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699 lines
* xvxpm.c - load routine for X11 XPM v3 format pictures
* LoadXPM(fname,pinfo)
* WriteXPM(fp,pic,ptype,w,h,rp,gp,bp,nc,col,name)
* Written by Chris P. Ross (cross@eng.umd.edu) to support XPM v3
* format images.
* Thanks go to Sam Yates (syates@spam.maths.adelaide.edu.au) for
* provideing inspiration.
#define VALUES_LEN 80 /* Max length of values line */
#define TOKEN_LEN 8 /* Max length of color token */
#include "xv.h"
* File format:
* (A file format def should go here)
typedef struct hent {
char token[TOKEN_LEN];
union {
byte index;
byte rgb[3];
} color_val;
struct hent *next;
} hentry;
#define cv_index color_val.index
#define cv_rgb color_val.rgb
/* Local (Global) Variables */
static byte hex[256];
static hentry **hashtab; /* Hash table */
static int hash_len; /* number of hash buckets */
static int bufchar; /* Buffered character from XpmGetc */
static short in_quote; /* Is the current point in the file in */
/* a quoted string? */
/* Local Functions */
static int XpmLoadError PARM((char*, char*));
static int XpmGetc PARM((FILE*));
static int hash PARM((char *));
static int hash_init PARM((int));
static int hash_insert PARM((hentry *));
static hentry *hash_search PARM((char *));
static void hash_destroy PARM((void));
int LoadXPM(fname, pinfo)
char *fname;
PICINFO *pinfo;
/* returns '1' on success */
FILE *fp;
hentry item;
int c;
char *bname;
char values[VALUES_LEN];
byte *pic;
byte *i_sptr; /* image search pointer */
long filesize;
int w, h, nc, cpp, line_pos;
short i, j, k; /* for() loop indexes */
hentry *clmp; /* colormap hash-table */
hentry *c_sptr; /* cmap hash-table search pointer*/
XColor col;
bname = BaseName(fname);
fp = fopen(fname, "r");
if (!fp)
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "couldn't open file"));
if (DEBUG)
printf("LoadXPM(): Loading xpm from %s\n", fname);
fseek(fp, 0L, 2);
filesize = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0L, 0);
bufchar = -2;
in_quote = FALSE;
/* Read in the values line. It is the first string in the
* xpm, and contains four numbers. w, h, num_colors, and
* chars_per_pixel. */
/* First, get to the first string */
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && (c != '"')) ;
line_pos = 0;
/* Now, read in the string */
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && (line_pos < VALUES_LEN) && (c != '"')) {
values[line_pos++] = c;
if (c != '"')
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "error parsing values line"));
values[line_pos] = '\0';
sscanf(values, "%d%d%d%d", &w, &h, &nc, &cpp);
if (nc <= 0 || cpp <= 0)
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "No colours in Xpm?"));
if (nc > 256)
pinfo->type = PIC24;
pinfo->type = PIC8;
if (DEBUG)
printf("LoadXPM(): reading a %dx%d image (%d colors)\n", w, h, nc);
/* We got this far... */
if (!hash_init(nc))
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Not enough memory to hash colormap"));
clmp = (hentry *) malloc(nc * sizeof(hentry)); /* Holds the colormap */
if (pinfo->type == PIC8) pic = (byte *) malloc((size_t) (w*h));
else pic = (byte *) malloc((size_t) (w*h*3));
if (!clmp || !pic)
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Not enough memory to load pixmap"));
c_sptr = clmp;
i_sptr = pic;
/* initialize the 'hex' array for zippy ASCII-hex -> int conversion */
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) hex[i] = 0;
for (i = '0'; i <= '9' ; i++) hex[i] = i - '0';
for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f' ; i++) hex[i] = i - 'a' + 10;
for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F' ; i++) hex[i] = i - 'A' + 10;
/* Again, we've made progress. */
/* Now, we need to read the colormap. */
