The Equalizer BBS
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Assembly Source File
892 lines
model huge
stack 1024
MAJORVER = 1 ;\ file format version 1.3
MAXFILES = 50 ;maximum number of files allowed in library
BUFFERSIZE = 4096 ;size of transfer buffer in bytes (less than 64k)
FILES = 30 ;maximum number of 'FILES' in CONFIG.SYS to track
;*** structures ***
STRUC ParmBlock
EnvSgmt DW 0
CmdTail DD 0
FCB_1 DD 0
FCB_2 DD 0
ExecAddr DD 0
PgmStack DD 0
ENDS ParmBlock
Filename DB 11 DUP (' ')
Reserved DB 5 DUP (0)
Fileattr DB 0
Filetime DW 0
Filedate DW 0
Filesize DD 0
Filename DB 13 DUP (0)
Fileoffset DD 0
ENDS LibFile
DriveLetter DB 0 ;+00 byte
Wildcard DB 11 DUP (' ') ;+01 byte(11)
AttrSearch DB 0 ;+0C byte
Reserved1 DW 0 ;+0D word
Reserved2 DW 0 ;+0F word
Reserved3 DW 0 ;+11 word
Reserved4 DW 0 ;+13 word
AttrFound DB 0 ;+15 byte
TimeFound DW 0 ;+16 word
DateFound DW 0 ;+18 word
SizeFound DD 0 ;+1A dword
FileFound DB 13 DUP (' ') ;+1E byte(13)
;*** macros ***
MACRO ErrorMessage ErrorName,ErrorText
LOCAL @@Message,@@Quit
PROC ErrorName
mov ah,9
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset @@Message
int 21h
cmp [Handle],0FFFFh
jz @@Quit
mov ah,3Eh
mov bx,[Handle]
int 21h
@@Quit: mov ax,4CFFh
int 21h
@@Message DB '***Error*** ',ErrorText,0Dh,0Ah,'$'
ENDP ErrorName
ENDM ErrorMessage
LOCAL @@NotLower
cmp letter,'a'
jb @@NotLower
cmp letter,'z'
ja @@NotLower
sub letter,'a'-'A'
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Initialization ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
PROC Start
mov [cs:PSPsegment],es
push cs ;\
pop ds ; \
mov ah,9 ; > display our greeting
mov dx,offset Hello ; /
int 21h ;/
mov ah,30h ;\
int 21h ; \ make sure we have DOS 2.x +
cmp al,3 ; /
jb OldDOSversion ;/
mov ax,[cs:PSPsegment] ;\
mov es,ax ; \
mov bx,zzzzzseg ; \
sub bx,ax ; \ reduce memory overhead
add bx,2 ; /
mov ah,4Ah ; /
int 21h ; /
jc ErrorChangingMemory ;/
mov ah,49h ;\
mov es,[cs:PSPsegment] ; \
mov es,[word es:002Ch] ; > free our environment space
int 21h ; /
jc ErrorChangingMemory ;/
call ParseCommandLine ;\ check the command line
jc NoCommandLine ;/
;*** Reading of the JLIB file header ***
mov ax,3D00h ;\
push cs ; \
pop ds ; \
mov dx,offset LibName ; > try to open the library file
int 21h ; /
jc BadLibName ; /
mov [Handle],ax ;/
;-------- 1.3 changes start here
mov ax,-4 ;\
cwd ; \
mov cx,dx ; \
mov dx,ax ; > seek to 4 bytes before end
mov ax,4202h ; /
mov bx,[Handle] ; /
int 21h ;/
mov ah,3Fh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,4 ; > read in the offset to start
mov dx,offset HeaderOffset ; /
int 21h ;/
mov ax,4202h ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
xor cx,cx ; > find out length of total file
xor dx,dx ; /
int 21h ;/
sub ax,[word HeaderOffset+0] ;\
sbb dx,[word HeaderOffset+2] ; \ compute offset to start of JLIB
mov [word HeaderOffset+0],ax ; /
mov [word HeaderOffset+2],dx ;/
mov ax,4200h ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,[word HeaderOffset+2] ; > seek to start of JLIB
mov dx,[word HeaderOffset+0] ; /
