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495 lines
December 1, 1988
This document covers topics not included in MS-DOS printed documentation.
It also lists a small number of corrections.
Device drivers are programs that let the operating system recognize devices
that are not a part of the computer (for example, a modem, printer, or
mouse). Some device drivers are already installed with MS-DOS. Other
device drivers, called installable device drivers, can be installed as you
need them.
ANSI.SYS--Installable Device Driver
ANSI.SYS, an installable device driver, lets you use ANSI escape sequences
in real mode. An ANSI escape sequence is a series of characters developed
by the American National Standards Institute. You use these escape
sequences to define functions for MS-DOS. Specifically, you can change
graphics functions and affect the movement of the cursor.
Following is a description of two options you can use with the ANSI.SYS
device driver.
The function of this option is to retain the number of screen rows for
application programs that return the number of screen rows to the default,
25. You change the default with the MODE command.
The function of this option is to prevent ANSI.SYS from using extended
keyboard functions when an enhanced keyboard is installed.
For more information on the ANSI.SYS device driver, and the MODE command,
please see the Microsoft MS-DOS User's Reference.
HIMEM.SYS--Installable Device Driver for Extended Memory
HIMEM.SYS, an installable device driver, conforms to the XMS (eXtended
Memory Specification) version 2.0. It allows MS-DOS programs on 80286 and
80386 systems with extended memory to access the extended memory
independent of machine configuration. It also allows MS-DOS programs to
use an extra 64K region of memory for code and data. This region is
located just above the 1 MB boundary.
If you have an EMS (Expanded Memory Specification) board, you can allocate
part of its memory (64K is the recommended optimum amount) to extended
memory by reconfiguring the board and leaving the rest as expanded. Refer
to your EMS board manual for more information about reconfiguring your
If you are loading other extended memory programs which do not use the XMS
interface to manage the extended memory, they should be configured to
leave at least 64K of extended memory free.
System Requirements
To use HIMEM.SYS with your computer, you need the following:
o An IBM PC/AT, PS/2 (except models 25 and 30), or compatible computer
o Extended memory
Installing HIMEM.SYS
To install HIMEM.SYS, include the following command line in your
When you start your computer, the driver is loaded and the following message
is displayed:
HIMEM: DOS XMS Driver, Version 2.04 - 8/17/88
Copyright 1988, Microsoft Corp.
If you also want to install other device drivers that use XMS calls, place
the commands that install them in the CONFIG.SYS file after the
above command.
Following is a description of the two options you can use with the HIMEM.SYS
device driver.
The function of this option is to specify the minimum amount of memory a
Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program can use in the High Memory Area
(HMA) allowing controlled access to the HMA. Specify the amount of memory in
kilobytes. Programs requiring less space will not be placed in the HMA.
To ensure the most effective use of this memory area, set the number to the
request size of the largest TSR program that will use the HMA. The minimum
value is 0, the maximum is 63, and the default is 0. The 0 default allows
"first come, first served" access to the HMA. When you use this option,
the following message will be displayed:
Minimum HMA size set to <number>
Please note that you will only use the /HMAMIN option when you run two or
more TSR programs and/or device drivers that require use of the HMA.
The function of this option is to set the maximum number of Extended Memory
Block (EMB) handles that can be used at any given time. Specify the amount of
memory in kilobytes. The minimum value is 1, the maximum is 128, and the
default is 32. Each additional handle requires an additional 6 bytes of
resident memory. Because it is possible to exceed the default when running
several programs, increase the number of allocated EMB handles using the
/NUMHANDLES option. When you use this option, the following message
will be displayed:
n extended memory handles available.
The following command line shows the most common configuration of HIMEM.SYS:
The following command line shows a configuration of HIMEM.SYS which ensures
that any program using the High Memory Area must use at least 40K of
this memory:
The following command line shows a configuration of HIMEM.SYS which uses the
maximum number of Extended Memory Block handles:
The following messages may appear when you install the HIMEM.SYS
device driver. Most messages indicate a problem that needs correction before
HIMEM.SYS can be installed properly.
* 64K High Memory Area is available.
You have installed HIMEM.SYS properly.
* ERROR: HIMEM.SYS requires DOS 3.00 or higher.
XMS Driver not installed.
You have tried to install HIMEM.SYS on a machine using a version of MS-DOS
lower than 3.0. You can only install HIMEM.SYS on systems using MS-DOS
version 3.00 or higher.
* ERROR: HIMEM.SYS requires an 80x86-based machine.
XMS Driver not installed.
You have tried to install HIMEM.SYS on a machine other than an 80286
or 80386. HIMEM.SYS can only be installed on a computer system which has
an 80286 or 80386 microprocessor
* ERROR: An Extended Memory Manager is already installed.
XMS Driver not installed.