pinfo->colType = F_BWDITHER;
for (i = 0 ; i < nc ; i++) {
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && (c != '"')) ;
if (c != '"')
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Error reading colormap"));
for (j = 0 ; j < cpp ; j++)
c_sptr->token[j] = XpmGetc(fp);
c_sptr->token[j] = '\0';
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t'))) ;
if (c == EOF) /* The failure condition of getc() */
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Error parsing colormap line"));
do {
char key[3];
char color[40]; /* Need to figure a good size for this... */
short hd; /* Hex digits per R, G, or B */
for (j=0; j<2 && (c != ' ') && (c != '\t') && (c != EOF); j++) {
key[j] = c;
c = XpmGetc(fp);
key[j] = '\0';
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t'))) ;
if (c == EOF) /* The failure condition of getc() */
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Error parsing colormap line"));
for (j=0; j<39 && (c!=' ') && (c!='\t') && (c!='"') && c!=EOF; j++) {
color[j] = c;
c = XpmGetc(fp);
while ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t'))
c = XpmGetc(fp);
if (DEBUG > 1)
printf("LoadXPM(): Got color key '%s', color '%s'\n",
key, color);
if (key[0] == 's') /* Don't find a color for a symbolic name */
if (XParseColor(theDisp,theCmap,color,&col)) {
if (pinfo->type == PIC8) {
pinfo->r[i] = col.red >> 8;
pinfo->g[i] = col.green >> 8;
pinfo->b[i] = col.blue >> 8;
c_sptr->cv_index = i;
/* Is there a better way to do this? */
if (pinfo->colType != F_FULLCOLOR)
if (pinfo->colType == F_GREYSCALE)
if (pinfo->r[i] == pinfo->g[i] &&
pinfo->g[i] == pinfo->b[i])
/* Still greyscale... */
/* It's color */
pinfo->colType = F_FULLCOLOR;
if (pinfo->r[i] == pinfo->g[i] &&
pinfo->g[i] == pinfo->b[i])
if ((pinfo->r[i] == 0 || pinfo->r[i] == 0xff) &&
(pinfo->g[i] == 0 || pinfo->g[i] == 0xff) &&
(pinfo->b[i] == 0 || pinfo->b[i] == 0xff))
/* It's B/W */
/* It's greyscale */
pinfo->colType = F_GREYSCALE;
/* It's color */
pinfo->colType = F_FULLCOLOR;
else { /* PIC24 */
c_sptr->cv_rgb[0] = col.red >> 8;
c_sptr->cv_rgb[1] = col.green >> 8;
c_sptr->cv_rgb[2] = col.blue >> 8;
else { /* 'None' or unrecognized color spec */
int rgb;
if (strcmp(color, "None") == 0) rgb = 0xb2c0dc; /* infobg */
else {
SetISTR(ISTR_INFO, "%s: unknown color spec '%s'", bname, color);
rgb = 0x808080;
if (pinfo->type == PIC8) {
pinfo->r[i] = (rgb>>16) & 0xff;
pinfo->g[i] = (rgb>> 8) & 0xff;
pinfo->b[i] = (rgb>> 0) & 0xff;
c_sptr->cv_index = i;
else {
c_sptr->cv_rgb[0] = (rgb>>16) & 0xff;
c_sptr->cv_rgb[1] = (rgb>> 8) & 0xff;
c_sptr->cv_rgb[2] = (rgb>> 0) & 0xff;
xvbcopy((char *) c_sptr, (char *) &item, sizeof(item));
if (DEBUG > 1)
printf("LoadXPM(): Cmap entry %d, 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x, token '%s'\n",
i, pinfo->r[i], pinfo->g[i], pinfo->b[i], c_sptr->token);
if (*key == 'c') { /* This is the color entry, keep it. */
while (c!='"' && c!=EOF) c = XpmGetc(fp);
} while (c != '"');
if (!(i%13)) WaitCursor();
} /* for */
if (DEBUG)
printf("LoadXPM(): Read and stored colormap.\n");
/* Now, read the pixmap. */
for (i = 0 ; i < h ; i++) {
while (((c = XpmGetc(fp))!=EOF) && (c != '"')) ;
if (c != '"')
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Error reading colormap"));
for (j = 0 ; j < w ; j++) {
char pixel[TOKEN_LEN];
hentry *mapentry;
for (k = 0 ; k < cpp ; k++)
pixel[k] = XpmGetc(fp);
pixel[k] = '\0';
if (!(mapentry = (hentry *) hash_search(pixel))) {
/* No colormap entry found. What do we do? Bail for now */
if (DEBUG)
printf("LoadXPM(): Found token '%s', can't find entry in colormap\n",
return (XpmLoadError(bname, "Can't map resolve into colormap"));
if (pinfo->type == PIC8)
*i_sptr++ = mapentry->cv_index;
else {
