style sheets.
Style Master 1.5 provides a comprehensive style sheets development solution
for CSS1 and CSSP. Style Master Pro takes the solution to the next level
with added support for CSS2, the complete style sheets standard.
With Style Master and Style Master Pro developers can
* create and edit sophisticated style sheets with point and click ease.
* get up to speed fast with the interactive style sheets assistant which
explains style sheets and the application when and as you need to know.
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80702"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">REAL Software is pleased to announce the latest development release of
REALbasic 2.1a19. These alpha releases are for testing purposes only and
are not considered the current release of REALbasic. Projects saved in
alpha releases of 2.1 cannot be opened in REALbasic 2.0.2. You should not
use alpha releases for mission-critical development.
There is a specific mailing list hosted at REAL Software for discussing the
alpha testing releases:
Subscribe to this list by sending an email containing "subscribe
realbasic-dr" (without the quotes) to: requests@lists.realsoftware.com.
REAL Software, Inc. mailto:lrivers@realsoftware.com
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80701"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Subject: INFORMATION: VVI-DCS Introduces SAM With Web App
We've released a web-based application at the URL
http://www2.vvi.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/SAM which helps developers convert
their source code into documentation for subsequent publishing on the WEB
and to automate the authoring of toolbox and framework reference manuals.
This application is particularly applicable to Mac OS X and WebObjects
programming since it documents Objective-C source code which is one of the
programming languages for those systems.
The Web application uses WebObjects to distribute the functionality, and is
a demonstration of an underlying framework (toolbox), called SAM(TM), for
State AutoMation (TM) that runs on Mac OS X Server, Windows, and Linux.
SAM manages work flow of software projects and translations of source code
to other programming languages and formats. Currently we uses it to
automate code development for our OpenGraph(TM) products both in
interactive mode through a GUI, batch mode via shell...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80696"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">A new resource has been established for Mac programmers, the mac-sound-dev
mailing list.
This mailing list is for the discussion of recording and playing sound on
the Macintosh, specifically, using Sound Manager. Questions specific to
QuickTime should be directed to one of the QuickTime mailing lists.
To subscribe, go to:
Or alternately, use email to one of the following addresses:
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80690"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Peter Job today announced the release of version 2.1 of his popular Mac
file downloader MONICA.
MONICA is a queue based file download manager for downloading files from
the Internet using FTP, HTTP, and Hotline protocols. It was originally
released as freeware in 1998.
MONICA achieves exceptional download throughput by utilising queue
technology, optimised processing of Internet protocols, and by extensive
use of transfer resumption techniques.
MONICA allows you to easily set up a download queue by 'dragging and
dropping' or 'cutting and pasting' file URLs. Once you have placed some
files in the queue you may manually start each download at a time
convenient to you, or allow MONICA to start downloading automatically. In
automatic mode, once a file is received MONICA will start the next one,
allowing up to four simultaneous downloads. If the server times you out or
if the download is incomplete then MONICA will restart the download and do
her best to resume from where the download left...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80689"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Qwho.com Tells All About Your Favorite Domain Name
First Stand Alone "Who is" Service Instantly ID's ".com," ".net," ".org"
Availability and Registration Info Against All Registrar Databases
(Moraga, CA) September 23, 1999 - Precedent-setting Qwho.com is the newest,
most comprehensive "whois" search engine online. An industry first,
Qwho.com, a service of NameSecure.com, is the only streamlined stand-alone
service consumers can use to find out if their favorite ".com," ".net" or
".org" is available, who owns it and how to secure the name if it's not
already registered.
"The first step in staking claim to a domain name is researching
availability, which can be difficult because of the many separate registrar
databases that need to be searched," said NameSecure.com's founder Jeff
Field. "Qwho.com simplifies the process and provides an all-in-one search
service for anyone on the web. We're proud to be the first in the business
to provide this service."
