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* xv24to8.c - contains the 24-to-8-bit Conv24to8() procedure
* and the 8-to-24-bit Conv8to24() procedure
* The Conv24to8 procedure takes a pointer to a 24-bit image (loaded
* previously). The image will be a w * h * 3 byte array of
* bytes. The image will be arranged with 3 bytes per pixel (in order
* R, G, and B), pixel 0 at the top left corner. (As normal.)
* The procedure also takes a maximum number of colors to use (numcols)
* and pointers to three 256-long arrays of bytes (to hold the returned
* colormap)
* Note that Conv24to8() does NOT free the pic24 image under any circumstances
* The Conv24to8 procedure will set up the following: it will allocate, make
* & return 'pic8', a 'w' by 'h' (passed in values) 8-bit picture.
* it will load up the rmap, gmap and bmap colormap arrays. it will NOT
* calculate numcols, since the cmap sort procedure has to be called anyway
* Conv24to8 returns 'pic8' if successful, 'NULL' on failure (presumably on a
* malloc())
* The 'slow' code, while still based on Heckbert's Median Cut algorithm,
* has been shamelessly lifted from the Independent JPEG Group's software
* (jquant2.c), as (for a variety of reasons) theirs was far better than
* the version I was previously using. Thanks guys!
* Also, as is my way, I've stripped out most of the IJG's well-written
* comments regarding their algorithm. Folks interested in learning how it
* works are encouraged to look at the original source. (jpeg/jquant2.c)
* contains:
* Cont24to8()
* Init24to8()
#include "copyright.h"
* Portions Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer. See copyright notice
* below, at the beginning of the relevant code.
#include "xv.h"
static int quick_check PARM((byte*, int,int, byte*, byte*,byte*,byte*,int));
static int quick_quant PARM((byte*, int,int, byte*, byte*,byte*,byte*,int));
static int ppm_quant PARM((byte *,int,int, byte*, byte*,byte*,byte*,int));
static int slow_quant PARM((byte*, int,int, byte*, byte*,byte*,byte*,int));
void Init24to8()
/* doesn't do anything anymore... */
byte *Conv24to8(pic24,w,h,nc,rm,gm,bm)
byte *pic24;
byte *rm, *gm, *bm;
int w,h,nc;
/* returns pointer to new 8-bit-per-pixel image (w*h) if successful, or
NULL if unsuccessful */
int i;
byte *pic8;
if (!pic24) return NULL;
pic8 = (byte *) malloc((size_t) (w * h));
if (!pic8) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: Conv24to8() - failed to allocate 'pic8'\n",cmd);
return pic8;
if (nc<=0) nc = 255; /* 'nc == 0' breaks code */
if (!noqcheck && quick_check(pic24, w,h, pic8, rm,gm,bm, nc)) {
SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"No color compression was necessary.\n");
return pic8;
switch (conv24) {
case CONV24_FAST:
SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Doing 'quick' 24-bit to 8-bit conversion.");
i = quick_quant(pic24, w, h, pic8, rm, gm, bm, nc);
case CONV24_BEST:
SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Doing 'best' 24-bit to 8-bit conversion.");
i = ppm_quant(pic24, w, h, pic8, rm, gm, bm, nc);
case CONV24_SLOW:
SetISTR(ISTR_INFO,"Doing 'slow' 24-bit to 8-bit conversion.");
i = slow_quant(pic24, w, h, pic8, rm, gm, bm, nc);
if (i) { free(pic8); pic8 = NULL; }
return pic8;
byte *Conv8to24(pic8, w, h, rmap,gmap,bmap)
byte *pic8, *rmap, *gmap, *bmap;
int w, h;
/* converts an w*h 8-bit image (with colormap rmap,gmap,bmap) into a
* 24-bit image. Note, 'pic8' could be NULL
* returns pointer to new 24-bits-per-pixel image (w*h) if successful,
* or NULL if unsuccessful
int i;
byte *pic24, *sp, *dp;
pic24 = (byte *) malloc((size_t) (w * h * 3));
if (!pic24) return pic24;
for (i=w*h, sp=pic8, dp=pic24; i; i--, sp++) {
if ((i&0x1ffff)==0) WaitCursor();
*dp++ = rmap[*sp];
*dp++ = gmap[*sp];
*dp++ = bmap[*sp];
return pic24;
static int quick_check(pic24, w,h, pic8, rmap,gmap,bmap, maxcol)
byte *pic24, *pic8, *rmap, *gmap, *bmap;
int w,h,maxcol;
/* scans picture until it finds more than 'maxcol' different colors. If it
finds more than 'maxcol' colors, it returns '0'. If it DOESN'T, it does
the 24-to-8 conversion by simply sticking the colors it found into
a colormap, and changing instances of a color in pic24 into colormap
indicies (in pic8) */
unsigned long colors[256],col;
int i, nc, low, high, mid;
byte *p, *pix;
if (maxcol>256) maxcol = 256;
/* put the first color in the table by hand */
nc = 0; mid = 0;
for (i=w*h,p=pic24; i; i--) {
col = (((u_long) *p++) << 16);
col += (((u_long) *p++) << 8);
col += *p++;
/* binary search the 'colors' array to see if it's in there */
low = 0; high = nc-1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low+high)/2;
if (col < colors[mid]) high = mid - 1;
else if (col > colors[mid]) low = mid + 1;
else break;
if (high < low) { /* didn't find color in list, add it. */
if (nc>=maxcol) return 0;
xvbcopy((char *) &colors[low], (char *) &colors[low+1],
(nc - low) * sizeof(u_long));
colors[low] = col;
/* run through the data a second time, this time mapping pixel values in
pic24 into colormap offsets into 'colors' */
for (i=w*h,p=pic24, pix=pic8; i; i--,pix++) {
col = (((u_long) *p++) << 16);
col += (((u_long) *p++) << 8);
col += *p++;
/* binary search the 'colors' array. It *IS* in there */
low = 0; high = nc-1;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low+high)/2;
if (col < colors[mid]) high = mid - 1;
else if (col > colors[mid]) low = mid + 1;
else break;
if (high < low) {
fprintf(stderr,"quick_check: impossible situation!\n");
*pix = mid;
/* and load up the 'desired colormap' */
for (i=0; i<nc; i++) {
rmap[i] = colors[i]>>16;
gmap[i] = (colors[i]>>8) & 0xff;
bmap[i] = colors[i] & 0xff;
return 1;
static int quick_quant(p24,w,h, p8, rmap,gmap,bmap, nc)
byte *p24, *p8, *rmap, *gmap, *bmap;
int w,h,nc;
/* called after 'pic8' has been alloced, pWIDE,pHIGH set up, mono/1-bit
checked already */
/* up to 256 colors: 3 bits R, 3 bits G, 2 bits B (RRRGGGBB) */
#define RMASK 0xe0
#define RSHIFT 0
#define GMASK 0xe0
#define GSHIFT 3
#define BMASK 0xc0
#define BSHIFT 6
byte *pp;
int r1, g1, b1;
int *thisline, *nextline, *thisptr, *nextptr, *tmpptr;
int i, j, val, pwide3;
int imax, jmax;
pp = p8; pwide3 = w * 3; imax = h-1; jmax = w-1;
/* load up colormap:
* note that 0 and 255 of each color are always in the map;
* intermediate values are evenly spaced.