*i_sptr++ = mapentry->cv_rgb[0];
*i_sptr++ = mapentry->cv_rgb[1];
*i_sptr++ = mapentry->cv_rgb[2];
} /* for ( j < w ) */
(void)XpmGetc(fp); /* Throw away the close " */
if (!(i%7)) WaitCursor();
} /* for ( i < h ) */
pinfo->pic = pic;
pinfo->normw = pinfo->w = w;
pinfo->normh = pinfo->h = h;
pinfo->frmType = F_XPM;
if (DEBUG) printf("LoadXPM(): pinfo->colType is %d\n", pinfo->colType);
sprintf(pinfo->fullInfo, "Xpm v3 Pixmap (%ld bytes)", filesize);
sprintf(pinfo->shrtInfo, "%dx%d Xpm.", w, h);
pinfo->comment = (char *)NULL;
if (fp != stdin)
static int XpmLoadError(fname, st)
char *fname, *st;
SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "%s: %s", fname, st);
return 0;
static int XpmGetc(f)
FILE *f;
int c, d, lastc;
if (bufchar != -2) {
/* The last invocation of this routine read the character... */
c = bufchar;
bufchar = -2;
if ((c = getc(f)) == EOF)
if (c == '"')
in_quote = !in_quote;
else if (!in_quote && c == '/') { /* might be a C-style comment */
if ((d = getc(f)) == EOF)
if (d == '*') { /* yup, it *is* a comment */
if ((lastc = getc(f)) == EOF)
do { /* skip through to the end */
if ((c = getc(f)) == EOF)
if (lastc != '*' || c != '/') /* end of comment */
lastc = c;
} while (lastc != '*' || c != '/');
if ((c = getc(f)) == EOF)
} else /* nope, not a comment */
bufchar = d;
/* hashing functions */
static int hash(token)
char *token;
int i, sum;
for (i=sum=0; token[i] != '\0'; i++)
sum += token[i];
sum = sum % hash_len;
return (sum);
static int hash_init(hsize)
int hsize;
* hash_init() - This function takes an arg, but doesn't do anything with
* it. It could easily be expanded to figure out the "optimal" number of
* buckets. But, for now, a hard-coded 257 will do. (Until I finish the
* 24-bit image writing code. :-)
int i;
hash_len = 257;
hashtab = (hentry **) malloc(sizeof(hentry *) * hash_len);
if (!hashtab) {
SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "Couldn't malloc hashtable in LoadXPM()!\n");
return 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < hash_len ; i++)
hashtab[i] = NULL;
return 1;
static int hash_insert(entry)
hentry *entry;
int key;
hentry *tmp;
key = hash(entry->token);
tmp = (hentry *) malloc(sizeof(hentry));
if (!tmp) {
SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "Couldn't malloc hash entry in LoadXPM()!\n");
return 0;
xvbcopy((char *)entry, (char *)tmp, sizeof(hentry));
if (hashtab[key]) tmp->next = hashtab[key];
else tmp->next = NULL;
hashtab[key] = tmp;
return 1;
static hentry *hash_search(token)
char *token;
int key;
hentry *tmp;
key = hash(token);
tmp = hashtab[key];
while (tmp && strcmp(token, tmp->token)) {
tmp = tmp->next;
return tmp;
static void hash_destroy()
int i;
hentry *tmp;
for (i=0; i<hash_len; i++) {
while (hashtab[i]) {
tmp = hashtab[i]->next;
hashtab[i] = tmp;
int WriteXPM(fp, pic, ptype, w, h, rp, gp, bp, nc, col, name, comments)
FILE *fp; /* File to write to */
byte *pic; /* Image data */
int ptype; /* PIC8 or PIC24 */
int w, h; /* width, & height */
byte *rp, *gp, *bp; /* Colormap pointers */
int nc, col; /* number of colors, & colorstyle */
char *name; /* name of file (/image) */
char *comments; /* image comments (not currently used */
/* Note here, that tokenchars is assumed to contain 64 valid token */
/* characters. It's hardcoded to assume this for benefit of generating */
/* tokens, when there are more than 64^2 colors. */
short i, imax, j; /* for() loop indices */
short cpp = 0;
char *tokenchars =
char *tokens;
char image_name[256], *foo;
byte grey;
byte *pic8, *sptr;
byte rtemp[256], gtemp[256], btemp[256], hist[256], trans[256];
long li; /* for() loop index */
int numcol;
if (DEBUG)
if (ptype == PIC8)
printf("WriteXPM(): Write a %d color, colortype %d, PIC8 image.\n",