Like a 411 directory on domain name...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80686"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">RPK SECURITY ANNOUNCES JAVA VERSION OF ITS ENCRYPTONITE SOFTWARE TOOLKIT
iTech Ventures chooses RPK for e-commerce, replacing Brokat's aging
Expresso security package
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September. 21, 1999 - RPK Security, Inc. (www.rpk.com),
the technology leader in strong and fast public key encryption for
high-data-flow applications, announced today the release of a high-speed
Java version of its Encryptonite Software Toolkit. RPK's Encryptonite
Software Toolkit for Java allows software developers to easily add globally
strong encryption to stand-alone Java applications or Web browser Java
applets. The RPK Encryptonite Toolkit for Java offers a no-compromise
security solution for Java developers needing platform independence because
it performs at ninety-five percent of the speed of native code versions. It
is ideal for high-data-flow and resource-limited applications like
streaming media, secure music and video delivery,...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80682"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">ENTERA DELIVERS WINDOWS STREAMING SERVER FOR QUICKTIME 4
--Free, Standards-based RTSP/RTP Server Provides Endless New and Exciting
Applications for End Users, Content Providers and ISPs to Stream QuickTime
from Windows Platform--
Fremont, CA,September 21, 1999 - Entera, Inc. today announced an RTSP/RTP
(Real-Time Streaming Protocol/Real-Time Protocol) server for Apple's
QuickTime 4(R) technology using the Microsoft Windows platform. The new
RTSP Streaming Server from Entera allows end users, content providers, and
ISPs to stream movies, music, and interactive content using QuickTime 4 on
a Windows 32-bit platform.
This free software opens up endless opportunities for new and exciting
applications using streaming technology.
"Standards-based streaming protocols such as RTSP fill in one of the
critical pieces required to enable theater-quality streaming content over
the Internet," said John Scharber, president and CEO of Entera, Inc. "By
providing a free and easily available RTSP...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80679"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">AUSTIN, TEXAS -- September 17, 1999 -- PowerLogix, the first company to
demonstrate working G4 processor upgrades for Macs, today announced they
have completed the first fix to allow ALL Blue and White G3's to take a G4
"Our engineers simply would not rest until this patch was completed. We
wanted to be able to offer the PowerForce G4 cards to all G3 owners and not
just Beige and SOME B&W owners," said Robert Jagitsch, President of
PowerLogix R&D, Inc. "It isn't magic. It is just evidence of our
committment to offer quality upgrade products to the Power Mac market."
For more information, contact PowerLogix R&D, Inc, 3921 Steck Avenue, Ste
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80677"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">VR TOOLBOX, INC. TO SHIP "THE VR WORX" - COMPLETE SUITE OF AUTHORING TOOLS
Pittsburgh, PA, September 17, 1999 -- VR Toolbox, Inc. today officially
announced that it would begin shipping The VR Worx at the beginning of
October. The VR Worx is VR Toolbox's complete suite of authoring tools for
QuickTime VR. Available for both Macintosh and Windows platforms, the
company heralds the product as the ultimate software solution for the user
who needs all that QuickTime VR has to offer. VR Toolbox has taken their
outstanding individual programs and built them into a single integrated
tool suite, building from the base they created with VR ObjectWorx, VR
PanoWorx and VR SceneWorx.
The VR Worx is comprised of three QTVR Modules composed in a single
interface. The user is presented a selection panel for choosing either the
Panoramic Module, the Object Module or the Scene Module. QTVR movies are
constructed and interwoven as required. And, VR Toolbox has significantly
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80676"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Sig Software is proud to announce the release of NameCleaner 2.0.0.
NameCleaner is an industrial-strength utility for the Macintosh OS to
manipulate file names and types. It is specially designed to help move
files to and from foreign file systems such as MS-DOS, Windows 3.x,
Windows95, Windows NT, NetWare and Unix.
The main addition in version 2.0.0 is a contextual menu module which allows
files, folders or entire volumes to be cleaned or prepared for cleaning
instantly and directly within the Finder.
The NameCleaner page is at: http://www.sigsoftware.com/namecleaner/
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80673"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">RealNetworks has released a new Mac version of the RealProducer G2 and
RealProducer Plus G2 version 6.1. They are both immediately available at:
RealProducer G2 is free and RealProducer Plus G2 is available for $149.99.
RealProducer and RealProducer Plus are the leading applications for web
broadcasting RealAudio and RealVideo, on Mac, Windows and Linux platforms.