for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
rmap[i] = (((i<<RSHIFT) & RMASK) * 255 + RMASK/2) / RMASK;
gmap[i] = (((i<<GSHIFT) & GMASK) * 255 + GMASK/2) / GMASK;
bmap[i] = (((i<<BSHIFT) & BMASK) * 255 + BMASK/2) / BMASK;
thisline = (int *) malloc(pwide3 * sizeof(int));
nextline = (int *) malloc(pwide3 * sizeof(int));
if (!thisline || !nextline) {
if (thisline) free(thisline);
if (nextline) free(nextline);
fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to allocate memory in quick_quant()\n", cmd);
/* get first line of picture */
for (j=pwide3, tmpptr=nextline; j; j--) *tmpptr++ = (int) *p24++;
for (i=0; i<h; i++) {
tmpptr = thisline; thisline = nextline; nextline = tmpptr; /* swap */
if ((i&0x3f) == 0) WaitCursor();
if (i!=imax) /* get next line */
for (j=pwide3, tmpptr=nextline; j; j--)
*tmpptr++ = (int) *p24++;
for (j=0, thisptr=thisline, nextptr=nextline; j<w; j++,pp++) {
r1 = *thisptr++; g1 = *thisptr++; b1 = *thisptr++;
RANGE(r1,0,255); RANGE(g1,0,255); RANGE(b1,0,255);
/* choose actual pixel value */
val = (((r1&RMASK)>>RSHIFT) | ((g1&GMASK)>>GSHIFT) |
*pp = val;
/* compute color errors */
r1 -= rmap[val];
g1 -= gmap[val];
b1 -= bmap[val];
/* Add fractions of errors to adjacent pixels */
if (j!=jmax) { /* adjust RIGHT pixel */
thisptr[0] += (r1*7) / 16;
thisptr[1] += (g1*7) / 16;
thisptr[2] += (b1*7) / 16;
if (i!=imax) { /* do BOTTOM pixel */
nextptr[0] += (r1*5) / 16;
nextptr[1] += (g1*5) / 16;
nextptr[2] += (b1*5) / 16;
if (j>0) { /* do BOTTOM LEFT pixel */
nextptr[-3] += (r1*3) / 16;
nextptr[-2] += (g1*3) / 16;
nextptr[-1] += (b1*3) / 16;
if (j!=jmax) { /* do BOTTOM RIGHT pixel */
nextptr[3] += (r1)/16;
nextptr[4] += (g1)/16;
nextptr[5] += (b1)/16;
nextptr += 3;
return 0;
#undef RMASK
#undef RSHIFT
#undef GMASK
#undef GSHIFT
#undef BMASK
#undef BSHIFT
/* The following code based on code from the 'pbmplus' package */
/* written by Jef Poskanzer */
/* ppmquant.c - quantize the colors in a pixmap down to a specified number
** Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.
** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
** documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or
** implied warranty.
typedef unsigned char pixval;
#define PPM_MAXMAXVAL 255
typedef struct { pixval r, g, b; } pixel;
#define PPM_GETR(p) ((p).r)
#define PPM_GETG(p) ((p).g)
#define PPM_GETB(p) ((p).b)
#define PPM_ASSIGN(p,red,grn,blu) \
{ (p).r = (red); (p).g = (grn); (p).b = (blu); }
#define PPM_EQUAL(p,q) ( (p).r == (q).r && (p).g == (q).g && (p).b == (q).b )
/* Color scaling macro -- to make writing ppmtowhatever easier. */
#define PPM_DEPTH(newp,p,oldmaxval,newmaxval) \
PPM_ASSIGN( (newp), \
((int) PPM_GETR(p)) * ((int)newmaxval) / ((int)oldmaxval), \
((int) PPM_GETG(p)) * ((int)newmaxval) / ((int)oldmaxval), \
((int) PPM_GETB(p)) * ((int)newmaxval) / ((int)oldmaxval) )
/* Luminance macro. */
* #define PPM_LUMIN(p) \
* ( 0.299 * PPM_GETR(p) + 0.587 * PPM_GETG(p) + 0.114 * PPM_GETB(p) )
/* Luminance macro, using only integer ops. Returns an int (*256) JHB */
#define PPM_LUMIN(p) \
( 77 * PPM_GETR(p) + 150 * PPM_GETG(p) + 29 * PPM_GETB(p) )
/* Color histogram stuff. */
typedef struct chist_item* chist_vec;
struct chist_item { pixel color;
int value;
typedef struct chist_list_item* chist_list;
struct chist_list_item { struct chist_item ch;
chist_list next;
typedef chist_list* chash_table;
typedef struct box* box_vector;
struct box {
int index;
int colors;
int sum;
#define MAXCOLORS 32767
#define LARGE_LUM
#define FS_SCALE 1024
#define HASH_SIZE 6553
#define ppm_hashpixel(p) ((((int) PPM_GETR(p) * 33023 + \
(int) PPM_GETG(p) * 30013 + \
(int) PPM_GETB(p) * 27011) & 0x7fffffff) \
/*** function defs ***/
static chist_vec mediancut PARM((chist_vec, int, int, int, int));
static int redcompare PARM((const void *, const void *));
static int greencompare PARM((const void *, const void *));
static int bluecompare PARM((const void *, const void *));
static int sumcompare PARM((const void *, const void *));
static chist_vec ppm_computechist PARM((pixel **, int,int,int,int *));
static chash_table ppm_computechash PARM((pixel **, int,int,int,int *));
static chist_vec ppm_chashtochist PARM((chash_table, int));
static chash_table ppm_allocchash PARM((void));
static void ppm_freechist PARM((chist_vec));
static void ppm_freechash PARM((chash_table));
static int ppm_quant(pic24, cols, rows, pic8, rmap, gmap, bmap, newcolors)
byte *pic24, *pic8, *rmap, *gmap, *bmap;
int cols, rows, newcolors;
pixel** pixels;
register pixel* pP;
int row;
register int col, limitcol;
pixval maxval, newmaxval;
int colors;
register int index;
chist_vec chv, colormap;
chash_table cht;
int i;
unsigned char *picptr;
static char *fn = "ppmquant()";
index = 0;
maxval = 255;
* reformat 24-bit pic24 image (3 bytes per pixel) into 2-dimensional
* array of pixel structures
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: remapping to ppm-style internal fmt\n", fn);
pixels = (pixel **) malloc(rows * sizeof(pixel *));
if (!pixels) FatalError("couldn't allocate 'pixels' array");
for (row=0; row<rows; row++) {
pixels[row] = (pixel *) malloc(cols * sizeof(pixel));
if (!pixels[row]) FatalError("couldn't allocate a row of pixels array");
for (col=0, pP=pixels[row]; col<cols; col++, pP++) {
pP->r = *pic24++;
pP->g = *pic24++;
pP->b = *pic24++;
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: done format remapping\n", fn);
* attempt to make a histogram of the colors, unclustered.