int 21h ;/
;-------- 1.3 changes end here
mov ah,3Fh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,6 ; \ read in signature and
mov dx,offset Buffer ; / file version number
int 21h ; /
jc FileError ;/
cmp [word Buffer],'LJ' ;\
jnz BadSignature ; \
cmp [word Buffer+2],'bi' ; \ check the signarure and
jnz BadSignature ; / file version number
cmp [word Buffer+4],MINORVER*256+MAJORVER
jnz BadSignature ;/
mov ah,3Fh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,2 ; \ read in number of files
mov dx,offset NumFiles ; / contained in the library
int 21h ; /
jc FileError ;/
mov cx,[NumFiles] ;\
cmp cx,MAXFILES ; > check the limit of files
ja TooManyFiles ;/
mov ah,3Fh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,4 ; \ read in the offset to the
mov dx,offset Transfer ; / directory structures
int 21h ; /
jc FileError ;/
mov ax,4200h ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,[word Transfer+2] ; \ seek to the beginning of
mov dx,[word Transfer+0] ; / the file structures
;-------- 1.3 changes start here
add dx,[word HeaderOffset+0]
adc cx,[word HeaderOffset+2]
;-------- 1.3 changes end here
int 21h ; /
jc FileError ;/
mov cx,[NumFiles] ;\
mov dx,offset FileStats ; \
@@Read: push cx dx ; \
mov ah,3Fh ; |
mov bx,[Handle] ; |
mov cx,size LibFile ; | read in the directory
int 21h ; | information for each file
jc FileError ; |
pop dx cx ; /
add dx,size LibFile ; /
loop @@Read ;/
mov ah,3Eh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \ close the library file
mov [Handle],-1 ; /
int 21h ;/
;*** Installation of handler and execution of child ***
mov ax,3521h ;\
int 21h ; \ save the old int 21 vector
mov [word OldInt21+0],bx ; /
mov [word OldInt21+2],es ;/
mov ax,2521h ;\
mov dx,seg NewInt21 ; \
mov ds,dx ; > hook our routine onto int 21
mov dx,offset NewInt21 ; /
int 21h ;/
mov ah,9 ;\
push cs ; \
pop ds ; > display a message
mov dx,offset NowRunning ; /
int 21h ;/
mov [word StackPTR+0],sp ;\ save the stack for later
mov [word StackPTR+2],ss ;/
mov ax,4B00h ;load and execute program
mov dx,seg ProgramName ;\
mov ds,dx ; > DS:DX ==> ASCIIZ program name
mov dx,offset ProgramName ;/
mov bx,seg MyParmBlock ;\
mov es,bx ; > ES:BX ==> parameter block
mov bx,offset MyParmBlock ;/
mov [word MyParmBlock+offset (ParmBlock).EnvSgmt],0
mov [word MyParmBlock+0+offset (ParmBlock).CmdTail],offset CommandTail
mov [word MyParmBlock+2+offset (ParmBlock).CmdTail],seg CommandTail
mov [word MyParmBlock+0+offset (ParmBlock).FCB_1],offset MyFCB_1
mov [word MyParmBlock+2+offset (ParmBlock).FCB_1],seg MyFCB_1
mov [word MyParmBlock+0+offset (ParmBlock).FCB_2],offset MyFCB_2
mov [word MyParmBlock+2+offset (ParmBlock).FCB_2],seg MyFCB_2
int 21h ;call DOS
cli ;\
mov sp,[word cs:StackPTR+0] ; \
mov ss,[word cs:StackPTR+2] ; \ recover all of our
sti ; > important registers
mov ax,cs ; /
mov es,ax ; /
mov ds,ax ;/
pushf ;save the flags
mov ah,9 ;\
push cs ; \
pop ds ; > display a message
mov dx,offset WelcomeBack ; /
int 21h ;/
push ds ;\
mov ax,2521h ; \
lds dx,[cs:OldInt21] ; > restore the int 21h vector