Using the RealProducer Plus G2 and a RealServer G2, authors broadcast on
the Internet to over 77 million RealPlayer users, by creating RealAudio and
RealVideo from multimedia formats such as Quicktime, AIFF, AVI, WAV and
Today's release adds powerful capabilities to the Mac RealProducer G2 and
RealProducer Plus G2:
- Live recording of RealAudio and RealVideo to file
- Latest generation RealVideo codec with improved playback performance in
the RealPlayer G2
- Integration with search engines via an online database
The new release builds on the existing capabilities of RealProducer...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80671"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Germany, 15 September 1999. Voget Selbach Enterprises (VSE) has released a
new version of their web site promotion tool VSE Be Found.
VSE Be Found analyzes web pages and gives concrete tips how to improve them
to obtain a higher ranking on search engines. Then it automatically submits
them to popular search engines such as AltaVista, Excite, Lycos, etc.
VSE Be Found comes with 37 pre-installed search engines and directories. In
contrast to other applications it supports more complex URL submissions to
search engines that require to give details about categories, contact
information etc.
It also features a built-in FTP client.
The new version offers over a dozen improved features and some minor bug
fixes. Since many search engines have changed their submission process in
the last month, several search engine expansion kits have been updated to
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80669"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">LIVE BROADCASTING OVER THE INTERNET FROM TERRAN INTERACTIVE
Availability of Sorenson Broadcaster from Terran Interactive provides
developers a one stop shop of tools for delivering both live and on-demand
content via the Internet.
Los Gatos, CA (September 14, 1999) Terran Interactive, a wholly- owned
subsidiary of Media 100, Inc. (Nasdaq:MDEA) and the leading developer and
distributor of compression tools and encoders for preparing high quality
media for the Internet, announced today the immediate availability of
Sorenson Broadcaster. The Sorenson Broadcaster is a product of Sorenson
Vision, Inc. which enables developers to encode and broadcast live events
and is available directly from Terran Interactive.
"Media Cleaner Pro leads the industry in enabling new media broadcasters to
deliver high-quality on-demand content," said John Geyer, vice president of
sales and marketing at Terran Interactive. "With the addition of Sorenson
Broadcaster to our product offerings, Terran now...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80668"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Antoine Beyeler proudly annouces the release of the much-awaited H2C 1.5.
H2C is a time saving jewel for C++ programmers.
Instead of declaring each class member functions twice -- once in the
header file (.h) and once in the source file (.cp) -- H2C automatically
generates a source file containing all the class member functions from a
given header file.
H2C features:
++ rapid access with drag and drop of header files
++ plug-in architecture to create personalized output (source files written
with a customized style, or, for example, code documentation template
generation or object database filling)
++ now ships with Template 1.0, a plug-in based on template text file that
provide an even easier way to personalize H2C
Changes in version 1.5:
++ C++ parser completely rewritten
++ support for many C++ features added
++ API strongly modified and improved to take advantage of the new parser
++ AppleScriptable
++ new Template plug-in
++ Appearance Manager aware (but still compatible with...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80662"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Just in case you were interested in what Guy Kawasaki is up to these days...
Garage.com Receives $12 million Investment from E*TRADE, ATV, Mayfield
Fund, and Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group
Web-based Firm Raises More Than $60 Million for 20 Technology Startups in 1999
PALO ALTO, Calif., September 13, 1999 -- Garage.com, a Web-based
early-stage venture financing firm, today announced it has successfully
completed a $12 million round of financing led by E*TRADE Group (NASDAQ:
EGRP) with additional investments from Advanced Technology Ventures,
Mayfield Fund, Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group, and other
investors. Garage.com will use the funds to continue to expand its
operations from Silicon Valley, Boston, and Seattle into high tech centers
throughout the United States and around the world.
"The private equity market is experiencing explosive growth. Thousands of
talented entrepreneurs in garages around the world need seed capital to get...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80660"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">AUSTIN, Texas, September 13, 1999 -- PowerLogix, a leader in the processor
upgrade card market for the Mac and the the first company to demonstrate
G4-based upgrades for PowerMacs, today announced plans to bundle LinuxPPC
1999 with all PowerLogix G3 and G4 upgrade cards.
