ZABAIONEZABAIONESZABAIONE n pl. -S a dessert resembling custard ZABAJONEZABAJONESZABAJONE n pl. -S zabaione ZACATONZACATONSZACATON n pl. -S a Mexican grass ZADDIKZADDIKIMZADDIK n pl. -DIKIM a virtuous person by Jewish religious standards ZAFFARZAFFARSZAFFAR n pl. -S zaffer ZAFFERZAFFERSZAFFER n pl. -S a blue ceramic coloring ZAFFIRZAFFIRSZAFFIR n pl. -S zaffer ZAFFREZAFFRESZAFFRE n pl. -S zaffer ZAFTIGZAFTIG adj full-bosomed ZAGZAGGEDZAGGINGZAGSZAG v ZAGGED, ZAGGING, ZAGS to turn sharply ZAIBATSUZAIBATSUZAIBATSU n pl. ZAIBATSU a powerful family combine in Japan ZAIREZAIRESZAIRE n pl. -S a monetary unit of Zaire ZAMARRAZAMARRASZAMARRA n pl. -S a sheepskin coat ZAMARROZAMARROSZAMARRO n pl. -ROS zamarra ZAMIAZAMIASZAMIA n pl. -S a tropical plant ZAMINDARZAMINDARSZAMINDAR n pl. -S a tax collector in precolonial India ZANANAZANANASZANANA n pl. -S zenana ZANDERZANDERSZANDER n pl. -S a freshwater fish ZANIERZANIER comparative of zany ZANIESZANIES pl. of zany ZANINESSZANINESSESZANINESS n pl. -ES the quality or state of being zany ZANYZANIERZANIESTZANILYZANY adj ZANIER, ZANIEST ludicrously comical ■ZANILY ²adv ZANYZANIESZANY n pl. -NIES a zany person ZANYISHZANYISH adj somewhat zany ZANZAZANZASZANZA n pl. -S an African musical instrument ZAPZAPPEDZAPPINGZAPSZAP v ZAPPED, ZAPPING, ZAPS to kill or destroy ZAPATEOZAPATEOSZAPATEO n pl. -TEOS a Spanish dance ZAPTIAHZAPTIAHSZAPTIAH n pl. -S a Turkish policeman ZAPTIEHZAPTIEHSZAPTIEH n pl. -S zaptiah ZARATITEZARATITESZARATITE n pl. -S a chemical compound ZAREBAZAREBASZAREBA n pl. -S an improvised stockade ZAREEBAZAREEBASZAREEBA n pl. -S zareba ZARFZARFSZARF n pl. -S a metal holder for a coffee cup ZARIBAZARIBASZARIBA n pl. -S zareba ZARZUELAZARZUELASZARZUELA n pl. -S a Spanish operetta ZASTRUGAZASTRUGIZASTRUGA n pl. -GI sastruga ZAXZAXESZAX n pl. -ES a tool for cutting roof slates ZAYINZAYINSZAYIN n pl. -S a Hebrew letter ZEALZEALSZEAL n pl. -S enthusiastic devotion ZEALOTZEALOTSZEALOT n pl. -S one who is zealous ZEALOTRYZEALOTRIESZEALOTRY n pl. -RIES excessive zeal ZEALOUSZEALOUS adj filled with zeal ZEATINZEATINSZEATIN n pl. -S a chemical compound found in maize ZEBECZEBECSZEBEC n pl. -S xebec ZEBECKZEBECKSZEBECK n pl. -S xebec ZEBRAZEBRASZEBRAICZEBRA n pl. -S an African mammal that is related to the horse ■ZEBRAIC² adj ZEBRASSZEBRASSESZEBRASS n pl. -ES the offspring of a zebra and an ass ZEBRINEZEBRINE adj pertaining to a zebra ZEBROIDZEBROID adj zebrine ZEBUZEBUSZEBU n pl. -S an Asian ox ZECCHINZECCHINSZECCHIN n pl. -S zecchino ZECCHINOZECCHINIZECCHINOSZECCHINO n pl. -NI or -NOS a former gold coin of Italy ZECHINZECHINSZECHIN n pl. -S zecchino ZEDZEDSZED n pl. -S the letter Z ZEDOARYZEDOARIESZEDOARY n pl. -ARIES the medicinal root of a tropical plant ZEEZEESZEE n pl. -S the letter Z ZEINZEINSZEIN n pl. -S a simple protein ZELKOVAZELKOVASZELKOVA n pl. -S a Japanese tree ZEMINDARZEMINDARSZEMINDAR n pl. -S zamindar ZEMSTVOZEMSTVOSZEMSTVO n pl. -VOS an elective council in czarist Russia ZENANAZENANASZENANA n pl. -S the section of a house in India reserved for women ZENITHZENITHSZENITHALZENITH n pl. -S the highest point ■ZENITHAL ²adj ZEOLITEZEOLITESZEOLITICZEOLITE n pl. -S a mineral ■ZEOLITIC² adj ZEPHYRZEPHYRSZEPHYR n pl. -S a gentle breeze ZEPPELINZEPPELINSZEPPELIN n pl. -S a long, rigid airship ZEROZEROSZEROESZEROEDZEROINGZERO v -ED, -ING, -ES or -S to aim at the exact center of a target ZESTZESTSZESTEDZESTINGZEST v -ED, -ING, -S