You have tried to install HIMEM.SYS after it has already been installed on
your system. HIMEM.SYS can only be installed once.
* ERROR: No available extended memory was found.
You have tried to install HIMEM.SYS on a computer without any extended
memory. HIMEM.SYS can only be installed on a computer with
extended memory.
* ERROR: Unrecognized A20 hardware.
HIMEM.SYS cannot recognize the A20 hardware of your system. If this occurs,
it is probably because the system is not one supported by this release of
HIMEM.SYS. Contact your computer manufacturer or dealer to see if an XMS
driver exists for your machine.
* WARNING: The High Memory Area is unavailable.
HIMEM.SYS cannot find enough memory to use the High Memory Area. HIMEM.SYS
will not be able to process any requests for the High Memory Area.
However, HIMEM.SYS will remain installed to process any requests for the
Extended Memory Data Blocks.
* WARNING: The A20 Line was already enabled.
During the installation process, HIMEM.SYS detected the A20 hardware was
already enabled. HIMEM.SYS will remain installed and attempt to work
properly, however it will not disable the A20 line.
EMM386.SYS--Installable Device Driver
EMM386.SYS, an installable device driver, allows MS-DOS programs on 80386
systems to emulate expanded memory in extended memory. The driver
supports the Lotus, Intel, and Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory
Specification (EMS) 4.0.
System Requirements
To use EMM386.SYS with your computer, you need the following:
o A 80386-based computer compatible with the IBM AT standard
hardware/software interface, such as Compaq 386 or AST Premium 386.
o Extended memory
Note: The EMM386.SYS driver detects most boards which utilize memory
between the addresses A000--E000. To determine what memory addresses to
exclude, or where to load its page frame, EMM386.SYS searches between A000
and E000 to find addresses used by these adapters. It will not load its
page frame at these addresses. Once it finds a contiguous block of 64K of
memory, it loads the EMM386.SYS page frame segment.
Installing EMM386.SYS
To install EMM386.SYS, include the following command line in your
DEVICE=[d:][path]EMM386.SYS [size] [X:mmmm-nnnn] [Mx]
You should make sure that the EMM386.SYS driver gets loaded before any
other programs, such as Microsoft RAMDrive, that use expanded memory.
Following is a description of the options in the EMM386.SYS command line:
This option specifies the amount of extended memory that
EMM386.SYS will use. Specify the amount in kilobytes.
The recommended amount is 512K and default is 256K.
X:mmmm-nnnn (Memory Exclusion Range)
This option allows you to specify a range of memory which will not be
used for locating the EMM386.SYS page frame or other mappable pages. Use
this option if an expansion option board (e.g., a network board) is
installed between the addresses A000 and E000.
Don't use this option unless you detect a conflict between EMM386.SYS and
an expansion option board. However, a conflict is not likely to occur as
EMM386.SYS automatically recognizes the presence of most expansion option
boards and will not try to use the range of memory these boards use for
locating the EMM386.SYS page frame or mappable pages.
Mx (Page Frame Address Location)
This option allows you to directly specify where the EMM386.SYS page
frame should be located in memory. EMM386.SYS will automatically locate
an address for the EMM386.SYS page frame. Don't use this option unless
you want to locate the page frame at a different address. If EMM386.SYS
detects a conflict in the user-specified page frame between itself and an
expansion option board, it will print a warning message to advise you of
the conflict and this effect and subsequent actions are not guaranteed.
To use this option, choose a value from the following list that does not
conflict with any options that you have previously installed.
x Specifies Page Frame to Begin at Segment:
0 C000
1 C400
2 C800
3 CC00
4 D000
5 D400
6 D800
7 DC00
8 E000
This will load the EMM386.SYS driver and take 1024K of extended memory
to provide expanded memory.
DEVICE=EMM386.SYS 1024 X:C400-C7FF
This will produce the same result as in the first example, but it also
excludes the C400 to C7FF (768K to 832K) from being used by EMM386.SYS to
locate its page frame or mappable pages.
DEVICE=EMM386.SYS 1024 X:C400-C7FF X:E000-E3FF
This will produce the same result as in the second example, but it excludes
both C400-C7FF and E000-E3FF (896K to 960K) from being used by EMM386.SYS
to locate its page frame or mappable pages.
This will load EMM386.SYS and make 1024K of expanded memory available for
its use. It also forces EMM386.SYS to locate its page frame at D800.
* EMM386 Installed.
Extended memory allocated: xxxxx KB
System memory allocated: xxxxx KB
Expanded memory available: xxxxx KB
Page frame base address: XX000 H
This message appears just after EMM386.SYS is loaded into memory. The
message displays the amount of expanded memory available and the address
where EMM386.SYS has located its page frame. The amount of expanded memory
available is the sum of the extended memory and system memory EMM386.SYS
has reclaimed.