nc, col);
printf("WriteXPM(): Write a colortype %d, PIC24 image.\n", col);
foo = BaseName(name);
strcpy(image_name, foo);
foo = (char *)strchr(image_name, '.');
if (foo)
*foo = '\0'; /* Truncate name at first '.' */
if (ptype == PIC24)
return -1;
/* XXX - The colormap returned from Conv24to8 is not a specific */
/* size (and Conv24to8 doesn't tell me how many entries there */
/* are, or not in this rev of code at least) and not necessarily */
/* 'packed'. Code in here to do that should be removed if */
/* Conv24to8 is "fixed" to do this... */
/* Chris P. Ross (cross@eng.umd.edu) 28-Sept-94 */
numcol = 0;
if (ptype == PIC24) {
/* Reduce to an 8-bit image. Would be nice to actually write */
/* the 24-bit image. I'll have to code that someday... */
pic8 = Conv24to8(pic, w, h, 256, rtemp, gtemp, btemp);
if (!pic8) {
"%s: Unable to convert to 8-bit image in WriteXPM()",
return 1;
if (DEBUG) printf("WriteXPM(): Converted 24bit image.\n");
/* This will count the number of colors in use, and build an */
/* index array into the colormap (which may not be 'packed') */
/* Thanks to John Bradley for this code.. */
xvbzero((char *) hist, sizeof(hist));
numcol = 0;
if (DEBUG)
printf("WriteXPM(): Counting colors (width: %d, height: %d)...\n", w, h);
for (li = 0, sptr = pic8 ; li < (w*h) ; li++, sptr++) {
hist[*sptr] = 1;
if (DEBUG)
printf("WriteXPM(): building translation table...\n");
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) {
trans[i] = numcol;
rtemp[numcol] = rtemp[i];
gtemp[numcol] = gtemp[i];
btemp[numcol] = btemp[i];
numcol += hist[i];
rp=rtemp; gp=gtemp; bp=btemp;
if (DEBUG)
printf("WriteXPM(): Converted 24bit image now has %d colors.\n", numcol);
} else {
pic8 = pic;
numcol = nc;
if (ptype == PIC24) cpp = 4;
else if (numcol > 64) cpp = 2;
else cpp = 1;
if (numcol > 64) cpp = 2;
else cpp = 1;
fprintf(fp, "/* XPM */\n");
fprintf(fp, "static char *%s[] = {\n", image_name);
fprintf(fp, "/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */\n");
fprintf(fp, "\" %3d %3d %6d %1d\",\n", w, h, numcol, cpp);
fprintf(fp, "/* colors */\n");
switch (cpp) {
case 1: /* <= 64 colors; index into tokenchars */
if (col == F_GREYSCALE)
for (i = 0 ; i < numcol ; i ++) {
grey = MONO(rp[i], gp[i], bp[i]);
fprintf(fp, "\"%c c #%02x%02x%02x\",\n", tokenchars[i],
grey, grey, grey);
for (i = 0 ; i < numcol ; i ++)
fprintf(fp, "\"%c c #%02x%02x%02x\",\n", tokenchars[i],
rp[i], gp[i], bp[i]);
fprintf(fp, "/* pixels */\n");
for (i = 0 ; i < h ; i ++) {
fprintf(fp, "\"");
if (!(i%20))
for (j = 0 ; j < w ; j++) {
if (rp == rtemp)
fprintf(fp, "%c", tokenchars[trans[*pic8++]]);
fprintf(fp, "%c", tokenchars[*pic8++]);
if (i < h-1)
fprintf(fp, "\",\n");
case 2: /* 64 < colors < 64^2; build new token list */
tokens = (char *) malloc((size_t) ((2*numcol) + 1) );
if (numcol & 0x3f)
imax = (numcol >> 6) + 1;
imax = (numcol >> 6);
for (i = 0 ; i < imax ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 64 && ((i<<6)+j) < numcol ; j++) {
*(tokens+((i<<6)+j)*2) = tokenchars[i];
*(tokens+((i<<6)+j)*2+1) = tokenchars[j];
if (col == F_GREYSCALE)
for (i = 0 ; i < numcol ; i++) {
grey = MONO(rp[i], gp[i], bp[i]);
fprintf(fp, "\"%c%c c #%02x%02x%02x\",\n", tokens[i*2],
tokens[i*2+1], grey, grey, grey);
for (i = 0 ; i < numcol ; i++)
fprintf(fp, "\"%c%c c #%02x%02x%02x\",\n", tokens[i*2],
tokens[i*2+1], rp[i], gp[i], bp[i]);
fprintf(fp, "/* pixels */\n");
for (i = 0 ; i < h ; i++) {
fprintf(fp, "\"");
if (!(i%13))
for (j = 0 ; j < w ; j++) {
if (rp == rtemp)
fprintf(fp, "%c%c", tokens[trans[*pic8]*2],
fprintf(fp, "%c%c", tokens[(*pic8*2)],
if (i < h-1)
fprintf(fp, "\",\n");
case 4:
/* Generate a colormap */
if (fprintf(fp, "\"\n};\n") == EOF) {
return 1;
} else
return 0;