int 21h ; /
pop ds ;/
popf ;restore the flags
jc ExecutionErr ;handle the child's flags
mov ax,4C00h ;\ terminate program
int 21h ;/
ENDP Start
;copy and parse the filename on the command line into the 'LibName' variable
;return with carry set if no command line specified
PROC ParseCommandLine
cld ;clear direction flag
push cs ;\ set ES to CS
pop es ;/
mov ds,[cs:PSPsegment] ;\ DS:SI ==> source
mov si,80h ;/
lodsb ;\
xor cx,cx ; > CX = length of command line
mov cl,al ;/
mov [byte cs:LibName],0 ;\
mov [byte cs:ProgramName],0 ; > blank out all strings
mov [byte cs:CommandTail],0 ;/
@@SkipDiv1: jcxz @@Done ;\
lodsb ; \
dec cx ; > skip first divider
cmp al,' ' ; /
jbe @@SkipDiv1 ;/
mov di,offset LibName ;\
@@CopyLib: stosb ; \
jcxz @@LibDone ; \
lodsb ; \
dec cx ; > copy out the library name
cmp al,' ' ; /
ja @@CopyLib ; /
@@LibDone: xor al,al ; /
stosb ;/
@@SkipDiv2: jcxz @@Done ;\
lodsb ; \
dec cx ; > skip second divider
cmp al,' ' ; /
jbe @@SkipDiv2 ;/
mov di,offset ProgramName ;\
@@CopyProg: stosb ; \
jcxz @@ProgDone ; \
lodsb ; \
dec cx ; > copy out the EXE name
cmp al,' ' ; /
ja @@CopyProg ; /
@@ProgDone: xor al,al ; /
stosb ;/
@@SkipDiv3: jcxz @@Done ;\
lodsb ; \
dec cx ; > skip third divider
cmp al,' ' ; /
jbe @@SkipDiv3 ;/
dec si ;\
inc cx ; \
jcxz @@Done ; \
mov di,offset CommandTail ; \
mov al,cl ; > copy out the command tail,
stosb ; / if it's present
rep movsb ; /
mov al,0Dh ; /
stosb ;/
@@Done: cmp [byte cs:LibName],0 ;\
jz @@Nothing ; \
cmp [byte cs:ProgramName],0 ; \
jz @@Nothing ; \ return with CF set if there
clc ; / wasn't a LibName or an EXE name
ret ; /
@@Nothing: stc ; /
ret ;/
ENDP ParseCommandLine
;the following data is used only during initialization of program
Hello DB 'JLIBHOST.COM -- JLib File Host, v','0'+MAJORVER,'.','0'+MINORVER,0Dh,0Ah
DB 'by _______ /',0Dh,0Ah
DB ' / / ┌──┌┐ │─┬─┌──┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐o┌──┌──┌──',0Dh,0Ah
DB ' / / ├─ │└─┐│ │ ├─ ├┬┘├─┘├┬┘│└─┐├─ └─┐',0Dh,0Ah
DB '/____/ /_____ └──│ └┘ │ └──│ \│ │ \│──┘└────┘',0Dh,0Ah
DB 0Dh,0Ah,'$'
NowRunning DB 'Now running under a JLIB Host environment.',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
WelcomeBack DB 'Welcome back to reality.',0Dh,0Ah,'$'
PSPsegment DW 0 ;our PSP segment
StackPTR DD 0 ;saved stack pointer
MyParmBlock ParmBlock <> ;\
MyFCB_1 FCB <> ; \
MyFCB_2 FCB <> ; > used for executing child process
ProgramName DB 80 DUP (0) ; /
CommandTail DB 0,127 DUP (0Dh) ;/
;the following are all of the error messages, each created using a macro
ErrorMessage ErrorChangingMemory,'Error during memory management.'
ErrorMessage OldDOSversion,'This requires DOS 2.0 or higher.'
ErrorMessage NoCommandLine,<'Bad command line syntax.',0Dh,0Ah,9,'JLIBHOST «libname.JLB» «program.EXE» «parameters»'>
ErrorMessage BadLibName,'Error opening specified library.'
ErrorMessage BadSignature,'Bad library format.'
ErrorMessage TooManyFiles,'Too many files in library.'
ErrorMessage FileError,'Error during file I/O.'
ErrorMessage ExecutionErr,'Error during execution of child process.'