* If at first we don't succeed, lower maxval to increase color
* coherence and try again. This will eventually terminate, with
* maxval at worst 15, since 32^3 is approximately MAXCOLORS.
for ( ; ; ) {
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "%s: making histogram\n", fn);
chv = ppm_computechist(pixels, cols, rows, MAXCOLORS, &colors);
if (chv != (chist_vec) 0) break;
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many colors!\n", fn);
newmaxval = maxval / 2;
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "%s: rescaling colors (maxval=%d) %s\n",
fn, newmaxval, "to improve clustering");
for (row=0; row<rows; ++row)
for (col=0, pP=pixels[row]; col<cols; ++col, ++pP)
PPM_DEPTH( *pP, *pP, maxval, newmaxval );
maxval = newmaxval;
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: %d colors found\n", fn, colors);
* Step 3: apply median-cut to histogram, making the new colormap.
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "%s: choosing %d colors\n", fn, newcolors);
colormap = mediancut(chv, colors, rows * cols, maxval, newcolors);
* Step 4: map the colors in the image to their closest match in the
* new colormap, and write 'em out.
if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: mapping image to new colors\n", fn);
cht = ppm_allocchash();
picptr = pic8;
for (row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
col = 0; limitcol = cols; pP = pixels[row];
ProgressMeter(0, rows-1, row, "24 -> 8");
if ((row & 0x1f) == 0) WaitCursor();
do {
int hash;
chist_list chl;
/* Check hash table to see if we have already matched this color. */
hash = ppm_hashpixel(*pP);
for (chl = cht[hash]; chl; chl = chl->next)
if (PPM_EQUAL(chl->ch.color, *pP)) {index = chl->ch.value; break;}
if (!chl /*index = -1*/) {/* No; search colormap for closest match. */
register int i, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;
register long dist, newdist;
r1 = PPM_GETR( *pP );
g1 = PPM_GETG( *pP );
b1 = PPM_GETB( *pP );
dist = 2000000000;
for (i=0; i<newcolors; i++) {
r2 = PPM_GETR( colormap[i].color );
g2 = PPM_GETG( colormap[i].color );
b2 = PPM_GETB( colormap[i].color );
newdist = ( r1 - r2 ) * ( r1 - r2 ) +
( g1 - g2 ) * ( g1 - g2 ) +
( b1 - b2 ) * ( b1 - b2 );
if (newdist<dist) { index = i; dist = newdist; }
hash = ppm_hashpixel(*pP);
chl = (chist_list) malloc(sizeof(struct chist_list_item));
if (!chl) FatalError("ran out of memory adding to hash table");
chl->ch.color = *pP;
chl->ch.value = index;
chl->next = cht[hash];
cht[hash] = chl;
*picptr++ = index;
while (col != limitcol);
/* rescale the colormap and load the XV colormap */
for (i=0; i<newcolors; i++) {
PPM_DEPTH(colormap[i].color, colormap[i].color, maxval, 255);
rmap[i] = PPM_GETR( colormap[i].color );
gmap[i] = PPM_GETG( colormap[i].color );
bmap[i] = PPM_GETB( colormap[i].color );
/* free the pixels array */
for (i=0; i<rows; i++) free(pixels[i]);
/* free cht and colormap */
return 0;
** Here is the fun part, the median-cut colormap generator. This is based
** on Paul Heckbert's paper "Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer
** Display", SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings, page 297.
static chist_vec mediancut( chv, colors, sum, maxval, newcolors )
chist_vec chv;
int colors, sum, newcolors;
int maxval;
chist_vec colormap;
box_vector bv;
register int bi, i;
int boxes;
bv = (box_vector) malloc(sizeof(struct box) * newcolors);
colormap = (chist_vec)
malloc(sizeof(struct chist_item) * newcolors );
if (!bv || !colormap) FatalError("unable to malloc in mediancut()");
for (i=0; i<newcolors; i++)
PPM_ASSIGN(colormap[i].color, 0, 0, 0);
* Set up the initial box.
bv[0].index = 0;
bv[0].colors = colors;
bv[0].sum = sum;
boxes = 1;
** Main loop: split boxes until we have enough.
while ( boxes < newcolors ) {
register int indx, clrs;
int sm;
register int minr, maxr, ming, maxg, minb, maxb, v;
int halfsum, lowersum;
** Find the first splittable box.
for (bi=0; bv[bi].colors<2 && bi<boxes; bi++) ;
if (bi == boxes) break; /* ran out of colors! */
indx = bv[bi].index;
clrs = bv[bi].colors;
sm = bv[bi].sum;
** Go through the box finding the minimum and maximum of each
** component - the boundaries of the box.
minr = maxr = PPM_GETR( chv[indx].color );
ming = maxg = PPM_GETG( chv[indx].color );
minb = maxb = PPM_GETB( chv[indx].color );
for (i=1; i<clrs; i++) {
v = PPM_GETR( chv[indx + i].color );
if (v < minr) minr = v;
if (v > maxr) maxr = v;
v = PPM_GETG( chv[indx + i].color );
if (v < ming) ming = v;
if (v > maxg) maxg = v;
v = PPM_GETB( chv[indx + i].color );
if (v < minb) minb = v;
if (v > maxb) maxb = v;
