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/ Jason Aller Floppy Collection / 162.img / PCT601-5.ZIP / DESKTOP6.EXE / FAX.CFG < prev    next >
Text File  |  1990-04-05  |  33KB  |  263 lines

  1. N~                                              Notepad stuff keyboard                                                       X
  2. 1|Error writing CAS submit file.|~              Error                                                                        X
  3. Y~                                              Kill temporary files Y or other                                              X
  4. 2||~                                            A blank for clearing help lines                                              X
  5. 60~                                             How often to autoupdate scrollable windows 30000 for hardly ever             X
  6. 1~                                              Files selected box - row to start on                                         X
  7. 45~                                             Files selected box - column to start on                                      X
  8. 30~                                             Files selected box - width                                                   X
  9. 0~                                              Files selected box - length or 0 to autosize to # of selected files          X
  10.  Files To Send ~                                Title to box showing files selected                                          X
  11. 1|Invalid window number in routine MREFRESH.|~  Error                                                                        X
  12. COVER.TXT~                                      Name of the coverpage notepad file                                           X
  13. COVER.TXT`~                                     What to stuff keyboard with for COVER.TXT                                    X
  14. .CAS~                                           Name of CAS submittal file                                                   X
  15. 1|Nothing to FAX.  Job was not submitted.|~     CAS submital error                                                           X
  16. ~5|1st FAX board check @0. Requests = @1 Failures = @2 ...|~                       Name of database .REC file                X
  17. ~5|2nd FAX board check @0. Requests = @1 Failures = @2 ...|~                       Name of database .REC file                X
  18. 1~                                              Force the name of the notepad file into keyboard buffer 0=No other=Yes       X
  19. 1|Version @0.@1 of DOS is invalid.  Must be 3 or higher.|~  Error message                                                    X
  20. 11~                                             Default FAX page length in inches                                            X
  21.  ~                                              Default data to be put in notepad created file                               X
  22. V10 PCTools FAX~                                Default FAX tag field                                                        X
  23. *.TXT~                                          Default file template to search for (5 max)                                  X
  24. 343~                                            VERSION DEPENDANT! Offset in DESKTOP.CFG of Notepad directory (5.5=215)      X
  25. 333~8083~r here~                                Default phone number to dial                                                 X
  26. PCTOOLS.PCX|PCTOOLS.TIF|~                       Logofile name  |CAS|GAMMA|OAZ...                                             X
  27. Sent|Received|Future|Dialing|Sending|Receiving|Aborted|Non-CCP |Dropped |Bad Phone|~                                         X
  28. No|Yes|FAX|File|~                                                                                                            X
  29. -1|0| FAX Details |~                            Title box                                                                    X
  30. 1|1|Date:|~                                     Title box                                                                    X
  31. 2|1|Time:|~                                     Title box                                                                    X
  32. 6|3|Normal Resolution,Fine Resolution,FAX Board To FAX Board,|~  ,MCI Mail Send,MCI Mail Receive,GEnie|~   x row,col,items inX
  33. 1|@1 is empty.  It can't be sent.|~                                                                                          X
  34. FAX.PHO~                                        Phone directory filename                                                     X
  35. Printed|Moved|No Answer|Jammed |Error |Timeout |Overrun |~                                                                   X
  36. 1|FAX feature not currently supported.|~         Error message for unsupported stuff                                         X
  37. 1|Your request has been routed to your FAX card.|~                                                                           X
  38. H~                                               SHARED DRIVE                                                                X
  39. ~HONEBOO.C~                                      REFORMAT SOURCE CODE TEMP                                                   X
  40. PHONEBOO.NEW~                                    REFORMAT SOURCE CODE TEMP                                                   X
  41. .JOB~                                            DESKFAX  job queue file on shared drive                                     X
  42. 0|0| Select Files and Send |0|0|~                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  43. 0|0| Create a new File and Send |0|0|~           Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  44. 0|0|Cancel|0|0|~                                 Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  45. 0|0| Send |0|0|~                                 Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  46. 0|0| Choose different files |0|0|~  32=d but no highlight!  box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program X
  47. -1|0| Files To Send |~                           Title box                                                                   X
  48. 1|2|Select "OK" to enter the Notepad and create the|~   Title box 1 of 5                                                     X
  49. 2|2|file to FAX.  When you are finished, press "ESC"|~  Title box #2 of 5                                                    X
  50. 3|2|to send the file.|~                          Title box #3 of 5                                                           X