LinuxPPC 1999 offers the latest technologies and enhancements to the Linux
operating system. It is the fifth release by LinuxPPC Inc.
Now Powerlogix customers will be able to use the fastest processors in the
world with the world's fastest and most popular web serving platform.
Access to all popular Linux applications such as Apache HTTP Server and
GIMP is now at their fingertips with an easy-to-use, full release LinuxPPC
package. This is not a demo! All the power of MacOS X with a
well-established user base, and free!
Included in the bundle is the full release LinuxPPC 1999, which includes a
two CD-ROM set: the install CD with hundreds of free, professional quality
utilities, and a second CD-ROM that contains the...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80658"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">SGBD Products is pleased to announce the shipment of ScanPlug version 1.0.2
(Mac and Windows). This version fixes some problems reported by users. You
can download these versions from our web site at http://www.scanplug.com/
ScanPlug is the fast and easy to use direct-do-disk professional picture
acquisition solution for 4D databases. Now you can put pictures in a
database 10 times faster !
ScanPlug makes ACIUS 4D's and Adobe's Photoshop plug-in technologies meet
in a fast and easy to use plug-in for 4D. Fully compliant with both
technologies, ScanPlug allows you to call acquiring plug-ins designed for
Photoshop (including twain sources) directly from 4D with no effort.
From the pictures in your scanner or camera, ScanPlug produces in one
single shot, PICT, compressed PICT or JPEG files, using direct-do-disk
technology, together with their thumbnail for quick viewing, which makes
ScanPlug the fastest and cheapest solution ever to put pictures in a
database. This includes subjects such...</div></div></span>
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80657"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">We don't normally do this, but it's an interesting article found by some
readers of the San Jose Mercury News. According to the US Army, they've
had some hacker problems -- and part of their solution is to move off
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80653"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Extensis Streamlines Creative Workflow Process With Suitcase Server
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80648"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">POLsoft is proud to announce the release of QuickTexter v1.0, a powerful
clone to the text processors we have grown to love, like SimpleText,
TeachText, and BBEdit. QuickTexter v1.0 features all the format tools for
regular text and HTML. Very useful for web editors (no-wysiwyg) who edit
pages every day and want to cut a little time off the task, or for anyone
needing a quick and easy text editor.
You can get QuickTexter v1.0 at
http://polsoft.8m.com. If you want to report a bug, go to
http://polsoft.8m.com/feedback.html, or email us at bugs@polsoft.8m.com.
<span class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-80646"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">We're proud to present a new, dramatically improved public beta of "mp3voodoo"!
What is it?
mp3voodoo lets you organize, browse, select and play your valuable mp3 files.
As mp3 files get more popular, the increasing number of files have to be
organized to find and play them easily. mp3voodoo collects the data from
your mp3 files including id3 information as title, artist, album, year,
genre and lets you add cover images for every album. The new version
handles multiple media types and allows you to transfer playlists directly
to SoundApp and MacAMP - many new features help you to organize and handle
your files.
MP3 Collection handling:
- Create multiple collection databases
- Add files from various sources as CDRs and HD
- Add cover images to album folders
- Two views available: List view and cover view (mosaic of cover images)
- User customizable columns that display all id3 information
- Quicksearch for both views lets you find a title in a snap
<span class="field-content"><a href="http://forums.applecentral.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/537782/Analyst_sees_iPad_killers_less#Post537782" target="_blank"> Analyst sees iPad killers le...</a></span>
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<span class="field-content"><a href="http://forums.applecentral.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/537649/Small_business_accounting_soft#Post537649" target="_blank"> Small business accounting so...</a></span>
<span class="field-content">Introducing the App Hall of Fame!</span>
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<div class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-213485"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »</div></div></div>
<span class="field-content">Gobliiins Are Coming</span>
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<div class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-213486"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »</div></div></div>
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<span class="field-content">myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...</span>
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<div class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-213469"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »</div></div></div>
<span class="field-content">AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...</span>
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<div class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-213471"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »</div></div></div>
<span class="field-content">Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...</span>
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<div class="field-content"><div class="body-row" id="body-row-213473"><div style="background:#F5F5F5;">Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »</div></div></div>
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