** Find the largest dimension, and sort by that component. I have
** included two methods for determining the "largest" dimension;
** first by simply comparing the range in RGB space, and second
** by transforming into luminosities before the comparison. You
** can switch which method is used by switching the commenting on
** the LARGE_ defines at the beginning of this source file.
/* LARGE_LUM version */
pixel p;
int rl, gl, bl;
PPM_ASSIGN(p, maxr - minr, 0, 0);
rl = PPM_LUMIN(p);
PPM_ASSIGN(p, 0, maxg - ming, 0);
gl = PPM_LUMIN(p);
PPM_ASSIGN(p, 0, 0, maxb - minb);
bl = PPM_LUMIN(p);
if (rl >= gl && rl >= bl)
qsort((char*) &(chv[indx]), (size_t) clrs, sizeof(struct chist_item),
redcompare );
else if (gl >= bl)
qsort((char*) &(chv[indx]), (size_t) clrs, sizeof(struct chist_item),
greencompare );
qsort((char*) &(chv[indx]), (size_t) clrs, sizeof(struct chist_item),
bluecompare );
** Now find the median based on the counts, so that about half the
** pixels (not colors, pixels) are in each subdivision.
lowersum = chv[indx].value;
halfsum = sm / 2;
for (i=1; i<clrs-1; i++) {
if (lowersum >= halfsum) break;
lowersum += chv[indx + i].value;
** Split the box, and sort to bring the biggest boxes to the top.
bv[bi].colors = i;
bv[bi].sum = lowersum;
bv[boxes].index = indx + i;
bv[boxes].colors = clrs - i;
bv[boxes].sum = sm - lowersum;
qsort((char*) bv, (size_t) boxes, sizeof(struct box), sumcompare);
} /* while (boxes ... */
** Ok, we've got enough boxes. Now choose a representative color for
** each box. There are a number of possible ways to make this choice.
** One would be to choose the center of the box; this ignores any structure
** within the boxes. Another method would be to average all the colors in
** the box - this is the method specified in Heckbert's paper. A third
** method is to average all the pixels in the box. You can switch which
** method is used by switching the commenting on the REP_ defines at
** the beginning of this source file.
for (bi=0; bi<boxes; bi++) {
/* REP_AVERAGE_PIXELS version */
register int indx = bv[bi].index;
register int clrs = bv[bi].colors;
register long r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, sum = 0;
for (i=0; i<clrs; i++) {
r += PPM_GETR( chv[indx + i].color ) * chv[indx + i].value;
g += PPM_GETG( chv[indx + i].color ) * chv[indx + i].value;
b += PPM_GETB( chv[indx + i].color ) * chv[indx + i].value;
sum += chv[indx + i].value;
r = r / sum; if (r>maxval) r = maxval; /* avoid math errors */
g = g / sum; if (g>maxval) g = maxval;
b = b / sum; if (b>maxval) b = maxval;
PPM_ASSIGN( colormap[bi].color, r, g, b );
return colormap;
static int redcompare(p1, p2)
const void *p1, *p2;
return (int) PPM_GETR( ((chist_vec)p1)->color ) -
(int) PPM_GETR( ((chist_vec)p2)->color );
static int greencompare(p1, p2)
const void *p1, *p2;
return (int) PPM_GETG( ((chist_vec)p1)->color ) -
(int) PPM_GETG( ((chist_vec)p2)->color );
static int bluecompare(p1, p2)
const void *p1, *p2;
return (int) PPM_GETB( ((chist_vec)p1)->color ) -
(int) PPM_GETB( ((chist_vec)p2)->color );
static int sumcompare(p1, p2)
const void *p1, *p2;
return ((box_vector) p2)->sum - ((box_vector) p1)->sum;
static chist_vec
ppm_computechist(pixels, cols, rows, maxcolors, colorsP)
pixel** pixels;
int cols, rows, maxcolors;
int* colorsP;
chash_table cht;
chist_vec chv;
cht = ppm_computechash(pixels, cols, rows, maxcolors, colorsP);
if (!cht) return (chist_vec) 0;
chv = ppm_chashtochist(cht, maxcolors);
return chv;
static chash_table ppm_computechash(pixels, cols, rows,
maxcolors, colorsP )
pixel** pixels;
int cols, rows, maxcolors;
int* colorsP;
chash_table cht;
register pixel* pP;
chist_list chl;
int col, row, hash;
cht = ppm_allocchash( );
*colorsP = 0;
/* Go through the entire image, building a hash table of colors. */
for (row=0; row<rows; row++)
for (col=0, pP=pixels[row]; col<cols; col++, pP++) {
hash = ppm_hashpixel(*pP);
for (chl = cht[hash]; chl != (chist_list) 0; chl = chl->next)
if (PPM_EQUAL(chl->ch.color, *pP)) break;
if (chl != (chist_list) 0) ++(chl->ch.value);
else {
if ((*colorsP)++ > maxcolors) {
return (chash_table) 0;
chl = (chist_list) malloc(sizeof(struct chist_list_item));
if (!chl) FatalError("ran out of memory computing hash table");
chl->ch.color = *pP;
chl->ch.value = 1;
chl->next = cht[hash];
cht[hash] = chl;
return cht;
static chash_table ppm_allocchash()
chash_table cht;
int i;
cht = (chash_table) malloc( HASH_SIZE * sizeof(chist_list) );
if (!cht) FatalError("ran out of memory allocating hash table");
for (i=0; i<HASH_SIZE; i++ )
cht[i] = (chist_list) 0;
return cht;
static chist_vec ppm_chashtochist( cht, maxcolors )
chash_table cht;
int maxcolors;
chist_vec chv;
chist_list chl;
int i, j;
/* Now collate the hash table into a simple chist array. */
chv = (chist_vec) malloc( maxcolors * sizeof(struct chist_item) );
/* (Leave room for expansion by caller.) */
if (!chv) FatalError("ran out of memory generating histogram");
/* Loop through the hash table. */
j = 0;
for (i=0; i<HASH_SIZE; i++)
for (chl = cht[i]; chl != (chist_list) 0; chl = chl->next) {
/* Add the new entry. */
chv[j] = chl->ch;
return chv;
static void ppm_freechist( chv )
chist_vec chv;
free( (char*) chv );
static void ppm_freechash( cht )
chash_table cht;
int i;
chist_list chl, chlnext;
for (i=0; i<HASH_SIZE; i++)
for (chl = cht[i]; chl != (chist_list) 0; chl = chlnext) {
chlnext = chl->next;
free( (char*) chl );
free( (char*) cht );
/* The following is based on jquant2.c from version 5 */
/* of the IJG JPEG software, which is */
/* Copyright (C) 1991-1994, Thomas G. Lane. */
#define MAXNUMCOLORS 256 /* maximum size of colormap */
#define C0_SCALE 2 /* scale R distances by this much */
#define C1_SCALE 3 /* scale G distances by this much */
#define C2_SCALE 1 /* and B by this much */
#define HIST_C0_BITS 5 /* bits of precision in R histogram */
#define HIST_C1_BITS 6 /* bits of precision in G histogram */
#define HIST_C2_BITS 5 /* bits of precision in B histogram */
/* Number of elements along histogram axes. */
#define HIST_C0_ELEMS (1<<HIST_C0_BITS)
#define HIST_C1_ELEMS (1<<HIST_C1_BITS)
#define HIST_C2_ELEMS (1<<HIST_C2_BITS)
/* These are the amounts to shift an input value to get a histogram index. */
