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Text File  |  1992-05-18  |  2KB  |  34 lines

  1. <GOOD>::=excellent|wonderful|nice|careful|impeccable|shrewd|clever|nifty|good|
  2. smart|skillful|cunning|witty|fine|splendid|elegant|#5#very <GOOD>|bright|
  3. brainy|brilliant|sharp|keen|nimble-witted|slick|sly|astute|penetrating
  5. <MUMBLE>::=Hmmm|Ahh|Well Well|Gosh|Gee|OK|Oh man|Let's see|Wait a minute|
  6. Interesting|Wow|Wowee|Yipes|Zowee|Woosh|#5#<MUMBLE> <MUMBLE>|#6#<MUMBLE>...
  8. <LETME>::=I think I'll|let me|I need time to|I'm going to have to
  9. <CONSIDER>::=consider|contemplate|mull over|#4#<THINK> about
  10. <THINK>::=think|see|cogitate|meditate
  11. <THIS>::=this|this one|the situation|this problem|this here
  12. <P1>::=maneuver|strategem|tactic|play|move
  13. <P2>::=performance|game|effort
  14. <P3>::=play|strategy
  15. <P13>::=<P1>s|<P3>
  16. <P23>::=<P2>|<P3>
  17. <P123>::=<P1>s|<P2>|<P3>
  18. <PRAISE>::=<THANKS> for the game, <NICEGAME>
  19. <THANKS>::=Thanks|Thank you|Thank you very much
  20. <NICEGAME>::=I admired the <GOOD> <P123> on your part|
  21. that was <GOOD> <P3> on your part|your <P1>s were quite <GOOD>|it was a
  22.  pleasure to play against one so <GOOD>|I enjoyed your <GOOD> <P123>|
  23. I enjoyed particularly that last <GOOD> <P1>
  24. <STUPID>::=stupid|dumb|blundering|thick-headed|sad|thick-skulled|silly|
  25. ludicrous|witless|poor|ponderous|brainless|foolish|bungling|heavy-handed|
  26. graceless|clumsy
  27. <FOOL>::=fool|dolt|idiot|oaf|blockhead|fathead|chump|ass|moron|ninny|
  28. nincompoop|chump|dunce|bonehead|fathead|imbecile|jerk|baboon
  29. <INSULT>::=You <STUPID> <FOOL>|I have never seen such <STUPID> <P13>|
  30. Your <STUPID> <P23> befits a <STUPID> <FOOL>|Your <STUPID> <P1>s indicate
  31.  that you are a <STUPID> <FOOL>|A <STUPID> <FOOL> is not so <STUPID> as you|
  32. Your <P23> marks you as a <STUPID> <FOOL>|Your <P1>s are less than <GOOD>
  33. END