  51. 0|0|~                                            Title box #4 of 5                                                           X
  52. 0|0|~                                            Title box #5 of 5                                                           X
  53. 7|45|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  54. 11|70|2|4|~                                      Dialog box size for FAX details                                             X
  55. 0|0|2|4|~                                        Dialog box size for File Select                                             X
  56. 8|60|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  57. There are no files currently selected.~          No files message                                                            X
  58. 1|2|You have requested that a cover page be sent with|~ Title box #1 of 5                                                    X
  59. 2|2|your FAX.  Select "OK" to enter the Notepad and|~   Title box #2 of 5                                                    X
  60. 3|2|create your cover page.  When you are finished,|~   Title box #3 of 5                                                    X
  61. 4|2|press "ESC" to send the file.|~                     Title box #4 of 5                                                    X
  62. 0|0|~                                            Title box #5 of 5                                                           X
  63. 8|60|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  64. ~                                                Default who from                                                            X
  65. Y~                                               Y=Global cover page  Other=No                                               X
  66. N~                                               Global compressed print on FAX send                                         X
  67. 1|You *MUST* select at least 1 file to send.|~   Default who from                                                            X
  68. 222~                                             VERSION DEPENDANT Fixed offset after which in PCT Notepad, text is          X
  69.  Files To Select ~                               Select files title                                                          X
  70. N~                                               Clear the Notepad cover letter file each time Y or other=No                 X
  71. Y~                                               am/pm or 24 hour  Y=am/pm  other = 24 hour                                  X
  72. 1|You *MUST* specify a FAX phone number.|~       error message                                                               X
  73. 1|Invalid date specified.|~                      error message                                                               X
  74. 1|Invalid time specified.|~                      error message                                                               X
  75. Y~                                               Prompt the user for filename before going to Notepad on files Y or N        X
  76. N~                                               Clear the Notepad datafile                                                  X
  77. -1|0| Create A File |~                           Title box #5 of 5                                                           X
  78. 1|2|Enter the name of the file you wish to create and send:|~  Title box #1 of 5                                             X
  79. 2|2| |~                                                 Title box #2 of 5                                                    X
  80. 3|2|When you are finished creating the Notepad file,|~  Title box #3 of 5                                                    X
  81. 4|2|press "ESC" to send it.|~                           Title box #4 of 5                                                    X
  82. 8|60|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  83. N~                                               Keep showing the log after user has deleted an entry Y or other             X
  84. 2|46|To: |~      |~                              Edit box text                                                               X
  85. 3|46|FAX Number: |~                              Edit box text                                                               X
  86. 4|46|Comments: |~|~                              Edit box text                                                               X
  87. 2|08|Date: |~                                    Edit box text                                                               X
  88. 3|08|Time: |~                                    Edit box text                                                               X
  89. 4|08|From: |~                                    Edit box text                                                               X
  90. 3|25|Filename: |~                                Edit box text                                                               X
  91. QUEUE.TMP~                                       Temporary queue filename                                                    X
  92. 10~                                              Seconds to wait for DESKFAX  to react to a job                              X
  93. Y~                                               Use INT 28 (undocumented) during the wait for DESKFAX                       X
  94. 7|05| No Cover Page This Time |0|0|Y|~  Y or N to ask .. Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=progX
  95. 0~                                               VERSION DEPENDANT Offset in DESKTOP.CFG where version number is found       X
  96. ~Version 90.02.01~                               VERSION DEPENDANT Version of DESKTOP required for FAX.OVL or null=any       X
  97. 1|Desktop @1 invalid.  Use @2.|~                 Error message                                                               X
  98.   Actions|  Configure|~                          Main Lotus addon string                                                     X
  99. A11|C12|~                                        xScan code|yHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar               X
  100. Add a new Entry|Edit the current Entry|Delete the current Entry|Send files to the selected Entry|Check FAX Log|~             X
  101. A0101|E0102|D0103|S0104|C0122|~                  xScan code|yyHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar              X
  102. FAX Drive...      |Page Length:    @2|Cover Page:     @3|Time Format:  @0|Sent From...|~                                     X