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Library functions ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
;the following data is needed by the library functions to access files
OldInt21 DD 0 ;old interrupt vector
LibName DB 80 DUP (0) ;full filename of library file
Handle DW 0FFFFh ;
Handle2 DW 0FFFFh ;
NumFiles DW 0 ;number of files in library
FileStats LibFile MAXFILES DUP (<>) ;file info structures of each file
Buffer DB 13 DUP (0) ;
Wildcard DB 13 DUP (0) ;\ last defined wildcard
MasterAttr DW 0 ; \ original search attribute
HandleNext DB 0 ; > if next FindNext should be caught
LastMatch DW 0 ; / number of last match
MasterWild DB 80 DUP (0) ;/ original search wildcard
HandleList DW FILES DUP (0) ;list of which handles are what
Transfer DB BUFFERSIZE DUP (0) ;transfer buffer (for dumping files)
HeaderOffset DD 0 ;offset to start of JLIB file
;capitalize filename, make sure there's a period, only allow 8 characters
;for the base name and 3 characters for the extension, doesn't allow
;characters after an asterick
; DS:DX ==> ASCIIZ filename
;returns: prepared filename is in 'Buffer'
; ZF set if no filename passed (null name)
PROC FixFileName
push si bx ax ;save what we'll modify
mov si,dx ;DS:SI ==> source name
cmp [byte ds:si],0 ;\ quit with ZF set, if there's
jz @@Quit ;/ nothing given to us
@@FindEnd: inc si ;\
cmp [byte ds:si],0 ; > seek to the end of the name
jnz @@FindEnd ;/
std ;\
@@FindStart:lodsb ; \
cmp si,dx ; \
jz @@GotStart ; | seek back to
cmp al,'\' ; | the start of
jz @@IncOne ; | the base name
cmp al,':' ; /
jnz @@FindStart ; /
@@IncOne: add si,2 ;/
@@GotStart: mov bx,offset Buffer ;CS:BX ==> place for final name
cld ;go forward, now
mov ah,8 ;only copy 8 bytes for the base
@@Basename: mov al,[byte ds:si] ;\
or al,al ; \ load a byte, handling it
jz @@AddDot ; / if it's a NULL
inc si ;/
cmp al,'.' ;if we've found a period, start
jz @@AddDot ; working on the extension
mov [byte cs:bx],al ; > make uppercase and store
inc bx ;/
cmp al,'*' ;if we've found an asterick, then
jz @@Ignore ; ignore all up to period or end
dec ah ;\ only copy 8 characters
jnz @@Basename ;/
@@Ignore: mov al,[byte ds:si] ;\
or al,al ; \
jz @@AddDot ; \ skip until a NULL or a
inc si ; / period is encountered
cmp al,'.' ; /
jnz @@Ignore ;/
@@AddDot: mov [byte cs:bx],'.' ;\ tack on a period
inc bx ;/
mov ah,3 ;only copy 3 bytes for the ext
@@Extension:lodsb ;\ load a byte and handle
or al,al ; > it if it's a NULL
jz @@Done ;/
mov [byte cs:bx],al ; > make uppercase and store it
inc bx ;/
cmp al,'*' ;\ if we copied a '*', then there
jz @@Done ;/ shouldn't be anything after it
dec ah ;\ only copy 3 characters
jnz @@Extension ;/
@@Done: mov [byte cs:bx],0 ;\ terminate it with a NULL
or al,1 ;clear ZF ;/
@@Quit: pop ax bx si ;restore everything
ret ;return
ENDP FixFileName
;locates a file structure that matches identically to a specified file
; ASCIIZ filename to match is in 'Buffer'
;returns: SI ==> appropiate structure
; AX = file number (0 based)
; carry set if not found
PROC MatchFile
push di bx cx dx
xor ax,ax
mov si,offset FileStats
mov cx,[cs:NumFiles]
mov di,offset Buffer
@@NewFile: xor bx,bx
@@Compare: mov dl,[byte cs:si+bx+offset (LibFile).Filename]
or dl,dl
jz @@GotIt
cmp dl,[byte cs:di+bx]
jnz @@Next
inc bx
jmp @@Compare
@@Next: add si,size LibFile
inc ax
loop @@NewFile