to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) ZESTFULZESTFUL adj full of zest ZESTYZESTIERZESTIESTZESTY adj ZESTIER, ZESTIEST marked by zest ZETAZETASZETA n pl. -S a Greek letter ZEUGMAZEUGMASZEUGMA n pl. -S the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense ZIBELINEZIBELINESZIBELINE n pl. -S a soft fabric ZIBETZIBETSZIBET n pl. -S an Asian civet ZIBETHZIBETHSZIBETH n pl. -S zibet ZIGZIGGEDZIGGINGZIGSZIG v ZIGGED, ZIGGING, ZIGS to turn sharply ZIGGURATZIGGURATSZIGGURAT n pl. -S an ancient Babylonian temple tower ZIGZAGZIGZAGGEDZIGZAGGINGZIGZAGSZIGZAG v -ZAGGED, -ZAGGING, -ZAGS to proceed on a course marked by sharp turns ZIKKURATZIKKURATSZIKKURAT n pl. -S ziggurat ZIKURATZIKURATSZIKURAT n pl. -S ziggurat ZILCHZILCHESZILCH n pl. -ES nothing ZILLAHZILLAHSZILLAH n pl. -S an administrative district in India ZILLIONZILLIONSZILLION n pl. -S an indeterminately large number ZINCZINCEDZINCINGZINCSZINCKEDZINCKINGZINCSZINC v ZINCED, ZINCING, ZINCS or ZINCKED, ZINCKING, ZINCS to coat with zinc (a metallic element) ZINCATEZINCATESZINCATE n pl. -S a chemical salt ZINCICZINCIC adj pertaining to zinc ZINCIFYZINCIFIEDZINCIFYINGZINCIFIESZINCIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to coat with zinc ZINCITEZINCITESZINCITE n pl. -S an ore of zinc ZINCKEDZINCKED a past tense of zinc ZINCKINGZINCKING a present participle of zinc ZINCKYZINCKY adj resembling zinc ZINCOIDZINCOID adj zincic ZINCOUSZINCOUS adj zincic ZINCYZINCY adj zincky ZINGZINGSZINGEDZINGINGZING v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a high-pitched humming sound ZINGANOZINGANIZINGANO n pl. -NI zingaro ZINGARAZINGAREZINGARA n pl. -RE a female gypsy ZINGAROZINGARIZINGARO n pl. -RI a gypsy ZINGYZINGIERZINGIESTZINGY adj ZINGIER, ZINGIEST enjoyably exciting ZINKIFYZINKIFIEDZINKIFYINGZINKIFIESZINKIFY v -FIED, -FYING, -FIES to zincify ZINKYZINKY adj zincky ZINNIAZINNIASZINNIA n pl. -S a tropical plant ZIPZIPPEDZIPPINGZIPSZIP v ZIPPED, ZIPPING, ZIPS to move with speed and vigor ZIPPERZIPPERSZIPPEREDZIPPERINGZIPPER v -ED, -ING, -S to fasten with a zipper (a fastener consisting of two rows of interlocking teeth) ZIPPYZIPPIERZIPPIESTZIPPY adj -PIER, -PIEST full of energy ZIRAMZIRAMSZIRAM n pl. -S a chemical salt ZIRCONZIRCONSZIRCON n pl. -S a mineral ZIRCONIAZIRCONIASZIRCONIA n pl. -S a chemical compound ZIRCONICZIRCONIC adj pertaining to a certain metallic element ZITHERZITHERSZITHER n pl. -S a stringed instrument ZITHERNZITHERNSZITHERN n pl. -S zither ZITIZITISZITI n pl. -S a tubular pasta ZIZITHZIZITH n/pl the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl ZIZZLEZIZZLEDZIZZLINGZIZZLESZIZZLE v -ZLED, -ZLING, -ZLES to sizzle ZLOTYZLOTYSZLOTY n pl. ZLOTYS a monetary unit of Poland ZOAZOA a pl. of zoon ZOARIUMZOARIALZOARIAZOARIUM n pl. -IA a colony of bryozoans ■ZOARIAL² adj ZODIACZODIACSZODIACALZODIAC n pl. -S an imaginary belt encircling the celestial sphere ■ZODIACAL ²adj ZOEAZOEAEZOEASZOEALZOEA n pl. ZOEAE or ZOEAS a larval form of certain crustaceans ■ZOEAL² adj ZOFTIGZOFTIG adj zaftig ZOICZOIC adj pertaining to animals or animal life ZOISITEZOISITESZOISITE n pl. -S a mineral ZOMBIZOMBISZOMBI n pl. -S a snake god of voodoo cults in West Africa ZOMBIEZOMBIESZOMBIE n pl. -S zombi ZOMBIISMZOMBIISMSZOMBIISM n pl. -S the system of beliefs connected with zombis ZONALZONALLYZONAL adj pertaining to a zone ■ZONALLY² adv ZONARYZONARY adj zonal ZONATEZONATE adj arranged in zones ZONATEDZONATED adj zonate ZONATIONZONATIONSZONATION n pl. -S arrangement