#define C0_SHIFT (8-HIST_C0_BITS)
#define C1_SHIFT (8-HIST_C1_BITS)
#define C2_SHIFT (8-HIST_C2_BITS)
typedef unsigned char JSAMPLE;
typedef u_short histcell; /* histogram cell; prefer an unsigned type */
typedef histcell * histptr; /* for pointers to histogram cells */
typedef histcell hist1d[HIST_C2_ELEMS]; /* typedefs for the histogram array */
typedef hist1d hist2d[HIST_C1_ELEMS];
typedef hist2d hist3d[HIST_C0_ELEMS];
typedef short FSERROR; /* 16 bits should be enough */
typedef int LOCFSERROR; /* use 'int' for calculation temps */
typedef FSERROR *FSERRPTR; /* pointer to error array */
typedef struct {
/* The bounds of the box (inclusive); expressed as histogram indexes */
int c0min, c0max;
int c1min, c1max;
int c2min, c2max;
/* The volume (actually 2-norm) of the box */
INT32 volume;
/* The number of nonzero histogram cells within this box */
long colorcount;
} box;
typedef box * boxptr;
/* Local state for the IJG quantizer */
static hist2d * sl_histogram; /* pointer to the 3D histogram array */
static FSERRPTR sl_fserrors; /* accumulated-errors array */
static int * sl_error_limiter; /* table for clamping the applied error */
static int sl_on_odd_row; /* flag to remember which row we are on */
static JSAMPROW sl_colormap[3]; /* selected colormap */
static int sl_num_colors; /* number of selected colors */
static void slow_fill_histogram PARM((byte*, int));
static boxptr find_biggest_color_pop PARM((boxptr, int));
static boxptr find_biggest_volume PARM((boxptr, int));
static void update_box PARM((boxptr));
static int median_cut PARM((boxptr, int, int));
static void compute_color PARM((boxptr, int));
static void slow_select_colors PARM((int));
static int find_nearby_colors PARM((int, int, int, JSAMPLE []));
static void find_best_colors PARM((int,int,int,int, JSAMPLE [], JSAMPLE []));
static void fill_inverse_cmap PARM((int, int, int));
static void slow_map_pixels PARM((byte*, int, int, byte*));
static void init_error_limit PARM((void));
/* Master control for slow quantizer. */
static int slow_quant(pic24, w, h, pic8, rm,gm,bm, descols)
byte *pic24, *pic8, *rm, *gm, *bm;
int w, h, descols;
size_t fs_arraysize = (w + 2) * (3 * sizeof(FSERROR));
/* Allocate all the temporary storage needed */
if (sl_error_limiter == NULL)
sl_histogram = (hist2d *) malloc(sizeof(hist3d));
sl_fserrors = (FSERRPTR) malloc(fs_arraysize);
if (! sl_error_limiter || ! sl_histogram || ! sl_fserrors) {
/* we never free sl_error_limiter once acquired */
if (sl_histogram) free(sl_histogram);
if (sl_fserrors) free(sl_fserrors);
fprintf(stderr,"%s: slow_quant() - failed to allocate workspace\n",cmd);
return 1;
sl_colormap[0] = (JSAMPROW) rm;
sl_colormap[1] = (JSAMPROW) gm;
sl_colormap[2] = (JSAMPROW) bm;
/* Compute the color histogram */
slow_fill_histogram(pic24, w*h);
/* Select the colormap */
/* Zero the histogram: now to be used as inverse color map */
xvbzero((char *) sl_histogram, sizeof(hist3d));
/* Initialize the propagated errors to zero. */
xvbzero((char *) sl_fserrors, fs_arraysize);
sl_on_odd_row = FALSE;
/* Map the image. */
slow_map_pixels(pic24, w, h, pic8);
/* Release working memory. */
/* we never free sl_error_limiter once acquired */
return 0;
static void slow_fill_histogram (pic24, numpixels)
register byte *pic24;
register int numpixels;
register histptr histp;
register hist2d * histogram = sl_histogram;
xvbzero((char *) histogram, sizeof(hist3d));
while (numpixels-- > 0) {
/* get pixel value and index into the histogram */
histp = & histogram[pic24[0] >> C0_SHIFT]
[pic24[1] >> C1_SHIFT]
[pic24[2] >> C2_SHIFT];
/* increment, check for overflow and undo increment if so. */
if (++(*histp) <= 0)
pic24 += 3;
static boxptr find_biggest_color_pop (boxlist, numboxes)
boxptr boxlist;
int numboxes;
register boxptr boxp;
register int i;
register long maxc = 0;
boxptr which = NULL;
for (i = 0, boxp = boxlist; i < numboxes; i++, boxp++) {
if (boxp->colorcount > maxc && boxp->volume > 0) {
which = boxp;
maxc = boxp->colorcount;
return which;
static boxptr find_biggest_volume (boxlist, numboxes)
boxptr boxlist;
int numboxes;
register boxptr boxp;
register int i;
register INT32 maxv = 0;
boxptr which = NULL;
for (i = 0, boxp = boxlist; i < numboxes; i++, boxp++) {
if (boxp->volume > maxv) {
which = boxp;
maxv = boxp->volume;
return which;
static void update_box (boxp)
boxptr boxp;
hist2d * histogram = sl_histogram;
histptr histp;
int c0,c1,c2;
int c0min,c0max,c1min,c1max,c2min,c2max;
INT32 dist0,dist1,dist2;
long ccount;
c0min = boxp->c0min; c0max = boxp->c0max;
c1min = boxp->c1min; c1max = boxp->c1max;
c2min = boxp->c2min; c2max = boxp->c2max;
if (c0max > c0min)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*histp++ != 0) {
boxp->c0min = c0min = c0;
goto have_c0min;
if (c0max > c0min)
for (c0 = c0max; c0 >= c0min; c0--)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*histp++ != 0) {
boxp->c0max = c0max = c0;
goto have_c0max;
if (c1max > c1min)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*histp++ != 0) {
boxp->c1min = c1min = c1;
goto have_c1min;
if (c1max > c1min)
for (c1 = c1max; c1 >= c1min; c1--)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
if (*histp++ != 0) {
boxp->c1max = c1max = c1;
goto have_c1max;
if (c2max > c2min)
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1min][c2];
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++, histp += HIST_C2_ELEMS)
if (*histp != 0) {
boxp->c2min = c2min = c2;
goto have_c2min;
if (c2max > c2min)
for (c2 = c2max; c2 >= c2min; c2--)
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1min][c2];
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++, histp += HIST_C2_ELEMS)
if (*histp != 0) {
boxp->c2max = c2max = c2;
goto have_c2max;
dist0 = ((c0max - c0min) << C0_SHIFT) * C0_SCALE;
dist1 = ((c1max - c1min) << C1_SHIFT) * C1_SCALE;
dist2 = ((c2max - c2min) << C2_SHIFT) * C2_SCALE;
boxp->volume = dist0*dist0 + dist1*dist1 + dist2*dist2;
ccount = 0;
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++, histp++)
if (*histp != 0) {
boxp->colorcount = ccount;
static int median_cut (boxlist, numboxes, desired_colors)
boxptr boxlist;
int numboxes, desired_colors;
int n,lb;
int c0,c1,c2,cmax;
register boxptr b1,b2;
while (numboxes < desired_colors) {
/* Select box to split.