  103. F0105|P0106|C0107|T0110|S0108|~                  xScan code|yyHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar              X
  104. 1|6|Enter the FAX drive letter and path:|~       Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  105. 5|75|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  106. 4|03| |~                                         Edit box text                                                               X
  107. 4|67|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  108. 1|2||~                                           Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  109. 3|60|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  110. 2|45|Enter the new page length in inches:  |~    Edit box text                                                               X
  111. 2|50|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  112. 1|2||~                                           Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  113. 3|35|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  114. 2|05|Cover page|~                                Toggle box text                                                             X
  115. 2|25|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  116. 1|2||~                                           Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  117. 3|70|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  118. 2|20|Enter your name: |~                         Edit box text                                                               X
  119. 2|55|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  120. ~T~                                              Final keyboard stuff or nothing for none                                    X
  121. Y~                                               Add executes a SEND after execution Y or other                              X
  122. Y~                                               Edit executes a SEND after executing Y or other                             X
  123. Y~                                               Stay in the phone directory rather than startup menu after sending          X
  124. 7|40|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  125. 1|2||~                                           Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  126. 3|75|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  127. 2|50|Enter a search argument to retrieve your FAX's: |~                       Edit box text                                  X
  128. 2|65|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  129. ~ATT~~OSS~                                       Global search argument                                                      X
  130. N~                                               Prompt for search argument on log list each time Y or other                 X
  131. \PCTFAX\~\~                                      Global shared directory                                                     X
  132. 01|00|00|03|00|27|31|27|11|78|~~                 Window info for schedule~                                                   X
  133. 07|00|00|14|00|28|31|30|08|78|~                  Window info for log~                                                        X
  134.  ~   Name                 Fax Number           Type Comments            ~      Header line 1 for SCHEDULE screen             X
  135.      Name                 Fax Number           Type Comments            ~      Header line 1 for SCHEDULE screen             X
  136.  ~   To              From            Date  Time   Status       OK  Pgs Type~    Header 1 for LOG screen                      X
  137.      To              From            Date  Time   Status       OK  Pgs Type~    Header 1 for LOG screen                      X
  138.  Send FAX Directory ~                            SCHEDULE window title                                                       X
  139.  FAX Log ~                                       LOG window title                                                            X
  140.      PgUp PgDn Home End    # or ┘ to Select    ALT-letter for Menus~    BOTTOM title for both windows                     X
  141. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete[Send[Chklog|~                 FKEY line for SCH window                                                    X
  142. 2|[[Delete[Search|~                              FKEY line for LOG window                                                    X
  143. N~                                               Y=Reuse deleted phonebook entries  other=always append                      X
  144. Y~                                               Y=Keboard stuffing allowed .. other = not allowed                           X
  145.   Actions|  Configure|~                          Main Lotus addon string                                                     X
  146. A11|C12|~                                        xScan code|yHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar               X
  147. Delete the selected Entry|Search...|~                                                                                        X
  148. D0109|S0111|~                                    xScan code|yyHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar              X
  149. FAX Drive...|AutoUpdate|~                                                                                                    X
  150. F0105|A0112|~                                          xScan code|yyHighlight letter|zzFunction to call for Lotus bar        X
  151. 5|Checking for future FAX's now...|~  3|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1| FAX Log |Checking for future FAX's now...|~  Busy processing meX
  152. 5| Checking for FAX's now...|~             3|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1| FAX Log |Checking for completed FAX's now...|~  Busy proceX
  153. 1|ERROR!  Dialog box has too much text!|~        Error message                                                               X
  154. 1|FAX board not responding or busy.|~            DESKFAX   error @2 (cmd=@3) on file @1.~          Error message             X
  155. 1|@1 does not exist.  Cannot send it.|~             Error message                                                            X
  156. 1|@1 isn't Ascii.  Can't submit.|~               Error message                                                               X
  157. 1|2|Select the preferred time format:|~          Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  158. 5|70|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  159. 2|40|24 hr,Am/Pm,|~                              Radio box row,col,items in radio                                            X
