Labels:bar | box | chair | earth | fence | field | grass | lodestone | person | reckoner | seat | sky | water OCR: abcde ghijk lrunopor stuvwxye ABCDE FGHIJKLNNOPQA RSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ~!@# #07 ^-- +=><.[ I{}!\";/? The BuiCk brcw fer sjexps Cve the iaay deg. The Buick brown fox junps over the tary dog 24 The Buick browr xof jurxps over the lazy dog 34 The Quick browr xof junps over the lazy dog The Ruick brown xof junps over the lazy Bop The QuiCk brown TOX iunps over the The QuiCk browr iunps over abcdefghijk lmnopgr rstuvwxya DEFOHI 123454789 keryps Cver iazy guick jurups tazy lary jumps