* Current algorithm: by population for first half, then by volume.
if (numboxes*2 <= desired_colors) {
b1 = find_biggest_color_pop(boxlist, numboxes);
} else {
b1 = find_biggest_volume(boxlist, numboxes);
if (b1 == NULL) /* no splittable boxes left! */
b2 = &boxlist[numboxes]; /* where new box will go */
/* Copy the color bounds to the new box. */
b2->c0max = b1->c0max; b2->c1max = b1->c1max; b2->c2max = b1->c2max;
b2->c0min = b1->c0min; b2->c1min = b1->c1min; b2->c2min = b1->c2min;
/* Choose which axis to split the box on.
c0 = ((b1->c0max - b1->c0min) << C0_SHIFT) * C0_SCALE;
c1 = ((b1->c1max - b1->c1min) << C1_SHIFT) * C1_SCALE;
c2 = ((b1->c2max - b1->c2min) << C2_SHIFT) * C2_SCALE;
cmax = c1; n = 1;
if (c0 > cmax) { cmax = c0; n = 0; }
if (c2 > cmax) { n = 2; }
switch (n) {
case 0:
lb = (b1->c0max + b1->c0min) / 2;
b1->c0max = lb;
b2->c0min = lb+1;
case 1:
lb = (b1->c1max + b1->c1min) / 2;
b1->c1max = lb;
b2->c1min = lb+1;
case 2:
lb = (b1->c2max + b1->c2min) / 2;
b1->c2max = lb;
b2->c2min = lb+1;
/* Update stats for boxes */
return numboxes;
static void compute_color (boxp, icolor)
boxptr boxp;
int icolor;
/* Current algorithm: mean weighted by pixels (not colors) */
/* Note it is important to get the rounding correct! */
hist2d * histogram = sl_histogram;
histptr histp;
int c0,c1,c2;
int c0min,c0max,c1min,c1max,c2min,c2max;
long count;
long total = 0;
long c0total = 0;
long c1total = 0;
long c2total = 0;
c0min = boxp->c0min; c0max = boxp->c0max;
c1min = boxp->c1min; c1max = boxp->c1max;
c2min = boxp->c2min; c2max = boxp->c2max;
for (c0 = c0min; c0 <= c0max; c0++)
for (c1 = c1min; c1 <= c1max; c1++) {
histp = & histogram[c0][c1][c2min];
for (c2 = c2min; c2 <= c2max; c2++) {
if ((count = *histp++) != 0) {
total += count;
c0total += ((c0 << C0_SHIFT) + ((1<<C0_SHIFT)>>1)) * count;
c1total += ((c1 << C1_SHIFT) + ((1<<C1_SHIFT)>>1)) * count;
c2total += ((c2 << C2_SHIFT) + ((1<<C2_SHIFT)>>1)) * count;
sl_colormap[0][icolor] = (JSAMPLE) ((c0total + (total>>1)) / total);
sl_colormap[1][icolor] = (JSAMPLE) ((c1total + (total>>1)) / total);
sl_colormap[2][icolor] = (JSAMPLE) ((c2total + (total>>1)) / total);
static void slow_select_colors (descolors)
int descolors;
/* Master routine for color selection */
box boxlist[MAXNUMCOLORS];
int numboxes;
int i;
/* Initialize one box containing whole space */
numboxes = 1;
boxlist[0].c0min = 0;
boxlist[0].c0max = 255 >> C0_SHIFT;
boxlist[0].c1min = 0;
boxlist[0].c1max = 255 >> C1_SHIFT;
boxlist[0].c2min = 0;
boxlist[0].c2max = 255 >> C2_SHIFT;
/* Shrink it to actually-used volume and set its statistics */
update_box(& boxlist[0]);
/* Perform median-cut to produce final box list */
numboxes = median_cut(boxlist, numboxes, descolors);
/* Compute the representative color for each box, fill colormap */
for (i = 0; i < numboxes; i++)
compute_color(& boxlist[i], i);
sl_num_colors = numboxes;
/* log2(histogram cells in update box) for each axis; this can be adjusted */
#define BOX_C0_LOG (HIST_C0_BITS-3)
#define BOX_C1_LOG (HIST_C1_BITS-3)
#define BOX_C2_LOG (HIST_C2_BITS-3)
#define BOX_C0_ELEMS (1<<BOX_C0_LOG) /* # of hist cells in update box */
#define BOX_C1_ELEMS (1<<BOX_C1_LOG)
#define BOX_C2_ELEMS (1<<BOX_C2_LOG)
#define BOX_C0_SHIFT (C0_SHIFT + BOX_C0_LOG)
#define BOX_C1_SHIFT (C1_SHIFT + BOX_C1_LOG)
#define BOX_C2_SHIFT (C2_SHIFT + BOX_C2_LOG)
static int find_nearby_colors (minc0, minc1, minc2, colorlist)
int minc0, minc1, minc2;
JSAMPLE colorlist[];
int numcolors = sl_num_colors;
int maxc0, maxc1, maxc2;
int centerc0, centerc1, centerc2;
int i, x, ncolors;
INT32 minmaxdist, min_dist, max_dist, tdist;
INT32 mindist[MAXNUMCOLORS]; /* min distance to colormap entry i */
maxc0 = minc0 + ((1 << BOX_C0_SHIFT) - (1 << C0_SHIFT));
centerc0 = (minc0 + maxc0) >> 1;
maxc1 = minc1 + ((1 << BOX_C1_SHIFT) - (1 << C1_SHIFT));
centerc1 = (minc1 + maxc1) >> 1;
maxc2 = minc2 + ((1 << BOX_C2_SHIFT) - (1 << C2_SHIFT));
centerc2 = (minc2 + maxc2) >> 1;
minmaxdist = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) {
/* We compute the squared-c0-distance term, then add in the other two. */
x = sl_colormap[0][i];
if (x < minc0) {
tdist = (x - minc0) * C0_SCALE;
min_dist = tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - maxc0) * C0_SCALE;
max_dist = tdist*tdist;
} else if (x > maxc0) {
tdist = (x - maxc0) * C0_SCALE;
min_dist = tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - minc0) * C0_SCALE;
max_dist = tdist*tdist;
} else {
/* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */
min_dist = 0;
if (x <= centerc0) {
tdist = (x - maxc0) * C0_SCALE;
max_dist = tdist*tdist;
} else {
tdist = (x - minc0) * C0_SCALE;
max_dist = tdist*tdist;
x = sl_colormap[1][i];
if (x < minc1) {
tdist = (x - minc1) * C1_SCALE;
min_dist += tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - maxc1) * C1_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else if (x > maxc1) {