  160. 4|55|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  161. Central Point Software|Central Point|1(503)690-8083|~               Defaults for null phonebook                              X
  162. 1.00I~                                           Version number of this MSG file                                             X
  163. Unknown|p|a|NUL|File|FAX|/|:|00|:|\|YES|NO |~    Various critical constansts                                                 X
  164. *.~                                              Notepad filename template                                                   X
  165. *.*~                                             Notepad filename template                                                   X
  166. Am/Pm|24 hr|~                                    Descriptions                                                                X
  167. Y~                                               Copy files as tempfiles ($T???.???) to DESKFAX  shared directory Y or other X
  168. 1|DESKFAX responds but CAS does not.|~          Error message                                                                X
  169. 5|Checking for active FAX's now...|~   3|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1| FAX Log |Checking for active FAX's now...|~  Busy processing mX
  170. 340~                                             VERSION DEPENDANT! Offset in DESKTOP.CFG of Notepad default extension (3 bytX
  171.   ADD |  SEND |~                                 For boxes and file selection                                                X
  172. Y~                                               Copy FAX.MSG to users directory if none there and PCTOOLS env varb is set   X
  173. d00~~                      ~                     FAX directory last state table                                              X
  174. d2~t~                      ~                     FAX log last state table                                                    X
  175. Text            ~                                Word for screen recolor for TEXT must be 16 bytes                           X
  176. Headings        ~                                Word for screen recolor for HEADINGS must be 16 bytes                       X
  177. 27~                                              Process ID for FAX directory                                                X
  178. 1~                                               Context ID for FAX directory                                                X
  179. 28~                                              Process ID for FAX log                                                      X
  180. 1~                                               Context ID for FAX log                                                      X
  181. 1|No @1 rights. @0.|~                            Network errors on disk                                                      X
  182. 1|2||~                                           Title box #1 of 1                                                           X
  183. 3|75|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  184. 2|60|Enter an autoupdate time in seconds or 0 to disable: |~                           Edit box text                         X
  185. 2|65|  OK  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  186. .CTI~                                            Temporary file extension for files to shared drive                          X
  187. .CTO~                                            Temporary file extension for output from DESKFAX                            X
  188. .TST~                                            Temporary file extension for testing access to drives                       X
  189. 1|2|This FAX isn't yours.  Are you SURE you want to delete it?|~                                                             X
  190. 5|65|2|4|~                                       Dialog box size for Notepads description                                    X
  191. 4|45| YES  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  192. 4|55|  NO  |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program     X
  193. 18~                                              Clock ticks for wait for DESKFAX  18=1 second  less to check more often     X
  194. 132|80|~                                         Max line length for reformat of PCT Desktop files compressed/non-compressed X
  195. 1|No more files can be added to the list.|~      Filename list > 512 bytes long                                              X
  196. 6|52|Command line ID:  |~                        Edit box text                                                               X
  197. 14|70|1|4|~                                      Dialog box size for FAX details                                             X
  198. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,|1,2,3,4,5,12,13,15,16,14,9,10,11,|~  New order of items                                               X
  199. 9,10,11,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,|9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,12,13,15,16,14,|~  Edit order of items                                              X
  200. 6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,|12,13,15,16,14,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,|~  Other order of items neither New or Edit                         X
  201. 10|1|     Send Selected Files    |0|0|~           Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  202. 13|1| Make New File with Notepad |0|0|~           Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  203. 12|62|Cancel|0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  204. 10|33| Choose Different Files |0|0|~              Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  205. 13|33|   View Files to Send   |0|0|~              Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  206.      FAX Entries~                                                       ~      Header line 1 for SCHEDULE screen             X
  207. ~                                                                       ~      Header line 2 for SCHEDULE screen             X
  208. ~    blank line bottom title for file selection                         ~      Header line 2 for SCHEDULE screen             X
  209.  Files to Send ~                                 LOG window title                                                            X
  210. 02|00|00|16|00|09|12|11|06|41|~~                 Window info for files selection~                                            X
  211. 5| Processing FAX submission now... please wait...|~ 3|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1|-1| FAX Log |Checking for completed FAX's now...|~  X