stc ;signal error
jmp @@Quit
@@GotIt: clc ;signal success
@@Quit: pop dx cx bx di
ENDP MatchFile
;locates a file structure that matches a specified wildcard
; ASCIIZ wildcard to match is in 'Wildcard'
; AX = file number from last call (-1 for first time)
;returns: if CF clear then
; SI ==> appropiate structure
; AX = file number (0 based)
; else
; no more matching files or invalid starting number
; endif
PROC MatchWild
push di bx cx dx bp
mov bx,ax ;\
inc bx ; \ make sure the start value is okay
cmp bx,[cs:NumFiles] ; /
jae @@NoMore ;/
inc ax ;AX = first entry to check
push ax ;\
mov bx,size LibFile ; \
mul bx ; \ SI ==> first structure to check
mov si,offset FileStats ; /
add si,ax ; /
pop ax ;/
mov cx,[cs:NumFiles] ;\
sub cx,ax ; > CX = number of files to check
inc cx ;/
mov di,offset Wildcard ;DI ==> wildcard string
@@NewFile: xor bx,bx
mov bp,offset (LibFile).Filename
@@Compare: mov dl,[byte cs:di+bx] ;DL = wildcard letter
mov dh,[byte cs:si+bp] ;DH = filename letter
inc bx
inc bp
cmp dl,'.' ;\
jz @@GotDot ; \
cmp dh,'.' ; \
jnz @@NoDot ; > period ('.')
@@GotDot: cmp dl,dh ; /
jnz @@NoMatch ; /
jmp @@Compare ;/
@@NoDot: or dl,dl ;\
jz @@GotNull ; \
or dh,dh ; \
jnz @@NoNull ; > null (0h)
@@GotNull: cmp dh,dl ; /
jz @@Found ; /
jmp @@NoMatch ;/
@@NoNull: cmp dl,'?' ;\ question mark ('?')
jz @@Compare ;/
cmp dl,'*' ;\
jnz @@NotStar ; \
@@Ignore: mov dl,[byte cs:si+bp] ; \
cmp dl,'.' ; |
jz @@Compare ; | asterick ('*')
or dl,dl ; |
jz @@Compare ; /
inc bp ; /
jmp @@Ignore ;/
@@NotStar: cmp dl,dh ;\ if it matches up, then go
jz @@Compare ;/ on to the next character
@@NoMatch: add si,size LibFile ;point to the next structure
inc ax ;increment our counter
loop @@NewFile ;loop until we've searched all
@@NoMore: pop bp dx cx bx di ;\
stc ; > quit unsucessfully
ret ;/
@@Found: pop bp dx cx bx di ;\
clc ; > quit sucessfully
ret ;/
ENDP MatchWild
;░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ Interrupt handlers ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
cmp ah,3Dh
jz OpenFile
cmp ah,3Eh
jz CloseFile
cmp ah,4Eh
jz FindFirst
cmp ah,4Fh
jz FindNext
cmp ah,4Bh
jz Execute
jmp [dword cs:OldInt21]
ENDP NewInt21
; AL = access mode (0 = read, 1 = write, 2 = read/write)
; DS:DX ==> ASCIIZ filename
;returns: AX = file handle
;(to temporarily dump a file to disk, set AX = 0, DS:DX ==> filename)
;(will return an internal pointer in AX to be passed to CloseFile later)
;(if -1 is returned, then the file is not contained in the library)
;(remember to pushf before far calling this routine to simulate an interrupt)
push ds es bx cx dx si di ax
call FixFileName
jz @@CallOld
call MatchFile
jc @@CallOld
;*** Open up the library and dump out the file requested ***
mov ax,3D00h ;\
push cs ; \
pop ds ; \
mov dx,offset LibName ; \ reopen the library
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; /
jc @@CallOld ; /
mov [Handle],ax ;/
mov ax,4200h ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov cx,[word si+2+LibFile.FileOffset] ; \ position the pointer
mov dx,[word si+0+LibFile.FileOffset] ; /
;-------- 1.3 changes start here
add dx,[word HeaderOffset+0]
adc cx,[word HeaderOffset+2]
;-------- 1.3 changes start here
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
mov ah,3Ch ;\
xor cx,cx ; \
mov dx,si ; \
add dx,offset (LibFile).Filename ; > create the file