tdist = (x - maxc1) * C1_SCALE;
min_dist += tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - minc1) * C1_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else {
/* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */
if (x <= centerc1) {
tdist = (x - maxc1) * C1_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else {
tdist = (x - minc1) * C1_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
x = sl_colormap[2][i];
if (x < minc2) {
tdist = (x - minc2) * C2_SCALE;
min_dist += tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - maxc2) * C2_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else if (x > maxc2) {
tdist = (x - maxc2) * C2_SCALE;
min_dist += tdist*tdist;
tdist = (x - minc2) * C2_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else {
/* within cell range so no contribution to min_dist */
if (x <= centerc2) {
tdist = (x - maxc2) * C2_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
} else {
tdist = (x - minc2) * C2_SCALE;
max_dist += tdist*tdist;
mindist[i] = min_dist; /* save away the results */
if (max_dist < minmaxdist)
minmaxdist = max_dist;
ncolors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) {
if (mindist[i] <= minmaxdist)
colorlist[ncolors++] = (JSAMPLE) i;
return ncolors;
static void find_best_colors (minc0, minc1, minc2, numcolors,
colorlist, bestcolor)
int minc0, minc1, minc2, numcolors;
JSAMPLE colorlist[];
JSAMPLE bestcolor[];
int ic0, ic1, ic2;
int i, icolor;
register INT32 * bptr; /* pointer into bestdist[] array */
JSAMPLE * cptr; /* pointer into bestcolor[] array */
INT32 dist0, dist1; /* initial distance values */
register INT32 dist2; /* current distance in inner loop */
INT32 xx0, xx1; /* distance increments */
register INT32 xx2;
INT32 inc0, inc1, inc2; /* initial values for increments */
/* This array holds the distance to the nearest-so-far color for each cell */
/* Initialize best-distance for each cell of the update box */
bptr = bestdist;
for (i = BOX_C0_ELEMS*BOX_C1_ELEMS*BOX_C2_ELEMS-1; i >= 0; i--)
*bptr++ = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
/* Nominal steps between cell centers ("x" in Thomas article) */
#define STEP_C0 ((1 << C0_SHIFT) * C0_SCALE)
#define STEP_C1 ((1 << C1_SHIFT) * C1_SCALE)
#define STEP_C2 ((1 << C2_SHIFT) * C2_SCALE)
for (i = 0; i < numcolors; i++) {
icolor = colorlist[i];
/* Compute (square of) distance from minc0/c1/c2 to this color */
inc0 = (minc0 - (int) sl_colormap[0][icolor]) * C0_SCALE;
dist0 = inc0*inc0;
inc1 = (minc1 - (int) sl_colormap[1][icolor]) * C1_SCALE;
dist0 += inc1*inc1;
inc2 = (minc2 - (int) sl_colormap[2][icolor]) * C2_SCALE;
dist0 += inc2*inc2;
/* Form the initial difference increments */
inc0 = inc0 * (2 * STEP_C0) + STEP_C0 * STEP_C0;
inc1 = inc1 * (2 * STEP_C1) + STEP_C1 * STEP_C1;
inc2 = inc2 * (2 * STEP_C2) + STEP_C2 * STEP_C2;
/* Now loop over all cells in box, updating distance per Thomas method */
bptr = bestdist;
cptr = bestcolor;
xx0 = inc0;
for (ic0 = BOX_C0_ELEMS-1; ic0 >= 0; ic0--) {
dist1 = dist0;
xx1 = inc1;
for (ic1 = BOX_C1_ELEMS-1; ic1 >= 0; ic1--) {
dist2 = dist1;
xx2 = inc2;
for (ic2 = BOX_C2_ELEMS-1; ic2 >= 0; ic2--) {
if (dist2 < *bptr) {
*bptr = dist2;
*cptr = (JSAMPLE) icolor;
dist2 += xx2;
xx2 += 2 * STEP_C2 * STEP_C2;
dist1 += xx1;
xx1 += 2 * STEP_C1 * STEP_C1;
dist0 += xx0;
xx0 += 2 * STEP_C0 * STEP_C0;
static void fill_inverse_cmap (c0, c1, c2)
int c0, c1, c2;
hist2d * histogram = sl_histogram;
int minc0, minc1, minc2; /* lower left corner of update box */
int ic0, ic1, ic2;
register JSAMPLE * cptr; /* pointer into bestcolor[] array */
register histptr cachep; /* pointer into main cache array */
/* This array lists the candidate colormap indexes. */
int numcolors; /* number of candidate colors */
/* This array holds the actually closest colormap index for each cell. */
/* Convert cell coordinates to update box ID */
c0 >>= BOX_C0_LOG;
c1 >>= BOX_C1_LOG;
c2 >>= BOX_C2_LOG;
minc0 = (c0 << BOX_C0_SHIFT) + ((1 << C0_SHIFT) >> 1);
minc1 = (c1 << BOX_C1_SHIFT) + ((1 << C1_SHIFT) >> 1);
minc2 = (c2 << BOX_C2_SHIFT) + ((1 << C2_SHIFT) >> 1);
numcolors = find_nearby_colors(minc0, minc1, minc2, colorlist);
/* Determine the actually nearest colors. */
find_best_colors(minc0, minc1, minc2, numcolors, colorlist, bestcolor);
/* Save the best color numbers (plus 1) in the main cache array */
c0 <<= BOX_C0_LOG; /* convert ID back to base cell indexes */
c1 <<= BOX_C1_LOG;
c2 <<= BOX_C2_LOG;
cptr = bestcolor;
for (ic0 = 0; ic0 < BOX_C0_ELEMS; ic0++) {
for (ic1 = 0; ic1 < BOX_C1_ELEMS; ic1++) {
cachep = & histogram[c0+ic0][c1+ic1][c2];
for (ic2 = 0; ic2 < BOX_C2_ELEMS; ic2++) {
*cachep++ = (histcell) (*cptr++ + 1);
static void slow_map_pixels (pic24, width, height, pic8)
byte *pic24, *pic8;
int width, height;
register LOCFSERROR cur0, cur1, cur2; /* current error or pixel value */