in zones ZONEZONEDZONINGZONESZONE v ZONED, ZONING, ZONES to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) ZONELESSZONELESS adj having no zone or belt ZONERZONERSZONER n pl. -S one that zones ZONETIMEZONETIMESZONETIME n pl. -S standard time used at sea ZONINGZONING present participle of zone ZONKEDZONKED adj under the influence of alcohol or a drug ZONULAZONULAEZONULASZONULA n pl. -LAE or -LAS zonule ZONULEZONULESZONULARZONULE n pl. -S a small zone ■ZONULAR² adj ZOOZOOSZOO n pl. ZOOS a place where animals are kept for public exhibition ZOOCHOREZOOCHORESZOOCHORE n pl. -S a plant dispersed by animals ZOOGENICZOOGENIC adj caused by animals or their activities ZOOGLEAZOOGLEALZOOGLEAEZOOGLEASZOOGLEA n pl. -GLEAE or -GLEAS a jellylike mass of bacteria■ ZOOGLEAL² adj ZOOGLOEAZOOGLOEAEZOOGLOEASZOOGLOEA n pl. -GLOEAE or -GLOEAS zooglea ZOOIDZOOIDSZOOIDALZOOID n pl. -S an organic cell or body capable of independent movement ■ZOOIDAL² adj ZOOKSZOOKS interj used as a mild oath ZOOLATERZOOLATERSZOOLATER n pl. -S one that worships animals ZOOLATRYZOOLATRIESZOOLATRY n pl. -TRIES the worship of animals ZOOLOGYZOOLOGICZOOLOGIESZOOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science that deals with animals■ ZOOLOGIC² adj ZOOMZOOMSZOOMEDZOOMINGZOOM v -ED, -ING, -S to move with a loud humming sound ZOOMANIAZOOMANIASZOOMANIA n pl. -S an excessive interest in animals ZOOMETRYZOOMETRIESZOOMETRY n pl. -TRIES the measurement of animals or animal parts ZOOMORPHZOOMORPHSZOOMORPH n pl. -S something in the form of an animal ZOONZOAZOONSZOONALZOON n pl. ZOA or ZOONS the whole product of one fertilized egg ■ZOONAL² adj ZOONOSISZOONOTICZOONOSESZOONOSIS n pl. -NOSES a disease that can be transmitted from animals to man ■ZOONOTIC² adj ZOOPHILEZOOPHILESZOOPHILE n pl. -S a lover of animals ZOOPHYTEZOOPHYTESZOOPHYTE n pl. -S an invertebrate animal ZOOSPERMZOOSPERMSZOOSPERM n pl. -S the male fertilizing element of an animal ZOOSPOREZOOSPORESZOOSPORE n pl. -S a type of spore ZOOTOMYZOOTOMICZOOTOMIESZOOTOMY n pl. -MIES the dissection of animals ■ZOOTOMIC² adj ZORIZORIZORI n pl. ZORI a type of sandal ZORILZORILSZORIL n pl. -S a small African mammal ZORILLAZORILLASZORILLA n pl. -S zoril ZORILLEZORILLESZORILLE n pl. -S zoril ZORILLOZORILLOSZORILLO n pl. -LOS zoril ZOSTERZOSTERSZOSTER n pl. -S a virus disease ZOUAVEZOUAVESZOUAVE n pl. -S a French infantryman ZOUNDSZOUNDS interj used as a mild oath ZOWIEZOWIE interj used to express surprise or pleasure ZOYSIAZOYSIASZOYSIA n pl. -S a perennial grass ZUCCHINIZUCCHINISZUCCHINI n pl. -S a vegetable ZWIEBACKZWIEBACKSZWIEBACK n pl. -S a sweetened bread ZYGOMAZYGOMASZYGOMATAZYGOMA n pl. -MAS or -MATA the cheekbone ZYGOSISZYGOSEZYGOSESZYGOSIS n pl. -GOSES the union of two gametes ■ZYGOSE² adj ZYGOSITYZYGOSITIESZYGOSITY n pl. -TIES the makeup of a particular zygote ZYGOTEZYGOTESZYGOTICZYGOTE n pl. -S a cell formed by the union of two gametes■ ZYGOTIC² adj ZYGOTENEZYGOTENESZYGOTENE n pl. -S a stage in meiosis ZYMASEZYMASESZYMASE n pl. -S an enzyme ZYMEZYMESZYME n pl. -S an enzyme ZYMOGENZYMOGENSZYMOGEN n pl. -S a substance that develops into an enzyme when suitably activated ZYMOGENEZYMOGENESZYMOGENE n pl. -S zymogen ZYMOLOGYZYMOLOGIESZYMOLOGY n pl. -GIES the science of fermentation ZYMOSISZYMOTICZYMOSESZYMOSIS n pl. -MOSES fermentation ■ZYMOTIC² adj ZYMURGYZYMURGIESZYMURGY n pl. -GIES a branch of chemistry dealing with fermentation ZYZZYVAZYZZYVASZYZZYVA n pl. -S a tropical weevil