  212. 5||~                                            A blank for clearing help lines                                              X
  213.  FAX Directory ~                                Directory file title 1                                                       X
  214. 03|00|00|02|00|65|79|75|06|32|~~                Directory file position info                                                 X
  215. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete|~                            FKEY for Directory window                                                    X
  216.  `Who' Information ~                            Directory file title 1                                                       X
  217. 03|00|00|02|88|48|60|62|06|33|~~                Directory file position info                                                 X
  218. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete|~                            FKEY for Directory window                                                    X
  219.  `What' Information ~                           Directory file title 1                                                       X
  220. 03|00|00|14|00|09|12|11|07|38|~~                Directory file position info                                                 X
  221. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete|~                            FKEY for Directory window                                                    X
  222.  `How & When' Information ~                     Directory file title 1                                                       X
  223. 03|00|00|13|78|97|97|100|06|37|~|~              Directory file position info                                                 X
  224. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete|~                            FKEY for Directory window                                                    X
  225. 2|[Add[Edit[Delete|~                            FKEY for Directory window                                                    X
  226. Nothing in FAX queue.~                          Nothing message                                                              X
  227. N~                                              Skip Save if COMMENT field is null                                           X
  228. 5~                                              Size of TAB's                                                                X
  229. 3~                                              # of times after CTSUBMIT starts, to wait "timeout" seconds for finish       X
  230.  ~                                              Default comment                                                              X
  231.  ~                                              Saved desktop notepad directory                                              X
  232. FAXID.CFG~                                      Name of FAX driver info file in shared directory                             X
  233. 1|No FAX driver installed in shared directory.|~ Error message for no FAX driver                                             X
  234. Pending|Working...|Receive|Sent|5      |6        |7      |8       |9       |10       |~                                      X
  235. 0|0|0|15|0|9600|60|~                            GAMMA priority/strategy/retries/dials/retry delay/baud/carrier detect        X
  236. 3910,No DialTone,3230,Disconnect,3932,Bad Phone #,3931,Busy,3300,SEND ERROR,~                                                X
  237. ~                                               GAMMA errors                                                                 X
  238. ~                                               GAMMA errors                                                                 X
  239. 1|2|FAX board is currently busy.  It cannot get Fax log.|~                      FAX busy 1 of 5                              X
  240. 2|2|~                                           FAX busy 2 of 5                                                              X
  241. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 3 of 5                                                              X
  242. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 4 of 5                                                              X
  243. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 5 of 5                                                              X
  244. 7|75|2|4|Y|~                                     Dialog box size for busy                                                    X
  245. 6|40| Retry |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  246. 6|60|Cancel|0|0|~                                 Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  247. 1|2|Fax board is not responding.  Check Fax Drive for correct path|~            FAX busy 1 of 5                              X
  248. 2|2|or check faxboard in host machine.|~    ~   FAX busy 2 of 5                                                              X
  249. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 3 of 5                                                              X
  250. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 4 of 5                                                              X
  251. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 5 of 5                                                              X
  252. 7|75|2|4|Y|~                                     Dialog box size for busy                                                    X
  253. 6|40|  OK   |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  254. 1|2|No FAX driver installed in shared directory.|~                               FAX busy 1 of 5                             X
  255. 2|2|Check Fax driver for proper path.|~     ~    FAX busy 2 of 5                                                             X
  256. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 3 of 5                                                              X
  257. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 4 of 5                                                              X
  258. 1|2|~                                           FAX busy 5 of 5                                                              X
  259. 7|50|2|14|Y|~                                    Dialog box size for busy                                                    X
  260. 6|40|  OK   |0|0|~                                Action box row-0=current,col,text,scancode-0=1stletter,jumpto-0=program    X
  261. TC~                                               Keyboard stuff to go to log from directory "T"elecom "C"heck Fax Log       X