LOCFSERROR belowerr0, belowerr1, belowerr2; /* error for pixel below cur */
LOCFSERROR bpreverr0, bpreverr1, bpreverr2; /* error for below/prev col */
register FSERRPTR errorptr; /* => fserrors[] at column before current */
JSAMPROW inptr; /* => current input pixel */
JSAMPROW outptr; /* => current output pixel */
histptr cachep;
int dir; /* +1 or -1 depending on direction */
int dir3; /* 3*dir, for advancing inptr & errorptr */
int row, col;
int *error_limit = sl_error_limiter;
JSAMPROW colormap0 = sl_colormap[0];
JSAMPROW colormap1 = sl_colormap[1];
JSAMPROW colormap2 = sl_colormap[2];
hist2d * histogram = sl_histogram;
for (row = 0; row < height; row++) {
if ((row&0x3f) == 0) WaitCursor();
ProgressMeter(0, height-1, row, "Dither");
inptr = & pic24[row * width * 3];
outptr = & pic8[row * width];
if (sl_on_odd_row) {
/* work right to left in this row */
inptr += (width-1) * 3; /* so point to rightmost pixel */
outptr += width-1;
dir = -1;
dir3 = -3;
errorptr = sl_fserrors + (width+1)*3; /* => entry after last column */
sl_on_odd_row = FALSE; /* flip for next time */
} else {
/* work left to right in this row */
dir = 1;
dir3 = 3;
errorptr = sl_fserrors; /* => entry before first real column */
sl_on_odd_row = TRUE; /* flip for next time */
/* Preset error values: no error propagated to first pixel from left */
cur0 = cur1 = cur2 = 0;
/* and no error propagated to row below yet */
belowerr0 = belowerr1 = belowerr2 = 0;
bpreverr0 = bpreverr1 = bpreverr2 = 0;
for (col = width; col > 0; col--) {
cur0 = (cur0 + errorptr[dir3+0] + 8) >> 4;
cur1 = (cur1 + errorptr[dir3+1] + 8) >> 4;
cur2 = (cur2 + errorptr[dir3+2] + 8) >> 4;
cur0 = error_limit[cur0];
cur1 = error_limit[cur1];
cur2 = error_limit[cur2];
cur0 += inptr[0];
cur1 += inptr[1];
cur2 += inptr[2];
RANGE(cur0, 0, 255);
RANGE(cur1, 0, 255);
RANGE(cur2, 0, 255);
/* Index into the cache with adjusted pixel value */
cachep = & histogram[cur0>>C0_SHIFT][cur1>>C1_SHIFT][cur2>>C2_SHIFT];
/* If we have not seen this color before, find nearest colormap */
/* entry and update the cache */
if (*cachep == 0)
fill_inverse_cmap(cur0>>C0_SHIFT, cur1>>C1_SHIFT, cur2>>C2_SHIFT);
/* Now emit the colormap index for this cell */
{ register int pixcode = *cachep - 1;
*outptr = (JSAMPLE) pixcode;
/* Compute representation error for this pixel */
cur0 -= (int) colormap0[pixcode];
cur1 -= (int) colormap1[pixcode];
cur2 -= (int) colormap2[pixcode];
/* Compute error fractions to be propagated to adjacent pixels.
* Add these into the running sums, and simultaneously shift the
* next-line error sums left by 1 column.
{ register LOCFSERROR bnexterr, delta;
bnexterr = cur0; /* Process component 0 */
delta = cur0 * 2;
cur0 += delta; /* form error * 3 */
errorptr[0] = (FSERROR) (bpreverr0 + cur0);
cur0 += delta; /* form error * 5 */
bpreverr0 = belowerr0 + cur0;
belowerr0 = bnexterr;
cur0 += delta; /* form error * 7 */
bnexterr = cur1; /* Process component 1 */
delta = cur1 * 2;
cur1 += delta; /* form error * 3 */
errorptr[1] = (FSERROR) (bpreverr1 + cur1);
cur1 += delta; /* form error * 5 */
bpreverr1 = belowerr1 + cur1;
belowerr1 = bnexterr;
cur1 += delta; /* form error * 7 */
bnexterr = cur2; /* Process component 2 */
delta = cur2 * 2;
cur2 += delta; /* form error * 3 */
errorptr[2] = (FSERROR) (bpreverr2 + cur2);
cur2 += delta; /* form error * 5 */
bpreverr2 = belowerr2 + cur2;
belowerr2 = bnexterr;
cur2 += delta; /* form error * 7 */
/* At this point curN contains the 7/16 error value to be propagated
* to the next pixel on the current line, and all the errors for the
* next line have been shifted over. We are therefore ready to move on.
inptr += dir3; /* Advance pixel pointers to next column */
outptr += dir;
errorptr += dir3; /* advance errorptr to current column */
/* Post-loop cleanup: we must unload the final error values into the
* final fserrors[] entry. Note we need not unload belowerrN because
* it is for the dummy column before or after the actual array.
errorptr[0] = (FSERROR) bpreverr0; /* unload prev errs into array */
errorptr[1] = (FSERROR) bpreverr1;
errorptr[2] = (FSERROR) bpreverr2;
static void init_error_limit ()
/* Allocate and fill in the error_limiter table */
/* Note this should be done only once. */
int * table;
int in, out;
table = (int *) malloc((size_t) ((255*2+1) * sizeof(int)));
if (! table) return;
table += 255; /* so can index -255 .. +255 */
sl_error_limiter = table;
#define STEPSIZE ((255+1)/16)
/* Map errors 1:1 up to +- 255/16 */
out = 0;
for (in = 0; in < STEPSIZE; in++, out++) {
table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out;
/* Map errors 1:2 up to +- 3*255/16 */
for (; in < STEPSIZE*3; in++, out += (in&1) ? 0 : 1) {
table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out;
/* Clamp the rest to final out value (which is (255+1)/8) */
for (; in <= 255; in++) {
table[in] = out; table[-in] = -out;