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Text File  |  1996-09-09  |  7KB  |  101 lines

  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3.                                         ,
  4.               ,aa$$$$$$$$$a,           a$$a.  ' aa,
  5.             a$$$$$$$$$a²²   ²         a$$$$a    ²$$$a.      ,  ²sa$a.
  6.            $$$$$$$$$'      ,a$$.     $$$$$$$$a   $$$$$$$aa²    ,$$$$$$a
  7.           $$$$$$$$'       $$$$$$    $$$$$$$$$$a. `$$$$$$$$      $$$$$$$a
  8.           $$$$$$$²       $$$$$$`     a$$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$
  9.           `$$$$$²         $$$$        ²$$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$
  10.             ²$$$                       $$$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$$
  11.               ²²$a                     $$$$$$$$'  $$$$$$$$$     $$$$$$$'
  12.                    '  ,               a$$$$$$$²   $$$$$$$$$,   ²"²²²"'
  13.                        ²$$$$$a       ,$$$$$$'     $$$$$$$$$
  14.                          ²$$$$$$a    $$$$$$       $$$$$$$$$
  15.       ,aa$aa              $$$$$$$$a  ²$$$²        $$$$$$$$$
  16.      $$²$²$$$a            $$$$$$$$$  ,aaa.        $$$$$$$$$
  17.      $$      ²²a        a$$$$$$$$$   $$$$$        $$$$$$$$$
  18.       ² a        ' aa$$$$$$$$$$$²     ²$²         `$$$$$$$$
  19.                     ²²²$$$$$²²         '            `""²²²$$a,
  20.                                                               ²-loc[acid]
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22.    ·■ Surprise! Productions ■ those who have the youth - have the future ■·
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24.         ·■ Surprise! Productions ■ PC ■ memberlist September 1996 ■·
  25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26.  Antichrist ..... courier .......... Germany .... antichrist@cyberbox.north.de
  27.  Chrono ......... artist, musician . Norway ..... nfl@hinux.hin.no
  28.  DJ Padman ...... musician ......... Nederlands . n/a
  29.  Instinct ....... coder ............ Austria .... n/a
  30.  Manitech ....... artist ........... Austria .... roman.seidl@iddc.via.at
  31.  Multiplex ...... coder ............ Nederlands . mux@simplex.nl
  32.  Omega .......... musician ......... Austria .... sebastian.ruf@iddc.via.at
  33.  Onyx ........... coder ............ USA ........ onyx12@ix.netcom.com
  34.  Raptor ......... artist ........... Austria .... n/a
  35.  ReeBoK ......... coder, courier ... Austria .... reebok@mozicart.or.at
  36. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37.  Burning Chrome . mental support ... Austria .... tobias@evolution.bmc.uu.se
  38.  Eliot .......... mental support ... Austria .... eliot@i-node.at
  39.  morbid genius .. mental support ... Austria .... mgenius@giga.or.at
  40. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41.                    sss                                             sss
  42.                    $$$                                             $$$
  43.        d$$²$$b $$$ $$$ $$$²$$b $$$²$$b $$$²$$b ($) d$$²$$b d$$²$$b $$$
  44.        $$$ ²²² $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ sss $$$ ²²² $$$ $$$ $$$
  45.         ²²²$$b $$$ $$$ $$$s$$' $$$s$$P $$$s$$' $$$  ²²²$$b $$$²²²² $$$
  46.        $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$b $$$     $$$ $$b $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
  47.      . $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$  .  $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ .
  48.      % $$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$  %  $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ ²²² %
  49.      $ ²$$$$$² ²$$$$$² $$$ $$$ $$$  $  $$$ $$$ $$$ ²$$$$$² ²$$$$$² ($) $
  50.      $s.     .s.     .s.   $$$    .s$s.    $$$   .s.     .s.     .s. .s$
  51.      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ²²² $$$$$$$$$$$ ²²² $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  52.      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  53.        .S.u.r.p.r.i.s.e.!. .P.r.o.d.u.c.t.i.o.n.s. . [rbk/moz]
  54. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55.  Inactive members have been removed  from  the memberlist,  but they  are  NOT
  56.  kicked  or  anything,  in case they will  be active again,  they will also be
  57.  an official part of the group again...
  58. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59.  Surprise! Productions has been founded in 1991 on Amiga and PC by Luke, Spike
  60.  and ReeBoK. The first generation of S!P PC that will always be remembered has
  61.  included people like  Erik Pojar and J.O.E. who made the group  to what it is
  62.  up today.  We thank  all the people  that ever have been productive under the
  63.  Surprise! Productions label ... we remember you all!   ReeBoK & the S!P crew!
  64. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65.  S!P PC ... respects ... all members of .. S!P Amiga ... and ... S!P MacIntosh
  66. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67.      where time stood still                        $   $ $,² $  '
  68.      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                ,aaaaa.  a $$ $$s$$ $ aaaaaa.
  69.        several foreigners                s$$$$$$$$$s`$s$$s$s$$$'$$$$$$$$$a
  70.        have been standing               $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$
  71.        infront of a cross              s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ss$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  72.   it was definatly not to hear         $$$$$$$$$²$$$$$$`$$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  73.  what they've been talking about       $$$$$$$² $$$$$$$$,²² $$$$$$$ ²$$$$$$$
  74.   suddenly a man in white cloth        $$$$$²  $$$$$$$$$$$s$$$$$$$$s  $$$$$$
  75.   reached around bread and wine       d$$$$$   ²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$
  76.      the strangers have all          s$$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$     $$$$$s
  77.  been eating and drinking of it      $$$$$$       ²$$$$$$$$$$$$$²'      $$$$$$
  78.   when finally a man focused me      $$$$$²         ²$$$$$$$$$²         d$$$$$
  79.             and said                  $$$$$a      ,a$$$$$$$$$$Sa.   ,sa$$$$$$
  80.     "welcome to the eternity"         ²²$$$$$$$$$$$$$²²'²²"²`²²$$$$$$$$$$$$²²
  81.  then I realized the first time           ²²$²² $$$$s$ss$$s$ss$$s$$s ²²$²²
  82.       that I must be dead                      $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  83.        I entered the land                    ²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²
  84.      where time stood still                     ²²$$$²$$$²$$$²$$²²²
  85.      and became a stranger                     s$$aaa$aaa$aaa$aa$$s
  86.             myself                              ²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²
  87.  (c) 1996 Severin-Stephan Kittl                   '²$$²$$²²$$²²     -loc[acid]
  88. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89.  DJ Padman ... Cristian Padberg, Monnetstr.13, NL-6904 LP Zevenaar, Nederlands
  90.  Instinct .... Mario Goller, Steigenteschgasse 13/3/14, A-1220 Vienna, Austria
  91.  Multiplex .. Bastiaan Olij, Prins Hendrikstr.30, NL-2161 SE Lisse, Nederlands
  92.  Omega ......... Sebastian Ruf, Morelligasse 4-6/9/2/7, A-1210 Vienna, Austria
  93.  Raptor ....... Martin Fahrnberger, Franz-Schubert-Str.3, A-3370 Ybbs, Austria
  94.  ReeBoK ..... Severin-Stephan Kittl, Hollergasse 27/19, A-1150 Vienna, Austria
  95. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96.                              H E A D Q U A T E R S
  97.  Shoebox-Universe ....... World HQ ....... +43-1-TEMPDOWN ....... Eliot/ReeBoK
  98. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99.  S!P logo and skull by Locutus of ACiD / Surprise! logo and infofile by ReeBoK