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; /
mov [Handle2],ax ;/
mov cx,[word si+0+LibFile.FileSize] ;\ DX:CX ==> size to copy
mov dx,[word si+2+LibFile.FileSize] ;/
@@CopyLoop: or dx,dx ;\
jnz @@CopyBig ; \
cmp cx,BUFFERSIZE ; \
jbe @@CopySmall ; \
@@CopyBig: push cx dx ; |
mov ah,3Fh ; |
mov bx,[Handle] ; |
mov cx,BUFFERSIZE ; |
mov dx,offset Transfer ; |
pushf ; |
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; |
mov ah,40h ; |
mov bx,[Handle2] ; |
mov cx,BUFFERSIZE ; |
mov dx,offset Transfer ; | dump the data from
pushf ; | the library into a
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; | separate file
pop dx cx ; | (a decompression
sub cx,BUFFERSIZE ; | scheme could be
sbb dx,0 ; | implemented here
jmp @@CopyLoop ; | if transparent file
@@CopySmall:jcxz @@CopyDone ; | compression were to
push cx ; | be added)
mov ah,3Fh ; |
mov bx,[Handle] ; |
mov dx,offset Transfer ; |
pushf ; |
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; |
mov ah,40h ; |
mov bx,[Handle2] ; |
pop cx ; /
mov dx,offset Transfer ; /
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
@@CopyDone: mov ah,3Eh ;\
mov bx,[Handle] ; \
mov [Handle],-1 ; > close the library
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
mov ah,3Eh ;\
mov bx,[Handle2] ; \
mov [Handle2],-1 ; > close the output
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
;*** let DOS open the temporary file ***
pop ax
cmp ah,3Dh ;check to see if it's an internal call
jnz @@Internal ; if yes -- then just return a pointer
mov dx,si
add dx,offset (LibFile).Filename
call [dword cs:OldInt21]
mov di,ax
shl di,1
add di,offset HandleList
mov [word di],si
pop di si dx cx bx es ds
ret 2
@@Internal: mov ax,si
pop di si dx cx bx es ds
ret 2
@@CallOld: pop ax di si dx cx bx es ds
cmp ah,3Dh
jz @@CallOld2
mov ax,-1
ret 2
@@CallOld2: jmp [dword cs:OldInt21]
ENDP OpenFile
; BX = file handle
;(to delete an internally dumped, temporary file, set AX = 0, SI = pointer)
;(if a -1 is passed in SI, this function has no effect)
;(remember to pushf before far calling this routine to simulate an interrupt)
PROC CloseFile FAR
push ax bx cx dx si di ds es
cmp ah,3Eh
jnz @@Internal
;*** if it's ours, set SI to its structure, else call DOS ***
mov di,bx
shl di,1
add di,offset HandleList
cmp [word cs:di],0
jz @@CallOld
mov si,[word cs:di]
mov [word cs:di],0
;*** close the file ***
mov ah,3Eh
call [dword cs:OldInt21]
@@Internal: ;*** and delete the temporary file ***
cmp si,-1
jz @@Quit
mov ah,41h
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,si
add dx,offset (LibFile).Filename
int 21h
@@Quit: pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
ret 2
@@CallOld: pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
jmp [dword cs:OldInt21]
ENDP CloseFile
; CX = attributes to search for
; DS:DX ==> ASCIIZ filespec
;returns: AX = error code, if CF set
; DTA contains search information
PROC FindFirst FAR
push ds es ax bx cx dx si di
mov [cs:MasterAttr],cx ;save original search attribute
mov si,dx ;\
mov di,offset MasterWild ; \
push cs ; \
pop es ; \ save the original wildcard
mov cx,79 ; /
rep movsb ; /
xor al,al ; /
stosb ;/
call FixFileName ;\ process and parse the filespec
jz @@CallOld ;/
cld ;\
mov ax,cs ; \
mov ds,ax ; |
mov es,ax ; | transfer the wildcard
mov si,offset Buffer ; | into storage
mov di,offset Wildcard ; |
mov cx,12 ; /
rep movsb ;/
mov ah,2Fh ;\
pushf ; > ES:BX ==> current DTA
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
mov di,bx ;\
mov cx,size DTA ; \ blank out the DTA
xor al,al ; /
rep stosb ;/
mov ax,-1 ;\
call MatchWild ; \ do the search and save
jc @@CallOld ; > what is needed to continue
mov [cs:LastMatch],ax ; / where we left off
mov [cs:HandleNext],1 ;/
mov di,bx ;\
add di,offset (DTA).AttrFound ; \ copy over the stats about
mov cx,22 ; / the file into the DTA
rep movsb ;/
pop di si dx cx bx ax es ds ;\
clc ; > return with a successful find
ret 2 ;/
@@CallOld: mov [cs:HandleNext],0 ;\
pop di si dx cx bx ax es ds ; > start searching thru DOS
jmp [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
ENDP FindFirst
push ds dx es ax bx cx si di
cmp [cs:HandleNext],0 ;\ if we're not supposed to
jz @@CallOld ;/ handle this, then don't
mov ax,[cs:LastMatch] ;\
call MatchWild ; \ continue searching, then save
jc @@StartOld ; / what's needed to continue
mov [cs:LastMatch],ax ;/
push cs ;\ DS:SI ==> file structure
pop ds ;/
mov ah,2Fh ;\
pushf ; > ES:BX ==> current DTA
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
mov di,bx ;\
mov cx,size DTA ; \ blank out the DTA
xor al,al ; /
rep stosb ;/
mov di,bx ;\
add di,offset (DTA).AttrFound ; \ copy over the stats about
mov cx,22 ; / the file into the DTA
rep movsb ;/
pop di si cx bx ax es dx ds ;\
clc ; > return with a successful find
ret 2 ;/
@@StartOld: mov [cs:HandleNext],0 ;\
pop di si cx bx ax es ; \
mov ah,4Eh ; \
mov cx,[cs:MasterAttr] ; \
push cs ; \
pop ds ; > start searching thru DOS
mov dx,offset MasterWild ; /
pushf ; /
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ; /
pop dx ds ; /
ret 2 ;/
@@CallOld: pop di si cx bx ax es dx ds ;\ continue searching thru DOS
jmp [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
ENDP FindNext
; DS:DX ==> ASCIIZ filename to run
; ES:BX ==> Parameter block for exec function
;returns: AX = error code, if CF set
PROC Execute FAR
mov [cs:@@Temp],si
mov si,[cs:ExecSavePtr]
cmp si,MaxExecNests*size ExecSaveType
jae @@Error
add [cs:ExecSavePtr],size ExecSaveType
;temporarily dump out the file
push ax
xor ax,ax
call OpenFile
mov [cs:offset ExecSave+si+offset (ExecSaveType).FilePointer],ax
pop ax
;let DOS execute it
mov [word cs:offset ExecSave+si+0+offset (ExecSaveType).StackPointer],sp
mov [word cs:offset ExecSave+si+2+offset (ExecSaveType).StackPointer],ss
mov si,[cs:@@Temp]
pushf ;\ simulate an int 21h to old handler
call [dword cs:OldInt21] ;/
;get the system back to normality
mov [cs:@@Temp],si
mov si,[cs:ExecSavePtr]
mov sp,[word cs:offset ExecSave+si-size ExecSaveType+0+offset (ExecSaveType).StackPointer]
mov ss,[word cs:offset ExecSave+si-size ExecSaveType+2+offset (ExecSaveType).StackPointer]
push ax
;delete our temporary file
xor ax,ax
mov si,[cs:offset ExecSave+si-size ExecSaveType+offset (ExecSaveType).FilePointer]
call CloseFile
;deallocate this program's slot on our stack
sub [cs:ExecSavePtr],size ExecSaveType
;return (with current flag settings)
pop ax
mov si,[cs:@@Temp]
ret 2
@@Error: stc
mov ax,5 ;return with 'access denied'
ret 2
@@Temp dw ?
ENDP Execute
MaxExecNests = 10
ExecSavePtr dw 0
struc ExecSaveType
StackPointer dd ?
FilePointer dw ?
ends ExecSaveType
ExecSave ExecSaveType MaxExecNests dup (<>)
SEGMENT zzzzzseg
DB 16 DUP(?)
ENDS zzzzzseg
END Start