* Invalid parameter specified.
During installation, a parameter other than those documented above or an
incorrect parameter has been specified.
* Size of expanded memory pool adjusted
Less extended memory is available than was requested through the size
parameter during installation.
* WARNING - Option ROM or RAM detected within page frame.
This warning occurs when forcing the EMM386.SYS page frame into the
desired memory location by using the Mx option. You were trying to force
the page frame into an area already used by an expansion option board, and
have created a conflict. The system will be unstable in this
configuration. You will need to force the page frame in a address location
not used by an option board.
* EMM386 not installed - insufficient memory.
You will need additional extended memory required to install EMM386.SYS
* EMM386 not installed - incorrect DOS version.
You have tried to install EMM386.SYS on a machine using a version of MS-DOS
lower than 3.1. You can only install EMM386.SYS on systems using MS-DOS
version 3.1 or higher.
* EMM386 not installed - incorrect machine type.
EMM386.SYS can only run on 80386 based machines which are compatible with
the IBM AT standard hardware/software interface, such as Compaq 386 or AST
Premium 386.
* EMM386 not installed - unable to set page frame base address.
This message is displayed when EMM386.SYS cannot find a range of 64K of
free (nonoccupied by BIOS, EGA adapters, or expansion option boards)
contiguous memory in the 640K to 1 MB range to load its page frame
* EMM386 already installed.
You cannot install EMM386.SYS twice.
XMA2EMS.SYS Device Driver
This is a device driver that supports the Lotus, Intel, and Microsoft
(LIM) Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) 4.0 under DOS 4.0.
o Expanded memory is memory addressed through a
combination of an Expanded Memory Specification (EMS)
device driver, such as XMA2EMS.SYS, and a hardware
adapter capable of providing expanded memory. This
memory enhancement is available to you if you have
one of the following installed:
- IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter
- IBM Personal System/2 80286 Expanded Memory
- IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory Expansion Option
o Refer to the EMS 4.0 specification for further
information about how to allocate the memory in your
For example, to specify a 64K page frame for EMS applications, two
16K pages for DOS usage, and 1MB as the amount of expanded memory to
allocate, enter the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file:
DEVICE=C:\DOS\XMA2EMS.SYS FRAME=D000 P254=C000 P255=C400 /X:64
The following section explains the values entered in
this command line and other values that can be substituted.
o The FRAME=D000 parameter specifies the default EMS page frame. It
consists of a 64K contiguous (connecting) space of available
memory, specified as one address that automatically sets the next
four contiguous pages. You may substitute the address segment,
D000, with any 64K available page frame from address segments
hexadecimal C000 through E000.
o If you specify the FRAME parameter (such as FRAME=D000) to set
pages P0, P1, P2, and P3, you cannot individually specify page
p0, p1, p2, or p3 in the DEVICE statement. By specifying the
FRAME parameter, you are already identifying four contiguous
For example, you could set pages p0 through p3 from D000 through
DC00 or have a page frame begin at D000 if you have a 64KB
contiguous space in memory:
DEVICE=XMA2EMS.SYS P0=D000 P1=D400 P2=D800 P3=DC00 P254=C000 P255=C400
o The P254=C000 and P255=C400 parameters in the example represent
"pages". A page is a fixed-length block of memory that is equal
to 16K of memory and can represent the value P0, P1, P2, P3,
P254, or P255. In the case of the XMA2EMS driver, pages P254 and
P255 are reserved for use by DOS. If you specify the P254 page,
you can run FASTOPEN in expanded memory by
specifying the /X parameter. If you specify P255, you can run the
BUFFERS command with the /X parameter specified. If you do not
specify P254 or P255 in your DEVICE statement for XMA2EMS, DOS
cannot use expanded memory and, therefore, uses conventional
memory for DOS functions.
o You can set the size value of /X from a minimum of four 16K
pages through the default value which is the maximum total
available memory in multiples of 16K pages. For example, the
minimum amount of memory you may specify is 64K (four 16K
DEVICE=C:\DOS\XMA2EMS.SYS FRAME=D000 P254=C000 P255=C400 /X:4
MS-DOS User's Reference--Command command--Page 48.
The second example should read:
If you want to increase space to 256 bytes, not kilobytes.
MS-DOS User's Reference--Find command--Page 76.
The example should read:
tree /f: | find ".EXE"
MS-DOS User's Reference--Mode command--Page 100.
The second syntax statement should read:
mode [display],shift[,t]
MS-DOS User's Reference--Select command--Page 122.
The third paragraph should read:
If you have already installed MS-DOS on the hard disk and you need to
update the specifications made previously, insert the Install disk in drive A,
set drive A as the default drive, and enter the following at the DOS prompt: